What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Dec 8, 2009


I seem to be on a role-I/m writing faster then ever! Same warning apply that have for all my past stories; don't read them if they offend you, t is all just fantasy and please let me know what you think.

I had barely made hi home alive from the video store. My cock had exploded all over the booth I was in and as the two black guys continued to work over my schoolmate I slipped out. As I exited the store the counter guy gave me a surprised look. Apparently forgetting that I was still there.

The images of the night kept replaying in my mind causing me to get an instant erection. I'd be hanging around the house watching T.V. with my parents and all of a sudden I would get a flash of Bobby's mouth open in a silent scream filled with thick cum. It really made concentrating on Deal or No Deal a challenge. As the frequency intensified and my thoughts raced I'd have to get up from the couch, trying to shield my hard on and go into the bathroom and frantically jerk off. For several days after the video store incident I was cumming three or four times a day and getting a lot of strange and knowing looks from my Dad.

The summer was almost over and my brother would soon be going back to college, so my parents planned a last minute vacation at the local beach resort. It was about an hour away and we had stayed there off and on for family vacations since Jake and I were kids. I looked forward to it for a lot of reasons-the main one being it was a place where there were always a lot of hot young guys hanging out in bathing suits and I could get a lot of material for my fantasies. We packed up and headed out the following Saturday, the place we always stayed in was a pretty small cottage just off the main boulevard running along the beach front. It only had two bedrooms so usually either Jake or I got the crappy fold out couch in the living room to bunk on. We had been there a few days and the weather was great and the beach sites even better.

One day I was lying on the blanket on my stomach just letting the sun hit my back. My parents and Jake had either gone for a walk of were in the water. I had noticed a pretty hot guy and his girlfriend had taken a spot just behind us and I took this opportunity to thoroughly check him out. He was amazing. Maybe in his early twenties, about 6' tall nice smooth body, with really wide shoulders and a tight, trim waist. He was nice and tan and was wearing short. Baggy swim trunks. They were a faded out pink-Nantucket Red it's called around here. He was laying on his back his feet about four feet away from my head as the beach was pretty crowded and blanket pace was limited. His girlfriend was also pretty hot. Long dark hair and a really nice body in a tiny bikini. She was also lying down but sort of draped over his chest talking to him.

My dick started to thicken in my own board shorts when I noticed that I could see right up the leg holes of his faded trunks. I could clearly see his big soft balls and reaching almost to the bottom of his shorts, his big round cock head. As his girlfriend whispered in his ear and stroked his smooth tan chest his dick began to thicken and lengthen in his shorts. He was laughing and she clearly knew what she was doing to him because she began to run he hand teasingly down his ridges stomach and slip her finger tips into the top of his shorts brushing the top of his slight, trimmed pubic hair.

As I shifted uncomfortably his dick swelled even more. Fuck it looked huge, maybe 8 or 9 inches long and really thick. The head was almost entirely out of the leg hole of his shorts and he started to squirm a bit himself. On the next down stroke over his chest the girl quickly put her hand right into his pants and adjusted his dick so that his full erection stood straight up. From my vantage point I could see the huge mound of his erect cock rearing over his tight six pack. Fuck this was too much. After a few more minutes of teasing they quickly packed up their things and as he held a towel over his swollen crotch they exited the beach.

I was sure that lucky girl was going to get fucked very shortly.

Great as the sights were at the beach it was also torture. The place was so small we were on top of each other and with just one bathroom I hadn't even had a moment to take care of myself. I had also noticed my brother seemed to be having the same problem. Though Jake spent most of his time at the beach chasing girls he didn't seem to be having much luck and the lack of "alone time" seemed to be getting to him too. Many times throughout the week I noticed that his dick seemed to be rock hard and painful in his pants. The fact that my older brother was so hot didn't help my horny issue at all. His tall lean swimmers body was by now deeply tanned and he took great pleasure in wearing as little as possible both on the beach and around the cottage.

Since I had caught him in a mind blowing cock fest with our older neighbor and seen him get double teamed by two hot cops this past year all his traipsing around semi nude was making me crazy. And he knew it! Jake had seen me spy on him one of these times and knew how excited it had made me. We never mentioned it and there was a weird tension between us since but this didn't seem to stop him form adding to my torture.

One night Dad let us take the convertible to cruise the boulevard. It was the main teen activity at this particular beach. Kids would drive around in a circle made by the main road along the beach fronted with all kinds of stores, bars and arcades and then loop around the back road and do it again over and over. Radios. Would be blaring and kids would be hopping from car to car and calling out to girls, etc. The usual teenage hyjinx.

This night Jake invited me to go along. He threw on a pair of old navy blue sweat pants that rode really low on his narrow hips. He wore them this way on purpose to show off his ripped stomach and deep tan lines. Vain mother fucker! He topped this look off with a tight ribbed white wife beater and a pair of flip flops. We hopped in Dad's mustang convertible and began the endless loop around the ocean front. Traffic would be so heavy on these nights that you'd move pretty slowly giving you optimal time to check out the sights. The beach was really set on being a "family fun spot" so they cracked down on any underage drinking, especially in cars. On this particular night walking between the two rows of cars on the one way boulevard, cops were peering into cars to ensure there were no open containers of alcohol.

As we sat in traffic not talking or anything I saw Jake's eyes catch and then quickly shift away form the approaching pair of officers. I looked up and immediately saw what caused this uncomfortable reaction. One of the cope strolling down between the lanes of cars was none other then the hot Italian looking cop who had picked Jake up for a DUI a few months ago and then much to my delight he and his partner proceeded to fuck the shit out of my hot cock crazy brother at the police station. I could see why Jake may feel a bit weird running into this guy with me in the car. He kept his head down as the cop approached.

Jake may be hot but he isn't too bright --we were in a fucking convertible and the cop was now standing at Jake's drivers side door looking right down at him. Up close he was startlingly handsome. Thick dark, wavy hair under his cap. Dark eyes with almost a permanent five o'clock shadow on his square jaw. His body was also something else. He was about 5'10" tall with a really broad chest and trim waist. His thighs flared out in the tight tan cop uniform and even soft I could see an impressive bulge in the crotch of those fitted pants that was now level with my brother's very red face.

"Hey well look who we have here?" the cop said in a teasing, lilting tone.

"Ummm ...hey Officer" Jake stammered

"Now you're not driving under the influence again are you?" he asked. "especially with a nice young friend in the car."

"He's my brother and no I haven't had anything to drink" Jake snapped back.

The cop put two hands on the top of Jakes door and leaned down to make eye contact with my seriously uncomfortable brother.

"Now don't get fresh or I might have to run you and your little brother in" he said with a leer.

Fuck I didn't want Jake to shoot his mouth off and get me involved in this. I was securely hanging on to my voyeur status and the thought of what those two cops did to my brother with their cocks and a foot long night stick, though incredibly hot, was not something I wanted for myself.

"Well make sure you behave yourself there Kid-I'll be watching.' He said as he continued to walk past our car.

Jake jerkily pulled forward.

"What was that about?" I asked feigning ignorance to why Jake might be so uncomfortable.

"Fucking nothing-that was one of the cops who arrested me when you had to bail me out awhile ago-he's an asshole" Jake said. Though he was using disparaging language on the cop I noticed that just that brief interaction had triggered the front of his loose sweats to tent slightly. Asshole or not his mere presence got my big brother hot.

We continued our loop around and I was anxious to see if we'd run into the cop again. Sure enough as we came onto the boulevard he approached our car again. This time with a very purposeful stride.

"Hey kid-I want you to take the next left down Ocean Lane and go park behind the Happy Time Arcade. It is a big parking log-pull over behind the attendant booth in the back of the lot." He ordered.

"Why, what he fuck for-we haven't done anything wrong" Jake hotly responded.

"Really? You're going to question my orders? You and I both know that would not be a good move-now do it!" he barked.

I noticed the cops uniform pants now looked a bit more packed then our last trip around the loop. Clearly he was remembering the scene in the station back home and was hoping for a repeat.

"Fuck! Fine, but let me drop off my kid brother. " Jake said.

"Nope-that won't be necessary." Answered the cop smiling.

"Just park where I said and stay in the car-both of you". He ordered as he casually walked past.

As Jake furiously pulled ahead and turned down the street the cop told him too. He flashed a look at me.

"We're in trouble now and you need to just do what he says, and keep your mouth fucking shut-get it?" He snapped.

"Yeah I get it-but I don't want any part of this" I said.

"Whatever-just whatever goes on-you tell no one EVER-or I swear I'll fucking kill you" he said through gritted teeth, pulling into the parking lot.

He maneuvered the car to the place behind the booth in the back and I could see we were shielded from view of both the street and the back entrance to the arcade. These side streets got very little foot traffic at night and the parking lot was barely half full.

Jake put the car in park-killed the engine and slammed his fist on the steering wheel.

"Fuck" he exclaimed. Angry as he was I also noted that he was shifting in his seat as his erection continued to swell and push out the front of his sweat pants. From the look of it my brother had also decided tonight was a night to go without underwear.

In a few minutes we heard footsteps slowly approaching through the dark. By the dim glow of the distant arcade lights I could see the cop approaching the car.

He came right up to Jake's driver side door ad stood there, his big bulging thighs pressed against the door panel and his mounded crotch right at Jake's eye level.

"So we meet again" the cop said.

"I think you know why I had you come back here?"

Jake looked up-but not before I saw his eyes hungrily flicker to the front of the straining tan fabric inches form his face.

"Listen let my brother go home he doesn't need to be part of this" Jake asked.

"No, I don't think I will-what I think I will do is have him move sit right there and watch." he said looking at me.

"How would that be kiddo?" he whispered softly to me.

"Umm...watch what?" I said continuing to play dumb-but also now saying prayers for my good luck.

"Oh...you're baby brother doesn't know what a cock hound you are?" he asked Jake

"Fuck you" Jake replied

"Oh...big talk...I might fuck YOU...though I am pressed for time and this isn't the best location." He chuckled.

"C'mon no shame in admitting what you are-you love big thick cocks, you love getting your hot tight ass raped. You crave cum in your mouth, down your throat in your hole." He growled, leaning into Jake as he punctuated each phrase with a light slap to my brother's flushed cheek with his leather gloved hand.

Jake closed his eyes and a low moan escaped his parted lips.

The cop reached down into the car quickly and cupped Jakes now fully erect cloth covered cock.

"Look how hard you are already-Christ kid you must be so horny" he said lightly stroking up and down the dick.

Jake gasped and threw his head back.

"When's the last time you came?" the cop asked.

"...mmm about a week or so ago." He answered.

"Well then you really need this --don't you?"

"YES"- Jake responded, his eyes snapping open.

He was now staring directly at the thick tube of the cop's cock that was visible along the hip of his thin tan uniform pants. I myself was amazed at the size, it reached his left hip bone and the head bulged through the material.

"Yeah --there's my boy-focused right in on my hard cock." He whispered, taking his hand out of Jake's lap.

"How about you Little Brother-you like cock too?" he asked-looking at me intently adjusting the tight black leather driving gloves on his thick fingers.

"Leave him out of this" Jake snapped.

"Fine, fine young man-then it is just you and I and he can be our little audience." He laughed.

Jake was still tightly gripping the steering wheel and I saw his hand convulse at the next words from the cop. "Unbuckle my belt".

"Wait --here?" Jake said.

"Yup, right where you are-no one can see and you don't even have to get out of the car for what I need you to do." The cop answered.

Jake slowly unclenched his hands from the wheel and shifted his position. He turned his upper body toward the cop standing before him and slowly began to undo the thick leather belt.

I shrank further back against the passenger door and kept my hand in my lap in a vein attempt to hide my now raging hard on. I could already feel wetness as precum had started to seep from my cock head the minute the man's crotch positioned itself so close to Jake's face.

Jake had the belt undone and immediately went for the top button of the pants, but instead found his hands roughly slapped away. The cop leaned into the car and grabbed the back of Jakes head forcing eye contact.

"Did I tell you to do anything else yet?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"No..but I want to get this over with" Jake said.

"Oh..you do...huh? I think you're putting on a show for your little brother-pretending that you don't want to spend all night playing with my big hard on-you fucking little faggot." He said

Jake looked quickly in my direction. I saw his eyes loose focus and from that moment on I think he tried to pretend I wasn't here.

The cop stood back up and began to run one leather clad had over the thick tube of his cock, stroking it firmly and causing it to lengthen even more, Jake just stared. I looked down and saw Jake's cock jump in his pants-God he was excited.

The cop took his other hand and began to run it over Jake's close cropped blond head. Roughly rubbing his scalp and his other hand lost none of it's rhythm on his now rock hard erection.

The thick fingers began to stray from Jake's head and roughly caress his face. Jake was starting to breath heavy and he cop's cock was pulsing and straining at the tight confines of the uniform.

Soon the cop was dragging his fingers over my brothers parted lips and mouth. He wasn't being particularly gentle and Jake's lips began to look puffy and slightly swollen from the repeated friction of the leather gloves.

I looked down at my own leaking cock --I couldn't believe I was here watching this scene --not two feet from my brother as he panted and now began to suck on the cop's gloved fingers.

This mouth action was clearly getting the officer more and more excited and he was stroking more rapidly through his pants and his breathing had quickened. He began to knit first two, then three of his fingers together and force them into my brother sucking mouth. Jake was really going to down, blowing the digits. He was moaning and slobbering all over the supple leather.

As the cop began to rhythmically piston almost his entire fist in and out of Jakes hot mouth his hips began to jerk.

"Kid..." he huffed. "Free my dick head-I'm going to shoot-catch it in your mouth." He ordered.

He pulled his slimy fingers out of Jakes mouth as Jake fumbled with the open belt and button to the tight pants.

"Hurry kid I'm gonna cum" the cop breathed.

Jake got the button open and the zipper down. The shoved down the front of the cop's soaked black briefs, exposing that thick engorged cock head. He didn't even free the rest of the shaft. He just sat up in his seat and took his shiny swollen lips and clasped the hot head tightly between them. He had barley made contact before the cop groaned loudly. I saw Jake's cheeks expand as the first thick shot splashed into his mouth. Jake sat up further, eagerly crushing his own swollen crotch against the door panel and grasped the shaking stalk in his fist and began to pump his open mouth up and down on the head. More cum just kept pouring out and smeared all over Jakes tender red lips and down his sweating cheeks. The cop's breathing was erratic and his head thrown back in the force of his orgasm.

The cop looked down and put a wet gloved hand on Jake's forehead pushing his sucking mouth off his still shooting head. He used his other hand to tightly grip just behind the ridge of his huge glans and milk the last two or three big shots of semen out of his dick onto Jake's quivering, extended tongue.

"No hiding what a cum whore you are now-is there?" The cop asked almost tenderly.

Jake fell back into his seat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hands-his eyes closed in ecstasy.

The cop flicked a bead of cum off his gloved fingers onto Jake's upturned face.

"Now let's get this show really on the road" he said.

Jake groaned as the cop clasped his hand behind his head. "Unzip me all the way and take my whole cock out." He commanded.

Jake sat up onto his knees his sweats shucking down a bit in the back exposing a strip of creamy white skin on his lower back.

He used both hands to fully unzip the tight uniform pants and free the cop's enormous cock. It was still rock hard and almost ten inches long. It was thick and traced with bulging veins. Jake scooped his two swollen nuts our of the V of his trousers as well and began to fondle and cup them in his palm as he lightly stroked the thick shaft of the cock jutting out in front of him.

"Climb into the back seat, Little Brother." Instructed the officer.

I painfully did that-carefully trying to conceal my dripping pant front.

Positioned in the back seat I saw the cop use his hands to direct my brother onto all fours along the entire front seat. Jake's wife beater had been bunched up and his sweats tugged even lower so now as Jake continued to lightly masturbate the ten inch dick in his slick fist the cop has a bird's eye view of Jake's rounded ass cheeks straining the fabric of his navy sweats.

"Lick my cock head you whore-but don't put my dick in your mouth yet-I want to make this one last a bit longer-I got too carried away the first time." He stated.

Jake moaned and tilted his head and extended his tongue and began to teasingly flick over the sticky swollen head. As the light touches from his hot tongue slashed the sensitive flesh the head bloated visibly, getting both bigger and firmer. Jake was careful to not do too much and in fact just used his other hand to steady the base of the thick shaft as it was throbbing and jerking with the teasing contact.

The officer meanwhile was now sliding his leather gloved palms up and down Jake's flared, muscular back in long steady strokes. He wasn't touching his ass yet but Jake clearly wanted the contact because he kept humping his hips back and forth, arching hi back and sticking those firm round globes out.

The cop got an evil gleam in his eye as he continued to stroke down Jake's sweaty back he let his fingers slip into the waist band of the sweats. With each stroke he was pushing them down a bit at a time. First just the top gently swell of Jake's upper ass cheeks was exposed. In the dim moonlight his white skin positively glowed. The cop was using his hand to roughly massage the exposed flesh and with each stoke he was baring more and more of my brothers ass. As I watched on with my mouth hanging open soon Jake's entire ass was uncovered and the cop was using his thick middle finger to tease as much of Jake's hole as he could reach.

Jake was meanwhile still lavishing all the attention from his tongue on the cop's engorged cock head. Jake was still using a vicious flicking motion, concentrating a ton of stimulation on the underside of the cock head. As more and more precum oozed out of the slit Jake would scoop it up moaning the entire time. He was supporting himself with one hand and using the other to cup, fondle and tug at the officer's huge balls. Soon Jake had a hypnotic rhythm going; he would lightly mouth the head with his swollen lips, forcefully swipe his tongue over the V of circumcision skin and forcefully pull the cops balls down and back between his legs, which were opened as much as his undone pants would allow. I stared in rapt attention and noticed with each downward pull of the cop's swollen testicles his cock head would pulse and swell even more and a bead of precum would be forced out.

By now the cop was brutally rubbing Jake's naked asshole with his two extended fingers-swirling around the tight ring. Jake was groaning so loudly I was surprised no on had come down the side street to check on the noise.

With a hard slap to each ass cheek the cop ordered Jake to turn around.

Jake awkwardly pulled his tongue away from the dripping dick and got on all fours across the front seat with his ass facing the cop.

He averted his face from me and I also tried to avoid eye contact.

The cop reached into the car and pulled Jake's sweats the rest of the way down and then scooted them off over his shins> Now my brother was kneeling there doggy style naked from the waist down with his tight white tanks hiked up over his tight abs. His dick was pulled up hard against his body and was leaking precum in an amazing rate.

The cop slowly slid his thick leather belt from the loops, threaded the end through the buckle, making a small cylinder of leather. With one gloved fist he brutally trapped Jake's balls in the end of his scrotum and slipped the loop over the bulging nuts. He cinched the belt tight effectively trapping Jake's balls away from his body. Christ where did these guys learn this stuff? I thought to myself.

Jake moaned and the tight pressure on his churning nuts, and the cop used his palm to roughly rub and squeeze the bound balls. He began to stroke Jake's ass with one hand and slap and pull on Jake's balls with the other.

"Yeah...you like this ball play, don't you, you little whore? He growled.

All Jake relied was a groan.

The cop took two of his thick fingers and began to shove them into his own mouth, licking and sucking on the leather. Once they were good and wet he brought them down to Jake's bare pink hole and began to slowly insert them into his ass. Jake began to moan even louder and jump around in the seat.

The cop had to take his other hand away from Jake's balls to put a steadying hand on the small of his back. Soon he had both thick; leather encased digits deep in Jake's ass and began to piston them in and out. Jake was just about screaming now with this brutal finger fuck. The cop was making sure to drive the tips in as deep as possible to rake them over my brother's prostate. Jake's dick began to weep precum in a constant stream. The cop now used his other hand to start rubbing the trapped balls again. Soon he grabbed the long tail of the belt that was hanging and began to use it as a lash against Jake's tortured sack. I winced with each slap of the belt on the tightly bound, now red and swollen balls. With each stinging slap more precum would ooze from Jake's piss slit.

"Yeah you fucking little queer-love getting finger fucked like this in a parking lot where anyone can see. "He muttered his eyes locked on Jake's ass.

Jake began to push back against the thick fingers in his ass. And the cop now kept his hand still and let my brother fuck himself on his hand.

"Yeah that's it back yourself onto my fingers. Try and get yourself off you little faggot" he urged Jake on.

The cop's dick was throbbing and jumping and it looked like the action was getting him pretty close to shooting for the second time. Jake was now rocking back and fucking himself in earnest. He sweaty face was turned towards me, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Little brother" the cop called.

"Take my dick in your hand and jerk me off"

I shook my head in the negative"

"Do it or I swear to god I'll stop this-Tell him kid" he yelled to Jake.

"Fuuuckkk-do it" Jake moaned.

Again reluctantly I scooted over and reached out. At the first hot contact of my hot palm to that hick slick shaft the cop groaned.

"Ummm yeah pump my cock --fire my cum at your brother's ass' he groaned.

I began to run my hand up and down the shaft, glorying in the feel of the smooth skin. It was so thick I couldn't get my hand all the way around it and it was so wet it felt like I was using lube.

I began to nick his cock head with my palm on the up stoke and it had immediate results. His cock head swelled even more and a huge glob of precum seeped out.

"Feed that juice to you brother Kid" he said.

I used my other hand to catch the strings of clear precum on my fingers and moved them up to Jake's face. He eagerly extended his tongue and was soon sucking on my wet fingers like they were a cock.

I began to pump more and more precum out of the cop's throbbing dick and was careful to catch as much as I could in my hand to press into Jake's sucking mouth. HE was slobbering and groaning around my fingers with each feeding and seemed desperate for more. Jake was in complete melt down, impaling himself as far and deep as he could on the cop's extended fingers and his cock was trembling and deep, deep red.

The cop stopped the whipping of Jake's balls long enough to loosen the belt and let it drop from around Jake's balls. I took that opportunity to bring my slick palm up to the huge mushroom cock head and begin a merciless twisting action. Never taking the pressure away and just madly swirling my closed fist directly over and over the overly sensitive head. This was too much. The sop let out a great breath of air and moaned "I'm gonna shoot-aim it at his hole" he pulled his fingers out just and cum erupted from his piss slit. The first shot blasted right against Jake's spazaming asshole coating it in thick semen. I adjusted my grip and began to pump the cum out. The second and third shots arched up and splashed down on Jake's ass and back-covering his shirt in cum. The cop them slapped my hand away and grasped the base of his shooting cock and forced the head into Jake's slick cum covered hole. As he fired tow of three more thick hot shots into my brother Jake screamed and his own cock literally exploded. Watery cum flying everywhere on the front seat of the car. Jake was groaning and the cop continued to fill his sweaty ass.

"Feed him his own cum. "the cop ordered

I reached over the seat and under Jake's body and scoped cum off the upholstery and brought my cupped palm up to Jake's mouth-he drank it like he was dying of thirst. I continued to collect more from the seat and caught some Jake shot directly into my palm pressing it into Jake's sucking mouth.

My own dick had exploded in my pants and I was a wet sticky mess.

The cop finished his protracted orgasm and pulled his thick cock head form Jake's ass. Cum oozed out of Jake's hole as the cop zipped and buttoned his pants. Jake collapsed on the seat in a pool of his own semen, his breathing labored and ragged. As the cop buckled his belt he said.

"Once again nice to run into you kid-we'll have to this again some time" he turned to look at me and said "thanks for the hand" winked, smiled and walked off into the dark.

I fell back against the back seat as Jake sat up and tried to find his pants.

"You're helping me clean this mess" he said "Remember --you say anything about this and I'll make you pay" he looked at me with an icy stare.

"Whatever Jake-I won't say anything" I stammered.

"Right you won't-I saw you with your hand wrapped around his cock-so you're in on this too"

I swallowed hard and realized he was right. Once again I was drawn out of my role as spectator and became a participant-

Never again I vowed.

Next: Chapter 13

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