What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Dec 11, 2009


Here is another installment-I am in a prolific writing phase. Not sure why. I do enjoy the fan mail-thanks-keep it coming. Please don't read this if you are not supposed to or if you will be offended by the adult content.

We finished up our family beach vacation without further incident-though I don't think Jake met my eyes for the remainder of the summer. Once we headed back home it was time for Jake to return to school and I was sort of relieved to see him go. It was pretty awkward to have him around and have very explicit, clear pictures race through my mind every time I saw him.

I had a few more days before I had to head back to my last year in high school and was just hanging around the house not doing much of anything. My parents were both at work and I had the house to myself. I was starting to get that "feeling". I was hyper aware of men-on the street, on T.V. and the sight of a hot guy would get my mind going. I was engaging in one of my favorite pastimes; edging myself to the brink or orgasm over and over again and not letting myself cum. I had so much material for fantasies that I could just shuffle through the filthy file cabinet in my head and turn on a mind movie of one of the incredible scenes I had been lucky enough to witness.

After a few days of this my balls would be aching all the time and the slightest stimulation or fleeting dirty thought would make my cock immediately spring to full tumescence. I loved being in this heightened state of arousal and would try and make it last as long as possible.

The last day before school was to start I got up late and went downstairs. As usual no one was home. I went and grabbed a cup of coffee from the pot my Dad has left behind and I noticed some papers sitting on the kitchen counter. I picked them up and looked at them-they looked like a legal brief that my Dad must have left behind on his way out the door this morning.

I figured I had nothing going on and I might as well be the good son and deliver these to his work. I grabbed the keys to the spare car we had. I was allowed to use it during the summer. I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt and stepped into some flip flops.

My Dad's office was downtown about a 10 minute drive from our house. It was a small law firm and I knew most of the people in his office so I figured if he wasn't in I could just leave it with his secretary.

Once in the building I made my way up the stairs to the third floor where his office was. The place seemed pretty deserted and I figured a lot of the attorneys were probably off on vacation before the summer ended.

I went into the suite of offices where my Dad worked and Ms Murphy wasn't at her desk. She was about 40 and had worked for my Dad for years. I fleetingly wondered if she knew my Dad fucked around with guys. My mind immediately flew to the scene in my dinning room a few months ago with my Dad and schoolmate Shane-but now was definitely not the time. I put it out of my head and then just proceeded through to my Dad's office. He wasn't in so I chucked the papers on his big mahogany desk. I casually walked around the desk and looked at the pictures he had of me and my brother and a nice one of my mom; the perfect family man.

I figured while I was here I would use his private bathroom before heading home-the coffee had gone right through me. I went in to the adjoining bathroom and closed the door. While I was finishing up I heard voices in my Dad's office. I pulled up my shorts and leaned closer to the door. I could distinctly hear my Dad's voice in a quiet conversation; obviously he had picked up the phone right when he walked in to the office.

"Yeah he's scheduled to come by in a minute or so..." I heard my Dad say.

"Well if he is as hot as you say, we'll see where I can get with him...yeah it is pretty dead here today so I should have some privacy."

My ears perked up on this one sided conversation...who was he talking to and who was so hot??" I wondered.

"Yeah...I'm cranked up...well the way you described what a little cock whore he is I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to him all week"

Christ, what was going on-I couldn't believe it-I was in a position to again witness my own Dad have sex with another guy??!! I fastened my shorts and very carefully opened the bathroom door a crack. I had a clear view of my Dad's desk. He was sitting in his big leather chair in a black suite. Again I was taken with how handsome a man he was. He was about 5'11" tall with close cropped spiky silver hair. He always maintained a dark tan and had really light blue eyes. He also worked out a lot and was really buff. Despite the hair he looked at least 10 years younger then his 50 years. I also knew that he had a truly impressive cock. It was about 10 inches long and thick with a beautiful circumcised cock head and big balls. Because I had seen him having sex in the past I was also aware that he kept his body and groin totally hairless. He always said it was to show off the definition of his muscles better. He was leaning back in his chair as he talked on the phone and I looked down at his lap. He was clearly already in a state of arousal as I could see a pretty thick bulge in the front of his black gabardine trousers. He was absentmindedly stroking the rounded mound as he chatted.

"Well I don't know, I am thinking I want to get this kid really worked up and all hot and bothered, so I might leave him with blue balls today and then see if I can get him to come out tomorrow night."

"I don't know...I haven't cum in a couple of weeks and I don't know if he's as hot and eager as you say I'll be able to hold back." He said.

"Hey let me get off the phone I think he's here-yeah...I will ...bye"

He hung up the phone as there was a soft knock on the office door.

He stood up and looked down at his crotch. His cock was obviously half hard and still trapped in his underwear. It was creating a round tube shaped mound in the front of his pants that you couldn't miss unless you were blind. Instead of closing his jacket to hide it he instead took his coat off and hung it over the back of his chair, exposing his fitted white dress shirt. His shirts were tailor made and clung to the thick muscles of his shoulders and chest like a second skin. He had them tapered so they hugged his tight waist and left no material to bag around the top of his pants when the shirt was tucked in. His suits also fitted extremely close to the body and though the pants weren't exactly tight they were tailored in such a way as to highlight his round ass and the thick muscles of his thighs.

He walked over to the door with purposeful strides. I heard him greet the person at the door and bring him back to his desk.

FUCK I couldn't believe it. It was the kid from the adult book store. Shit I had shared a booth and a bit more with him not that long ago. I also knew he worked in the local supermarket sacking groceries. He was about 19 or 20 and was really cute. He had long dark hair that he now had pulled back in a short ponytail. He had really sculptured features with a nice straight nose, full lips and clean square jaw. He looked like he might be Italian or something. He was dressed for an interview in khakis and a shirt and tie. I knew from my past run in with him that he also had a smoking body. He was about average height and had a nice developed body with smooth rounded muscles.

What the fuck was he doing here?

My Dad directed him into the chair next to his desk, not opposite it, which I thought was strange. I know Dad likes to pull power trips and had told me that anyone he wants to intimidate he puts across from him with the big expanse of his desk between them to give him more stature.

Dad leaned back in his chair and crossed his ankle over his opposite knee.

"So... Dave? Is it? Thanks for coming in...I think the mutual friend who referred you told you we were looking to hire on a part time intern...someone who was interested in learning about the law from an older, more experienced...mentor, shall we say?" my Dad started off the conversation.

"Yeah, Mr. Berton said you might have some positions. I am enrolled in pre-law and am hoping to become an attorney when I finish my education." The young man responded.

"Well you come highly recommended from Wil Berton-I'll tell you that." said my Dad with a somewhat suggestive smile.

My Dad leaned further back in his chair and spread his legs a bit wider. Dave's eye's automatically dropped to his packed crotch. It was hard not to look. But he recovered quickly and brought his eyes up to meet my Dad's.

They continued on with some fairly innocuous questions about Dave's studies and what kind of law my Dad practiced.

Soon my Dad said. "Oh let me show you the index form our in-house law library." He moved his chair slightly forward and stood up. There was virtually no space between them and by standing like this it lined his crotch up directly with the kid's eyes. His dick bulged obscenely in the smooth black fabric, sticking out several inches. It still looked like it was trapped down in his tight briefs but there was no way to miss that he had a growing erection. He stood there for a moment, looking down at the top of Dave's shiny brown head. He leaned in as he walked past almost grazing the sitting young guy's cheek with the front of his packed suit pants.

Once my Dad was in the room behind him Dave swooned back against the chair and let out his pent up breath. The sight of this obviously excited older guy was clearly getting to him. He shifted in his seat and I saw him surreptitiously adjust his own cock in his pants.

My Dad came back around his chair and casually placed one of his oversized hands on the kids shoulder. He leaned down and showed him the open leather bound book he was holding. As he began to point out all the many volumes and periodicals they had on hand he made sure he was close enough for the kid to smell his dusky scent. I also could see that he left his hand on the shoulder and was exerting slight pressure as he talked. This went on for some time and Dave's face seemed to flush. High spots of color appeared on his cheeks and he broke out in a light sheen of sweat. My Dad abruptly stood up and as he did so let his half hard cock brush against the back of Dave's arm as it shook a bit on the armrest of the wooden chair he was sitting in.

Dad smiled as he walked back to his desk and sat down. This time he didn't bother to cross his legs, he just sat back in his chair and opened his big thighs wide, putting that huge mound on display.

As they continued to chat Dave's eyes kept dropping down to my Dad's lap. It was noticeable even though the kid seemed to be trying really hard to keep them up. As they talked my Dad casually unbuttoned his sleeves and began to roll both white shirt cuffs up to below his elbows. This exposed his smooth forearms that were thick with corded muscle and tanned deep brown. Dave licked his lip and shifted again in his seat.

"So Dave I think we might have something for you here...but I'm looking for someone that will be dedicated to the firm".

"Oh...I would be." Stammered Dave.

"Well I know most boys your age have only one thing on their minds." My Dad smilingly replied.

"Why when I was your age all I thought about was chasing girls and trying to get laid.' He chuckled in a way to signify this was "man to man' talk.

Dave swallowed hard. "Ummm not to worry sir-I'm dedicated to my studies and would be committed to learning as much from you as you're willing to teach me." He said.

"No girl friend then?" my Dad asked.

"No sir-not right now" Dave said

"Well that `s gotta be tough-a young strapping guy like you needs an outlet-you can't let yourself get all pent up" Dad said looking the kid hard in the eyes.

"I'm not sure what you mean Sir" Dave answered, again quickly dropping his eyes to my Father's crotch.

"Sure you do...I mean if I don't get off at least a few times a week my balls feel like their going to explode and I walk around with a hard-on 90% of the day." My Dad said.

Dave choked a bit when my Dad said "balls' and looked away. Clearly this interview was going in unexpected direction.

"I'm fine Sir" he said quietly.

"Yes. You are" He said. I noticed has he sat in silence staring at the kid, he had let one of his hands resting on the armrest of his chair dangle. His long fingers were now lightly grazing the rounded bulge in his pants, tracing its outline absentmindedly.

Dave stopped pretending he wasn't looking and his eyes stayed glued to the crotch on display in front of him.

"You like cock, Boy?" my Dad asked.

Dave's lips parted and he stammered "I don't know what you mean Sir."

"Yeah you do-DO YOU LIKE COCK?" he enunciated each word. "Do you like to suck it? Touch it? Look at it? Play with it?"

Dave drew in a shuddering breath. "I'm here for a job interview, Sir."

"You're right-I'll drop it –sorry. I don't know what came over me." Said my Dad

He began to ask more normal, work related questions, but as he did so I noticed he was still lightly stroking his cock though his pants. By now it had swelled even more and was running along one hip off to the side. The outline of the thick shaft, crowned with a fat mushroomed shaped head could clearly be seen.

Dave's eyes were glued to it as he tried to remain calm an answer the questions as if every interview went this way, with the interviewer basically playing with themselves during the discussion.

Dave could no longer hide his own growing erection; the front of his khaki's was tenting out of his lap as he sat. As much as he tried to shift his position of adjust his pants. My Dad continued running his fingers over his cock, now even a bit more obviously. His cock now seemed to be rock hard. Dave seemed to be having a harder and harder time focusing on the conversation. He kept loosing his train of thought and finding his eyes locked on to the huge hard-on that was in front of him.

I could tell my Dad was enjoying making the kid uncomfortable and was just wondering how far he would go. Dave again shifted in his chair and even from my vantage point I could see that the front of his pants was protruding in an obvious way. This kid had a rock hard cock as well and was doing his damndest not to let it show.

My Father began to fiddle with a pad of stickies on his desk as he chatted with the kid. In one quick motion he pretended to drop the pad into Dave's lap and just as quickly reached down to pick it up. As he did, he looked into the kid's eyes and instead of just picking up the pad he let his fingers and the back of his hand trail over the bulge at his crotch.

Dave gasped and tried to jerk away, but my Dad sat up, pad I hand before he could really react.

My Dad again abruptly stood up, his crotch again on display inches from the sitting kid's eyes. And walked to the other side of the room by the bank of windows along the wall.

"C'mere Dave I want to show you something." He said

Dave got up and walked over to the windows. My father put two hands on his shoulders and maneuvered him in front of him, both facing out the window. He then proceeded to point out some of the historical buildings that were in the block downtown. I peeked around the crack in the door and noticed that what he was really doing was using this opportunity to stand behind the kid and softly graze the taught back of his pants with his erection. At first he would just casually brush the thick tube lightly over the back of Dave's pants. Dave jumped a bit, but you could tell he wasn't quite sure it really happened. As my dad continued to bullshit on and on about the architecture he became more and more blatant. At first it was just the occasional lean in and the bulge, which by now was protruding quite far out, would brush up against Dave's ass. Soon, though my Dad was pressing the thick tube harder and harder against the kids rounded ass cheeks. Dave was wearing pretty baggy khakis but they still seemed to cling to his ass. He must really have a bubble butt for pants this loose to still show off those high rounded globes. Dad looked down, his cock was now standing straight up in his pants as far as they would allow and he was lining this thick bulge up with right where the crack of Dave's ass would be. He began to press forward firmly. Dave moaned lowly as he realized that just a couple layers of fabric were the only separating this thick hot tube from touching his flesh.

Dad leaned his head closer to the kid's ear. "Feel that? That is 10 fucking inches of hard cock. You want to see it-you want to really feel it?" he asked.

"No...no... I am not like that" Dave stammered making no move to step away from the contact.

My Dad gripped his shoulders harder and began to run his entire dick up and down the kid's ass. He would squat low bracing himself on the kid's shoulders and line up right where his dick head would be with the bottom of his ass and then run the entire shaft up the whole backside of his pants. His breathing was getting heavy and his hips were shuddering a bit after several minutes of this firm rhythmic contact. Dave was just standing there, eyes closed, pants tented out hugely in front of him.

My dad was whispering in his ear the whole time.

"You fucking love the feel of this big hard dick rubbing up against you...don't you" You'd love to have me rip these pants off and let you really feel it. I bet you'd fucking shoot right against that window if you felt my hot naked cock on your ass...wouldn't you kid?"

My Dad was really pumping away, dry humping the kid within an inch of his life. I could tell that he was getting very excited because now on each upstroke his dick would jump in his pants and his hips would jerk. He was panting in the kid's ear and I thought. Christ was he going to cum in his pants?

My Dad held himself still at the end of the next stroke. He pulled back, bending his knees and used the cloth covered head of his cock to poke and prod right where Dave's hole would be.

"I've gotta stop or I'm going to shoot before you even get to see my cock-we wouldn't want that, now would we?" He stepped away from the young guy and let go of his shoulders. My dad turned around and went back to his desk. Dave steadied himself on the furniture as he made his way back to his chair. As he went to sit down, I noticed that the huge bulge he was sporting was now punctuated with a wet spot dead center.

My dad sank into his chair and splayed his legs apart and began to openly rub and stroke the huge tube of flesh he had concealed in his pants, never taking his eyes off the young man across from him.

"You want to see my cock...kid? He asked again.

Dave couldn't even speak, he just shook his head.

"No...huh? Alright." My dad said

He sat up in his chair and leaned in to Dave. His face inches from the kid's He extended his tongue and began to lightly flick it across the kid's full lips. Again Dave just sat perfectly still. I have to say I was impressed with this kids control and will to resist. Dad continued the teasing tongue contact and Dave's lips slightly parted and began to look a bit puffy. Dad edged closer and let his lips graze Dave's. Again the kid didn't move. Dad got bolder and began to lightly, teasingly brush his lips against the kid's mouth over and over again. Dave's eyes looked heavy lidded and his breathing was erratic, yet he still didn't respond. Dad moved his mouth slightly and used his white teeth to graze along that square jaw. When he got to the kids ear, framed by his pulled back shiny dark hair, he flicked his tongue into it and whispered. "Slut".

He went back to running his lips against Dave's slightly parted mouth and the flicked his tongue out again. Dave let his mouth drop open a bit more and Dad moved in and cocked his head as he clasped his open mouth over the kid's parted lips in a deep kiss. I could see him extend his thick pink tongue and begin to force it into the kid's moist mouth over and over again. Dave was moaning through the kiss now and I could see his cock jerk in his pants.

Just then there was a knock on Dad's office door. Dad broke away a string of saliva connecting his lips to the kids still open mouth. Dad pushed his chair back and concealed his raging hard-on behind his desk and said "come in".

His secretary Ms. Murphy came bustling in. "Oh sorry sir I didn't know you were in a meeting" she said somewhat breathlessly.

"No problem Pam, what's up?" my dad asked looking completely in control.

"I just need you to sign off on the billing hours for the Salterman case." She said presenting my dad with some papers.

He reached out and took them to keep her from crossing around to his side of the desk and thus seeing that the front of his black pants were straining to contain his amazing erection a and it was clear that at some point during the make out session he also has leaked through both his underwear and his pants. He signed the papers and she asked. "Are you going to be in this meeting a while?"

"Yes, I'm interviewing young Dave here for and intern position and we were really just getting started weren't we young man?" Dad said nodding at Dave

"Dave mumbled a response and Ms. Murphy began to walk out calling back over her shoulder. "O.K. then if you don't mind I may go to lunch now."

"Great-no problem" my Dad said looking directly into Dave's eyes.

She closed the door behind her with a definitive click.

"Hmmm... sorry for the interruption, now where were we?" Dad asked

Dave looked up "I don't know what you want from me, sir"

"I want you to be truthful with me Dave-tell me what you want" Dad said.

"I...I ...you know what I want." He said in a rush

"Oh...yeah...I think I do-but I want to hear you say it" my dad said with a hard smile.

"I...want to see it." Dave said his head hanging.

"See what?" Dad asked.

"You cock" he answered in a whisper.

"You know I think you're going to have to do better then that" My Father said, he rose from his chair and moved closer to Dave's chair. He scooted one leg up on the desk half resting his ass on the desk and bracing his other leg on the floor. His cock was still incredibly hard and was clearly outlined in the thin fabric of his pants. Dave just looked at it.

"P..please...let me see it...I really want to"' Dave said.

"You do?" my dad asked.

"Yeah" Dave breathed.

My dad shifted back a bit and put both hands on the desk, bracing himself.

""I want you to listen to me...you need to do exactly as you're told-can you do that?" he asked.

"Yeesss" Dave said, clearly getting frantic of the thought of what was about to happen.

"I want you to slowly undo my belt and the top button of my pants" Dad instructed.

Dave moved forward in his chair and reached up. I noticed his hands were shaking with his need. He unbuckled the belt clumsily and then popped the top button of the black pants. My Dad's cock was so big that the pants sprang apart once the button was released. The top of his dick, covered in white cotton was now visible. There was a clear wet spot right on the head as he had leaked a considerable amount of precum. Dave seemed hypnotized and reached out to touch the cloth covered bulge,

Dad used on hand to block him. "No...no...I didn't say you could touch-did I?"

Dad got off the desk and stood up directly in front of the kid. His cock was straining and reaching up and out of the open V of his pants. Dad reached up and loosened his tie and undid his top shirt button. He flung the tail of the tie over his shoulder to get it out of the way. He then reached down and released the next button. His cock was so large that it was clear to see it was stretching the white Calvin Klein briefs he was wearing out of shape. They were so tight and confining that they caused his cock to extend off to the side to accommodate its size.

"You like this?" –he said rubbing the cotton tube sticking out of his pants.

"Yeah –show me more" said Dave

My Dad popped another button and now his pants slid down his hip slightly exposing almost the entire cloth covered erection. It was quite the sight, arching out of the black fabric yet still contained by the clean white cotton. Dad lifted up the tail of his shirt to show off his tight washboard stomach. He also had those deep cuts along his lower abdominals leading to his hip flexors and my own dick jumped at the sight of him standing there running his hands over the muscles and then stroking the huge cock through his underwear.

The kid was going crazy, his eyes were burning a hole in those Calvin's and his breathing was ragged. His dick was straining and jumping in his khaki's and he was running his tongue over his swollen lips compulsively.

"You like what you see-do you? Huh? You like big man cock? I heard you can't get enough-you'd fucking play with cock all day long if you could." Dad whispered.

Dave groaned. "Ummm can I touch it?" he asked.

"No-not yet" Dad said

He reached down and popped the last button his pants now slipped all the way down his thighs and he stood there his dark tan skin outlining the tight white briefs. From my lookout spot his cock looked monstrous. It was arched up pushing his underwear out away from his body and seemed to pulse in time with his heart beat. He undid the bottom buttons of his shirt all the way up to his chest leaving it just fastened under the knot of his tie at his bull neck. Now he looked almost naked. With the shirt pushed off to the side and his full slab like pectorals on display sloping down to his six pack, then those tiny white briefs holding in the heavy cock.

Dave rocked back in his chair and wiped sweat from his forehead.

Dad continued to slowly stroke the cotton covered mound and more precum spotted the top of his underwear.

"My balls are so full. I'm leaking like crazy just from you staring at it." My dad said.

Dave groaned.

"You want a taste?" Dad asked.

Dave didn't respond, he just leaned forward and opened his mouth in yearning.

My Dad pulled the impossibly tight waist band of his underwear away from his body and the heavy cock expanded pressing harder against the material. He didn't expose any of his cock he just simply took two thick fingers and stuck them in his briefs and swiped them across his cock head. When he pulled them out they were coated in clear fluid. I couldn't believe how wet they were. He extended his arm and wiped the precum across Dave's open lips and mouth. At the first taste Dave groaned in ecstasy and used his pointed tongue to collect as much as he could from his lips. He then used his own hand to pull more that was smeared on his cheeks to his sucking mouth.

"Ohhh fuck...it tastes incredible...I haven't tasted cum in so long...uhhh" he moaned.

"How long has it been since you've played with a big cock-huh kid?" Dad asked looking down at the kid.

"It's been almost two months...two fucking long months" he said.

"You must be dying" dad said

`Yeah can I touch it now...please?" he begged

"No –we're not there yet-I am not even sure I'm going to let you play with my cock-I might let you look at it –but maybe nothing else."

"Fuck ...C'mon don't tease me-you can see I need it "He said and leaned back in his chair and spread his own legs showing his own tented pants with a huge wet spot in the front.

"Oh... kid you're going to ruin your pants and won't be able to walk out of her unnoticed" my Dad said.

"Stand up" he ordered.

Dave stood up and my father moved a bit closer. He took the heel of one hand and dropped it to the kids bulging crotch and began to roughly grind it against the kid's pubic bone.

Dave threw his head back and moaned.

My Dad then let go of his own pulsing cock and used both hands to undo the top buttons of the kid's pants. He shucked up his dress shirt and roughly unzipped them. My dad sucked in his breath when he pushed the kid's pants down low in his hips and saw the kid's wet straining cock encased in a pouch of a tight ribbed white jockstrap.

"Fuck you're wearing a strap-you little pig?" He said breathlessly.

"I had nothing else clean." The kid said.

"Ohhh fuck-turn around you little whore" my dad moaned.

Dave spun around and braced his hands on the desk, sticking out his ass.

My dad stepped back and squeezed his cock, milking another huge bead of precum from his dick to stain the front of the white briefs.

He pushed the kid's shirt up and moaned when he saw his ass.

Dave's back was a dusky tan and the thick white strap of the jock wrapped around his trim tight waist. The firm rounded cheeks of his ass broke out in a swell right under that tight strap. They were so round and so hard that they pressed against each other creating the perfect cleavage under the small of his back. The smooth skin on his ass was slightly lighter then his back and thighs framed by the two thin leg straps. Dad visibly shuddered looking at it.

"Holy fuck...this is the sweetest ass I've ever seen. " He said to himself.

"I need to see more" he muttered urgently.

He reached around the kid's body and pulled his shirt apart, popping the buttons, He pulled the tie to loosen it and pulled the shirt collar out from underneath it. He shucked the shirt down the kid's nicely muscled arms and stripped it off him, leaving him standing there with the striped rep tie around his neck, his torso naked and his pants around his knees, the beautiful ass framed by the white athletic supporter.

My dad sank back into his chair his shirt wide open and his cock arching up over his abs. The wet spot was even larger now.

"Step out of those pants and kneel up on the desk" he ordered.

The kid kicked off his dress shoes and stepped out of his khakis. He knelt up on the big mahogany desk, his gorgeous ass sticking back towards my dad. He turned his sweaty face back over his shoulder eyes glued to the huge tented erection in my dad's underwear. His hair had come loose in spots and long strands clung to his sweaty face. The tie loosely knotted around the smooth column of his neck hung down pooling on the desktop between his spread knees. Dad leaned up and reached out with one hand. He used the other to keep a steady stroke going on his still covered cock. He began to lightly caress the beautiful smooth ass spread before him. Dave kept his eyes glued to Dad's cock and his face was red and glistening with sweat.

"You gonna fuck me...please?" he pleaded

"No...I'm not-"Said my dad.

Dad stuck one hand in the top of his briefs and scooped out more precum with two fingers. He reached forward and fed it to the kid as he continued to stroke the smooth ass.

My Father pulled his hand out of his pants and placed his two big palms on those rounded shining globes. He firmly pulled, separating them. Again he groaned at first sight of that pink, hairless hole.

"Fuck...this is a beautiful...uhhh" Dad breathed.

He leaned closer and began to softly blow.

Once his hot breath hit the asshole Dave gasped and I saw the pouch of the jock jump.

I saw my father lean in and extend his tongue. He lightly just flicked the tip over the hole and Dave again gasped. Dad leaned in further, his cock rising from between his legs like a tent pole. He used a fluttering rapid motion to tease the kid's asshole with his tongue. Dave was going wild with the teasing. He was moaning and attempting to thrust his ass back against the tongue to get deeper contact. Dad was breathing very heavy and clearly trying to hold back from just tongue fucking the kid until he came in his jock. He pulled back staring at the ass and leaned in and forced just the very tip in. Dave moaned louder. Dad pulled out and approached, again this time putting a bit more of his flexible member in, thoroughly wetting the hole with saliva.

Dave groaned and looked back "Take your cock out...fuck...please let me look at that huge hard-on while you eat my ass."

My dad moved his hand to the strained waistband, and just as he pulled it away from his body...

There was a knock on the door.

My dad sat up abruptly, "Just a minute-quick get down, get dressed" he hissed.

I watched in horror as the two men tried frantically to pull on their clothes. Dad stood up and tried to fasten his pants over his hugely swollen cock. He pulled his shirt together and began to do up the buttons and shove it into the top of his pants. He quickly sat down behind his desk hiding the ten inch pole in the front of his pants.

The kid struggled into his shirt, trying to button and adjust the tie at the same time. He pulled on his pants and stepped into his shoes.

By the time the door opened, they were both sweating and red faced, but dressed and in their seats.

It was a young guy in suite.

"Hey Sir, Mr. Hastings said to drop a copy of this brief off to you" he said approaching the desk.

"Oh sure... Brown, thanks" my dad responded taking the papers.

"You want this door closed?" Brown asked on his way out.

"Yes...please" said my Dad

Once the door closed they both let out a huge breath.

"Fuck, that was close" my dad said in an exhalation of breath.

"Can't you lock it?" asked the kid.

"No that would look suspicious" my dad replied.

"If you're too nervous, we can just forget about it and finish up the interview." My dad said

"No please don't leave me like this-My balls are killing my and I need to see your cock...please" he begged.

My Dad leaned back in his chair and began to rub the cock tube still clearly visible in his pants. He cock seemed to have lost none of its firmness, close call or not.

He undid the buttons on his shirt, roughly parting it from the tie down. He reached one hand in the opening and began to pinch and flick at his nipples. He locked eyes on the kid and slowly undid the buttons on his pants. He raised his hips off the chair and shucked the pants down to pool at his feet. Again his packed briefs looked incredible. The cock was straining against the confining cotton and he had leaked so much precum that they were starting to look translucent, especially around the huge bloated head. The kid just sat there, mesmerized by this hot older guy playing with himself barely dressed.

"You want to see it?" My dad asked in a husky voice.

"God YES" the kid answered emphatically.

Dad slowly stood up.

He kicked off his shoes and socks and stepped out of the pants. He loosened the tie until he was able to slip it over his head and then let his shirt fall off his arms and shoulders.

He now stood there, legs apart naked except for a tight pair of white underwear.

His body looked amazing. His arms, neck and shoulders were bulky with muscle and his chest was thick square slabs topped with dark erect nipples. His waist looked tiny as his back flared out above his tight abdominals. The briefs were small and rode low on his lean hips. The cock bulging in them was now swollen to almost 10 ½ inches and the head looked ready to explode trapped in the underwear.

He just stood towering over the kid.

He extended his hand and pulled the kid's chin up to make eye contact.

"You want to see my cock?"

"YES!" the kid breathed.

My dad released his chin and put his hands on the waistband at his hips.

Never looking away, he slowly, agonizingly slowly, lowered the briefs.

As his cut hip flexors were first exposed and then he had to pull the band several inches away from his body to get past the crown the kid moaned.

The head popped free and bobbed inches from the kid's face. It was shiny with precum and the piss slit looked swollen. It was huge and round and flared out sharply before meeting the thick stalk. It was deep red, engorged with blood. As the briefs continued to slide down more and more of the thick shaft was exposed. It was rock hard and traced with thick bulging veins. You could clearly see the thick cum tube running along the underside. As the briefs reached his bulging thighs his balls finally popped free, they too looked swollen and were heavy and low hanging. Now free of the confinement my dad's cock stood up straight against his body, reaching well past his navel, throbbing visibly.

Dave's mouth hung open and a thin line of drool slipped over his bottom lip.

Dad reached down and brutally twisted his fist around the slick, swollen cock head. His palm came away coated in precum. He reached out and wiped it across Dave's mouth and face, leaving a wet shiny smear.

As Dave looked on my dad would lightly tug his balls, stroke up the shaft and milk precum from the head. He would collect it on his thick fingers and feed it to the kid. Dave was licking and sucking on the digits every time they came to his mouth coated with the clear fluid.

"Yeah...eat my precum you little slut...you like the taste of that...want more?" Dad muttered in a filthy litany.

Dave just groaned and sucked down as much of the precum as he was offered.

Dad's dick was throbbing harder as he teased and urged more fluid from the gaping swollen slit. The precum seemed to be flowing in a constant thin watery stream at this point.

"Fuck...this is torture...uhh." Dave groaned sitting up and wrapping one hand around the solid base of the ten inch cock bobbing in front of him. He opened his mouth wide and engulfed the entire cockhead in his hot wet mouth. Dad threw his head back and groaned as Dave sucked the precum out directly from the slit, pulling his mouth partway off the head to flick his tongue into the hole to coax out more liquid.

Dad used his open hand to push Dave's mouth off his cock before he could do more then agonizingly mouth the bloated head. He reached under the kids arms and stood him up. With his dick bobbing with the effort he again roughly parted the kid's shirt, tearing it off him. He undid the pants and yanked them down, stripping the kid in moments until he was standing there in the soaked jock with his 8 inch dick leaking out precum into the ribbed pouch.

Dad leaned in and covered the kids precum soaked mouth with his hot lips and began to tongue fuck his throat as he ground his hot leaking erection into the kid's tight stomach.

Dave moaned as my dad reached around cupping his beautiful round ass cheeks as he humped his cock against the kid even more intensely.

And then...there was another knock at the door.

They broke apart, both men swearing. This time it took longer and more effort for them to get back into their clothes. Precum was everywhere and I am not even sure Dave had all the buttons to his shirt. His hair was mess very little of it contained in the once neat ponytail.

Finally they were some semblance of decent and my dad throatily called "Come in".

Ms. Murphy walked in and bustled over to the desk.

"I'm back from lunch and I didn't know if you needed anything from me before I headed out to the circuit court to the transcripts from Monday's trial." She stood by the desk looking at my dad expectantly

"No nothing else for today Pam-thanks" Dad said somewhat curtly.

"Oh...all right-well I guess I'll be going then-good luck young man and have a good day Sir." And with that she exited the room.

Dad sank down into his seat.

"Fuck these interruptions" dad said and stood up abruptly.

He ripped his tie over his head and tore off his own shirt. He stood there for a minute bare-chested with his huge cock still tenting his trousers. He quickly unbuttoned them and kicked them down and then off with his shoes. He again stood there in just the white briefs with a raging hard-on throbbing in his underwear.

"Get stand up" he ordered the kid.

Dave stood up and my dad whipped him around, he pulled the shirt apart and ripped it from his arms. He reached around and undid his pants. He yanked them down exposing that taut firm ass framed by the tight white jock. He made the kid step out of his pants. The young guy was now naked before my Father just that soaked jock the only thing on his body. Dad began to grind his underwear clad erection against the kid's bare ass. He was licking and biting at Dave's ear as he fucked the huge tube of his cock along the kids ass crack. Dave was groaning as the material made hot friction with his exposed hole. Dave craned his face further back over his shoulder and the two men's mouths met. Dad began to brutally crush his mouth against Dave's full lips. I could see my Dad's tongue repeatedly penetrating the kid's throat as this agonizing dry hump continued.

Finally Dad broke the kiss and shoved Dave forward so his chest was down flat on the desk, ass in the air.

Dad sat back down in his leather chair and parted that hot ass with both hands gripped tightly on the soft flesh. He leaned in and this time skipped the teasing and began to force his tongue into the kid's tight hole.

He was groaning as he did it. "Ahhh fuck...your ass is so tight I can barely get my tongue in there-I can't even imagine how it would feel to have my big heavy cock sheathed in there...uhhh."

He was forcing more and more of his tongue in and would intermittently pull back and lick the entire cleft of the kid's ass. Dad began to get frantic and was shoving as much of his tongue as he could up into the kid while Dave writhed on the desk moaning. His cock was pumping out precum and it was leaking trough the thin cotton of the jock and smearing all over the top of my Dad's desk. Dad's dick was positively vibrating the tight Calvin's and I could tell her was close to cumming. He quickly stood up and paused. He tried to regulate his breathing as the kids looked back at him.

"Ohhhh...god ...are you going to fuck me...please ...put that huge cock in me...I need to feel you inside me..." he pleaded.

Dad seemed to be back under control. He slowly lowered the soaked underwear. His big cock bobbing away from his body as it was freed. Dave moaned at the sight. Dad was now totally naked standing poised behind the kid's wet open ass.

"Kneel on the desk." He ordered the kid. Dave complied, knees far apart, back arched.

Dad steadied himself by gripping both hands around Dave's small waist. He looked down the length of his body and inched his hips forward until his huge precum smeared cock head came in hot contact with Dave's wet asshole. Dave gasped. "Fuck I can feel your cock head-put it in...please...fuck me!"

Dad did not do what he clearly was dying to; instead he began to run the full 10 inch length of his rock hard cock up and down the slick channel between the kid's ass cheeks. He made especially sure to drag the bloated head over the hole repeatedly and soon the entire area was shining with precum. This slick lube allowed Dad to glide the cock more freely and he was able to develop a hypnotic rhythm. His cock would make its way over the tortured hole and then the head would throb and flex at the top of his ass and a strings of precum would drip to the small of the kids back and onto the thick elastic strap of the jock. Dad's heavy balls would be lodged almost in the hole at the top of the upstroke and the sight of Dad's pulsing cock arched over the kid's sweaty back was awe inspiring. It was fucking amazing, like nothing I had ever seen. Dad's cock seemed to swell even larger and I couldn't believe he could hold out with all this stimulation directly on the overly sensitive head of his cock. Dave was breathing so heavy and precum was oozing into his jock in a continual stream. This couldn't go on, on the next few strokes Dad's hips jerked and shuddered and I though for sure I was going to see that head explode when it reached the crest of his ass, but no, Dad held back, his control incredible.

He pulled away and grabbed the waist band of the jock strap. He roughly yanked it down, Dave's cock slapping violently against his tight abs as it came down. He lifted his knees and the Dad slipped the strap over his feet. He flung it to corner. Dave was now kneeling doggy style, totally naked on the big mahogany desk. His cock pulsed up against his body in time to his heartbeat and the thick channel made by the muscles in his back pooled with sweat.

"You want to feel this cock in you/" he asked the kid

"Fuck yes...now ...please!" he responded.

On the next stroke when the cock head trembled arching over Dave's back my dad reached down and used three fingers to collect a thick pool of precum from his dick head. He touched it lightly and was being careful so I could tell he was very close to shooting. He leaned over the kid's sweaty back and offered his coated fingers. Dave moaned and opened his full lips and began to suck the fluid of his hand.

"God it fucking tastes so good-please fuck me...then pull out and let me swallow your hot load...then fuck me again and cum in my ass ...fill me up...god I beg you!" the kid said, his eyes closed, precum glistening on his panting mouth.

Dad moaned and threw his head back. I could see his cock tremble and he stayed perfectly still using all his concentration not to shoot.

"All right kid...you want it...I'll give it to you...It's gonna happen quick-once I feel that tight ass clamp around my huge cock I'm gonna loose it -so be ready." Dad said.

He pulled his hips back and aimed the engorged head right at the dripping hole in front of him, he pushed forward and Dave gave a sharp intake of breath when he felt the size of the head on his hole. He wrenched his head around to look at the thick tube of flesh about to enter him. A little more pressure and the very tip began to part his slick ass lips...and then...

There was another insistent knock on the door...

Oh fuck!

Should I continue...

Next: Chapter 14

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