What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Dec 17, 2009


Here comes the next installment fast on the heels of the last. Hopefully you're enjoying this burst of creative energy I've had-not sure when it will end but the well might be running dry...we'll see.

Please don't read this if you will be offended and keep in mind it is fiction.

I made it home from my Dad's office and the next couple of days passed in a blur. My Dad had come home from work that day acting completely normal and had I not witnessed the debauchery in his office with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. He and my mom got along great and seemed very affectionate and as my bedroom was next door to theirs I knew they frequently had sex. I couldn't resolve this typical" family man" that I knew around the house, with the man I saw use his enormous cock to tease young men into a dick frenzy.

In a couple of days it was time to return to school. With the usual anxiety and hustle and bustle of the pre-school routine I didn't have time to dwell on what I had seen. Frankly I was so spent I barely had a dirty thought at all. With my mind clear and free from the constant itch of thinking about and looking to witness sex I was able to really focus on getting ready for my last year of high school. I was turning 18 in a week or so and was really looking forward to all the new freedom I expected to come with that momentous birthday.

School started on that Wednesday as seniors got to come in after the underclassmen. I caught glimpses of Mr. Halen around the school but I had no classes with him this year. In this environment he looked every inch the normal teacher. It was still hard for me to disconnect him from the images I had of him towering over some of my classmates with his ten inch dick shooting cum into their waiting mouths.

The days passed pretty quickly and I have to say I was almost somewhat relieved that nothing seemed to be going on at school other then the normal high school shenanigans. I caught no undercurrent of sexual tension in either the locker room or the halls and was really able to focus on my studies. After a couple of weeks of this though, I began to get that anxious feeling. It is hard to describe, but it just seems to happen. I'll be doing something normal and innocent like walking down the hall and suddenly I'll catch a glimpse of a guy's ass that fills out his jeans nicely or a teacher will be in front of the class lecturing and I'll start catching myself staring at his crotch and wondering how big his cock is. Once these thoughts start entering my head I know where it is headed. I start fueling the fire by running through some of the things I've witnessed. I start getting my dick hard with just theses thoughts several times a day. I then start jerking off to the brink of orgasm every chance I get, but never letting myself cum. I take every opportunity to do this and will frequently duck into a stall at school, drop my pants and lightly twist my cock head till I'm on the verge of exploding, only to stop, put it away and return to class glorying in the feeling of precum wetting my underwear.

I had been going like this for about a week to the point where my balls had a constant delicious ache. The next day I stayed after school to watch the annual Teacher's Against Students basketball game. This is something my school did at the beginning of every year as a lead up to the basketball season. It was a big event and usually a lot of fun. I had somewhat ulterior motives for attending as I had noted that two of the teachers playing this year were Mr. Halen and the gym teacher Mr. Franklin. I had been lucky enough to witness both of these big studs working over a couple of my classmates and knew that with them on the team something interesting might happen, and if not, just seeing them suited up on the court would be worth it.

The game was pretty fun. They threw in a lot of silly goofing around as well as some serious ball to make in entertaining. The Varsity team ended up winning, but it was close. Needless to say I was not disappointed to see Mr. Halen and Mr. Franklin running up and down the court working up a sweat. Mr. Halen had on a pair of somewhat tight navy blue shorts that showed off his ample package admirably. He paired it with a fitted grey t-shirt that soon clung to his tight body with sweat. He looked pretty hot.

Mr. Franklin was a monster. The guy was well over six feet tall and packed with muscle. His dark almost blue/black skin gleamed with a light coating of sweat and in his sleeveless t-shirt and baggy grey sweat shorts he looked amazing. I also couldn't help notice another teacher on the court. His name was Mr. Kazlowski, everybody just called him Mr. K. I had seen him around school but had never had any classes with him and normally didn't pay him much attention. On seeing him on the court though, my interest was certainly peaked. He was younger then most of the other teachers, I'd say about 35 or so and had thick dark hair, which he wore a bit longer and kind of shaggy on top. He was about 5ft 10 in. tall and dressed in his "teacher clothes" he looked normal, in decent shape but again, nothing that ever caught my attention. When he first came out on the court suited up though my eyes popped. He was wearing a white t-shirt that though wasn't tight at all clung to his body as he moved around the court. From what I could tell his body looked incredible. Every ridge and bulge was clearly defined when the t-shirt hugged his frame. His shoulders were really broad with a really small waist. He lifted the bottom of the shirt to mop his forehead and I caught sight of thick ridges of muscle on his abdomen and almost gasped. He also had something that made me crazy; he had that thick vein that ran up his rounded bicep muscle. I always got a twinge in my cock when I catch a glimpse of that peeking out the short sleeve of a guy's shirt. Mr. K was wearing baggy basketball shorts but his legs looked pretty impressive as well. His calve muscles looked like clenched fists. He was darkly tan all over and his forearms and legs had a nice brush of hair He was wearing a thin cord of leather tightly knotted around one thick wrist and I thought how in the hell had I missed this hot guy teaching at my school all this time?!

The game finished up and all the other students cleared out pretty fast but I thought if I hung around maybe I could sneak into the locker room and catch the teachers and the team showering up. Just to see those three teachers naked would be worth a late day at school.

I left the gym and sort of blended with the crowd until we got to the doors out of the school. I made a show of looking like I forgot something and went back into the school. I took the long way back to the gym just to try and time it right. I crept down the hall from the main gym to the locker room and paused at the door. I could hear showers running and a lot of conversation. Soon most of the varsity team filed out with wet hair, adjusting gym bags. I pretended to be checking the wrestling schedule hanging on the board in the small hallway. Once they exited it got a lot quieter in the locker room. I peered around the corner and saw the three teachers standing there still dressed in their sweaty clothes. I could hear someone banging around in the shower room and strained to hear their conversation.

"The rest of the team is gone, and the other teachers are out of here as well-what do you think?" said Mr. Franklin in a deep voices whisper.

"I think we can make it happen-he's taking his time picking up in there on purpose." Answered Mr. Halen

"I think he's trying to time it so he can sneak a peek at us while were in the shower."

"Yeah I noticed him getting all frustrated when we didn't strip right down and jump in with the rest of the group." Mr. Franklin said lowering his voice even more looking at the social studies teacher.

"Well fuck let's go in there and give him what he wants then." Said Mr. K a bit more loudly.

"Patience my friend, patience...we play our cards right and this could be a truly memorable experience for all of us." Answered Mr. Halen confidently.

"Patience may not be too easy for me-it has been way to long since I've gotten off-my wife's been at her mother's for three weeks and my dick is at half mast all the time." Said MR. K breathlessly.

Mr. Halen just laughed and said "It's all in the tease with these little cock whores-you have to get them so hot that they forget who and where they are then you can really push them past their limits."

"So you think that kid really likes dick?" Asked Mr. Franklin.

"Well...I'm not positive, but I have caught him on more then one occasion checking out my crotch and there have been some rumors around the school about him." Said Mr. Halen.

"So how do we proceed?" asked the dark haired younger teacher.

"Let's just start undressing in here-but do it real slow-and make sure he doesn't see anything good-no dicks on display until the right moment-o.k.?" Mr. Halen said as he moved over to a locker.

I crouched down lower and was pleased to see that a barrel was blocking them from seeing me but allowed me to get a good view of the entire locker room and most of the shower room. I didn't know who they were talking about but I was dying to see where this would lead.

All three men went over to lockers in different parts of the locker room and began to rummage around, getting out gym bags and towels and such. They began to talk about the game loudly and comment about how good a hot shower was going to feel.

As they talked a student came out of the shower room carrying some wet towels. I recognized him right away. His name was Jason and he was on the Junior Varsity Basketball team. He was a senior like me but clearly wasn't great at basketball. I heard that he worked as team support as well because he loved the game so much and just wanted to get some court time. He was 17 or 18 years old and wasn't that tall. Maybe about 5'7" which is why he wasn't going to cut it on varsity where most of the guys were 6 feet or over. He was pretty cute though. He had dark black hair that he wore spiked up. He had a crooked nose that looked like it had been broken before and blue eyes that were actually quite startling they were so light. He had both his ears gauged and had thick steel rings through the lobes. He was pretty lean but I had noticed that he had a pretty hot body when I saw him around school. He had very defined muscles in his arms and when he wore a short sleeved shirt his biceps bulged impressively. I had also noticed that though he was pretty thin he had a really round ass. It was a bit out of proportion with the rest of his frame and was really noticeable in the tight pegged jeans he always wore. I figured it came from all the skateboarding I saw him doing around town. He walked into the locker room now wearing a pair of oversized shorts and a light blue t-shirt. The three men let their eyes slide over him and proceeded to go about their business.

I saw he was definitely trying to look busy but didn't really have a reason to be in the locker room. He went to the corner and began folding a big stack of towels, surreptitiously checking out the three teachers.

I caught Mr. Halen wink at the other two and he grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and in one fluid motion pulled it over his head. He stood there his body shiny with sweat. He used the t-shirt to rub down his thickly muscled arms and over his square chest. He paid particular attention to his dark nipples and ran the t-shirt over them repeatedly until they stood up nice and hard. He let the shirt trail down his lean stomach. I noticed a slight swelling already starting in his shorts and as they were already pretty tight I wasn't sure how long he would be able to conceal that huge piece of meat, especially once it started getting hard.

Mr. Franklin had also stripped off his shirt and was taking the opportunity to stretch out his shoulder muscles. To see him standing there his enormous muscles bulging and he raised his arms over his shining bald head and arched his back was getting to me and I felt my own cock lengthen.

Mr. K had taken a different approach he shucked his shorts down low his lean hips and had pulled his arms out of the shirt just leaving it around his neck. Once exposed his body was truly amazing. Every muscle popped and he had veins visible in his lower abdominals and up his shoulders as well, the guy must have 4% body fat for God's sake. He had pushed the shorts so low that in the back the top swell of his ass was just visible and you could see the bisection of his lower back muscles and he had a black abstract kind of tribal symbol tattooed low just above the cleft of his ass. The shorts were so low in the front that you could see where his pubic hair started and the deep cuts where his abdominals met his hip flexors.

The kid was not unaffected by all this. I looked at his baggy shorts and noticed a definite protrusion and he looked flushed and began to sweat. He worked hard at folding those towels while maintaining direct line of sight with the three hot half dressed older guys.

The men continued talking as they stood around. Mr. Franklin kept massaging his huge bulky shoulder muscles and groaning low in his throat. Mr. K was casually trailing his hand over his six pack and brushing his fingers of the top straight line of his dark pubic hair. He was definitely the most eager of the three as I could already see the curve of his cock as it hardened and was beginning to stand up. He looked pretty well hung and I felt my heart flutter. Mr. Halen was now slowly lowering those tight shorts as they slipped down his hips I saw that he was wearing a black jock strap and the pouch looked packed. His cock was half hard and was trapped down against his fat ball sack by the tight material. The black leg straps framed his muscular ass nicely and I saw him catch Jason staring as he looked at him out of the corner of his eye. Jason quickly turned away and continued to fold towels. Mr. Halen dropped his shorts onto the bench and walked over to where the kid was standing. He moved in very close his body inches from the kids.

"Can I have a fresh towel Jason?" he asked in a low voice.

`Sure Mr. Halen, here you go.' Jason said holding out a folded white towel.

Mr. Halen reached for it but at the last minute let it drop.

"Oops sorry kid-grab that for me will you.' He said

Jason bent over in front of the tall man and once he was down and grabbing the towel Mr. Halen took one step in. As Jason stood up his head, face and shoulder brushed directly against the man's swollen jock pouch. The kid's face was all flushed and his eyes involuntarily looked down the man's cock was thickening and lengthening noticeably and the head of his cock was now clearly outlined pushing the front of the cotton out several inches in front of him.

"Sorry kid-guess I got too close-well no harm done." Mr. Halen said and dropped his hand down and gave his growing erection a firm squeeze.

Jason gave a sharp intake of breath and stammered. " Oh...ummm...I'm sorry Sir."

Mr. Halen turned and walked back to his locker while Jason tried to discreetly adjust his own growing cock in his shorts so it wouldn't be obvious.

"Hey I think I need a towel too.' Said Mr. Franklin walking over to the kid.

He stood real close, his huge body dwarfing the kid. He leaned in and made sure his gleaming chest came in contact with the kids arm as he grabbed a towel.

"Thanks my friend.' He said dropping one of his huge paws onto the kid's shoulders. He let it lie there for second and then lightly ran it down the kids back and just let his finger tips graze the cleft of that bubble ass through his shorts.

Jason jumped and seemed to loose his footing for a second. Mr. Franklin left his hand on the kid's lower back and wrapped his huge fingers around the kid's bicep to steady him.

"You O.K. there kiddo-don't fall over.' He chuckled.

"I'm ...I'm fine...sorry" Jason said and I noticed the front of his shorts was now clearly tented out as the contact of the huge sweaty black man had seriously affected him.

Mr. Franklin let go of him and walked slowly back to his locker.

"Shit" exclaimed Mr. Kazlowski "I can't get this locker open-can you give me a hand Jason."

Jason swallowed hard and quickly pulled at his t-shirt vainly trying to pull it low enough to cover the tube of his cock now clearly visible in the front of his shorts. He walked over to the locker as Mr. K stepped aside to let him near. As Jason fiddled with the locker door Mr. K leaned in close and I saw that he was making sure the head of his cock, which was protruding from the upward curve of his by now 9 inch dick, was coming into contact with Jason's ass. At first he would just let the head lightly poke the kids' big firm ass cheek. Soon his cock swelled even more from the contact and it was standing up almost straight in the loose shorts. He was rubbing the head right in the bisection of the top of the kid's ass and it was clear that the teacher was not wearing underwear as by now his cock had reached it's full length and was arched up tenting out the front of his shorts uninhibited. The teacher's ripped chest was rising and falling in deep breaths and he was looking down at those two perfect round cheeks covered by thin fabric as his incredibly long dick humped against them. I could tell through the nylon of his shorts that his cock was over 9 inches long and a bit thinner then some others I'd seen with a pronounced upward curve. It looked super hard and I couldn't believe how blatant he was being.

Apparently neither could Mr. Halen who said sharply "Watch yourself Ken".

Mr. K stepped back his dick jerking. The kid had stopped pretending to fool with the locker and was leaning his red face against the cool steel of the door.

"Oh...uh...sorry Kid, I don't know what came over me." He muttered and leaned around the boy and sprang the locker open. "It's all set now-thanks.' He said.

Jason moved away slowly and his legs looked shaky. He had now developed a noticeable wet spot on the front of his shorts and he didn't even seem to have the presence of mind to try and hide it. He went back to the pile of towels and began to fold them with trembling hands.

Mr. Halen was still going through his gym bag, standing there in just the black jock, his cock stretching out the front of it appreciably. Mr. Franklin now cleared his throat to make sure that the kid was paying attention and began to slowly lower his grey sweat shorts. As the shorts slid over his big round ass they revealed a pair of tight white briefs. He kicked the shorts off his now bare feet and turned. I groaned, the front of the briefs were stretched to capacity and his cock was just barely firm. The thick tube was curved into the crotch of the underwear and just starting to thicken. I thought back to when I had seen him savaging Shawn, one of my classmates last year and closed my eyes dwelling on the image of his fucking enormous cock at full erection. I knew once engorged it was 12 inches long with a huge almost tennis ball sized purple cock head. Jason's eyes were glued to the stuffed white crotch and he again began to lick his lips almost compulsively. Mr. Franklin began to gently squeeze and massage the huge cloth covered mound. His dick began to swell and arch along the Y front of the briefs. Soon his cock was almost at full mast and the underwear was not able to contain it. The huge head had pushed past the waistband and was shining as it throbbed over the thick elastic. Jason's jaw dropped and his eyes were locked on it.

The gym teacher walked over to the kid and said. "I think I need another towel." And reached around, leaning his huge torso into the kid. He didn't grab a towel but instead gripped the edges of the table with both arms on either side of Jason and moved that monster cock forward. The wet head made contact with Jason's upper stomach and immediately left a streak of fluid on his t-shirt. Mr. Franklin looked down at the kid and began to grind his 12 inch cock into the kid's chest and stomach. Jason's face was pressed against the man's dusky chest and he was shaking as the thick cotton sheathed tube tremblingly rubbed up and down his body.

Mr. K came over and ducked under the bigger man's arms to get behind the kid. He began to blow his hot breath into Jason's ear while his hands cupped those two perfect ass cheeks. As he bit and sucked on the kid's neck he began to run his fingers into the deep cleft and stroke the hole through the shorts. His erection was arched over those globes and looked like it had lengthened even more. The entire time Mr. Franklin kept up his extreme frottage and the front of the kid's shirt was now virtually painted with the black man's slick precum.

Jason let loose a loud moan and a thin line of saliva trailed from his open lips.

The two men broke contact and stepped back.

"I think we've got ourselves a little cock whore.' Cut the silence. Mr. Halen walked over to Jason.

"You like looking at big hard cocks, boy?" he said standing in front of the kid, naked except for the jock strap. His own dick was fully hard and stretching out the front pouch.

Jason looked down and muttered something.

"What was that boy-I couldn't hear you?" said Mr. Halen

"I said yeah I like cock" Jason said looking the teacher in the eye.

"Well fuck let's give him some then.' Said MR. K and whipped his shirt over his head .

"Steady" Mr. Halen said putting a hand on the dark haired man's chest. "Let's do a little unveiling ourselves" he said.

He took Jason by the upper arm and pulled him out into the middle of the locker room. The other two men came over circling around. Mr. Halen clasped one of his big hands over the back of the kids' neck as he began to give him instructions. "Why don't you loose that shirt whore." He said.

Jason looked at the three men standing near him. Mr. Franklin was still stroking the huge tube of his shaft through the white briefs and a bead of precum was sliding down the gigantic head that was now fully out of the top of his underwear. Mr. K was standing there in just the baggy basketball shorts with his erection jutting out in front of him his dark eyes staring intently at the kid.

Jason slowly pulled his arms out of the sleeves of the streaked t-shirt and shucked it over his head. His lean torso was gleaming white. He had clearly defined muscles and because he was thin you could see almost every tendon and individual muscle. Mr. K groaned when he saw that the kids left nipple was pierced and had a small steel barbell sticking through it. He reached out, bit his lip and flicked the small piece of metal. Jason gasped and his nipple hardened visibly. He was now just standing there in his light blue shorts with a clearly outlined cock swelling out the font, precum had stained the front.

"Show us your ass kid." Demanded Mr. K

Jason looked at the man, who was breathing heavy and he dropped his eyes to the erection contained in the man's shorts. It was raging hard and now a stain of precum was dotting the tip where the head strained against the nylon. This guy was really worked up.

Jason slowly turned his back to him and looked back over his shoulder as he grasped the waistband of his shorts. He began to lower the back of the shorts. As the first swell of his creamy white ass was exposed Mr. K gasped and said. "Fuck yeah!"

Jason lowered them a bit more and the top of the deep cleft was showing. Mr. Halen's eyes were burning a hole through the remaining material.

Mr. K couldn't seem to contain himself he reached forward and slipped his hand down the back of the half pulled down shorts. He groaned when his palm touched the warm, smooth skin. He used his long middle finger to stroke up the cleft and tease the still unexposed hole. Jason smiled as Mr. Halen pulled the other man's hand back.

"Hey slow down" he said

"Fuckin A I don't think I can-look at that fucking ass!" he gasped.

Jason's shorts were still pulled up in the front and in fact were hug up on his rock hard erection. He stopped lowering the shorts and removed his hands from the waistband.

"How about you show me what I'm going to get before I show you more?' he said with a sly smile.

"Oh the kid is making deals? Is he?" Mr. Halen said.

I'll fucking show him my cock." Said Mr. K

"No-you're so worked up you might shoot just having him look at it." Snapped Mr. Halen.

"You want to see cock, Kid? " Mr. Halen said

"Yeah" Jason breathed.

Mr. Halen took a step back; he ran his hands down his tight stomach and over the huge erection tenting out the front of the black jock. There was a nice big wet spot over the head as he had already started leaking. He slipped his hands into the waistband and began to pull it out and away from his body. He didn't pull it down but began to snap the band back and forth against his lower abdominals. He cock would jump once the pouch was pulled away and Jason could catch a quick glimpse of the bobbing head before the elastic material snapped back. Jason was gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Fuck man, let me see it." He growled.

Mr. Halen laughed "How bad do you want to see it? How bad do you want cock, boy?"

Jason pressed his lips together and said. "Bad"

"You ever play with big man cock before Kid?" asked Mr. Franklin.

"I've fucked around with some of my friends." He said

"High school boys-ha... not big, thick, hard dicks!" Said Mr. Halen emphasizing his words with a snap of the jock.

"Before I show you any more...why don't you let Mr. K here...taste your ass." Mr. Halen said.

Before the words were even out of his mouth the dark haired teacher groaned.

Jason again turned so his back was to the eager teacher. He slooowly lowered the shorts showing his swelling ass cheeks again.

Mr. Franklin stepped in closer, his cock looming out of the top of his underwear. The huge head and a couple inches of thick shaft were visible.

"Fuck this teasing" said Mr. K as he placed one large hand on the small of the kids back, pushing him down, bent over-ass out. Jason's face was now lined up directly in front of the big pulsing black dick jutting from the white briefs. Mr. K hooked his other hand into the top of the shorts and yanked. The shorts rode over the rounded globes and he snapped them under the ass at the top of the kid's thighs. He leaned up and took a minute to take in the sight of the kids beautiful naked ass and then bent his face down and buried it into the deep cleft. His tongue shot out and he forced it into the tight hole moaning.

His muffled voice came out. "Ohh it's fucking incredible...the hole is so small and tight...it tastes better then anything I've ever tasted...ahhh" as he opened his mouth wider in an attempt to get more of his tongue in. Jason was staring straight ahead, drinking in the sight of twelve fucking inches of dick in front of his face, close enough to feel the heat coming off of it, his cock was jumping trapped in the front of the shorts.

Mr. Halen roughly pulled the other teachers head back. Mr. K's face had a look of pure ecstasy and was slick with saliva.

"Enough!" Mr. Halen said curtly.

"I guess you've earned a look at my cock kid.' He said stepping back.

He hooked his hands into the waistband and slowly began to lower the jock. As the cock was freed from the tight fabric it sprang up tight against Mr. Halen's stomach. I gasped to see it again. It was thick, long and straight as an arrow. The ten inch shaft was crowned with a deep red, shining bloated head that was visibly throbbing as it hit the open air. A clear bead of precum tricked down from the piss slit and traced along the vein coursed stalk. His balls swung free; heavy and low.

"Ummmm..." groaned the kid as the man kicked the jock strap off.

Mr. Halen began to lightly flick his fingers over the head of his cock and after a few flutters the head pulsed and a huge glob of precum oozed out. He caught it on his fingers and offered it to the half naked kid. Jason leaned forward and sucked the fingers into his mouth, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Ohhh fuck...he's eating that shit?" exclaimed Mr. K

"Oh I bet this little cock whore loves cum...don't you/" Mr. Halen asked.

Jason simply moaned and kept sucking the digits to get every bit of flavor off of them.

Mr. K was loosing it. He leaned back and looked down at his trembling cock standing straight up in the thin nylon. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths clearly exerting a lot of effort in not shooting off into his pants.

Just then there was a loud banging behind me, outside the door in the gym. Fuck-I jumped up and went back through the door, my hand over my tented pants. It was a floor cleaning crew. There Spanish guys were bringing in equipment and laughing.

I turned back to the locker room.

MR. Halen was quickly wrapping a towel around his waist. Jason had pulled up his shorts and shot over to the corner again. Mr. Franklin simply turned his back to the room using the lockers to shield his enormous erection. Mr. K ran over and sat down on the bench and threw a towel over his lap.

"I thought you said we had the place to ourselves!" Mr. K gruffly said

"I thought we would" Mr. Halen said.

"They're going to be here for hours" said Mr. Franklin.

FUUCK! Mr. K said and slammed his fist down on the bench.

"Listen, we'll just have to plan this party for another time men-sorry." Said Mr. Halen in a reasonable tone. Though he seemed calm I noticed his cock was still fully erect and he had a wet spot on the front of the towel already.

"I fucking have to get off.' Said Mr. K

"Well you'll just have to go home and jack off then...I don't what you me to fucking do about it." Snapped Mr. Halen.

The men were silent and began to get dressed. I noticed how careful Mr. K was as he lowered his shorts and knew he must still be so close to shooting. His cock was something else. It was about 9 inches long and a bit thinner at the base and widening to a nice thickness as it reached the head. It was covered in thick blue veins and curved up towards his body. The pink head was smeared with precum and his balls were huge and completely shaven. He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and then chinos. He threw a polo shirt over his head and looked about to cry with frustration as he tried to button the pants over his huge, painful erection. Mr. Franklin said nothing and just put clothes on over his briefs, a long shirt hiding the enormous cock still straining out of his underwear.

"Wait...you guys are leaving?" Jason said breathlessly.

""No choice, my friend." Said Mr. Franklin with real regret in his voice.

"My fucking nuts are killing me." Exclaimed MR. K.

I need cock-I need to get fucked, you got me all worked up-you're fucking kidding me with this right?" the kid said getting angry.

"We'll simply have to do this another time." Said Mr. Halen

"Fuuuckk!!" Jason said and next thing you know he came slamming through the doors. I don't think he saw me as he walked by. I caught the words...Just have to check out the boulevard then...as he stormed through the gym cursing at the work crew.

The three men in the locker room said nothing. Just continued gathering their things. I took this opportunity to slip out. My balls were aching so badly and I was frustrated as hell.

I went to the parking lot and saw a car speeding away. I figured it must be Jason. I thought I knew where he was headed and started to drive.

Next: Chapter 16

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