What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Apr 26, 2010


Here is the next installment. Sorry it took so long-wasn't feeling particularly inspired and I rely on the muse to strike. Let me know what you think and as always don't read this if you will be offended.

Things went back to normal at home after my brother returned to school. I never saw anything else happen between his friend Chris and my dad but I still had plenty to dwell on with the encounter I did witness. It was truly amazing to me that I was surrounded by all these older bull studs that were out for young ass. It was almost like I was living in some porn fiction story. I am not complaining mind you. I had been lucky enough to witness some of the hottest scenes possible and my strong sexual urges had driven me to seek out gay porn on line and I must say nothing on the screen lived up to what I had been privileged to see live.

The weeks passed and school was the usual bore. I wasn't particularly taxed by the work and was just putting in time till the end of the year when I would graduate and go to, hopefully the college of my choice. I hadn't seen or heard anything of a sexual nature either at home or at school for a few weeks and honestly no on line porn satisfied my need to witness real sex. I was becoming very comfortable with my status as a voyeur and was starting to get that pent up feeling again. I had started edging a few days prior and my dick was now always at the ready. I would see a hot guy riding his bike along my car as I drove to school and I would immediately start to swell and get rock hard.

I entered school that day with no expectations and went to my first class after home room. I was surprised that my usual civics teacher Mrs. Bagley wasn't in the room as I took my seat. In my heightened state of arousal I was quickly conscious of every hot guy in my class, but one in particular stood out. Shane was sitting in the front row a couple of seats to my left. Every time I looked at him I was immediately hit with the image of him on his hands and knees on my dinning room table with my dad's tongue buried in his ass. I also lovingly poured over every detail of the time I witnessed him get used by several random strangers down by the boulevard. He had seen me watching that day. He never said a work about it but had made a point of avoiding me and pretending he didn't notice me watching him.

He looked particularly hot today. He had his blond brush cut grown out a bit and spiked it up in an almost military flat top. His blue eyes were half closed with a lazy expression on his face as he lounged back in his chair. He was wearing a striped polo shirt that showed off his round compact muscles to their full advantage and had on a pair of faded jeans that were just a bit tight around the crotch and ass. The class door opened and a large presence walked in the room and took a seat behind the teacher's desk. It wasn't the diminutive old Mrs. Bagley it was...Mr. Halen. Shit! What was he doing teaching this class. My dick thickened just at the sight of him sitting there in his tight dress shirt. His deep voice cut through the murmuring students; "Take your seats everybody-Mrs. B is out for the next few days and as they couldn't find a sub on such short notice I will be taking this class". He stood up and walked around to lean on the front of the desk. My eyes were inexorably drawn to his crotch. Christ it looked packed. I had first hand knowledge of just how big this guy's cock was but even soft it created a sizable mound in the front of his very fitted dress pants. I glanced over at Shane and saw that he was no longer casually lounging back in his seat but now was sitting up like an eager puppy. His blue eyes were glued to the rounded juncture of the teachers' big thighs and I saw him lick his lips compulsively. This did not go unnoticed by the big older man. He shifted position almost pointing his crotch at the kid. As he began to pace back and forth giving his lecture he moved closer and closer to Shane's seat. Shane was looking more and more uncomfortable and was shifting around in his chair. I knew that if I was starting to be seriously affected by the sight of the man's crotch Shane was also struggling with his level of arousal. Mr. Halen began to pace up and down the aisles as he spoke and as he passed close to Shane I saw the kid almost hold his breath. I glanced down and noticed his jeans looked a bit tighter then when I first checked him out. M. Halen came back up his row and as he turned towards the front of the classroom he purposely leaned in and let his bulging crotch graze Shane's arm. Shane jumped and I saw the teacher smirk under his dark mustache. He turned and locked eyes on the blond kid; "Everything alright there Sullivan? You look a bit flushed".

Shane stammered back..."No...I'm fine, Sir" I noticed he was trembling a bit. Christ this kid was fucking wired! I didn't know how often he engaged in the activities I had witnessed down at the boulevard but clearly he was keyed in to grown man cock. Mr. Halen had either picked up on this or had heard something about the kid, because he spent the rest of the period torturing him. He would lean in and ask him questions, brush against him every time he passed and as the class went on the bulge in his pants grew larger and larger. I heard snickering from some of the girls in the back. They clearly noticed that the teacher had the beginning of a full blown hard on but I was sure they had no idea what was really going on. Shane became clearly distressed through all of this. He was fidgeting in his seat in an attempt to conceal his now full erection and his face was beet red. Sweat had broken out across his hairline and there were times when the teacher was in close proximity, his clearly semi erect cock inches from the kids face when Shane's mouth would drop open and a thin line of drool would spill over his bottom lip. It was fucking exquisite torture for both Shane and me. When the bell rang signaling the end of the period all the kid's shuffled away form their desks. I quickly held some books over my lap and sort of lurched towards the door. I stopped just around the corner of the room when I heard Mr. Halen say; "Shane Sullivan, please keep your seat-I need a word." A few stragglers filed past me and I pretended to be looking for something in my book. I leaned in and listened.

"Come up to my desk Sullivan" I heard in deep low voice.

I heard slow footsteps and then, "What did you want Mr. Halen?"

"Shane why are you holding your hands over your crotch like that-is something wrong Boy?"

"N...nothing sir."

"You seemed pretty uncomfortable during my lecture today...is there something I need to know?" asked the teacher.

"No...Nothing...I was listening...Sir"

"Well Shane I will be in this class for the next few days and I'd like us to get along-if I make you uncomfortable for some reason, please let me know-I want all my students to get the best learning experience possible...you like to learn-don't you son?" I heard Mr. Halen say in a loaded tone.

"I...I always get good grades in this class...I do want to learn...Sir" Shane said.

"Good-I'd love to teach you-though I bet you know a lot already...I can tell."

"I'm not sure what you mean Mr. Halen, I'm a senior and in the top of the class." Shane said softly.

"Top...huh...I would have thought the word `bottom' applied to you." The teacher said with a snicker.

"What...c...c...can I go now?" Shane said in a breathy voice.

"Sure...see you tomorrow... and Shane, make sure you are in the front row again...o.k.?"

"Sure Mr. Halen...whatever..."

I quickly moved off down the hall as Shane exited the classroom and went in the opposite direction.

It was all I could do not to sprint to Civics the next day. I quickly took my seat in the front row right near the door. I saw that Shane had beat me to the class was already in the same seat as yesterday. Today he was prepared. He still had on snug fitting jeans but today wore a button down shirt that he left un-tucked covering his crotch. He looked uneasy as the teacher entered the room. Mr. Halen put his briefcase on the desk and turned to face the class. I almost gasped. What the fuck. He was wearing a pair of navy blue flat fronted dress pants and a pin striped shirt. But the pants were of a thin material and the front showed a clear distinct outline of a thick shaft and cock head. He wasn't wearing any underwear! He wasn't fully hard yet but only a blind person would miss that this was a hung stud clearly on display. The other kids for the most part seemed oblivious, but Shane almost fell out of his seat. He jerked upright and the desk slid a few inches back. Mr. Halen let a small smile flit across his face. He half turned his back to the class and maneuvered his briefcase to the edge of the desk. I saw him open it and flip through some folders. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Shane and a small moan escaped his lips. Half shielded from the class I could make out that Mr. Halen had left his white underwear in the briefcase on top of the folder. The kid swallowed hard as Mr. Halen looked at him to be sure he registered this and then slowly closed the bag. Before he started today's lecture he scooted the teachers desk forward a few feet and perched himself on it dead center. This essentially put him right in front of Shane and out of the direct line of sight for the majority of the class. As he began to talk I noticed he was dropping his hand into his lap and letting it brush across his crotch. He would do this then lean back a bit and spread his thighs giving the kid a good view as his cock swelled and extended along his lower abdomen. Shane was sweating profusely and though his shirt covered it I could tell he was painfully hard. As the class progressed so did Mr. Halen's erection. By the time the bell rang it was fully engorged and extended its full 10 ½ inches along his right hip. The pants were so thin, every ridge and vein was visible and the violently flared head was shown off to maximum advantage. He held papers on his lap as the dismissed students filed past and once again he indicated that Shane should keep his seat. I took my place outside the door and again eavesdropped.

"So Sullivan...you enjoying my teaching style?" he asked.

"Uhmm...yeah...sure." Said the kid

"I can see that certain parts of the lecture clearly affected you...lift the front of your shirt." Mr. Halen ordered.

I heard cloth rustling..."Nice...you're a hot little fucker...you know that" I heard the teacher whisper. "You like looking at my dick for the last hour?"

"Yeah, you going to let me do more then look?" Shane asked in a quiet voice.

"Maybe...we'll see...you ever play with a cock this big before?"

"It's pretty big-it looks fucking beautiful-can I touch it?" Shane said in an eager tone.

"No-not yet...and clearly not here...I'll see what I can work out...I'll let you know if I decide" said the man.

"C'mon...you know you're making me fucking nuts-my dick wouldn't go down-yesterday I thought it was going to snap off." Shane said

"Good-I like you all hot like this-don't jerk off either-if and I mean if ,I let you play with my cock I want you good and ready for it...you understand?" Mr. Halen breathed.

"Fuck...alright just let me feel it...just for a second." I heard bodies shift and a low groan from the teacher. "Holy fuck it feels like iron-let's go somewhere-let me suck it -c'mon you know you want to." Urged the kid almost panting.

I heard some shuffling and a bang "I said NO-back off faggot" said Mr. Halen.

"Christ you don't have to be rough-I'm fucking dying." Said the kid.

"Patience, boy, patience..." the teacher said. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

I barely made it around the corner before I heard Shane swearing as he exited the room.

The next day I took my seat and waited with baited breath for what show was going to happen. Shane was in the front row and was clearly agitated. He was wearing track pants and sleeveless t-shirt. He looked amazing. His arms were thick with muscles and I could see the outline of his erection tucked beneath the bottom of the t-shirt. When the class door closed I looked up and groaned...It was Mrs. Bagley. FUCK. Shane slammed his fist on the desk and passed the rest of the class staring down at his desk. He was pissed, yet I noticed his cock seemed to remain fully erect. When the bell rang he jumped out of his seat and almost ran out of the class. I made my way to the door and stopped dead in my tracks leaning against the lockers a few feet from the door was Mr. Halen and he and Shane were animatedly whispering. I edged as close as I could without being noticed to catch some of their conversation. One of the janitors was sweeping near the pair. He was someone I had seen around. He was about 30-35 or so and light skinned African American or Hispanic. They glanced at him and kept their voices low.

"Nothing I can do about it-she came back early." Said Mr. Halen

I couldn't catch Shane's reply but heard Mr. Halen say distinctly, "I don't know when...I'll let you know...but remember our deal-don't touch yourself." This last was said in a harsh whisper. Shane muttered something and stomped off towards me. Mr. Halen stared at the kid's ass as he walked away and chuckled. Shane passed my and threw an angry glance in my direction. "What the fuck are you looking at Freak" he said and moved on. I let him get a bit ahead and then proceeded down the hall. The janitor strode past me and rounded the corner. I saw Shane go into the men's room and cocked my head as the janitor pushed open the door and followed him. Interesting...I crept closer and carefully pushed the door open. I tiptoed to a stall and as quiet as possible closed the door.

In the next stall I heard low voices.

" Hey kid...I know what that mother fucker is doing to you. I overheard him telling another teacher that he was teasing this young male student into a cock frenzy...bragging about it he was." A deep husky voice said.

"Dude I don't know what you're talking about." Shane answered quickly.

"Listen...it's o.k. no shame in craving dick...it takes all kinds. Me, I like pussy...but when none is available a mouth is a mouth if you know what I mean." The janitor replied.

"What are you telling me this for?" said Shane angrily

"Well I think we can help each other out. It's not right that fucker teasing you and making you hurt. My girlfriend is away and I haven't had any action in a couple of weeks...wanna suck my cock?"

"Fuck you-no!" said Shane and I heard him try and push past the guy.

"Boy wait...I know about you, see. You fucking love cock. The sight of that big dicked asshole teaching you has you throwing wood all day...trust me, you want what I got." The man said in a low intense voice.

"What...what do you mean?" said Shane hesitantly.

"Cock boy, big, hard, fucking cock-my dick is 10 inches long-Christ just talking about it-I'm getting hard now. I can keep it up all night-shoot three or four times...sound good...whore?" he used the last work as a punctuation to his lewd sales pitch.

I could almost hear Shane swallow..."Let me see it" he whispered.

"Fuck boy...not here-you're legal but I'd still loose my job if somebody caught us...meet me after school. Go to the loading dock around the back of the building-I'll leave the slider unlocked and part way open-no one will bother us and we'll have some fun." He almost giggled.

"You'll let me suck you off?" Shane asked.

"Sheeit boy we can do that and more if you want." The man responded.

"No, I'll blow you...but that's it" Shane said excitedly.

"Sure kid, sure-fuck I'm hard just thinking about sinking into that hot mouth-wanna feel it before you go?"

"Yeah..."Shane breathed.

I heard flesh on cloth and, "Fuck it's rock hard..."

"Yeah, kid feel the full length-squeeze the head...uhhhh...Christ-stop or I won't be able to control myself and I'll undo these pants and take it out right here."

Shane groaned.

"See you this afternoon" said the janitor. I staid put while Shane exited the bathroom. The janitor left the stall and I though he was going to leave but instead I heard the distinct sounds of him dialing his cell phone.

"Hey Paco-yeah its Luis...yeah...you up for some fun this afternoon? Well I got a hot white boy prowling for cock at my school and I got him to agree to meet me after...yeah he's dying to suck cock...I don't know but he looks like a total fucking whore...I bet we could turn this into a party...yeah call a couple of the guys...make sure they are all hung and loaded for action...loading dock at 3...Fuck he won't have a choice...hahaha...you bet...see you." I heard him hang up the phone and chuckle as he walked out of the rest room.

I passed the remainder of the day in a fog. My cock wouldn't go down and I actually faked sick to get out of my last period so I could get down to the shop before anyone else and find a spot to hide by the loading dock.

Our school had an auto body repair class and the loading dock and shop were part of that program. It was deserted when I entered and I quickly assessed the place and figured if I hid in one of the cars being worked on, I could see the dock and not be noticed. I climbed into the battered and hollowed out body of an old VW and lay across the small back seat. The fenders were off and I had a clear shot at the majority of the loading dock area from a pretty close vantage point. My dick was aching and I had just undone my jeans when I heard the bay door rattle. Shane scooted up onto the platform and crouched low to get in the partially open door. He looked around and swore when he didn't see the janitor.

"Fuckin asshole...another goddamn tease..." he cursed quietly.

He grimaced and looked down at the front of his track pants. His cock was clearly still rock hard and he almost moaned and he adjusted the pants. He began to pace back and forth occasionally grabbing his crotch. His head snapped up as footsteps could be heard.

The janitor slowly entered the room and approached the kid.

"God you actually showed...fuck this is hot!" he said "How bad do you want cock kid?"

"Knock it off-you know I want it-we won't get caught here will we?" he asked.

"No almost everybody is gone from the school and no one comes down here but me to clean...you wanna get started?"

Shane swallowed hard I saw him look down at the guys jean clad crotch. The janitor was big, maybe six feet. I hadn't noticed before but he was pretty handsome. He had coffee colored skin and a real close cropped hair. He was lean but looked like he definitely had some muscle. He was wearing work boots and a school t-shirt that was fitted and his arms bulged from the short sleeves. He had both ears pierced and big diamond studs in them. His eyes were really dark. He stepped closer to the kid and towered over Shane.

"How desperate are you...rich little white boy...getting ready to kneel before the janitor. You want cock bad...huh?"

"Fuck yeah...let me see your dick...mmm" Shane moaned.

"Get on your knees boy" ordered the big man.

Shane slowly sank down. His eyes were now level with the tight packed crotch of the man's jeans. He stood there looking down at the kid and began to run his hands over his crotch, squeezing and stroking the tube visible through the thick fabric.

"Pretty funny...huh...me stealing the teachers hot little bitch boy?" he said in a low voice.

"He thinks you're at home drooling over his big white cock...not on your knees about to get a mouth full of black dick"

Shane let out a low moan. The man took his hands away from his crotch. I could clearly see the outline of his huge cock snaking up straight along the front of the pants. It throbbed inches from the kid's face.

"Undo my zipper...cunt." he ordered.

Shane reached up with shaking hands and barely had the control to pop the tight button. He moaned low in his throat as he lowered the zipper, the janitor wasn't wearing underwear and his cock jutted out of the open fly. I almost cried out at the sight of it. It was straight as an arrow, standing up 10 inches along his stomach. The shaft was chocolate brown but the head was a deep pinkish brown and shiny. The head was flared and seemed carved out of stone.

"You like it...huh...whore...you like looking at my big black cock?" he said.

Shane didn't respond but reached out a quaking hand to attempt to wrap it around the thick shaft.

The man frowned and slapped Shane's hand away.

"Not your hands...your mouth, fucker." He said.

Shane sat up on his knees and opened his mouth, just as he was about to close his slick lips over the shining crown, footsteps could be heard heading in their direction. Shane attempted to lean back and get to his feet but the janitor was having none of it. I noticed Shane's track pants were tented and a large wet spot dotted the front.

"Boy, don't worry about nothing-focus on my cock...I invited a friend or two...I figured a little whore like you...the more the merrier...right?" He grabbed a handful of the kid's blond spikes and kept the kid's eyes directed on the rampant cock towering in front of him. Using his grip on the hair he poised Shane's open mouth to hover over his pulsing cock head, but stopped short of letting him make contact. Just then another man walked over. He was black, about 40 years old and rough looking. He had on sunglasses and a shaved head. He was wearing work boots and green work pants and DPW t-shirt. His shoulders and arms looked enormous. Multiple black tattoos coursed up and down his ridged forearms.

Shane's eyes flicked nervously to the man.

"You weren't lying Luis...you dirty mother fucker...he is a hot little white bitch..." the man said.

"We're just getting started...look at him" he jerked Shane's head and Shane moaned but kept his eyes locked on the huge erection bobbing in front of him.

"He's fucking dying for it-look at his dick." Luis said. He punctuated the statement by using his booted foot to prod the cloth covered erection rising from between the kids splayed knees. Shane groaned at the rough contact and a visible bead of precum oozed through the pants.

"Fuck...little whore...let me see him suck you." Said the older man.

Luis looked down at Shane, still tightly gripping his hair. His cock was pulsing inches from the kid's mouth which was half open. Saliva had pooled on Shane's bottom lip as he stared in lust at the thick black cock being kept torturously out of his reach.

"You want to show my friend Paco how good you suck dick?" he whispered.

Shane groaned and tried to nod an assent.

"God -Luis your cock looks as hard as I've ever seen it...and I've seen you fuck with a lot of bitches...white boys get you especially hot?" Paco chuckled.

"I know...I'm holding off because I'm so excited I think I might fucking cum just from having this little bitch staring at my cock...it's been too long." Luis said.

Shane groaned at this conversation and attempted to move his restrained head forward to capture the bloated cock head swaying in front of him. Luis jerked him back, his dick bouncing with the motion. "Did me talking about cumming make you moan, boy? He said.

Shane grunted "yeah..."

"Boy like cum...nice..." said Paco starting to rub his own swollen crotch.

Luis looked down intently at the kid and slowly moved his head forward. Once in reach Shane opened his mouth and closed his lips over the hugely swollen head his cheeks distended with the size of the glans. The black man stopped him and gripped his hair tightly just letting the boy suck on the head. Shane was moaning and making slurping noises as he did his best to lick and suck as much of the cock head as he was allowed. He kept his lips closed over the ridge and swirled his tongue out and around the sensitive flesh. The black man jerked the kid's head back and the head popped free of the tight seal of his lips. Precum and spit was slick on the engorged head and as it bobbed in the air a thick pulse of creamy white fluid oozed out of the slit. Luis shuddered and threw back his head, moaning low in throat. Shane forced his head forward trapping the shaking cock back into his sucking mouth, Paco had now freed his own cock and it was fucking gorgeous. It too was almost ten inches and thicker then his friends. It was a deeper black in color with a plum sized almost purple head. It was rock hard and reared up perpendicular to his huge frame. He watched the kid nursing on his friends bloated cock head and began to jerk his dick positioning his own head inches from Shane's panting straining mouth.

Luis' legs began to tremble and he looked down at the kid. "I'm about to shoot already -you want my cum, fucker?" he growled. Shane moaned and continued to try and break free to Luis' grip to get at more of the hot cock. Luis held his head firm and his breath began to quicken. He pulled the kid back a millimeter. Shane could just keep the edges of his swollen lip grazing the swollen head,

"Paco...watch...ahhhh..." groaned Luis. His hips jerked and his dick bounced, just out of the kids open mouth. The shaft seemed to thicken and the head swelled and visibly hardened. The piss slit gaped and Luis let out a loud groan as a thick shot of semen erupted from the head. It didn't shoot far, but because of the thickness and copious volume it landed thickly into Shane's craning mouth. Shane groaned and leaned forward as another huge shot filled his mouth. He closed his lips and swallowed quickly, when he opened his mouth under the shaking, shooting head I could see strings of thick white cum filling his mouth. Luis continued to shoot cum straight into the kid's mouth never releasing his grip on his hair. I was amazed at the size of his load.

I heard his friend huffing and he twisted his fist brutally around his own slick cock head.

"Kid...ahhh...here's some more for you...fuck!!!" he yelled. Luis released Shane's head and Shane turned in time to catch the first big shot of cum from Paco right on his extended tongue. "Fucking cun whore..." Luis groaned still milking semen from his cock and rubbing it onto Shane's cheek as the kid kneeled there panting with his tongue out catching all the thick white ejaculate from the huge cock Paco was jerking in front of him.

As Paco continued to coat Shane's tongue in cum the noise of the loading dock door rising could be heard. Two men crawled under the now half opened door and walked over to the trio. Shit! I recognized one of the men as the dread locked guy I had seen fucking the waiter outside the restaurant a few weeks ago. The other was a Hispanic guy, maybe in his early thirties. He was buff and wearing a tight muscle tank and baggy jeans. He had on a baseball cap sort of sideways. They walked up as the last drops of Paco's cum were being milked out onto Shane's quivering tongue.

"Fuck...you started already?" asked the dread locked guy.

"Fuck yeah...he couldn't wait..." said Luis. I noticed Luis' dick was still rock hard and he was lightly running his fist up and down the shaft. Paco took a step back keeping a tight grip on his own still swollen cock.

"He just swallowed both our loads...but he wants more don't you -whore boy?"

"My dick is ready to bust-open up cunt!" said the younger Hispanic man.

Shane's eyes were glazed over in lust as he closed his mouth swallowing the huge load he had just taken. He turned towards the man as he edged closer and unzipped his pants.

"Show him your dick Nelson" said Luis laughing..."Make him beg for it"

The younger guy put a hand on Shane's forehead as he freed his cock. It was about 9 inches long, fully hard and thinner then the other two men and curved slightly to the left. Shane moaned and tried to take it into his mouth. Nelson held him firmly at arms length.

"Little queer really likes sucking dick...huh?" he said. He was masturbating his erection just out of Shane's reach.

"Yeah...looks like he can't get enough. "Said Luis.

"Let him blow you...I want to watch him eat another load." Said the big black guy.

Nelson let go of Shane's head and dropped his hands to his sides. Shane leaned in and firmly grasped the man's big low hanging balls. Without touching the shaft he used his grip on the guy's testicles to aim the head at his extended tongue. He began to lightly lick up and down the long hard stalk. He licked all around the base but never let his tongue hit the sensitive cock head. Nelson was moaning and breathing sharply. The other three men looked on as Shane flicked his tongue over the tightly gripped nuts.

"Put my head in your mouth whore...c'mon...fuck..." said Nelson watching in rapt attention as the little white boy worshipped his cock.

The dread locked guy moved around and crouched down behind the kneeling kid. He was wearing a pair of grey work out pants that rode low on his lean hips and the prominent outline of his cock was clearly visible. He looked down the kid's body and began to hike up Shane's t-shirt.

"Yeah-let's get him naked!" exclaimed Nelson as Shane still was just mouthing the shaft of his cock. His dick looked like it has swelled even more and the head was dripping a clear stream of fluid.

"No.. fuck him in his underwear Theo." Murmured Luis watching the dread locked guy running his hands down Shane's back into the back of his pants.

Shane's head snapped back. "Hey wait...no...I just want to suck cock." He stammered.

"Shut the fuck up and concentrate on my dick fucker." said Nelson.

Luis looked down at Shane. "Boy...you know you want this...any little fucker that eats cum wants dick up his ass too...don't you?" His vice a low growl.

Shane seemed to hesitate and Luis put a hand on the back of his blond head urging his mouth towards the slick erection in front of him. Luis motioned for the dread locked guy to continue as he watched the performance. Shane moaned and flicked his tongue out barely making contact with the dripping piss slit. Nelson gasped. Shane began to lightly flick his tongue out and tease the swollen head, but never making hard direct contact. Nelson was going nuts, moaning and breathing heavy. Luis and other men watching were urging the boy on.

"Yeah tease that dick...make it leak"

"That's it little man...taste that shit...yeah lookit that cock jerk...you're getting him close...mmmm"

`You want to eat more cum-huh pig?"

"Keep teasing that big dick and it's gonna shoot all over."

Meanwhile Theo,the dreadlocked guy was pulling Shane's t-shirt up and had him break contact for the brief moment it took to slip it over the kneeling kid's head. Shane immediately went back to his teasing as Nelson's cock throbbed and dripped a constant stream of precum.

Dreads then began to manuver the kid out of his track pants and sneakers. Soon Shane was kneeling in front of the three men in just a pair of tight white briefs. His round bubble ass was pressed taught against the white cotton and his cock was jerking and leaking in the Y front pouch.

"Fuck...look at this ass...ummm" said Theo, firmly stroking the round ass cheeks over the cotton.

Shane groaned and began to rhythmically pull on the young Hispanic guy's balls. He kept his mouth off the head and with each tug another thick bead of precum would ooze out and he would lean up and lightly catch it on the tip of his tongue. Nelson stared down his mouth hanging open in unbelievable pleasure.

Theo began to run his hands into the back elastic waistband of the briefs, stroking the hot sweaty flesh. He slowly lowered the back of the waistband exposing the glistening deep cleft in the boy's buttocks. He tucked the band firmly under the round cheeks and leaned up on his knees begining to undo the front of his pants.

"I'm gonna fuck this hot ass...I can't wait to get inside you kid...Can I shoot up your hole...huh? Whore, can I breed this white ass?" he lewdly whispered in the boy's ear.

The other men looked down as Dreads huge cock sprang out of the front of his open pants.

"Yeah fucking breed that mother fucker" whispered Luis.

"Mmmm yeah...fucking flood his guts with your seed man...I'm next" groaned Paco. His cock was rigid against his DPW t-shirt a pecum spot staining almost between his chest muscles.

Shane moaned and took his tongue away from the dripping head long enough to say, "Ahhh...yeah fuck me... ...fuck ...shoot in me ...c'mon...hurry put it in me.' He was almost crying as he arched his back and thrust his ass back against the cock arching between Dread's open knees.

"Feel what your going to have inside you Kid" said Dread leaning up and rubbing that impossibly big cock along the sweat slicked crack of Shane's ass. Shane took his tongue away from Nelson's rampant cock and looked over his shoulder. The sight of the eleven inch black cock sliding along the crack of his ass and grinding into his lower back made him cry out.

"Oh fuck...it's so huge...put it in" he groaned

Theo laughed low in his throat. "Not yet whore...I want to savor this ...mmm" he moaned as he continued to hump his hot cock against the kid's white creamy ass.

Shane seemed lost in ecstasy as he pushed back against the hot flesh prodding his back and focused his attention on the cock throbbing inches away from his open mouth. He continued to gently tug on the Hispanic guys balls while just letting the head remain slightly out of reach of his mouth. Nelson was going nuts. His eyes were bulging out of his head and he was breathing like a locomotive.

"Yeah you fucking little cock tease...lick his cock...mmmm...c'mon put the head in your mouth...He's almost there...you want more cum...huh?" Luis whispered to the kneeling kid.

The other two men watching were also really getting into the show. The older black guy Paco, had walked away from Shane's face and was now watching Dreads from behind.

"Fuck look at that huge dick...kid that thing is going to split you open...fuck ...put it in him...fuck the little queer...shoot up his ass Theo." he urged.

The guy with the dreads was staring intently down at the sight of his thick long black cock slide back and forth over the underwear framed ass of the kneeling kid. Precum had begun leaking from the head and he now was using this to smear all along the crack of the kid's ass and directly into the kid's perfect pink hole.

"Ummmm...gonna lube you up and get you all slick so I can just slide right in...mmm...want to feel the tip...just a bit inside you...?" he whispered into the kid's ear as Shane frantically teased the man standing in front of him. Shane pulled his open mouth away from the dick and said, "Yeah...let me feel your cock head in me...mmm...c'mon...put in it me." He moaned.

Theo smiled and said. "Use your hand...guide me in.."

Shane moaned even louder and while still keeping up the rhythmic tugging on Nelson's tortured balls he used his other hand to reach behind him and gently stroke up and down the thick hot shaft of the guy behind him.

"Oh...fuck ...it feels...HUGE..." he moaned and swirled his palm over the sticky head. Dreads gasped as the kid slid his hand along the heavy underside of his cock and brought the head to his asshole.

"Ummm...fuck!" gasped Theo. His hips jerked involuntarily and his breath quickened. All the men seemed frozen as the small white hand guided the thick black shaft forward and the wet head parted those perfect ass lips. Dreads threw his head back and just about yelled as his cock head slid into the kid.

"OHHHH...fuck...it's like a goddamn furnace in there...uhhhh...sheeeit...I'm not gonna last long...fuck it's so tight uhhhh!" he moaned. "You want more...ahhh!" his moaning took on a louder pitch as the kid guided several more inches of the hot cock into his tight ass. Nelson was leaning forward looking down at the action. Clearly seeing the thick eleven inch black shaft half buried in the creamy white ass of the kneeling teen was too much for him. He kept is eyes locked on the kid's ass and began to gasp, "fuck kid...you're getting fucked...filled with cock...ohhh shiiiit!" and as Shane kept up the relentless pulling on his nuts his dick began to shake and then a huge jet of thick cum shot out and straight up in the air. It arched over Shane's head and landed with a loud splat on his forehead, bridge of his nose and in his blond spikes. Shane moaned at the feeling of the hot cum whipping his face. He opened his mouth and leaned up to catch the rest of the ejaculate as it fired out of the teased and tortured cock. Meanwhile Dreads had frantically grasped the boy's hips and slid more of his erection into the tight channel. About half of his enormous cock was sheathed in the kid's ass and he was forcing his hips forward steadily to get in deeper. Shane moaned loudly around his mouth full of semen and arched his back pushing his ass smoothly onto the huge cock. Both he and the dread locked guy gasped as the full eleven inches was finally buried all the way in. I could see Shane's cock trapped in the front of the tight white briefs pulse once...twice...and then a thick wet stain began to spread. Shane moaned loudly and Luis looked down. "Fucking came in your pants...didn't you ...you little whore...Fuck the cum out of him Theo" He said.

The guy with the dreads held onto Shane's shaking hips and pulled his hips back extracting his slick long cock. The thick underside of his dick scraped along the taught elastic waistband of the underwear still trapped beneath Shane's round ass cheeks. Theo braced himself and then began to forcefully slide his cock forward, plunging his full length in and out of the tight ass repeatedly. Shane groaned louder and more and more cum seeped out through the tight weave of the cotton of the now soaked pouch. Theo was long dicking him mercilessly and clearly was close to shooting. His breathing was labored and his hands were trembling on the boy's hips.

"I'm gonna breed this whore" he moaned tossing his head back.

He looked down wide eyed and pulled his dick back until just the head remained in the kid. His balls retracted tight to his thick shaft and he shot inside the kid's ass. Luis was awestruck watching the scene.

"Fuck kid...you're getting filled up...fucking hot cum pumping into you...how's it feel Fucker?"

Shane had just swallowed the huge load Nelson had shot into his open mouth and said thickly. "Ohhh...feels fucking incredible...more..." he begged.

Theo collapsed back onto his heels and his cock head popped out resting against the back of Shane's underwear still dripping with thick cum. Theo was covered in sweat and his breathing was out of control.

Paco had watched the whole scene in amazement all the while pumping his cock. He now pushed Theo roughly out of the way and got on his knees behind the kid. His slick cock grasped tight in his fist.

"Let me have a turn" he said frantically lining his cock head up with Shane's slick pink hole.

Shane looked back over his shoulder and reached around and grasped Paco's shaft. He ran his palm along the underside slapping the weight of the ten inch cock up and down in his hand and then guided the head to his hole. Paco moaned and bit his lip as he tightly grabbed Shane's shoulders. The minute his cock head slid an inch or two into the kid he gasped and moaned..."Fuck...I'm cumming...oh fuck kid..." he pushed his hips forward burying the full length in the kid. Shane groaned as he felt the older man firing off thick blasts of hot cum directly against his prostate. He shook sweat from his eyes as the sound of more footsteps approached from the loading dock.

Two men walked toward the group. One man was about six feet tall and looked Hispanic. He was thick with slabs of muscle visible beneath his tight white t shirt. The other man was very light skinned black and was smaller, maybe 5'9" or so. He also looked pretty muscular and had a close cropped almost shaved head. He was wearing jeans and a black wife beater.

"Sheeeit...what'd we miss?" said the bigger guy.

Luis tore his eyes away from the teen and said. " He's taken five loads so far...but I think he's up for more. "

Shane groaned at this statement. The older guy walked over sort of elbowing the other men out of the way.

He grabbed the kid by his sweaty hair. "You want more cock Bitch?" he said looking directly into the lust clouded eyes of the kneeling kid.

"Yeah" Shane breathed.

"Well fuck-let's help this kid out Frank-whatta ya say?" He laughed to his friend.

"Five loads...fuck what a fucking cum dumpster, hey Hector?." The guy called Frank chucked.

The big guy used his tight grip on Shane's hair to pull him to his feet. Once standing he looked up and down the kid. Shane's chest was heaving and a gloss of sweat stood out on his body. His cock was still fully erect tenting out the cum soaked pouch of his briefs. His ass stuck out lewdly from the back.

"We don't need these" Hector said roughly ripping down the wet underwear. Shane stepped out of the leg holes and now stood totally naked before the six men.

"Nice...hot little whore...isn't he? The big guy said, rubbing one hand roughly over his crotch, which I noticed had visible swelled in the last few minutes.

Hector looked around the dimly lit dock area and directed the kid over to a van seat that had obviously been pulled out of a car being repaired. It was opened up like a bed. He turned Shane to face him so his back was to the seat.

"Undo my pants cum whore" he said in a flat voice.

Shane moved his shaking hands down and undid the tan work pants. Once undone the kid immediately slid his hand along the guys hard hairy stomach and into the waist band of his underwear.

"Yeah feel that dick...you like it?" Hector said smirking.

Shane was twisting his hand up and down the guys' thickening cock and staring into his eyes.

"You want me to fuck you?" Hector asked the kid. "Right here with all these guys watching?"

"Yes" Shane answered pulling his hand out of the man's pants and using both hand to shuck the guys' pants down low on his hips, exposing his now fully hard cock. The man's dick was impressive. It rose up achingly hard along his tight hairy stomach about ten inches long. It was coursed with thick veins along the shaft and the head was round and already lightly wet at the slit.

Hector pushed the kid roughly down and Shane lay back on the car seat. His body gleamed in the shadowy light and his hard cock strained along his white smooth abs. Hector stood over the kid looking down at him. He lightly ran his closed fist up his shaft and milked a thick drop of precum from the head. He collected it on his fingers and flicked it at the kid's body. Shane moaned as the thin liquid hit his chest and neck and arched his head back closing his eyes.

The other men had moved over and made a circle around the car seat. Their eyes hungrily pinned to the two men. Hector shrugged his pants lower, to his ankles and pulled his t-shirt up. He dropped to his knees between Shane's spread legs.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you little man" he said.

He grabbed the kid's behind his knees, spreading his legs further and leaned forward. He looked down between their bodies and lined his now throbbing cock up with Shane's hole. He rubbed two thick fingers into the crack. "Nice and wet" he said lowly as he moved forward and began to slowly enter the kid. Shane moaned as the guy's big round head popped past his ass lips.

"Like that...don't you" Hector whispered into his face.

Hector pushed his hips forward and slid the full length of his cock in. his balls pressed tight against the kid's ass cheeks. He braced himself up on his hands in almost push up position and began to slowly piston his cock in and out of the kid. He would push in deep and then slide back until his cock head would pop out and bob free, he would pause and then roughly re-penetrate the kid on each stroke. Shane was in overload. He was moaning and his mouth was hanging open as he panted while he got fucked. This went on for what felt like hours. At one point Shane gripped the older guys back, digging his fingers into the muscles, gritting his teeth and almost screaming as his cock shot thick ropes of cum up onto his chest and onto Hector's stomach. He stared into the man's face as Hector never paused in his rhythm, he just kept up fucking the kid relentlessly.

The men watching were in awe.

"Holy shit Hector...you're really turning this little whore out." Gasped Nelson.

Luis was smiling "Kid...this is better than anything that white prick teacher could have done...huh?" he laughed.

Frank had undone his jeans and was stroking his own long hard cock. "Dude...hurry up...I want my turn" he said with a husky voice.

Soon Hector's strokes got erratic and his hips were trembling. Sweat dripped off his face onto Shane. He looked into the kid's eyes. "You ready for my cum...whore...you want me to cum inside you?" he breathed almost into Shane's open mouth.

Shane moaned, beyond words.

Hector pulled back one last time...his cock bobbed and looked impossibly hard, shaking at the entrance to the kid's slick ass. Hector seemed to loose control of whatever muscles he was using to hold back his orgasm and groaned loudly as his cock pulsed and just as a thick shot of cum erupted from the head he slid his shooting cock forward and penetrated the kid deep. Shane moaned as the man left his cock in place fully sheathed in his ass and fired off shot after thick shot of cum deep into him.

This was too much for Frank and as much as he wanted his turn, seeing the kid begin to cry as his still rigid cock shook and began to tremble in an almost dry orgasm as the big man was filling his ass caused Frank to tip over the edge. He moaned and aimed his cock at the kid's straining face. Cum blasted out of the head and rained down on Shane's sweating red face.

I collapsed back against the seat of the aging VW deep in my own orgasm. I lay there still cumming as I heard the sound of zippers being done up and lewd laughter as the men began to exit the loading dock. I peeked through the opening and saw Shane laying there totally naked, covered in semen. His eyes were half opened as he watched the men walk away.


Next: Chapter 25

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