What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Jan 11, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply-don't read this if you are offended by erotica. Here is another chapter in my unending saga of voyeuristic debauchery. Enjoy!

After seeing the kid on the running trails get used by a crowd of men I thought I'd seen it all. My dick stayed hard for days after, envisioning the kid with his ass against the fallen tree catching the guys cum in his palm while he got fucked. Once recovered, I fell back into my normal routine; school was winding down and I had pretty much firmed up my college plans. I had applied to three schools and had pretty much decided to attend the branch of the local state university in my town. It was a good school and though the idea of living away from home was appealing it was decidedly more affordable for me to stay local. My folks would have gladly paid for my tuition and such but I knew from seeing how it went with Jake that if they did, I would have to answer to them for grades and what I took for classes. I had worked hard over the summers and saved quite a bit of money from Christmas and birthdays and with the grants and scholarships I had gotten I was set at least for the first year.

It was Saturday night and I had been out hanging out with a group of my friends; not really doing much of anything...just cruising around downtown and then dropping into the local pizza joint before we decided to head home. The place we went to was a dive called Tony's it was right on a the boulevard and was a frequent stop of both high school kids and working class guys and truckers. This night it was pretty late and my two friends and I were one of only two tables filled in the place. Across the greasy tiles floor was a table of two older rough looking guys. They were in their late twenties...maybe early thirties...kind of hard to tell. They were both wearing trucker caps and had scruffy rough looking faces. One was in tight navy thermal shirt and I couldn't help noticing that you could see the smooth round bulge of his considerable biceps through the thin fabric. The shirt was tucked into a pair of tight faded jeans and from what I could see from my vantage point he had a healthy looking bulge in his crotch. The other guy was wearing a maroon t-shirt with a logo for a local garage on it. He was also wearing jeans that were faded and had rips and tears all over the thighs and ass. He was a big guy maybe over six feet and had reddish stubble on his square jaw. They were talking in a low voice and laughing in a way that immediately got my attention...it was the kind of laugh you hear after a particularly dirty joke. As I tried to watch them surreptitiously and still keep in the conversation with my friends I noticed that their eyes kept wandering to the kid working behind the counter. I had noticed him when I came in...he was pretty cute. Maybe 18 or so and had a light brown crew cut. He had light blondish stubble on his jaw and cheeks. He had light blue eyes a thin straight nose and full lips. He was on the short side-maybe 5 7" or so and looked like he was in pretty good shape. He was wearing a clingy white t-shirt and a pair of low riding cargo shorts, they hung so low on his narrow hips that you could see the thick elastic band and white cotton of his tight white Calvin's. His arms looked really toned with nice veins coursing over his tan forearms. The two guys would hunker down and whisper for bit...laugh lewdly and then flick their stares to the kid. The kid was just hanging out behind the register...it wasn't busy so he was just sitting there sort of fiddling with his cell phone. I could tell that he was aware of the guys and it seemed like they were making him a bit nervous. The guy in navy thermal shirt got up from the booth and I swallowed hard at the sight of his thick muscled thighs and high round ass in his threadbare jeans. He had grease stains all over them and one long rip ran under one of his pronounced ass cheeks exposing a glimpse of blue underwear. I could also see as he made his way over to the counter that he had the beginnings of a pretty good sized erection. It wasn't fully hard but the crotch of his jeans looked stuffed and a long tube of flesh could distinctly be seen against his thigh. He sauntered over to the counter and the kid immediately hopped off and sort of positioned himself behind the register.

"What time this place close?" the trucker asked.

The kid shifted his eyes around a bit nervously and stammered "11 o'clock." I noticed he couldn't help but drop his eyes to the man's swollen crotch, his cheeks flushed and he pulled his eyes up and kind of shook his head, trying to regain his composure.

"You the only one on? " The trucker asked tipping the brim of his hat back off his forehead, standing up straight and sort of thrusting his groin out and smiling slowly.

"Yeah...why...you need something?" the kid asked.

The trucker laughed at the question and them went on, "My buddy and I are getting back on the road for a long haul and we wanted to see if we could get an order to go right before you close...you know so it's still hot...that possible?" He asked. He leaned down and placed his big hands on the counter sort of leaning into the kid.

I could tell the nearness of the big man was getting to the kid. His cheeks were red and a line of sweat had broken out on his forehead. The kid shrugged "Yeah...I guess..whatya want ?" the kid grabbed a pad of paper to take the order.

The guy rattled off a list of food while the kid wrote it down.

"Hey kid...we're going to go get set up in our rig...can you bring it out to the truck when you close up...we're parked out back"

"Yeah...I guess." The kid said. He gave the guy the total and the guy must have given him a big tip because he grinned and said "Thanks mister...I"ll bring the food out in another 15 minutes or so...just let me clear out the last customers and lock up." I watched as the kid's eyes hungrily followed the trucker back to his seat in the booth.

My friends were starting to get restless at this point anyway and no one had any ideas about where to go next. I told them I was going to head home. I had my own car. We said our good-byes and I watched as they drove away. I had no intention of leaving...the tingling at the base of my skull and the stirring in my underwear told me something was up with the truckers and I wanted a ring side seat.

I drove my car and parked it on the side street next to Tony's and then quickly walked back to the parking lot. I went around the building and saw the big rig parked there. I went over to the side of the lot being careful not to be seen and crept through a stand of trees so that I was directly next to the cab of the big truck. It was pretty dark and I was well concealed by the trees. The driver's door to the cab was open and the red head was sitting up in the seat with his legs hanging over. The dark haired guy in the navy thermal was standing, leaning against the truck smoking a cigarette.

"So...Dan, you think this kid will play? " The red headed guy asked.

"Not sure...but I'm sure as fuck gonna try...my balls are aching and I want to turn that little boy pussy out" he spit savagely on the ground after this statement.

From where I was I could see he wasn't lying. The tight crotch of his pants was mounded and it looked like his cock was semi erect already.

The red head swung his legs casually and lay back on the seat. He brought a big palm up to his crotch and sort of kneaded it. "fuck I'm horny as hell too...it's been way to fucking long...we been on the road almost two weeks with nothing...no action. What made you think of this kid?"

"Well Jimmy boy...I'll tell ya...last time I passed through I came here for a bite and the hot little bitch was working the register. I went to use the can and I'm in the stall takin a piss and I look over and see an eye peeking at me through the crack from the other stall. I recognized that little blue peeper...the little whore at the counter was trying to check out my junk. At the time I was on deadline and didn't have time to see where I could take it, but I haven't stopped thinking about the kid since...spying on me...trying to see my cock...I want him...bad." This last part was said almost angrily and I closed my eyes in excitement. When I opened them the guys cock seemed to have swelled more his back was arched as he leaned against the cab and now a clear outline of his dick could be seen in the tight pants. It looked huge, snaking down the worn leg of the jeans, reaching mid-thigh.

Jim sat up and lit a cigarette "So what's the plan...get him out here and see if he'll suck us off?"

Dan laughed "No subtlety you cretin...I want more than a quick blow job...I told you, I want to turn this kid out...make him beg for our cocks...and do things to him he probably only dreamed about...I want to ruin him" My breath caught in my throat at this.

Jim smiled a slow evil grin "How we gonna do that?"

"Just follow my lead" Dan said and stood up straight at the sound of approaching footsteps.

The kid came around the corner of the restaurant carrying two white grease stained bags.

Here's your order guys" he said walking up to the cab. Jim jumped down as the kid stood in front of Dan offering the food. The two guys towered over the kid. Dan took the bags and put them on the seat of the truck above his head. He stepped in closer to the kid. "what's your name, kid?" he asked.

"Mikey" the kid said. He looked over his shoulder nervously. Dan was standing right in front of him and Jim had moved so his was directly behind him.

"Well Mikey...why don't you hang out with us a bit...we need some...company." Dan said his voice almost a whisper.

"Naw..thanks...I gotta get going. " Mikey said and tried to take a step backwards. He bumped into the rock solid chest of the tall red head. Dan reached out and put a big paw on the kids' shoulder.

"C'mon kid...not so fast...we're just being friendly." As he said it his eyes lowered to his hand that was slowly stroking the long tube formed by his now fully erect cock, trapped in the tight denim. It seemed like the nearness of the object of his weeks long lust has spurred him to full tumescence in seconds.

Mikey followed the trucker's eyes down and swallowed hard. His cheeks immediately flushed a deep red.

"Hey...wha..what's going on?/" he stammered.

Jim leaned in behind the kid. His own crotch had grown exponentially during the last few moments and a long bulge now protruded from the front of his jeans. He grazed the kid's lower back with it and said, " Now relax kid...nothing to be afraid of...we're all guys here...we could just help each other out." His eyes met his buddies easily over the cropped top of the kid's head.

Mike looked almost panicked and tried to move from between to the two big men. Jim was having none of it though and clamped his hand down on the kid's shoulder, keeping him rooted to the spot.

Dan put a big thick finger under the kid's chin and forced him to meet his eyes "Now Mikey...see, I know you...I know you want this to happen, see...I caught you trying to see my dick last time I was here...nothing to be ashamed of...it takes all kinds. Some guys like pussy...and some" he paused and leaned back a little thrusting his crotch out, "like dick."

Mike compulsively licked his lips. "Listen dude, I don't know what you think you saw...but I'm not gay." The kid said shifting nervously.

"Gay...who said anything about being gay...we're not talking about getting married here. " Dan laughed. "Maybe you just want to...see our cocks? You ever seen a real man's cock before kid? Huh? A big hard dripping cock...all thick and wet, `cause that's what mine is right now...I'm really fucking horny kid...you wanna see it?" He took a step away from the kid and dropped both hands to the button on his jeans. He slowly popped it and left the pants to gape open. "Mikey's eyes locked on to the big older man's groin and despite his protests I could see that this was having an effect on the kid. The front of his cargo shorts was beginning to twitch and tent out.

Jim moved in closer behind the kid. Mike's shorts were riding low and the waistband on his underwear was clearly visible, as was the beginning swell of his round ass. Jim looked down at the space between their bodies and bit his lip. He reached one hand down and unsnapped his own pants and with the other lightly brushed the flat of his big palm over the soft white cotton swell at the top of the kid's shorts. Mike jumped at the contact and whipped his head around.

"Hey...man, c'mon...no touching...I...I told you, I'm not like that.

"I know Mikey, I know. " Dan said soothingly, using his fingers under the kids chin again to get him to face forward.

"But...let's just...play...for a bit...alright...let me show you a little bit and then you can decide if you want to stop...you're in control...you say no and we'll stop...o.k.?"

Mikey looked around the deserted parking lot and then slowly nodded his head in ascent.

Jim almost whooped in joy behind the kid. Dan gave him a warning look.

"Now, Mikey .whose do you want to see first...mine...or Dan's...now before you decide, I'll tell you we're both big...and I mean HUGE..." Mike gasped. "But Jimmy here has me beat by an inch or two." Jim had moved from behind the kid now and stood next to Dan, slightly leaning against the truck. The mound in his pants had grown to enormous proportions and a thick tube of flesh could be seen lying against his hip. It arched up as far as the fabric would allow and the head was fully out of the jeans and only covered by the thin fabric of the maroon t-shirt. The shirt was so worn and thin that a clear outline of the bloated cock head could clearly be seen. His buddy's crotch was also a sight to see. His cock had been trapped in the tight jeans as it hardened down his pant leg and every vein and ridge could be seen through the worn denim. Mikey looked shell shocked and his mouth hung open. His eyes flicked back and forth between the two men and finally he nodded his head towards Jim.

"Nice, Mikey, nice...good choice. " Dan smiled. He looked over at his buddy, "Christ man...your fucking throwing full wood already...you are worked up, aren't you Jimmy boy?...just lift your t-shirt...just show him that wet head...just the tip...right bud?" and he laughed that lewd chuckle. Jim again bit his lip in anticipation of showing the now practically drooling Mikey, his cock head. He looked down along the length of his flat stomach tightly encase in the cotton t-shirt and slowly...very slowly raised the frayed hem of the shirt. Mikey gasped when he saw the deep red, plum sized cock head with a big wide wet piss slit, topping out over the faded blue waist band of the jeans. As the boys eyes drank in the sight Jim groaned and the bloated head pulsed and a thick bead of milky white pre cum oozed out the slit and slowly dripped down the circumcision scar, staining the top of the jeans. Jim raised his shirt higher exposing his pale skin and the deeply etched six pack of his abdomen. He hooked the t-shirt hem behind his head now showing off his sculpted chest dusted with a light coating of fine red hair and rock hard nipples.

"You like that Mikey?" Dan said. "You like seeing that big cock head? Wanna see more?" Why don't you get a better view...on your knees...move in closer" Dan urged.

Mikey look startled. "I'm not going to suck it... I'm not blowing you guys" he said.

"Of course not...remember you are in control...just thought you'd want to see it ...close up...that's all. "

Mikey swallowed again "Alright" and slowly lowered himself to his knees. When his did his pants shucked lower on his hips and more of his cotton covered ass was exposed. The kid's cock looked fully hard now and his cargo shorts were tented out at least eight inches. His blue eyes locked onto the big man's crotch and he just stared. Jim was slowly running his thick fingers up and down the ridges of his stomach as he looked at the young guy kneeling in front of him.

"You wanna see more>" he asked arching his eyebrows. Mikey just nodded.

Jim let his hand trail all the way down to the straining zipper of his jeans. He had already popped the top button and with one slight tug the zipper gave and his pants flapped open. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his fully erect cock bobbed out of the open pants. It was fucking incredible. It was at least ten inches long and thick. The head that Mikey had already seen was wickedly flared from the thick shaft and because his skin was so pale the trace of blue veins were clearly visible around the stalk. The cock head was flushed a deep red, engorged with blood and Jim was so excited that another thin drip of precum beaded on the slit and slowly made its way down, trickling over the ridged landscape, Mikey watched as if hypnotized.

"You like my dick, kid...you like looking at it?" Jim whispered.

"Yeah he likes it...Don't ya Mikey?" Dan said taking a step closer to the kneeling kid.

"Yeah" Mikey breathed. He tore his eyes away from Jim's rigid erection and looked nervously in Dan's direction. "Do you want to touch it...you can...just put your hand around it...feel it." He urged the kid.

MIkey shook his head and made as if to get up, "I told you guys I wasn't going to do anything...I gotta go."

Dan put a hand on the kid's shoulder keeping him in a kneeling position, "Calm down Kid...it's all good. "How about Jim touches for you...you wanna watch him play with his cock?"

Mikey closed his eyes and groaned at this suggestion.

Jim smiled and took a step closer to the kneeling youth. His cock jumped and swayed, it was so heavy it hung almost perpendicular to the ground. He positioned himself within a few inches of the kid and slowly wrapped one rough fist around the thick base of his rampant cock. His hand was huge and it could barely close around the girth of the shaft. He lewdly waved the ten inch dick in the kid's face and Mikey's mouth hung open in lust. Jim began to slowly run his hand lightly up the shaft and with his other hand he reached into the open V of his pants and freed two egg sized balls. They were swollen looking and he cupped them gently in his palm. As he slowly worked his hand softly up and down the cock, never touching the deep red head, he talked to the kid.

"You like watching me touch my cock?...huh? you like looking at my big balls...they're heavy ...filled with thick cum...you like cum Mikey?....wanna taste?" he caught the kid's eyes at this last question. Mikey shook his head "I told you I'm not blowing you." And though the kid tried to sound resolute I could tell by the shaking in his voice and the beginning of a wet spot on the front of his cargo shorts he was wavering. Mikey had scooted back a bit when Jim had started the show and his shorts were slung even lower now, almost his entire white cotton covered ass was hanging out the back of his shorts and it looked so round and firm, I bit my lip in pleasure just looking at it.

Jim continued to slowly stroke the shaft of his dick inches from the kid's face. He was clearly very excited as his cock seemed to have swelled even more and a thin stream of precum was now leaking out of the bobbing head constantly. The two men seemed very close to losing control. The fact that they hadn't cum in weeks and now had this hot boy kneeling before them was such a tease and a turn that they looked almost drunk with lust.

Jim looked into the kid's blue eyes again, "Take a taste" he used two thick fingers and coated them in the precum, being careful not to give his cockhead too much contact. Even the grazing of his fingers on the overly sensitive head caused him to gasp and jump his cock bobbed and swayed and a thick bead of fluid oozed out the slick piss slit and dropped to the ground in slow motion. Jim extended his hand to the kid and Mikey only hesitated a second before he engulfed the man's big grease stained fingers in his wet sucking mouth. Dan had moved to stand behind the kid and was drinking in the sight of that underwear clad bubble ass glowing in the arch lights of the parking lot. He apparently couldn't stand the confinement any longer and had undone his pants and freed his own rock hard cock. It stood up tight to his body over nine inches long. It was a bit thicker than his buddies and the head was huge. His cock barely moved it was so rigid and it was deep red, the head almost purple. Dan looked up from the kid's ass and groaned when he saw Mikey slide his mouth down to the root of Jim's two fingers. "Ohhh fuck kid, that is so hot. " he muttered .I stared as his cock shook and a thick string of fluid shone in the dim light as it dripped to the asphalt parking lot.

Jim was working his cock a little faster now and was letting his closed palm graze the flange of his cock head. It was definitely producing results as the head seemed to tremble and swell even more. Mikey relinquished the fingers from his mouth and Jim brought them to his shaking cock head a collected more precum.

"Stick your tongue out kid" He whispered. Mikey stuck out his perfect pink tongue, extending it under the man's big veiny hand. Jim roughly smeared the sticky fluid over the kid's tongue making sure he coated it thoroughly, giving him a full taste. Mikey swallowed and groaned and began to shift around on his knees. His cock was now sticking straight out in front of him straining at the loose fabric of his shorts. Dan leaned down behind the kid his wet cock head grazing the white t-shirt leaving a trail across the kid's shoulder. He whispered in Mikey's ear "Want to take this a little further...? You got to look at my buddies dick...let us see that sweet ass of yours." Mikey got a panicked look on his face and Dam soothed him. "We won't touch...just let us see it...it looks amazing and I swear if you show it to us we just might shoot...just looking at it." His voice trailed off and he stepped back allowing the kid room to move.

Jim chimed in urging the kid on "Yeah Mikey c'mon...help us out...let us see what you got in those shorts...show us your ass. " He barely could contain himself saying it, and moaned aloud when the kid got off his knees and slowly turned his back on the two men. Jim and Dan leaned side by side against the big rig, both men lightly stroking their cocks. They both looked on the edge, their cocks were throbbing in time to their rapid heartbeat and both continued to leak a prodigious amount of precum. Mikey arched his back and looked over his shoulder at the two men.

"Mmmm...take off your t-shirt kid." Dan instructed.

Mikey grabbed the bottom of the shirt and quickly slipped it over his head. His back was flared with muscle and his skin was slightly tan.

"Lower your shorts kid...show us that hot ass." Jim croaked barely able to speak.

The kid hooked his hands into the waistband of the baggy shorts and slowly lowered them. They were already riding so low that with a gasp from both men they slid down and his tight white underwear was totally exposed. His ass was so round that you could clearly see each firm fleshy cheek through the fabric and the deep cleft in his buttocks. `Dan moaned "ohh fuck" as the kid let the shorts fall to the ground pooling around his ankles. His waist was tight and there were two perfect dimples in his lower back right over each globe of his ass.

Jim muttered urgently "Step out of the pants...kick off your sneakers...stand there just in your underwear, Kid...ummmm' he trailed off into a moan. "I have to stop touching myself or I swear I'm gonna shoot." He muttered to his buddy.

Dan answered "I know it is fucking incredible...it looks so fucking round and tight...ahhh"

Mikey had obeyed the men and now stood there in just his white briefs. He looked back over his shoulder at the two men leaning their almost in a swoon, their cocks shaking and trembling. Both men had let their hands fall to their sides, afraid that the extra stimulation paired with the incredible show in front of them would send them over the edge. I could see from my vantage point that Mikey was clearly enjoying himself as well. His cock protruded straight up in his Calvin's and he had saturated the Y front with a deep wet stain.

The two men were just staring in lust at the kid as he stood there naked except for the tight white briefs. Mikey arched his back and bent over slightly. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear, "Want to see more...you want to touch it?" he asked breathily. Dan and Jim now got a look of panic on their faces, clearly they had gotten this kid so worked up he was willing to go further. They looked down and I could see both of them clearly evaluate whether they could hold off from shooting if he exposed that perfect ass.

"Hold on a second Kid. " Dan said he motioned Jim to step to the side.

They began to talk in a low voice the minute they stepped away from the over-excited kid.

"We've really got him going...what next? Jim asked breathlessly. "I am dying to get my dick into this kid one way or the other." He moaned low in his throat and kneaded the wet front of his jeans. "But I don't think I can hold out...if I see that hot ass I'm going to explode."

"Not so hasty...I have an idea...you know the porno bookstore out at the Route 1 rotary?" Dan said. Jim nodded. Dan continued "Why don't we put the kid in the rig and bring him out there...we could watch him suck off a bunch of horny cocks there...get him even more worked up and then see what happens."

"You think he'd go for it?" Jim asked incredulously. Dan smirked "This kid is so dying for cock at this point I think he'll fucking love it."

I got a knot in my stomach...I had never been to this bookstore though I knew where it was...I couldn't stop now and had to see what was going to happen next but that meant getting to the book store and trying to find a place where I could watch the proceedings...Christ why didn't they just do him right here!?

Next: Chapter 28

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