What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Feb 18, 2011


Here is another installment of the epic saga –I apologize for my last entry-god there were a lot of typos-poor editing on my part. Feedback always appreciated.

It had been several weeks since my last voyeuristic episode at the adult bookstore. I couldn't believe what I had seen and I felt like I barely made it out of there intact. Soon, I was back into my regular routine and was almost glad of the breather. It didn't take long though for the monotony school and it was starting to get to me as I was waiting bored and just anxious to be done. A couple weeks passed and I was starting to get that feeling again. Nothing had happened around school and I had begun to start ramping myself up. I would lie on my bed at night and replay some of the various scenes I had witnessed while leisurely strolling my cock to a thrumming erection. After a week or so of edging like this the slightest stimulation be it physical, like my crotch bumping the edge of a table or mental...seeing a hot guy in the car next to me on the highway would send my dick to full mast and I'd be dripping precum in a matter of seconds.

On a Monday I came home late from school and as I entered the house I saw a big blue canvas suitcase in the foyer by the stairs. It didn't belong to anyone in the house and I knew Jake wasn't due home from school. I heard my mom towards the back of the house and followed her voice to the kitchen. She was sitting at the table with a young curly haired guy. I barely registered her words that he was the son of a friend of her and my dad's and his folks had to attend an emergency funeral out of town. She droned on about how they didn't want to pull him out of his private school so close to final exams, he being top of the senior class...blah, blah...blah. All I could focus on was how incredibly fucking hot this kid was sitting at my kitchen table who, according to my mom I would be sharing my room with for the next week or so. I felt my cock twitch in my underwear as I tried not to stare. He was my age or so and had a big mop of curly loose curls. The sides and back of his hair was trimmed a bit shorter giving him a sort of modern pompadour. He had dark eyes and sort of pale skin with a deep dimple in his chin. His lips were full, especially the bottom lip. He was on the short side but it was what I could see of his body that really caused me to sweat. He was wearing a white button down oxford and grey dress pants. The shirt clung to his shoulders and chest even though it wasn't tight. He looked like he was beautifully muscled. The pants clung to his thick thighs and ass and though he was sitting, the way his shirt tucked into the back of his pants it looked like he had a perfect round ass. Shit, how was I going to keep my dick from snapping off with him around? I jerked at another thought...what would my dad do? The kid stood up and shook my hand, his name was Lane and his proximity did nothing to lessen my anxiety. He really was beautiful. His forearms were coursed with veins and virtually hairless...this was not going to be an easy week.

That night at dinner the tension at the table was palpable. My Dad hadn't taken his eyes off Lane since he had gotten home from work. It was sort of uncomfortable; I couldn't see how my mom didn't catch on. Lane definitely seemed to pick up on it as well. He had greeted my Dad warmly when he came through the front door, shaking his hand and thanking him for his hospitality. Dad seemed almost speechless at the sight of the kid. By this time Lane had brought his bag upstairs and had changed into a pale tight yellow t-shirt that was old and faded. You could tell it was super soft from years of washing and it looked like it used to fit him... in maybe eighth grade. The sleeves barely came down over his rounded shoulders and the hem of the shirt just barely grazed the thick waistband of the baggy grey gym pants he had put on. Though the fit of the pants was loose I couldn't help noticing that his ass seemed to pop through the light fabric. Somehow the back of these cheap baggy sweats seemed to hug and mold to each individual perfect round cheek and they seemed almost wedged up in the high deep crack of his ass. When he released Dad's hand in the foyer before he turned to enter the living room he gave my dad a look that i immediately recognized...here as another cock whore...in my own house! I saw my Dad's bright blue eyes flicker and then involuntarily lock onto those two perfect mounds and the kid scuffed away, his bare feet whooshing across the hardwood floors. I didn't think anyone but me heard the sharp intake of breath and see my dad shake his head quickly to clear it. He caught me staring at him from my vantage point halfway down the stairs and winked at me. "Hey champ, how's it going...looks like you got a roomy for a few days." I smiled and came the rest of the way down the stairs.

"No problem Dad, Lane seems nice enough. " I said as Dad slung his big heavy arm across my shoulders and steered me through the hall into the living room. Lane was sitting on the couch with one knee pulled up to his chest, watching the news on TV. Dad's eyes again did a quick jump to the boy's crotch and he licked his lips at the clearly outlined pouch of the kid's underwear cradling what looked like a nice bulge. Lane shifted his eyes off the screen and seemed to catch where my dad was looking. His cheeks flushed and he dropped his leg down, shifting around a bit nervously. I plopped down on the other end of the couch and pretended to watch the TV, hyper aware of the heat almost radiating off the kid on the other end of the couch. By the time dad had changed out of his work clothes into a pair of faded tight jeans and a polo shirt Lane had shifted his position around again and as Dad took a seat in a wing backed chair across the room I could see that Lane had now splayed his legs wide apart and it looked like he was putting that packed crotch on display. He and dad sort of shot the shit while I pretended to be interested in the news and I could see Dad's gaze inexorably drawn to the bulge between the kid's legs. Lane felt the heat of my dad's eyes as well and his face continued to flush a deeper and deeper red and I swore his crotch swelled. Dad seemed to be having a hard time concentrating on the conversation and I noticed that a stirring seemed to be happening in his jeans. I could see the clear outline of his hefty cock, thickening and lengthening along the tight pant leg. Lane's eyes kept dropping down to my father's crotch and I noticed beads of sweat breaking out across his forehead. I swallowed hard and stared ahead at the TV. Dad was getting more and more excited as the kid's sweatpants began to twitch and Lane would shift and squirm around in his seat. The next time I snuck a quick glance I almost choked, Dad seemed to have almost a full erection and his cock was making an obscene thick tube down along his thigh. Lane had pulled both legs up to his chest at this point and seemed to have tilted his hips forward, giving my Dad a glimpse of the deep cleft of his ass just under the thick mound of cock and balls contained in the cotton sweats. Lane lets his lips curve into a slow smile and as he made casual conversation with my dad he let his hand dangle down between his knees and brushed his finger- tips against the very spot where his asshole would be. Dad almost groaned and I think Lane would have found that teasing my Dad might be more than he bargained for if my mom hadn't popped her head into the archway of the room and called us to dinner. All three of us struggled to find some way to disguise our tented pants as we made our way to the dinner table.

Over the next few days I made it my mission in life to make sure that Lane and my dad were never alone. I followed them around like a puppy. It was easy enough during the day as Dad was at work and Lane and I were both in school. The minute I got home though, wherever Lane was I made sure I was too. I even tried to limit his time in the bathroom. I'd knock, or tell him to hurry as I had to get in. I was doing everything in my power to make sure he didn't get the opportunity to jerk off. I wanted to see how far this hot little tease would go...especially if he was denied any type of release. Dad seemed to be feeding right into my plan. He was making sure to wear as little clothes as he could and was frequently walking around the house in his running shorts and a tank. His huge cock barely contained, in what Lane and I could see, was a thin tight jock strap. Lane seemed to be getting more and bolder as his frustration grew. He still almost perpetually wore those baggy sweats around the house, but now they seemed to be riding lower and lower on his narrow hips. The waistband of his white briefs was always in view. One afternoon he came out of our room after hearing my dad in the hall. He was just in those sweats, pulled way down low, the thick grey band at the top of the pants almost bisecting those perfect twin ass cheeks. They were barely covered by soft, tight white fabric of his briefs. He had left off his shirt and his smooth muscled chest and tight abs gleamed with a light sheen of sweat from the almost constant push- ups and sit ups he did whenever he was alone in the room. Dad almost choked at the sight of the kid standing there, that bubble ass thrust out and his eyes dancing as my dad's cock visibly thickened in his grey dress pants. Dad had been getting undressed after work and still had them on with just a white wife beater. They just stared at each other across the hall and I could see dad using herculean restraint to not run across the carpet and pin the boy down and fuck him right there. I gave them a moment and then came out of the bathroom and stepped between them and asked Lane to come shoot hoops in the driveway. Dad groaned low in his throat as Lane turned away and went into the room to grab a shirt. I smiled as I heard him curse and slam the door of his and my mother's bedroom.

I took the opportunity to sneak through some of the stuff he had unpacked from that big blue canvas suitcase when he was hanging out down stairs with my mom and dad. I quietly opened the two drawers I had cleared for him and shifted his school uniform shirts and pants around. I couldn't resist picking up a pair of his white briefs and felt my cock twitch thinking of his beautiful ass filling out the back of the pure white cotton. Ohhh what have we hear...I caught a flash of lurid peach skin. Bingo it was a porno magazine and judging from the cover it didn't feature the ladies. I checked over my shoulder to make sure no one was coming and flipped through the pages. Yikes it was page after page of huge thick cocks shooting cum. The magazine featured mostly older men who looked rough and there wasn't one guy in any of the pages who had a dick smaller than 9 inches. Christ another cock hungry faggot in my midst...I couldn't believe my luck.

Every night that week I would smile as I lay quiet listening to see if Lane would try and touch himself in the twin bed across from me. If I heard the slightest bit of rhythmic noise, I would cough or turn over or call out" Hey lane...you awake?" and then make up some lame question. Over the next few days I could see my plan was working Lane was almost constantly gritting his teeth in frustration and every time he and my dad were in the same room together they couldn't keep their eyes off each other. My dad was as frustrated as Lane as I had a much practiced eye when it came to my father cock. He seemed to be in a state of semi –erectness almost all the time and as frustrated as Lane was he still was pouring on the teasing. Every time he could he'd wet his lips while staring at my dad's crotch and he would make excuses to sit next to him. Once I walked into the kitchen, my mom and I were in the living room and I had lost track of where Lane and my dad were. I walked through the doorway and saw Lane making a point of squeezing past my dad facing him at the counter and making sure to press the length of his body against my dad, I watched as Lane brushed the back of his hand across my dad's clearly swollen crotch. Lane was looking down mesmerized at the long tube of my dad's cock as it visibly throbbed through the thin track pants he was wearing. I made a coughing noise and they jumped apart like scalded cats. Lane turned his enflamed cheeks away and went to the sink to rinse a glass and my dad shuffled out of the kitchen past me muttering under his breath.

After another day of this I decided to "disappear" and see what happened. I made a big show of saying I had plans that Sunday morning with some friends as I knew my mom was always out for a weekly breakfast meeting with her book club. This would leave Dad and Lane alone for the first time in a week and I swear I saw sparks fly as they made eye contact when mom and I cleared out of the house. I quickly drove around the corner, parked my car and raced back. I let myself in through the basement door and crept up the stairs. I heard low voices as I pushed the door open a crack. There was Lane and my dad standing in the kitchen. Lane was facing my dad leaning casually with his back against the counter top. He had dressed for the occasion. He had on a pair that same pair of grey work out pants and they were riding extra low today. I could see the full waistband of the briefs and the whole top of his ass. He had on another old t shirt this time it was white and clung to his body. As he pretended to chat with my dad he was slowly lifting the shirt and running his hand up and down the smooth ridges of his stomach. Dad was standing a couple of feet away and though he was playing along with the causal chat routine he has that steely look in his eye I recognized from the past times I had seen him sexually dominate a younger guy. I crouched there watching as they talked.

"It's been nice having you around Lane...you're a good kid...smart too." My dad said staring intently at the t-shirt as it raised and lowered with the rhythmic stroking of Lane's hand.

"Thanks Mr...." my dad interrupted "Call me Jim, Lane...we're all friends now"

Lane flushed, "Thanks Jim you've all been so nice to me, it's been fun. " He smiled in that slow teasing way I had seen all week.

My dad gritted his teeth. "Well now that we're alone...let's be honest...You've had fun all week...is that right...fun, fucking cock teasing me...isn't that right Lane?" he took a step closer to the kid.

Lane stood up a little straighter and the counter and dropped his hand away from his stomach.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jim" Lane said wide eyed with feigned innocence.

My Dad's hand flashed out like lightening and delivered a stinging slap to the kid's cheek. "Sir...why don't we go with Sir...you fucking little cock teasing bitch." Dad moved in closer. Lane looked stunned from the slap but I noticed the front of his grey pants jump and his cock seemed to swell to full erection in seconds. "You `ve been playing games with me all week...sticking that tight ass out...licking those cock sucker lips...staring at my cock...getting me so fucking rock hard I've leaked through almost all my clean underwear."

Lane slowly rubbed his red cheek "I didn't mean anything by it...I...i..." he trailed off unsure of where to go. All his boyish confidence was gone in the face of my Dad's sexual aggression.

"You ever suck a cock, Lane?" my dad asked.

Lane flushed even a deeper shade of red. "I've...I...fooled around with some of my friends at school. "He stammered.

"Well Lane...it seems you have some lessons to learn...one important one is don't tease a MAN...that coy bit may work with your little boyfriends but now you need to be taught...when you start this kind of game with a man...you gotta pay." My dad looked down along the kid's body and drank him in with his steely blue eyes. Lane was staring to breath heavy and a light sweat was breaking out on the column of his neck. His cock was clearly straining at the limits of his tight underwear and he was trembling at my dad's nearness.

"You excited, Lane?" Dad whispered..."Look at my crotch, boy" he ordered.

Lane dropped his gaze and almost gasped at the sight of the huge bulge straining against the faded placket on the front of my dad's jeans. My father was fully erect and the defined outline of his cock with its thick shaft and bloated head was clearly visible. The head was pulsing up past the zipper of the jeans and almost straining out the top of the waistband. Lane groaned.

"You like big cocks, boy...wanna see more?" he whispered and flicked his tongue out along the cup of Lane's ear.

Lane simply nodded.

"Undo my pants." Dad said and took half a step back to allow the kid access. Lane's hands shook almost violently as they fumbled with the button on the tight waistband of the jeans. As Lane finally sprang the button the extra room created by the slight V opening was immediately filled by the underwear covered cock head. He frantically lowered his shaking fingers to the next button.

"Stop...No more for right now...put your hand on my big hard dick through my pants...feel it's length...how thick it is... How fucking hard you've got me." Dad said breathily.

Lane reached out tentatively and grasped the thick tube snaking up along my Father's hip. His breath came in gasps as he ran his hand along the full length and gently squeezed the cloth covered head that was protruding now from the opening. Dad moaned. He smiled "like that big cock boy...that's no teenage dick...that's a big heavy man's cock...and it's all for you...I'm going to let you play with it all day...all ten fucking inches...you want that?" he asked.

Lane moaned and continued his ministrations on the throbbing piece of flesh that was frustratingly covered with the heavy jeans and underwear. Lane was almost panting now and his own cock was jumping and moving in the confines of his baggy sweats. It seemed to have also topped out over the low waistband of his briefs. Dad watched the boy stroking and playing with his dick. As the boy became more intent a wet stain began to darken the white cloth that barely contained my dad's bloated cock head.

"You got me leaking like a sieve again boy...I'm so fucking excited, I can't remember when my cock's been this hard...it hurts.

Lane flicked his eyes away from the huge cock that was now twitching in his palm. "Can I see it...please sir?" he asked in a thin voice.

"Undo my pants." Dad said in a flat voice.

Lane rushed to comply he fumbled and undid the button fly. As each button popped the heavy weight of my dad's cock would push the pants apart and soon the huge arch of ten inches of rock hard cock was rising like a white tent pole from his underwear.

Dad leaned in and whispered again in Lane's ear. "Pull them down." Lane moaned and adjusted his position so he could see as he hooked his shaking hands into the waistband and struggled to shuck the jeans and underwear down on my dad's hips. The size and firmness of my dad's cock made this a somewhat difficult task. Lane had bared my father's taught ass cheeks but the underwear was hung up on the huge cock head. Lane finally reached into the waistband and with a sharp hiss of breath when the skin of his palm met the heat of my Fathers engorged shaft he pulled the entire length free with a jerk. A bead of precum flew off the deep red head and landed on Lane's smooth forearm. He looked at the clear glistening drop... mesmerized.

"Taste it...go on...lick it" Dad said and guided the boy's arm to his mouth. As Lane's soft pink tongue met with that bead of fluid I could almost see his pupils dilate. He groaned low and long.

My dad smiled "you like that...never tasted a man's precum before? Keep playing with my cock and you'll get more."

Lane looked down and ran his closed hand roughly over the slick head and down the entire shaft. He reached deep into the underwear and scooped out both my dad's balls. "Ohhh...careful boy...they're tender from al the teasing...another thing you need to make up for."

Lane began to lightly run both hands greedily over the towering erection. He cupped and gently squeezed the leaking head and soon both his hands were sticky with clear fluid.

Dad put a hand out and directed the boy's face down. "Look at it...watches my cock drip as you play with it...that's it... milk the head...ummmm...taste it...eat my precum you fucking whore." Dad groaned and tossed his head back. Lane complied licking the precum from his hands which now seemed coated. He sucked every last drop off his fingers greedily.

As he lightly, playfully, bounced the bloated balls in one palm while fluttering the other hand all over the head, which by now had swelled to almost twice it's normal size he whispered..."Can I suck it...let me blow you sir...I fucking need to feel that huge cock in my mouth...down my throat...I...I...want you to cum in my mouth...let me swallow your sperm?? Please??" he moaned.

Dad didn't answer he simply leaned forward and opened his mouth wide and covered the boy's sticky lips with his. He gripped the back of Lane's head in one big hand and ground his mouth down hard. He pulled away and as he forcefully pulled the boy's t-shirt over his head baring that smooth heaving chest he said. "No cock for you yet...it's all about that gorgeous fucking ass you've been flaunting all week. He leaned down and thrust his tongue down Lane's throat choking the kid with its length.

Dad broke from the deep kiss, leaving Lane's lips swollen and red. The boy's eyes were half closed and glazed over. Dad roughly grabbed the kid and spun him around. His back to my dad. Dad's eyes dropped low and he drank in the sight of Lane's ass, the pants riding low and the bright white band of underwear clinging to the muscles of his lower back. The deep groove created by his latisimus muscles and the two shadowed indentations just above the twin globe hinted at the dramatic flair of his ass cheeks and it looked incredible. Dad leaned forward and whispered into the boy's flushed pink ear.

"Fucking cock tease...there's no one here to interrupt us now and before you get to taste my cum I'm going to fucking eat that ass pussy out until you shoot...and not just once, Lane my boy...I'm going to get you off with just my tongue, over and over before we really even get started. This will teach you to tease" Dad's low growl caused Lane to visibly shiver.

"I've been fucking dying to get my tongue in you...taste that sweet hole...you've been such a prick tease...just giving me flashes...never letting me see it...I'm going to take my time , touch it...stare at it and get my tongue deep up into every inch of you...I'm not going to even touch your cock...your asshole is going to dance on the tip of my tongue and you're going to cum like you never have before."

Dad was gliding the flat of his palm up and down the deep muscles of the kid's back as he kept up his filthy litany of whispers.

"Get upon the counter" he ordered. Lane veritably leapt up on the counter and knelt there with his back to my dad. His sculpted back and the tight trim waist caused his ass to protrude almost obscenely as he bent a bit at the waist and thrust that perfect ass out still fully covered, in the now pulled taut grey fabric. Dad rocked back on his heels and let his hand lightly glide down the boy's sweaty back. His cock jumped and throbbed hanging out of his pants arching up to his chest as he reached both hands up and firmly cupped the two perfectly rounded mounds, inches from his face. Lane jumped at the contact and his breathing quickened. I could see Lane look down between his knees at his own rampant cock trapped in the tight white underwear. Dad began to gently squeeze and knead the firm flesh. Lane began to moan almost continually as my dad began to thoroughly explore every inch of the kid's ass. He paid special attention to the deep cleft and ran two thick fingers roughly into the kid's cloth covered asshole.

Dad began to talk as he worked the kid's ass over

"You fucking whore...look at this hot ass...oh God... what I'm going to do to this...after you shoot a couple of loads from my tongue fuck, I may then let you feel just my cock head inside that tight asshole. Let that tight ring clamp down on it...feel its size...maybe I'll even pump a hot load of cum up there...huh...would you like that?" Dad seemed to be unable to contain himself any longer and with a groan he hooked his fingers into the waist band of Lane's pants and slowly lowered them. I though dad was going to shoot right then as his hands shook as the pants slid lower and lower over the shining white perfect skin, Lane leaned up, his thigh muscles shaking and craned his neck to look over his shoulder at my dad's mouth hanging open in pure unadulterated lust at the sight of his ass. The pants were tucked down under the round cheeks and his cock was bound up tight in the twist of grey pants at his crotch. I could see it jump and pulse at being that much closer to being naked before the older man. I stared in amazement; the two cheeks were so round and tight that they pressed together creating that perfect Y of cleavage at the top swell of his ass. Sweat from his back had trickled down causing the deep crack to glisten. There were shadowed dents of just the hint of muscle under the soft flesh and he had two deep dimples in his lower back right over each cheek.

As Dad gasped like a fish out of water, staring wide eyed at the now almost naked kid kneeling in front of him, his cock twitched once...twice...and a thin stream of precum oozed out and splattered to the kitchen floor.

Ohh... God kid you're too much" he groaned and leaned forward. He roughly gripped the tender flesh of the two globes and pulled them apart. Lane's hole was perfect, hairless and pink. Dad gasped and moved his head forward. Lane screamed as just the tip of my dad's tongue made flitting contact with that pink hole and his entire body began to tremble.

Lane looked back over his shoulder and gasped "Christ ...shove you're tongue in...lick my hole...I'm almost ready to cum...ahhh"

Dad pulled back and just stared and lightly stroked the kid's overheated flesh, letting him calm down.

"You back in control...ready for a little more Faggot?" Dad asked as he turned a soft stroke into a stinging slap, causing Lane's ass to shake. Dad leaned forward again and parted the cheeks. He had to exert pressure to separate them, exposing that hole again. He smiled as he leaned in and began to just brush the tip of his tongue against all the sensitive nerve endings. Lane was vibrating like he was having a seizure and his entire body was covered in sweat. Dad pushed just the tip in to the tight ring, this slightest penetration caused Lane to groan so loud Dad pulled back. Lane turned, "C'mon." he huffed, "Sir...shove your tongue up into me...ohhh GOD!" Dad smiled at this torture and brushed the full flat length of his tongue across the kid's asshole. He then formed his tongue into a spear and began to force the tip and the first few inches into the tight wet hole. He had just gotten in almost to the root and was groaning himself uncontrollably now at the silky feel and taste of this perfect ass. He braced his hands on the clenched muscles and thrust in further, harder. Lane jumped and shook even more, his thighs quaking, spread to the limit of what the bunch of fabric around his knees would allow. Just then all three of our heads whipped around...a car had just pulled into the driveway. SHIT

I couldn't' believe my mom had picked this day to come home early. As Lane jumped off the counter frantically trying to pull up his pants and throw on his t-shirt to hide his raging erection, his whole body still shaking, I heard her car door slam. Dad made a hasty retreat out the door and upstairs as Lane turned his back to the kitchen door and fumbled with something in the sink, I saw a streak of sweat stain his shirt right in a straight line down the middle of his back


"Hello Lane...just hanging around the house today?" She trilled setting down a bag of groceries. "If you go upstairs and wash your hands, I'll whip you up some lunch." She began to bustle about the kitchen.

Lane muttered and incoherent thanks and made his way to the hall. He walked tenderly and I knew his balls must be aching deeply after coming so close after so much teasing. As her back was turned I tiptoed out of the basement and crept to the top of the stairs to listen to the harsh whispering coming from the hall outside my parent's bedroom.

"Listen kid...there's nothing I can do about it now..." I heard Lane's voice but couldn't make out what he said.

"No... not here...not now...I'm suffering too you fucking selfish little pig." I heard dad step away and the rip of paper and the scratch of a pen.

"I am leaving on business this afternoon...so I can't help you...if you go to this address tomorrow morning around nine..." I heard a mean chuckle come from my dad "you might find someone to help you out."

I heard Lane make protestations about having school.

"Whatever...it's your fucking balls that will probably drop off-you can't get that worked up...build up a cock hunger like you've got and not satisfy it...trust me... just drop by...you won't be disappointed. " I heard the door to the bedroom close.

Later that night after I returned from my fake outing I frantically searched Lane's draws to find the address my dad left him. Finally, crumpled up in a ball stuffed in the pocket of his grey school pants I found it. It was a street down by the docks, where as far as I knew there were just warehouses and factories? Hmmmm...

I skipped school the next day after an almost sleepless night. It took me calling his name several times and finally resorting to turning on the bedside lamp to get Lane to stop trying to jerk off. When he squinted at me in the light, his face flushed with embarrassment and frustration I inwardly smiled. The sound of what I thought was him softly crying as I struggle to outlast him. made my stomach jump. I decided to go early to scope out the address, right after Lane left the house supposedly for school. From the painful looking erection barely concealed by his untucked white oxford, I figured he couldn't resist following up on my dad's suggestion. I memorized the address from the paper my dad gave Lane. I parked my car on a side street and made my way down some industrial roads to a small gas station...what? I went around back and saw the green metal men's room sign. In this side lot were several big trucker rigs. I crept around the building and sure enough found a small window high up on the cinderblock wall. I put a couple of old crates under it and climbed up. I had a direct clear view into the filthy men's room. It had one stall and a bank of two sinks set in a stained counter top. A partition wall separated the toile from the urinal next to the sink. Shit...there it was... right next to the urinal in the cheap painted plywood wall ... a crudely drilled glory hole. Fuck this is where my dad sent Lane? I checked my watch and saw that it was almost ten and I decided to wait it out and see if Lane showed. While I peered through the window a couple of truckers came in to piss and one big guy in a greasy baseball cap, with tight jeans and huge arms, before he zipped up and put away a big floppy cock, bent down to peer through the glory hole. I detected disappointment as he reluctantly left the men's room.

After about five more minutes the door to the bathroom swung open. BINGO it was Lane looking extremely uncomfortable as he checked out the men's room. I heard him curse under his breath when he saw that the place was empty. He looked around and then caught sight of the hole in the partition. He bent down and peered through into the toilet stall. I saw him get a look of pure lust on his face when he realized what this meant and he looked down at his packed looking crotch. Christ had his cock ever gone soft since yesterday? He went into the stall and chucked hi backpack onto the dirty tile floor and closed and locked the stall door. My heart began to race as he sat down on the toilet and let his school blazer hand open. He began to toy with the huge bulge in the grey dress pants...teasing himself. He stood up and I could see his cock protrude sharply from his groin, causing the pants to tent out. He stripped off the coat and hung it from a crude hook on the back of the door. Just as he say back down the door swung open and a man entered the bathroom. He was older...maybe forty or so with a bandana tied over his head like a doo rag. He had a scruffy chin and was maybe six feet tall. He wore a tight t-shirt and looked pretty muscular. He went over to the urinal and the sound of his zipper coming down seemed to reverberate off the tiles. I could see a thick flaccid cock and a forceful stream of piss hit the back of the urinal. Lane moved slowly and leaned over to peer through the hole. His eyes were right on level with the guys pissing cock. He bit his lip at the sight of a dick so near. The big man finished pissing and just as he was shaking the last drops of urine off the tip of his dick, he caught sight of Lane's eyes at the hole. He didn't react...he just stood there. He continued to tap shake his cock and used one hand to lower the zipper a bit more. He was watching the eyes devouring his cock and as he stood there it began to thicken. He continued to gently tap it and then pull on it a bit as more and more blood flowed into it causing to lengthen and start to jerk perpendicular to the floor. Lane let out a low moan as the man's cock began to become fully erect. It was huge, maybe nine or ten inches long and the shaft was flushed dark with blood and quickly rock hard. The cock arched back in a slight curve towards the man's body and the head was round and almost purple. He leaned back a bit and just let Lane stare at his erection. He suddenly took a step back from the urinal and bent over to peer through the hole. Lane jumped back and tried to turn away.

The guy swore" Fuck...you're just a kid...what the fuck are you doing in there...shit...now I'm all fucking horny." He stood up and continued stroking his cock. It seemed to swell even more. He looked thoughtful and then whispered "Well...what the fuck...you're at a Goddamn glory hole you must want to suck...right kid?" he said and turned his body to the wall. I watched as Lane swallowed hard as the man guided his erection through the wall into his stall. The man pressed himself as tight to the rickety partition as he could, making sure all of his cock was available for the kid to play with. With a lustful groan Lane slid off the toilet to his knees on the filthy floor. He looked hypnotized by the now ten inch cock shoved through the wall and throbbing in front of him. There was no one to interrupt and no one to stop him. He reached out one shaking hand and wrapped it around the thick base of the dick. His fingers barely met. He gripped it tight trying to ensure it didn't pull back through the wall. He extended his tongue and began to slowly, hungrily lick up and down the shaft of the cock. The man jerked harder against the wall, causing it to move.

"Ohh .that's it little boy...fucking lick my cock...you dirty little fucking pig...ahhhh" he let out this last moan as Lane let his tongue firmly hit against the spot where the underside of the swollen head met the shaft. A bead of liquid clung to the deep slit in the head. Lane leaned up on his knees and pursed his lips and gently sucked the precum form the head. The man moaned louder. "Fucking whore...oh...c'mon suck the head you little tease...ummm."

Lane began to quicken the pace of his mouthing, his eyes half closed with lust. He still hadn't put the cock into his mouth, he was just licking and lashing his tongue across the juncture of glans and shaft. The man was groaning continually now and Lane seemed to be unable to contain himself any longer. He gripped the cock hard by the base and paused to stare at the bloated head as it throbbed and dripped in front of him. He moaned and opened his mouth and engulfed the huge cock head in his wet sucking mouth. His cheeks distended at the size of the hugely swollen flesh. The guy let out a gasp as Lane didn't even pause but just continued to slide his lips lower and lower down the stalk. He made a slight gag but soon Lane's full bottom lip was buried in the man's bristly pubic hair and his throat was full of cock. The agonizingly swollen head was lodged deep in his throat behind his tonsils and as he moaned and panted on the deeply imbedded penis , with trembling hands he reached down and unbuttoned his uniform pants. The older guy seemed insensate with pleasure and was huffing and groaning. He gripped the top of the plywood wall tightly with both hands and slowly, with great effort pulled his hips back extracting the full length of his engorged erection from the tight confines of the teenager's throat. He let the head pop entirely free of the hot mouth and then thrust forward in one fluid motion, bottoming his cock out again deep in Lane's gullet. Lane's neck visibly bulged with the girth of the hard cock, but he forced his lips forward another millimeter and got the head in even deeper.

"Ohhh...you mother fucker...you have the tightest throat I've ever felt...ohhhh...ahhhh" The guys eyes widened in overload and he convulsively gripped the partition tighter as he slowly pulled his hips back again, dragging the deep flange of the head and the ridges of his shaft out of the slick tunnel of Lane's throat again. The cock popped free and spring up straight against the guy's shirt. It was slick with saliva and dripping, it seemed to have lengthened even more and looked so engorged it might burst. He had to take one hand off the wall to point the cock down to aim it through the hole again for a deep thrust into the waiting mouth. Lane had braced both his hands now on either side of the hole and just let the man fuck into his throat deeply, over and over again. His neck would stretch and bulge with each entry and this seemed to go on for tortured minutes. The fuck was slow and so deep, it was incredible. It sounded like the trucker might be close to having a heart attack, he was huffing and puffing so hard. Lane was shaking in lust and was panting around the thick shaft that now barely left his throat. The guy was clearly getting close as his stroked were now shorter and if possible even deeper. When the head would reach the limit of Lane's mouth and was just about come free. Lane would flick his tongue out and brutally lick all around the overly sensitive flesh. The guy began to try and talk as he slowly worked his cock in deep again into the wet sucking throat.

"Ohhh...you fucking pig...I can't hold out any longer...pull off...I'm gonna fucking ...uhhh shoot.." He tried to pull his cock back frantically, but Lane would have none of it. He pulled a hand off the wall and gripped the slick shaft, trapping it in his stall. The guy looked down incredulously..."You swallow...ohhh...fucking cum piiiiiggg." And slowly drove his now shooting cock head back deep, deep into the recesses of Lane's wide open throat. Lane was panting and gurgling, his lips buried in the guy's pubic hair as the man's tortured cock shot jet after, thick jet of cum directly down his throat. Lane slowly pulled off the erection and began to lick all around the cummy head when the door swung open and another man entered. He looked Hispanic and maybe in his med-thirties. He was wearing a work coverall and sunglasses. He was big too, maybe 6'1" or so.

"Shit, Brotha...what `s going on. " he said as he walked over to the trucker, who as still hanging on with one hand to the wall while his legs shook as Lane cleaned his slowly softening cock.

"I just got the best fucking blow job of my life...from a kid...shit" he mopped sweat off his brow with the back of his hand. The Spanish guy crouched down and peered through the hole. Lane was oblivious he had let the now long flaccid spent cock swing free and he was licking traces of cum off the back of his hand and scooping any missed droplets from his chin.

"Fuck step aside...let a brother have a turn. " the Spanish guy said and started to undo his coverall. His cock seemed to already have started to harden and a curved bulge ran along his right hip. The trucker stepped back and the other guy bent down and whispered through the hole. "Want another dick to play with little man? I got a big one for you...you still hungry." He stood up and continued to undo the coverall. He exposed a tight white t-shirt and thick slabs of muscle on his chest.

"He eat cum too?" he questioned the trucker who was now zipping up and preparing to leave.

"Like a fucking greedy pig" he said chuckling as the door swung closed behind him.

Next: Chapter 30

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