What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Jun 9, 2011


What I Saw 20 (2)

A few days later my mom was out for the day, she had told both Lane and I that she wouldn't be back until late that night. I had no specific plans but since it was nice I got myself dressed for a long run. Mom had left a note saying the cable company was sending someone over as we were having trouble with our wireless service and Lane said he'd hang at the house and wait for them. As I went around the back of the house to get my bike out the cable truck pulled up to the front curb. I took a quick glance and then froze. Two service men were out of the truck and checking papers looking up at the house...and they were both ridiculously hot. The driver was an older guy, maybe fifties, with close cropped dark hair and little grey at the temples. He had sort of a hard weathered face and a dark tan. He was thick with muscle and the sleeves of his short sleeve blue work shirt were rolled up tightly around his tattooed biceps. His jeans were faded and fit snug against his pretty packed looking crotch and he had on big black combat boots. The other guy was incredible. He was much younger maybe twenties and much bigger than the other guy. He was at least 6'3" or so and was huge. He had deep blue eyes and dark stubble on his square jaw. His dark hair was sort of shaggy and messy looking. He was wearing a blue t-shirt that could barely contain his muscles. His arms were thick and coursed with bulging veins. He had really narrow hips and his jeans were riding low. Even from across the yard I could see a huge bulge in the front of the denim. My mouth went dry at the sight of these two bull studs and I couldn't even imagine what Lane would do when they knocked on the door. I got on my bike and pretended to ride down the street as the two workers approached the house. I quickly circled back around and left my bike by a tree on the corner of our lot and crept to the back door. I snuck into the kitchen and looked around the corner into the main part of the house. Lane was standing there looking dazed as the two men stepped into the shadowy foyer. He had put on loose short this morning that were almost too big for him and they rode really low on his hips. He had on that tiny faded yellow tee that barely covered his stomach and from behind, I could see the thick ribbed elastic band of what appeared to be a jock strap rising over the shiny white nylon of the shorts. The two men were sort of looking at this stunned kid trying to get him to tell them where the cable box and modem were. I could see the older guy give Lane's tight young body a quick once over before asking again..."We need to know what room the router and modem are in...?"

His voice was deep and sort of annoyed sounding. Lane stammered and sort of shook his head to clear it and pointed with a visibly shaking hand to the big front parlor. The huge young guy looked at the teen quizzically as he followed his partner into the room. Lane leaned against the door jam, watching the two men start working. I crept forward into the hall and could see beyond Lane as they moved the large flat screen and got onto the floor to pull out the router. The young guy was on his knees leaning behind the television stand and his t-shirt was ridding up in the back exposing a strip of white skin. His lower back was thick with muscle and his waist seemed impossibly small. His jeans were pulled taut from his position and they were pulled a little lower as well. The beginnings of the swell of his muscled ass could be seen and just a hint of crack peeked above the black band of his Calvin Klein underwear. The older mans' arms bulged as he shifted the stand further out to give them more access. I pulled back closer to the wall as Lane turned to the side and softly banged his head against the door jam, his eyes squeezed close. I could see the front of his shorts was already starting to tent out just at the sight of these two hot men. Lane stayed and watched as the two men continued with their work, I could see his mind reeling and trying to keep in control. His hand would drop to his ever swelling crotch every so often and give it a tug or squeeze. The older guy stood up and came over to Lane.

"We're going to be here awhile...you don't have to stay and watch...we won't steal anything." His craggy face split in a grin. Lane swallowed hard and tried to find his voice.

Ummm...ah...alright...do you need anything?" he asked his eyes flicking to the younger guy as he stood up and stretched causing his t-shirt to ride up and expose a dark line of hair from his tight stomach that trailed down into the top of his jeans. Sweat broke out on Lane's forehead at the sight.

The older guy caught the look and turned back to the kid. "I think we're all set...though if you wouldn't mind...I could use some water?" His eyebrow raised and he purposefully dropped his eyes and seemed to note the kid's now fully tented shorts. Lane virtually raced to get out of the room to the kitchen.

I perked my ears up as the older guy walked over to his partner,

"Dimitri...I think that kid is checking us out...little faggot." He said.

The other guy let out a laugh "Naw...Frank...he's just a kid...he just seemed nervous...maybe not used to being in the house with workers without mommy and daddy." He said looking towards the kitchen.

"No I'm telling you...his eyes were glued to us...I think he even was checking out our junk...and I would bet my ass that he was throwing a hard-on when he scooted off to get me water. " The older guy stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Whatever...this system is pretty fucked up...we got shit to do." Dimitri said turning back to the scramble of boxes and wires now pulled out from the back wall.

"Yeah...I guess...but I can't say it doesn't get me going a bit...kid all hot for me...you ever gotten a blow job from a faggot...it's the best...I'm telling ya" I could see he wasn't kidding as the front of his faded tight jeans had begun to swell a bit as he considered.

"Shit...no I've never done it with a guy...fuck." The younger guy said not looking up from his work.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it...I mean I love pussy but a hot mouth is a hot mouth and faggots like that...they fucking crave cock." Frank walked back over to the TV and began to disconnect the heavy white cables.

"Really...is it different then a chick?" Dimitiri said looking up at his buddy.

"Christ yea...one time...I was at this porno shop...and these two guys brought in this little blond fag...and" Frank paused to swallow, his voice thickening, "the fucking little whore took on all the guys there. "

"WHAT...what d'ya mean?" Dimitri said putting down his screwdriver, getting interested in the conversation now.

Frank rubbed his swelling crotch absentmindedly and continued, "He was blowing guys through the glory hole in one of the stalls, and you could hear him groaning and moaning. All these guys were outside the booth listening...and you could hear him gagging on the dicks and swallowing jizz...it was fucking unbelievable. Finally the two guys pulled him out of the booth and started fucking him up the ass right in the middle of the room. They were pumping cum up his ass...letting all of us take turns on him...I never shot so much spunk in my life...and the little fucker lapped up every drop...he must have sucked off ten guys and gotten fucked by about as many...incredible. "The older guy was clearly getting worked up by the memory and now I could see Dimitri shifting around on the floor adjusting what looked like the beginnings of a pretty hefty erection in his baggy jeans.

Just then Lane returned with two glasses of water. He seemed to have gotten himself a bit under control as now his cock looked still swollen but it wasn't prodding the nylon of his shorts out eight inches in front of him. As he handed the glass of water to Frank, the older guy he jumped and his cheeks flushed as Frank let his hand make contact with Lane's.

"You interested in cable work?" Frank asked as he kept his eyes locked on the teens face and he swallowed the water from the dewy glass. It was getting hotter out and the house really tended to hold in the high temperatures. Lane nodded and I could see his crotch flicker and stir at the direct eye contact from the older stud. Dmitri looked down and noticed it as well.

"Why don't you hang out and watch us...we could teach you some stuff." Frank's eyebrows rose suggestively.

The two men turned back to the T.V. and the cable box. Lane leaned against the door jam and watched as they crawled around doing their work. Dimitri's shirt would ride up in back exposing more skin and Frank surreptitiously kept pushing his tight jeans lower on his hips. At one point he stood up and arched his back in a phony stretch and his jeans were so low in the front that the top straight line of his dark pubic hair was visible. His cock had really begun to swell and could be clearly seen curving in the tight confines of the denim. Lane licked his lips convulsively. Dimitri caught this and I could see that he seemed to be getting really excited as well. A huge bulge had formed in the tight packed crotch of his jeans and he seemed to be covered in a light sheen of sweat.

"Christ it's hot he said raising one thickly muscled arm and wiping his forehead. His shirt rose up in the front and again that flash of a dark line of hair was visible trailing from his tight navel into the top of his jeans. "I gotta go wash my face, is there a bathroom down here kid? "He asked looking at Lane.

"Umm...right over there..."Lane stammered pointing to the half bath off the foyer. I quickly basked down the hall a little further to make sure I was out of view. Dimitri went into the bathroom but left the door open. He checked to make sure the kid was watching and then quickly stripped his shirt off over his head. His body was ridiculous. His muscles looked like they were carved into his flesh and a light dusting of sweaty hair covered his huge rounded chest and washboard stomach. He ran the sink and splashed handfuls of water onto his face. It dripped off his square jaw and ran in down the thick groove between his pectorals. Lane's mouth gaped and his face twisted in agony. I could see his chest heaving and his cock was thrumming, standing up straight and fully erect in his baggy shorts. Dimitri pulled the shirt back on and walked past the staring kid like this was a totally normal situation. I caught him catch Frank's eye and give a conspiratorial nod. Frank walked over to Lane "Hey kid" he said, startling him out of his reverie. "Can we get some more water?" Lane shuffled off to the kitchen.

Frank walked over to his younger friend,"Christ I'm throwing wood...I want to make something happen." He lightly stroked the curved tube of his cock that was snaking down his thigh.

"I can't believe this, but teasing this little queer has got me all worked up as well." He rocked back a bit on his heels and craned his neck to look down at his crotch. His cock looked HUGE. It was still semi soft and appeared to be folded over causing an enormous lump in the front of his jeans. He shoved his hand into the waistband and made a quick adjustment and soon the full thick cock could be seen standing up along one hip almost reaching to the rivets of his jeans pocket.

"Christ how fucking big is that thing?" Frank asked chuckling. Dimitri laughed and said "Big...I used to get teased all the time the locker room in high school...they called me Horton...you know the elephant. Some women can't even handle it...I've never found a chick who could take the whole thing in her mouth"

"I bet this little faggot can...I wanna see that." Frank said staring off in the direction of the kitchen.

"How do we get something going then?" Dimitri asked nervously.

"He wants it...that's clear...his cock is about to snap off and he's practically drooling...I think with a little push we can get him on his knees pretty easy" Frank said. He got an evil gleam in his eye and looked over at his buddy "Maybe I can give you an experience like the one I had at that porno shop." His voice was thick and I saw a throb in his pants at the thought.

"What...you mean..." Dimitri lowered his voice to a whisper, "gang banging the kid?"

Frank moaned a little and nodded "Let's see where this goes...but I know some guys who'd be up for some action..." His voice trailed off as Lane came back into the room with two more glasses of water. The trip to the kitchen hadn't seemed to cool him down any. A dark line of sweat now ran down the middle of the back of his pale yellow tee shirt and his shorts seemed to be riding even lower on his hips, exposing the full top thick band of the athletic supporter he was wearing. His cock was still visibly fully erect and straining against the confines of the pouch of the jock and pushing the front of his shorts out obscenely. The sight of the overexcited kid and the thought of what could happen were too much for Frank and he stepped forward and got real close to Lane. He took the glasses of water from his hands and slowly dropped them to the carpeted floor. "Fuck the water...we want something else" he said staring at the kid, his eyes hard.

Lane stuttered, confused "wha...what?"

"My buddy wants you to suck his dick and I want to watch." Frank's words seemed to be magnified around the living room, bouncing off the tastefully painted walls.

Lane swallowed hard. He was too on edge and I could see his control slip. He bit his lip and let his hand drop to his crotch. Dimitri moved in closer and whispered in his buddy's ear, "He's really worked up...look at him" his eyes wide in amazement. Frank had had enough and put a big hand on the kid's shoulder and forced him down to his knees. Lane knelt shaking on the living room carpet. Frank and Dimitri stood over him their stuffed crotches at eye level. Frank grimaced and looked at the kid "This alright with you...you want cock right?" he spat out almost in disgust.

Lane was too far gone... the days of restraining himself and the torture my father put him through left him naked with need. "Yes...God yes." He moaned and shoved his shorts down to his knees. His ass was framed by the tight elastic and looked beautiful, the ribbed pouch was strained to capacity and Lane had already leaked precum staining the front and causing it to start to turn translucent.

Dimitri swallowed hard "Fuck Frank...I think he wants to get fucked too." He said in a hoarse whisper.

"Of course he does...don't you, you fucking little whore...you let men fuck you? " He crouched down to be on eye level with Lane. He grabbed fistful of those dark curls and pulled his head back, "You been bred...had cum shot up that hot ass?" he dropped his eyes and used the other big rough hand to lightly stroke the creamy exposed skin of Lane's perfect ass. Frank's breath caught in his throat at the texture and firmness of the overheated flesh. He shifted and I saw his now fully erect cock pulse and a small wet spot appeared on the front of the faded denim. Frank firmly pulled the shorts under Lane's knees and then over his bare feet, leaving the kid kneeling there in his tight t-shirt and jock strap, his cock rampant.

Lane closed his eyes at the rough treatment and moaned" Yeah...I ...I need..." he couldn't even finish.

Frank roughly shoved his hand up the kid's t-shirt and brutally pinched one of his nipples "I know what you need." He stayed crouched down and kept his fist wrapped in Lane's hair but turned and looked up at his buddy "Show him your cock...you're gonna love this, kid" said with a grin and jerked Lane's head for emphasis.

Dimitri's breathing was heavy now and the front of his pants had swelled to monstrous proportions. He lowered his hands to the button of his jeans; I noticed they were shaking in excitement. "You want to see my dick?" he whispered to the kid.

"Lane tried to nod, but Franks jerked his head by the hair again "tell him, you whore!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Ummm...show me our cock...I want to see it." Lane said and swallowed hard.

The younger guy popped the button and slowly slid the zipper down. He folded back one flap of the pants. He wasn't wearing underwear and thick ridges of muscle along his hips was exposed, he had trimmed bristles of dark pubic hair and the super thick base of his cock could just be seen, the rest of the shaft was still concealed as it was trapped in the jeans, it's length laying along his thigh.

"C'mon Dimitri...take it out...I want to see the look on this fuckers face when he sees what your packin...what he's gonna get" Frank said smiling into Lane's flushed face.

Dimitri reached thick fingers into the V of his jeans and manipulated the heavy shaft, pulling it up and out the gaping opening of his unzipped pants. Once it hit the air it jerked straight up to full erection. It was fucking amazing. It was almost eleven inches long and super thick. The shaft was dusky like the rest of his skin and the huge cut head flared out dramatically from the vein covered stalk. It stood out in stark relief against the dark background of his tight t-shirt. It rose up between those mounds of pectorals and the slit looked moist and glistening. The head seemed to become even more engorged as Lane's eyes devoured the flesh inches from his face. Dimitri carefully reached in and scooped out two egg sized testicles, the motion causing him to gasp as his cock bounced and swayed in front of the kid's face.

"Christ I'm excited...my nuts ache already." He said in a low voice...sounding amazed at his level of arousal.

Lane's mouth fell open in pure lust and a string of saliva over spilled his full bottom lip and caught on his chin.

Frank used one big hand to cup the back of the kid's sweaty skull and guided his open mouth forward. Dmitri's incredible cock was straining, pulsing and jerking towards the small mouth.

"Yeah that's it you little hungry cock whore...you're eager, huh? Wanna feel that big heavy cock in your mouth?" Frank squeezed the back of the kid's head tighter in his grip, just barely restraining him from capturing the cock bobbing in front of him.

Dimitri stared down at his buddy, the kid on their knees in front of him. "Make him suck me...I wanna feel his mouth on my dick." He said his voice sounding horse with lust.

"Let me steady it for you" Frank said, gently taking Dimitri's hugely engorged cock by the base with just his finger- tips. He held it still and with inexorable force moved the boy's head forward. Lane needed no encouragement. He had to sit up straighter on his knees to reach the head, but once he lined up the plum sized glans with his open lips he closed his eyes in ecstasy and ever so gently captured the severely bloated head in his slick lips. He snaked his pink tongue out from the tight seal he was forming and let it sweep over the circumcision scar. Dimitri jumped and gasped "Fuck." He involuntarily thrust his hips forward urging the kid to take more of his cock. Lane's lips were still making their slow progress over the hot deep red head, it was so big, and it took some time. He pulled his tongue back into his mouth and I could see him swirl it around, raking against the inner side of his cheek, licking the slit seeking out salty precum. His eyes closed and he reached a hand up to grasp the shaft as the entire head finally popped past his lips. Lane shook Frank's hand off the base of the cock, replacing it with own tight grip and began to moan deep in his throat and he rotated his head ,causing his wet mouth to mercilessly slide over and over the sensitive flesh. Dimitri cried out "Holy shit..." Frank sank back on his heels, his eyes locked onto the boy, now sloppily mouthing his buddies enormous cock head. "Fucking whore" he whispered, and undid his own jeans. Dimitri's eyes were glued to the kid as he continued to powerfully suck on just the head. Frank's cock was now in his own fist, dripping wet. It was ten inches long and looked thick and blunt. It was darker than the rest of his skin and the head was almost purple and almost perfectly round. He put one big palm back on the kid's skull and pushed him forward, hard. "Take more ...faggot. "He said. Lane opened his mouth wider and engulfed more of the shaft, creeping his lips down its length. Frank audibly gasped as Lane kept forcing more and more of the cock into his mouth. His throat bulged as the thick head popped past his tonsils and just kept going. Soon his lips were tightly clamped about four or five inches from the base and the head was deep down his throat. Dimitri's legs almost collapsed and he threw his head back and moaned. "Christ...fucking shit...I've never felt anything like this...ahhhh" Frank's eyes almost bulged out of his head. He fished in his back pocket. "You almost got it all, Kid...I gotta take a picture of this." He pulled out his cell phone and with shaking; fumbling hands got it to the camera setting. As Lane slowly began to slide his throat up the shaft, easing the thick head out of the depths of his throat, Frank snapped picture after picture. Lane reached the point where his lips were now just trapping the head and he pulled off. He gasped and sucked in air as spit ran down his chin. The cock throbbed slick and shiny with his saliva, pulsing in rhythm to Dimitri's racing heart. It was an awesome sight.

Dmitri looked down at Frank "make him get me off..." he said thickly. "Let's take pictures of that."

Lane was kneeling up panting, staring at Dimitri's enormous cock. His eyes were half closed and he looked almost dreamy. The slick sound of Frank working his wet cockhead with his tightly closed fist could be heard around the room as he whispered through gritted teeth, "You heard the man...suck him off...work for that cum load, you little fucker." Frank took his hand off his cock and looked at his palm; it was slick with clear fluid. "Christ you got me so hot I'm leaking like crazy...I need to slow it down or I'll shoot to quick." He took his wet hand and ran it down one flushed cheek of the kid kneeling directly in front of him. Lane's cheek now had shining streaks on it as he leaned up and once again wrapped his hand around the base of Dimitri's dick. The cock was so thick his fingers didn't even come close to meeting. He began to slowly pump his fist up and down just the first few inches of the base of the dick. Dimitri groaned and a thick bead of fluid oozed out of his piss slit and slowly began to trickle down the underside to the heavy shaft. Lane just stared and continued to slowly pump his fist, milking more precum from the overexcited cock. Soon the clear stream of fluid reached Lane's tightly clamped hand. His eyes blazed and he leaned down and swiped his pink tongue over his thumb collecting the thick liquid. The whisking sound of Frank snapping pictures could be heard over the huffing breaths of Dmitri. Lane's arm muscles flexed as he exerted considerable force on the shaft to bend it down perpendicular to the floor. This caused his cock to engorge even more and the head visibly bloated to even greater proportions, flushing a deeper red. Dimitri gasped, "Ahhh...careful kid...it feels like it could snap off, you got me so fucking haaarrrdd..." the last part of his sentence turned into something between a groan and a scream as Lane slid his hot wet mouth firmly over the huge head popping the entire thing in with one smooth motion. His cheeks distended with the sheer size of Dmitri's cock head, he could barely contain it in his mouth, Lane continued the slow pumping action at the base. I could see his Adams apple bob as he swallowed the now constant stream of precum that was leaking from the cock directly onto his tongue. "Ohhh you fucking little whore!" Dimitri moaned in overload now. His chest was rapidly rising and falling in the tight confines of his black t-shirt and sweat was running down his forehead and dripping down his cheeks. Lane flicked his eyes up to the man's straining face and released the base of the cock. He placed his hands on the man's lean hips, wet streaks of saliva staining the jeans, and began to slide his mouth forward. He arched his neck to accommodate the head as it slid past the back of his throat and in one slow smooth glide the huge bloated cock head lodged itself deep past his tonsils. Frank's eyes bulged and he shot out "Holy fucking shit...he's gonna take it all. " Lane's lips were now straining and grasping at the super wide base and his breath was coming out of his nose in huge gasps. He had successfully deep throated the entire eleven inch erection. I could hear the low rumble of a moan of ecstasy as Lane slowly pulled back, letting the thick shaft slide up his throat causing the head to drag over the full surface of his tongue. The erection bobbed out of his mouth dripping and shiny and Lane sucked in air before grasping the shaking head in his lips again and impaling himself once more all the way to the base. Lane's cock was jumping and jerking in the tight ribbed pouch of the jock and he looked ready to shoot just from deep throating the huge penis. Dimitri stared at the kid in wide eyed wonder and moaned"...this is it Faggot...I'm almost there...you got me so fucking hot...I'm gonna cum already...you ready to taste my load?" Lane moaned and leaned up high on his knees. He took his slick fist and gripped right behind the deeply flared ridge of the head, while he began to work his open, panting mouth over and over the glans, twisting his wet fist the entire time. Dimitri screamed and the head of his cock seemed to turn to stone. It seemed like time almost froze and Lane continued the relentless torture for endless minutes. Dimitri's whole face was clenched in agony, holding back, while the boy worked his cock head. With a huge exhalation of breath and a "fuck" through gritted teeth, he let go. His huge swollen balls jumped and pulled up tight to the open flap of his jeans just as the first thick shot of cum shot out of the head directly into Lane's mouth. The ejaculate was so huge that Lane couldn't swallow fast enough and soon his lips and hand were covered in hot semen. Frank moaned and snapped one last picture before putting his hand on the back of the kid's head and forcing it forward. "Let him shoot it right down your throat, whore." He said. Lane let go of the still shooting head and easily deep throated the entire erection again and let Dimitri fire blast after thick cum right down his gullet, his throat bobbing and contracting as he swallowed the huge load. It seemed like Dimitri came for minutes. I couldn't imagine how much cum he was pumping down the kid's throat. Lane was clearly in cum whore heaven. His eyes were half closed and he just kept swallowing convulsively and moaning around the huge penis lodged in his throat while his own tortured cock jumped and throbbed and began to shoot into the tight pouch of the jock. Thick globs of semen oozed out of the ribbed material and plopped onto the carpet between the teen's knees.

"That's one load for ya..." Frank said grabbing tight to lane's thick curls and pulling his head back. Dimitri's cock slid out of the boy and pulsed, slick and wet a big drop of cum and spit hanging suspended from the tip. The big man's breathing was still coming out in huge huffs and he wiped seat from his eyes. "Fucking A that was incredible...no bitch has ever been able to get me off like that...you're fucking too much kid." He said. Lane leaned up and wrapped a hand around the slick shaft and began to run his fist up and down the full length, his face still clouded with lust. Dimitri jumped and gasped. "Whoa ...careful...ahhh." His protests turned into a low moan as Lane lashed his tongue over the head capturing the oozing semen. Dimitri's cock didn't lose any of its firmness and Lane was spurred on by this. He leaned up and began to feverishly lick his swirling hot tongue all around the enormous bloated head, collecting thick drips of cum. "Yeah clean off that cock...he's got more for you...don't you Dim?" Frank said. "You know Buddy...I think this little whore is so hot for cock we better call in reinforcements...whata'ya think? "He looked at the kid greedily lapping at his friends straining engorged penis and laughed and began to rapidly type on his cell phone key board. "Yeah...get a bunch of guys over here...I want to see this kid get used." Dimitri groaned his eyes locked on the kid now deeply sucking on his cock head as Lane's breath quickened with excitement.

Next: Chapter 33

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