What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Dec 8, 2011


Here is another chapter. Forgive me if I am getting repetitive...mining the depths of my sick subconscious for new fantasy material isn't easy. I decided to revisit Lane, as something about him got me "going" before. I know he's been featured heavily in the last few chapters but...enjoy this work of fiction. Feel free to offer suggestions for future chapters-many have in the past but they have to sort of stick with the theme and what works for me-that's how I do my best writing. Onward.

"Hey...phone...it's Lane!" I heard my mother call up the stairs. I was lying on my bed not doing much of anything, but at the sound of his name my dick gave an immediate lurch. Why would he be calling me? I mean we hadn't actually become friends or anything when he stayed with us. I mean we shared my room but he was pretty preoccupied with cock the whole time he was here...and I was pretty much consumed with watching him get repeatedly gang banged...didn't really lead to a deep connection. I picked up the receiver on the upstairs phone saying `Hello..." and carrying the cordless receiver back to my room to lie back down. "Hey...how's it going?" Lane said. He sounded forced and awkward. "Fine...started college and all...you?" I replied just as awkwardly. "Yeah I'm in prep school so I got another year before moving my AP credits to a University...same old shit for me...been bored out of my mind." I was staring out the window fighting to pay minimal attention to the conversation and not get lost in picturing this kid face down on my parent's bed with my Dad's huge cock rammed up his ass. "...huh, wh..what?" I had lost part of what he said. "I was thinking of coming down your way for the long Columbus Day weekend...would that be alright...we could maybe hang out or something?" he said. I could hear the nervousness in his voice and knew now what this call was all about. The kid needed dick and probably badly and he thought if he could wrangle and invitation here for a weekend he's have a crack at getting my dad to fuck him again. I guess I couldn't blame him. This kid was possibly the biggest cock whore I had ever seen in my years of voyeuristic adventures. I couldn't imagine how hard up he would be if he wasn't able to make any connections at his prep school. I also knew this kid had developed particular tastes...oversized cock and rough trade...that wouldn't be satisfied with a little slap and tickle with a post-adolescent roommate. He continued, "My parents are going away again and I don't feel like hanging at my house alone...we live in the middle of nowhere and they have the maid spy on me so I can't even do anything fun." It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him what kind of fun he might want to get up to...but I didn't. "I'll have to run it by my folks, but ...sure...whatever." I said. MY cock was by now fully hard at the thought of seeing him and my dad together again...I just had to make sure to be around to witness it.

The next week was tough. I couldn't stop fantasizing about the kid. I had seen him get up to some pretty fucked up shit...taking on nine and ten guys in a row and the fact that he was so hot and apparently insatiable just sent an electric current through me. I could see his full round bubble ass arched high in the air as a huge cock slid into it over and over. I saw his handsome boyish face...dimple in the chin and all, drenched in semen...his lips covered...mouth full...SHIT I had to stop or I wouldn't make it to the weekend without jerking off. I didn't want to ruin it...I wanted to be ready when he came. My mother seemed a bit surprised when I asked if he could come for the weekend...dad just smiled. He was taking the train up on Friday night and mom would pick him up at the station. During the week I was up late surfing the web, torturing myself watching porn and edging when I heard a hushed voice downstairs. I looked at the clock...it was one in the morning...who was up? I crept out of my room and snuck to the top of the stairs. Being as quiet as possible I followed the low whisper. It was coming from my dad's study. I crept up to the door... it was part way opened and the glow of a low lamp issued from the crack in the door.

"...listen...I'll do what I can, but you're supposed to be coming up to visit my kid...it'll look suspicious if I try and sneak off somewhere with you." I heard a low murmur come from the speaker of his cell phone.

He paused and then cut off the voice, "I don't give a fuck how horny you are...you little fucking pig...it's not my fault you can't find dicks big enough or in large enough quantities to fulfill your needs out in the sticks." My dad hissed. More low sounds came through the door and it sounded like the kid might be begging.

"What the fuck do you want me to do...?" I heard Lane's voice interrupt, but I couldn't make out what he said. "This is not my fault...you would have turned out to be a whore without my help...kid, I told you I'll see what I can do... but it might not be possible with me..." another staccato burst of speech from the other end. "Well what about if I got some guys together...arranged a little party or something...how would that be?" Lane said something and my dad laughed, "Well I was able to get you all the big cock you could handle last time right?" I couldn't make out Lane's reply. My dad sounded like he was thinking out loud, "Hmmmm an ass and a mouth as hot as yours...might be worth something." I heard a raised voice on the phone

"I don't know if I was thinking of charging...I might have an even better idea...your definitely worth something...but you'd have to really be on your game if I set this up..."

FUCK I couldn't believe this...my dad was going to whore the kid out or something...shit! I stumbled against the door and my dad stopped talking. I rapidly tiptoed back to my room. HOLY SHIT I had to be careful...but I had to make sure I was around when THIS went down.

Lane arrived that Friday night and he looked if possible hotter than ever. He was still in his prep school uniform; grey flannel pants, white shirt, rep tie and blue blazer. The way the pants hugged that ass was ridiculous and I could see my dad shift around uncomfortably when the kid walked in the door. Dinner was weird...lots of undertones and awkward silences.

Lane and I had planned on just hanging in and watching a movie that night. We camped out on the couch and my parents retired upstairs. About half way through the movie Lane said he was too tired to stay up and headed up the stairs. I lowered the TV and kept my ears perked up. I crept to the base of the stairs and sure enough he and my dad were having a whispered conversation in the hall.

"Don't stand so close kid...my son might come up the stairs and...shit... it looks like your dick is already hard. Christ try and exercise a little control, will you?"

"Let's just slip into the bathroom...I suck you off...it'll be quick...please." the kid said.

"FUCK NO." my dad said. "Nothing like that is going on with my son right downstairs and my wife in the next room...Plus I want you good and cock starved, I told you I had a plan...you're going to get more hard dick than you can handle...don't worry."

"When?!" Lane said his voice hoarse with urgency.

"Sunday night...make up some excuse ...say you meeting a friend and then go to this place..." Dad replied.

Lane made noise like he was unfolding some paper, "This is an adult video store?" he said...his voice cracking.

"Yes it is...there will be a guy there, Ryan...he's a friend of mine...it's all set up...he's got everything all worked out...meet him at the back door and he'll get you into a booth...it's all arranged"

"Will there be...men there?" Lane asked quietly.

"Why you little fucking slut...you mean will there be enough men there? Right?" Dad laughingly responded.

"Don't be an asshole...you did this to me." The kid hissed.

Dad laughed again, "Look at you...humiliated...shamed at your need for cock...yet hard as a fucking rock thinking about it...don't worry...it's all arranged...we have something very special planned...you won't be disappointed...and I posted another message on a cruising web site...you should have quite the crowd, and remember this is more than just fun and games...so you better not disappoint."

"What are you talking about?" Lane asked sounding a bit nervous.

"Don't worry about it...just think of all the horny men who are reading my post right now...their big cocks thickening...getting harder and harder just thinking about using you." I heard Lane let out an involuntary moan.

Lane ruffled some paper and mentioned a street address in the next town over...one that I knew was in a really bad neighborhood. My dad's voice trailed off down the hall," the bus runs there...I'll be out late...you can call me for a ride when you're done...oh and be sure to wear you school uniform...that is essential" and I heard his bedroom door close.

I could barely sleep that night, I had googled the address and knew exactly where I was going. I had to figure out how to get into this place and find a spot where I could get a front row seat to whatever my dad and this guy Ryan had planned for Lane. That morning Lane looked pale and anxious and I could see he was having trouble containing his dick...it kept randomly getting erect and tenting out his pants. Sure enough he started talking about meeting some school friends and making up some silly excuse as to why he had to wear the tie, blazer and flannels. I walked by him as he was getting dressed and the front of his school pants were bulging out incredibly...I didn't know how he was going to get through a bus ride without attracting attention. I grabbed my car keys...told my mom a lie and booked it out of there well before Lane. I followed the directions I had downloaded, as I got closer to my destination I got a bit nervous myself. I found myself in a really rough section of the city...lots of people hanging on the streets in front of run down tenements. I finally found the place. It was an ugly squat mustard yellow building down a side street off the main drag. The white and black sign boldly said "Triple X Video's and Magazines...Video Booth!" I drove around the block and parked on the main street. I walked to the store and sort of hung around across the street watching and waiting. I saw a few men go in and out of the place...almost all were black and pretty" thug" looking. I felt my cock stir at the thought of Lane taking on all these big dangerous looking guys. I walked around the porno store and saw a small alley formed between the store and the neighboring building. A metal unlabeled door with no knob or handle was situated in the center of the graffiti mustard colored wall. I hung back across the street and thought. This must be where Lane was supposed to meet the friend of my dad's. If I hid on the side of the building I could try and slip in behind them and get somewhere to watch. I crossed the street and crouched down behind a dumpster on the side, being careful I could see the door clearly. I didn't have too long to wait. A loud metal screech made me jump and the door popped open. A guy came out of the dark interior and closed the door almost all the way, leaving it open a crack to be able to get back in. He was in his thirties maybe, tall and was wearing jeans, black combat boots and a black t-shirt. He looked lean and hand kind of curly dark blond hair and scruff on his face. He has gaged ears and heavy lidded dark eyes. His arms were coursed with veins and had a few tattoos running down his forearms. He sort of leaned against the wall, waiting. After a few minutes I heard footsteps and peeked around the corner and saw Lane approach the guy. He looked really nervous and incredibly out of place in his prep school uniform.

"Well, well...you DID show up...Jim guaranteed me you would...but I had my doubts." The man said

"You...you're Ryan?" Lane said.

"Yeah...fuck you are hot...shit this is going to be good!" he said almost gleefully. "Jim says you're a real cock hound...that true?" the guy asked. Lane muttered an answer that I could barely discern.

The guy laughed "I hope you're not this shy when we get in there...I read the post on the message board...it was pretty graphic and made some big promises about your ability to satisfy huge dicks...and lots of them...fuck...I'm starting to get hard myself." He said almost to himself. I peered from my hiding spot and indeed saw a definite swelling in the front of the man's jeans. Lane's eyes had locked right on it and he shifted around on the sidewalk his own cock clearly fully erect in his tight grey pants.

"Shit...just the mention of hard dick has you throwing immediate wood." The guy said incredulously. "Where did Jim find you?" he asked rhetorically.

"Alright, Kid...I set it up with the owner...I'm gonna sneak you in through this back door and get you set up in a booth and get everything ready and then he's gonna open up the video booth area and let guys in the back. You ready?" he asked.

Lane `s reply seemed to catch in his throat, "Yea...yeah." he seemed breathless with anticipation. I knew it had been weeks since he'd had access to any cock and he clearly was so horny he's risk anything.

They slipped in the door and I moved fast, just before it was pulled tight I put a stick in the bottom. The door was old and in pretty bad shape, it closed at the top but the bottom remained wedged. I waited a minute to ensure they weren't right on the other side of the door and then I carefully pulled it open and slipped into the dark cool interior. It took a second for my eyes to adjust. I was in a small dark area...it looked like a small loading dock, there were boxes and a few trash barrels against a cinder block wall. I walked carefully forward and pushed open another door. I found myself in an almost pitch black corridor. It was long and narrow with doors lining both sides. Shit this was the video arcade. There were the telltale lights over the doors, but it looked like the place was empty. One door in the second to last booth on the right was propped open. I assumed this was the booth the guy Ryan was going to set Lane up in. I went to the last booth that would adjoin this one and saw to my delight a sign on the door saying "video out of order" . Perfect if my luck held, there would a glory hole into Lane's booth for me to watch and nobody would try and enter this booth. I quickly tried the door and...shit, locked. My stomach doing flip flops I pulled a Mcguyver and with shaking hands used my student ID to slide the lock open. It was a cheap door and I was locked in the booth trying to breathe normally in a matter of minutes. It was if possible, even darker in the booth than the hall. The entire place smelled like cigarettes, disinfectant and semen. I felt my dick stir. I looked at the wall and BINGO a neatly rubber lined hole was punched through the laminated wall. I bent down and peered into the adjoining booth. It was still empty, but it seemed slightly bigger than mine. I tried to control my breathing and waited. In a matter of seconds I heard soft voices enter the hall. I stayed in place and sure enough Ryan entered the booth first followed by Lane. Ryan reached behind the kid and pulled the door closed locking it. Lane looked confused , "You're going to be in here with me?" he asked. His eyes dropped again to the guy's crotch and I could see his wheels turning, thinking he'd get to suck this man's cock maybe right now.

Ryans' response caused Lane to gasp and it was all I could do not to moan. "Yeah, how else could I film everything ?" Ryan laughed bending over and picking up a small, expensive looking camera.

"Film...what...I...never...you're going to tape this?" Lane said sounding almost panicked.

"Fuck yeah, Kid...didn't Jim tell you...we're making a movie...I work for a porn company...we specialize in raw, real life type films...and honestly if half of what Jim said about you is true...this could be our best seller. I couldn't believe it when Jim said he had a rich preppy kid who was a total cum slut...who'd do anything for cock" Ryan said chuckling.

Lane exploded, "FUCK NO...i can't be in a movie...my parents will have a fucking stroke... my friends...teachers...no...no fucking way...!" Lane said and started to try and push past the guy for the lock on the door.

"Hey wait...wait...Kid listen...this is all set up, in about five minutes horny men are going to start shoving their cocks through that hole...the message board said you'd take all comers...as long as they were over nine inches, that is..." Lane moaned softly at this. " You can't quit now...you want big dick...right? You're hot for it...aren't you...I can see your dick is rock hard just thinking about it...Jim said you haven't had sex in a long time...c'mon...what's the big deal...trust me... none of the people you mentioned are going to find out..." Ryan's voice was soft, intense... persuasive and I could tell he really didn't want the kid to leave. Lane hesitated, I could see the talk about horny big dicks affected him and he was struggling. "Fuck" he hissed to himself. "Listen Kid...from what i heard you let about ten strangers gang banged you in a truck stop bathroom...don't act all high and mighty...you're a fucking whore...might as well put it out there." He said. I could see Ryan run a hand down his own swelling cock as he appraised the nervous teen. "Think about it...dick after dick...big...hot...hard...all for you to play with." He let his voice trail off. By the expression on Lane's face he knew he had him. "All you gotta do it go about your business...I'll give you some direction...but forget about the camera. The guys wont' want their face shown and for the most part they won't even know we're filming...it'll all be anonymous...just you in the booth, playing with big hard dick." Ryan finished his pitch and licked his lips in excitement. Lane closed his eyes and I could see his chest rising and falling with his rapid breathing. "Alright...fuck...I need it so bad...I can't leave with nothing...are you sure that someone's going to show up?" Lane asked. "Ryan laughed, "Yeah...I don't think you have to worry about that...there's a lot of men out there who have an itch for this type of shit. Let me get the camera going and make sure I can get a good angle." He said. I saw a small red light come on the top of the small hand held video camera. Ryan flipped out the small viewing screen and pointed it at the boy, apparently satisfied he said, "Shouldn't be long now." Footsteps came down the hall and a soft knock on the door caused Ryan to unlock it and peer out. It must have been the owner, "Hey you guys ready? I got a couple of guys who showed up already, their pacing around waiting for me to move the barrier." Ryan smiled, "Yeah send em back...the kid's ready." He pulled the door closed and locked it again. "Now kid for the first few let's keep the uniform on...it'll be hot to see a kid in a school uniform sucking off a giant cock through a glory hole...it'll add to the ...feeling ...of the film...shall we say." Lane looked at the man, his voice coming through panting breaths already, "You just want me to blow them...?" Ryan answered, "let's start slow...but just do what you want...again I'll give you some direction but you're the star."

In a minute or two a heavy tread of footsteps could be heard entering the room, it sounded like one or two men. The door to the booth on the other side of Lane could be heard opening and then closing. The man fed the video machine with money and the low sounds of sex floated out of the booth. Ryan had the camera pointed at the hole and Lane crouched down, eager. "First customer...Kid...you excited?" Ryan whispered. Lane breathed a "YES" and stared through the hole. Suddenly a face was visible through the opening. Dusky skin and almost black eyes peered into Lane's booth. Lane dropped his head, trying to partially block his face. "Sheeeiit...it's true...a little white boy." The man said. "Boy what're you doing...you waiting for dick?" he asked laughing in a low rumbly voice. "Christ, my cock is fattening up already Boy." Outside the door another voice chimed in, "Hey...hurry up...I aint got all day.'' Ryan breathed in loudly, "You hear that whore...you already got another man waiting to use your mouth...ohhh this is going to be good...tell him...tell him to show you his cock." Ryan said. Lane moved his lips to the hole and whispered, "Let me... see it...show me." His words were punctuated with pants as he was breathless in excitement at finally be so close to hard cock. The black man's face left the hole and I could see him step back a pace. Now visible through the glory hole was the very packed looking crotch of his green work pants. One big dark hand was slowly rubbing across the long tube outlined down one leg. Ryan crouched down to ensure the camera caught the man slowly stroking himself to full erection in front of the kid. Ryan stood back up the camera still angled down at the hole, "Shit kid...it looks HUGE...beg for it..." And I could hear him swallow hard at his own lewd suggestion. Lane adjusted his position to be more comfortable on his knees, his face level with the large glory hole. His put his mouth close to the opening and began to whisper, "Please Mister...let me see you cock...ahhh...I'm so fucking horny...I need to see it...I want it in my mouth...it's been too long...please...I need dick"

"Nice" Ryan hissed.

I heard a snort come from the booth and then the man shuddered and continued touching himself in clear view of the kid. Lane groaned and pulled his head back to drink in the sight. Just below the man's belt buckle to the tops of his thighs was visible. The distinct shape of an enormous erection snaked down his leg. I swallowed hard. I didn't know if he was wearing underwear or if his cock had grown so swollen that it just slid out the leg hole. The thick shaft and rounded head could clearly be made out through the khaki green fabric. He arched his hips and pressed the bulge forward, letting the kid have access. The camera jerked and Ryan said, "Touch it...feel it." Lane reached out and let his fingers trail over the where the root of the penis was, he slid his fingers insistently down the full length of the erection and used two finger tips to press and rub the bulge of the head. The cock jerked in the pants, trying to rise up straight to full erection, but trapped in the leg of the trousers. "Jerk his dick through the pants...get him rock hard...ready for your hot mouth." Ryan said. Lane manipulated his entire hand through the hole and really began to work on the man's oversized penis. He ran his hand hard up and down the length of the shaft. He curled his fingers around its width and rhythmically jerked right behind the engorged head. His breath came in big exhalations as he strained to touch and tease as much of the erection as he could through the confines of the material. The black guy appreciated the attention and was starting to breath heavy as well. His legs shook slightly and a wet spot appeared right where his cock head was trapped tight to his thigh, the fabric now straining at the thickness of his shaft. He was clearly in need of relief and the scene was getting to him "Undo his pants...take his cock out...oh fuck Kid...stop teasing and really touch it." Ryan said zooming in closer to the hole. Lane's hand shook as he struggled to undo the button on the work pants, he roughly popped it open and tugged the zipper down sharply. Lane took his small white hand and reached inside the opening. He had to work to grip the shaft and free it from the tight leg of the pants and let it spring up and out of the V of his undone pants. Lane groaned when the huge brown penis was finally exposed. It was well over nine inches long and was capped with a big purplish round cock head, already smeared with sticky liquid. The dick stood straight up, throbbing in the dim light of the booth. "Ohh shit Kid, nice big one for you...touch it...fell it." Lanes hand closed around the base of the shaft, his fingers not even close to meeting . He bit his lip at the feeling of finally having a big hard cock in his hand. He lovingly ran his palm up the underside of the erection and wrapped three fingers loosely just under where the head joined the shaft. He frigged the circle of his fingers up and down rapidly and the man's glans visible swelled; a loud, pained groan coming from his booth. Another shiny drop of precum appeared and the kid ran the flat of his thumb over the piss slit working the slick fluid in, the black guy visibly trembled at this intense contact. "Ohh nice, Kid...he's fucking leaking already...tell him to put it through the hole...let you really play with it." Ryan directed. Whether the man heard him or was just too eager to wait, slowly his cock angled its way into the booth. He pressed his hips tight to the wall and let his full 9 ½ inches throb and pulse right in front of the kneeling kid."Ohhh you little white bitch...i read how much you love big fucking cock...and it's all I been able to think about for days...I can't believe I'm your first today...uhhh" he groaned, his cock shaking. Lane had that look in his eye as he stared at the thick black erection. His lips were parted and I could hear his heavy breathing. He let out a whoosh of breath and reached up and gently cupped the man's big low hanging balls and the dick jumped and jerked in reaction. Another bead of fluid was visible, pooling in the deep slit in the head. Lane leaned up and flicked out his tongue, curling it into a point, he dipped it into the wet slit and pulled out a long glistening thread of precum. "OHHH nice...play with it...get it to leak more...mmmmm" Ryan urged, moving over to the side a bit so he could get a better angle on the man's erection and the kid's intense face. Lane gently squeezed and pulled on the sensitive testicles and the long cock shook and swayed in the hole. The light ball play rewarded the kid with another heavy bead of clear fluid, which he collected on his tongue, a thin strand spilling over and shining on his chin. The cock pulsed and the head bloated even more. If possible, the dick stood even straighter, straining at the hole. On the other side of the wall the man bumped his hips hard to the wall and said, "Fuck kid...c'mon...take it in your mouth...stop playin'...I'm hurtin..." Ryan put a steadying hand on Lane's shoulder, "Don't...not yet...tease him some more...get him to really leak." He said. Lane moaned and ran a hand down over his waist and pressed it into his painfully swollen crotch...as much as the light play was affecting the black guy it was torture for the kid as well. I could see in his eyes how badly he wanted to deep throat the entire thing. Lane leaned back his ass resting on his heels and fondled and cupped the man's churning balls. The cock throbbed and a thin rivulet of precum ran down the heavily veined shaft. The man's dark scrotum was now wet and dripping. Lane brought the flat of his palm up and lightly grazed the tip of the head, causing a violent reaction. The man's hips jerked and he moaned and the cock vibrated, a thick bead oozed out of the now dripping slit. "FUCK YEAH...Kid...look at all that precum..." Ryan whispered. Lane pulled his hand off the man's balls and looked at his shinning palm. He briefly flashed his eyes to the camera and then slowly licked all the fluid from his hand. Outside in the hall the man waiting knocked on the booth of the first guy, "Hey...move it along...there's a line starting out here." Lane groaned and Ryan smiled. "This is going to be good Kid...make him shoot...any way you want." Lane's lips parted and he let out a small gasp. He leaned back again savoring the sight of the wet thick erection jutting into the booth. He was still fully clothed in the shirt, tie and blazer and the contrast of the seedy booth and the huge black erection with his prim and proper clothes was startling. He wrapped his hand around the thick base of the cock and gently eased it down a bit, pulling it tight and causing the head to swell even more. He extended his tongue and began to torturously lap and slide it all around the massively bloated glans. It was rock hard and shiny with the skin stretched so tight, it must have felt amazing. The black man moaned and Ryan almost chortled with glee. "Oh you fucking little whore...look at you...just licking the head...I think he's going to shoot already...you want his cum?" he asked. Lane didn't bother with a reply he just cupped his tongue around the slick head and lapped up the copious fluid that was oozing out in near constant stream. The kid's face was wet and precum ran down his chin...he moaned overwhelmed at the taste and feel of the man's excitement. Through the wall the man cried out, "Kid... I'm gonna cum... ahhhh" His erection seemed to harden even more. Lane just steadied the dick and mercilessly flicked the tip of his tongue over and over the underside of the glans. The head pulsed and swelled and a thick flood of sperm began to pour out of the slit. Lane let the cum coat his tongue, soon it was covered in heavy white streaks. "Fuck...look at you eating that shit...fucking SLUT!" Ryan said. The cock spasmed and a heavy shot lurched out hitting Lane's cheek. The boy moaned and put his lips to the shooting convulsing slit and sucked the cum right into his mouth. He seemed overwhelmed by the taste and smell of the man's semen and soon began to roughly jerk the long thick shaft causing the ejaculate to jet out with more force. His mouth was open, the huge purple head poised on his full lower lip. He would close his mouth and swallow one load and immediately open up again and his mouth would fill. "Ohh my GOD...what a huge fucking load...kid is gorging on it...ohhhh" Ryan moaned, the camera shaking in his hands. Finally just a few thick beads clung to the sopping wet head. The kid squeezed them out onto his quivering tongue and let a low moan escape his lips as the man pulled his softening erection back through the hole. I could hear the sounds of more men out in the hall now and it seemed there was a bit of a pushing contest to get into the booth once the door was opened. "Take off the jacket, Kid." Ryan said. Lane let the heavy blue wool slip from his muscled shoulders and I could see his shirt cling to his super wide back from sweat. The shirt was tucked tightly into the waist band of his pants and his ass swelled out impressively. "Holy shit kid...look at that ass." Ryan hissed. Both men in the booth froze as a shadow caught their eye at the hole. Soon a huge purple cock head eased through the hole. It was super wide and flared in a classic mushroom shape. The shaft that followed was deep brown and had thick ridges running down its ten inches. It arched slightly back and was painfully hard. Lane moaned and his eyes looked sleepy, overcome with lust. He reached out and slid is hand around the huge head. His palm came away wet and sticky and Ryan said. "Fuck kid...another big black cock...number two...what do you want to do with it?" Lane again remained silent but he stood up and his cock strained against the front of his pants. He was so excited from performing that first blow job that he had seeped a deep wet spot through both his underwear and the heavy grey flannel. He continued twisting his hand up and down the massive erection causing the man on the other side of the wall to gasp. Lane used one hand to fumble with the button of his pants. "Oh fuck kid, no...not yet...You're not going to take him up your ass...ohhh what a fucking whore" Lane didn't take off his pants he just shoved the flannels down. I almost came right then, he was wearing super tight white briefs. His beautiful round bubble ass glowed in the booth, pressing hard and taut against the fabric. The wide waist band hugged his tiny waist and Lane roughly shoved the back of the underwear down, exposing his beautiful ass. Ryan swore and aimed the camera at it. "Fuck kid, you're so fucking eager for it...ahhh... that ass is incredible." He muttered. Lane forced his pants down to his ankles, kicked off his shoes and slid the pants off entirely. His white shirt still clung to his chest and the tie swung between his thighs blocking my view of the straining wet pouch of the briefs. Ryan put a trembling hand out, "Hey...kid...wait...slow down...let's build up to this...tease his cock...eat another load. " he whispered urgently. Lane's eyes looked glazed and he muttered, "I need to get fucked...ummm...now" The man in the booth heard the boy's need and he let out a loud groan. Lane looked over his shoulder and used the hand that was still working the thick shaft, to guide the wet purple head to his asshole. He gasped when the heat of the glans made contact with his ass lips and he arched his back and took his hand off the shaft. The bloated head now rested against his hole. The look on his face said it all...he had waited to long for this and couldn't deny himself any longer. Ryan dropped to his knees and pointed the camera up between the boy's splayed thighs getting a clear shot of the huge cock slowly penetrating the kid. The bloated head pressed hard against the kid's tender ass lips, spreading his hole open. When the oversized glans popped in Lane gasped and then gritted his teeth as he slid his body back inexorably, letting inch after hot, hard inch, enter him... until his gleaming taut ass cheeks were pressed tight to the laminate wall. The entire ten inches was deep inside him, as his thigh muscles shook uncontrollably. Lane moaned out, "OOhhh GOD...it feels so fucking good...it's fucking HUGE...fucking hurts...so...good...ahhhh." The man in the other booth moaned, "Ohhhh...fuck...I've never felt anything so tight...shit...bare backing the little fucker...ohhhh kid...this is going to be quick!!"Lane looked down at his own cock straining in the pouch of his briefs. "The fucking head is in so far...it's so hard...and...ohh...fuck... so BIG...uhhh." Lane said. He looked in desperate pleasure down at the man pointing the camera from the floor and cried out lifting his shirt and tie out of the way to give the camera a clear view as his cock began to jump and shake. I could see this dick spasm and he began to shoot and soon a large wet spot bloomed on the cotton. Semen soaked and pooled in the cotton pouch and huge globs seeped through and plopped to the dirty floor. "You fucking cumin' already...ohhh GOD ...slut...jizzing without even touching yourself...just from backing your ass onto a huge dick...fucking PIG!" Ryan spat. Lane ignored him. He hiked his shirt up further and began to fuck his ass up and down the full length of the enormous cock in long shuddering strokes. It didn't take long after only three of four hard long strokes the man cried out and jerked back. His cock popped free and a huge blast of cum shot out and streaked a wet line on the back of the kid's white school shirt, Lane quickly reached back and held the spasming cock steady, hot semen running over his hand and guided the enormous head back to his hole. His thighs quivered as he slid his down the full length letting the cock ejaculate inside him the entire way. Lane's dick continued to vibrate in an intense orgasm trapped in the dripping underwear and Ryan was cursing under his breath as he almost lay on the dirty floor to get the perfect angle of the thick cum coated shaft slide in and out of the kid's clenching asshole. "You fucking pig...he's filling you up good!" Ryan whispered and the man on the other side of the wall huffed and puffed in exertion. Lane rose up on his toes and the heavy cock slid free of his slick ass. It bobbed and dripped in the booth. Lane spun around and got down on his knees in front of the slowly softening cock and slid the entire length into his mouth. He took it deep , letting his wet throat muscles contract around the velvety girth and pulled back, using his tongue to clean the length of the shaft of the residual ejaculate. Ryan huffed out, "Fucking A!! "and pulled the camera in close to get the look of pure lust on the boy's face as he began to lick the now, once again stiffening cock completely clean. By the time he was finished it had risen once again to full erection and Lane was engaged in a full, deep throat blow job, sliding his lips up and down the thick shaft, letting the huge head bang brutally into the back of his throat. Ryan was breathing heavy and making sure to keep a tight camera angle on Lane's panting, straining mouth. The man on the other side of the wall began to cry out, "Fuck kid...I"m gonna shoot again already...ohhhh" and Lane leaned up and firmly grabbed the big heavy swinging balls. He cupped and massaged them as he pulled his wet mouth back and began working a slick hand around the huge head letting thick shots of cum fill his mouth, he moaned and made wet slurping sounds as he ate the man's load. Other men outside the booth were getting rowdy. I could hear them muttering and shoving. "FUCK Man, give a brother a turn...you already got off once...c'mon." and the door to the booth rattled. Lane released the heavy black balls and pulled his mouth off the head as the man slowly extracted his now spent dick. Lane wiped a stray glob of semen from his chin with the back of his hand. Ryan stood up, the camera still rolling. I noticed that Ryan was now sporting an incredibly hard cock, jutting the front of his pants out as he shifted painfully waiting for the next dick. Lane still had the white briefs tucked under his round ass cheeks and Ryan panned the camera down catching those perfect globes and the heavy shot of cum on the back of the kid's shirt. The camera jerked when he heard Lane moan as another man entered the adjoining booth. The light was blotted out from the glory hole as the man who had come in bent down. A wide dark eye peered through the hole. Lane didn't even bother to try and shield his face he just knelt there panting. "You want another cock little boy?" a deep voice asked. "Yeah...let him fuck you." Ryan whispered bending over to the kid's ear. Lane moaned and whispered through the hole, "I need more cock...let me play with your dick Mister." He said. The man pulled his face away from the hole and Lane swallowed hard at the sound of a zipper lowering. "That message board wasn't lyin' was it Kid...you fucking love big dick...sheeit." the man hissed and the light was blotted from the hole.

`Here come number three...Kid." Ryan said excitedly. Lane backed his face away from the hole as a thick pinkish brown cock head entered the booth. It was shiny and slick already and was wickedly flared and plum sized. Ryan gasped as a thick dark curved shaft followed, until another throbbing ten inch cock bobbed in front of Lane's sweaty face. Lane groaned and spread his knees wide and maneuvered his head under the heavy shaft. He extended his tongue and ran the flat surface up the protruding tube along the underside of the man's erection. When his tongue reached the glans he let it flick across the sensitive flesh causing the huge dick to jump and sway. A thin string of precum dripped out the slit and hung suspended in the dim light of the booth. Lane stared as if hypnotized and caught the strand on his two fingers. He moaned as sucked the fluid from his hand. Lane wrapped his small white fist around the ten inch black cock and lightly stroked it, causing the man in the booth to shift and bump his hips against the wall, trying to shove more of his penis into the kid's booth. Ryan held the camera with one hand and gripped Lane around his shirt sleeve, forcing him to his feet. "Fucking stop teasing and let him fuck you" he breathed. Lane shook him off and got down on his knees again and opened his mouth wide. He could barely get his mouth around the head, which seemed to have swelled even more since entering the hole. He lewdly slurped and sucked on the flange coating it with spit and closed his eyes in ecstasy as he let his fingers trail lightly down the long hot stalk. Ryan was pissed. He kept the camera pointed, knowing that he was filming pure gold but as Lane started to get more and more into the sloppy head job he gritted his teeth and whispered harshly. "I want to see a cock up your ass...fucking little whore like you can take on more than one at a time...I'm going to unlock the door and let another man in to fuck you...I'll do it, Kid..." Lane didn't stop pause in his action, so Ryan swore and said, "Alright... I'll get another guy in to fuck you while you get this one off." Lane moaned and carefully rose to his feet. The cock head never left his sucking mouth as he spread his legs and arched his back exposing his beautiful bubble ass, his turgid erection still trapped in the front of his sopping wet underwear, he was eager and ready for another cock. Ryan swallowed hard staring down at the kid as his grasping lips inched further down the thick shaft. Lane steadied the tremmorring cock with his free hand, his mouth stretched wide and his eyes flicked up as Ryan reached over him and unlocked the door. It swung in immediately and a large man stepped into the booth and closed and locked it behind him. He was older, white... maybe fifty. He had a mustache and steel grey hair. He was blocky with really wide shoulders and big heavily muscled arms. He had on a white tee shirt and jeans. His erection could clearly be seen bulging out the front of the denim. "What the fuck...?" He said when he saw Ryan with the camera. He moved to open the door and leave but Lane reached up a free hand and began kneading the tube in the front of his pants, moaning and frantically trying to undo the pants with one shaking hand. The man stared down at the kid as he continued to suck furiously on the sopping we cock head crowning the swaying ten inch cock poking through the wall of the booth. The man flicked his eyes up to Ryan, "Don't point that thing at my face or I'll fucking stomp on it...you hear...ohhhh..." his words trailed off to a moan as Lane had freed his cock and was now stroking up and down the full length with his hand. "Fucking little cunt...look at him..." The man moaned as Lane teased and flitted his fingers over the huge cock. I almost gasped when the man shifted position and I saw it. It was enormous...probably almost eleven inches long and super thick. Huge blue veins coursed up the shaft and the head was bloated a deep red, the piss slit was gaping and wet. A tuft of black hair surrounded the base and big low hanging balls hung suspended from the open jeans. "This is fucking sick...kid taking on strangers...I couldn't believe it when I read it on the internet...said you were the biggest cum slut around...guess it was true." He said as a vacant look crossed his face. He leaned back and let Lane play with his rock hard erection as he watched the kid expertly fellate the black cock. Lane was still just giving the man a wicked head job, licking and sucking powerfully on the super engorged flesh. He had been concentrating on the head the entire time and the guy was in overload, his cock head must have been so super sensitive from all the hot wet attention. The black guy was panting and fucking his quivering hips through the hole now, causing the head to jerk and pop out of Lane's mouth, coating his lips and cheeks in saliva and precum. Ryan tore his eyes off lane's slavering mouth and looked up at the older white guy and said, "Breed him...fuck the little bitch...it's what he needs. " Lane moaned at this and shuddered, his hand jumped and the white guy's dick jerked and snapped back, slapping against his tee shirt. A smear of precum was left behind on his flat stomach. "Ohhh...you fucking whore...you want a dick up your ass? Huh? Want me to fuck you with my big cock? Want your friend here to film it...let everyone see what a fucking whore you are?" The guy didn't wait for an answer from the kid, he just moved into position behind the splayed legs. He shucked the white shirt up, exposing Lane's tight waist and flared muscles of his back. "CHRIST...look at this ass. " he said running his big rough hands over the soft cheeks. He pulled the underwear further down, fully exposing the kid's as and ran two blunt fingers into the deep cleft. He pulled them back and looked at the thick white sperm smeared across them. "You already been bred today, Boy?" he said and then jammed two knitted together digits deep into Lane's wet asshole. Lane moaned around his mouthful of cock head and his own dick jumped. "Kid...I am so excited...I'm gonna fuck you... NOW." He grasped Lane's naked hips in a tight grip causing the flesh to welt up red and tried to line up the huge bloated head of his cock. It was so hard and he was so aroused that his erection was pulled up tight to his body. "Whore, reach back and put me in." he spat. Lane moaned and reached his free hand back and cupped the heavy underside of the man's shaft. He almost gasped at the hardness and the heat coming off of it. He gently pulled it down until the thick blunt head was prodding his slick hole and coaxed the shaft forward. "Ohhhh..." the man exhaled as he slid his entire length forward, burying himself inside the hot tight slick channel, his big swollen balls pressed tight against the kid. Lane groaned and pulled his spitty mouth off the bloated head, "ohhh shit...it's so fucking big...awww...fuck me...fuck me..." He moaned. Ryan aimed the camera down as the man slowly pulled his cock back until just the head was in the kid, then rammed his hips violently forward. Lane moaned and went back to mouthing and sucking on the gigantic cock head in front of him, working hard now to get this man to shoot. It was incredible that the black guy had hung on so long with the exquisite torture of the kid's hot wet mouth constantly stimulating his glans. Now as the big white guy thrust forcefully into the bent over kid rocking him back and forth, the black guy began to moan, "You getting fucked, Little Man?.... little whore...sucking my dick while you get ass raped...ohh fuck this is too much." He groaned and I heard men in the hall whisper in agitation. The white guy moved one hand off Lane's hip and gripped him by the thick sweaty curls. He pulled his head back, still pistoning his oversized cock in and out of the super tight asshole, his balls slapping against the kid with each hard thrust. He gasped out, "You gonna eat this man's cum?" Lane arched his back, thrusting himself back to get the man's cock in deeper, "Yeah...I want it. I want his cum...fuck me harder...deeper...cum in me too" He huffed. Ryan moaned and the camera shook as the black guy's cock jerked and a thick jet of semen erupted suddenly from the dripping slit. It hit Lane in a thick wet stripe across his open lips and streaked his cheek. "Ohh shit...kid...eat it" the white guy said holding Lane's head in place as his eyes popped wide and staring as more heavy shots of ejaculate streaked the kid's quivering extended tongue and leapt across his sweaty face. Lane's neck muscles flexed and he moved his head and covered the shooting head with his spermy lips, swallowing a huge shot of semen. The white guy groaned and rammed in deep. The base of the cock was pressed in so tight that the head must have been rammed right up against the kid's prostate. His body convulsed, hunched over the boy as he began to orgasm deep inside Lane's ass. "Pull out and let me film it. " Ryan whispered. The white guy collapsed back and his cock sprang free. It towered over the kid's shaking ass cheeks and the head and shaft were smeared with heavy white streaks, began to shoot cum in an arch into the air, landing with a wet splat on the kid's back. Lane moaned around a mouthful of sperm as he felt the hot cum land on him scalding his back, in frantic lust he roughly shucked his underwear down over his knees, kicking them off his feet. He pulled the tails of his shirt and the swinging school tie up as his cock vibrated and the head visibly hardened. His balls hugged tight to his body and suddenly he was cumming as well. Jets of heavy semen shot out and landed on the floor with an audible splat as the boy moaned and groaned. The two cocks pulled away from the kid simultaneously and the white guy fumbled to do up his jeans. Sweat stood out on his forehead as he watched Lane sink to his knees and stare through the hole waiting for the next dick. Ryan panned the camera down catching Lane's cock still deep red and throbbingly hard after his two orgasms. His hands shook and a deep wet spot dotted the front of his jeans and his black tee shirt clung to his hard frame with sweat. I don't think he knew what he would be witness to today and it was having a severe effect on him. Just as the lights went out in the adjoining booth meaning a new "customer" had entered, the white guy made a hasty retreat from the booth. Ryan pulled the door closed, holding it secure with his hand, "Should I lock it?...or do you want me to leave it open, Kid." A thick black cock was easing through the hole and Lane didn't even try and form an answer, he just reached up and pushed the door open with his hand. A big light skinned man squeezed into the booth. He looked Hispanic and was wearing a work shirt and khaki pants. He stared at the kid on his knees in a shirt and tie and nothing else as he gazed in rapt attention and a towering deep brown erection protruding from the glory hole. The cock was uncircumcised and the foreskin had pulled back exposing a round glistening purple cock head. The dick was another monster, topping ten inches with a very wide base. The Hispanic man pulled the door closed and looked at Ryan. "You filming this shit?" he asked. Ryan kept the camera pointed at Lane and the boy reached out a shaking hand and gently stroked the heavy penis in front of him. "Yeah...don't worry I won't get your face in the shot." He said. "What do you want to do the kid?" he asked in a thick voice. The depravity of what was going on was spurring Ryan on and he breathlessly waited to see what would happen. The Spanish guy unceremoniously ripped open his pants and pulled out a curved nine inch cock. The shaft was brown and heavily ridged. He was clearly over excited as droplets of clear precum flew off the deep reddish brown head as he whipped his cock out and began to rhythmically jerk it. He reached a big rough hand and grabbed Lane by the hair directing his mouth to his organ. "Suck my dick you faggot." He muttered through gritted teeth. Lane's half-slitted eyes focused on the erection, arched back towards the man's stomach. It was painfully hard. He opened his mouth and eagerly, clumsily tried to enclose it with his lips, he fumbled the head, causing it to streak precum across his cheek. Lane struggled to his feet, finally getting his mouth fully on the man's penis, sucking forcefully on the wet head. He reached his hands out and steadied himself on the man's thick thighs and aimed his ass at the cock coming through the glory hole. He groaned and began to smoothly deep throat the curved erection, his throat bulging as the crown passed his tonsils. He twisted his head trying to get the cock in even deeper, breaths blowing out his nose with the effort. Ryan kept filming but reached a hand out and placed it on the exposed sweaty small of the boy's back and guided his ass. The man in the other booth immediately felt it when his bloated cock head made contact with the kid's dripping asshole. He whispered loud enough to be heard, "Hold him steady...back him up a bit." He pulled his cock back through the hole as Ryan held Lane firmly in place. The black guy shoved his cock through the glory hole in a long smooth stroke, penetrating the kid deeply. The width of the base stretched Lane's ass lips wide, looking like they might almost tear. Lane moaned loudly around the deeply imbedded cock head in his throat and spread his legs further apart. The sensation of the huge cocks filling him at both ends caused his own cock to jump up even tighter to his bunched up shirt tails against his stomach, a thick bead of cum dripped from the boy's rock hard cock head and plopped to the floor. The black guy pulled back extracting his cock, the head popped free, throbbing rapidly in the adjoining booth thickly coated in the other men's ejaculate. "Fuck... this kid is so tight and fucking WET...awwww." he called out so loud he could be heard out in the store and then brutally shoved his cock back through, impaling Lane to the hilt once more. The Hispanic man was too excited and at the sight of the huge cummy cock now smoothly sliding in and out of the prone kid in long brutal thrusts... tipped him over the edge. He shook all over and slammed his hands into the walls of the booth trying to get purchase to steady himself as his knees buckled. Ryan knew the man was about to shoot and quickly reached out and pulled Lane's head back by the hair and aimed the camera. The penis came out of Lane's mouth slick and stringy with spit. The minute his lips slid off the head, the Hispanic man groaned and began to shoot. Cum blasted out of the overexcited dick and landed in heavy wet threads on Lane's forehead and down the bridge of his nose, coating his lips and chin as well. Ryan moaned and said, "Christ look it...cumming all over you fucking face." Just then the wall of the adjoining booth began to shudder and the black guy moaned and rammed his cock in all the way, the head pressed in super deep as he began to shoot hot blasts of cum directly against the kid's prostate. Lane groaned and clamped his spermy lips down over the shooting head and took the rest of the man's orgasm into his mouth as Ryan panned the camera back and forth from the kid's mouth and ass, filming every second of him being bred. "Kid...you are fucking incredible...I've never seen anything like this..." Ryan said breathlessly. The guys in the hall heard the lewd sounds of the two men unloading in the kid and their excitement seemed to build. I heard a deep voice say, "Next time leave the door open...let us watch while we wait our turn." The Hispanic man was breathing heavy as he pulled his cock out of Lane's mouth and tucked it sloppily back into his pants. The black cock retracted though the hole and I could hear that booth door open and shuffling feet enter and close and lock the door. The Hispanic slipped out the door that he eased open a crack and Ryan pulled it closed and locked it. Someone rattled the door and swore. Ryan looked down at Lane, "you just took seven big loads Kid...you still want to keep going?" Lane knelt there, his face flushed and streaked with semen, "FUCK yes..." he bit his lip and tried to unlock the door to let another man in. Ryan stopped him, knocking away his hand. "Not yet...Cunt...let's make you wait a bit...tease you...it will make for good film." I could see a deep blue eye peering through from the connecting booth watching the kid and the man with the camera. Lips pressed to the hole, "Make him get totally naked...let me see that ass." He urged. Ryan looked at Lane, keeping the camera pointed at his lust glazed eyes, "You heard the man...strip" he ordered. Lane stood up, his legs trembling as he got to his feet. His cock jutted out, hard and deeply engorged. He pulled the knot of his tie loose and let it slip to the dirty floor. His hands were so shaky that he fumbled with the buttons. The man watching hissed impatiently, "Fucking rip it off." Ryan reached out one hand and pulled on the white fabric. The sound of buttons popping and bouncing off the laminate walls and the concrete floor echoed throughout the booth and seemed magnified out in the hall. A collective groan went up from the men waiting, knowing that a thin little wall was all that separated them from the now naked slut. Lane let the torn shirt slide off his shoulders. His muscled body looked amazing, his sculpted chest gleamed and his pale nipples were rock hard. His ass swelled magnificently from the dipped-in small of his back and the man with his eye pressed to the hole groaned at the sight. "Fuck kid...I'm so fucking close already...shit." and the sound of shuffling and clothing being pulled apart could be heard. Lane stared at the opening in the wall as a large pale pink glans eased through into his booth. It was so big that it almost grazed the sides of the oversized glory hole. It was out of proportion to the shaft that followed. Looking like an apple resting on the somewhat thinner stalk. The cock, though not as thick as some Lane had taken today was long. It looked at least 10 ½ inches and that fucking head was ridiculous. It was deeply bisected by the deep cleft of piss slit and circumcision scar and the ridge where the glans met the shaft was dramatically pronounced. A thick glob of precum pooled in the deep cleft and Lane moaned at the sight. The dick shook and quivered as the man pressed it fully into the booth. "He's fucking close Kid...he's gonna shoot any second. " Ryan sounded breathless and moved around to get down low in front of Lane to catch the action. Lane backed that perfect ass up and spread his bare feet wider apart. As he reached down between his legs his forearm grazed his own rigid cock and a shiny smear of precum glistened along the veined arm. His hand caught that big head, fully filling his palm and the man gasped loudly through the wall. Lane raised up on his toes and as he attempted to mount the erection...it was too late. A hot boil of sperm poured, out coating his hand. OHHH FUCK...!" The man screamed. Lane's thighs shook and he slid the now shooting head into the crack of his ass. The shaft spasmed and cum shot into the tight confines, drenching his asshole and the entire crack of his ass. As the cock continued to shoot heavy ropes of semen, Lane struggled to slide that oversized head into his tight anal ring. Cum was everywhere; running down Lane's forearm and oozing out between the huge head and his tight hole, spilling onto the floor. The glans was too big, but the kid would not be denied. Super slick with semen he got the bloated tip in and slid his palm lower to steady the shaft. Throwing his head back, the cords of his neck straining, he dropped his full weight down. He literally screamed in pleasure when the head finally popped inside him. His cock violently jerked and slapped against the tight ridges of his stomach a thick bead of fluid oozed out. Lane looked down watching as he slid himself further and further down the still ejaculating cock. When his sticky ass cheeks were pressed tight to the hole in the wall and that gigantic head was jammed up deep inside him he froze. Ryan swore and almost dropped the camera. Lane's cock began to jerk and spasm but nothing was coming out. Lane was almost crying in an agony of pleasure as he watched his cock flop rapidly against his sweaty stomach. "Pull off...pull off Kid." Ryan moaned. Lane raised up sliding his stretched ass lips up the shaft. Once the head was pulled off his prostate a rocket of cum flew out of the kid's dick. It arched over Ryan and landed on the back of his black tee shirt and a spatter hit the door of the booth. "Holy FUCK Kid" Ryan said as Lane slid himself up and down the shaft in short hard strokes using that huge granite head to pound more cum out of his tortured cock. Lane's body was shaking all over as he let the dick finally slide from his body he collapsed to his knees his breath coming in huge gasps. Ryan stood up and keeping the camera rolling reached behind him and unlocked the door. As the door swung in Ryan moved to the back corner of the booth to film. Two men squeezed in, both African American. They were in their forties I'd say and one had a shaved head and the other a tight cropped afro. Their pants were already undone and two big black cocks bobbed in front of the kneeling kid. The bald guy topped out at about ten inches while the other was a solid nine. Their cock head were slick with precum and it was clear they had been out there for a while waiting their turn. They didn't speak or even pause, they just jutted their hips forward and let their dripping hard-ons prod the kid's face, streaking his cheeks and chin with their precum. Lane moaned and took the bald man's cock in his mouth first, deep throating it entirely on the first stroke. He used his hand to stroke and tease the other man, milking more precum from his deep purple head. Another cock was guided through the glory hole and Lane caught the swaying movement of the ten inch erection from the corner of his eye. Lane now had three huge black cocks in his face. He shuffled back a bit further into the booth on his knees, the two black bulls following. He positioned the men around him and began to take turns deep throating each oversized erection in turn. Precum veritably poured out of the three huge cocks. Lane's throat was coated and he made use of the slippery lube to take each cock fully down his bulging throat. Ryan just moaned and filmed the kid in his cock frenzy. It didn't last long...how could it, the men were too aroused. The bald guy was staring at the kid as Lane's lips grasped and slurped at the wide base of his erection, his hips jerked and he gripped the shoulder of the man next to him as he started to ejaculate deep down Lane's throat. Lane's Adam's Apple bobbed as he swallowed the load. The guy sharing the booth gasped, "You shooting...he eating your cum...awww" and as Lane pumped his dripping cock with his slick hand a jet of semen shot out. It caught Lane on the temple and skidded into his sweaty curls. He moaned and pulled back letting the bald guy's cock slide from his throat. He gasped and turned opening his mouth under the shooting head. Ryan panned in close, catching the thick stringy ropes of cum in the kid's wide open mouth as the guy with the tight afro used one hand to aim his dick, letting semen spill and pool at the back of the boy's throat. A last weak shot oozed out of the gaping slit and Lane sat up and closed his mouth, droplets of thick sperm covered the swollen lips. He closed his eyes and swallowed the huge load. Ryan caught sight of the dick coming through the glory hole jerk and slap back against the wall, "Kid...there...another load. "He whispered urgently. Lane shifted positions and wrapped a hand tightly around the thick shaft right below the glans. He held the cock steady and slid his cum dripping mouth over the head as the man began to shoot. Thick heavy shots of sperm hit the roof of the kid's mouth and he closed his lips over the head, braced his wet hands on the wall and slid his mouth down letting the cock unload the rest of the cum deep down his throat. After that it became a free for all. As soon as the two black dudes cleared out of the booth an older white guy in glasses and dress pants elbowed his way in. He had a marine haircut and the front of his tan slacks was streaked with dark stains. He splayed his legs and popped the button on the pants. He wasn't wearing underwear and his thick 10 ½ inch cock sprang free. "Big enough for you? Fucking filthy slut. " he said and actually spat a thick wad of saliva on the side of Lane's face. Lane had his back partially to the man as he had just pulled off the spent cock the was now arched towards the floor hanging from the hole. He went to turn and take the pulsing erection in his mouth but the man shoved him hard around. He got down on, crouching behind the kid and lined his cock up. He looked up and saw another big black uncircumcised cock come through the glory hole. He gripped Lane's hair and said, "Suck off that cock while I fuck you...ohhh you whore." He groaned as his head slipped in the kid. He stayed crouching on his heels and more firmly twined his fist in Lane's hair as he began to fuck his thick long cock into the kid with brutal erratic strokes. Lane groaned and let the bobbing cock head at his face slide into his gasping mouth. The older man forced the boy's head down making him deep throat the cock and was gasping as his cock slid in and out of the kid's tight cum-slick asshole. It took a mere matter of minutes and the old guy groaned and jammed himself brutally forward. He was gasping like a fish out of water as he came inside the kid. He opened his squeezed shut eyes just in time to see the big black cock, rising up from the hole in the wall, dripping and slick with the kid's spit shoot thick ropes of cum all over Lane's sweaty straining face. "Eat that shit...fucking whore" he said and directed Lane's mouth to catch a particularly heavy shot. The place reeked of semen and Lane was covered in sperm as the old guy stood and zipped up exiting the booth. The black dick pulled back through the hole and was immediately replaced by another one, also black and if possible a bit thicker than the last. Lane went right to work sucking on the wet head and sliding the long shaft down his throat in smooth motions while two more men came into the booth. Ryan pushed himself back tight against the wall. The guys were younger, in their late twenties early thirties and they clearly knew what they intended to do before even getting at the kid. The lean blond one, who was sporting a long thin ten inch cock from his open cargo pants, maneuvered himself onto the floor on his back. He directed Lane to straddle his narrow hips. His head was propped against the far wall of the booth as he looked up as Lane slurped expertly on the oversized black cock jutting through the wall. "You fucking love big cocks...hey Mate?" he said in a distinctly British accent, a mean smirk on his pock marked face. He watched Lane moan and frantically suck on the erection and then he looked around the kid's sweaty heaving body and caught the eye of his dark haired buddy. The other guy's cock was out and it was impressive, almost eleven inches long with a wicked bloated head. The guy on his back guided Lane's hips and said. "Sit on my dick, Bitch." Lane groaned and pulled off the cock in his mouth and looked over his shoulder. He grasped the Brits shaft and guided the head to his sopping wet hole. Once lined up, he turned back to the cock coming through the wall and continued his expert blow job, desperate to taste more cum. He let his body weight and gravity do the work and slid down the full length of the young guy's cock in one fluid stroke. Lane's cock twitched once he was fully impaled and he groaned loudly. "Ohhh fuck ...this whore is so fuckin tight." The guy on the floor moaned. "Do it Eddy...C'mon...I won't last long...he's to bloody hot." The other guy shucked his pants low on his hips and got down on his knees behind Lane. The first guy spread his legs wider giving his buddy access. The dark haired guy looked down and braced one hand on Lane's naked back as he lined up his cock head on the stretched lips of Lane's stuffed ass. Lane was about to turn his head when he realized what was happening but at that instant the heavy black balls of the cock in his mouth snapped up tight and the man began to cum. Lane moaned lost in the taste and sensation of heavy hot shots of ejaculate filling his mouth. The dark haired guy slid his wet cock head around and puffed and struggled but finally he popped the big rock hard head into the tight anal ring, already stretched fully with his buddies pumping shaft. "HOLY FUCK!" he cried as he slid his cock steadily in further. In seconds as Lane gulped down the last of the black cock's sperm he screamed as he felt two huge hard cocks slip and slide against each other fucking him in an erratic rytham. Lane's hands flew out, flailing madly in the air as he came again. Cum shot out of his cock in thin watery bursts landing on the tee shirt and jacket of the guy on the floor, "Fuck yeah...shoot your load, you little whore. " he said watching the kid writhe in orgasm. Ryan fell to his knees, the camera shaking wildly. "Kid, you're getting double penetrated...two big fucking cocks up your ass...you fucking whore." That was the breaking point. Ryan jerkily stood up and fumbled for the fastenings of his jeans. The guy on his back convulsively gripped Lane's hips, his eyes shut tight and began to shoot, his hot cum burning and coating his buddies cock. The dark haired guy collapsed against Lane's heaving back and began to ejaculate. There was so much semen being shot into such a tight space it sluiced out around the slick squeezed in shafts, running down onto the smaller guy's jumping balls. Ryan was too late, as the flaps of his jeans opened, his cock was already shooting. Huge jets of cum shot out of the big head and arched high into the air. The first two shots splashed on Lane's insensate face and head before he came to his senses and gripped the shaft guiding the spasming cock to his mouth. He swallowed load after load, groaning at the enormity of Ryan's ejaculate.

After the crowd cleared I pulled myself together and made my way out of the booth. I staggered back behind the book store just in time to see a clearly disheveled and dazed Lane, barely dressed in his unbuttoned shirt and undone trousers, standing there holding his tie and jacket next to Ryan. My dad's car pulled up a few seconds later. The power window glided down silently, "How many?" I heard him ask. Ryan answered in a shaky voice, "sixteen, I think." My dad laughed, "how many times did the kid get off?" Ryan looked at Lane, "Four times I think...we got some great footage...we are going to make a fortune on this kid " he said. "Get in. My dad ordered and Ryan got in the front and Lane stumbled and sort of fell into the back. I felt my cock stiffening AGAIN as the car slid off into the night.

Next: Chapter 42

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