What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Jan 27, 2012


Here is another installment...going back I can't believe how long this series is...I can't even hazard a guess as to the page total for all the chapters. Hope you all enjoy this chapter...

It was literally weeks before I could get the images of Lane out of my head...all I had to do was close my eyes and there he was staring in the movie that seemed to constantly run on the insides of my eyelids...him laying back on the movie seat being mounted by the big black guy, him swallowing load after load from the men down at the boulevard. CHRIST I had to stop this. Over the next few weeks I did my best to concentrate on my school work. I was back in class's full swing and carrying a pretty heavy course load. The next few weeks I barley even thought about sex. I would still get a tingle at the sight of a hot guy on campus, but for the most part I was able to keep things in check. It wasn't until the Thanksgiving break that I had time for any relaxation. I was home every day and felt myself starting to get that feeling...I was itching to witness another sexual escapade. Fate seemed to remain my ally...making my wishes come true. I was out with my Dad on a Saturday morning. We had gone to the gym together and were driving back home when we passed my old high school. It was alumni weekend and a lot of different activities were taking place. As my dad slowed down I could see what caught his eye. On the wall around the school a bunch of guys I recognized from my year were holding up signs for a car wash as an alumni fundraiser. I was pretty sure what motivated my dad to pull over with a casual,"Let's support your old school and get the car washed. " One of the guys holding the sign made my breath catch in my chest. I vaguely knew him from some shared classed back in high school. We didn't travel in the same circle as he was probably one of the most popular kids in school...definitely top of the high school food chain. His name was Tony I think, but today he stopped traffic. It was an unseasonably warm November day and he was sitting on the wall holding a sign while wearing just a small pair of maroon track shorts and sneakers. He looked incredible. He was Italian or so I assumed, with his shiny dark curly hair and olive complexion. He had his hair in a really short buzz cut now and he had dark eyes and a flashing cocky smile. His body was something else. He was pretty muscular but not all cut and defined. He had rounded, smooth muscles. His waist was small with just a hint of abs and his thighs were heavily muscled and I remembered he was on the track team when we were in school together. His skin was perfectly smooth and dusky and the small shorts were pulled down low on his hip, showing slight indentations of the hip flexor muscles. The fact that he was dressed like this was no surprise to me, I remembered him as being pretty into himself and conceited in high school. He was the perfect picture of youthful male beauty and arrogance and he knew it and my father couldn't resist pulling over for a closer look. There was no one ahead of us for a car wash so we pulled into the parking lot and the guys from the wall followed us in. We got out of the car and I hung back while my dad went and paid them the requested ten dollars. Tony and I nodded to each other in that way you do when you aren't close enough for a real greeting, just a head tilt and a grunted syllable. I noticed that there were a couple of teachers milling about supervising the car wash. One was none other than Mr. Halen my old social studies teacher and well known cock tease. My eyes were sort of locked on him as my dad followed Tony's every movement. Mr. Halen was in casual clothes today; he had on a tight blue tee shirt that showed off his lean muscular frame. He was wearing a pair of faded, baggy sweat pants that did little to conceal his prodigious package. I felt myself stirring in my own sweats at the sight of the dark haired, mustachioed stud. Tony meanwhile was getting to work on our car. His crouching and bending and letting his brief shorts get slopped with water did little to distract my father's laser gaze. The kid was truly hot...his ass in those shorts...it was incredible. He had one of those bigger, round high asses. I tore my eyes off the teacher and saw my dad stare fixedly as the kid's round protuberant buttocks flexed and pressed provocatively against the thin nylon material. The shorts seemed barely able to contain the large mounds of his ass. Mr. Halen also seemed to be expending a good amount of visual attention to Tony and the kid did not seem unaware. He was bent over the hood out our car, the sun gleaming on his olive shin, the shorts pulled so taut across his ass that they looked like they might rip, when he turned and looked over his shoulder and caught Mr. Halen staring. A smile crossed his lips and he flashed those perfect white teeth and he bent further over, surreptitiously lowering the back of his shorts a few inches. As swarthy as his muscled back was, I could see a distinct tan line as almost the tops of his ass was exposed. Mr. Halen bit his lip, his eyes clouded with lust. The kid smiled and looked down in time to catch a distinct twitch in front of the teacher's sweat pants. The car wash continued and the kid seemed to really be getting off on parading his half naked body around in front of the clearly aroused teacher and my staring father. It was warm and tiny beads of sweat glistened on his broad smooth back. All his exposed skin seemed to be glossy and shine. As I stared at m old social studies teacher I was getting short of breath at the increasingly obvious swelling in his sweats. His long semi-erect cock was clearly visible. I had seen that cock naked and wickedly erect on more than one occasion and knew how big and thick it could get. I saw Mr. Halen look down and note this and pull the tee shirt down in a vain attempt to hide his excitement. As the other guys were doing a final rinse I saw Tony catch the teacher's eye and nod his head towards the school. Mr. Halen nodded in agreement. The kid plopped the big sponge into the sudsy bucket and said, "I gotta hit the head guys...you all set?" the two guys helping at the car wash nodded their assent and Tony headed up to the school. Mr. Halen barely waited a minute before muttering and excuse and following. My dad was walking around the car checking it out and I said, "Dad I gotta use the bathroom before we head out...be right back." Dad waved his hand absentmindedly at me. I hightailed it up to the big brick building and went the side door that I saw both the kid and my former teacher use. I crept down a sun dappled hallway and listened intently. BINGO...I heard voices from the men's room about halfway down the hall. Being as quiet as possible I slowly pushed the door open and crept in. It looked empty until I looked under one of the stall doors and saw two sets of familiar feet and heard the urgent whispered voice of Tony, "C'mon...don't be an asshole...let me see it at least...you're fucking hard...I can tell. " I heard Mr. Halen chuckle and respond, "Oh Tony Boy...just like old times huh? You flashing that ass...that body and thinking you can get what you want." I crept over and leaned close to the tiled wall and peered through the crack in the partition. They were standing together in the small stall, both still fully clothed. Their faces were flushed and just the close proximity seemed to have brought both of them further along in their arousal. Tony had his eyes lowered and was staring at the clearly outlined lump of semi erect cock prodding at the front of the tall man's loose sweats. The kid's tight maroon shorts were looking as packed in the front as they were in the back by now and I could see his cock jerk and strain at the tight material. "Shit Mr. H I've been away at school for months..." He flashed that cocky smile again..."with no fucking action whatsoever...I can tell you're interested...c'mon" he made a motion with one hand to attempt to cup the man's shaft and the packed looking pouch of his pants. The teacher trapped his wrist in one big hand. "Not so fast Tony...it is not that easy...you don't just waltz back to my school and get all your old privileges back...no way... and not now...not here" The kid gritted his teeth in frustration and tried to break the big man's grip, but Mr. Halen held on, his long erection shifting in the soft material. "No, if you want to play....well let's just say the game has changed." said the teacher. The kid looked up into the dark haired man's face, clearly frustrated at not immediately getting what he wanted, "What? What do you want...?." The teacher smiled. "Oh Tony...let me think about that for a minute...you don't think I was aware of your little cock teasing performance out there...look at how your dressed...fucking little slut...you like to tease...get me all worked up?" The big man squeezed down on the kid's wrist. Tony winced and his cock jumped in his shorts. The boy lowered his voice even more, "C'mon Mr. Halen...let me play with your big dick...you always used to like it when I was kneeling in front of you..." as he said this the kid sank to his knees on the hard tiled floor. His face was now level with the man's straining dick and the soft worn fabric jumped as the cock flopped violently against the seam of the sweatpants. That smile flitted across the kid's handsome face and it was clear he was trying to tease the teacher again. Mr. Halen jerked the kid forcefully to his feet, "Cut the shit...I said not here...you need to be taught a lesson...you're too fucking cocky for your own good." He twisted the kid's arm back and leaned in close. Tony's breath caught in his throat and he swallowed and his lips parted. He was clearly super excited by the rough talk and forceful treatment...shit who was this kid? The big man spoke through clenched teeth, "You've always walked around this school like you ruled it...flirting with all the girls...lying about all the ass you were getting when we both know what you really want. Nobody fucking knew that you were giving me blow jobs every chance you got...and..." Tony jerked his arm back, anger flashing across his face, breaking off the teachers speech. Mr. Halen leaned in closer to the kid, " You hot for cock? You want to suck my big dick?...well you're going to have to work for it." He said. He sort of pushed him back against the stall wall. Tony rubbed his wrist and looked at the big man, "So...what do you want?" his voice sullen and pissed off. The teacher smiled, "Well Mr. College Man...how bad do you want dick...how long has it been?" How bad do you need it?" The kid smiled a sly grin, still rubbing his wrist, "Bad...shit...there's no action at all up my college...at least not the kind I'm interested in...stupid little faggot college boys...I want man cock." He said and again let his eyes linger on the tented out pants of the teacher crowded in the stall with him, clearly thinking this was going to go his way. "You want to see my dick Tony?" the teacher whispered. The kid licked his lips and nodded, never moving his hot gaze from the throbbing bulge in the cloth. Mr. Halen took half a step back and leaned against the stall wall. He hooked one large hand into the waistband of his sweats and with the other raised the hem of the tee shirt. His hard hairy stomach was exposed as he slowly undid the knot of string tying the pants tight to his waist. He took his time, pulling on the string while watching the kid's face. Once the knot came undone the weight of his cock dragged the fabric down and almost his entire cock was exposed in one lurch. My mouth went dry, I had forgotten how truly incredible it was. It was about 10 and ½ inches long with huge thick veins tracing all around the shaft. The head flared out violently and was deep red. He wasn't wearing underwear and as his cock twitched and swelled even more, being out in the open, he roughly reached into the sweats and scooped out his balls. They were huge and heavy surrounded by a thick neatly trimmed flush of pubic hair.

He leaned back against the wall and just let his cock jut out into the stall, pulsing in time to his heartbeat. Tony's cocky smile slipped a notch at the sight of the man's huge rampant cock. "Holy fuck..." he whispered, "I forgot how fucking big it is." He said. He shifted uncomfortably, his own cock straining harder at his shorts. "You want me to touch it...don't you Teach?" he said. The big man shifted, standing up straight. His cock swayed and bobbed and a tiny bead of clear precum caught in the deep slit in the head. "No I don't want you fucking touching it...not now at least...I told you...you want my dick you have to work for it. " as he spoke he wrapped one hand around the wide base of his cock and shuddered as he twisted it up the shaft and lightly grazed the head. He looked down at his open palm and I saw the thin streak of fluid. "Lick it" he said and extended his hand. Tony smiled confidently and grabbed the man's hand in both of his and brought the palm slowly to his mouth. He let his pink tongue snake out and swipe directly across the glistening streak. He had his dark eyes locked onto the older man's face as he opened his mouth and let his lips graze the rough surface and then with a low moan took one of the man's big fingers into his mouth and began to suck it. Mr. Halen's cock throbbed and jerked up even straighter, another bead of fluid oozed out the head. As the kid moved on to the next long digit the drop pooled and then hung suspended briefly from the tip of his dick before plopping to the floor in slow motion. "Shit kid...that's enough...you're making me leak all over the place...STOP" the man said forcefully and pulled his hand away. Tony's mouth was wet and saliva had smeared across one cheek and down his cheek. The big man went to pull up the sweat pants but Tony was so eager and so over-confident he quickly leaned in and pressed himself tightly against the man' s big hard body. He let his hand drop down and gently cupped the big heavy shaft. He closed his palm around the considerable width and let it glide silkily up and down, the heat burning his palm. The teacher's dick was so big the wet head almost brushed against Tony's rounded flexed bicep. The older man threw his head back and gasped as the kid ran a wide thumb brutally over the slit causing precum to coat his finger and then liberally smeared around the entire bloated glans. His voice thick with lust, the man said, "Enough...Slut...stop...ohhh." He gasped again as Tony quickly bent over and trapped the huge head in his mouth, steadying the shaft with one hand. His dark eyes closed and his pink lips stretched around the width. He lewdly swirled his tongue all around the ridge where the glans met the shaft, moaning low in his throat. "You dirty fucker...NO" said Mr. Halen and with a herculean effort pulled the boy's hot wet mouth off his cock head. He shoved him so violently that Tony crashed back against the partition while the big man hastily pulled up and retied his sweatpants. His cock barely fit back into the pants and a wet streak painted the faded blue fabric. "That is the last time you disobey me Boy." He said breathlessly. It was clear that he was almost as desperate as the kid for this to go further, but I saw him close his eyes and regain composure. "Now you listen to me...you want to play with my cock then you do exactly as I say...got it?" He said and used one big powerful hand to grab the kid's face in a viselike grip. Tony's eyes widened and those teeth flashed, "What do you want me to do...I'll do whatever...just let me suck you off...GOD I'm so fucking horny!" Mr. Halen let go of the kid's face and tried futilely to hide his erection with the tee shirt. "Shit kid...how am I supposed to go back out with this." Tony just smiled.

"I need you to...help out... a couple friends of mine." Mr. Halen said. Tony looked alarmed, "Wha...what?...I don't fuck around with strangers..." The contempt clear on his sneering face. "FUCK YOU, Kid." laughed Mr. Halen. "You spent half your time at this high school on your knees sucking my dick and..." he raised an eyebrow and reached a big hand around and lightly slapped one of the kid's big taut ass cheeks. "I've been up inside that ass plenty of times as well...don't play the shy virgin now." He said. "No fucking way." Tony reiterated. "I'm no whore." Mr. Halen just smiled and looked down at his own crotch, his cock still rearing up, hard as iron in the sweats. He glanced up at the kid and slowly untied the string. Once undone, the pants slipped down and his big long shaft bobbed out. Tony bit his lip and groaned. "You want my dick?...want to suck it...lick it...take it deep down your throat...get me so excited...so fucking hard...feel me shoot my cum into your hot sucking mouth...want to feel my big dick slide into that sweet hole...feel all ten inches deep inside you...fuck you till you cum...huh...that what you want...?" As the teacher was whispering these things in a filthy list he was slowly stroking his shaft and letting his loose gripped fingers bump against the wide flared ridge where his shaft met that bloated round head. Tony couldn't take his eyes off the man's penis...he was mesmerized. "Turn around" the teacher said. Tony took a deep breath and slowly rotated putting his back to the man. A thin trickle of sweat was running down the deep channel in the muscles of his back. Beads of perspiration popped to the smooth surface of his sculpted shoulders. The tight maroon shorts were clinging to the big full cheeks of his ass and they were so short that the big quadracep muscles of his thighs strained the leg hole. The waist band had been pulled askew in the struggles with the teacher and it had shifted low exposing a straight tan line, the skin of the top swell of his ass a slightly lighter caramel color then his broad dusky back. A sheen of sweat glossed the beginning swell of the cheeks and the shadowy hint of his ass crack looked dewy and moist. "NICE...I had almost forgotten how fucking hot that ass is...I need to see more." Mr. Halen said. He leaned in, his long erection skidding across the tight nylon. He hooked both thumbs into the elastic waistband of the shorts and slid them over the big round ass. The kid's cheeks trembled as his ass was fully exposed. Tony bent over slightly at the waist the full round creamy caramel ass cheeks were shiny with sweat and as Mr. Halen leaned back and just devoured the kid with his eyes a thin trickle ran down Tony's lower back and made its slow journey into that deep shadowy ass crack. "Ummm...lookit that fucking ass." Mr. Halen muttered. He reached one hand out and stroked the velvety skin of one full ass cheek, he hefted it's weight in a big palm, then let his hand linger on the kids hot moist flesh. His other hand was langorously running up and down his long shaft teasing his dripping head with fluttering fingers. He worked two or three big thick fingers into that impossibly tight crack and pried the cheeks apart. He let out a pent up breath when the perfectly smooth hole was exposed. Clear, glistening droplets of perspiration dotted the large rounded ass cheeks and the cleft was slick with sweat. "Ohh... fuck kid you are so hot." Mr. Halen crouchd down to get a closer look. Tony braced his hands on the stall wall and moaned, "Yeah...play with my ass...fuck yeah...I've been dying for this...it's been way too long...ummm" Mr. Halen barely seemed to register the kid's voice, he was so intent on letting his eyes roam all over the boy's incredible ass. He took his hand off his cock and put one knee down to brace himself on the tiled floor. He used both of his oversized hands to cup and firmly pull apart the taut flesh. He leaned back and spat a thick wad of saliva directly onto the kid's asshole. Tony moaned louder as the teacher used the slick lube to rub his big middle finger back and forth across the kid's spasming ass lips. Tony's cheeks shook and trembled as he looked back over his shoulder and hissed, "Yeah...finger me." He swallowed hard, "Ram that finger in my ass...oh fuckin DO IT!" He moaned all urgency, his whole body shaking in need. Mr. Halen gritted his teeth and let the very tip of his finger slip into the kid's super tight anal ring. Tony gasped and his thighs shook as he arched his back and tried to back his ass up further to get more penetration. Mr. Halen let him take another inch of so, up to the big first knuckle then put his other hand on the kid's sweat drenched lower back and guided him forward and let his finger slide free of the kid's body. The teacher stood up, "That's enough, Fucker...you want more then you have to do as I say." Tony groaned and took his hands off the wall and shoved his shorts down lower to his ankles, to bunch up on top of his sneakers, desperate to be naked. He half turned to see the man standing over him, his erection rising up powerfully, so hard it was bending back towards his flat lightly furry stomach, the head so engorged it looked carved out of stone. A dark streak of precum had stained the Teacher's pulled up tee shirt. I couldn't believe how aroused this kid was...he was so fucking horny his fat eight inch cock was almost purple with blood and a clear strand of precum hung off the vibrating head. "Pull up those fucking pants, Whore...I mean it... no more...stop" The teacher was struggling to tuck his own huge erection back into the sweat pants and tie the knot. His face was flushed and precum streaked both the faded sweats and the tee shirt and the long thick tube of his cock was straining at the pants. As he pulled the tee shirt down as low as possible I knew there was no way he could go back out to the parking lot looking like this. Tony didn't pull up the shorts, instead he left them pooled at his feet and turned around to face Mr. Halen. His cock was so hard it pulled up straight and tight to his body. His chest rose and fell rapidly slick with sweat. "Don't be like that Teach...I know you want more...fucking touch me... CHRIST." He huffed out and quickly grabbed one of the hairy forearms of the man, leaned forward, his whole body yearning, and pulled the man's big hands onto his chest and shuddered as the rough skin grazed his erect nipples. Mr. Halen didn't seem to be able to stop himself, He used one hand to shove the kid back against the wall and let the other flick and twist the kids dark brown nipple. Tony groaned and beads of sweat dripped off the points of his pectorals. Mr. Halen bit his lip as he tugged on the hot sensitive flesh and let the other hand roam down the kid's hard rounded chest and over his smooth stomach. He let his hand graze the kid's shaking cock and cupped the low heavy balls. Tony moaned and looked at the teacher's intense face. I saw the kid's eyes widen and moan of pain stuttered out of his parted lips. Mr. Halen had captured and brutally twisted the kid's balls and scrotum in an iron grip. His teeth bared he exerted a bit more pressure. Tony let out a low moan and though it clearly hurt, a thick bead of milky white precum oozed out of his purple cock head. "When I say stop...I mean stop." He punctuated this with a sharp tug on the kid's balls. Tony moaned again and shuddered. It looked like the kid was dangerously close to orgasm. Mr. Halen released him and pushed him away. "You REALLY need to be taught a lesson." He said. ""Now pull up those fucking shorts and get yourself under control and get back out there to the car wash..." Tony had a sullen look on his handsome face and reluctantly bent down, his wide back muscles shiny with sweat, and struggled to adjust those tiny shorts over his dripping hard-on. "...I'll fucking do it." He muttered. "What...what was that?" Mr. Halen said. "Tony looked at the big man, "I'll do it...suck off your friends...as long as no one ever finds out and then you let me play with your big cock...and...you know..." his voice trailed off embarrassed. "What Kid...and??? What I fuck you?" he leaned in and let his stubbly hard jaw graze the kid's flushed cheek, Tony shuddered again as the man whispered into his ear, "You want me inside you so fucking bad...you're aching for my huge cock in that tight ass...mmmmm" he let his hot breath tickle the kid's ear and then pulled away laughing to himself. "Alright Kid, we have a deal. You know the rest stop on Route 4...past the city connector?" Tony looked puzzled, "Ahh...ummm...yeah...I guess...why?" Mr. Halen continued to try and make himself look decent, tugging at his shirt and trying to shift the long still erect cock down and tuck it along his thigh, "There is a public restroom there...it's small but pretty private...no one ever uses it because it's pretty filthy...be there tomorrow night after eleven...my buddies and I will be waiting." Tony looked really nervous, "You're fucking kidding ...right? In a public bathroom...I don't know about this...and how many "buddies" are we talking?" Mr. Halen stared the kid down, "Don't sweat it...we won't get caught...and you know you are dying to suck dick...you can't get enough...calm yourself...it will only be a couple or so of my closest friends...trust me you'll like them...they are hung and love a hot mouth." He said. Tony licked his lips and more sweat seemed to seep from all his pores. "Ohhh fuck...this is sick...I don't know...SHIT." I could see the kid struggling with himself and so could the teacher. "Listen...there's nothing to be ashamed of...you need cock...it's cool...look at you...your dick is about to burst out of those shorts at the thought of being on our knees in front of three or four huge hard dicks...licking them...playing with them for as long as you want...tasting them...getting them off with your mouth...swallowing their jizz...you'll fucking love it...trust me...you make them happy and I'll fuck you so good you'll cum so much it will hurt...I promise." This last was said with such vehemence and intensity the kid shuddered involuntarily and his eyes slid closed and his breathing sped up. "Alright...alright...I'll be there." He said in a voice choked with lust. I scrambled to get out of the bathroom before they exited the stall. I hid around the corner and saw Tony make his way shakily down the hall and out the door. Mr. Halen came out a few seconds later, instead of heading outside he went down the hall and went into an open office. As I crept closer I heard him dial his cell phone. I listened intently to the one sided conversation.

"Hey...Bill...yeah it's me...hey I got a live one..." He laughed at something the other man said.

"Yeah...fucking hot former student...with an ass that you won't believe..."

"Oh yeah he wants it...he thinks he's just showing up for some oral play...but trust me...I know this slut and once he sucks a few big hard dicks and eat a few heavy cum loads...fuck he'll let us do ANYTHING to him..."

I heard the sounds of shifting fabric and then he said, "Fuck I'm throwing wood just thinking about it...yeah...spread the word...let's see if we can get a real gang bang together...what? Well if he won't cooperate we'll fucking rape his ass...trust me once you see this kid you won't be able to able to resist shoving your dick in him...no he's so fucking horny and worked up...he'll do it...I don't think we'll be able to stop him...and this whore likes it rough...yeah no limits...this could go all night so make sure you get enough guys to show...yeah...tomorrow at the rest stop...Naw the cops haven't busted that place forever...yeah...eleven o'clock..." he laughed filthily, "Yeah get yourself all boned up and ready."

I scuttled down the hall and out the door before he exited the office... christ I was weak kneed as I planned how to arrange to be there to see THIS.

Should I continue???.....

Next: Chapter 46

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