What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Mar 28, 2012


What I Saw 28

Here is another chapter...hope you all are still enjoying the series...it's getting harder and harder to do and I may stop soon...anyway here is Lane again...writing about him does seem to motivate me...usual warnings apply to this piece of fiction.

Time passed...simple as that. Since my last "viewing" nothing much had happened for quite a while. I kept my radar up but...nothing. Dad wasn't acting suspicious at all and no late night calls came through. I was starting to get frustrated. After a few weeks of this I got into a cycle of constantly edging myself and obsessing over porn on the internet...but it just wasn't enough. Between classes when I was home I would run the trail hoping to catch sight of something...I still got the occasional "cruise" vibe...men were still there looking for sex but the most I ever saw was some guy hastily pulling his pants up as a younger man walked away wiping his mouth with a furtive look on his face. SHIT I needed something...

I was slumped on the couch late one night. It was a bleak day...we hadn't really gotten any snow this winter and things looked all brown and gray outside. I was staring at some stupid late night television show and idly playing with my aching cock. I wasn't' seriously jerking off...just getting myself hard, which at this point only took a fleeting thought of a cum spattered asshole or the lightest strokes on my dick and I would spring to full, throbbing, leaking hardness . I would then focus on the stupid show and let myself go soft and start over again. I had been doing this for the last couple of hours or so and by now every time my cock would fill with blood the sensation would be more and more intense. I had to be careful and not push myself too far or I would cum and ruin the sexual high I had going. My parents had gone to bed long ago...or so I thought. I heard the floor in the hall creak and perked up my ears. I pretended to be asleep on the couch, but kept one eye cracked open. My dad crept by the living room doorway on the way to his study. I waited for the sound of the door closing before I sat up and listened intently. He had an old land line phone in there and I heard the unmistakable sound of him dialing the phone. I carefully leaned over and picked up the receiver of the extension on the side table. He was still dialing...I kept my finger on the button until I heard him speak. I put the phone to my ear and listened...

"Hey Kid...you need to stop texting and calling me...I don't hear from you for over a month and now you're blowing up my phone..." Dad said quietly.

Unmistakably I heard Lane's voice, "My fucking brother...after he caught me at that theater...he's been watching me...threatening to tell my parents about...about...me if I don't do everything he says."

"Shit...what's he having you do?" Dad said, the unmistakable sound of excitement creeping into his voice.

Lane positively hissed, "Nothing...well... nothing good...he was making me wash his car and do his laundry when he's home from college on break...he...he won't let me do anything with anybody..."

Dad chuckled, "Shit Kid...that sucks...but from what I saw on in the movie...his cock should be more than enough...even for you...and let me just say...fucking bravo on your performance...I have never seen anything like it...you took on twenty-seven men that day...and since some had multiple turns with either your mouth or that fucking incredible ass...it was like thirty-five cum loads dumped in you...you disgusting pig! It's been one of the most downloaded movies on my website." he whispered.

"Oh...shit I'm so fucking hard..." Lane's voice sounded agonized, "...since that...he hasn't touched me...or let me touch him...he...told me...if he even found out I was jerking off...he'd tell Mom and Dad...I'm going to go crazy...I swear...I hurt so bad...I need to have sex." It almost sounded like Lane was crying at this point.

"Wow kid, you sound pretty fucking hard up...I don't know what you want from me though...he's got you by the balls..." Dad said with real regret in his voice.

"Lane lowered his voice, "He's gone now though...he had to gout of the country with his graduate program...so he can't call and checkup...you gotta help me..." He said an incredible sense of urgency in his voice.

Dad hesitated, "I don't Kid...I mean... lord knows my cock is rock hard right now just thinking about that ass..." His voice turned teasing and husky, "...can you picture it...I'm sitting in my study and for the last few minutes of our conversation I've had my dick out of my boxers...it's leaking like crazy...and it's so hard it almost hurts... but I don't want to be involved with your parents finding out that their son is the biggest whore on the eastern seaboard...you shouldn't take the risk..." he finished.

Lane groaned into the phone, "Asshole...stop teasing me...you don't know how desperate I am...listen...I need to do something...you owe me...the money those men gave you...the movies...you gotta help." He swore under his breath.

Dad laughed evilly "Fuck you...Kid...I HAVE helped you...you crave big dick like no one I've ever seen and I've helped you get it...this is on you now...the danger...the risk...all you."

Lane responded, but it sounded like he was almost talking to himself, " But...maybe if I just gave a few blow jobs...that wouldn't be bad...Paul wouldn't find out...and it isn't like real sex..." He finished almost breathless at the thought of sucking off some random men.

"Would that be enough for you...I mean... I've seen you get off from just a cock shooting in your mouth...but could you stop at that?" Dad asked.

"Yesss...uhhhh... GOD anything...I just need to see a hard cock...touch one...feel it...will you help?" Lane asked.

I could hear the smile in Dad's voice, "Listen...you're a hot little piece of ass...you don't need me to find you dick...just go somewhere and cruise...trust me you have cock whore written all over you..."

"No...I need..." Lane hesitated and Dad interrupted him, "BIG COCK...fucking little whore like you isn't satisfied with just any old dick...you need massive, hard, man-cock...fucking faggot." Dad spat out.

A loud huff of breath came through the receiver, "Yes...c'mon...please..." Lane said.

"Listen Whore...you know where to go...go to the holes...you've been before...I'd suggest the video store...it's safer...if you're really serious about just sucking dick...you can be anonymous, hidden...booth door locked...suck to your heart's content...you don't need me." Dad said.

"Please...you can get men there...the right kind of men...oh GOD... please..."Lane moaned.

The kid was crazy and I could almost feel sickly waves of shame and desire coming through the phone.

"Dad laughed, "Well...if I am going to help you there needs to be something in it for me...?"

"What...?" Lane said sounding cautious.

"I need it filmed." Dad said flatly.

Lane responded immediately, "No...Paul will find out...it's too risky...Ryan ...Ryan...pushes me...urges me on..." he swallowed hard, "I ...I can't go too far this time."

Dad's voice took on a hard edge, "That's the deal...I'll line up plenty of big hard cock...it won't be difficult...there are a lot of horny straight guys out there looking to get off any way they can...but I've got to get it on film...and Ryan isn't around anyway...he's filming on location...I've got another guy...name's Bean...nice...you'll like him...so we on?" he said, clearly looking to get off the phone and close the deal.

Lane's voice was so low I could barely hear it, "yes...when...please... make it soon..."

I listened to the last of their conversations with my cock aching and dripping in my sweat pants. Dad told Lane to be at the sleazy video store on Friday night at ten...Bean would meet him in the store...Dad said Bean would recognize Lane and approach him and get him into a booth...It was going to happen again...FUCK... I could barely wait.

I couldn't help but feel pleased with my disguise as I drove to the crappy neighborhood where the video store was. I wanted to be able to see Lane meet up with this guy Bean and see which booth they got into...I needed to get a ringside seat. I had put on dark glasses and a skull cap and over the last week had let my beard come in so I looked decidedly scruffy. It would work from a distance and I didn't plan on Lane seeing me anyway. I found a parking spot around the corner and walked through the dark streets with my hands stuffed deep in my jacket pockets. The smell hit me the minute I opened the blacked out door to the video store...bleach cleanser and sweat and...semen...shit. The store was pretty run down with cramped aisles full of DVD's and magazines blazing lurid shiny flesh. I kept my head down and walked into an aisle pretending to look at the videos. It was about thirty minutes before ten and there were a few men sort of milling about in the store. The door had an alarm and made a dinging noise whenever it was opened so I could see when Lane came. The doorway to the back room booths was towards the back of the store. The alarm bonged and I looked up it wasn't Lane but my breath caught in my chest anyway. The guy was striking. He was tall, well over six feet and had a totally shaved head. He had both earlobes gauged and had big steel rings through them. He had on narrow sunglasses and a dark mustache and goatee. He was wearing light faded jeans and black biker boots and a black leather jacket, he looked rough and ...handsome...and kind of scary. He sort of sauntered around the store looking around. His eyes flicked over me with passing interest and I felt sweat trickle down my back. I avoided his gaze and he moved on. Both his head and mine whipped up at the sound of someone else entering the store. BINGO...it was Lane. Shit he was so eager he was almost a half an hour early. I swallowed at the sight of him and made sure I was well tucked behind a tall aisle of magazines. His eyes scanned the store nervously and I couldn't help notice how out of place he seemed. He clearly dressed to look as conservative as possible...whether this was an attempt to blend in or so he wouldn't spur men on by looking too much like a whore...I didn't know. His dark curls were neatly combed and slicked back and he had on a pale blue oxford button down shirt. He was wearing tan chino's and though they were ultra-preppy they couldn't disguise the perfectly formed round swell of his bubble ass. He had on loafers with no socks and a short wool jacket. He sort of hesitated, his eyes flicking to the archway into the booths. I scooted back, further out of sight as he passed my row. SHIT his cock was rock hard and conspicuously bulging out the front of his tan pants. There was no way that was going to go unnoticed. He was biting his lower lip and looked like he was already breathing heavy...god he was so fucking horny. Just being in this place...the porno mags...the movies...the booths with big bored out glory holes... The big guy in leather immediately took note of him and followed him to the aisle next to mine.

I froze at the sound of his deep bass voice, "You're the little slut, right? I'm Bean.' He said.

I heard Lane stutter as he looked up at the big intimidating man, "I...I...I don't know about this..." he said.

The man laughed, "Shit look at you...fucking hot little faggot...I tell ya...I love pussy but...I've seen your movies and...I don't know...there's something so fucking hot about a whore who is so desperate for dick..." Lane didn't say anything; he just made a choking sound.

"Listen... you little fucker...you're here...we're going to make this movie...look at you...your fucking hard as a rock already...GOD what a whore." The man said.

Lane voice came out low and quavering, "I...I am only doing oral...he told you that right...I won't do anything more...and I'm staying fully dressed..."

Bean chuckled again, "Jim told be about you turning over a new leaf...after what I've seen you do" The doubt was obvious in his voice "...well whatever Kid...you ready?"

Lane swallowed hard, "there's really no one here yet..."

"Jim put the word out...Christ you should see what he said about you...fucking filthy explicit things...and made it clear that hung guys were in high demand...it's pretty fucking sick...little faggot size queen...let's go...don't worry...you'll have plenty of cock to play with..." Bean said his voice trailing off he put a big firm hand on Lane's back and sort of shoved him to the back room.

I surreptitiously followed...the lights were dim and my eyes took a second to adjust. It was a long corridor with booths on either side. There was no one around but I caught sight of a door closing in a booth on the right. I walked past and YES...the last booth in the aisle adjoined theirs was empty; I opened the door and stepped inside. I quickly closed and locked my door. The booth was small with a cement floor and a small video screen on the back wall. The glory hole was generous and cut sort of crudely through the narrow yellow laminate wall. I pulled out a wad of money and fed a ten into the machine. I shrugged my coat off and hung it on hook on the back of the door. I quietly knelt down on the floor and peered into the next booth. Bean was standing up, crammed against the corner. He was so big he dwarfed the booth. He was fiddling with the small hand held video camera and Lane was already kneeling on the floor, his breathing come out in ragged exhalations of excitement. His coat was off and he was already starting to sweat as a dotted dark line ran down the center of the light blue oxford. They were both bathed in sickly yellow light from a porno movie playing on the small video monitor.

"The owner set this booth up to play movies continually without feeding the machine...you're good for business so he can forgo the coin this booth would have normally brought in tonight...now stay there for few minutes so I can line up the shot and stuff." Bean said in a hoarse whisper.

Lane turned and looked up at him, "Remember...I'm staying dressed and I'll give blow jobs...but that's it..."

Bean looked hard at the kid, "Whatever...I don't give a shit what you do...I just get paid to film it...hey...Jim said you can fucking cum just from sucking cock...that true?" he arched an eyebrow inquisitively.

Lane didn't look at him but down at his incredibly packed crotch and hissed. "Ohhhh...GOD yes...I haven't seen or touched a cock in over a month...I feel like I could shoot just from looking at a hard dick." Bean laughed, "Jim said you haven't touched yourself that whole time either...fuck kid...I'd explode if I didn't jerk off a couple times a day...you must be hurtin...bad." As he said the last word Lane's eyes flicked to his crotch at a distinct lurch...the man was starting to get excited.

Lane's breathing quickened and he shifted on his knees. Bean aimed the camera and said, "It won't be long now...think about it, Cunt...in a few minutes there will be a big hard cock coming through that hole...all for you..." Lane groaned. Both men froze at the sound of footsteps coming into the arcade hall. The sound of the door in a booth opening could be heard and the distinct sound of it being closed and locked...the shuffling of money being fed into a video machine was unmistakable. Lane sat up and looked through the hole. Bean whispered, "Someone in there...?" Lane nodded and a small moan escaped his lips. He was almost panting in excitement...he was finally inches away from a horny man...a man who was there to use his mouth. "Tell me what you see" Bean instructed him. Lane bent over a bit to get a better view. His tucked in shirt accentuated his narrow waist and his ass stuck out looking amazing, straining against the confines of the taut chinos.

"He's...tall...I can see his legs and crotch...oh god...it looks like he's already hard...his cock looks...uhhh...big...it's bulging out the front of his pants...he's white...big hands...shit." the kid moaned.

"Tell him to show you his cock." Bean said.

Lane leaned over pressing his mouth to the hole, "Show me...I want to see your dick...please" he breathed out in a hoarse whisper.

As Lane sat back to watch, I could clearly see through his booth into the other. The man's crotch was right in front of the hole. He was wearing battered jeans and Lane was right it was clear he already had an erection. A long thick tube of swollen flesh could be seen standing straight up with a huge bulge near the seam of the top of the pocket. A big hand came into view and the man stroked and squeezed the swollen crotch. Lane moaned louder.

"Tell him how bad you need it...beg him." Bean ordered.

Lane moaned and I saw the line of dark sweat bisect the blue shirt right down the center of his broad back darken as he got more excited.

"Please Mister...show me your cock...I need it...GOD ...please don't tease me...let me see it..." The boy pleaded. The man took a step back so more of his body was visible through the big hole. His thighs were big and looked solid. He had a tight waist and had a tucked-in white thermal shirt. He stood there and ran his hands up and down the tube of his erection and cupped the full crotch of the jeans were his balls were. His hands shook a bit and his dick jerked and pushed against the front of the jeans. Lane groaned and rocked back on his heels. He looked down at his own crotch and I could see the beginning of a wet spot where precum had seeped through both underwear and pants. Bean crouched down getting a good shot of the man as he slowly undid the thick leather belt at his waist. His cock seemed to have swelled to even greater proportions and looked truly obscene bulging out from his groin. Lane groaned as the man slowly popped the button on the jeans. "Look at it...his dick looks huge Kid...tell him you want to suck it." Bean urged.

Lane leaned his panting mouth to the hole, "Please let me play with your cock...I need it so bad...let me suck you off...please." The urgency in his voice was causing me to feel light headed.

The man grasped the tab of the zipper in his thick forefinger and thumb and with agonizing slowness drew if down. It felt like it took forever. Once the pants were unzipped the clear brute outline of a thick ten inch cock could be clearly seen through tented white boxer briefs. He used one hand to shift the entire cloth covered shaft and testicles through the open V. The head strained at the underwear and looked wide and perfectly formed. The shaft quivered in the loose white cotton and Lane let out a loud moan. Bean said, "Reach through the hole and touch it through his underwear...feel how hard it is."

Lane lifted his arm and fed his hand through the hole. The man jumped when the boy's fingers made contact with his huge balls through the soft underwear. Lane cupped them and hefted them feeling their fullness and weight. As the man shuddered he ran his hand up the thick shaft. Lane's hand looked dwarfed by the length and thickness of the man's erection. Lane gently stroked up and down the stalk and couldn't stop himself from almost crying out at the feeling of finally having a big hard cock in his hand again. The kid ran the flat of his palm over the tip of the penis causing the man to groan and his cock to jump and a thick ooze of fluid to stain the underwear. Lane gasped and couldn't resist and ground the heel of his other hand into his own crotch causing the wet spot on his chinos to spread.

Bean said thickly, "Tell him to take it out and put it through the hole...god kid...you really want it bad...don't you?"

The guy in the booth must have heard the big man's low voice, because as Lane drew his hand back he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and slid them down his hips. His cock was incredible. It sprang out deeply engorged and with a wet tip. The head was a perfectly shaped and the shaft was thick with a defined ridge along the underside. Light brown hair lightly dusted the heavy low balls and crept up the base of the shaft. Lane let out a low cry and sat back...waiting. The man angled his hips and maneuvered his long erection through the glory hole. His belt buckle clanked against the wall. His thick ten inch dick now stood up straight jutting from the hole...it trembled a bit and a drip of precum was dislodged from the slit in the perfect head and trickled down over the circumcision scar and ran in a thin clear rivulet down the vein coursed shat. "Nice big hard cock for you to play with...you ready for it Whore?" Bean said aiming the camera at Lane. The expression on the kid's face was priceless. It was open and naked with need; his eyes were half closed and his lips parted, his chest was heaving and thick beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

"Touch it...he's super fucking excited...look at his cock shake...he'll cum quick." Bean said.

The guy's voice carried from the booth, "Fuck...Kid...suck my dick...I've been thinking about this all week...ever since I read about you...shit...my dick has never been harder..."

Lane shifted on his knees...he was so horny...he couldn't hold back now that a big hard dick was finally in his reach. He sat up straight and let out a low gasp as he roughly wrapped a hand around the burning hot shaft. He gritted his teeth and twisted his hand brutally up the entire length of the erection twirling his palm directly over the bloated glans. He let it go, watching it jerk and slap back against the laminate wall, the head swelling and oozing out a thin strand of precum.

"God Slut...suck my COCK" the man moaned. I heard shuffling out in the hall and a voice said, "Shit he is here...sounds like someone's getting service...hehe." Another voice responded, "Fuck...I want my turn..."

Lane was oblivious to the audience he was attracting. He moaned again and used one hand to steady the base. He stared intently at the massive glans before he lowered his mouth and let the entire head slip into his wet mouth with a deep groan of pure satisfaction. The man jumped and the belt clunked loudly against the wall. Lane sucked powerfully on the head; his cheeks distended. He groaned and pulled off, a sting of saliva connecting his mouth to the dripping head. He gritted his teeth and ducked his mouth under the swaying shaft and lapped at the man's big balls and let his hand stroke up and down the wet shaft. More precum was worked from the head and Lane caught the glistening strand out of the corner of his eye. He moved his mouth up and sucked the fluid from the head groaning at the taste.

"Deep throat him....take the whole thing...make him shoot." Bean said eagerly. Lane flicked his eyes to the big man in his booth and slowly shook his head. He had waited too long to rush things now...he wanted to play...savor this first hard cock. He sat back on his heels staring at the massive erection jutting from the hole in the wall. He moaned softly as he cupped those big heavy balls and ground his other hand into his own crotch. The man's cock quivered and another heavy bead of precum formed in the wide slit. Using the man's testicles to steady the long shaft, Lane sat up on his knees and extended his tongue. He used just the very tip to catch the clear drop. The viscous seminal fluid clung to the end of his tongue stretching, glistening, and still connected to the head. Lane pulled the strand back a bit further, causing it to break and swing back onto his chin. He closed his lips, tasting it and then leaned in and dipped his tongue in for more. Bean breathed loudly through his nose as he filmed the kid playing with the man's precum. Lane kept a steady flow coming by gently pulling and twisting the man's swollen balls. He would firmly tug on the testicles causing the entire long erection to jerk back aggressively against the wall and heavy trickles of fluid were produced.

The man was groaning audibly and began to whisper to the kid through the wall, "Yeah...kid... got me so fucking hard and leaking...play with my cock...take your time...I'm so ramped up...I could cum so fucking easily...ummmm" His words were cut off by Lane letting the tip of his tongue flick with intense pressure on the very underside of the head. The cock jerked back so hard it hit the wall above the hole with a meaty sound. "OHH...fuck kid...be careful...you're gonna make me shoot." The guy moaned.

The guys in the hall were listening intently and began to shuffle restlessly sort of bumping the door of the man's booth. "Dude...c'mon...give me a turn...my cock is so hard just listening to this shit." He whispered urgently. Lane moaned at this and let his teeth graze the thick tube running along the underside of the man's dick. The guy gasped and jerked his hips against the wall, the buckle of his belt banging loudly. Lane ran the full surface of his flattened tongue around the shaft and then swirled it slowly over the head. The man shuddered at the intense stimulation.

Bean was smiling, "You're a fucking tease...c'mon get this guy off...let him cum in your mouth...you got other cocks waiting." Lane groaned and sat up; he wrapped his hand around the base of the shaft pulling it down slightly...the guy groaned. His dick was so hard this tension caused more blood to engorge the head and as Lane slid his mouth directly over that swollen glans the man hissed a sharp intake of breath. "Ohh...ohhh... FUCK...kid...slow...slow...uhhhh" Lane let his lips just keep moving lower and lower engulfing more and more of the super hard erection. The enormous crown passed smoothly down the slick column of his throat and soon his tongue was stretched out between the tight seal of his lips on the thick base...lapping at the man's hairy scrotum. "Holy Shit Kid...you took the whole thing." Bean said incredulously. Lane was panting in pleasure at the feeling of his throat being so full of hard cock. The front of his chinos was spotted with his own leaking precum and his cock was jerking in extreme excitement at performing this long anticipated blow job. The kid pulled his mouth back, letting that big round head drag up the tight confines, the flared edge of the head and the thick defined ridges of the shaft causing exquisite friction on the kid's throat muscles. The cock sprang free, slick and wet. It throbbed and pulsed straining in the hole. Bean whispered, "Finish him" and the guy on the other side of the wall heard and moaned weakly. Lane put two hands on the wall on either side of the glory hole and captured the trembling head in his lips. As he lowered his mouth down the full length of the shaft he twisted his head sucking powerfully on the pulsing cock. When the bloated head was lodged deep in his throat, his lips buried in the man's pubic hair, he clenched the muscles of his neck, milking the head. The guy was violently shuddering against the wall. Lane just kept the massive crown wedged in tight and clenched and un-clenched his throat, moaning and squeezing that overly sensitive flesh with his hot wet throat. The guy had obviously never felt anything like this. He was jerking his hips against the wall and groaning so loud the guy at the counter must have heard him. "OHhhh...shit kid...what are you doing to my cock...I...I...ohhh...I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum." Bean zoomed the camera in on Lane's bulging neck. As the head began to ejaculate the boy's throat expanded and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the semen that was splashing hotly down the very back of his throat. The man seemed to cum forever and Lane was moaning the entire time at the incredible feeling of hot cum shooting right into him. The man's balls were pulled up tight to the base of his shaft and finally he seemed to be finished his orgasm. Lane cupped those rock hard balls and massaged them trying to get the last vestiges of sperm. Finally the boy slowly pulled off the man's spent erection and sat back... panting. His chinos were tented up hugely and he had leaked a considerably amount of precum during the entire performance. The man in the other booth was vainly trying to catch his breath as the men in the hall got more and more insistent. Bean looked down at the boy," Worth waiting for?" he said. Lane looked up at him, "Uhh...yeah...but...I need more...I need to suck another cock." The kid whispered. The sounds of the man's doing up his belt spurred the guys in the hall on, "C'mon man move...I'm going to shoot in my pants if I don't get in there." Bean chuckled as the sounds of one man exiting and another entering the booth was unmistakable. In a matter of seconds a flared purple cock head was maneuvered through the glory hole followed by a curved somewhat thinner shaft. The man's penis was so hard, that what normally would have been a slight leftward curve was now an almost painful looking bend in the shaft. The bloated head was smeared with precum and the entire erection trembled in excitement. "Ohh... Kid...this one is real close...careful." Bean said. Lane was breathing heavy and he was sloe-eyed with lust. He leaned up and reached out. His fingertips just made contact with the hot head when the man on the other side of the wall cried out, his dick began to jerk and Lane quickly leaned up but before he could trap the head in his mouth the first big shot of cum erupted. It arched out of the gaping piss slit and hit Lane right in the chest, streaking his blue shirt with a thick bleachy streak of semen. The man groaned audibly as Lane gently tilted the curved shaft up with his fingertips and took the firing head into his mouth. He let a couple of heavy shots fill his mouth and then pulled off to swallow the hot seed. The cock just kept ejaculating, this time splashing cum on Lane's neck and chin. Lane stuck out his tongue; big puddles of sperm already coating it and let the head just fire the last few blasts right across the surface of his tongue and at hit the back of his throat. As the man's spurts of semen slowed to a weak trickle Lane groaned and took the head back into his mouth and deep throated the curved shaft down to the base. "Nice one Kid..." said Bean and then looked up at a particularly loud bang on the adjoining booth door. The guys were getting more and more restless. The curved cock slowly retracted from Lane's wet mouth and back through the hole in the wall. I could hear the man's huffing breath as he did up his pants and opened the booth door. From the sounds in the hall it sounded like there was a bit of a scuffle or pushing match before the next guy got into the booth and closed the door. The sound of money being fed into the video machine could be heard mingled with disgruntled mumblings from the hall. A shadow blotted out the light cast by the movie playing in the next booth and Lane leaned in and peered through the hole. He gasped and leaned back as a thick hard cock eased through the opening. It was well over ten inches and almost wrist thick. Big blue veins trailed over the slightly dusky skin of the shaft. The thick foreskin had retracted about halfway down the bloated head revealing the purplish wet looking tip. The guy shoved his hips a bit harder against the wall and two big, lightly haired balls squeezed through the now tight opening. The big aggressive looking dick just arched there, throbbing. Lane let out a pent up breath and reached out and formed his hand into a "C" around the middle of the thick shafts. He slowly slid his hand back causing the foreskin to fully retract. The head expanded once freed and the entire erection quivered. A clear bead of precum oozed out of the slit and dripped slowly to the floor. "Suck my cock, Faggot." The guy in the other booth hissed. Lane groaned and skimmed a hand across the front of his stained and tented chinos. His hand shook as he quickly unbuttoned the pants. The zipper parted from the force of his rock hard dick pressing against the undone flaps and his bright white briefs were exposed. His throbbing cloth covered cock seeped precum through the cotton underwear. Lane groaned to have his dick so close to being free. He kept one hand on the stalk of the man's erection and leaned forward and swiped his tongue across the exposed head. The man jumped and the cock pulsed. Bean let out a low sound and said, "Another one that's close...take his dick you little fucking whore...no more games...we need to keep things moving...those guys out there are getting restless." It was true you could hear angry mutterings and it sounded like there was starting to be quite a crowd. Lane moaned and as he masturbated himself in his pants he enveloped the sticky glans with his lips. As he sucked down the long tick shaft, his lips straining at its width, the guy in the next booth was moaning, "Shit...fucking little queer sucking my cock...awww...shit he's taking me so deep...mouth is so wet...awwww fucking tight throat." This last was almost a scream as Lane had successfully deep throated the entire cock and his lips were grasping at the wide hairy base. The men in the hall rumbled at the sounds of the man's intense excitement and I heard a loud groan at the wet liquid sounds of Lane powerfully sucking up and down the super hard erection, taking the head deep down his throat on each stroke. The blow job didn't last long the man was way to aroused...as the cock bottomed out and Lane's neck bulged to accommodate the fat glans I saw the boy jerk and make a slight choking sound. The guy was clearly ejaculating. Lane swallowed as much of the heavy load as he could, then let the dick slide up his throat and let the last few heavy shots of cum flood his mouth. He groaned at the taste and feeling of the big cock shooting in his mouth and pulled back a bit and let his cummy lips graze the head while I could see thick white sperm arch out of the slit and hit the roof of his mouth. Lane pulled off the dick and bit his lip and clenched both fists. He closed his eyes in concentration and Bean said, "You're so fucking close to shooting in your pants...aren't you?"

The door to the booth rattled and a deep voice said, "Fuckin open the door Slut..." Lane flicked his eyes up...the lock held and Bean leaned down, "You still staying solid on just doing oral?....." Lane nodded his head in firm resolve, "I can't...my brother will kill me." He said. Bean shrugged and said, "Alright... but you better move things along before they get rowdy. " gesturing with his eyes at the hall. Suddenly a voice cut through some of the muttering of the crowd out in the hall, "hey you guys better simmer down or I'll throw you all out...got it." It must have been the counter guy. A voice spoke real close to the door, "Hey Bean...things are sounding like they're getting out of hand...I may have to shut this party down...there's about a dozen guys out here...fucking cocks sticking out of their pants ready to tear each other apart to get at the kid." Bean leaned over Lane,"Give us a little longer...it'll quiet down once he takes care of few more...I promise." The guy's footsteps reluctantly retreated from the door. The big cock was still hanging semi-hard through the hole, a big drop of semen clung to the tip. Lane took his eyes off the closed door and leaned over and took the head gently back into his mouth and sucked the shaft and head clean. The man pulled his cock back, though it was starting to show obvious signs of swelling to full hardness again. The men in the hall might have really gone nuts if he had stayed for seconds. He buttoned and zipped up and exited the booth. "Three down Little Man. "Bean whispered. There was another ruckus to get into the booth and when the door finally closed and locked it was clear there were two men sharing the booth now. "Fuckin let me go first...let him play with my cock for a bit and then we'll switch off. A gruff voice said, "Fucking hurry...I'm gonna pop soon...this is too much...little cum whore..." The other voice answered. A long hard dick was jerkily thrust though the glory hole. It was about nine and half inches long and ramrod straight. The head was almost triangular and the man's balls were already pulled up tight to his shaft. The cock was pointing to the ceiling and looked flushed deep red with blood. Lane licked his lips and sat up on his knees. He gripped the shaft and one hand and gently pulled it down towards his mouth. He had to use considerable force as the cock was so hard. He tiled his head and swallowed the painfully swollen glans in one smooth motion. He let his tongue slip out from his mouth and forcefully licked the tight skin of the man's circumcision scar. The guy groaned, "Holy shit..." and sucked in a huge breath. Lane moved his hand to firmly cup those tight balls and sucked down the full length of the shaft. He pulled back letting the wet and shinning cock slide free of his mouth.

There was shuffling noises and the other guy in the booth said, "My turn" and the long wet cock was abruptly pulled out of the hole. In a matter of seconds a big ten inch erection jutted into the booth. It was thicker than the other and the head was round and stood out from the shaft with a widely flared coronal ridge. It curved slightly backwards and was so heavy it swayed sort of perpendicular to the floor. Lane reached out and stroked his palm along the gently bowed underside and the cock jumped in his hand. Lane ran the flat of his thumb brutally over the moist looking piss slit and the guy gasped and a drop of precum smeared across the boys thumb. Lane released the cock and put his wet finger to his mouth, a look of ecstasy on his face as he ate the fluid. He braced his hands on the wall and ducked down to catch the big head in his mouth and slowly impaled his throat on the full length of the cock in one smooth stroke. He pulled back and began to perform a deep rhythmic blow job on the ten inches of cock jutting from the hole. He would go all the way to the very base, letting his throat constrict around the engorged head and then pull back till just the tip kissed his lips. It took only four or five hard wet strokes and the guy's cock was shaking violently. On the next upstroke great gasps were echoing out into the hall and that was it, he was cumming. The man let out loud whoops of pleasure as Lane nursed on the shooting erection, gulping down his heavy seed. Sperm would pour out of the spasming head and fill Lane's mouth to capacity, hot cum running out of his lips and down his chin. He would swallow the huge mouthfuls and then let the cock fill his mouth again. The guy's orgasm was incredible, he shot so much jizz I couldn't fucking believe it. The guy sharing the booth of the shooter was hissing, "You fucking feeding the little bitch...ohhhh...shit...huge fucking load...give it to him."

Finally unable to wait any longer he must have pulled the guy away from the glory hole. The dick popped out of Lane's lips just as another jet of cum flew out of the slit. It hit the kid's face. Streaking his forehead and into his hair. The hole was immediately filled with the other man's arrow straight hard-on. It was dripping milky precum...he was so dangerously close to shooting. Lane licked a big smear of cum off his upper lip and stuck out his tongue. He used the full sperm coated surface to slide up the rock hard shaft and as his open mouth hovered, poised over the quivering head the guy screamed and let loose. Cum flew out of the head in a wide splash. Much of it hit Lane directly inside his mouth, painting his tongue, and the roof of his mouth. Big sprays of semen burned across his cheeks and even up by his ears, spattering into the curls on the side of his head. Semen stained the collar of his oxford and to try and minimize the mess, Lane took the jerking head into his mouth and let the man finish his powerful orgasm in the tight seal of his sperm coated lips. Lane slowly sank his mouth down and deep throated the still weakly shooting cock and the guy groaned loudly. Lane was squirming around on his knees, intensely excited by sucking dick after dick and eating all this cum. His hips flexed and his ass unconsciously gyrated in the tight chinos. The pants were loose around the waist from being undone and they were starting to ride low on his hips. His blue shirt had come un-tucked and was sort of rucked up his back. A strip of gleaming naked flesh showed across the small of his back. A distinct tan line divided the tight small of his back to the first swell of his high ass cheeks still contained in the white briefs. The kid was amazingly horny and still hadn't gotten off, though he must have been on the edge since entering the booth.

Heavy footsteps approached the door, "FUCK...OPEN THIS DOOR...WHORE!" and the flimsy laminated plywood rattled dangerously. Lane pulled back and let the cock slip from his mouth, he was panting and licking cum from his fingers and scooping stray semen off his chin and feeding it to himself. He looked nervously at the door. His cock was twitching rapidly in his pants and the buttons of his shirt were straining against the muscles of his chest as he inhaled and exhaled in great ragged breaths.

"Kid...I don't know if we can keep this going...what do you say I unlock the door and let a couple guys in...you need to get fucked...I can't believe how badly you need it...I can see you're dying for it...big hard hot cock up your ass...right?...it might keep this from getting out of hand.." Lane groaned but shook his head determinedly. "No I won't let this get out of control...I can't ...I said only blow jobs...I am keeping my clothes on...I HAVE to" The sound of panic and pure distress in his voice. The men in the hall heard this conversation and I heard a violent outbreak of swearing. One voice rose above the din, "I HAVE to fuck this little cunt." Bean reached for the lock on the door, but Lane caught his wrist and looked at the big man and shook his head. By this time the booth was occupied by a new customer and the sound of a zipper being lowered caught the boy's attention. "Look through the hole...what are you gonna get?" Bean said in hushed tones. Lane peered through into the darkened booth. His lips parted and he emitted a long low groan. He leaned back on his heels and almost swooned. His underwear pouch jumped like it was alive. I heard Bean say "shit" under his breath as an enormous black cock maneuvered through the big hole. It was incredible; about eleven inches long and standing up straight with the slightest gently curve backward. The head was dark pink and a perfect mushroom shape. Large egg sized balls swung heavy and low under the massively thick contoured shaft. It was as hard as granite, every vein standing out in stark relief. Lane almost cried out in pleasure just at the sight of this beautiful erection. "Oh shit kid...look at it." Bean whispered. Lane had broken out in a heavy sweat. His face was suddenly soaked. He couldn't contain himself and let out a moan as he reached put and cupped the heavy underside of the erection. It jutted well beyond his palm with the wet head grazing his pale blue shirt at his bicep. Lane sensuously stroked up and down the thick tube along the bottom of the man's now shaking penis, glorying in the heat and weight of the man's massive cock. "Ohhh...GOD...it's so big." He panted out and the men in the hall moaned as one. Lane's face clenched and he huffed out a huge breath. He stared fixedly at the throbbing cock and began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Bean smiled, "Shit Yeah!" he hissed. Lane gave him an annoyed look and roughly shoved the tails of the shirt aside, baring his beautiful smooth muscled chest and abs. He leaned forward still lightly stroking the long hard shaft, he groaned again at pushed his face close to the wall and let his tongue trail around the wide base. This position caused the bloated head to slide along his chest in a shuddering path. The guy groaned at the contact and Lane looked down at the jumping cock and lightly grazed the massive balls with the back of his hand.

Lane sat back staring in a fog of absolute lust. "I have to...fell this." He moaned. He stood up and turned his back on the huge black erection. As Bean looked on he slowly lowered the back of the tan chinos exposing the high round globes of his ass cheeks still concealed beneath the soft white cotton. "Oh shit kid...what are you doing? Bean said. The sexual tension in the hall elevated and they all quieted to try and listen to what was happening in the booth. Lane looked back over his shoulder and backed up. The man's cock jumped and swayed when the blunt head came in sudden contact with the soft cotton. "Shit Kid...what are you doing?" A super deep voice grumbled through the wall. Lane just groaned and spread his thighs further apart, as far as his pulled down pants would allow. He lined the big head up, steadying it lightly with one hand and with shuddering strokes let the big thick underside of the man's rigid erection slide up and down the deep crevice of his underwear covered ass. He bit his lip at the sensation of the super-heated flesh sliding against him, separated by the thinnest layer of cotton. The man groaned and a thick bead of precum leaked off the head when it trembled above the small of the kid's back. Lane pressed harder grinding his asshole hard against the steely shaft. The man began to leak so much precum that Lane's underwear became translucent in a wide stripe down the exact center of the fabric. Lane was panting in excitement and his cock was vibrating in the front of his underwear, the guy was groaning so loudly that men in the hall banged violently on the door. Someone called out, "He letting you fuck him?" in breathless excitement. The deep voice growled back, "No...little tease is rubbing his fucking hole against my dick...still in his underwear...FUCK!" Bean looked at Lane's intense straining face, `You're playing a dangerous game kid...I won't be able to stop what happens if you keep teasing these men." He said. Lane looked at him the need naked in expression, "I...I can't let anything more happen...but...I FUCKING ACHE to have this cock inside me." He said this so loudly it seemed to echo around the entire video booth corridor.

That was it; the men in the hall had reached a breaking point. The wall almost bowed with the surge towards Lane's booth. It was so loud and confusing for a few seconds but I noticed that the beautiful black erection was pulled back through the hole and there seemed to be a fight outside the door. Bean stood pressed against the wall and Lane stood there panting, his shirt undone and his pants around his knees. Suddenly the door gave and sort of burst inward. An enormous dark frame filled the narrow doorway. From the massive erection rising from his undone pants I knew it was the man from the booth. He had both big hands gripped on the doorframe and was using his big broad back to hold back the other frantic men trying to press their way in. "FUCKIN HOLD UP..." he shouted over his shoulder. "Now that we got the door open everyone's gonna get a turn with the fucking little teasing whore...BUT I'm fucking first. He was so big and looked jacked up with muscle no one questioned him. He was very handsome with dark skin and even features. He had a short trimmed afro and was wearing a tight black tee shirt. He was beautifully built and that cock was mesmerizing. "Now I'll leave the door open and y"all can watch me take the kid." He said. Lane backed up into the both, struggling to pull his pants up over his rock hard erection, "No...I...I...don't' want..." He couldn't even finish his sentence. The big black guy's hand flew out and gripped the kid's throat. "Nobody asked for your fucking permission...filthy cunt sucking dicks through a glory hole doesn't get to say no..." he looked the kid slowly up and down. "You're a fucking hot little bitch...this is gonna be good...just like them movies you made...huh?" he smiled knowingly. Lane twisted his head around to look at Bean. The big man just shook his head and spoke in a low voice, "Sorry kid...I warned you...there's nothing I can do to stop this...you're going to get fucked...bad..."

Next: Chapter 51

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