What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Mar 14, 2013


What I Saw 29

It goes on...it seems guys still want to read this series so I will try and keep going...

It had been a couple months since the scene at the adult book store. I was still using the images of Lane lying on his back getting fucked over and over as masturbatory material...but I knew I wouldn't be satisfied for long and soon the craving to see some live action would begin to consume me. I kept my ears open whenever I was home and knew that sooner or later Lane would contact my Dad. It didn't happen... I waited and waited...nothing. I didn't know what was going on, I knew Lane couldn't go with sex for this long and I worried that maybe he had made some "friends" near his house or at his prep school and wouldn't need my Dad or his connections any more. As my anxiety mounted I decided I had to do something. The thought of not seeing Lane in action again was absolutely out of the question. So finally I broke down and called him. After several minutes of awkward conversation I got around to it.

"So what have you been up to lately...? " I asked.

"Not much...it's so boring around here...but my brother is coming home from grad school for a few days and that will be cool." He said

I almost groaned at the thought or Paul, Lane's older brother. My mind immediately flashed to him sitting in the filthy seat at the adult movie theater, his huge thick cock rising from his lap while his brother knelt at his feet aching to suck him off...it was so sick.

Lane and I shot the shit for a few minutes and I then sort of casually asked if he felt like coming and hanging out at my house some weekend. My stomach sank when he said he couldn't for the next couple of weeks because he'd be hanging out with his brother. I swallowed hard and said I could come up his way...I could hear the reluctance in his voice, he didn't want me spoiling his action...but since he'd stayed with me a couple of times now and he was raised right he couldn't think of a way of politely refusing. I gave him an out by saying I had some old school friends in the area and would most likely take off for some of the time. I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head...this would at least give him some alone time with Paul. We hastily made arrangements for me to drive down to see him the next weekend.

I hung around my house impatient for the weekend. My cock was semi-erect the whole time and my heart skipped a beat every time I thought about what I might get to see. I couldn't imagine Lane and his brother wouldn't have sex the entire time I was there and I would do whatever I had to to ensure I had a front row seat.

On the Thursday night before my weekend I was up late and was just lying on the couch casually playing with my aching erect cock when I heard the unmistakable sounds of my dad tiptoeing into his study. He clearly didn't know I was still awake. I crept after him the minute I heard the door close. At the sound of him dialing the house phone I rushed quietly to the kitchen and carefully picked up the extension.

"So my kid is coming to see you in a couple of days.." I heard my dad say in a low whisper.

I heard Lane reply, his voice hoarse, "yeah...I couldn't' think of a way to put him off."

"Well...just be careful...I wouldn't want him to find out about your escapades and my involvement in them...you clear?" Dad said.

"Fuck yeah...but it's not exactly a convenient time...my brother is coming home and ...and ...I..." Lane trailed off.

"You need dick? I would have thought what happened at the video store a couple of months ago would have kept you satiated for a while at least." Dad whispered.

"Fuck you...that got too out of control...I only meant to do oral...I was forced...Paul would've killed me if he found out...I've been so afraid of getting caught...or...losing control again I haven't done anything in weeks..." Lane said his voice thick with need.

"Forced... my ass...I saw the film...after you saw that huge black cock you couldn't have stopped yourself if you tried...you had one dick after another up your ass and down your throat for hours after that...fucking slut!" Dad muttered.

Lane's voice rose, "Well...it won't happen again...Paul's coming home and...he'll..." he couldn't even bring himself to say it.

"You are such a sick fuck, I bet your dick is rock hard and leaking right now thinking about your own brother...and his huge hard-on sliding in that tight slick ass...mmmm" Dad's voice had taken on a distinctive edge and I knew he was touching himself.

"Stop it...I mean it...I have to stop this...it's all I think about...I can't concentrate and school...I don't go out with my friends...I just obsess about men and sex all day...my dick is constantly hard...it's...getting so out of control..." Lane sounded like he was about to cry.

"Kid you gotta face it...you're a whore...there's no denying it...you are the most insatiable slut I've ever seen and I don't think you could stop even if you really tried...so why torture yourself...go with it." Dad said.

"No...no...I'm going to stop." Lane said.

"O.K. kid...but when the cravings for big hard dick and hot cum get too much...you let me know...I'll hook you up." Dad said.

Lane just groaned and abruptly hung up. My cock felt ready to explode.

The whole drive down to Lane's I struggled to keep my cock from engorging to full hardness. I couldn't get the filthy lurid images out of my head...I had trouble concentrating on the road.

It didn't help when Lane answered his door wearing baggy grey sweat pants that still somehow clung to his hard rounded ass. He had on a tight white t-shirt that showed off his nicely rounded chest muscles and smooth muscular arms. He seemed distracted and we sort just hung around the house. He said his brother Paul was due at any minute and he didn't' want to go out and miss him. We were sitting up on his bed when the front door slammed. Lane jumped up. "That must be him." He said and got up to go downstairs. I noticed his cock was semi hard and flopping around in his sweats as he made his way to the door of his room. "Stay here...I'll be right back." he said anxiously as he closed the door behind him. I waited a couple of minutes and then snuck out of the room and crept to the top of the stairs. I could see Lane and Paul in the foyer talking in low voices.

"Oh God...I'm so glad you're home...I need..." Lane couldn't even finish.

"Back off, Whore...I just got through the door...Christ you're fucking rock hard already?! Look at you, your dick is sticking out of those pants like a god damn tent pole. You filthy fuck. Have you been being good like I told you? No dick...no jerking off?" Paul asked in a harsh voice.

"Ummm...yeah...and I'm fucking dying...please..." Lane said and took a step in. I saw his hand drop and reach between his brother legs and cup the huge mound in the front of Paul's faded jeans. I saw his hand tremble as the front of Paul's pants lurched as his cock started to swell. Lane was breathing heavily and stroking firmly up and down trying to get him to full hardness...fast.

Paul pushed him away, "Stop...didn't you say you had a little friend over?"

Lane took a deep shuddering breath and answered, "Yeah...he's upstairs."

Paul gave Lane a suspicious look, "There's nothing going on between you two is there?" his voice hardening even more.

"N...no..." stammered Lane. "Of course not...he's a kid...my age..." His voice faded off.

"Right...and you only go in for big MAN COCK...Right Cunt..." This was punctuated by a sound of flesh hitting flesh. I looked up and saw Lane wide eyed and a red hand imprint blooming on his cheek.

"You make me fucking sick...you know that...?" Though Paul's voice was filled with disgust, I could see that he now appeared to be fully and painfully erect. The long thick tube of his massive erection was prominently lying like a lead pipe along his hip and every now and then jerking against the tight restraining fabric of his pants.

Lane's eyes honed right in on the visual sign of his brother's excitement and his breath caught in his throat, he reached out a shaking hand to try and touch Paul's cock again but his brother forcefully slapped his hand away.

"Calm the fuck down...nothing is going to happen while you've got someone in the house...so get your-self under control." Paul said.

Lane stepped in closer, "Paul...please...I'm begging you...it's been weeks...and ...I am so ..." His voice trailed off but I almost broke with the need I could hear. My cock was already throbbing and leaking in my pants, and it was all I could do not to take my dick out and stroke myself to a quick orgasm.

Paul gritted his teeth and hissed at Lane. "Listen you fucking filthy slut, if you've truly been a good boy and done as I've said...then I have a little treat lined up for you...you interested?"

Lane let out an involuntary moan, "God Yes...when...are you going to fuck me...I need it so bad."

"No I am not going to fuck you...at least not yet...I have something else in mind..." Paul said.

"W...what?" Lane breathed out.

"Well tomorrow night I've arranged for you to use that talented mouth of yours on a bunch of horse cocks. " Paul said.

"Oh God...yes...where...?" Lane groaned out.

"I got the idea from you at that porno theater...I heard about that on a sex message board...so I put up a message of my own. `Young slut available for oral gang bang'... was the title of the ad."

Lane bit his lip, "Oh...GOD."

Paul stepped in close and roughly grabbed his younger brother's face, "I want to see you suck dick after dick...see you eat strange men's cum...load after load...so much cum... you'll be drunk on sperm...your belly full of jizz...but no one...NO ONE will fuck you...that ass is off limits...you'll stay fully dressed and just suck off any man that wants you to...understand?"

Lane pulled his face out of his brother's grasp and nodded his head, "Where and when?" I looked at his crotch and noticed he was throbbing and hard as steel. The thick spike of his cock jutted straight up, tenting out the front of his sweats.

Paul laughed, "tomorrow night...midnight. You know the rest stop off the highway past the Burger King? Well there will be an eighteen wheeler parked far back in the rest stop...the back will be open and that is where you'll perform...on your knees in the back of the truck. I'll drive you and be there to watch and make sure you stay dressed...slut...I can imagine what would happen if I wasn't there...you may be there all night depending on how many horny men show up...if you're good and do as you are told...I may take you back here after...you stomach full of cum and then maybe...just maybe I'll fuck you..." Lane just let out a pent up breath.

"Now go hang out with your friend and leave me alone...make up some excuse if he sees you leaving tonight..." I saw Lane turn to walk back up the stairs and then Paul's voice stopped him.

"Oh and little brother...before the real fun begins tomorrow night...you're going to help a friend of mine out here at the house...let's just call it a warm up to the main event." He smiled that evil grin at his brother and then gestured for Lane to be on his way.

I hurried back to Lane's room and waited for him to come back. I heard him go to the bathroom for a few minutes and he seemed more composed when he came back. His cock had gone down marginally and the curved tube of his semi-erection pressed against the front of his sweat pants. A slight wet spot was visible but he quickly sat down and adjusted the material so I wouldn't notice. We hung around shooting the shit for a while and then I told him that I hope he didn't mind but I had made plans for later tonight with friends who lived in the area and I might be out most of the night. I saw him light up when I said this...he was free for tonight without further complication from me.

The rest of the night was fraught with tension. Paul and Lane's parents were out so the three of us just ordered a pizza. The sexual tension was thick, and being around two incredibly horny hot men was making me feel light headed. Lane couldn't seem to take his eyes off Paul and several times I caught him staring at Paul's rounded vein coursed bicep or letting his eyes furtively drop to the man's swollen looking crotch. They both seemed to be partially erect the entire night and time couldn't pass fast enough.

At about nine or so, I made my excuses and left the house. I pretended to drive away but actually just parked around the corner and then snuck back tot eh house and let myself in through the kitchen door I had earlier left unlocked. I hid myself in the hall and listened. To their low voices.

"You getting excited for tonight Whore?" Paul said.

"Yes...who is this friend that's coming over?" Lane asked

"Nobody you know...he's just a guy I knew in college. He's hit a bit of a dry spell and desperately needs to get laid. Of course when I heard that I immediately thought of you." Paul laughed.

Lane started to say something but Paul cut him off. " See...I remember this guy from playing on the lacrosse team...his dick is ridiculous...almost as big as mine." I heard Lane let out a gasp.

"Yeah...that got you didn't it faggot...super big hard cock for you to get you in the mood for the later. I know you Lane...sucking dick after dick and getting full of cum would send you over the edge and you'd be desperate to get that ass fucked...so I figured I'd take the edge off by letting this guy use you." Lane moaned and I looked around the corner and saw Paul reach out and grab Lane by a handful of his hair. "Listen slut...I am going to let this guy use you...but you are not to cum...do you understand me...?" He used his free hand to roughly grab Lane's face for emphasis. "Now go upstairs and get out of your clothes. Just put on a jock and then kneel on the bed on all fours. You don't need to turn around or move...once he gets here I'll bring him upstairs and then he'll fuck you and leave...nice and simple...understand?" Paul said. Lane let out a soft almost pained groan and I heard him get off the couch. I backed further into the shadows as he went up the stairs. I heard him go into the bathroom so I hurriedly ran up the stairs and slipped into his room and hid in his closet. It was on the wall near the foot of the bed, so I would have a good view through the louvered doors and not be seen.

Within a few minutes I heard Lane walking down the hall. I kept still as he walked into the room. He was still wearing the t-shirt and sweats from earlier. He went over to his dresser and began to fish through the top drawer. I could see the heavy curve of his semi-erect in the front of the loose sweats. He pulled out a white jock strap and threw it on the bed. He peeled the t-shirt off and stood there looking down at his body. He ran his hands lightly over his chest and involuntarily shuddered as his fingers brushed his erect nipples. His body was smooth and perfect. The muscles of his chest defined and nicely rounded. I almost let out a groan when he unceremoniously slid the sweats off his hips exposing a pair of tight white briefs. His cock made a solid tube shaped lump in the front pouch and his ass strained the cotton almost to capacity. He slowly lowered the briefs and his cock sprang out. As he kicked the underwear off his feet his cock slowly rose to a full erection. Just getting naked had ramped up his excitement. He langorously stroked his cock and bit his lip when a thick clear bead of precum formed on the tip. He used his index finger to pull the strand off his perfectly formed cock head and brought it to his lips. He lightly smeared the fluid over his bottom lip and let the tip of his tongue taste it. He groaned and then grabbed the jock, stepping into it hand pulling it up over his heavily muscled thighs. He adjusted the elastic waist do it sat flat around his tight stomach and then smoothed out the leg straps under that beautiful full ass cheeks. He groaned a bit as he adjusted his dick in the ribbed pouch. By now he was so hard the small sack of material could barely contain the length of his erection.

He cocked his head at the sound to Paul opening the front door and conversing lowly in the front hall at the bottom of the stairs. He moved to the bed and knelt down. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, he seemed almost unable to catch his breath. He got into position and he looked so fucking incredible I almost came right then. He was kneeling in the soft glow of his bedside lamp, his ass two perfect white globes. The deep crack and just a hint of that perfect asshole showing. His back muscles flared up wide form the tiny waist and his skin seemed to glow. There was a faint tan line just above the wide white strap of the jock and the same bit of color shadowed his upper thighs His breathing was picking up and he was arching his back and thrusting his ass out in anticipation. He was so excited at the thought of being used in this way...no prelude...just anonymous and animal sex. I heard footsteps approaching.

Paul walked into the room followed by another man. He was tall and sort of thin. He looked in his twenties and had thick curly hair, cut short and sort of reddish in color. He had a bit of two day stubble on his square jaw and was wearing jeans and a sweat shirt. He let out a low whistle when he saw the kid kneeling on the bed shockingly naked except for that white jock strap. Paul moved around the bed and sat down in a canvas chair up by the head of the bed against the wall. He spread is legs and looked at his younger brother's face.

"You ready for this slut?" he asked. Lane moaned and started to look back over his shoulder at the guy, but Paul said sharply "Keep your eyes forward." He looked up at the guy now standing at the foot of Lane's bed. The man was staring at the kid's ass and slowly stroking his crotch.

"Shit you weren't kidding...he's fucking ridiculously hot...and he'll just let me fuck his ass...just like that?" he said tearing his eyes off the boy and looking at Paul.

"Yeah...he's all yours...have at it." Paul said.

The guy groaned and knelt on the floor, now at eye level with Lane's ass. He reached out and let one hand trail down the kid's back. Lane shuddered and the guy then put both oversized hands on those tow perfect cheeks. He slowly stroked the hot skin and his mouth sort of fell open. I shifted my gaze down and saw a HUGE bulge in the front of his baggy jeans. Christ this guy must be super hung. Paul was watching and said to his friend. "That's it Troy...eat out his pussy and get him all wet and ready for your dick." Lane groaned. Paul leaned up to position himself right hear Lane's ear. The kid's head was hung down and he was almost panting.

Troy is going to tongue fuck you now Slut..." he whispered.

Troy leaned in and tentatively stuck out his tongue. He let the full flat surface slide over one round firm cheek before pulling back. "Shit I never thought I'd get so fucking hot thinking about fucking another guy...sheeiiit." He muttered before he sat up higher on his knees and let his wet tongue slide down the deep channel in Lane's lower back. He didn't stop this time and let his tongue trail down into the deep ass crack. Lane's jumped and I saw his cock twitch in the stretched pouch of his jock. A wet muffled groan came out of Troy's mouth as he buried his face deep in that ass and rammed his tongue in deep.

Lane threw his head back, his neck cords straining and his mouth hanging open in pleasure. Paul leaned in, "Feel good...huh? Whore...finally having something in that hole...just wait...but remember Lane don't cum...I mean it...understand?" Lane nodded his head with his eyes closed.

Troy now had Lane's ass spread wide and was licking and swirling his tongue in and around the tight pink hole. He would stiffen it into a point and periodically slip it deep into the kid's ass hole, pressing his entire face into the crack to get maximum penetration. Lane was groaning and his breathing was heavy. I could see the strained ouch of his jock start to spot with precum and as Troy got more and more into the rim job clear drops of fluid actually seeped through the webbing of the jock and dripped onto the bed. The kid must have been so fucking aroused. Troy gave one last long swipe with his tongue and then pulled his wet shining face back. He stood up and looked down at his crotch. A large mound was pushing the front of the jeans out obscenely in the front.

Paul flicked his eyes over to the standing man and then hissed into Lane's ear, "He's taking his cock out now...wait till you feel it...it's fucking huge."

Lane groaned and made a motion to turn his head but Paul grabbed a handful of dark curls and jerked his head straight forward.

The sound of a belt buckle reverberated around the room and then the unmistakable hum of a zipper. Troy pushed his jeans down to his knees and I barely contained a gasp. His cock was enormous. It was thick and perfectly formed. It rose up at a ninety degree angle from his body and had a slight graceful curve. It was pale with a darker flushed head that was deeply flared. One big blue vein ran along the length of the shaft. He had heavy reddish balls and a small triangle of pubic hair just above were his shaft met his pale white belly. He looked down almost in amazement at his own cock. It reached well past his navel and it was truly one of the most beautiful dicks I had ever seen. He bent over and pushed his pants down further. He put his hands on Lane's hips, bent his knees and ran the length of his erection along the slick crack if the kid's ass. Lane gasped and cried out at the feeling of the massive hot cock touching his skin. Paul laughed and put a hand on the back of his brother's neck.

"Can you do this without shooting? If not, I'll stop it now...troy can go home and jerk that big cock off by himself." Lane turned a tortured face to his brother.

"No...don't ...I'll be able to...it's...it's just been so long and I need it so bad." Lane said. Troy groaned at this and said. :I can't wait anymore...I haven't gotten laid in almost two months...my dick feels like it's going to explode." He reached down and fished something out of his pants pocket. Paul saw the condom packet and smirked. "What a good boy...playing safe" He whispered to Lane in a very low voice, "This will be a first huh Slut?" Troy was so busy tearing the package open and rolling the rubber down over his massive cock he didn't even register this. His dick visibly throbbed, encased in the pale translucent white condom, poised arching over the kneeling kid. He used one hand on Lane's lower back to steady himself and the other to angle his achingly hard cock down to line the head up with Lane's asshole. He let his head loll back on his neck as the head made contact and with a small grunt forced it's way inside the kid. Lane's back arched and he hissed. His cock jerked wildly in the jock and Paul put up a hand to Troy.

"Stop...let him get back under control or he'll shoot just from the head going in." Troy froze and placed both hands on Lane's waist. Lane gasped for breath and sweat dripped off his head.

" Ready for more?" Paul asked. Lane nodded and Paul looked at Troy. The man's mouth hung open as he slid his hips forward slowly, the thick shaft opening the boy up. Lane's ass lips were clamped tight around the latex encased cock and the dick looked impossibly large with just those few inches inside the kid. Troy eased more of his length in and Lane groaned. With still about three or four more inches still to go, Troy pulled back a bit and began to slowly thrust his hips back and forth, fucking the kid with half of his rock hard cock.

"Nice..." Paul muttered.

Troy let go of the kid, leaving his dick in place and shucked both shirt and sweatshirt off over his head in one motion. His body was pale and thin with lean defined muscles. He carefully stepped out of his shoes and kicked his pants and underwear off. Now standing there naked except for white tube socks. He gripped the tight elastic waist band of the jock in both hands and used it to pull the boy's body back further impaling him on his dick. Lane was shuddering and I could see a long clear strand of precum drip in slow motion to the off white bed spread. I couldn't believe he hadn't cum...

Troy was slowly fucking Lane now in long smooth strokes. He still hadn't gone in to the base of his dick yet and Lane was arching his back trying to get more of the man's cock in him.

Paul leaned in and whispered to Lane, "You want this to get nasty...huh whore? I know what you really want...but you have to be good and stay in control...understand/" Lane's body was rocking with the force of Troy's thrusts but he nodded his sweaty head. Paul got up and walked over to his friend. He stood near him, his own pants tented out with his big swollen cock.

"Troy...buddy" he said. Troy pulled his eyes off where his cock was sliding in and out of the boy and looked at Paul with a glazed look.

"Pull out...c'mon...take your dick out of him...trust me..." Paul said. Troy reluctantly slid his hips back until his cock sprang up straight against his body throbbing in time with his pounding heart. Paul reached down and used the fingers of both hands to grasp the reservoir tip of the condom. He flexed and tore it. First a small hole and then a bit more. He looked at Troy's surprised face and he rolled the ripped condom down so it circled the base of his massive cock. His erection seemed to lengthen a bit more, the head engorging and a thick glob of almost opaque precum oozed out of the wide piss slit.

"Fuck the little whore raw..." Paul said. Troy groaned and looked down and bent his knees and lined the head up. The precum oozed and spread around the flange as he slid the bare head in. He cried out at the intense heat and the feeling of his naked cock entered the kid. Lane sat up on his knees and groaned as more and more of the cock penetrated him. Soon he groaned and his whole body shook when he felt the wiry pubic hair pressed tight to his ass lips and those big balls hitting right below his hole. Troy was all the way in. Lane was getting fucked by almost eleven inches of hard bare cock. His body broke out in a sweat and his skin shone as Troy pulled back and fucked back into him with a few long hard strokes. On the last one he pulled all the way back and his cock slid free. Lane almost screamed in pleasure, his heavy ass cheeks quivering. Paul watched as Troy roughly pulled the remnants of the condom off his cock and dropped it onto the small of Lane's back, right above the waistband of the jock. Lane groaned deep in his chest as the man entered him balls deep in one long stoke. After that it was only a few minutes of deep long thrusts, with Lane arching back to meet them before Troy moaned and said, "Kid...oh...fuck...I'm gonna cum...ahhhh" Lane turned and looked over his shoulder finally seeing the man fucking him and moaned, "Oh...cum in me...please cum in me."

I could see Troy let go. His balls pulled up and hardened and the base of his shaft thickened. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as he shot rope after heavy rope of scalding hot semen into the kid. He pulled back a bit I could see more of his shaft pulse as he continued to shoot deep inside the kid. Paul said, "Pull out and shoot some on him...I want to see it." Troy weakly took a half step back and his cock sprang up straight it was shining and slick with cum and was deeply engorged and flushed dark red. The head hardened and the cock jerked and a heavy strand of sperm shot out of the slit and skidded up Lane's back. The thick white cum beaded up and another shot reached even higher, the last droplets catching the boy in the sweaty curls at the back of his neck. Lane was groaning at the feeling of the hot cum lashing his back and gritting his teeth with all his strength of will to not shoot himself. His cock was spasming in the jock and his asshole was clenching, forcing out thick white beads of cum. Sperm pooled in the sweaty hollow of his lower back and a dark stain striped the waist of the jock. Finally Troy mild the last drop off the end of his cock, He gripped the still hard shaft and smeared the head around Lane's dripping asshole. Lane cried out as the cock slid in with ease. Cum oozed out around the thick shaft as Troy impaled Lane again with the full length. Cum caught in his pubic hair and sluiced out around the thick base of his cock. "Fucking nice!" Paul said his eyes wide.

Lane gasped out, "Paul...make him stop or I'll cum...I...I can't...; Paul moved fast and put one hand on Troy's chest pushing him back. He didn't resist just let his cock slide out of the boy and then stood there panting covered in sweat. Lane got a look of extreme concentration on his face and was almost crying with the effort not to cum. The pouch of the jock was soaking wet and he was dripping with sweat.

Paul went out of the room and returned with a towel. "Here mop up you too and then Lane and I have to get going...we have plans...right brother?" he said as Troy used the towel to wipe the cum off his dick and groin. He laughed breathlessly. "That was amazing...like nothing I've ever experienced...when can I fuck him again?" he said as he retrieved his clothes.

Paul looked at Lane as the kid was wiping cum off his back with difficulty. "Hey...leave the cum on your hole and inside you...I want you to feel fully bred when we get to where we are going..." Troy cocked his head at this but Paul just smirked and said. "I'll call you next time the kid is available.

Paul made Lane get out of the wet jock and put on white briefs. Lane's cock was so hard it looked almost purple. He struggled to contain his rampant cock in the underwear and then Paul threw him jeans and a couple of shirts to put on. Once dressed all three went downstairs and I heard them in the kitchedn getting drinks. I used that opportunity to sneak out of the closet and creep down the stairs. The front of my pants were wet and I was painfully hard. I hadn't cum as I wanted to save it for what I knew would be incredible later. Lightheaded and barley able to stand I snuck downstairs and out of the house to my car. I sat in the driver's seat gathering myself. I knew exactly which rest area Paul had mentioned...it was somewhat notorious in this area and the police had raided it before arresting men for lewd behavior. I started the car and figured I had an hour to kill and headed for a drive though...I needed a drink.

Next: Chapter 54

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