What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Jan 12, 2018


What I Saw 31(G) Next installment...

My legs ached from being crouched down peering through the crumbing holes in the cement. Lane had pulled himself to his feet and backed further into the open stall. The three black guys crowded into to room whooping and yelling. Lane had that stunned, dazed look on his face that he sometimes got during these scenes. His cock was still deep purple and rock hard. A thick bead of cum dripped off the head. His speedo and jeans were hooked around his ankle, otherwise he was naked. Sweat sheened his incredible body and his chest heaved with his panting breaths. His waist looked impossibly small with the wide muscular back and that super round ass. He was pale and almost glowed in the gloom of the shitty restroom.

Ryan looked around, there were now six men in the bathroom with him and the kid and it looked like it could get rowdy. There was a distinct smell of testosterone in the air. "Hey Lane...you better be ready for this...these guys look pretty worked up". Ryan said.

"I...can't...I shouldn't have...ha..." Lane stammered. He bent over and winced as his tortured cock rubbed against the soft sweaty ridges of his stomach. His whole body shuddered as he reached down and grabbed his bathing suit and pants in a bunch and hastily tried to step into them. He stumbled and almost fell over into the partition wall. His ass jiggled as he struggled and it was all he could do to get the bathing suit and jeans over his thick thighs.

"Hey...little man...what are you doing?" said one of the new comers. He was short and thick with thick arms bulging out of the cut off sleeves of his plaid shirt. Lane had successfully gotten his pants up and you could see the ridges of his abs as he sucked in trying to button the tight jeans. He was still shirtless and his chest was heaving, he was still excited and scared it seemed. He managed to button the pants over his rampant erection and his eyes started darting around the bathroom. The grey haired guy and the black guy he had just sucked off had also secure their clothes and stepped out of the two adjoining stalls back into the main area of the bathroom.

Lane pushed out into the room and scrambled in the corner for his t-shirt. He shrugged it on over his head, it was torn to shreds but he did the best he could and I could see the panicked look on his face as he rammed his arms through the holes.

The dark haired guy in cutoffs stepped over to the kid. Blocking him from the door. I could see his cock straining against the soaked fabric of his shorts. He had been teased all day and then witnessed the kid take on the black guy twice and his buddy unload deep in the kid's perfect ass. He wasn't letting this end that easy.

" Kid.." he said in almost a whisper..."where you going...you can't leave now...we are just getting started." Lane licked his lips convulsively and looked around the room at the men.

Lane tilted his eyes up at the man standing in front of him "Mister..I have to stop this...I can't...I can't keep doing this...it's wrong. I'm going to go home.' He said sounding almost teary.

The man put a hand on the back of the sweaty kid's neck and directed his gaze downward. "Son...look at my cock...it is so fucking hard...I don't know if it has ever been this hard in my life...I'm leaking so fucking much and my balls hurt." He took a deep breath and went on "You've been teasing me all day...flashing that ass at me and my friend and then...not three minutes ago I just watched you suck off that big black guy...TWICE! You fucking took his load like a champ" his voiced raised. "You literally just fucked yourself on my buddy's big hard dick and shot all over that wall..."

He gripped Lane around the wrist and struggled with the kid to force his hand on the huge tented mound in the front of his cutoffs. "You telling me you don't want more?" as he directed the kids shuddering palm to stroked up and down the full length of his erection through the damp fabric of his jeans.

Lane pulled his hand back like it was burned. "N..n..no" he stuttered. Despite what he said his dick lurched in the tight buttoned jeans. He struggled to push past the guy but his way was blocked by the three new comers.

Ryan stepped forward at this point. "Hey guys...we can't force the kid...if he really wants to leave...we're not going to turn this into a crime scene... are we?" he gave an uncomfortable smile.

Ryan stepped over to Lane. "kid if you really want to leave...you can...but I know you...you want this...a room full of horny strangers...lining up to use you...think about it...it's been so long...you haven't had anything in weeks...one fuck and a couple blow jobs isn't going to satisfy you.."

He looked around at the men, most of them were visibly hard and stroking their cocks staring intently at the kid dripping with sweat in the middle of the circle. Ryan said "I've seen you take on three times as many men...christ you only came once...I've seen you keep shooting after the fourth or fifth fuck...c'mon Lane." He hissed and pointed his cell phone camera at the kids straining face.

Lane looked around the filthy bathroom and just said.."please..no"

The men blocking the door swore under their breath and said" If this kid ain't putting out..what the fuck we doing in this shithole." They shook their heads and filed out of the room. The grey haired guy playfully slapped his buddy on the ass and said, "looks like you're jerking off today...and walked out of the bathroom laughing. The first black groundskeeper glared at the kid...and said as he headed out the door..."One of the best fucks I've ever had...shit"

Now it was just Lane, Ryan and the guy in the cutoffs who seemed unable to comprehend what had happened.

All three men jerked their heads up at the sound of a car pulling in and parking out front. Footsteps approached the building and a shadow crossed in front of the door.

"What in holy fucking hell is going on in here" a smooth voice said.

I peered through my peephole and saw a tall lean man dressed in a well cut tan suit stepped into the filthy bathroom.

He was maybe late thirties, tall, balding with a close cropped almost shaved fringe of hair around the back and sides of his head. He had strong features and heavy lidded eyes that looked flat and dead...pale blue...kid of disturbing. His lips were very full and were held in sensual sneer. He reached into his inner jacket pocket and fished out a leather wallet, flipped it open showing a shiny brass badge. "Vice...now who it going to tell me what the fuck I am walking in on?"

The guy in the cutoffs dropped his hands down in an attempt to shield his obscenely bulging crotch. Lane's eyes widened and he gulped. Ryan sort of stepped forward and said, "Hey Officer...nothing going on...we were just leaving." I caught a glint in Ryan's eye...he acted nervous but didn't seem that surprised.

"Hold up...hold up...nobody is going anywhere till I get some answers. It looks to me like some sick shit was either about to go down or did go down...who were all those guys I saw walking away...friends of yours?" he asked jabbing his long finger into the center of Lane's chest, that sneer stuck on those thick lips.

Lane swallowed hard, "No...I...I made a mistake...came in her by accident." His voice faded off.

"That's not what I heard. See, I got a call from a very distressed older gentleman...said he saw a young man that fits your description having public sex with three adult men...in a bathroom over near the beach...That ring a bell?" the bald guy raised an eyebrow and surveyed the three men in the room.

Ryan stepped forward. "Sir...Officer...it's not what it looks like..."

The guy in cutoffs rushed in, "I just wandered in here...I didn't do anything...nothing going on..." he said

"Oh really...because what it looks like... is this kid is a fucking whore and you two are participating in an act of public lewdness...now whether it's for fun or money...I don't quite know, but from what this old guy said-and he was pretty descriptive...the kid was stripped totally naked, on his back, legs spread with a huge hard black cock buried to the hilt in his ass." He looked at Lane, piercing him with those soulless eyes, "That what was going on?"

Lane just dropped his head. "Please...can I just leave...I'll go home...I won't do it again." The kid stammered.

The cop chuckled and shook his head in feigned regret. "Now...we're going to do things my way...right..." his eyes crawled all over the kid and my heart lurched when I saw a distinct stirring in the flat front of his tan dress pants. Those heavy lidded eyes lingered over the packed crotch of the kid's jeans and his tongue crept out as he glanced at the huge swell of that perfect ass in the tight denim.

"All three of you are going to walk back with me to the scene of the crime...then I want some answers and you Kid.." he prodded Lane's chest with his finger, "will do exactly as I say or this could go really bad for you...we clear?" he said looking at all three of them.

I backed away from my viewing spot and slowly retraced my steps back through the trail. I had to get back to the other bathroom and station myself. I had to see what was going to happen. This could be good!

I was in position behind the original bathroom. By this time the beach had pretty much cleared and I didn't encounter anyone as I walked around the building. I settled in...I felt like something good was going to go down. I suddenly heard the low mutter of voices approaching the bathroom. I peered through the gap in the concrete and sure enough in filed Lane, Ryan and the guy in the cutoffs followed closely behind by the vice cop.

"So this is where it happened...right Pig?" He said addressing Lane. Lane just stared at the guy not responding.

"You..." the cop said turning to the guy in the cutoff. "Tell me what you saw...and don't fucking lie to me...I've gotten a bunch of reports and I'll know if your lying...maybe if your honest about what went on and your part in it I can go easy on you." he said.

The guy stammered and then starting talking. "My buddy and I had been tipped off that the fucking little slut was going to be here today...the rumor was he was fucking hot and up for anything... Sick shit...you know?" he swallowed and continued. "We saw him on the beach with this guy," he gestured at Ryan. "and he started parading around...fucking flashing his ass...we could see he was hard as a rock...fucking pig." He spat out.

"Then what happened?" asked the cop, his eyes crawling all over Lane as he stood there shifting nervously from one bare foot to the other.

"Well...he kept up teasing us...taking off his shirt and jeans...all he had on was a speedo that barely covered anything...it wasn't right..." he said

"Next thing you know, this guy" he gestured with his head at Ryan, " told us the kid was going into this bathroom and..." he nervously trailed off.

The cop let his tongue snake out and wet that full bottom lip, "Keep going" his voice husky.

The guy in cutoffs squirmed where he was standing and I noticed a stirring in the front of the denim shorts. What he saw and his part in it was clearly causing him to get aroused.

"The kid...we...well when we walked into here shit was already going down." He said. "A big black guy...looked like a grounds keeper or landscaper was in here...he was...you know...doing stuff with the kid."

The cop tore his eyes off Lane and looked at the dark haired guy," You're going to have to be more descriptive than that."

The guy swallowed and by now it looked like he was full erect in his shorts. The round swell of his cock head could be seen insistently pressing against the thin faded fabric of his shorts. "Well... the kid was sitting on that toilet...pants unbuttoned...and the black guy was standing in front of him...real close and he was..." he stopped. The cop interjected. "He was what...?"

"Hard...you could see a big hard dick standing up in the front of his pants...This other guy," he gestured at Ryan again, "started giving the kid orders...he told him to take the guys cock out of his pants... and then..." he stopped again.

I noticed Lane's breathing had picked up. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as the guy described what went on. I also could see the distinct bulge in the front of his jeans. His strapped cock and bound balls were still painfully swollen. The kid was still incredibly aroused, even though he may have been afraid of what might happen.

"GO ON" the cop barked. The dark haired man continued. "The kid wanted it...you could see it on his face...he looked drunk or high...just looking at that big black dick had him breathing like he just ran a race... He wanted to put it in his mouth right away...but...we stopped him...my buddy and I. We were pissed with all the teasing so we held his head away from the guy's cock."

The cop swallowed... the narrative was clearly affecting him. I could see the outline of a long, thick penis snaking down the leg of his tailored suit pants. It looked huge and he clearly wasn't even fully hard yet. I KNEW this was going to be good.

"Finally we let him do what he wanted...while we watched. He sucked the guys cock. You could tell the little faggot knew what he was doing...the guy had a big dick and in minutes the kid had the whole thing down his throat. As he blew the guy like a champ we pulled his clothes off. The little slut vibrated like a motor once we got him naked. He has on a cock ring and his balls are all strapped up...he was hard and dripping...real sick shit! It didn't take long...the kid is too good. The black guy unloaded right into the kid's mouth and the sick little fucker swallowed it down like he was dying of thirst. The kid was begging to get fucked...then...then...my buddy...he made me...I...jesus christ this kid's ass is so fucking hot...they told me to get him wet and ready so I ate the little fucker out.." he hissed out. Though he sounded angry or ashamed a bloom or precum had darkened his shorts where the head of his cock pressed against the pants.

"Shit..." the cop whispered and his eyes, half closed took the kid in...intently running his gaze up and down Lane's body. He swallowed hard and said, "Then what?"

"Then...this guy..." he pointed at Ryan. "He told the black guy to fuck him...said the kid loved dick up his ass...took on guys all the time...gang bangs...you know...the kid wanted it. My buddy wanted a turn and this guy said he could watch first and be next.

So...the black guy...he... started to fuck him...he really was just getting started that the kid was going nuts...fucking loving it...huge black cock buried in his ass...all the way...that's when the old guy caught us and we had to stop."

The cop let out a loud huff of suppressed air...I could see his cock had lengthened and thickened during this recitation. The guy in cut offs was if possible harder and Lane was biting his lip and shifting around, his rampant cock throbbing visibly in the front of his jeans. Lane was subtly thrusting his hips trying to get his dick to rub against the front of his jeans...the kid was getting desperate. He could clearly see that all three of the men were aroused and his eyes kept dropping to the long tube of dick obscenely on display through the thin material of the cop's pants.

The cop looked at Lane. "So Slut...what happened then...you tell me...don't leave anything out."

Lane chewed on his bottom lip and began to talk in a low steady voice...all signs of nerves gone. He know what was happening and he was excited.

"The black guy pulled out of me...and they didn't want to stop but the old guy was threatening to call the cops so we cleared out. The guy said he knew of another place we could go...they all wanted to use me and the black guy said he was going to text some guys he knew to come fuck me too. Ryan had been taking pictures of me sucking off the guy and eating his cum...him sliding his huge dick into me...he was going to send those pictures our to men...who would come and ...fuck me." The last words were said louder in a half groan while Lane raised his head and locked onto the heavy lidded, sleepy sloe eyes of the cop. "They led me along a trail to another bathroom...there were gloryholes in the stalls...This guy's friend fucked me through the hole while I sucked the black guy off again...he came down my throat and his buddy fucking bred me with his hot cum...then three more guys showed up and...I ...then I got nervous...the things I do...they're wrong...I get so fucking horny...so worked up...desperate to see men's cocks...feel them...taste them...have them in me...I lose control." The kid looked down as his crotch visibly throbbed, his dick flexing in excitement.

"So I stopped and was just leaving when you showed up." He looked at the cop. The officer took a step closer to the kid, "How many times have you done this kind of thing...?" Lane let out a low laugh. "A lot...I've been fucked in bathrooms... the woods...adult movie theaters...porno stores...I can't stop...I need it" he said and slowly licked his lips.

"Well...what are we going to do with you?...huh?"

He looked over at Ryan, "What's your piece of this?"

Ryan let a slow smile spread across his rough face. "I film this shit...promote his events to ensure good turnout...the kid's films sell like crazy...I've never seen a bigger cum slut...honestly the kid is insatiable."

The cop let a low whistle escape his pursed lips.

"Well now...I am not one to stand in the way of a person's livelihood...so why don't we see what we can get to happen here..."

The cop paused and looked around the room, "So Kid...you will follow instructions and do exactly as I tell you...This man is going to film it and you are going to put on the best performance of your whore career. We clear?" he said looking at Lane. Lane slowly nodded his head. The cops arm lashed out like lightening and a loud crack reverberated around the cinderblock room. A red splotch bloomed on one of Lane's cheeks. "Answer me Slut!" The cop hissed. Lane raised his palm to his cheek. "Y...yeah...I understand..." he said.

"I don't know how it's gone down before but let me be clear...you are a disgusting filthy cunt...you are going to be used like the whore you are...any way by any man who shows up in whatever way they want...no stopping...no safe words...Now Slut...go sit on that toilet and unbutton those fucking pants." He said through gritted teeth.

Lane turned around. The dark haired guy groaned at the sight of that bubble ass straining at the fabric of the jeans. The kid walked slowly over to the stall as he walked he hooked his fingers into the waistband of the jeans and bathing suit and forced them down a bit lower on his narrow hips. The t-shirt was in tatters in the back and the small of his back was visible. A clear tan line dissected the beginning of the soft swell of his ass. Two deep dimples were just above the beginning of each as cheek. The skin now exposed was creamy white with a slight shine of sweat. Just a hint of his deep ass crack was visible as he turned and sat on the toilet seat.

Lane leaned back, spread his legs and his lips parted as he ran a hand down his body. Patches of skin showing through his ripped t-shirt. He looked up at the three men watching him and slowly popped the button on his jeans. The muscles of his stomach were outlined in this position and the hint of the hip flexor muscles was peeking out the top of the low slung pants.

Just then footsteps could be heard approaching the bathroom. A man stepped around the wall from the entrance and stopped short when he saw the three men standing there. His eyes flicked nervously around the small room. He was medium height; shorn, close cropped reddish blond hair. He has a neatly trimmed beard. He had broad shoulders and was wearing an untucked polo shirt, flip flops and tan chino shorts. His legs were long, muscular and lightly hairy. The look on his face was priceless. From the semi hard penis that was clearly visible in his shorts he knew why he was there but clearly didn't expect to see three fully dressed men standing there.

The cop stepped over, "Come on in...I assume you are because you heard about the little slut." He said jerking his chin at Lane.

The guy sort of squinted and didn't say anything.

"Don't be shy...he's open for business...right kid?" the cop said. Lane simple leaned back against the wet pipe feeding the toilet and nodded. His arousal was obvious and his breath had picked up.

The cop took two big strides and was suddenly next to the seated kid. He reached down and roughly tangled his thick fingers in the kid's dark hair. HE sharply jerked his head back straining the cords of his neck. "TELL THE MAN WHAT YOU WANT" he hissed leaning down menacingly his face inches from Lane's.

"I want to see your cock...I want to touch it." The kid said.

My heart almost beat out of my chest...I was dry mouthed with excitement for what was about to happen.

Next: Chapter 67

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