What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Mar 29, 2018


What I Saw 31(H)

The story continues. I may be coming to the end...usual applies-work of fiction...feedback appreciated. Enjoy!

The bearded blond guy was just standing there staring at Lane as the kid leaned further back flexing his internal muscle and making his penis jerk and press against the strained nylon fabric of the maroon speedo. His jeans gaped open and he looked down his own body and ran his fingers lightly over the soft ridges of his exposed stomach.

"Shit..." the bearded guy hissed. His cock jumped in the front his shorts. Just as he took a shuffling step forward another set of footsteps could be heard and the four men looked at the door. It was the crabby old dude again.

"What is going on here?" He said in a reedy thin voice. "I've called the police once and am fully prepared to keep calling them until you degenerates leave this place...this is a family beach!" The blonde's face flushed and he hightailed it out of there...fast. The sinister bald cop stepped forward with an annoyed look on his handsome face.

"Sir...I am the COPS...I'm going to have to ask you to leave and stay out of police business." He sort of postured in front of the old man blocking is view of the clearly aroused kid sitting on the filthy toilet.

The old man got a belligerent look on his face. "Cops are ya?...it does not look to me like you are doing what any responsible citizen would expect of the police in this situation...arrest these men and that pervert." He leaned around the cop and pointed a shaky finger at Lane.

The kid was now sitting up on the toilet. He had pulled the front of his jeans closed and was struggling to button them over his hard-on. His shirt hung in tatters showing flashes of his body and gleaming skin.

The cop shook his head. "Sir don't interfere with police business..."

Before he could even finish the old man started to wind up again, "Police business...monkey business more like it...what's your badge number...whose you commanding officer? " the old man croaked, breathing heavy now his voice getting more querulous.

The vice cop tilted those heavy lidded eyes to the ceiling. He hissed "shit" under his breath. "Alright sir...we are leaving. I'm clearing this bathroom and you can go back to your day."

The old man turned and continued talking over his shoulder..." I'll be back to check that no more shenanigans are going on..."I'll check all day if I have to...family beach!" as he tottered out.

The cop turned back to Lane, Ryan and the guy in cutoffs. "Alright boys...this aint gonna work..."

The guy in the cutoffs pounded a fist against the tile wall.

"What the FUCK! All day...I've been fucking hard all day...and what now. ...nothing?! He hissed at the cop.

"Listen...this isn't my fault...you picked a bad location for this little event" his eyes flicked over to Ryan.

"Buddy...sorry but I'm going to have ask you to clear out...count yourself lucky that you got to eat the kid's ass and see a little bit of his talents...go jerk off in your car...go on" He jerked his thumb at the door. The dark haired guy looked like he had a lot more to say but he just looked back at the the kid sitting on the toilet and spat on the floor at his feet. "Fucking slut..." and then he stormed out of the bathroom.

Lane stood up. I could see his bound cock and balls were still packed in tight in the front of his jeans creating an obscene bulge.

"I...can I go home?" he asked. Ryan moved over to Lane.

"Is that what you want? To end this...couple blow jobs and one quick fuck...? I know you kid...you need more...after denying yourself for so long...you definitely need more."

Lane swallowed hard. And looked at the two men. The cop got a sneer on his face and walked over to the kid.

"Listen you sick little fuck...this is NOT over." His large dick lurched in the tan suit pants. "I told you that you were going to be used today and you will be used...you think you can tease men...flash that body...make us think sick thoughts and then skip off home...no way Boy." The cop could barely restrain his seething anger and his hand lashed out and the sound of the slap ricocheted around the tiled bathroom. Lane's cheek flushed in the shape of a large hand print. The kid closed his eyes and tilted his head back and struggled to catch his breath. I could see his dick jump in the tight confines of his pants.

The cop now addressed Ryan." One of the advantages of being a vice cop is I know where sluts like him belong. We're going to make this really interesting. Little cum whore likes making movies...well let's see how he likes working the streets like the piece of meat he is. We're going to bring him to the shittiest part of town and let him hook...earn us some money. We can set you up in a spot where you can film it all..."

He stepped over to Lane who looked ready to swoon. "How's that whore...strange men...pay a few buck to dump a load in you...one after the other...in some piss stinking dirty alley...sound fun?" a slow sick smile spread across his thick lips. "it's what you were made for..."

Ryan swallowed and adjusted his own growing erection. "How's this going to go down?" he asked.

"Well first this kid is going to slip into the appropriate working gear. He can't walk around in that ripped shirt." I saw him shuffle over to the corner of the bathroom and bend down and pick up what looked like dirty rags. He held out his hand to Lane.

I squeezed my eyes closed and almost moaned out loud. The cop had found a dirty white jock strap and what looked like a kid's t-shirt. Lane didn't move. The cop's free hand shot out and his long fingers tangled tightly into Lane's sweaty curls. He jerked the kid's head back causing the cords of his neck to strain. "Go into that stall and strip...loose the speedo and the t-shirt and put these on...jeans...sneakers and we will be ready to put you to work.

He shoved Lane towards the far right stall. Lane's breath was coming out in loud huffs. He stepped into the stall. From my vantage I could just get glimpses as he moved around. I saw one muscled arm as he pulled the torn t-shirt off and chucked it out into the middle of the bathroom. I could hear him straining and struggling. "This barely fits...it's a fucking boys shirt." He said.

"So the fuck what" said the cop. "Get moving"

I saw the back of Lane's jeans and he struggled to shuck them down and step out of them. A flash of thick tan thigh and then a creamy white hip as the bathing suit slid down. I could see him standing there...no pants and he regarded the dirty jock from the floor of the bathroom. He teetered and he stepped into the straps. `It's too fucking tight..." he hissed.

The cop moved over to stand in front of the stall. "Holy shit Kid...look at that fucking ass...you are going to have them lining up..."

Lane said "My dick is sticking out the top...I'm too hard." He said in a low voice.

"Looks fine to me." The cop said. "Put on the jeans.

In a few minutes Lane stepped into view. He looked obscene. The pale blue t-shirt looked painted on and clung to his rounded chest and was so short that a big band of skin was exposed with a clear demarcation of tan line showing. His navel was peeking out of the bottom and the dimpled small of his back was prominently displayed as the jeans rode low on his lean hips. The dirty white elastic waist band of the jock was clearly visible and the jeans were so low a hint of his creamy white ass was visible between the strap and the waist band of his pants. The crotch of the jeans looked stuffed and anyone seeing him would clearly know he was super aroused.

Ryan swallowed and didn't say a word. He just pulled out his phone and started taking pictures. "Where are we taking him...I can post these on a message board...get some business lined up" he said.

The cop rattled off and address. I knew the area and my mind raced as to how I could get there and find a spot to witness this.

"Kid you're coming with me in my car. We will park near this alley and then you will walk ahead and let everyone get a look at you...then you will stand at the entrance to the alley until a customer comes along...payment will be made to me...not you and then these men can do whatever they want to you."

He looked Lane straight in the eyes, "You understand?" Lane swallowed hard and said "if I don't agree?"

The cop smiled. "Well I believe Ryan here has enough pictures and film of what you've been up to for me to arrest you for lewd behavior...how would all your little preppy friends and family like that?" he smirked.

"Fuck..." Lane hissed. I knew he was in.

I slowly backed away from my peep hole and raced to my car. I jumped in and sank down low in my seat to make sure I saw them get moving. The exited the trail to the lot and the cop walked Lane over to a tan sedan. He put him the back seat like a perp. And closed the door on him. He and Ryan spent a few minutes chatting and I took that opportunity to back out and drive away.

The neighborhood he mentioned was seedy and not a place I frequented. I admit I had been there a few times as it had porno shops and was a place to score weed occaisionally. I parked my car a few streets away from the address he gave. As I walked towards the location I noticed a lot of men milling about. There were cars slowing down and young guys would go over to the window and lean in and talk. More often then not they hopped in the car and took off. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this was clearly a well known spot for prostitution. I spotted the place the cop mentioned and I could see why he would choose it. It was on sidestreet and there was a narrow dark alley created by two run dwon bric buildings. The alley looked like it went pretty far back. There was a big rusty green dumpster half blocking the entrance...

I crossed the street and waked into the alley. I was temporarily disoriented by going from bright sunlight to the dim shadowed alley. There were old crates staked against one brick wall and a couple deep set doorways were in each of the buildings. I walked further back and saw that the alley had a small alcove of the right that ended in a chain link six foot high fence that led to another alley and then back to the main street. This looked perfect. The alcove was barely visible and if you didn't walk all the way to the back of the alley you wouldn't even know it was here. I pulled an old milk crate over and sat down. I could just peer around the corner and have a full view of the full alley...perfect.

I waited breathless with anticipation for about five or ten minutes. I then heard low voices and looked up and saw the cop, Lane and Ryan enter the alley.

"Well Kid...here we are...your new "office" shall we say for the next several hours." He chuckled and looked over to Ryan. "Dude go stand in that doorway...be ready to film...if the guys don't mind step out and get close otherwise stay discrete." The cop said.

"You...Whore...go stand at the entrance of the alley." He looked Lane up and down. The kid's cock seemed to have remained hard and his body was barely contained in the remnants of clothes he had on. It was just a t-shirt and jeans but the overall impression was so blatant it was crazy it was almost more erotic than if he had been totally naked..

Lane looked up at the cop "What do I say...to the men?"

The cop smirked again. "Well they are going to walk up and ask you what you're up for and how much...you will answer that you are up for anything...mouth...ass...whatever they fancy..." he looked thoughtful and said. "Since this is your first time as a professional why don't we start modest...say twenty for a blow job and forty for a fuck." Lane looked lightheaded at the thought of being sold like this. The cop added in a low voice, "Oh and kid...absolutely no condoms...make it clear that you're a cum whore..." Lane groaned.

"You are one sick fuck aren't you kid...you really want this...don't you?" the cop asked.

Lane swallowed and looked at the guy " I am so fucking hard it feels like my cock is going to explode...I...I...haven't touched myself in weeks and what happened in the bathroom..." he trailed off. The cop leaned down his mouth near the kid's ear "It wasn't enough...is that what you were going to say...not enough cock...didn't get fucked enough!" his voice took on a hard edge and I could see a distinct stirring in the front of his pants. Lane caught the movement too and let his palm graze the swelling bulge in the thin pants. The cop jumped and stepped back. He delivered another stinging slap to the kid's cheek."

Customers first...I'll take my turn after everyone else is done with you..." He leaned in again and hissed, "I want to slide into that ass when its slick with cum...I want you full of sperm..." he pulled back and it was obvious the filthy talk and caused him to become fully erect. A huge tent protruded from the front of his pants. Lane moaned and his mouth hung open in lust...I could see that look in his eyes... he was almost feverish with need. The crotch of his jeans bulged and a visible wet spot now bloomed on the faded denim.

I felt my dick throb in my pants...shit...this was going to be interesting.

Lane walked slowly to the mouth of the alley and sort of leaned against the brick wall. His hips thrust out and his eyes downcast. It didn't take more than five minutes. I saw a man stare as he walked by the alley. In another second he crossed back from the other direction. He was older...maybe forties, tall, over six feet. He was dressed in work boots and jeans and had on a soiled green baseball cap. He had a salt and pepper goatee and was wearing a tight black t-shirt. Hi looked bulky and muscular. On the third pass he stopped and walked up to Lane.

"You working?" he said in a low voice. Lane simply nodded.

The guy swallowed hard. " Shit look at you...what do you do?" he said. Lane looked down at the man's crotch...it definitely seemed to look full. A faint outline of a tube like dick could be seen to the left side of the front seam of his jeans. Lane looked at the guy and almost whispered "Whatever you want." He was breathless. "Oh christ Kid...where can we go?" the man said somewhat urgently now. I also noted his dick seemed to be thickening rapidly in his pants.

Lane's eyes flickered down the alley. The guy looked up and saw the guy in the suit standing against the wall in the shadows and he got startled look on his face and started to move away. The cop stepped forward and said. "Hey buddy...don't go away...I'm his manager...shall we say...Twenty bucks for oral...C'mon down." He smirked.

The guy followed Lane back into the cool dark of the alley. His eyes locked onto that ridiculous round bubble ass as the kid walked ahead of him.

"You gonna watch?" he said to the cop. The cop nodded and said..."Protecting my investment...give me the money and let's get this going...the kid is hungry for dick..." At this, Lane closed his eyes and bit his lip.

The guy reached into his front pocket and pulled out some sweaty bills. He rifled through them and handed over two tens to the cop.

The cop looked at Lane and hissed "On your knees faggot...you have a paying customer."

The man maneuvered around and hemmed Lane in against the brick wall his body shielded from the street by the dumpster. Lane sank to his knees in the dirty alley his back to the wall right in front of the man. His jeans pulled taut in the back exposing the very top swell of ass crack and the full wide elastic waist band of the dirty jock.

The kid tilted his eyes up looking at the guy, his chest heaving, his lips parted, eyes sleepy with lust.

"Shit this kid is too much...looks like a college kid...giving blow jobs in an alley...fuck... I got a kid his age." He said. Despite these sentiments his cock had continued to swell and thicken and now Lane's sweaty face was inches from what looked like a pretty large erection.

The cop moved over to stand over Lane next to the man. "Looks like a pretty big cock Kid...you must be dying...big hard dick right in front of your face...moments away from getting to play with it...feel his erection you whore...earn that twenty." He spat out. Lane lifted his hand and his arm flexed in the super tight sleeve of the pale blue tee. He gently cupped right between the guys legs where his balls were. The guy groaned and jumped.

"Feel good Slut?" The cop asked. Lane nodded...and choked out, his voice thick with lust "It feels like he's not wearing underwear." Lane let his fingers trail up the now fully hard erection. It tented out the front of the man's jeans and looked super thick. Lane stroked down hefting those balls again... "Mmm big fucking nuts" he murmured to himself. The guy jumped at the contact his whole body shuddering.

The cop tore his eyes off the kid and looked at the man "You are super horny Dude...like this shit...huh?

The guy hissed and gasped as Lane began to stroke his erect cock with more intensity and he stumbled out, "Oh fuck...I need it bad...wife out of town...haven't gotten off in over a week...that's why I came down to this neighborhood... oh shit." He gasped this last out as Lane leaned up and used one hand to cup and feel his testicles through the pants and the other to firmly stroke directly where the man's swollen cock head was. The guy threw his head back knocking his baseball cap askew and let out a low moan.

The cop smirked and began to mutter into the guy's ear, "This kid loves dick...never seen anything like it...especially goes nuts for oversized cock...fucking biggest whore I've ever seen."

The guy let out a pent up breath and a chortle. "College kid playing with my dick in an alley..." he tossed his head, flinging sweat out of his eyes and said, "shit...Kid hurry up...I can't get caught...I gotta get back to work." Lane looked mesmerized by the now rampant huge erection pulsing through the thin worn fabric of the guy's jeans.

"Unbutton his pants." The cop ordered.

Lane's hands shook as he struggled to pop the button on the jeans. It sprang open and the sound of the zipper being lowered seemed to echo around the alley. Lane moaned as the man's eleven inch cock lurched out of the open pants. It was super thick with huge blue veins roping around the shaft. He was circumcised and the head was perfectly round and flushed a deep red. The piss slit was a deep cleft and looked wet already. The jeans slid a bit lower and the man's oversized balls swung free. They hung low in the scrotum and were almost egg sized ovals. A thick thatch of dark pubic hair trailed up from the root of his penis under his t-shirt.

"Holly fuck Kid...look at that...massive cock on your first try..." The cop whispered.

Lane was transfixed. It seemed unnaturally quiet in the alley...there were no distractions...no interuptions, just Lane and this huge erection. Ryan stepped out of the shadows...staying far in the background and began filming.

Lane could barely wrap his fist around the girth of the shaft. The man moaned as the kid tilted the bloated head down towards his mouth. Lane paused and let his trembling tongue snake out. His breath was heavy as he gently...ever so lightly traced the ridge where that massive head met the shaft.

"Of fuck" the guy exclaimed and jerked his body causing his cock to slip out of Lane's hand and sway heavily right in front of the kid's face. Lane sat up higher and opened his mouth wide. He let out a low moan as he trapped just the big head in his lips his hands steadying the man's hips. He sucked greedily and slid his lips all around the sensitive surface of the red glans. He moaned and backed off a bit as a huge clear bead of precum oozed out of the slit. He use the tip of his tongue to tease it out of the slit making sure he got the full taste of the salty fluid. He took one hand off the man's hips and used the other to shuck the jeans lower. The guy hissed out again, "Oh fuck" and helped shoving his pants down to mid-thigh. Lane then trapped the cock by the base in his fist and captured the head again in his mouth he let his lips slide a few inches down the shaft, his mouth stretched wide and the thickness of the cock.

"Christ...you fucking whore..." the man hissed.

The cop reached over and put one big hand on the back of Lane's head. "Deep throat that cock you motherfucking little slut." And he forced the boy's head down. Holy fuck...eleven inches of hot, thick erect dick was buried to the hilt in the kid's throat. I could see his corded neck bulge with the width of that bloated head. Lane's hands flew into the air, shaking, his eyelids fluttered and I could see his cock jump he was so close to shooting just from finally sucking dick...he was in ecstasy deep throating a massive erection.

The guy almost let out a scream. "WHAT THE F...ohhhh" he clearly had never encountered someone of Lane's particular talent. Lane pulled back slowly letting the wide flange of the head drag torturously up the column of his throat. The cock sprang free, pulsing and slick with spit. It seemed to have thickened and if possible, lengthened under Lane's ministrations. It throbbed, towering over the kneeling kid.

The cop looked out towards the mouth of the alley and noted a man standing there watching. He leaned over and said to the guy "Fuck his throat...get yourself off you paid for it."

The man needed no further encouragement. He grabbed Lane by the hair on both sides of his head. He stepped forward forcing the boy to scoot back so he was pinned against the brick wall. The man looked down the length of his body and lined the head of his cock up with Lane's open panting mouth.

"You ready for this you little faggot?" he sneered. Lane didn't answer he just reached up gripping the man's naked hips urging him forward.

"Oh fuck.." the man moaned as he thrust his hips forward and sank his cock down to the base on the first stroke. A thick liquidy sound accompanied this brutal thrust and Lane then moaned deep in his throat around the tight squeezed in penis.

The man began to fuck the kid's throat in long even strokes. His body trembling uncontrollably in pleasure. The man who had been at the opening of the alley now walked down. He stared hypnotized at the brutal throat fuck going on and asked, "He doing this free...or what" The man looked handsome, maybe late thirties, prematurely grey hair and thin fine features. He was wearing khakis and a polo shirt and sport coat. He was absentmindedly rubbing his thickening crotch as the guy in the cap huffed and puffed his big round ass clenching in exertion as he fucked his impossibly big cock in and out of the kid's slick throat.

The cop tore his eyes off Lane and looked at the guy, "Twenty bucks for oral." And put out his hand. The dapper man took out a fine leather wallet and handed over a crisp twenty dollar bill and after replacing it in his back pocket he took a step closer and began to undo his pants. Lane was moaning constantly now and the big guy in the cap's strokes began to get erratic. His ass trembled and I knew he was close.

Sweat had covered his face and his eyes squinted at the incredible sensations he was having. "He take cum?" he huffed out. Lane moaned at this and I saw him still on his knees, arch his hips...he seemed moments away from cumming. The cop smirked at the man and made eye contact with the new comer who by now had freed a super hard nine inch cock. He was stroking it intently watching the kid get impaled by the big guy. His dick was leaking and wet and it seemed almost painfully hard.

The cop said, "He fucking loves sperm...can't get enough...feed the bitch." He said. That was all it took the big guy pulled back and violently shook all over. His swollen cock head was still inside Lane's wet spitty mouth. I could actually see the thick tube along the bottom of his dick pulse as he began to ejaculate. His huge balls pulled up as cum pumped out of his cock right into Lane's mouth. The cop ordered, "Kid...open up...let us see your mouth full of jizz" Lane groaned and pulled back the wet cock slipping free and standing up straight against the man's black tee. Before opening his mouth Lane swallowed what must have been a huge mouthful of hot sperm and then opened wide. His tongue was coated with thick globs of semen and cum sperm pooled in the back of his throat. The man was still in the midst of his orgasm...he wasn't lying when he said he needed to get off. His load was huge. A big shot of cum erupted from that deep slit and landed with an audible splat across Lane's forehead and the bridge of his nose. A few stray thick beads caught in his sweaty curls. Lane reached up and angled the head so the next shot blasted the roof of his mouth, thick semen plopping down and covering his tongue. He groaned and leaned up and closed his lips over the still shooting head.

The grey haired guy hissed, "Holy shit Kid...I'm going to cum already." He pointed his long dick and began to fire thick ropes of cum onto Lane's face and into his hair. "Yeah fucking cover the bitch in sperm." The cop hissed.

The guy in the cap, sweat dripping off his face, braced his arm against the brick wall – shoved the full length of his ejaculating cock all the way to the balls down Lane's throat. His balls were still contracting as he shot directly down the kid's throat. Lane was moaning and I could see his cock jump and pulse. A huge wet spot appeared on the front of his jeans. He had cum in his pants just from giving a deep throat blow job. The guy in the cap pulled back and shook the last beads of cum off the tip of his dick. The droplets landed on Lane's face adding to the heavy streaks of cum from the grey haired guy. He was leaning against the wall panting his cock still weakly oozing cum. The cop looked down at Lane. "Hey whore...this man paid for your mouth and shot before we could get there...take care of him." He directed Lane's gaze to the man's still hard cock. The guy in the cap backed up and did up his pants, as he walked out of the alley he said, "Best twenty bucks I ever spent."

Lane had maneuvered over to kneel in front of the grey haired man. He gently moved the man's hand's aside and ran his tightly closed fist up and down the cum slick cock. The guy shuddered and moaned. Lane milked a heavy bead of sperm out of the head and caught it on the tip of his tongue. Cum lashed his face in thick striped, dripping down onto the blue t-shirt. At the taste of the semen he let out a pent up breath and trapped the dripping head in his lips and began to suck up and down the full length of the cock. The man looked down panting. His cock seemed to harden even more and Lane was deep throating it at every stroke. The back of his jeans were pulled down sweat covered the back of the t-shirt. A clear trickle trailing down into the deep smooth cleft of his ass. The cop stared at the kid and leaned down and whispered in his ear, " How about we unbutton these..." he reached around the kid and popped the button on his jeans. Lane moaned and used one free hand to try and shove the pants lower. He was beyond all control now and I knew what he wanted. So apparently did the cop. He smirked as the kid continued to bob on the super hard cock of the standing man and said, "You want to get fucked...don't you kid?" Lane pulled his now swollen lips off the slick and throbbing cock, cum dribbling down his chin and looked up at the cop. "Please...oh god yes...I need to get fucked so bad" and then turned back working in earnest to get this man to shoot in his mouth.

I looked up at the sound of footsteps and saw a big shadow block almost all the light from the opening of the ally. A huge black guy walked down towards the kid on his knees sucking cock. He was well over six feet tall and had super wide shoulders and a broad muscular chest. His waist was tiny and his arms were thick with muscle with dark skin. He had an almost shaved afro and looked thirty-ish. He was wearing a tight black tank top and baggy jeans with timberlands. He approached the men and sort of circled around. He looked to the cop and said, " He on the clock?" The cop smiled and nodded. The grey haired guy was trembling, his head thrown back and clearly getting close to cumming again. The black guy fished in his pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. He held it out to the cop, "What will this get me?" he asked. The cop took the money and said, "Anything you want...go to it" and gestured to the sucking kid.

The black guy stood back stroking the front of his jeans watching Lane frantically try and get the guy off.

The sound of a belt being unbuckled caused Lane to pull off his toy and turn around. He moaned at the sight of the black guy unzipping his jeans and shucking down the front of a pair of white boxer briefs. A huge curved purple cock spilled out. It was not yet fully hard but it was incredible. The head was large and a paler pinkish brown. All his pubic hair was shaved and his smooth balls were egg sized. The cock must have been ten inches semi flaccid. Lane moaned at the sight and groaned, "Please...mister...please...fuck me...give me your cock...I want it so bad...oh god..."

The black guy chuckled and got down on his knees behind the kid. His cock began to jerk straighter, standing up taut to his abdomen. "Hot little white bitch.." he hissed as he ran his hands over Lane's back, squeezing his shoulders. His cock was now fully erect, ten and half inches perfectly shaped and super hard.

"Hot fucking ass..." he muttered as he used two hands to lower the back of the kid's pants. Lane's ass was glistening with sweat and the stained strap of the jock framed it perfectly. The black guy looked over his shoulder at the cop, "I need a jacket?" he asked.

"Kid..." the cop pulled Lane off the cock he was working on by the hair. "Answer this man's question." Lane's mouth was shiny with spit and precum, jizz streaked his cheeks and was caught in his hair. His eyes were half closed with lust. He looked down and almost cried out at the sight of the fully erect black cock. "No...fuck me raw...breed me...fill me up with your cum." He said breathlessly reaching over and gasping as he stroked up and down the full hot length of the black erection.

"Ohhh shheeiit" the black guy said. Lane turned back to the standing guy, Mean while another man had come down the alley and joined the group. He looked young, maybe twenties, dark...Latino perhaps, really hot...muscular was wearing a soccer shirt and track pants. He shuffled money out of his pocket, the cop collected it he moved to stand next to the grey haired guy watching the action, stroking his cock through his pants.

The black guy was now running the big hot length of his cock up and down the exposed crack of Lane's ass. The kid's jeans were still almost half covering his ass and the long tube of the dick was skimming along the seam of the waist band.

Lane was panting and moaning and the feeling of the long hot cock teasing his ass was driving him crazy. The soccer player had now freed his dick. It was a thick nine incher with a thinner shaft and oversized head. The dick had a wicked curve and he was leaking a ton of precum. It was dripping in viscous clear strands to the ground. Lane reached up one shaking hand and skimmed his palm over the huge head collecting the slick fluid. He put his hand back on the grey haired guy's shaft, lubing it with the other man's precum.

The black guy's cock was trembling at the intense rubbing and friction and the heat must have been searing into Lane's skin.

He jerked his head off the cock he was sucking and turned around. "Stop teasing me and Fuck me!" he ran his palm along the underside of the length of the massive black cock and tried to guide it to his asshole.

"Hey little man...you just keep sucking...don't worry about what I'm doing here..." The black guy said and roughly knocked the kid's hand off his dick. He reached up and tangled his hand in Lane's hair and directed his mouth back onto the grey haired guys cock. The black guy gripped the boy's hips and lined the swaying head of his cock up with Lane's hole. The cop leaned down and hissed out, "He should be all wet and ready...another guy dumped a load in him about half an hour ago at a public bathroom...fucking pig." And he spat a glob of saliva on Lane's t-shirt covered back.

"Oh fuck..." the black guy said. He sat up a bit higher and ran his hands up the kid's body under the shirt. He hiked the t-shirt up exposing the muscled back. He gripped the kid's hips and pushed his cock forward. His eyelids fluttered at the feel of his head popping in the tight wet hole.

Lane groaned as the huge head shifted deeper inside him. He pulled his mouth off the cock throbbing in front of him, "Oh...FUCK...so big...oh god...feels incredible...more...give me more...ahhh"

The black guy got an intense look on his face and fucked about half his length into the kid. He reached around and worked the kid's pants down lower and pulled back and then fucked his cock forward again.I could see white streaks of cum coat the thick dark shaft as he worked more of his dick into the kid.

Lane was panting. He was finally getting fucked and by a huge black cock. I saw the pouch of his sopping wet jock was just visible and a pump of either super thick pecum or actual semen oozed out. The black guy was fucking Lane now in short hard strokes not yet giving him the full length. I looked up at a gasp at Lane's head. The grey haired guy was finally cumming. He had pulled his dick back a bit and rested just the head on Lane's lower lip, he was just letting thick heavy shots of sperm shoot out and fill the kid's mouth. His second orgasm was huge. Lane couldn't keep up and cum overflowed his open mouth and ran down his chin.

The grey haired guy was finally spent and backed up doing up his pants. The black guy was in overload now desperate to really fuck this little whore. He pulled his cock all the way out of the kid. It jerked up straight against his tank. Slick and shiny- it was magnificent. He looked up at the soccer player, "Step back a second..." The guy complied, still intently watching. The black guy slapped one of Lane's full ass cheeks. The firm white flesh jiggled. "Stand up whore." He hissed out. Lane slowly got to his feet. His cock jutted out of the dripping almost translucent stained pouch of the undersized jock. He cock was painfully hard. His jeans were bunched just below the middle of his big ass.

The black guy got to his feet behind the kid. He leaned his body against Lane and spat into his ear." You want to really get fucked? Huh...slut? Let's lose these pants...you don't care about being half naked in a dirty alley...whore like you?" He looked over at the cop. "Any problem with that?" he asked.

The cop shook his head, "No problem man...it's your dime...do as you will." I noticed his cock was now fully hard and he had leaked precum through his suit pants.

The black guy shoved Lane up against the wall his back to the men watching. Lane looked down at his the throbbing pouch of his jock. The guy reached around the kid's body and fully unzipped the jeans. His hand grazed the wet cock though the mesh fabric and Lane jumped. "Shit little boy...you cum already...don't you worry I'm going to fuck you so good you'll shoot again.." he hissed into Lane's ear.

He stepped back and said "kick off the sneakers" Lane obeyed his legs shaky. He resumed his position facing the wall. The black guy said..."Lets see that ass Boy..." Lane looked over his shoulder as the man ran his hands down his waist and hooked his thick dark fingers into the waist of the jeans. He watched as he slowly, teasingly lowered the pants. Lane's ass jiggled as the tight pants were forced lower and lower. Lane's T-shirt was hiked up mid-way and as the guy let the pants fall to the kid's ankles the sight of him in this dirty alley, pants around his feet in a filthy jock was almost too much. Lane stepped out of the pants and spread his bare feet, arching his back and thrusting that incredible ass back trying to make contact with the long hard swaying cock. The black guy was done playing he stepped close to the kid and ran his hands over the smooth full ass cheeks. He looked down and pried them apart as he lined the head of his cock up with that perfect pink hole. A small bead of cum just clung to the lips of Lane's ass and the hole looked wet and shiny. The purple head made contact causing Lane to cry out and the guy didn't even pause he just moved his hips forward until the head was inside the kid. Lane moaned and the guy gripped his waist tighter and with a grunt fucked the full ten and half inches in all the way to the balls.

Lane mashed his face against the wall and his whole body shook. The black leaned up and said "You feel that...you got it all...deep inside you...whore!" The guy drew his hips back until just the head was inside the kid and then brutally fucked his cock forward. He began to long dick the kid; smooth full strokes. The balls and bristly skin pressed tight to the lips of Lane's ass hole then just the tip fluttering inside the slick wet lips. Lane was moaning constantly as the guy fucked him. He was in heaven.

The black guy looked over and said to the soccer player "Come here...shut this mother fucker up...put a dick in his mouth" The man stepped over and the black guy shoved Lane's head down. The kid took that oversized soaking wet head into his mouth and his cock jumped at the taste of all that precum. The black guy was sweating and his thrusts were getting jerky. He shoved Lane's t-shirt up higher and as he began to flick his nipples he said. "You gonna shoot for me little boy..." Lane groaned around the cock in his mouth and the black guy looked over to the cop. "Move the jock aside...I want to see this pig cum from this fuck" The cop reached between Lane's thick thighs and jerked the mesh pouch aside. His purple eight inch cock was dripping wet and vibrating. His balls were tightly strapped with a black leather cord and a tight cock ring forced all the blood into his dick making it so rock hard.

The black guy was frantically playing with his hard nipples and deep dicking him over and over. It didn't take long, the soccer player cried out and I could see his cock pulse as he began to ejaculate down Lane's throat. At a super deep hard stroke Lane pulled his cummy mouth off the long curved cock, strings of sperm connecting his lips to the dripping head, and let out a deep groan. The black guy looked around and watched wide eyed as Lane's cock shot a huge rope of cum about three feet into the air to hit the brick wall. "Fuck yeah...shoot for me slut!" the man hissed. As he fucked his cock in as deep as he could Lane continued to pump huge shots of cum onto the wall, his legs violently shaking, arched up on his toes. The cum rocketed out of the tortured dick in rhythm to the black guy's cock head pounding deep, battering strokes against the kids prostate.

As this was going on two more men came walking down the alley. They were older and both looked like rough trade. They were fishing money out of their wallets as Lane bent down began to suck up and down the long cock of the soccer player cleaning off any traces of sperm. The black guy's strokes were jerky and erratic and I could tell he was on the verge of unloading deep inside the kid...


Next: Chapter 68

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