What Just Happened?

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Feb 28, 2014



What Just Happened?

Shortly After Happy Hour:

Ollie's breath was getting shorter and shorter. It was becoming more difficult for him to breathe by the second. His body was about to orgasm, and he knew that it was going to be a lulu. He didn't know the man who was straddling him. Gasping and screaming, he unloaded up the stranger's gut. His cum flowed in long, generous spurts, unhampered by a condom, a fact which would disturb him later, when he came down from cloud nine.

His bed partner collapsed on top of him, and the man immediately threw his arms around him. He leaned into Ollie in a vain attempt to kiss him. He wanted to show his appreciation, but Ollie turned away. He rolled Victor off him, and stood up at the side of the bed. His eyes displayed pure panic.

He looked at Victor, and realized he didn't even know his name. "What just happened?" he asked rhetorically.

"We just had fantastic sex," Vic answered glibly.

"No, No," Ollie whined. "It can't be. We're both straight. How could this happen?"

"Relax man. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Didn't you?'

"How could we have let this happen?" Ollie repeated incessantly. He was whining and ringing his hands. Finally he asked, "Don't you regret it? Don't you feel guilty?"

"Not on your life. I had fun. You can't tell me you weren't having fun."

"Yes, I was, but now I can't believe I let it happen."

"What's your name?"


"Relax Ollie. Nobody got hurt, and we enjoyed it. It's our secret, and we will have good memories."

"Would you ever allow it to happen again?" Ollie asked.

"Probably; wouldn't you?"

Ollie didn't, or couldn't, answer. He turned away from Vic, and saw his clothes on the floor. He started to dress, and Vic started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You put on my shirt."

As bad as he felt, even Ollie was amused and he began to laugh. Seeing that Ollie was relaxing, Vic approached him and put his arms around him. "It's alright, Ollie. You're going to be fine. I know I'm going to look back on this and remember it fondly. Thank you for giving me a great experience."

Ollie began to relax as requested. He even put his head on Vic's shoulder, because he felt a little dizzy. "What's your name?" Ollie whispered.

"I'm Victor Collins, and I'm the night manager of this hotel. You're actually one of my guests. What are you doing here? What's your line?"

"I work for a consulting company as an electrical engineer, and I'll be here for a few days."

"It gets very quiet in the wee hours of the morning. Would you like me to come back later?"

That question brought Ollie back to reality. They were still holding each other, so he disengaged himself from Vic. "Hell no," he said. "We're straight, and whatever happened, shouldn't happen again."

"There you go, tensing up again," Vic observed. "It was my first time also, and I'm perfectly OK with it."

"Well, I'm not. Please Vic, get dressed and leave. I want to shower, dress and go downstairs for dinner."

"If you change your mind later, just call the front desk and ask for me."

Earlier That Day, Happy Hour:

Oliver Munson was a good looking dude; tall, dark and well-built. He was also well-hung for those women who had been lucky enough to have had sex with him. He arrived at the hotel in the late afternoon, checked in, and went straight to his room. He didn't have to visit his client until the next morning.

He hung up his business clothes carefully, and slipped into more casual apparel. He intended to have a couple of drinks at happy hour, and then have dinner afterward. He also wanted to survey the scene for a willing woman. A little sex this evening would suit him fine. He usually scored well, wherever he was. His good looks stood him in good stead.

He entered the bar, and his eyes scanned the room. It was full of men. One lone middle-aged woman gave him the eye. She was wearing way too much make–up, trying to hide her wrinkles and her crow's feet. Ollie figured that she had also been spurned by the other men in the room.

Ollie waited for the bartender to finish a drink he was preparing, and he ordered a gin and tonic. The bartender handed the finished drink to a handsome young man in a business suit. Because of his very formal attire, the man stood out from the rest of the crowd.

He smiled at Ollie. "Hi," he said, "I've seen you here before. Are you a guest of the hotel?"

"Yes, I am. Are you?"

"No," the man answered, I'm a local. Do you come here often?"

"Yes, I have a client in this city, and I come here for a few days, several times a year."

"There you go. I knew I had seen you before. There's a table over there. Would you care to join me?"

Ollie nodded and they headed quickly to the table, while it was still empty.

"Frankly, I'm disappointed," Ollie said. "There are no women in here tonight."

"I know. Who can explain it? Some nights, the place is full of men, other nights, women fill up the joint, and on still other nights, there's a good mix. I guess you were looking for some action. If you come back later, a few prostitutes will wander in."

Ollie was insulted. "I've never had to pay for it yet, and I don't intend to start tonight."

"I'm sorry," the well-dressed man said, "I meant no offense."

"None taken."

After that, they both relaxed, and began to chat. Conversation between them was easy and flowed like water. They talked about women, sports, the chances of their favorite teams to capture a championship this year, and fun times at college. They both hadn't graduated that long ago, and they delighted in reliving their wonderful memories.

More than two hours went by in a flash. Ollie had consumed four gin and tonics to Vic's one. Suddenly, his head began to spin and he got very dizzy. He never had more than one drink before dinner, but now he realized that he was drunk. He stood up to leave.

"Are you going to the dining room?" Vic asked. "If you are, I'd love to join you for dinner, if it's OK with you."

"I think I'd better lie down for a while first," Ollie said. "I don't feel so good. I need to go to my room." He reeled, and Vic caught him.

"What's your room number? I better help you get there."

Ollie couldn't speak, so he just reached into his pocket and gave Vic his key.

Somehow Vic was able to maneuver Ollie into his room, where he collapsed on the bed. Vic realized that the drunken guest was sound asleep. He was snoring, and not too quietly. He was flat on his back, and he looked so uncomfortable that Vic decided to remove his loafers and socks.

That was easy, but he still looked uncomfortable, so Vic decided to undress his new friend down to his underwear. He smiled to himself wondering if the engineer wore briefs or boxers. Well, he was about to find out. He removed Ollie's tee shirt with a little difficulty. Then he undid his belt, and unzipped his fly, only to discover that Ollie didn't have any underwear on. He hesitated for a moment, wondering what to do. He decided to go all the way, and then cover the man with the bed sheets.

That wasn't going to happen. Ollie was lying on top of the covers, and he was dead weight. Vic looked at him. He was sleeping peacefully, and appeared to be plenty comfortable now. Of course he stole a glance at Ollie's very ample package, and a wicked thought crossed his mind.

He had never in his whole life held another man's cock. He wondered what it would feel like. He reckoned that he could cop a feel, and sleeping beauty here would never know.

He sat down on the bed next to Ollie. Without even realizing what he was doing, he ran his hands up and down the man's body, just as if he was caressing a woman in foreplay. Much to his shock, Ollie began to get hard. Before long he was seven uncut inches of glory. Vic remembered his original purpose. He made sure that Ollie was still asleep, and when he was satisfied, he wrapped his hand around Ollie's manhood.

Instinctively he began to stroke the sleeping man in the same manner that he masturbated himself. The next surprise came when Ollie began to purr. Vic thought he heard Ollie murmur, "That's so nice; don't stop." But he wasn't sure.

Vic was no stranger to porn films, both straight and lesbian. If he swore you to secrecy, he would admit to having watched male porn also. As Ollie's murmuring grew louder, and his body began to squirm, a new devilment entered Vic's brain. He wondered what a cock tasted like.

In his lust, Vic had lost all reason. He bent over and took Ollie's cock into his mouth. It tasted rather nice. He had gotten plenty of blow jobs from nubile young women, and he knew what he liked. He tried to emulate the best of them, and in a short time, he felt Ollie's balls start to shrink. He stopped what he was doing, and ran to the bathroom.

Ollie called after him. "Where are you going? Please don't leave."

"I'll be back in a second." Vic was determined to experience everything. This would probably never happen to him again. In the bathroom he found a bottle of body lotion which the hotel generously supplied. He rushed back and bathed Ollie's cock with the lotion. He stripped rapidly, throwing his clothes on top of Ollie's. He put some more body lotion up his ass, and straddled Ollie's still prone body.

He lowered himself onto the hefty, lubricated prick, and guided it into his ass. It hurt like hell, but Vic knew that if he stuck with it, the pain would pass. When Ollie was all the way in, Vic sat perfectly still, and the pain began to subside. He began to pump slowly, and when Ollie realized what Vic was doing, he joined in the action, and they began a synchronized dance of love.

Ollie's cock began to massage Vic's prostate, and he could feel his orgasm approaching. Just as he erupted all over Ollie's chest and chin, he heard Ollie's breathing becoming labored, and he came seconds after Vic.

Later That Evening:

Ollie entered the dining room and looked around. It was late now, and the place was virtually empty. He spotted Vic at one of the few occupied tables. He was sitting with another man, who was also in a business suit. He was much older than Vic, and obviously another hotel employee. They seemed to be just about finished with their meal.

The maître d' seated Ollie, and seconds later Vic and his dinner companion got up to leave. Vic approached his table, looked at Ollie with a smirk, and said, "Good evening Mr. Munson. Are you enjoying your stay so far?"

Ollie wanted to say, "Fuck you, and buzz off." He was angry at Vic's sly innuendo, and for having looked up his surname from the records. Vic had taken advantage of a man who had too much to drink, and now he showed no remorse.

"Just fine," Ollie answered, and he returned to perusing the menu.

"I'd like you to meet Tony Gennero," Vic said. "He's head of our security."

"Nice to meet you," Tony said. "If you have any problems during your stay, please call the front desk, and I'll come running."

"Thank you," Ollie smiled at Tony.

"Yes, that goes for me too," Vic echoed.

Ollie didn't answer. He returned once again to his menu, and the two men left. He ordered a steak with roasted potatoes, but he didn't enjoy his meal. He was angry at himself for having performed a homosexual act, and he was even angrier at Vic's attitude. He would have preferred that Vic had shown some remorse, and asked for forgiveness.

He left half his meal, and returned to his room. Somehow he felt dirty, so he undressed and took a shower. His bed sheets were crumpled from his earlier encounter with Vic, and that bothered him, so he remade his bed reversing the sheets. He was very tired from sex, and from still being slightly drunk. He lay down naked in bed, and dozed off. He had the most realistic dream.

He and Vic are walking hand in hand down a white, sandy beach. They are totally naked. They turn to each other and begin to kiss. The kiss lasts a long time and as time passes, it gets more and more passionate. They fall to the sand, and Ollie devours Vic's cock, as Vic moans in pleasure. Vic cums in Ollie's mouth and they share his jism with another passionate kiss. Ollie says to Vic, "All my dreams have come true," and Vic says, "Mine, too."

Ollie woke up, and gave out a muffled cry. The erotic dream was not beautiful to him. He found it revolting and he wanted to scream, but he didn't. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that what he really wanted was Victor Collins back in his bed.

"Fuck," he muttered to himself. "I don't care." He grabbed his phone and dialed the desk.

"Front desk," a sweet female voice informed him.

"Mr. Collins, please. Vic Collins."

"Just a moment, sir. I'll get him for you." There was a short delay.

"Collins here."

"Vic," Ollie said, hyperventilating. "I need you. I want to talk to you. Please come to my room." There was a pause as Vic tried to process his emotions. "Yes," he said, "there's nothing I want more, but I'm swamped right now. I'll be there in a couple of hours."


Vic didn't bother to knock. He let himself into Ollie's room with a passkey. Ollie was sitting and watching television. He was wearing a robe over his naked body. He jumped up when he heard the key in the door. Vic hurried in and closed the door behind him.

Ollie started to say something, but Vic held up his hand to stop him. "Please," he said. "I have to say something, and when I'm finished, you can say what's on your mind."

Ollie nodded, and so Vic began. "I don't know what's happening to me anymore than you do. The difference between us is that I don't care what labels the world puts on me, and it seems to bother you a great deal. The only thing I know for sure is that when I saw you lying here, naked, I couldn't resist you. And when we had sex, it became more than sex to me. I got this overwhelming feeling that I never wanted us ever to be apart. I wanted us to make love every day and night for the rest of our lives.

"When you asked me what just happened, I couldn't answer you with facts. I know I wanted to say that I fell in love with you, and that was explanation enough for me. But I didn't say anything. I wanted the heat and the passion to pass and simmer down, so I could evaluate my feelings in a more rational state of mind. Ollie, they haven't changed at all. I simply want you; I want you a lot; I want to make love to you."

He paused and looked at Ollie. He wanted to read Ollie's face, but he couldn't. "Please, Oliver, say something," he pleaded.

"I have nothing to say, Vic. You've said it all. Do you want to make love with me and see if the magic is still there?"

Ollie dropped his robe and climbed onto the bed. Vic undressed rapidly, and climbed in also. Their bodies met in a passionate embrace. Their lips and tongues began a duel of epic proportions. Neither of them was reticent anymore. They wanted to make pure, erotic love, and they didn't care anymore if what they were doing was gay or not; forbidden or absolutely right and perfect for them.

Vic leaned over to take Ollie's cock, but Ollie stopped him.

"No, you did that before, and then I fucked you. Now I want to suck you, and I want you to fuck me. You said it was wonderful, and I want to feel it also."

Vic smiled and lay down on his back. He instinctively spread his legs. He expected Ollie to go right for the ultimate target, but Ollie had other ideas. He lay atop his lover and began to kiss him with lots of tongue. Little by little, he inched his way down Vic's body. He tongued Vic's ears and his neck and nibbled at his nipples.

"My God, my God," Vic purred. "Why didn't I know about this sooner?"

When Ollie realized how happy he was making Vic, he went right to Vic's cock and gobbled it into his mouth. Like Vic, Ollie was no stranger to a blow job, and he was performing expertly on Vic. It was almost too expert, and Vic's balls began to constrict. Ollie stopped his labors immediately. He began to take a condom out of its container, but Vic stopped him.

"I've never fucked anyone without protection," he stated. "How about you?"


"Please, love, let's go bareback."

Ollie smiled, and nodded. The bottle of body lotion was still on the dresser. He coated Vic's cock generously, and swabbed some into his ass. He straddled Vic, descended downward, and Vic entered him. He too suffered excruciating pain, but it didn't last long, and the stroking began. Both young men could not contain themselves, and came simultaneously.

When it was over, they held each other tightly, kissing and fondling. The afterglow was shattered by the sound of Vic's cell phone. He ran to answer it. "I'm needed," he said. "Don't move. "I'll be back to clean up and shower with you. Then we have to discuss our future." He dressed, and as he started to leave the room, he smiled back at Ollie. "And let's discuss doing even more things to make us happy. Things a woman would never do."

Four AM:

Vic came into the room quietly. If Ollie had fallen asleep, he didn't want to disturb him. He opened the door to the bathroom slightly, and put on the light. It was just enough to permit him to see the adjoining room.

His body was throbbing with excitement, knowing what joy awaited him; awaited both of them. But something was wrong. Ollie was not in the room. Vic turned on the lights, and realized that the room had been vacated. All of Ollie's clothes and his suitcase were gone. He looked in the bathroom. There were no toiletries either. Vic panicked. Did Ollie check out? He had never asked Ollie the name of his company, or the name of his local client.

He ran down to the front desk, and confirmed that Ollie had checked out about an hour ago. He reviewed the credit card receipts, hoping that Ollie had charged his visit to his company, but he had used a private credit card (on purpose).

The night clerk reached into a drawer under the front desk, and handed Vic an envelope. "Mr. Munson left a note for you, sir," she said. Vic ripped open the envelope, and began to read. He read the note over and over, refusing to believe what it said.

Dear Vic: I had a good time, but I can't continue a relationship like this. I am not gay, and even if I am willing to admit to having enjoyed myself, my emotions lie with loving a woman, never a man. Gay men insist that being gay is not a choice. I must agree with them. But even if it was a choice, I choose to be straight. I'm going to another hotel for the rest of my business trip. When I return next time, I will not stay here. Please try to understand. Forget about me. The next woman you fuck will erase me from your memory. Oliver.

Ollie had torn Vic's heart out, the very heart he had lost to him. He went into his office, sat at his desk and cried. He read and re-read the note, hoping that he had misunderstood the words. There had been many tragedies in his life, but none had ever hurt him so much. At long last he had fallen in love, and that love had deserted him.

He thought about calling other hotels in town to try to find out if Ollie had checked in, but on reflection he vetoed the idea. Ollie had rejected him. If he tried to contact him, Ollie might hate him.

He reached into a drawer in his desk, and removed a nearly full bottle of whiskey. After unscrewing the cap, he took a healthy swig of the amber liquid fire. He choked and coughed, and then took another. And yet another.

His tears became a torrent, blurring his vision.

Finally, he became aware that someone had been knocking on his door for quite a long time, and calling his name. He realized that he had locked it, and he got up to open it. He was still holding the whiskey bottle.

Tony Gennero was standing there looking very concerned. He took the whiskey bottle from Vic's hand. "Let's get you sober and cleaned up," he said kindly.

Six Months Later:

Vic dragged himself to work. He had long since ceased to enjoy his job. When Ollie ran out on him, he went into a deep depression. His handsome good looks, and his dynamite body attracted plenty of beautiful women, but he just couldn't get interested in any of them. Since his one and only gay experience, he tried to have sex with men too, but no matter how good looking they might be, and no matter how interested they were in him, he couldn't get going with any of them either. He approached the front desk and let the desk clerk know that he was on the premises, should he be needed.

He was about to turn and head for his office, when the smiling young lady behind the desk said, "Vic, a Mr. Munson checked in about two hours ago, and left a note for you." She reached under the desk, and handed an envelope to her boss.

Vic stood still, totally paralyzed. He grabbed the note out of the envelope as quickly as he could, and read:

Dear Vic: Dare I hope that you will forgive me for running out on you like I did? Dare I hope that you still feel the same way about me, and would still want to be with me?

For the past six months, I have been unable to erase you from my memory. Believe me, I tried very hard. All I could think about is your inner and outer beauty, the way we made love, the way you smiled when you looked at me. I think it was your smile that captured my heart.

I've been a fool. What does it matter if I'm straight or gay? I really don't care anymore. I just want you to be in my life. Please be my friend and companion for the rest of my days. I want us to make love until the end of time.

I'm in Room 408, the same as last time. I requested the room, and it was available. The desk clerk told me that she expects you here by five. If you don't come to me by seven, or try to contact me by then, I'll check out, and you'll be rid of me.

I came a day earlier than I had to, and I can stay a day after my business appointments. We'll have plenty of time to make plans, and figure out how to be together forever, that is, if you still want that to happen.


Vic couldn't wait for the elevator. He ran up the stairs to the fourth floor. This time, in his haste, he had forgotten to take a passkey. He pounded on the door to Ollie's room. "It's Vic," he yelled.

The door flew open, and there stood Ollie in a robe. Vic could tell that he had nothing on beneath the robe. He bounded in, shutting the door behind him. The two men fell into each other's arms. Their lips met, and opened wide. Now their tongues came together, alternately dueling hard, and then brushing lightly in feathery caresses.

When they separated, Ollie cried, "I was so afraid of loving you, and of you loving me, that I ran from the truth. What stupidity. I couldn't face my demons until I realized that I had even bigger demons to face. Without you at my side, my life would be empty. I love you, Vic. Dammit!!!"

"I love you too. I haven't been with anyone since you left."

"I tried to be with women," Ollie went on, "but I couldn't do it. Your face kept appearing in front of me, and I became impotent."

"You're not impotent now," Vic observed, grabbing Ollie's hard on. "But I don't want to make love quickly. I've got a lot of work to do tonight. Get dressed. We'll have a drink at the bar, and then have dinner together. In the morning, I'll join you and we'll make love all day."

"That's not good enough. I want to make love with you forever."

"I intend to make your wish come true."

A Few Months Later:

Ollie's company was located in California, Silicon Valley to be exact. Vic's hotel chain operated two hotels in the vicinity. He requested and obtained a transfer to one of them as assistant day manger. He moved in with Ollie.

Neither man came out at work, but they had no trouble mixing with other gay men, and hanging out in gay bars after working hours. They made love lustfully and very often, and marked the day that they first met as their wedding date.

Occasionally they would wonder if they were latent homosexuals, or if they were just gay for each other. They never lingered on those thoughts very long. They loved each other, and made each other blissfully happy. That was enough for both of them. Ollie may have fallen in love with Vic when he was drunk, but that love was everlasting, even when he was sober, which was all the rest of his days.

The End

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