What Price Beauty

By Alex Moore

Published on Aug 1, 2000


Okay, folks, is my first step into the world of the published word, so please be gentle in your criticisms, or I may never write again...and the future of this story mainly depends on what YOU think of it. Otherwise, email me at tzimvamp@hotmail.com and tell me what you think.

************************************************************************* disclaimer-this story contains graphic depictions of nudity, male-male sex and relationships. if you are not of age to be reading this stuff, please leave now and came back after you hit the smoking or drinking age in your city or state. thank you.

this is a work of FICTION. any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, except for the members of *NSYNC, is purely coincidental.

this story is not intende to makea statement of the city of new orleans, or the sexual preferences of Lance Bass or any of his friends or fellow bandmates.

now, that the legal stuff's over, on with the show! ************************************************************************* What Price, Beauty? by Alex

I was walking home from work, down along the crowded alleyways and dark corners that was New Orleans. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw them. Six men, all toting rifles. They looked young, perhaps moderately attractive, but I couldn't focus on that now. One of them came up in fromnt of me. He was tall, and strong like the rest, with eyes that reflected only hatred, cold as the stars.

Then it hit me, to look into those eyes. What I saw made my stomach turn. They had no eyes, only black and bleeding sockets where eyes should've gone. I tried to scream, yell, cry out, do SOMETHING, but it didn't help. He reached forward, grabbed me by the throat, and dragged me into an alley to the left of where I was walking.

He whispered into my ear then. I didn't know the words, but I knew their intent, and slowly, my body surrendered itself. My mind was still screaming, trying to break free, to do something other than just sit there and take it, but it was useless. He grinned then, and my soul screamed. Tears would've slid down my face, if my body wasn't so totally under his command. Instead, I cried inside my mind where no one could hurt me, while he started. The others were already nude the moment we entered the alley, and my clothes had been ripped to shreds. I tried to care about that priceless Armani suit in tatters all around me, but what was the use?

Slowly, his clothes came off, first the shirt....the black velvet slid off his powerfully muscular form, dropping to the ground in a gleaming heap, baring his torso in its full glory. By that time I knew that even if I tried, I was no match for him. He was already tall and towering, but covered in bulging, corded muscle. His skin wasn't pale but white and hard, like alabaster or marble, and it gleamed so much. It was as if he was lit from within.

His face, if it wasn't for the canine grin in his mouth and the absence of eyes, would have been beautiful. It was like a piece of classical art, done in calm planes and smooth curves. He had a mouth that could never be kind, and hair that flowed down to his shoulderblades. Like his eyes, and his velvet shirt, it was black and glossy, reflecting every light that touched it.

The bodywas magnificent, even if it was that of my tormentor. I couldn't imagine any part of him being soft in any way, rather, he was hard muscle, from bulging biceps to powerful pecs, and a wall of a washboard stomach. The neon light glimmered off of his skin, and reflected in his finernails as he reached down, cupping my face in one huge hand.

His face shirted into a cruel sneer, as his fingernails cut across my jawline, digging into the skin and letting lines of blood drip down. He squeezed harder, forcing my mouth wide open, and setting it in place with a piece of metal between my jaws. It tasted worse than I could ever imagine, bitter and sickly-sweet at the same time. I couldn't think about now..couldn't give in like I did before, just a few seconds ago. Then I felt the same clawed fingers groping me from behind. Then it happened. First, one man slid his cock inside me. His breathing came out ragged as his hard cock rammed its way into me, pulling out until his huge cockhead was the only thing wedged past that tight ring of muscle. My mind drifted slowly down to my own cock, and the odd feelings that were surging through it. I couldn't see what they were doing to me, though I had a rough idea, and that idea was confirmed by the time I felt a strong tug as my balls were pushed further up against my shaft. A feeling similar to the taste in my mouth crawled along and over my pelvis, as I felt a leash clamp itself down on my cock and balls, identical to the one that was being attached to my throat. Both were tight and constricting, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe, or go limp at all.

The man in front of me stripped off his jeans, revealing a cock that was larger than anything any human being should have ever had, as long as a police baton and as thick as a soft drink can, with a cut cockhead that must've been the size of a man's closed fist. That wasn't the end of it, though, as this monster of a cock was accompanied by a set of balls as large as tennis balls, in a low-hanging sac that dangled between his thighs. He grinned down at me then, taking my head in his hands and tilting in up to his face. I can only dream of what he saw there, but of course I couldn't know. If I was in control of my own body, as I should've been, then maybe he would have seen hatred, fear, loathing, or maybe even lust. That wasn't the case, though. Whatever he saw, he must have liked, because hee nodded to the man with the leash. I couldn't see that leash being attached to a pulley, but I could feel it as the crank was turned. I could feel the man in back of me work his way into my tight ass, and I could almost cry as my tormentor in front of me worked his cock down into my throat. Soon, I told myself, you'll be alright....you'll die, or go unconscious, and it'll all be over. Just try to last that long..

Until then, they used my body to its limits, and then pushing past them, worked it further. Their hips motivated their huge cocks to piston into and out of me, ignoring the blood welling up from both ends, or perhaps enjoying it. I couldn't see their faces, but I knew the expressions on them...laughter, lust, pure joy at defiling a virgin.

Then, both of them rammed into me at the same time, and the taint I had felt in soft traces all night became potent and thick as the juices flowed out of them and into me. My toremntor in front massaged my throat for a moment, while the man in back slid out of me, and the leash was detached from the pulley, but not my manhood. I could almost see a hand come down on my face, could almost feel the bones in my cheek crack, but by then it didn't matter. I saw no more, only soft blackness, hiding me from the pain.

Lance was walking down the streets of this pretty old city, a light smile on his face. He liked walking, liked being alone with his thoughts. And New Orleans was so nice at night, with the moon overhead and the humidity, like a warm blanket over everything.

He turned corners, watched for people who might or might not recognize him, and walked on, past the dimly lit corridors and streetcar tracks that made this city so famous. He marveled at how each block had exacty ten streetlights, one for every twenty paces, and how they looked old, made of cast iron and only recently wired for electricity.

One thing broke his reverie, though. First, it ws the van trailing him, maybe a hundred feet behind. The second was a glitter on the street, reflected by the lamp, coming from a darkened alleyway. He opened his eyes wide, trying to see that was there, and nearly paled when he saw a human thigh, apparently bleeding.

He broke out in a run, closing the distance between him and the figure in the alley. Looking carefully at the figure, he fought back the urge to vomit. The guy looked pretty beaten up, scratched and bruised in a lot of places, naked for everyone walking at night to see. Then there was the blood between his thighs and smeared across his mouth. He had a weird kind of collar around his neck, and a smaller version tied off between his thighs, with a leash attached to it, dangling behind him like a tail.

Despite all that, though, lance smiled a little. Beaten or not, the guy was gorgeous, with smooth skin, tanned or naturally pigmented to be a dark olive tone, a slender dancer's build, and a face that could easily be called pretty, with a slender nose, and full lips. He looked to be clean shaved, but his hair was long, down to his shoulders, maybe, and curly. One strand laid across his right eye, puffed shut from the bruises.

He knew that he shouldn't do it, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that it was about to rain, and there was this guy that needed his help. Hell, he may die out on the streets if he wasn't taken to somewhere safe. So, ignoring every bit of sound advice to the contrary, Lance lifted the man in his arms, marveling at how light he was. He wrapped a coat around him, to cover him from the air, and protect his nakedness, and, without another word, hailed the van to take him back.

Figures...they walked around me, jabbing me with their claws, and weapons I couldn't fight against. They swirled around me, trying to hold me back and down against the wall I was backed up against. The tallest of them appraoched me, grabbed my face in his left hand, and bent close to kiss me, his barbed tongue flickering out from his lips. He drew closer, and I could feel the heat and the stench of his breath.

And then, the room filled with pure white light, and the scenery changed as the light faded. I opened my eyes, looking up into a pair of human eyes, as green as limes. He smiled to me, and it was ass if my world rose with that smile. He sighed, touched my stomkach, still hurting from the rape, and quietly asked me a question that I couldn't catch..I mumbled something in reply..He just nodded a bit, and slid into the bed with me, holding me protectively as I slipped down into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Next: Chapter 2

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