What She Wanted Pt.1

By Brandi Hares

Published on Aug 18, 2005



Yeah you guys know all of the bullshit......IF YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE....LEAVE! And if you don't like things on gay or bisexuality then what the hell are you doing at Nifty?

Anyways, this is a story about a girl,Ashley, who has 2 gay friends,Nick and Sam,who were together.This isn't like some of the stories on here where they fuck and its over with.This story has meaning and its quite long.Anyways, Ashley is very close to the boys,in fact that's what she called them,Her boys.The 2 of them meant everything to her and were her best friends.Problem was,she liked them more than friends,both of them.But she couldn't tell them that.She knew it was no use even putting any effort into anything more than friends being that they were gay.So we will start the story in class with Nick and Ashley.

Written in Ashleys diary:

Hi,my name is Ashley Aarons and I am 15 years old.I have 2 best friends named Nick and Sam.Both of which are SO hot! Nick has blond hair and blue eyes and hes really tall.Sam has really dark skin and big brown eyes and brownish red hair.Both of them are perfectly muscular.Sounds like a perfect story doesn't it?Don't get your hopes up.I would totally go for them if they weren't both....well um.....they're gay.That must be why I love them so much but that also presses the fact that I'm attracted to them.They are gay! I have no chance so I don't see why I bother.Oh well.....Woops! Gotta go Nick and I are sitting in class and he just passed the note back to me.I'll write later.

Ashley put her diary away back in her notebook.

"Hey.....You ever gonna let me read that?"Nick said as he smiled and whispered over the desk to Ashley.

"No.Sorry Nick but for my eyes only." Ashley said as she smiled back at him and winked.

Throughout class they passed notes.Basically Nick talking about how much he loved Sam and how excited he was to be able to see him after school.Ashley usually just replied with a 'I know' or 'aww how cute' sorta thing.It didn't bug her that they loved each other.She just sorta.......got jealous of them.But she would never tell them any of this....it wouldn't make a difference seeing that they liked guys and she was a girl.She just decided to keep it to herself.

When the bell rang Nick and Ashley got their things and went out to lunch where they would walk around holding hands and then they would go and sit under a big shady tree.Ashley got out her cell phone so Nick could make his daily lunch time call to Sam.Sam didn't go to the regular high school like Nick and Ashley did so Nick made sure he called Sam at least twice a day at school.As Nick talked on the phone to Sam,Ashley ate her lunch and daydreamed into the sky.She was awoken 30 minutes later from the lunch bell ringing.Ashley held Nicks hand and walked him halfway to class and then departed to her own class.Throughout the next 2 periods Ashley pretty much daydreamed some more and didn't pay attention.Finally the bell rang for school to be over.Ashley met Nick in front of her class as they walked down to the basketball courts to meet Sam.Sam came to school everyday after school and hung out mainly with Nick but also with Ashley and sometimes their other friend Danielle.Danielle didn't come that day since she had a doctors appointment after school.Ashley,Nick and Sam walked over to a shady spot on the grass under a tree.They lade down together.This was the time that Ashley cherished most.The couple of seconds that the 3 of them would all lay together and talk.

Ashleys moment of utter happiness was short lived.She took her cue as Nick and Sam started to get into their kissing session and she put her headphones in for her ipod.She pretty much tried to mind her own business.When the boys kissed it didn't really bother her.It was just a part of life.Ashley closed her eyes occaisonaly looking over at the boys.After about 15 minutes of their intense kissing and making out,Nick and Sams position had changed.Ashley looked over and her gaze stayed on them longer than intended.Nick was on his back with his knees up as Sam was sitting ontop of him bent over still kissing him.It was this that made Ashley get something like butterflies in her stomach.She took her eyes off of them in case one of them opened their eyes.Her eyes drifted back over there again when she head Sam moan even through her headphones.She took her left headphone out of her ear.She'd never seen Nick and Sam do that before.They were having dry sex right there on school grounds.She started to get aroused as she kept watching them.She noticed that and quickly put her headphone back in and shut her eyes.Trying not to strain her hearing to hear what was going on with Sam and Nick,Ashley kept her eyes clenched shut and changed her thoughts to something else.It was no use.Even trying her hardest to keep her thoughts away from what the boys were doing didn't work.She was now drifting in a deep sleep.

Ashley awoke suddenly to her cell phone ringing.It said she had 4 missed calls probably because the vibrator was on and she didn't notice it.Her mom was on the phone telling her that she was there and ready to pick her and Nick up to go home.Ashley hung up the phone and sat and thought about the dream she had just had.It was amazing! She decided she better try to break the boys up now and write about her dream in her diary when she got home.

"Nick.Sam.Time to go my moms here.I think your mom is here too Sam."Ashley said at a room tone as she got up off of the thick soft grass.Nick and Sam didn't budge.Raising her tone to somewhat of a yelling volume Ashley said,"Nicholas! Samuel! Let's go!"

"Ok Ok Ash calm down were coming.Let us get.........situated."Nick said lifting his head up off of the ground and looking at the bulge in the crotch of Sams pants.Ashley rolled her eyes to make it look like it was no big deal but in her mind she was thinking 'What is THAT?!' She decided to let it roll off her shoulders seeing that that probably wouldn't be the last time she would see that on either of them.She got her backpack and helped both of the boys up.They were both sort of 'sheilding' their crotch areas.They walked outside of the school where they saw Ashleys mom waiting in the car.Sam and Nick waited back to give each other one last kiss before Sams mom got there.She didn't know that Sam was gay even though it was pretty hard to NOT know.Nick and Ashley walked over to her moms car and got in.

"Whats wrong with you? You seem a bit tense." Nick whispered into Ashleys ear as they drove the small distance to his house.

"Nothing." Ashley said shaking her head.She was deep into thought about her dream.

Ashley got out of the car and gave Nick a hug once they got to his house."I love you Nick." Ashley said loudly watching him walk up to his door.

"I love you too Ash."Nick said back.Ashley wished she could believe it.

The ride home was a quiet one,Ashley still deep in thought.When she got home she took her diary out of her backpack and started writing in it on her bed:

Wow! I can't believe what happened today! Nick and Sam were practically doing it at school! Well,with their clothes on of course but still! And then diary I had this weird but awesome dream that I was involved with them too.In my dream we were all just sitting at school like we were today and in the middle of Nick and Sams kissing session Nick leaned over and kissed me! I looked sorta surprised at the both of them seeing no reaction but smiles.So I did what I would have done if it weren't a dream,I smiled back and just looked down.And then Sam leaned over and kissed me! Weird!And then we ended up getting into this 3-way kissing/ sucking on each others necks deal.It was a great dream! Too bad they were gay.Well that just ended my mood on wanting to write about my great dream.Ill write later when Im in a better mood.

Ashley put her diary back in her backpack and layed down on her bed.She thought about whether the dream could be a sign or something.A sign maybe saying that thats what was going to happen.No,probably a sign saying she was crazy for thinking that that could ever happen and that it would ONLY be in her dreams,she thought.She didn't even want to think about it anymore.She definatly wouldn't tell the boys about her dreams,then they would know how she REALLY felt about them.Why did she have to like 2 GAY guys.Why couldn't they be straight.She took that thought back as soon as it came into her head.She was glad Nick and Sam were gay,if they weren't who knows what would have been different about their relationship.She decided to give the thoughts a rest for the time being and went to get something to eat before she went to be.

Later that night after she had eaten,gone online to check her mail,and talked to Sam and Nick on the phone Ashley went into her room once again and crawled into her full size bed and pulled the covers up to her neck.Every night was the same,she would go to sleep thinking about how lucky she was to have friends like Nick and Sam that she loved so much.Tonight on the other hand was completely different.Instead of thinking about that her thoughts went straight back to what she saw them doing at school that day and to her dream.She drifted off to sleep for the 2nd time that day.

Ashley awoke the next morning to the loud sound of her alarm clock and to the sound of her mother screaming at her to wake up and get ready for school.Ashley opened her eyes slightly and smiled.She had yet another dream that night.This one being alot like the last one but alot more meaningful.She just couldn't understand what it meant.The boys and her used to talk about their dreams together and decided what they were supposed to mean.She couldn't do that with these dreams.She set it to the side of her thoughts for the morning and changed her clothes.She washed her face and brushed her teeth and fixed her hair and did her makeup.Another day of school had started again.

The school day passed by like every school day did.Doing work,passing notes,falling asleep and having weird dreams.For some reason these dream about Nick and Sam just kept coming.They got more and more intense everytime.Every dream ended up still being somewhat PG-13 at the end though.Clothes were still left on and such which Ashley was pretty glad about.She wouldn't know what to do if the dreams started to get anymore intense.

After school Ashley hung out with Nick,Sam and Danielle this time.Nick and Sam did their snuggling and cuddling and kissing as Ashley and Danielle ran around or took romantic pictures of the boys.The thing Ashley and Danielle liked to do was throw the boys shoes or backpacks or any loose belongings up into tress and have them have to get them out when they had hard-ons.Still,everytime Ashley would see the boys kissing,her gaze would get locked.It's like she was hypnotized and she had no clue why.How could she be so amused let alone by the fact that her 2 best friends,the 2 people that meant the world to her were making out on the ground.Of course she thought as them as attractive but so did everyone else that laid eyes on them.There had to be something more,but if so,what?

That day after school was pretty much like the last one.Ashley had her little daydreams and got over it and went home.At least she thought she got over it.If she would have known what was going to happen the next day,she would have planned to stay home.

It was middle of 2nd period the next morning and Ashley was yet again sleeping through it.Her teacher had had enough of her misbehaving so she moved her up front.Even after she did that, the teacher gave up on putting up with Ashley so she ignored.Thats why Ashley was sleeping.All of a sudden in the middle of class Ashley woke up with the whole class including her teacher staring and laughing at her.

"Wh-Why is everyone laughing at me?"Ashley said embarassed looking at the class.

"You only were just moaning some kid named Sams name!" yelled one of the students named Gilberto.

Ashley remembered what had just happened.She had another dream with Sam and Nick.This time it wasn't like the rest.This time is was full blown sex.When the bell rung Ashley put up her hood and met Nick outside where they went under the tree for him to call Sam,while he did Ashley quickly pulled out her diary and started to jot down her dream so she didn't forget it.

Dear Diary,the dreams with Sam and Nick are still continuing,today being the most intense.Today it wasn't just the normal kissing and cuddling in the dreams,in this one they were having sex!And I was in the room hiding but they didn't know it.Oh god how I wish I was in that bed with them.With both of their muscular warm bodies entwined in the sheets of the bed.I saw everything!The dream ended bad along with the class period.Everyone laughed at me and heard me moan Sams name.The dream ended in the boys finding out that I was in the room.When they found me they were both still butt naked,they opened the closet and saw me and smiled and then I woke up.I hope the dream continues,I just hope not while Im at school again.Well I should be going the bell should be ringing soon.

Ashley wrote as she closed her diary just as the bell had rung and Nick hung up the phone.

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