What You Say

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 7, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Oh, God, another Friday night!" moaned Gerard as he lounged in front of the TV set. "What the fuck is there to do?" He lounged back, groaning, an over-hairy black-haired guy with a still-scraggly mustache. Figures, he'd always thought when looking in the mirror, that he could grow hair like crazy on his chest, arms, legs, back, and crotch, but not on his lip! Ought to cut it off...yet somehow, he never did, it was a mark of his newly-attained adulthood and freedom.

"What's the matter?" grinned Marshall over to his right. "Feeling bored?"

"You'd better fucking believe it!" Gerard griped. "College is sucking big time right now!"

"It'll get more exciting later on." sympathized Marshall. "You got to remember, the semester has barely started."

"I know!" Gerard interrupted. "I mean, I expected to spend all my time studying, and there would be tests, and I'd be busy and maybe a few football games and, and, and...."

"And there's nothing." concluded Marshall for him.

"Yeah, right!"

"Those things are coming up, and sooner than you'll like."

"Yeah, but what do I do until then?"

"Hang out with your friends, and talk with them."

"So who's got friends here yet? I mean, other than you, and I barely know you." Gerard had met Marshall in a few of his classes, but their meeting tonight was purely accidental. He had come down to watch television in the common room rather than his own small color TV set in his room in order to try to meet someone. Well, so far it was Marshall and nobody else. It really sucked, having to start all over again with your life! Back in high school, he'd been somebody, known everything and knew how to have fun. Here...he was lost, fucking lost!

"Well, you have to start somewhere." Marshall said, getting up. "I was going up to hang with some of my friends. Want to come along?"

"Sure!" Gerard brightened up. "Great!" He jumped to his feet.

"You just got to remember one rule." Marshall said when Gerard got up next to him.

"What's that?"

"What you say is not what you do."


"You'll see. Some of the guys have girlfriends, some aren't comfortable discussing it. So just join the conversation and join in anything else, but don't let one change the other. What you say is not what you do. You got that? If you don't, you have to leave and can't come back."

"Okay, yeah, sure, what I say is not what I do."

"And vice versa."

"And vice versa." Gerard agreed, wondering what the fuck he was getting into! But hell, finding out was still better than what was on television!

The room was one of the bigger ones, this dormitory was of the sort where you could choose to have a larger room by paying a larger fee. Gerard had a dinky one-person room, but this place could have handled six or eight people and each would get the same sort of space he had in his mini-room--hell, more like an oversized closet!

This place was nice. Really nice! Two large couches before a huge, plasma-screen TV and what looked like a huge supply of movie DVD's. A couple of guys were in front of the TV, which was turned off. Gerard was glad to see that they were dressed much like him, t-shirts and shorts and shoes only. He'd worried that he'd be underdressed for the group, but he'd fit right in.

Seeing them, one of the guys shifted from his seat next to the other and settled on the other couch. "Come on over!" he motioned to Gerard. "Marsh, who's this?"

"His name's Gerard, and he's a freshman."

"Yeah." Gerard said.

"Gerard, this is Conrad," that was the guy who had motioned for Gerard to come over, "and Frank." Frank was the one who'd stayed put. Marshall walked over and sat by Frank, so Gerard figured he'd best sit by Conrad. He was here to make new friends, anyhow!

"So, Gerard, what's your major?" Conrad said, scooting over closer to Gerard. Conrad was a big, nicely muscled blond-haired guy with blue eyes and an engaging smile.

Gerard smiled back, offered. "Not really decided yet. So I'm knocking off my basics this year and will see what comes up."

"That's a good plan." Conrad agreed. "The university wants you to gain some breadth anyhow, so don't rush, you have two solid years' worth of basics to cover somehow, might as well use it to figure out what appeals to you." Conrad's hand landed on his thigh, just at the bottom of his shorts, no physical contact beyond hand-on-cloth on his leg. Gerard decided to ignore it.

"Yeah, that's what I think, what about you?"

"I'm studying biochemistry." Conrad said.

"Whoo." Gerard was impressed despite himself. A bod and a brain! "Ambitious."

"You know it. When I want something, I go right after it." Conrad's hand went down, now it was on bare, hairy leg, and then back up again, but this time, the shorts went up with the hand. Now it was about four inches from Gerard's goodie-bag!

Startled, Gerard looked over at Marshall and Frank. Their hands were even busier on each other's crotches. What the hell was this, a circle jerk club?

Conrad's hand was worming its way into his shorts through the leg. "Yeah, it's a wide-open field, really, if you can cut the science." Conrad went on blithely, as if this were the sort of conversation you'd have at a coffee shop. "My teacher doesn't even have a textbook, that is, he has one but it's one he's writing himself, and we get photocopies of his chapters as he writes them. You can't get more cutting edge than that, but I'm having to sort of feel my way along!"

"I guess so." Gerard said. "I know I couldn't cut it, my grades in science were strictly B plus."

"Nothing wrong with a B plus if the classes were hard." Conrad's hand had found Gerard's testicles. His cock was just beyond it. "You shouldn't sell yourself short, man. If you don't believe in yourself, nobody will. If it's hard, it's hard." Conrad's fingers were now snaking around his cock. "It is hard, isn't it?" he said as he felt Gerard's dong.

"Yeah, it's hard all right." Gerard agreed with a soft moan, looked over to check on Marshall. On the other couch, Frank had just leaned over and was taking Marshall's cock into his mouth. Marshall was saying, "But I couldn't get into both Medieval History and Astronomy, they're held on the same days and times, for God's sake. And neither one will be offered again for two years, two years! Can you believe it?"

What you say is not what you do. That was what Marshall had been talking about, the one rule. Apparently, he had found a group of guys who believed in getting their rocks off while pretending they weren't getting their rocks off.

He looked back over at Conrad, right in the guy's face. The face was friendly, amiable, welcoming and kind. Exactly the kind of guy he'd like to get to know better, hand on his cock or not! "So, other than biochemistry, what are you into these days?"

"Quite a bit, but why don't you tell me about yourself for a while?" Conrad had fished Gerard's dong out of his shorts and was licking his lips. Oh, God, he was about to suck on it!

"Well, I was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas." Gerard started in at random. "My father worked in a lumber mill until I was about nine. Real blue-collar stuff. I would have ended up living on a farm and spending my days drinking beer and hunting squirrels except....guh-huh!" That was when Conrad's marvelous mouth sank on Gerard's dong! Warm wetness surrounded his pud, and Gerard promptly forgot what he was about to say!

Conrad went down deep on Gerard's cock, bathing him in warm spit, and back up again. "What about your mother?" And he dove down again.

"Mom...uh! Mom was a stay-at-home Mom....guhh, huh!" Gerard closed his eyes and lay back.

Conrad let Gerard stay silent for a moment, then he let go of Gerard's dick long enough to say, "So, what happened to make you so...driven?"

"Lots of things." Gerard realized that he had to play the part here. What you say is not what you do. "I've always been a guy who wants to get right to it. I know what I got coming to me, and I want it and I want it now."

"Mh?" A question.

"I'm saying that if you want to please me, you've got to work at it. And I mean you got to work hard."

"I know just what you mean." the voice would have matched Conrad, who was speeding up on Gerard's dong in a way that was more than delightful, it was fucking amazing! But it came from Gerard's side.

Gerard turned and saw a guy standing by him, and his nine-inch, thick, uncut prong was about two inches from Gerard's mouth. The cock was attached to a hunky Latino guy, broad-shouldered and well-muscled, with a smile that was hitting him like a machine gun.

"Yeah, I like guys who are committed and willing to put some real effort into things. You know?"

Gerard looked at the chunk of man-meat sticking at his mouth and said, "You got the right slant on things." and he dove onto the cock. Ah, man, that was one hot prick, the minute he got it into his mouth, it oozed a hot slimy wad of precome onto his tongue, thick and salty and oh, oh, oh so good!"

He milked at it and was rewarded with more salty tidbits. The Latino was talking on with an aplomb that Gerard had to admire, about some local event Gerard didn't recognize. He couldn't have managed such a reasoned conversation while Conrad was slurping on his pud and which was still driving him insane. With a sudden shock, he realized that orgasm had crept up on him while he mulled this! A tension suddenly seized his body and he was grunting around the Latino guy's prong, and then, and then, ah, ah, ah, shit!

Stars exploded behind his eyeballs while he held onto the thick pud with his lips like a drowning man clings to the oar that fell into the water with him. It didn't support his weight, but it was better than nothing! Conrad sucked out his jizz as quick as he could manufacture it, he was drained as he came, and when he was done, shuddering with his climaxical exhaustion, he still held on, though he sagged.

The Latino man helped by extending a bronze-colored leg over him and settled a pair of trim buttocks on his chest. Gerard's head fell back onto the couch, now that he couldn't lose this prod, he had no reason to support the heavy weight his head had become.

"Yeah, I think you're going to go places." the Latino moaned as Gerard recovered enough to resume the assault on his tool. "I think you are driven enough to succeed."

"It's always good to meet a man who believes in giving it his all." Conrad said as he rose enough to wipe his lips on his mouth as he peered around the slender brown waist at Gerard. "I know I believe in driving myself hard."

"The only way to do things." the Latino agreed. He didn't seem surprised that Conrad moved to stand beside them and when Conrad proffered his dong, the Latino sucked it down ardently.

"Yeah, I am driven." Conrad murmured as the Latino slicked up his pud. "Once I've prepared myself, there's no stopping me."

He and the Latino must have had some history, because the Latino merely lavished his spit on Conrad's dong and turned loose when he was done. Conrad vanished around the broad, dark bulk of the Latino's body and Gerard felt his legs being lifted up. Driven, indeed, but who got to be driven here?

The Latino man grabbed Gerard's head and began to face-fuck him, Gerard could only hold on while he felt Conrad's pud poking at his ass. With a lusty stud ramming his face, getting rammed up the ass as well sounded like a damned good plan, in fact.

Conrad drove his pud in as promised just as the Latino man reached his own orgasm. Gerard felt the hard rod drive into him, filling him to the brim and then some, just as the hot cock exploded in his mouth. Gerard had intended to suck it all down but this juxtaposition of hot cock and hot spunk was incompatible to him, he sputtered and blew the come back out of his mouth in an effort to groan.

Sperm flew out of his mouth around the dun-colored dick, it dribbled heavily off his chin and even flew out of his nostrils as he spewed it out of him, Gerard coughed a couple of times and more jizz was lost, then he caught himself and managed to siphon some of the hot cream-load for himself and ended cleaning off the spent pud contritely as he could. This was complicated because his entire body was being shaken by Conrad's ass-pounding.

"Are you taking Professor Emerson's class this year, Rodrigo?" Conrad asked the Latino.

"Yeah." Rodrigo (Gerard finally had a name for the man who had blown chunks into his mouth with an abandon that was a marvel of nature) replied. "He's a total ball-buster, I know, but he's the only one teaching chemical engineering."

"That's a good field." Conrad gasped. "I had him...last year...and he was...way ahead...of Professor Michaelson in current...events by far."

Gerard spit out Rodrigo's prick (it was limp and drained now, anyhow) and said, "So I should avoid Professor Michaelson?"

"He's okay for the lower class stuff." Rodrigo advised as he wiped his cock dry on Gerard's cheek. "You have to take him for the basics, then avoid him when you hit third year."

"I'll remember that if I enter the sciences." Gerard agreed. His voice had a shaky quality to it, by virtue of his being shaken by Conrad's lusty thrusts.

Rodrigo felt back and took hold of Gerard's prick, began to stroke it. Gerard found his cock stiffening again. "You haven't chosen a major yet?"

"Not yet." Gerard agreed. Damn, that hand felt good. "I fi-igure I shou-ould kee-eep my-y option-ions ope-en fo-or no-ow." This shaking was working hell on his ability to speak.

"That makes good sense. I like a guy who keeps a good head on him." Rodrigo agreed. "No reason to burn your bridges until you know where you're going and what you're in for if you go that way, right?" He raised off of Gerard, but hung onto Gerard's prick.

"Ye-ah." Gerard agreed.

Conrad was too deep in his lust to contribute to the discussion. He was grunting like a pig stuck in a fence...or a man about to blow his wad in a hot ass.

"So are you staying here in the dorm?" Rodrigo asked him.

"Ah-huh-ah-huh-ah-huh-uh-uh-GUH!" Conrad contributed.

"I-I-I-I-I wa-a-a-a-a-as go-o-o-o-ing to-o-o-o ge-e-e-et a-a-a-a pla-a-a-a-ace..." Gerard got that far and gave up. He couldn't talk until Conrad stopped shaking him so hard!

"Move out of the dorms, huh?" Rodrigo supplied.


"Yeah!" By holding his breath until he could deliver the word in one explosion, Gerard managed the affirmative.

"Ah-huh, ah-huh, uh-huh!" Conrad concluded and slumped forward, trapping Rodrigo's hand between himself and Gerard, strong hand still on his cock.

"Rise up, Conrad!" Rodrigo complained.

"Oh, oh, oh! Sorry!" Conrad rolled off of Gerard and landed with knees on the floor, face down on the cushions of the couch.

"That's better." Rodrigo then spat out a huge wad of spit right onto Gerard's cock. It was still sticky from Conrad's ministrations and this hunk of saliva lubed it right back up again.

"I'd like to get out of this dorm, too." he said and straddled Gerard again, but this time, those marvelous buttocks were maneuvering to splice themselves on Gerard's re-energized cock.

Gerard felt the hot anus engulf and constrict onto his shaft like a ring of fire and moaned.

"I am having second thoughts!" He gasped out. "This group of guys are a lot friendlier than I thought at first!"

"Yeah, but a place off campus is so much quieter." Rodrigo supplied. "A fellow can think without a lot of noise about."

It was true that the small group in the room had now bloomed to a fair-sized orgy. Gerard had been too busy with his own piece of it to really notice until now.

"I don't think I could afford a big place." Gerard cautioned.

"We could get a one-bedroom together and share." Rodrigo now had Gerard's dong firmly up his butt and began to bob up and down with a litheness that was sheer poetry in motion.

Shit, the promise of that was enough to make Gerard want to move out right fucking now! "I haven't had a chance to look around much." he cautioned. "I don't know if I could afford much."

"Might be crowded quarters." Rodrigo agreed. "Or maybe we could make it a two-bedroom and get two more guys to join us. Or more." Rodrigo's bouncing butt had shifted into overdrive, and the promise of having this ass riding him every night was enough to shift Gerard's hormones to high gear to match it.

"I don't...know anybody...much yet."

"I have some friends." Rodrigo's ass was clenching at him with every up-stroke. Damn, this guy was talented. "I'll get you introduced to them, we'll talk it over. Maybe find a place for next semester. Our own place, think how much fun we could have." And an extra squeeze of his ass on Gerard's cock accompanied that.

"I'll...guh! Think about it!" Gerard grunted.

"Guess I'll have to show you I can go the distance." Rodrigo leaned over and wrapped Gerard in his strong brown arms. "Can't have you jumping into things sight unseen."

"I guess not." Oh, God, Gerard was about to spurt again! He grimaced, felt the rising tide within him once again. Oh, fuck!

"I'm just asking you to think it over carefully." Rodrigo said to him softly, intimately. "It would really help to have a study-buddy or two, don't you think?"

Think? To think, he'd have to cut his cock off, it was in control now! "I...guess...SO!"

Gerard's fingers clamped onto Rodrigo's back and his fingernails dug into the dark skin. Rodrigo lifted his head and hissed, and as Gerard's spunk pumped into Rodrigo's ass, Rodrigo sprayed hot jizz all over Gerard's stomach where it sizzled and steamed.

Done, the two sweated together on the couch. Gerard's senses returned and he looked around.

Conrad had found another couple of guys to join. Marshall had managed to make himself the center of attention of four guys, one in his ass, one in his mouth, and one in each hand, working all four at once. The lucky stiff! Other couples and trios and more were all over the floor to the point where you couldn't have walked out the door without trodding on someone's back, stomach or buttocks.

"So you'll think about it?" Rodrigo asked of him. "I really want out of this dorm. It's fun sometimes, but I'd rather not have every night be as crazy as this, you know?"

"It does have its advantages." Gerard agreed. "You want to go out for some coffee or something, and talk some more."

"Sure." Rodrigo agreed. "I love talking, it's why I come here."

"Kind of a limited conversation." Gerard mused as he shifted his own clothing back into position and Rodrigo fished his own clothes out from under a passionate pair humping away on the floor beside the couch. "Not that it isn't fun now and then to just hang out and, uh, bang your gums about nothing in particular."

"Well, you have to really get to know someone before you can have a long, involved conversation." Rodrigo said and his hand on Gerard's arm made the meaning of that quite clear.

"I think you're right." Gerard agreed. "So let's go out and have a really long, long talk."

"I got the rest of the weekend." Rodrigo's smile was wider than ever.

"Me, too." Gerard felt his own grin on his face like a clown's overpainted smile.

"So we can talk as long as you want."

"We can even say what we do and do what we say." And the two went out together. Gerard's own thought was that maybe he was getting the hang of college life after all.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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