WhatsApp Love

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 6, 2018



Hey guys!! Ya'll doin good??

We all know what its like with social media, right? You can never be 100% sure who you're talking to. You really wanna believe its the person you think it is, if you're horny enough hahaha.

This story is a LOVE story. If you want a story where teenage boys cum in 30 seconds, this ain't gonna be one for you. However, should you like teenage gay romance...read on!!

Any feedback, comments or crits can be sent to liciousryan@gmail.com because I LOVE reading what to have to say XXX

Peace out, Ryan Anthony White


"Good morning sexy"

Dylan rolled over in his bed and smiled from ear to ear. He had really hit the jackpot with this girl. She was everything he could ever ask in his current fourteen years of life. Yeah sure, she was not a real girlfriend per say, but their recent chats on WhatsApp had really gotten him going. He was horny, a total virgin and he had only two real friends in his life. Yeah, Dylan was a loner. He wasn't one of those guys who got off on having an entire possy following them in the halls of the high school. He had David and he had Madison as his two best/only friends and that was good enough for him. Until recently, he never had a reason to want to have a girlfriend. But it seemed however, that his hormones and his rampant teenage dick had other ideas.

Soon after his fourteenth birthday he realised that he started looking at girls in different ways. Suddenly they weren't just sweet little pony tailed minions walking in packs, gossiping about who dated who behind each other's backs (although they totes do) but suddenly he found that he had a warm feeling in his chest when he looked and thought about some of them. Scary at first, sure, but once his fourteen year old 5 inch dick started to think FOR him, everything changed. Constant hardons in class and on the play ground changed his perception about girls. He wanted them. He wanted to touch them. He wanted to see their boobies and their pussies. For the simple reason that his cock got super ass hard when he thought about it.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, he received a friend request on Facebook from a beautiful...beautiful... beautiful teenage girl called Melissa Jennings. She was friends with one of the guys he was on the swim team with but she wouldn't say who, because his mom and hers were close friends. She claimed she had been to several of the meets to support her friend and she thought Dylan was really cute. Of course he didn't think of himself as sexy, never mind cute, to him, he was just Dylan. She inboxed him her phone number and soon she was registered as one of his WhatsApp contacts. It was like a whold new world, one that the young boy didnt even know existed, opened its legs before him as he and Melissa got talking. One thing was clear...over the past few weeks, he had learned why people his age were GLUED to their phones 24/7. Melissa was interested in him, as a person. They talked permanently, as if they had known each other for years. First, it started all friendly and full of utter sweet ass shit, but since the previous week it had evolved into something, much, much more.

Melissa claimed she had gotten drunk accidentally at her friend's sweet sixteen and during that incident, she had texted him over WhatsApp that she wanted to have sex with him. The fourteen year old's poor young dick had never gotten so hard, so fast in his entire life! He wanted to meet up with Melissa for real, all her pics on Facebook and Instagram showed a feisty and hot, sexy fun type of girl. And although she apologized for what was said during her drunken stupor, he totes didn't care, in fact, he wanted more, and he told her he REALLY didn't mind her saying what she did. From there on their flirting had gotten more and more intense. For a virgin boy, it was like milk boiling on a hot stove.

Last night, she had asked for a shirtless picture of him. He said that he had to think about it first. He was all for flirting and saying how much he wanted to fuck her, BUT sending pictures freaked him out. What if she didn't like his body? What if his stomach was ugly? What if she knew boys who had better abs than he did? Melissa said she understood, but she left him with more food than thought...when he received a picture of her in nothing but her bra and panties. Oh my God...this suddenly became very real, very soon. He threw himself onto his bed, pulled off his shorts and underwear, and looking at her picture, completely zoomed in on her boobs, he started to jack off his rock hard 5 inches of solid teenage dick. It didn't take him even a minute before his boyish fuck stick ERUPTED all over his hand. Some of his thick sperm flew across his chest and face. He was drenched. Fuck...he had never came that hard or intense before. It wasn't just the picture Melissa had sent. He felt he knew her. That they had bonded. He told her things he would NEVER tell his parents or even David and Madison. He wanted Melissa. Bad.

He grabbed his phone and started typing.

"Hey beautiful. Was thinking about u"

An reply came almost immediately.

"I hope you were thinking about my picture #onlyforyoureyes"

"I kinda did more than that..."

"No way...for real?"

"Yeah. Please don't hate me."

"You're crazy hahaha. Pic? Please? I wanna see your sexy body #swimbod"

"Uhm...I'm not ripped or anything #sadface"

"I saw you swimming, you idiot #hotstuff Which is like, why I wanna see all of u" He laid back, quietly staring at her words on the screen.

"Okay, brb."

"Hurry #youmakemehot"

This was waaaay to good to be true. Dylan couldn't stop smiling. He took off his shirt and stood in front of the mirror. Yeah, he wasn't ripped exactly, but he was only fourteen. He had more of a lanky, swimmer's body than a muscled one. Still, he knew his biceps and abs weren't too bad for his age. Or was it? Wasn't he too skinny? Sigh...like all teenage boys are when liking a hot girl...they can be as perfect and sexy as possible...but when wanting to impress a girl, they always start to doubt themselves. There was nothing wrong with the boy's body, in fact, if more girls could see what Dylan looked like shirtless, he wouldn't only have two friends in this world. Only he didn't think his body was good enough for the sexy, hot, steamy Melissa Jennings. But she had sent him one. It was kinda unfair not to send SOMETHING back.

Dylan positioned his phone to focus on his torso. He made sure to get everything inside the frame of the photo. He clicked the shutter and the photo was etched on his screen. He quickly logged back into WhatsApp and prepared to send it. He took a huge breath... He had never done anything like this before...and sent the shirtless picture with a #starface emoji. He anxiously waited for a reply of any sort. What if she hated his body? What if she like totally left him and found another dude on chat with? Melissa had come to mean so much to him that the mere thtough of her not talking to him any longer had completely rattled him. It was scary. He needed Melissa in his life. Never before had a girl or anyone his own age given him this much attention and pleasure.

He saw that two blue ticks had appeared next to the sent photo. She had seen it, but she hasn't responded yet. OMG she hates it. Dylan threw his phone on his bed and paced up and down, from wall to wall. It was like Melissa had possessed him. He was desperate to know what she thought. After about six minutes had passed he slumped his young shoulders and started to accept that maybe he wasn't what she wanted in an online chat buddy.

He saw his phone flashing. It was ringing. Someome was calling him via WhatsApp. He quickly moved towards his bed. Fuck...its Melissa who was calling him. Bloody hell. She had never phoned him personally before! What the fuck? Should he answer? He didn't know if he was ready. His dick told him to man up and answer. He really wanted to hear her voice.


"Wow. Omg! Its so good to finally talk to you!"

Just what he imagined she would sound like. A real girly girl. He jumped onto his bed and it seemed like his hand made its way to his semi hard cock all on its own.

"Hahaha I'm glad you're not disappointed. Uhm...did you...I mean, did you like the pic I sent you?"

"I knew you looked good in the pool but hot damn dude...I loved it. Sorry I took so long to reply tho...I...I kinda sorta, fingered myself while looking at it..."

Dylan swallowed with great difficulty. His hand gripped his dick tighter. He lifted his ass high up into the air and removed his boxers. His dick was like platinum steel. Slowly, as he listened to the voice of the girl of his dreams, he started to jack off. His foreskin peeled over his rock solid sex organ. "Oh wow...I'm actually kinda doing the same right now..."

"Shut up! Really?"

"Yeah babe...I really want you. You do crap to me like I never.. "

"Imagine I'm there with you. Next to you. You know what I look like right?"

Fuck...this was really happening. Phone sex. FUUUUCK.

"Yeah, you're fucking hot, babe."

"I wanna take that cock of yours and suck on it. I wanna make u so hard. I wanna taste that delicious teen juice. I wanna feel your cock inside me. I want you to cum on my boobs. You are so hot it should be illegal..."

His hand was a blur on his cock by now. His fourteen year old virgin penis didn't quite know what had struck it. He moaned into the phone.

"I will fuck your pussy so bad. I wanna rip you apart babe..." Thank God he watched a lot of porn. #Awkward He knew, in his mind, exactly what he knew she wanted to hear.

"So now...my ass is leaking and it needs a big dick inside. Come on Dylan. Be a man. Fuck me..."

Dylan arched his back and came with the velocity that only a young teenage boy could muster. His sperm flew from his flaring piss slit straight onto his heaving, sweating chest and dripped across his abs and sides. He was panting, he couldn't speak. His first orgasm with the help of another girl. It was insanely good. He heard laughter on the other side of his phone.

"Good boy. Make sure you keep some sperm for me when we meet up, yeah?" Melissa seemed to smile from ear to ear. To Dylan it sounded like she was purring with delight.

"You got it, babe. When...uhm...when will that actually be?"

"Don't even start with that...my ex boyfriend won't except we're like...so over. He turns up at my house and like, makes scenes in front of my parents. Its fucking embarrassing. I have to deal with him first. You're special, Dylan. I don't wanna start something wiht you before I've finished my ex off. Please understand? For me?"

At that point Dylan would have done ANYTHING Melissa said or asked. To his horny mind, her words were like cries for help. And he was her knight in shining armour.

"Don't worry. I really understand. We can still talk over WhatsApp can't we?"

"You don't even have to ask..see ya."

"Dude...how...how do you even know that this girl is even who she says she is? For all you know it could be a sixty year old fart with a bald head and a small, fat dick jacking off on the pictures you send him!"

"Would she have phoned me if she was fake, David?"

"Well...I guess not. But dude, you read and hear about these things like, every day. You can't be pissed with me because I care. You're my best friend, Dylan."

"Dave, I know. But we're fourteen and neither of us has gotten even close to having a girl. Madison doesn't count, she's our friend. Can you blame me? Melissa talks to me. She listens. No girl here at school even knows I exist! Why stop this if she makes me happy?"

David picked up his backpack and signed dramatically. Shaking his head he placed his hand in Dylan's shoulder.

"If you opened your eyes and your brain you might realise that Melissa isn't the only person who really, really likes you."

"What's that supposed to mean? Did Madison say something?"

David laughed and hit Dylan's shoulder with his fist.

"I'm just fucking with you, bro. Come on, Biology ain't gonna wait for no one."

"You wanna see my pussy?"

Dylan nearly choked on his steak.

"Son, put that thing away. Come on, we're having dinner and you're ignoring us! I'm asking you when your next swim meet is?" Dylan's father said angrily. He was glad his boy was getting more social but that didn't mean his whole personality had to change.

"Hang on, Dad. I have to..."

"Dylan, listen to your father. Put the phone down. Right now."

Dylan sighed and slowly put his phone down next to his plate. He didn't want Melissa to think he was messing her around. The screen was still active as another message came through.

"Come on, stud. Need an answer #wantyou"

He cut into his steak not even realizing what he was doing. He tasted the juicy cooked meat but for him personally, he could just as well have placed a leather belt into his mouth. Nothing mattered except for Melissa.

"If you don't want me anymore I'll understand #crying"

"I need to pee, like right now," Dylan told his parents, grabbing his phone and running off to the bathroom before either parent could stop him. No...Melissa was crying. She was upset because of him. His heart ached to think he had caused her any kind of pain.

"Sorry babe. Was having dinner. Parents totes on my case."

"I really thought you didn't care anymore #cryingharder"

Dylan typed so fast his fingers actually started to hurt.

"Never. Never wanna hurt you. Love you."

Only AFTER he sent the message he realised what exactly he said. There was no chance, she was totes gonna fuck off now. What sixteen year old girl wanted to have a fourteen year old boy telling her he LOVED her? He was going crazy...before he realised it was true. It was exactly what he felt. He loved her. He couldn't imagine his life without Melissa in it right then. They were gonna meet up and have sex and be together. He loved her. He just knew it.

"I love you more #iheartyou"

The kid was flying high and it wasn't because of marijuana. He was in love. He'd do anything for Melissa. He was rock solid hard. He wanted to prove what he told her was true. His brain wasn't working rationally any longer. In one quick movement, he pushed off his trousers and his boxers. He jacked off his dick a little to get it nice and hard. The entire five inch teen cock meat was straining under the knowledge of what he was about to do. He once more positioned his phone to take the best picture possible. CLICK. It was done. Back to WhatsApp. Attached the picture. SEND.

Two blue ticks told him his photo was received. He waited and waited for some sort of reply. His phone didn't make a beep. Maybe she was fingering herself like she did when he sent the shirtless picture. He waited a few more minutes.

"Dylan! You okay in there?"

"Yeah Dad, I'll be right out."

He frowned. Why hasn't she replied? Its been over ten minutes. He typed a message to Melissa.

"Did I do something wrong?"


"Dylan...Dude!! What the hell is WRONG with you?"

David was at his wit's end. Dylan had come to school for sure...but his soul wasn't there. It was like his body had been left brainless.

"She blocked me..." A tear rolled over the teen's cheek.

"What happened? You said things were going so well?"

"She was obviously a fake, dude. Dropped me when she got what she wanted. I sent her a naked picture of me and she suddenly blocked me. I dunno why this happened. I feel like such a fucking fool. Why would a girl ever be interested in me? Look at me. It's over, man..."

Dylan slowly broke out in soft sobs. David sat down next to his best friend and placed his arm around him. His own heart was breaking. Not because what happened to Dylan, but because someone as fake as this Melissa chick had gotten to swap pics with Dylan and flirt with him...and Dylan had allowed it and he was into it. He, David, would never be able to tell Dylan how HE truly felt. And even if he did, Dylan was straight and would reject his feelings as well as their friendship. As much as things has changed in the acceptance of gay people, David knew that Dylan wouldn't be able to feel the same way he did. Some people were just straight and that was it. There was nothing he could do about that. His hate towards this "Melissa" intensified. She had gotten into Dylan's heart simply because he believed she was a GIRL. He, David, was a boy. Dylan would never feel about him, the way he had felt about Melissa. Just because of gender. It was so unfair.

Dylan's phone peeped. What the hell did Madison or David want now? He told them to leave him alone. He sighed and opened WhatsApp.


No. It couldn't be. It was an unknown number. No profile picture. But that wasn't the issue. The issue was that this person had sent him three photo's. The very same pictures he had sent "Melissa" in the first place. One of his very own face, his own WhatsApp profile picture. Second was the shirtless picture of his torso. Finally, the picture of his rock hard teenage cock. He struggled to figure out what was happening. Just as he wanted to delete the message, another was sent.

"If you don't want these spread to everyone in school, meet me during recess tomorrow in the library. DO NOT TELL ANYONE OR YOU'LL BE SORRY. Melissa xx"


I wrote a story years ago called "Straight Broke Dudez" which you will find under my name in the Prolific Authors section. "WhatsApp Love" is not a continuation of that story, but it will involve some of the story's characters.

In all seriousness... if you use social media PLEASE make sure you DON'T end up in a situation like Dylan did. Be safe out there. The world is a cruel place.

Please be so kind as to send any feedback you have to liciousryan@gmail.com

Ryan xx

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