When in Japan

By moc.liamtoh@7791_xineohp

Published on Aug 4, 2011



This story is a description of male to male sex. If this offends you or is a violation of your countries law, please leave. I don't want trouble. Otherwise, enjoy!

Please note that in stories unsafe sex is not a problem but in real life it is. So don't be stupid and wear protection while having casual sex!

When in Japan ...

I never realized how lonely you could feel in a city with 1.5 million inhabitants. Recently I visited Kyoto, the second city of Japan, for a large medical conference and after not more than 5 days I was feeling miserable and longing to be home with my boyfriend. He hadn't been able to come along because of his own job so I was there, with colleagues, but still feeling lonely.

It's very difficult to communicate with people who don't speak your language. In Europe and most other parts of the world we're used to people speaking English but in Japan a lot of people just don't speak any other language than Japanese. My knowledge of the Japanese language is limited to "konnichiwa" (hello) and "arigato" (thank you). So, my conversations with the locals were pretty short.

On Wednesday we had the afternoon off so most of my colleagues went to visit temples or go shopping. I joined the ones that went shopping to buy something for my boyfriend but after a while I was done and I decided to head back to the hotel and surf the net a little. However, I never made it to the hotel.

In the subway I was sitting on one of the couches, busy feeling sorry for myself, when a young Japanese man entered. Now that in itself is not that special when you're in Japan but this young man was stunningly beautiful. It looked like he just got out of an add for either Armani or some expensive male perfume brand. And when he sat down, he took a seat opposite of me so I had a magnificent view.

Now there's something you should know about me. I'm a Caucasian gay man and very much attracted to Asian men. My boyfriend is Asian and so are pretty much all my exes and one night stands. No matter how many times people told me: "birds of a feather tend to flock together", I keep ending up in the arms (and more) of Asian men. So, Japan was definitely a country for me, for that matter. Unfortunately, the Japanese are somewhat closeted when it comes to gays.

Back to the young man who was sitting across from me. He was wearing kaki shorts and a yellow shirt. He walked on flip-flops and his jet-black hair was spiked with lots and lots of gel. He was busy operating his iPhone and paid no attention to his surroundings, like most Japanese. Or so I thought because while I was very much checking him out he suddenly made eye contact and winked at me, before continuing working his iPhone. I was stunned! Not only did he acknowledge my existence, he apparently had been looking at me as well since he had seen me checking him out. And to make eye contact in such a not so subtle manner was very not-Japanese. While I kept looking at him I could see him looking at me as well while pretending to look at his iPhone. Apparently he had a lot of practice doing this because if he hadn't winked at me I would never have caught him looking at me. He was definitely good at it. I noticed he was smiling shyly while looking at me through his eye lashes and then it hit me. He was flirting with me! He was flirting with me in a very Japanese way.

Two more things to know about me. I suck at flirting, both actively and passively, and I'm nothing special.

When it comes to flirting I'm not subtle enough myself and when someone's flirting with me I hardly ever notice it. The only reason I noticed it now was because this young man is acting in a very un-Japanese way. For a Japanese he was acting very outspoken and bold but compared with an American or European man he was the school example of restraint.

Even in a country like Japan I'm nothing special. I can't imagine why someone would flirt with me. I'm a big man, chubby. My boyfriend likes me that way because there's more to love. Well, there's about 20 kg too much of me to love. I'm balding and the hair I have left is turning grey rapidly. So after I noticed this dream of a man was flirting with me I was stunned he was flirting with me. Still, I got another wink from him and I felt my dick responding.

He kept teasing me but I noticed my stop was approaching. Two more stations and then my stop would come up. And, to be honest, I didn't want this to stop. But one station before my stop my Japanese wet dream had another surprise for me.

He got up to get off the train and I thought that would be it. Next stop I would be at my station and my release would be jerking off naked on the bed with the Japanese guy in mind. But Gorgeous Japanese had something else in mind. While he got up and walked towards the doors he slightly jerked his head, indicating I should come with him. At first I thought I imagined it but several seconds later he did it again, this time also opening his eyes a little further. He clearly didn't understand why I was having such a hard time understanding what he wanted. No way I could make him understand if his English was just as good as my Japanese. Still, he made very clear I was to follow him, so I did.

In the crowd outside the train I was afraid I would lose them afterall but he didn't let me. Everytime I was almost losing him he stopped and waited until I got up again. At first I thought he would take me to either his apartment or hotelroom but he didn't. He entered one of the restrooms at the station, which are much cleaner and better maintained than the ones in Europe or North-America.

He walked towards a urinal and stood there, undoing his shorts and getting his dick out. Although most men in the West think Asian dicks are small only a handful are. Most Asian men are average but some are really hung. This guy was extremely hung and cut! Although I thought he needed to use the bathroom he didn't start peeing. In stead he was massaging his dick and it grew tremendously. He looked over his shoulder at me, inviting me to join him. Well, that's an invitation you don't have to extend twice.

I walked up to him and stood behind him. I put my hand on his and slowly pulled it away from his hard dick. At first he didn't allow me to pull his hand away but after a couple of seconds he gave in. Apparently he wasn't as submissive as I thought he was. Still, he was no match for me. I think I was easily twice his size and before long he accepted me as the dominant partner in this encounter. I started massaging his now really hard dick and before long he was panting and moaning while his head rested against my shoulder. He grinded his ass against my crotch, obviously enjoying the feel of my hard dick against his ass. Although loved having his hard dick in my hands and his ass against my crotch I'd love it even more to feel his ass around my dick while fucking him. Also, although I'm quite the exhibitionist I didn't feel like being caught while having sex in a public restroom. I don't know what the Japanese law says about men having sex with men in public but I wasn't going to find out either. So I hold his dick in my hand and lifted him off the floor slightly with my free arm. I was surprised how little he weighed. At first he was a little startled but when I maneuvered us into a stall he quickly understood and, once more, he once more subjected himself to me.

As soon as I put him on his feet again I undid my own pants. Loved feeling his ass grinding to my dick but I'd love feeling his ass against my naked flesh even more. I dropped my pants and his shorts to the floor, pushing my dick against his ass. He clearly liked it because he pushed back. Now I know it was terribly hot in Japan this summer but no way the slickness I felt between his ass cheeks was sweat. I'm pretty sure he had put some kind of oil or other lubricant on his ass and given the ease with which my dick slided against his ass ...

So here I was, in a public restroom, massaging a strange Japanese guy's dick while sliding my dick through his ass cheeks and both of us were panting and moaning. But apparently my Japanese guy had different ideas. While I was planning on pushing my dick once more between his slick ass cheeks he suddenly thrust back, causing my dick to come into contact with his hole. Since my dick was slick now as well with the oily substance and his hole apparently was also rubbed with the oily lubricant there obviously wasn't a lot of resistance. So given my momentum and his determination there was only one outcome. My dick entered his ass without any difficulty, suddenly surrounding my dick with his hot body. I almost came there and then and I loved it. He let out a little yelp so apparently my invasion was not as uncomplicated as I thought so I wanted to pull out. But he wouldn't let me. He pushed backward, pushing me against the wall of the stall, impaling himself on my not the small and very hard dick. Once more I heard a little yelp and now I understood what it was. It was a yelp of pleasure. He was enjoying the feeling of my hard dick and probably yelped because it rubbed against his prostate. He grabbed my ass and stepped forward, taking me away from the wall of the stall. He pushed back into me and at the same time pulled me into him. He wanted me to fuck him, that much was obvious. Well, having my dick up his ass, pushing against his prostate made me want to fuck him as well. Hell, I wanted to fuck his brain out! So I did.

I pulled out almost completely, causing him to start babbling in Japanese. He clearly thought I wanted to pull out and didn't agree with that.

"Oh, shut your mouth" I mumbled. I had no intention to pull out. But to fuck him I needed to room. So with only my dickhead still in I pushed back in all the way, massaging his prostate full force. Again he let out the now much appreciated yelp. His dick grew a little more so he clearly liked it. I don't know how I did but while fucking him and starting to feel my orgasm approaching I remembered to keep massaging his dick. He clearly liked that as well because he was leaking precum like crazy. I pulled back once more and pushed back in again, again assaulting his prostate. And with his yelp his dick expanded some more. Oh, it was only a matter of minutes before he will shoot so I started fucking him like there was no tomorrow. Everytime he felt my dick rub his prostate his dick grew a little more. It jumped in my hand and right now I stopped massaging his dick and I just kept my hands loosely around his dickhead, forcing him to fuck my hand while I was fucking his ass. My pushing in his ass forced his dickhead into my hand. With every push now he shouted in Japanese:

"Hai! Hai! Hai!" he shouted, everytime I rubbed his prostate and my hand rubbed his diickhead. "Hai", I learned later, is Japanese for "yes" so he was encouraging me. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. For some time already I had felt my balls cooking and, from the feeling in my crotch, I knew my orgasm was seconds in stead of minutes ago. But my Japanese guy was also breathing more and more irregular and my hand was slick with the precum he had lost already. And than it happened.

My Japanese model tensed up completely, thrusting his dick all the way through my lose hand. He threw back his head, let out one more powerfull "Hai!" and shot his cum all over the opposite wall of the stall. Man, I never saw someone cum like that! I think this must have been his first orgasm is days, if not weeks. He kept cumming and cumming, shooting his cum with a force I never experienced before.

But this was also too much for me. His ass muscles clamped down on my dick and there was not way to pull out my dick anymore. Even worse, his muscle rubbed my dickhead inside is bowels, causing me to go over the edge as well. I also let out a cry of pleasure while I started coating his bowels with my cum. If this had been a blowjob I would have drowned him. After that I lost track of time for a little while.

When I came down from my post-orgasmic high I noticed my now softening dick was still up his ass and he was, in a very awkward and uncomfortable position, stroking my hair. Then it hit me. I had fucked a complete stranger without a condom! I never have unsafe sex with strangers! I'm an MD, for fuck's sake! If this guy was HIV positive and infected me my career would be over. I pulled out and quickly pulled up my pants. The Japanese guy clearly noticed something was bothering me but how on earth was I going to explain to someone who probably only spoke Japanese that having the wild and wonderful sex we just had might have ended my career? But, apparently, he had dealt with this before. He pulled his wallet from his short and took out a document. Half of it I couldn't read because it was in Japanese but the other half was written in English. It were test results from and HIV test, only 10 days ago. The result was negative. And while I started to breath a little easier he started talking to me, in fluent English.

"I'm a Japanese diplomat, previously assigned to the Japanese Embassy in Washington DC. HIV tests are mandatory every three months because we're not allowed to stay in the US when positive" he said, while pulling up his short.

"So, if you spoke English, why the complicated eye contact and gestures to get me to follow you? You could've just asked me".

"Yes, I could have, but this was more fun, don't you agree?" Well, I couldn't disagree with that. The prove I had fun was dripping of the wall and out of his ass.

"So, if you're stationed in Washington DC, what are you doing in Kyoto than?" I asked.

"I've been recalled to Japan and got my new assignment just this morning" He said. "Just got back from Tokyo". By now we had left the stall and walked over to the sink to wash our hands.

"So where are you heading now?" I asked. I knew this encounter would end soon and I didn't really want it too.

"Curious type, aren't you?" he laughed. "I'm stationed in The Hague, the Netherlands. I start there next week so I'm flying out coming Friday".

"Really?" I asked. "The direct flight from Osaka Kansai to Amsterdam?".

"Yes, why?" he asked.

"I'm on the same flight" I explained. "So, shouldn't we be heading out? We were quite loud in there. What if someone called in the authorities?". He just laughed.

"This particular restroom is only used by men seeking men" he explained. "And the occasional tourist that doesn't know that. The city officials know and they allow it, under the condition the other restroom at the station are kept free from cruising men". And with that we walked out.

"So, why did you pick me? No offense and I loved it, but most Japanese have been avoiding me ever since I got here unless they had no choice".

"Yeah, we can be somewhat distant to gajin" he said. "For one I love big Caucasian men like yourself. And second you looked lost which reminded me of how I felt my first few weeks in Washington. I know what it feels like to alone in a big city. So I decided to cheer you up and have some fun myself as well. I think it worked perfectly, don't you?"

That Friday I saw him at Osaka Kansai airport but his entire body language told me I shouldn't approach him. The other Japanese with him were probably important Japanese people and it might cause problems if he had to explain how we met. But during the flight to Amsterdam he introduced me into a new club. A club I heard much about; the Miles High Club, although having sex in a restroom on a plane is a challenge in itself, not to mention we couldn't get loud in there.

Some of my colleagues noticed and they did not approve. Their problem. I confessed everything to my boyfriend and he was fine with it. He can't wait to meet my Japanese diplomat.

So coming weekend he's coming over for the Amsterdam Pride and he stays with us the weekend. Other than the Pride I doubt we'll leave the house much. Hell, I don't think anyone of us will be thinking of leaving the bed for the rest of the weekend. I at least asked him to bring a lot of that oily substance he uses for lube.

As always, comments and thoughts are highly appreciated.

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