When in Rome

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 4, 2017



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When in Rome


My brother and I were always very close. I was only nineteen months old when he was born. We shared a bedroom all during our growing up years.

I started to date girls when I was a sophomore in high school, and fucked the first of many, when I was a junior. At the time my story begins I was a sophomore in college and my kid brother, Antonio (Tony) was a senior in high school. To my knowledge, he was still not dating. I should have wondered about that, but nothing untoward occurred to me.

Just before his graduation, his friend, Matt, took him to a party uptown. When he returned from the party, he announced that he had met an Italian National there who offered him a job, and he was moving to Rome. My whole family tried to talk him out of it. My father suggested that he finish college before moving abroad, but Tony wouldn't hear of it.

"I don't want to go to college," he said adamantly, and that was that.

I asked him what he would be doing in Rome, and he answered me rather vaguely. "It has something to do with the hospitality industry, and it sounds like a lot of fun."

So Tony went off to Rome, and I returned to The State University at Buffalo.


I had worked every summer all during high school, and I continued to do so in my college years. My dad owned a shoe store in Brooklyn, and I worked as a salesman during July and August, allowing his regular sales people to take their summer vacations.

My immigrant grandparents only spoke Italian at home, and Tony and I were very conversant in the language. I missed him terribly after he moved away, so the very first summer after he left, I told my father I couldn't work for him that summer because I wanted to visit Tony in Rome, and maybe see a little more of Italy. I reminded him that I spoke the language and would be perfectly safe. My father thought that it was a wonderful idea, and gave me his blessing. That man was a saint.

I texted my brother, and informed him when I would arrive. He responded with a long E Mail, advising me that he didn't think it was a good idea. He said that his job required him to work many evenings, and he would have very little time for me. I answered back that I didn't care, and told him that when he was working I would do tourist things. I was as adamant about visiting Italy, as he had been about moving there. He had to give in.

He picked me up at the airport and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, and why not? We had always kissed on the lips.

"I'm going to take the long way home," he said, "and give you a little tour of Rome."

Our trip included The Trevi Fountain, The Coliseum, The Circus Maximus, The Spanish Steps, and lots and lots of ruins from the days of ancient Rome.

When we got home I was surprised to see Tony's apartment. It was in a converted warehouse, and all he had was one big room. Everything was open including a small kitchen. Even the bathroom had no walls. About the only furniture my brother had was a sleep sofa and a small dresser. His clothes were hung on a rack, and I could see that he had cleared some space for me. I began to think that Tony was right. Maybe I shouldn't have come. I hung up what I could on the rack, and Tony informed me that the top drawer of his dresser was totally mine.

"I cleared it with my boss," Tony said, "and I don't have to work tonight, so we can go out on the town."

"That's all well and good," I said, "but I have a severe case of jet lag and I was unable to sleep on the plane. Do you think I could take a nap for a couple of hours?"

"Absolutely! I worked until the wee hours this morning myself. I think I'd like to nap also. But first, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

I shook my head, and Tony began to open the sleep sofa. I helped him. I noted that it was 11 AM. There was fresh linen on the bed. Tony said he had worked very late last night, so when did he have time to change the bed linens? Maybe he never slept at home. We both stripped naked and fell on the bed. No big deal. We had always slept naked growing up at home. I'm not sure about Tony, but I fell into a deep sleep immediately.

I was awakened by the sound of Tony's cell phone ringing. I glanced at my watch. It was 3 PM. I couldn't believe that I had slept for four hours. Tony jumped out of bed. I was still half asleep, but it was obvious to me that he sounded agitated, and he was arguing with the person on the phone. I heard him say, "You promised me." After he hung up, I asked him what was wrong.

"That was my boss. He has a big party tonight and I have to work it. He's short-handed. We won't be able to go out."

I assumed that Tony's boss was a caterer, and he had to help out tonight, so I said, "Don't worry about it. I can come along and help you guys with the catering."

"No way," Tony said. "My boss wouldn't go for it."

"Why not? You said he was short-handed. I'm an extra hand, and he wouldn't have to pay me."

"No, Sammy," he just about yelled at me. "You can't come along."

I knew Tony better than he knew himself. Something about this `party' was not right, and I told him so.

"Tony," I said with authority. "What are you trying to hide from me? Whatever it is, tell me. You never held anything back from me before."

"I can't tell you," he sobbed.

"Then I'm coming with you, and I'll find out what's going on."

"Maybe that's the best way," Tony said. "Then I don't have to tell you anything. You'll see for yourself."

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"About 6 PM."

"What should I wear?" I asked naively.

"As little as possible; a pair of shorts, sandals, and no underwear. I'll lend you a tank top."

My mind was now in overdrive. What kind of party was this? It sounded like a sex party to me. Was my brother a gigolo? If he was, I wouldn't mind joining the party at all.


Tony didn't feel like cooking, so we ate a light dinner out, and went to the party. We arrived at a free standing two story house. It seemed very large for a Roman house. We entered into a beautiful, lavishly furnished home. `Who lives here?" I asked.

"My boss, and there he is. Come with me."

He took me by the hand and led me to his boss. "Marco," he said, "this is my brother, Sammy, visiting from America. He wants to help us out tonight."

Marco was very handsome and not much older than I. I wondered how he could afford all this luxury.

"Fantastic. I can use another man. Gino couldn't make it."

"You don't have to pay me," I stammered.

"Don't worry about that," Marco said. "My boys work on tips." I looked at Tony and put on an expression that said, "See smart ass. He does need me."

I looked around, and all the guests seemed to be middle-aged men. There were nine of them, "Where are the women?" I asked Tony.

"There are no women. What you see is what you get. You wanted to see what I do for a living. Go sit on that couch and watch."

I went over to a large divan, and sat down on it. I sunk so low, I didn't think I'd ever be able to get out of it without help. I looked at Tony and our eyes met. When he was satisfied that I saw him, he went over to a rather portly, but nice looking man. Tony took his hand. Then he went over to another guest, and took his hand. He led his two clients upstairs to a bedroom. I couldn't help noticing that three young men were now approaching the other middle-aged men, as had Tony. The young men kissed the older men and led them upstairs two at a time.

It was now very, very clear to me. My brother was gay; not only gay, but a male prostitute. I told myself not to jump to conclusions.. Tony might be gay for pay. I tried to believe that, but I remembered that Tony had told me that his job was a lot of fun.

While I was musing, another older man sat down next to me. I realized that he was the ninth `guest.' He looked at me and smiled. "There are no more bedrooms. Do you mind if we use this sofa?" Obviously the man thought I was one of the prostitutes.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't work with these people. I just came along with my brother."

"Your brother? Which one is he?"

"Tony," I said. I almost gave him our last name, but just in time I decided that might not be wise.

"Tony," he repeated. "He's the best of them."

I was so curious, I asked, "In what way is he the best?"

"He genuinely enjoys giving me pleasure. I can tell that the others are just pretending."

He put his hand high up my thigh, and I pushed him away. "I told you. I'm not one of them," I objected.

"Don't be so uptight," he said. "You're better looking and better built than Tony. Besides you're a virgin. I'll pay you top dollar."

Out of sheer curiosity I asked, "And how much is top dollar?"

"Fifteen hundred Euros," he said.

He put his hand high up on my thigh, closer to my cock this time. He leaned into me, and I wanted to turn away. The man intended to kiss me. His breath was sweet and inviting, and I didn't want to make a scene. Besides, I couldn't leave without Tony.

Suddenly, he was kissing me, and I found myself kissing back. It didn't seem right that I was kissing a man. I didn't even know his name, but I was afraid to ask him.

He pulled away and smiled at me. Then he removed his T shirt and when he was naked from the waist up, he pulled my shirt up over my head and removed it also. When my hairless chest was bare, he started to pinch my nipples, and then he started to suck them. I found myself enjoying this too much, and I grew frightened, but curiosity kept me glued to the couch.

My fright reached new heights, when I felt him struggling to undo my belt buckle. I have no idea why I did it, but I helped him, and he was able to pull down my shorts. I was now totally naked and very flaccid. I was too scared to get an erection.

The man pulled down his shorts, and joined me in nudity. He gently pushed me down on the couch and he lay on top of me. Now his kisses were becoming more urgent, and his seven inch uncut cock was probing at my still flaccid member. He reached under us, and started to fondle me. I started to get hard, and that further amazed me.

He stopped kissing me and smiled at me. He twisted around into a sixty-nine position and began to suck my cock. That put me over the hill, and I was lost in rapture. I knew that I was supposed to do the same to him. I worked up my courage,, and began to fondle his cock and balls. I wasn't revolted at all, and I took his cock into my mouth. I tried to emulate his technique, and it must have worked, because even though he was down on me, I could hear him purring like a kitten. I couldn't believe what I was doing, and I was even more in awe of myself for not being at all revolted.

I instinctively knew that we were both about to blow. He separated us, and went over to a coffee table which contained plenty of condoms and lube. He put on a condom and lubed it up good. He turned me on my stomach, and began to rim me. I wanted to kick myself for enjoying this so much. Finally, he greased up my asshole, and positioned to enter me. He didn't try to ream or stretch me. He must have assumed that I had an educated ass.

Maybe he was right. He entered me slowly, and I did feel some minimal pain, which passed quickly. When he was all the way in, he didn't move. He just kept kissing my neck and my ears. He had me so worked up that once again I shocked myself by whispering to him, "Fuck me now, please."

He started to pump fast and hard, and he came after just a few strokes. His groans and screams could have awakened the dead. When his cock slipped out of me, he threw the soggy condom in a waste paper basket, and opened another one. He told me to turn on my back. He put the condom on my cock, which I was pleased to see had never softened. He lubed his ass, and straddled me. He sat down and guided my cock into his ass hole.

Never in my life had I ever put my cock into a receptacle so tight and so greasy at the same time. I also came after just a few strokes. He leaned over me, and kissed me. Then he dismounted. He took my hand and led me into the bathroom, where he wanted the pleasure of cleaning up both of us.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I must leave before my wife begins to wonder where I've been." He handed me fifteen hundred Euros and said, "You're just like your brother. You enjoy your work. I appreciate that. I hope we will get together again soon." He quickly left the premises.

I didn't know if I should get dressed or not. It was early in the evening, and I decided to stay naked in case another guest should approach me. Nobody did.

Eventually the host, Marco, came over. He was naked and he sat down next to me. "I hope you enjoyed yourself," he said.

"More than I expected to," I answered honestly.

"I can see that," he said. "You're still hard." Without any warning he leaned over me, and went down on me. He brought me to another glorious climax in very short order.

"That was nice," I said.

"Just a little tip for helping me out tonight."

"I didn't expect to enjoy myself so much, but it was my pleasure," I smiled at him.

"I have another party scheduled in three days," he said. "I know you're just a visitor, but if you are still around would you like to help me out again?"

I had convinced myself that this was merely an unexpected, one time spree, so I surprised myself by giving him a very positive, yes.


Little by little, the other working boys came downstairs with their clients. They were all naked, and in different stages of arousal. Tony was the last to come downstairs. Both his clients had their arms around his waist. My brother kept turning from one to the other and kissing them. Of all the prostitutes and guests, Tony's cock was the hardest. I wondered how many times he had cum that evening, and admired his prowess.

Naked or not, all the men found seats on couches and side chairs, and our host served us cocktails. Little by little the guests peeled off one at a time. To a man they were married and had to get home. When only Marco and his boys remained in the room, he set us up for the next party. We began to dress, and much to my surprise, he kissed all the boys, and I could tell that he genuinely cared for them. He kissed me last, and whispered in my ear, "You're very special."

We all dressed, and Tony took my hand. He was smiling broadly at me. "Let's go," he said.

As soon as we were in his car, he said very softly, "So now you know what I do for a living. Are you very disappointed in me?"

As endearingly as I could, so he would know that I was kidding, I said, "No, you stupid little fucker. I love you to death, no matter what. But I am a little angry at you for not telling me that you are gay."

"I was so afraid. But what about you today, you seemed to be having a gay old time."

"I did have fun, I'm shocked to say. Maybe I got one or two of those gay genes from our parents, like you did."

"I made a thousand Euros tonight," Tony said proudly. They each gave me the going rate of five hundred Euros. How did you do?"

"I only had one client, and he paid me top dollar, fifteen hundred Euros, but I gave it away free to Marco."

"You're the fucker," Tony laughed. He giggled all the way home.

When we got home, Tony said, "I think we should both shower." He led me to the open bathroom, and began to run the water in the shower. "Let's shower together," he said.

For the umpteenth time that night I grew apprehensive. I had never been that intimate with Tony before. He saw my hesitation, and he smiled at me. Then he kissed me. "I have wanted to shower with you since we were little boys."

We stepped into the shower, and Tony handed me a bar of soap. Please," he said, soap me up all over." I did just that. I even washed his ass hole, but I avoided his groin area.

"I said, all over," he scolded me. I had no doubt what he meant. I began to fondle his cock and got it good and soaped up. Tony was getting harder and harder. He turned me around and entered me. I swear, it didn't hurt at all.

"Yes, yes," I murmured. "Fuck me. I love you so much."

Tony entered me without protection, and when I felt his seed gushing into my guts, I began to cry like a baby. When he softened and fell out, I turned him around and returned the favor. Totally exhausted, we went to bed, wrapped up in each other's arms. We slept until late the next morning. Actually, I could have slept later, but Tony was giving me a blow job, and that woke me up sure enough.

A little before noon, Tony's cell rang. It was Marco, but this time, they chatted amicably, and Tony was not at all agitated.

He hung up and turned smiling at me. "I think Marco has the hots for you, Bro. He asked us both out to dinner tonight, but it was obvious that he wants to wine and dine you, so I told him that I had a date. He's sending a car around for you at six."

Heaven help me. I wasn't scared anymore. I looked forward to my date with Marco. "What shall I wear?" I asked Tony.

"As little as possible. Dinner is in his house. I doubt you'll come home tonight."

I lost my breath, and had to sit down on the sleep sofa. This was not the vacation to Italy I had dreamed about. I had sold my body; I had been intimate with my own brother, and I expected that this evening I would be intimate with a perfect stranger. More than all of that, I found myself looking forward to it. I got a hard-on that I couldn't will away, and Tony kept laughing and laughing.


Marco's car picked me up promptly at six. I was wearing a very tight pair of shorts that Tony had insisted I put on. I wore no underwear, and I would leave nothing to Marco's imagination. Tony also gave me a T shirt that had a little hole in the shoulder. He insisted that it made me look sexy. I slipped into loafers without socks. I couldn't have worn fewer clothes without scandalizing all of Rome.

Marco greeted me with a bone crushing hug. He began to kiss me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I found myself kissing right back, just as hard. By now, I had stopped wondering about my behavior.

Marco led me into the living room. "We'll have a cocktail before dinner," he said. "What would you like?" he asked.

I was not yet twenty years old, so I didn't know what to say. Finally, I sighed and said, "Whatever you're having."

"I'm having scotch straight up, but I'll add some soda for you."

I sipped the scotch and soda very slowly. I didn't like the taste at all.

"I'm sorry about going down on you yesterday," Marco said.

"Why? I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, I owe you one."

"That's not the point," he said. "I should have asked your permission."

"I would have said, yes."

Marco had a cook and a butler. Apparently he was very wealthy. The butler served the meal. I had no idea what I was eating, but everything was delicious. After dinner, we went back to the living room, and had an aperitif.

"We've delayed long enough," Marco said. He took my hand, and led me upstairs to his bedroom. Once inside the room, he closed the door, and practically ripped my clothing off of me. He got naked also, and we fell on his bed. He started to give me a trip around the world, which lasted forever. At last he took me into his mouth, and sucked me to glory."

"I still owe you one," I whimpered.

"Yes," he said, "but not until you are one hundred percent sure."

"I'm sure," I said. "I am so sure."

We sucked each other back and forth until I knew we could not hold back any longer, so then we fucked. We played with each other slowly and sensuously, and made love almost all night. In the morning, the cook prepared breakfast for us, and the butler drove me home. Before I left, Marco kept kissing me and kissing me. "I still think you are very special," he said. "I'll see at the party the day after tomorrow."


Tony and I spent the next two days sightseeing and clubbing. We were no longer shy with each other and we had lots of sex together, but all I could think about was the upcoming party and seeing Marco again.

When Tony and I entered Marco's house (I should say, mansion), he grabbed hold of me and crushed my bones with his hug. Tony discreetly left us and joined the others.

"Come with me," Marco said, and he dragged me up to his bedroom. He closed the door and I started to strip.

"Wait," he said. "I want to talk to you."

I sat down on his bed, and said, "Shoot."

"First of all, I have a full complement of boys tonight, so I don't need your help, but thank you anyway. I want you all to myself. Frankly, I can't stand the thought of any of those lechers touching you. Sammy, I am madly, hopelessly in love with you."

My jaw dropped open, and he continued. "I'm very wealthy. Come live with me; marry me if you'd like. I can offer you a life time of leisure, and Tony will be my brother, so I offer the same to him. Please, I beg you, don't go back to America. Live here with me, and make love with me every single night."

I was flabbergasted, but I got myself together, and said, "I like you. I like you a lot, Marco, but my life is back in The States; New York to be even more specific." Much to my surprise, Marco began to weep on my shoulder.

"Don't say no just yet," he pleaded. "Think about it. Discuss it with Tony. I can see how much you love him. He intends on living here in Rome. You two would always be together. I'd never let anything come between you, especially me."

"No matter what you say, I can't accept your offer. I have to continue my life back home."

"Then let me make love to you tonight, like nobody ever has or ever will. Perhaps that will assist you in changing your mind."

True to his word, Marco took me to paradise several times that evening. I may not have consented to live with him, but I knew one thing for sure. I would never sleep with a woman ever again.

"I know you have very limited experience with men," Marco said. "When you get back home," he advised me, "I want you to sleep with as many men as possible so that you will know that it will never be the same with anyone else."

I kissed him; assured him that I loved him, but I couldn't do as he asked.

I returned to The States and began my junior year of college. Needless to say, I could not get Marco out of my mind. To make matters worse, he called and texted me constantly. He begged me to have phone sex with him, and I willingly consented. He insisted I have sex with other men, and I consented to that also. Of course, he was right. None of them held a candle to Marco. He told me that he owned a home on The Riviera, and begged me to spend part of the summer with him there. How could I say no?

Marco could never work out the time difference between us, so very often I got sexy text messages in class. Finally, I had to turn my telephone off during the school day.

Sometime during the year, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would someday move to Italy to be with Marco, and of course, Tony.

My dad knew how close his two sons were, so when I told him that I wouldn't work for him again during the upcoming summer, but that I wanted to spend the summer with Tony instead, he readily gave me his blessing. I wondered how he would feel when I told him that I was moving to Italy permanently.

I did indeed spend the summer with Marco, partly on The Riviera and partly in Rome. The good hearted slob even brought Tony along to The Riviera. There were so many good looking guys there, that Tony had sex constantly.

Toward the end of the summer, I told Marco that I was ready to move to Rome, but I wanted to finish my final year of college. He joyfully accepted my decision, and I made him promise to come to my graduation, and bring Tony along. I wanted the three of us to tell my father together what was going on. Both he and Tony agreed to do that.


Tony had a client, who was twenty-nine years old. Like his other clients, Eduardo was married, but unhappily so. At the parties, he always made sure to be with Tony. He told Tony that he was divorcing, and after the divorce was final, he would be free to live as a gay man at last.

"Does that mean that I won't be seeing you anymore?" Tony lamented.

"Not on your life," Eduardo smiled. "You're going to come live with me, and work for me. I love you Tony, and I want you all to myself." Tony and Eduardo both began to cry and fell into each other's arms.

Eduardo was almost as wealthy as Marco, and the four of us lived a leisurely, nearly stress free life. We loved each other as brothers, and we couldn't have been any closer.

Sometimes I wonder how I could have switched teams so readily and so quickly. It doesn't really matter in the end, so I try not to think too much about it.

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