When My Pretty Boy Sleeps

By Alec C

Published on Feb 5, 2001



Another update on When my pretty boy sleeps... Author's note: I have no medical knowledge what so ever so please forgive me for any medical mistakes. A big thanks to Red and T. Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to sent me feedback. I really appreciate it. Don't stop! Disclaimer: this story was born in my mind. It's as fictional as things can get...

When my pretty boy sleeps...

Part 14

'How is he?'

Lance's voice startled Joey. He looked up from the sleeping figure on the bed.

'Why do you care? Lance softly closed the door and walked to the couch.

'What has happened this time?'

'He got hairspray in his eyes and the door was in his way. They needed 7 stitches to close the wound.'

Lance sighed.

'It's the third time in 2 weeks. First he slashes his shoulder on a nail and than he steps into some broken glass. Now this.'

Joey came off the bed and sat down next to Lance.

'He is very clumsy.'

'Is Justin seeing anyone?'

Joey raised an eyebrow hearing Lance's question.

'No, he is single. Not even dating or having one night stands.'

'So no one can do this to him?'

Joey now frowned.

'Are you saying that the injuries are self inflicted?'

Lance shrugged.

'I don't know. He's changed.'

'Gee I wonder why. Chris and you have made it a day job to bully him. The kid is not himself anymore.'

'He has changed and not because of us.'

Joey ran a hand through his hair.

'He is hurting and I can't make him talk to me. He just sits there all day with a pain filled look on his face.'

Joey looked at the bed. Justin was curled up under the blankets. A large bandage covered the left side of his forehead. A little bright red spot had formed on the white bandage.

Joey had the shock of his life when Justin suddenly showed up with blood pouring from his forehead. Luckily Lonnie was there to take him to the hospital to get some stitches.

'What's happening to us Joe?'

Lance's voice was thick with emotions.

'We are slowly falling apart and I can't stop it. We've stopped talking and I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up alone.'

'We choose sides Lance. That's what happened.'

Lance wiped away a lonesome tear.

'Let me know how he is doing ok?'

Joey nodded. Lance rose to his feet and left the room. Joey went back to the bed. He sat down with his back against the headboard. He gently pulled Justin on his lap. The blonde snuggled closer to Joey.

'Lance is not the only one who is afraid.'

His voice sounded weird in the silent room. Joey touched Justin's curls. They were soft and silky. Joey frowned. He ran his hand through Justin's hair again. Joey sighed. Justin had his own little ritual when he did his hair. He always started at the back. Gel first and than hairspray. Joey's hand wasn't sticky. They didn't wash his hair at the hospital and there was no residue of any hair products left in Justin's hair.

'Oh Justin.'

Justin was the first one to wake up the next morning. His head throbbed lightly. He touched the bandage on his forehead and flinched. He stumbled out of bed. He swayed a little on his feet and held on to the bed until he felt safe enough to walk to the bathroom. The bright light hurt his eyes and Justin softly whimpered. It took him a minute or so to adjust to the light and the cold floor. He stared at himself in the mirror. The left-hand side of his face and hair was still covered in dried up blood. He peeled of the bandage and looked at the wound. The black stitches looked like little bugs crawling over his skin. It would leave an ugly scar.

'Serves you right for yelling at Busta in his presence.'

Justin pressed his nose against the mirror.

'You are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad,'

Justin lifted his head and slammed it into the mirror. The pain in his head was almost blinding. He grabbed the sink to steady himself. Blood welled up from the wound and Justin shook his head.

'Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.'

'What you are doing?'

Justin jerked his head to the right and almost fell. Joey quickly got hold of the young man.

'I was just checking my very bad hair day.'

Joey glanced at the mirror. Blood was every where.

'How did that wound open again?'

'I peeled off the bandage. I wanted to have a look.'

Joey sat down on the edge of the bathtub. He pulled Justin beside him.

'What happened last night Just?'

'I told you. I was doing my hair and I got hairspray in my eyes. I wanted to grab a towel but I slammed my head against the bathroom door.'

Joey looked at the door. It swung open into the room and not the bathroom. Justin had to be a very clumsy person to slam his head in such way that he needed stitches. For some reason Justin was lying and Joey planned to get to the bottom of this. Before everything fell apart for good.

Part 15 'Mail call.'

JC exhaled and got up from the floor. He was only wearing his old and faded sweat pants. His torso was covered in sweat. The knock on the door had interrupted his daily therapy session. He had only finished his push-ups. He still had an hour worth of physiotherapy left to do. He opened the door and glared at a smiling Lance.

'I was busy.'

'I can see that.'

Lance handed him a few letters and a small box. JC quickly scanned through the mail. Most of the letters were from Ryan. He didn't recognize the handwriting on the little box.

'How's every one?'

Lance raised an eyebrow.

'We are ok.'

Lance had just finished speaking when Joey came out of the room across from the hall. He looked like shit.

'Can someone please call reception and ask for a maid and a doctor?'

'Why? What's wrong?'

'Justin is holding a marathon vomiting session. I told him that that sandwich smelled odd but he was so hungry.'

Lance sighed.

'I'll call reception.'

JC gave Joey an apologetic smile and closed the door to his room. He tossed the letters sent by Ryan on the table. He didn't want to read them right now. He examined the box. It was addressed to his hotel name. So it had to be from someone who knew him. He carefully opened it. A video and a letter were wrapped up in some plastic. Nothing was written on the video. Instructions on the letter stated that he had to watch the video before opening the letter. JC shrugged.

He placed the video in the VCR and pressed play. The screen was black for a few seconds and than JC gasped. He saw his family sitting at their dinner table. The room hadn't changed at all. Everyone was looking at a massive birthday cake.

'Happy 21st birthday JC.'

His mother's voice sounded soft and she was withholding tears.

'Happy birthday.'

They all started singing for him. JC bit his lip. Why did he suddenly get a tape of his family celebrating a birthday? HIS birthday.

The screen turned black again. JC wanted to stop the tape when his mother appeared.

'Hello Joshua. It's mom. I hope that you've been able to watch that little bit of footage. We still celebrate your birthday. Each year we all go out and buy a present for you. I make a cake and we all gather in the dining room. That used to be your favorite room.

We didn't react the way we should have when you told us that you were gay all those years ago. I called you that same night to apologize but Ryan told us that you didn't want to talk to us. For years I've tried to talk to you. I've sent you so many letters. But we never got an answer.

We are so sorry that we've hurt you. I love you. We love you. I could never turn away from my child. No matter who he loved. I thought with my head and not my heart. And I paid a very high price for that.

I hope that this video finds you well and please call us if you can find it in your heart to forgive us.'

Again the screen turned black. JC wiped away the tears that were falling down his cheeks. His mum had written him letters. He had never seen any letters.

He fell back on the bed. Why did they write him now? Why not before? But he already knew the answer to that. Because now Ryan couldn't control his mail.

JC sighed. His mother's words echoed through his brain. His head told him to stay with Ryan but his heart was telling him a different story. He wanted to run to that room across the hall. He wanted to be the one holding Justin. But Ryan would never forgive him if he did that. JC stared at the letter he was holding in his hand. He opened it slowly. A few photographs fell on his chest. He picked them up and stared at the happy faces of his brother and sister. He unfolded the sheet of paper. His mother had only written one sentence: 'Follow you heart to end up where you really belong.'

JC flipped on his stomach. It had been 3 months since he had seen Ryan. 2 since he had spoken to him. His body was finally healing from the last attack. He didn't feel the need to be with Ryan anymore. He was actually enjoying the time alone.

JC turned around and sat up straight. He grabbed the remote and rewound the video. He watched his own 21st birthday party again and again. Finally he got up and sat down on the floor to continue with his physiotherapy. His gaze fell on the letters on the table. Maybe he should read them. Maybe Ryan had changed. Ryan loved him. JC started to work out harder as his mind and heart started a battle that he couldn't win.

Part 16 He had it all planned very carefully. It was the last night of the tour. They would be flying home tomorrow. It was his one last chance. The others had gone to celebrate the last night on the road. Justin had declined. He made up some lame excuse about not feeling so well. They all believed him. He had almost changed his mind when JC had gone with them. But he had to stick to the plan.

Justin took a deep breath and knocked on the dark wooden door. A few seconds later the door opened and Justin stood face to face with the man he hated so much.

'Hello Ryan.'

Justin forced himself to sound normal.


Ryan on the other hand didn't even bother to hide his hatred.

'Can I come in?'

Justin looked Ryan straight in the eyes. He didn't want to show the older man how scared he was.

Ryan opened the door a little more and Justin stepped in the room. It was a mess. Clothes and trays with dirty plates were everywhere.

'Why are you here?'

Justin noticed that Ryan scanned the hall before closing the door.

'I'm here to make a deal.'

'A deal?'

Ryan snorted. Justin started to feel very uneasy.

'Yeah, a deal.'

Ryan sat down on the bed.

'So kid, what's the deal?'

Justin's hands moved down to the rim of his shirt. He started to tug at a loose tread.

'You promise to leave JC alone. You give him the chance to build a new life.'

Ryan started laughing.

'A deal has two sides kid and I don't think that money is going to make me leave JC alone.'

Justin flinched a little but quickly recovered.

'I'm not going to pay you for it.'

'What else do you have to offer?'


The words were spoken so softly that Ryan almost didn't hear him.

'What did you say?'

'You can have your way with me for one night if you leave JC alone.'

Ryan's eyes grew big. This was almost too good to be true.

'And I can do everything?'

Justin looked at the ground.

'Anything that will make you leave JC.'

Ryan rose to his feet. He covered the distance between them in 2 steps. Ryan reached out and grabbed Justin's shirt. He pulled him close to his face.

'You know what you are saying aren't you kid?'

Justin nodded. He didn't have the guts to look at Ryan.

Ryan released his grip on Justin's shirt and walked to the door. The sound of the lock slipping in place was so loud in Justin's mind that he wanted to scream.

Justin's trembling hands moved to the buttons of his shirt and slowly he started to undress himself.

The music was loud in the club. JC sat in the booth. He absentmindedly played with the straw in his drink. He had just danced for an hour and needed a break.

'Hey, no pouting tonight.'

Joey sat down next to him. He was panting.

'I'll leave that to Justin.'

Joey's face clouded.

'Too bad that he was too ill to be here.'

JC shrugged.

'There will be a next time.'

Joey took a sip of his warm beer. He pulled a disgusted face.

'Can I talk to you for a second Joe?'

Joey looked at JC. He had a serious look on his face.

'Sure, here?'

JC nodded.

'I wanted to talk to you about Ryan.'

Joey folded his arms in front of him and stared at JC.

'What about Ryan?'

'Do you think that you can add my name to the charges?'

Joey's mouth fell open.

'You mean that...'

JC nodded.

'I woke up and smelled the coffee. I can't go home. I have no home. I'd be facing my own death if I go back to that house.'

'But he will freak.'

'I've got a plan.'

Joey leaned closer as JC told him what he had planned.

'I know someone who will be very happy that you are coming to your senses.'

Joey said when JC was done talking.

JC smiled.

'I'll tell him the good news tomorrow morning.'

Part 17 It started off as a pleasant morning. JC and Lance had breakfast together in Lance's room. They were both very happy that the tour was over and that they were able to go home. JC had told Lance about the tape. He was planning a surprise visit to his parents. Little did they know that all hell would break loose a few minutes later.

The door flew open and Chris ran in the room. His face was pale and his shirt was wet.

'What's wrong with you?'

'Lance you have to listen to this. Have you had breakfast yet? Can you call Joey?'

Lance grabbed Chris's hand.

'Calm down. Yes, I had breakfast. I'll call Joey.'

Lance quickly called Joey and asked him to come down to his room. He placed the phone back in his pocket and reached for the coffee pot.

'I wouldn't do that.'

Lance looked at Chris.

'Why can't I have coffee?'

'Because I donate my breakfast to the toilet after I heard the tape from Ryan's room?'

JC's cutlery fell on his plate.

'How did you get a tape from Ryan's room?'

Lance looked at Chris, hoping that he would explain it to JC.

'Ryan always booked the rooms in the hotel himself. It was easy to get a key and leave a tape recorder before he checked in.'

'But why?'

Lance looked at JC.

'Because we wanted to nail the bastard. We are hoping for a confession on the phone or something.'

'So what did you hear Chris?'

JC stared at Chris. The older man was trembling and he still looked pale.

Joey bounced into the room and sat down next to JC.

'A group meeting without Justin?'

He cheerfully said and reached for the coffee.

Chris pushed play on the little recorder.

Justin's trembling voice filled the room.

"You can have your way with me for one night if you leave JC alone." "And I can do everything?" "Anything that will make you leave JC." "You know what you are saying aren't you kid?" The four men listened with open mouths to Ryan and Justin.

Lance ran from the table after he heard Justin scream and Ryan say: "I love a good dry fuck, don't you Justin?" Chris pressed the stop button.

'There's more but I couldn't make myself listen to it.'

Joey covered his face with his hands. He softly started to sob.

'Is he still...?'

JC didn't finish his question.

'Ryan's room was empty when I got the tape. I didn't see anything weird.'

Lance shuffled back in the room.

'We have to find Justin.'

The other 3 lads jumped up.

'We have to try his room first. Or have you been there already Chris?'

Chris shook his head.

'I came straight to you.'

A cleaning lady was knocking on Justin's door.

'Sir, please open the door.'

'What's wrong?'

The Mexican woman looked at the four young men standing in front of her.

'I heard glass break. And he screams.'

Joey started pounding on the door.

'Open the door Justin.'

'I have key Sir.'

Joey almost ripped the key from the woman's hand. He opened the door and they stormed inside. Everything in the room was lying on the floor. Lance gagged seeing a bloody handprint on the wallpaper. JC walked straight to the bathroom. He tried the door and was relieved when it wasn't locked.


JC pushed the door open and glanced inside. Justin was lying on the floor surrounded by what used to be a bathroom mirror.

'Oh god.'

Joey pushed past JC and kneeled beside Justin. He took his wrist and checked for a pulse.

'Open his shirt.'

JC's voice sounded cold.


'Just do it.'

Joey unbuttoned Justin's shirt. His chest was covered with dried up blood.

'He used his belt. He did that to me too the first few times. It makes him feel in control.'

Joey covered Justin's chest again.

'We have to get him to a hospital and fast.'

JC nodded.

'I'm going to continue with my plan. Tell the others what you want them to know.'

JC turned around and left the bathroom.

Joey scanned Justin for visible injuries but he didn't have the guts to turn Justin on his stomach. Joey was too afraid of the damage caused by Ryan.

To be continued....

Feedback can be send to alecsandria@yahoo.com Good or Bad I'll answer all emails!

Next: Chapter 6: When My Pretty Boy Sleeps 18 22

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