When My Pretty Boy Sleeps

By Alec C

Published on Oct 16, 2001



It's been a long while since I updated this. I'm sorry. I had a serious case of writers block which luckily has been solved.

WARNING: these chapters contain some serious scenes. Please read with care.

Disclaimer: It's not true. It all happened in my mind

Thanks for Ath for the beta, T and Jaxx for listening to me whine about the chapters and the story line.

Feedback can be send to: Alecsandria@yahoo.com


Part 23

Lance and Justin walked down the empty hall. JC's room was at the back. Lance rubbed his sweaty hands. No one has seen JC in the past week and a half. He glanced sideways.

Justin's forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat as he tried to keep up with Lance. His face twisted in pain with each step that he took. Lance bit his lip and slowed down a little. Finally they reached JC's door. Lance raised his hand to knock on the door, and the sound seemed to echo through the empty corridor. Lance wished that he could be somewhere else right now. The door slowly opened and Karen's face appeared.

`Hi Lance, how may I help you?' Karen looked and sounded tired.

`Justin wants to see JC.' Lance stepped aside to show Karen that Justin was standing behind him.

Karen sighed. `He doesn't want to talk to anyone.'

Justin snorted behind Lance. `Justin really wants to see him.' Lance said apologetic.

Karen sighed again and opened the door. `Just be prepared.'

Lance stepped inside the room. He walked against a wall of heat. Lance coughed. The heating must be full on. The room was dark part from the eerie glow of the TV and a small lamp on the desk. An open book was lying on the desk and Lance assumed that Karen had been sitting there, reading her book. The TV had no sound on and the fast moving images played through the room. Someone was lying on the bed, covered in several blankets. Lance walked to the bed and cleared his throat.

`JC? Justin really wanted to see you. He ate some solid food today and seeing you was his reward.'

The person under the blankets didn't move. Lance walked to the side of the bed. He saw JC's hair and a part of his face. His eyes were closed and he had his ears covered. Lance looked at Karen and raised an eyebrow. Karen walked past Justin to the bed. She sat down and gently shook JC. JC moved and opened his eyes.

`Sweetie, Lance and Justin are here to see you.'

JC shook his head and tried to bury himself under the blankets again.

`No, darling. They won't leave. Come on sit up.' Karen pulled away one set of blankets and helped JC sit up. Lance gasped seeing the fragile body of JC. He had lost an enormous amount of weight. JC turned his head away from Lance and Justin the moment he sat up.

Lance touched Karen's arm and pulled her away from the bed. `What's wrong with him?'

Karen stared at the worried, green-eyed young man in front of her.

`JC felt like he was to blame for what happened to Justin. The little talk he had with Lynn didn't help much either. He is punishing himself at the moment.' Whispered Karen.

`When was the last time he ate?'

Karen lowered her eyes. Nine days ago.' She chocked back a sob. I've tried everything but he refuses to eat. He stopped drinking two days ago. I can't even feed him some water.'

A small hand touched Karen's shoulder and she looked up. Justin stood next to her. He tried to hide the fact that his bottom lip was trembling by smiling but didn't succeed. Justin slowly rubbed his stomach.

`He wants to know when JC ate last?'

`Oh poor darling.' Karen tried to pull Justin into a hug but he started to struggle.

`He doesn't want to be touched.' Lance whispered.

Karen pulled her hands away and looked at Justin. The bruises on his face were fading. She could still see stitches in his head and neck. His left hand was still bandaged and moved up and down his stomach.

`Can Justin try to get JC to eat?'

Karen turned her head to look at Lance. `He wants what?'

`Give him a go. It won't hurt will it?

`There is some soup on the nightstand. I ordered it hoping that smell might change his mind. It should be still warm.'

Justin grabbed Lance's arm and dragged him to the bed. With wild hand movements he tried to tell Lance what he wanted. Karen was surprised that Lance seemed to understand what Justin wanted. Lance sat on the bed and softly touched JC. When JC didn't pull back he slowly pulled JC forward. Justin crawled on the bed, moaning softly when his body started to ache. He slid in behind JC and Lance released JC. The older man was now resting against Justin's chest. The young blond was clearly in pain but pushed Lance's hands away. Justin waved with his hands and Lance got of the bed.

`He wants us to leave.'

Karen shook her head. `Lance, Justin is in pain. We can't leave them here.'

Lance walked to the door. `We can. Justin wants us to leave.'

Karen glanced at the two young men on the bed. `If you are sure.'

Lance nodded. `Very sure.'

Karen reluctantly left the room, as she still wasn't sure if leaving her son with Justin was the best thing to do.

Justin watched the door close and turned to JC. He still had his head turned and didn't seem to acknowledge that Justin was there. Justin started to rub JC's arm to get his attention. The brunette slowly turned his head a little. Justin moved his hands from JC's arm to his stomach. JC's skin felt very cold and Justin didn't like how thin JC had gotten.

`Why are you here?' JC's voice was soft but persistent.

Justin shrugged causing a flash of pain ripping through his body. JC turned his head more to look at Justin.

`I asked you a question and I'd like an answer.'

Justin tried to shrug again but JC was getting too heavy. JC turned half way and looked at Justin.


Justin's eyes filled with tears. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. JC reached out with a trembling hand and wiped away a tear.

`It's ok if you don't want to talk. I don't want to eat so we are equal.'

Justin shook his head and tried to reach out to take the bowl of soup. He could almost reach it if only he could fully stretch his arm. Justin tried to reach out a little more but the pain in his ribs stopped him. His arm fell flat on the bed as he drew blood from biting so hard on his lip.

`Hey, it's ok. I didn't feel like having soup anyway.' JC turned on his side and tried not to put his weight on Justin but he was too weak to support his own weight. Justin pulled him down again and wrapped his arms around JC's chest. He caressed JC's face with one hand and tried to close JC's eyes.

`Do you want to get some sleep?' JC felt Justin nod. JC grimaced and closed his eyes. He wouldn't let Justin know what this was doing to him.

It was several hours later when Karen returned to the room. The other 3 lads had claimed her time longer that she thought and she was eager to see her son again. She opened the door and slipped inside.

Justin was still sitting against the headboard. His head had rolled back and he was sleeping soundly.

She walked around the bed and took the blankets to cover the two men. She slowly lowered her hands again when she saw the tears streaming down her son's face. She sat down beside him and touched his hand.

Why momma?' His voice was filled with pain and anger. Why can he forgive me while I can't forgive myself.'

Karen swallowed hard and didn't know what to answer. The room remained silent part from the soft breathing of Justin and the occasional sob from JC.

Part 24

Lance and Karen walked down the corridor. Karen couldn't help but look over her shoulder.

`Justin will be fine.' Lance said.

`I wasn't thinking of Justin. I don't know how JC will react to this. He made it very clear that he didn't want to eat.'

Lance knocked on a door and turned to Karen. `Justin has the same stubborn streak. Maybe they can trigger something inside each other.'

The door opened and Joey greeted Lance and Karen. `Come in.'

Karen greeted Chris and sat down on a bed. `I don't have much time. I don't want to leave JC alone for too long.'

`We just want to talk to you for a few minutes. We have a few questions and maybe you can help us.'

Karen looked at the three tired young men sitting on the other bed. Joey was sipping some coffee and Chris nervously played with the hem of his shirt.

`We want to know why you were on the emergency list for Justin.' Lance spoke softly.

Karen smiled. `I have to go back a few months for that. I was at home doing the laundry when the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone and I was surprised to see a young man standing there. He looked very insecure and he fiddled with his coat. I asked him how I could be of service and he asked me if I was Mrs. Chasez. I nodded and than he said that he was in love with my son and that he needed my help. No need to tell you that I was gob smacked. I invited him in and we had a long talk. Justin and I talked about JC and I memorized each word. It was the first time in years that I had some in depth information on JC. Justin didn't tell me about the abuse just than. If he had I would have gone with him.'

Karen sighed. `If only I had known. Justin started calling me regularly and we talked about all sorts of things. He also started to drop hints that Ryan had been hurting JC. I wasn't sure what to do with those hints. I mean Justin was in love with JC and he could be making them up. You know, to put Ryan in a bad light.'

Karen started pacing as she continued with her story. `Justin and I talked about his feelings too. He wanted me to know that he really loved JC, and that this wasn't a phase or a fling or something. I received the last call about 3 weeks ago. Justin sounded upset but refused to tell me what was wrong. He only asked if he could add me to the list of people to call in case of an emergency. I asked him if something had happened or was about to happen but he denied it. He just said that he wanted me to be there.'

Fuck!' Joey hollered and slammed his fist on the nightstand. He knew, the bloody bastard had been planning this and I didn't know. I didn't see it.'

Joey started crying and Lance rubbed his back.

We all didn't see it.' Said Karen and kneeled in front of Joey. It's in the past Joey. As much as we like to turn back time we can't. What we have to do is focus on the future. We have two people that love each other so much that they are willing to die. And they will die if we don't act fast.'

`What do you want us to do? Justin doesn't want us near and JC hasn't been outside his room for the past days.' The pain was clearly audible in Chris' voice.

`I can only answer that for JC. He is scared. He thinks that you all blame him for what happened to Justin. He keeps telling himself that he is stupid for not speaking up sooner. That he is a coward for staying with Ryan for this long. JC stopped eating 9 days ago and he hasn't had anything to drink for the past 2 days. I tried to force him to drink some water but he doesn't want any. He is punishing himself.'

Karen looked away when she saw the pain turn into fear in Chris' eyes.

`But...' The brunette didn't want to say the words.

`He will die in the end. Yes. But I won't let my son die just because he loves someone.'

`We all don't want either of them to die. Tell us what we can do.' Joey rubbed his eyes and straightened his shoulders.

Wait.' Said Lance. Let me explain why Justin doesn't want to see you. Maybe it will help you understand. Chris, there is a massive age gap. Justin is not sure if you will understand his feelings and more important his actions. Joey, you tried to kill him. Not literally but that stunt in the hospital isn't forgotten quickly.'

Lance rubbed his hands together nervously.

`He doesn't hate any of you. But I'm closer in age and yes, I've been going against everything he did and I didn't believe him, but he only wants me around and I won't go against that.'

The room remained silent for a long time. Everyone was lost in thought. Suddenly Chris got off the bed and walked to the desk.

I'll write them a letter if they don't want to see me or us.' Tears streamed down his face. They are my brothers and I love them.'

Joey silently rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around Chris. Lance followed about 10 seconds later. Karen wiped away the tears running down her face. The boys would be ok with the love of the three friends they had.

Part 25

Justin was disorientated when he woke up. He tried to move but something or someone was lying on top of him. Justin closed his eyes and tried not to panic. He knew that he couldn't get out of bed on his own, but he had to get away. There could be only one person who would press him down on the bed like that, and Justin had hoped that he would never, ever have to see him again. He took a deep breath and tried to move to the side. Pain shot through his ribs and he softly moaned.

Justin moved his arms to the side of his body and tried to push the person lying on top of him away. Again this didn't work. Justin couldn't withhold the panic inside of him and started to trash violently to get away. He didn't care if Ryan would hurt him for it, but he had to get away. He needed to breath.

`Hey, hey, hey.'

A soft voice filled his ears.

`Stop hurting yourself.'

The body slid off him and Justin instantly took a deep breath, trying to stop the burning inside his lungs.

`Focus, Justin.'

Justin blinked a few times and suddenly the room began to regain some shape. Light seeped through the closed curtains and Justin turned his head. JC was lying beside him with a worried look on his face.

`Are you ok? Are you in pain? Should I call someone?'

Justin slowly shook his head. He struggled to sit up and bit his lip when he felt the sore muscles protest against each movement he made. He sighed with relief when he finally sat up.

`Do you want me to call Lance so that he can come and pick you up?'

Justin shook his head again. He pointed at the bathroom door and frowned.

Bathroom?' JC said surprised. Oooh, you need to use the bathroom.'

Justin nodded his head fiercely. JC frowned a little.

`Can you get off the bed yourself?'

Justin shook his head no. JC sighed and scooted to the edge.

`I won't be able to hold you up, so don't trip or fall over.'

JC slowly rose to his feet, closing his eyes to fight the dizziness that washed over him. He stretched out his arms and felt Justin's hands slip in. He curled his fingers around Justin's and stepped back a little. He felt Justin's feet brush past his legs as Justin swung them over the edge of the bed. JC opened his eyes in time to see Justin's face twisted in pain as the younger boy climbed off the bed. They both swayed a little as they tried to steady themselves. Justin grabbed JC's arm and turned to the bathroom.

`I have to come with you?' Asked the brunette, surprised.

Justin nodded and wrinkled his nose sniffing a little.

`Is that your subtle way of telling me that I smell?'

A small smile broke through on Justin's face.

JC felt as if it was the deaf leading the blind to the bathroom. He had to stop every few feet to prevent himself from fainting, or because Justin couldn't walk any further. But finally they made it into the bathroom.

Justin sat on the toilet and pulled down his boxer shorts. JC sat on the bath edge and tried not to stare at the welts and scars on Justin's legs. He knew that his back looked the same but still it was weird to see the same kind of thing on someone else.

Justin finished his business and stared back at JC. He reached out with his hand and touched his hair. JC shook up from his daydreaming and looked at Justin. Justin pointed at the shower with a determined look on his face. JC shook his head and started laughing.

`I'm not taking a shower. I'm tired and I'm going back to bed.'

Justin leaned on the sink to get up and stood in front of JC. He grabbed his T- shirt and started tugging. JC looked at Justin and suddenly he had to cry. Justin looked so fragile with his short hair and the feeding tube coming from his nose. His skin was still slightly bruised and JC was to blame for that.

The older man wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and ignored the gasps of pain coming from Justin.

`I'm so sorry. Forgive me please.' Sobbed JC.

Justin petted JC's hair and fought back his own tears. He pushed JC away a little with the strength he had left.

He locked eyes with JC and bent forward. His lips brushed against JC's for a second to show the brunette that he was forgiven.

JC thought he had dreamt the kiss for a split second before Justin leaned in for another one. This time it was a lasting kiss that would remain etched in JC's mind.

Justin broke off the kiss and wrinkled his nose again. JC couldn't help himself but giggle.

`Ok, I'll have a shower.'

Justin shuffled to the shower and turned it on.

`But you are having one with me because you don't smell so fresh either Mr. Timberlake.'

JC took hold of Justin's hands and rose to his feet. Again dizziness got hold of him and JC steadied himself for a second.

Justin looked at JC and made a talking motion with his hand before rubbing his stomach. He repeated both movements several time.

`Talking and your belly?'

Justin shook his head.

`Talking and...' It suddenly dawned on JC.

`You'll talk and I eat?'

Justin nodded. JC shook his head.

`I don't think...'

Justin decided to use an old trick and started to pout. JC felt his insides go all weak and sighed.

`Alright, I'll drink some water if you started talking.'

Again a beautiful smile lit Justin's face. JC stepped inside the shower and felt the hot water soak his T-shirt and boxers. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment for a second.

Justin stepped in beside him and hugged JC close. He softly mumbled JC's name and the brunette spun around so fast that he almost fainted on the spot. Justin pushed a plastic glass of water in his hands and crossed his arms. JC slowly raised the glass and drank a little bit. He had to swallow a few times to keep the water down but the smile on Justin's face was enough for him to take another sip, and then another one.

`At this rate, you'll be talking miles on end before the court case.'

The smile instantly faded of Justin's face and the glass fell to the ground when Justin pushed JC out of the way to get out of the shower. JC grabbed his hand.

`Hey, you are not alone in this. It's you and me, kid. We are both in it together. All the way.'

JC rubbed the palm of Justin's hand with his thumb.

`All the way.'

Part 26

The courtroom buzzed with noise. The press tried to find a good spot so that they could write their story and send it to the news desks. Chris, Lance and Joey sat on the first three seats. Karen and Roy Chasez sat next to Lynn and Paul Harless and Randy and Lisa Timberlake. The lawyer was already spreading out the files and papers that he would need on the first day of the trail onto the black Mahoney table in front of him. Justin and JC would enter after the police brought Ryan in.

A special box was built on the right side of the courtroom. Ryan would be sitting behind unbreakable glass. He would be able to hear everything in the courtroom but only when the judge allowed it could the room hear Ryan speak. This was to prevent Ryan from mentally abusing the two young men.

The jury made their entrance in the courtroom. The written press started their stories. As soon as Justin and JC entered all attention was needed for the trail.

The buzz became louder when two police officers brought Ryan into the courtroom. He was wearing a bright orange jail outfit and was chained on his hands and feet, the officers walking on either side. They opened the box and undid the chains holding Ryan before pushing him on the chair. They chained him to the wall again and closed the door. One of the officers stayed inside the box with Ryan while the other guarded the door.

The main doors to the courtroom opened and everyone turned around. A police officer pushed the wheelchair with JC on it into the courtroom. Justin walked himself, very slowly step by step, into the courtroom. The whole room grew silent as everyone watched Justin and JC. Justin kept his eyes focused on the floor, not wanting to see the pity in the eyes of everyone that he felt staring at him. He shuffled to his chair and rolled his eyes when he saw a pillow on the hard, wooden seat. He slowly lowered himself in the chair and crossed his arms. Their lawyer had told them what the courtroom would look like and that Ryan would be there as well. Justin had no intentions of even looking at the man, so he made himself promise to only stare dead ahead when he had to look up.

The judge entered the courtroom and the trial was ready to begin.

`I'd just like to remind everyone present that taking pictures during the trial is not allowed. The evidence presented may be disturbing and I request everyone to remain quiet during the hearings.' The deep voice of the judge boomed through the courtroom.

`The prosecution can start presenting their evidence.'

Justin watched their lawyer get up from the corner of his eye.

I'd like to present several items of evidence to you. Not everything that you will hear or see during this presentation will be as graphic as the first bit of evidence.' The lawyer took a copy of the tape that Chris made and held it in the air. On this tape you will hear the horrid things that Ryan O'Clare did to one of my clients.'

The man walked to the tape recorder and inserted the tape before pressing play.

"Hello Ryan."

Justin cringed hearing his own trembling voice.

Justin.' Can I come in?' Why are you here?' I'm here to make a deal.' `A deal?'

Justin tried to tune out. He didn't want to hear this, the sound of Ryan laughing at him. He didn't even have to close his eyes to picture the lusty look.

Yeah, a deal.' So kid, what's the deal?' You promise to leave JC alone. You give him the chance to build a new life.' A deal has two sides kid and I don't think that money is going to make me leave JC alone.' I'm not going to pay you for it.' What else do you have to offer?' Me.' What did you say?' `You can have your way with me for one night if you leave JC alone.'

Justin shifted uncomfortable on his chair. JC reached out with his arm and took his hand and gave Justin a comforting squeeze. It was the first time that they heard the full tape. Their lawyer had warned them. Not that Justin didn't know what was on the tape, but JC only had a slight idea what had happened that night.

And I can do everything?' Anything that will make you leave JC.' `You know what you are saying aren't you kid?'

Justin swallowed hard as the memories from that night came back to him. He could feel Ryan's hand pull him closer to the bed. They ripped his pants off while telling him that he was too slow.

`The best sex that I had with JC was when he was a virgin. I loved the way he screamed and wriggled under me.'

It seemed as if the bedcover was pressing in his face again as Ryan pushed him face down on the bed. His lungs were burning with the lack of air. He heard the sound of a zipper being opened and Justin's hands fluttered in the air. He closed his eyes and his whole body tensed.

"I love a good dry fuck, don't you Justin?"

Justin's recorded scream echoed through the courtroom as everyone sat and listened in disbelief as Ryan raped Justin.

Justin pressed the balls of his hands against his eyes to push back the tears. Ryan had cut him with a knife when he started crying.

Come on kid, I like it when they scream. Especially when they scream no when they actually mean yes.' No, please stop. It hurts. I don't want this. No!'

Justin's body flinched as he felt Ryan penetrate his body with an unknown object. He couldn't move as his hands and feet were tied to the bed. Ryan's face was twisted in an insane grin as Justin begged and pleaded him to stop.

`Stop, please.' Murmured Justin.

Justin's hands moved to his ears to block out his own recorded screams but inside his mind he could still hear Ryan laugh and tease.

`Stop.' But his voice wasn't strong enough to even be audible for JC who was sitting next to him.

Justin shifted on his chair again and felt the pain go through his body. He suddenly slammed his head on the table to try to stop the sound from penetrating his mind. He jerked back on the chair and slid to the ground, hitting his head against the table again.

He curled up in a ball and finally released the scream that had been locked inside of him for so long. His vocal chords almost snapped in two as Justin continued to scream and sob.

The lawyer instantly turned off the tape and everyone stared at Justin lying on the ground. No one dared move.

JC pushed the wheelchair away from the table and lowered himself on the ground. He softly pulled Justin's hands away from his head and saw the blood dripping onto the floor. JC nervously glanced over his shoulder at the people staring at them and closed his eyes for a split second. Than he rose his arms and took of his shirt. He bent forward and the whole room gasped seeing the scars on his back.

`He can't hurt you anymore Justin. He can't.'

JC placed the shirt under Justin's head and pulled the shivering body closer. His screaming had been reduced to a hoarse whimper. A shadow fell over them and JC looked up to see that Chris, Lance and Joey were now blocking the view of the court cameras. He mouthed a thank you to Lance.

Two paramedics rushed into the courtroom and JC vaguely heard the judge postpone the case for the day. Justin's hand clutched his and JC held on tight when they lifted Justin on a stretcher. Joey quickly helped JC off the ground and sat him down on the stretcher next to Justin.

The first day in hell was over, but many more were yet to come.

Part 27

JC flicked restlessly through the many TV channels. Each and every one of them showed the same piece of footage, Justin being whisked away on a stretcher and JC following. Every camera outside the courthouse zoomed in on his back, all eager to show the nation the reminder that the "perfect" couple turned out to have not so perfect lives after all.

JC turned his head and saw that Justin was testing Lance's patience. JC and Justin were in the hotel suite, with their band mates and JC's mom.

`Come on Justin, finish this and you can leave the table. I'll let you skip the late snack as well.' Lance was almost reduced to pleading with him.

But Justin's mouth was drawn in a grim line and he refused to open it.

JC's gaze returned to the TV. They were back at square one. His gaze fell on the bowl of soup that was ordered for him, and JC reached out and started eating. His stomach protested against the sudden addition of food, but JC kept on going. He didn't taste the food, nor did he enjoy it, but he didn't want Justin to have a set back.

The soup lay heavy in his stomach and JC had to swallow repeatedly the whole time to prevent the bile from rising in his throat, but the grateful smile of Lance and the sight of Justin eating a small amount of soup were worth it.

The couch dipped a little as Justin sat down next to him. JC opened his eyes and Justin snuggled close.

`How are you feeling?' Asked JC softly.

`Ok.' Mumbled Justin in a hoarse voice.

JC trailed his fingers over Justin's head. `The lawyer called and he will present the rest of the evidence to the Judge and Jury behind closed doors. We only have to come back to testify.'

Justin answered by burying his head in JC's neck, and the brunette felt the wetness of his tears. Justin was acting so strong while inside he was a scared little boy. JC pulled the trembling body on his lap and rocked Justin back and forth.

`He can't hurt you anymore.' JC closed his eyes and hoped that his voice was convincing enough. He knew what Ryan was capable of. He seriously doubted if either of them could ever sleep without Ryan haunting their dreams.


JC opened his eyes and saw Joey standing near.

`Do you want me to take Justin to his bed?'

JC looked down at the now sleeping boy on his lap. He shook his head. `I'm all right here. Just let him sleep for a little while.'

Joey sat down on the couch and stared at his hands. You know.' He began. I think about what would have happened if I had known what Justin had planned.'

JC placed a hand on Joey's arm. `We didn't know. You didn't know.'

`I had an idea what was happening to you, and I didn't do anything about it.'

`I would have hated you. What Ryan did to Justin is inexcusable. I deserved what happened.' JC turned away when he saw the shocked look in Joey's eyes.

`No, JC, you didn't deserve that.'

`I should have listened. I should done what I was told and I didn't.'

JC gently pushed Justin off his lap and rose to his feet.

`I'll be in my room if someone needs me.'

Joey stared at JC's retreating back with an open mouth.

Give him time Joey.' Karen placed a gentle hand on Joey's shoulder. Just give him some time.'

Joey blinked away a tear and scooped Justin in his arms.

`I'll just put Justin to bed, ok?' His voice was strained.

Karen nodded. `Just give them time.'

Part 28

They found themselves back in the courtroom a few days later. Justin and JC had done a few dry runs with their lawyer trying to get a grasp at any difficult questions asked. They thought they were ready, or as ready as they ever would be.

`The court asks Joshua Chasez on the witness stand.'

Justin squeezed JC's hand that he was holding and JC slowly walked to the chair. He raised his right hand and took the oath. Ryan's lawyer was first to question JC and JC was nervous. His eyes darted through the room not seeing or resting on anyone.

Mr. Chasez.' The lawyer said after clearing his throat. I want to go back a few years if you don't mind.'

JC shook his head and tried to focus on the lawyer.

`Can you tell us the reaction of your parents when you told them that you were in love with another man?'

JC blinked. He hadn't expected that question.

Um...' His voice quavered. They... um... they told me...' JC quickly glanced at his parents. `They said that they didn't raise a gay son and told me to leave the house and never come back.' JC's voice broke at the last word.

`So you were what age? 17? 18?'

`I was 17.'

`So you were 17, and your parents told you to leave their house. Did you live on the streets or did you find a place a place to stay?'

`I found a place to stay.' JC leaned forward to the microphone.

`Where did you live?'

JC looked at his lawyer and spoke after he had nodded. `I moved in with a friend.'

`Who was that friend, Mr. Chasez?'

`Ryan O'Clare.'

`So you moved in with Ryan O'Clare. Did you have to pay rent or did he ask you share the costs?'

JC shook his head slowly.

`Please speak up Mr Chasez. You have to say yes or no for the court record.' Said the Judge in a stern voice.

`No, I never had to pay much rent.'

The lawyer briefly looked at his papers.

`You were both musicians. Did you try out for things together?'

`We both auditioned for several bands.'

`Did either you make it?'

`We were both rejected several times.'

Rejected several times...' Repeated the lawyer. Until one time? Can you tell us about that please?'

JC shifted in the seat. `Ryan came home with a newspaper and pointed an add out to me. They were asking for members for a new boy band. We both went to the audition.'

`And who made it?'

`I did.' Whispered JC.

`So you made it. Did Ryan hold a grudge that you made it and he didn't?'

JC closed his eyes for a few seconds. `No... no he said that it was great that one of us was able to fulfill a dream.'

`After the band started did your friendship end?'

I...we...Ryan and I...' JC buried his head in his hands and took a deep breath. Ryan and I were lovers and he went with me to all the rehearsals.'

`He accompanied you to all rehearsals?'

`He also went on tour when the band started to take off.'

`How did he manage that? Someone had to pay the rent.'

JC looked at the lawyer in front of him. `Ryan gave up his job and did some odd jobs when we started out. After that I made enough money to support the two of us.'

`Did Mr. O'Clare support you through everything even though you were living his dream?'

JC bit his lip and nodded. `He helped me with the dance moves, he made sure that I wore the right clothes and sometimes helped me out when I was stuck writing a song.'

`Now, let's go back to the present. Has Mr. O'Clare ever laid a finger on you without a reason?'

JC closed his eyes, fighting back the tears that were burning. `He... I'm clumsy. He just tried to make sure that I didn't mess anything up.'

`So he protected you from public humiliation?' The lawyer interrupted JC.

JC opened his eyes and looked at him. `Yes...' He said after a while.

`Have you ever felt that you didn't deserve what you got?'

`Objection.' JC's lawyer rose to his feet.

The Judge looked at Ryan's lawyer and said, `Sustained. Please rephrase that sentence.'

`Can you point out a situation where you felt that my client's actions weren't to improve your career?'

JC looked at Justin and saw the fear in the younger man's eyes. His own tears started to burn again and JC felt one slip down his cheek.

`No.' The single word echoed through the silent courtroom.

Karen and Roy Chasez bent their heads and Justin draw blood when he bit his lip hard.

Let me just summarize what you just said Mr. Chasez. Your parents kicked you out because you were gay. My client took you in and you only had to pay a small amount of rent. He took you to the audition that made you a big star in the recording industry.' The lawyer paused for a second. He gave up his job and his dreams so that you could chase yours. He made sure that you did everything right and helped you out where he could. You just stated that my client never did anything that would interfere with your career, but still he is being charged with mental and physical abuse. Can you please tell me what is wrong with this picture, Mr. Chasez?'

`Objection, suggestive questioning!'

But the lawyer's voice was drowned in the desperate sobs coming from the witness stand.

Ryan's lawyer almost smirked when he walked back to the table.

He hit me.' JC's voice was small but still clearly audible. He said that I was useless and stupid. That I only got the job because the casting agent was gay and... He said that he had to do everything for me. He used to get his belt out and hit me to make me understand the dance moves better. He only hit me in places that wouldn't be visible for the outside world to see. He always wanted a room close to the elevators so that sounds of an elevator going up or down would drown out my cries of pain. He broke my ribs twice right before a tour so they would remind me of things that I would do wrong on stage.

JC raised his head and for the first time since the trail had started he looked at Ryan.

`He beat the crap out me and left me for dead in the tour bus. He made me sleep with guys that he would pick up in some bar. He would tell them that they could do anything to me because I was easy. He said that if I told anyone what was happening that he would make sure that my career was over within a few seconds or that he would hurt the others that didn't care about me anyway. He said that I deserved everything because I was stupid and it was only because of him that I got where I am now.'

JC broke the eye contact with Ryan and looked at Justin. The blonde was pale and had his eyes closed. Joey was rubbing Justin's back and Chris stared at the floor. Lance was supporting Lynn Harless. JC looked at his mother who looked back with tears in her eyes.

`I have no further questions.' Ryan's lawyer sat down in defeat. It had started out great. He had JC exactly where he wanted him to be but his last minute confession completely destroyed all that he had said before that.

`I have no questions at the moment.' JC's lawyer said when the Judge looked at him.

`You may step down, Mr. Chasez.'

JC struggled to his feet and walked back to the chair next to Justin. He sat down and Justin instantly wrapped his arms around him. JC felt Joey slipping his arms in from behind and he bit his lip trying not to cry out loud. He looked at Ryan again and JC couldn't hide the triumph on his face. Ryan narrowed his eyes and mouthed that JC was pathetic. JC looked away and buried his head in Justin's hard chest. Pathetic maybe but he was sitting here wrapped in the love of his friends. And for the first time in a long time JC felt good.

TBC? It's up to you!

Thanks alec

Next: Chapter 8: When My Pretty Boy Sleeps 29 End

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