When Opportunity Knocks

By Ulf Raynor

Published on Nov 5, 2021


Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or actual events is purely coincidental.

You may contact the author at Ulfr57@gmail.com All comments, suggestions and/or obsevations are welcome if presented respectfully.

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When Opportunity Knocks

Chapter Three:

"That couldn't have gone better," Matt thought to himself. He had just finished lunch with Talia and Blake and though it had started out a bit awkwardly, that had soon faded, mostly due to Talia's good-natured ribbing and upbeat banter, they were all soon laughing and talking like they'd been doing this together for years.

Talia had been right about Blake. As he grew more comfortable with Matt and Talia's repartee, his veneer of shyness faded as well and he joined right in. He had even caught more than a few of their cultural references and even their stupid predilection toward Scooby-Doo comparisons. Their lunch had ended with Blake suggesting that Talia bring her Trailblazer by one weekend to his dad's shop and he could paint Mystery Machine on the side's just like the cartoon van and everyone agreeing that would be a real hoot.

The rest of the afternoon went by fairly quickly, with Blake even walking with Matt to their fifth-period class together and even continuing their conversation.

They had parted after class with Blake promising to call Matt later after he finished his part-time shift at his Dad's auto-shop that afternoon, leaving Matt in a much better frame of mind toward Blake than he previously had just the day before.

Sixth- period came and went uneventfully, his thoughts still dwelling on how pleasant his time with Blake had been during lunch and finding himself slightly hopeful that Blake would indeed call him that evening and noting humorously to himself how much he was now acting like a giddy, adolescent schoolgirl and wondering what Talia would say if she knew how he was feeling after only one lunch with Blake. He could just hear her voice in his head, taunting him with the schoolgirl comparison, imagining her asking him if he was now going to go write silly unrealistic love stories about sparkly vampires willing to sacrifice everything just to be with him.

If she only knew the real-life fantasy that was playing out for real right under her nose.

Matt had debated, multiple times, about letting Talia in on what was going on and the changes he had already begun to note in not only himself but the other four participants, but he had realized fairly quickly what a monumentally bad idea that would be, considering Talia's dad was the local sheriff. That, and Talia's penchant for solving mysteries and seeing conspiracies where there weren't any, in that, she totally lived up to the Velma Dinkley comparison, nerdy glasses and all.

Matt had been so deeply entrenched in thought, he had nearly forgotten about what day it was as he entered the gym and found that Coach Myers had already pushed his little crash cart of measuring devices and charts into the locker room as he overheard the Coach issuing final instructions to the other four participants in their little experimental group back in the weight room, before marching out, giving Matt a toothy grin and a nod and heading out to the football field where the rest of the team had started their daily practice drills.

The sudden elation upon remembering his favorite task of the week was just as quickly dashed as he entered the weight room pushing his cart when he caught sight of Dr. Ventrov standing off to the side silently, but studiously observing the other four participants in his experiment, going through their various workout routines.

Having no sooner entered the room, Dr. Ventrov motioned for him to join him as he continued to type away at the handheld device he almost always carried with him.

As Matt pushed his cart over to the doctor, he took a moment to regard his employer/mentor. The five feet nine inches Ukrainian-born man was almost the stereotypical personification of the studious, nerdy clinician replete with thick black-rimmed glasses and long white lab-coat and patent leather black shoes. His thick Russian accent belied his mastery of the English language and augmented the overall illusion of his mysterious foreign persona.

Physically, he was fairly nondescript; stark black hair with a side split coif, graying at the temples denoting his more advanced age, which Matt would guess to be either in his late forties or early fifties. His slight, rather slender build, offset his broad shoulders and of course his large bushy uni-brow framimg piercing blue/gray eyes, eyes that always seemed to look right through you whenever he spoke to someone directly.

The very same stare that was looking right through him now: "Before you begin today..." the doctor stated flatly, his voice soft and thick, his vowels rolling in his usual monotone diphthong: "You've done an admiral job in your documentation on the other test subjects, but your reports on yourself seem rather incomplete and deficient."

Matt had glossed over and in some cases even left out his interactions with both Hatch and Hunter, not to mention completely leaving out the episode he had at home involving his sibling and parents. There was no way he was ever discussing that night with anyone, let alone the doctor.

While trying to frame how best to respond, Matt's eyes had wandered past the doctor and caught Hatch glaring lecherously back at him with a big shit-eating grin planted on his face, obviously gloaming bits of their conversation and drawing his own conclusions as to what was potentially missing from his reports.

Nervously looking down at his own feet, his face flushing beet red at not only Hatch's lewd scrutiny but the doctor's watchful eye, he stammered quietly: "There were some things I thought were better discussed in person Dr. Ventrov, things I'm not comfortable discussing let alone putting on an electronic device where I don't know who might be looking at it."

Dr. Ventrov glowered at him for a moment, his mood unreadable as he silently regarded him before his eyes dropped, falling back to his pad and typing furiously, when he suddenly blurted assertively: "Perhaps Mr. Hatcher you should pay a little more attention to your assigned routine than eavesdropping on a conversation between me and my assistant, no?!"

The doctor's eyes never left his pad and Matt wondered if he had eyes in the back of his head since he was facing away from a now brooding Hatch.

"Sorry Doc, just taking a slight breather between sets," he mumbled, in a halfhearted tone, darting Matt a quick baleful grimace before turning away and resuming his workout routine.

Dr. Ventrov turned to him, drawing a couple of steps closer to Matt and leaning in slightly: "We'll discuss this more tomorrow at the lab." concluding with a nod of his head, indicating Matt should begin his normal task.

Momentarily relieved, Matt scurried away with his cart to begin his documentation of each member of the quartet, and as he began taking Ramsey's vitals, Matt's thoughts grew apprehensively trepidatious for his pending consultation with the enigmatic doctor.


"Seriously Matt, I don't know why you believe anything a douchebag like James Hatcher has to say about anything..." Talia huffed in annoyance as he slipped out the passenger side of her vehicle onto his driveway.

Talia had offered him a ride home after she had finished up with her after-school student news group meeting where she and a few others worked as reporters on the school's online news blog that covered the comings and goings on the school campus.

Matt had just discussed what Hatch had said about Blake at one point while he was running through his measurements and weekly survey questionnaire and Matt knew she was just trying to do some preemptive damage control: "Besides, I didn't know you were such a size queen..." she paused, her eyes rolling sardonically: "You know it's more about the motion in the ocean than the size of the boat." she finally concluded, looking at him as if trying to gauge his potential response.

"If you say so" Matt mumbled, shooting her an awkward glance before adding quizzically: "I just don't know why he would lie about something like that, what's in it for him?"

Matt knew he was making more of it than he should and he also knew how shallow it must look to his BFF; as if discussing Blake Wiley's penis size was the most important aspect about him at this moment.

Talia grinned wickedly back at him, retorting: "Maybe you'll get lucky enough tomorrow night to find out whether it's true or not when you two go on your first solo date huh?"

Matt couldn't help but shake his head at her tenacity and smiled back at her, giving her the finger as he shut the car door behind him.

He waved her off as she beeped her horn and pulled out of his driveway, leaving him to ponder what had turned out to be a very eventful day.

The house was silent, as he knew it would be. His mother had texted him that she and his dad were going out for dinner and drinks with some friends after work and wouldn't be home until late.

Matt knew his brother always hung out with a few of his jock buds after practice on Fridays and that for the most part, he'd have the house to himself for most of the evening.

Talia had a date with Roger Westlake, leaving Matt to fend for himself: "Homo alone" Matt smiled inwardly as he set his backpack down at the foot of the stairs and made his way to the kitchen, having realized he was suddenly hungry.

Dr. Ventrov had given him another dose of his supplement that afternoon before he left and for some reason, it always seemed to make him a bit ravenous afterward.

As he was searching through the frig looking for something to snack on, he felt the buzz of his phone in his pants pocket and swooped it out to answer it.

It came as no surprise when a bubbly and enthusiastic Blake chirped a cordial greeting into his ear.

They talked for a few minutes, mostly about how much they had enjoyed their lunchtime meet-up, concluding that they would have to do it again soon, while also discussing and confirming the particulars for their Saturday evening date.

Blake had insisted on picking Matt up instead of them just meeting up somewhere and concluded their conversation with Blake suggesting they grab a bite to eat somewhere and maybe catch a movie at their local movie theater; all of which was fine with Matt.

All in all, it seemed a rather stress-free plan for a first solo date and they ended their short tête-à-tête by wishing each other a good evening, which left Matt feeling hopefully optimistic about Blake's sincerity.

While still basking in the remedial glow of his impending date with Blake Wiley, Matt continued his search for something to settle the growling rumbles of his empty stomach before his search lead abruptly when he spotted the bananas sitting off to the side, next to the frig.

He had just finished slicing up one of the bananas for his atypical comfort food go too sandwich of sliced banana and peanut butter and had taken his first, satisfying bite as he once again contemplated what Hatch had told him earlier about Blake.

Apparently, Hatch had seen him, Blake, and Talia having lunch together that afternoon and was taunting him about seeing him drooling all over the high school baseball captain, remarking that someone like Blake would never be able to satisfy his perverted homo cravings.

Matt had done his best to just ignore his sardonic ramblings, but Hatch had persisted in informing him, in a tone that denoted he was doing him some kind of favor, that he had seen Blake many times in the locker room showers after phys ed and had checked him out once to see if the locker room rumors were true about him or not.

Hatch had informed him, that amongst his teammates, he was referred to as Pencil Dick behind his back and Hatch could verify it was true, stating he could barely keep himself from laughing in the guys face when he saw how tiny his dick was, holding up his own pinky finger and stating his digit was bigger than his manhood.

Matt had blushed furiously at Hatcher's malicious taunt, causing Hatch to guffaw loudly, almost doubling over in laughter at Matt's obvious discomfort. Thankfully, the coach had interrupted any further discussion by entering the weight room after seeing Dr. Ventrov off and ordering them to finish up before the rest of the team swarmed in after practice for their showers.

Though relieved the coach had halted any further needling by Hatch, Matt had slightly regretted not having time to follow through with his plan to get Hunter alone for a few private follow-up questions that had not been on his questionnaire while under the scrutiny of Dr. Ventrov's observant gaze. For his part, Hunter had been uncharacteristically silent, but Matt couldn't help but notice the prominent bulge in his gym shorts as he took his usual measurements.

Still waxing rhapsodically over that missed opportunity while munching the last of his sandwich, Matt was startled back to reality when the front doorbell chimed loudly throughout the otherwise silent house.

As he rushed to answer the door, he half expected Talia to be standing on the other side as he whipped it open, thinking she had doubled back to torment him further about being so worried about Hatch's earlier revelation.

It came as no small surprise, that who he found was the last person he was thinking about, grinning sheepishly back at him from the other side of the threshold. Hunter Milsbane!

"Hiya Matt." the stalwart youth beamed, grinning almost ear to ear, leaving Matt with a somewhat perplexed look on his face, while he pondered to himself how Hunter even knew where he lived.

"Um...Hunter, whatchya do'in here?" Matt asked skeptically, scanning him up and down as he appeared to be more than a little bit fidgety, shifting his weight from one foot to the next, all the while glaring at Matt rather glassy-eyed.

Hunter's face suddenly took on a more serious glower as he leaned in, his voice a hushed whisper: "Ya told me to check with ya every day Matt and said that we should keep it a secret, so I didn't say nuthin' at school."

Matt watched as Hunter tapped the side of his temple like he had said or done something clever, while simultaneously his eyes searched Matt's for confirmation he had followed his directions correctly.

Suddenly, the conversation they had the day before came rushing back to Matt, remembering how he had instructed Hunter to check with him every day to see if he wanted his load while emphasizing it would probably be best not to tell anyone else about their little arrangement.

A brief glance down at the bulging lump in Hunter's crotch was all the confirmation he needed to realize he had guessed correctly, causing a sudden rush of heat throughout his body as he blushed furiously from both embarrassment and no small degree of mounting desire.

Realizing Hunter was still staring at him expectantly, Matt motioned for him to enter, stepping aside to allow him access and quickly stealing a glance at the shifting twin mounds of his buttocks as he sauntered past him into the small foyer.

Still curious, Matt asked: "How did you know where I live Hunter?"

Speaking like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Hunter responded disdainfully: "I saw you and your girlfriend Talia leaving after school and just followed ya here."

Then, as if remembering that no one was supposed to know about their little arrangement, Hunter added quickly: "Don't worry Matt, I just drove past and parked down the road a bit so she wouldn't see me..." He paused for a moment, turning to face Matt, a nervous expression planted on his face: "Did I do something wrong Matt?" he asked quizzically, more than a hint of concern showing in his eyes.

Matt smiled back at him: "No Hunter, you did better than I would have expected, but from now on, do your best to check with me at school, just be discreet about it okay?"

Hunter's lips split into a toothy grin, obviously pleased with Matt's praise while promising him he would do his best to comply with his suggestion.

As Matt led him through the living room and up the stairs to his bedroom, he marveled at how complacent and obedient Hunter had become since their little session the day before.

It was now blatantly obvious that Dr. Ventrov's supplements were affording him some fairly serious influence, at least sexually, over certain people, but he had to wonder how widely that influence would extend and more importantly, how long would it last? Would Hunter be this agreeably from now on, or would it wear off after a while?

He had already proven to some degree he could alter previous instructions, he had managed to turn his influence off with his family the other night, having noted how they seemed back to their normal selves the next day...well... except for some rather awkward looks from his brother the next morning, which was understandable, since he had practically shoved his bulging crotch in Matt's face right in front of their parents at the kitchen table.

Matt had watched Hunter's behavior with his buds during their workout that afternoon and hadn't observed any change in his interactions with them, not that he said much anyway, noting to himself, that Hunter had always been more of a follower where they were concerned, rather than an instigator.

As Matt closed the door to his bedroom, shutting the two of them off from the rest of the world while still contemplating, and with growing anticipation, what kind of influence might he exert over someone like Hatch or Ramsey? Both have what Matt would consider prime alpha male attributes compared to Hunter or Lance Coleman.

Somehow, he just couldn't picture either of them standing in his bedroom like Hunter was doing right now, looking expectantly back at him, awaiting further instruction, while the lump in his tight blue jeans continued to expand and swell.

Confronted with his present circumstances, Matt pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he concentrated on the here and now, focusing his intentions on Hunter, willing his compliance, pushing his own mounting desires outward, more out of instinct and natural libido than anything else, that, and his growing hunger to suck Hunter's fat eight-inch cock now consuming what was left of his focus.

It was almost music to his ears when he heard Hunter groan, as he glared at him like a lion about to sink its claws into a cornered, helpless gazelle.

He slowly crossed the room and sat on the edge of his bed, motioning with his hand for Hunter to come stand before him and watched as he furtively approached him like some anxious but nervous virgin on their wedding night.

Matt's mounting passions made him grow impatient for his prize and he gruffly ordered Hunter to strip for him, as he leaned back on his bed, his feet still planted on the floor, propping his torso up on his elbows as he watched Hunter enthusiastically comply.

By the time Hunter shimmied out of his tightie whities and boldly stood before him, his thick eight-inch erection sticking nearly straight up, perpendicular to his abdomen like a steel rod, any previous hesitation Matt had felt completely evaporated. Hunter now stared back at him, with nothing but pure lust gleaming back from his glazed-over golden brown eyes.

Matt lay there for a moment taking in the sight of the hirsute muscular jock, who just a couple of weeks ago, he still counted amongst his adolescent tormentors. One of four people, who up till just last week, had for years filled his days with dread, just by their mere proximity.

At this very moment, Matt didn't care about any of that. What he needed now was to understand exactly how far he could push Hunter's apparent, newly found subservience and obedience, and as much as he wanted to wrap his lips around that fat eight-inch cock and suck every last drop of ball juice from his big bloated hairy balls, Matt fully intended to enjoy this moment, savor and milk it for all it's worth.

"You know what I would like right now Hunter?" Matt queried, staring lasciviously into Hunter's eyes.

He watched bemusedly as Hunter visibly gulped, their eyes locked together as the heated bond between them continued to mount degree by degree before Hunter finally managed to mumble: "Whatever it is Matt, you can count on me givin' a hundred percent."

Matt almost giggled at the absolute serious intent behind the tone of Hunter's enthusiastic response.

This all seemed too good to be true, but who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth. But Matt still needed to know just how far he could push Hunter before he would crack if he did at all.

"What I'd really like right now..." He paused, once again admiring the pale muscular build of Hunter's hairy body: "I'd really like it if you got on your knees and crawled over here between my legs and take my pants off!"

Up until now, everything he had ever had Hunter do was almost completely about Hunter's physical pleasure, he hadn't asked him to do anything that involved him touching Matt intimately and Matt felt that this might be the real test of his ability. The Doctor had said, they were hopeful that he would be able to exert some level of control over others, he had never said how far he expected that control might go.

The exalted feeling that Matt felt when Hunter almost instantly dropped to his knees and began shuffling across the floor on his hands and knees as he stared wantonly back at him as if obeying Matt was the only thing in the world that mattered to him right now, was a feeling beyond description and he had absolutely no intention of letting this opportunity pass him by. After all, what horny teenage gay boy would?! This was like one of his most lurid fantasies made manifest and he had every intention of enjoying the moment to its fullest.

Matt did his best to control his elation as Hunter pushed himself between Matt's legs and began unfastening the belt of his bluejeans and loosening the snap and unzipping the fly of his pants.

Their gaze locked together as Hunter tugged at the waistband and lifted his ass slightly to allow Hunter to pull his jeans down and finally off, along with his underwear.

Matt hurriedly tugged his own T-shirt off and tossed it across the room, not really caring where it landed as he returned his attention back to Hunter, who still stared up at him expectantly from between his spread legs: "Have you ever sucked a dick before Hunter?" Matt queried, a bit fearful of Hunter's response.

"No Matt, I'm not a homo like you," he said, more as a matter of fact than with any animosity or insult implied or otherwise.

He took it for what it was. He knew, that in the limited scope of Hunter's little social bubble, that was just the way they viewed things. Everything was black or white, devoid of nuance, and if you strayed out of that narrative, it was beyond their capacity to understand it, let alone accept it, so Matt took a different approach: "Have you ever done anything sexual with another person before?" he asked, leaving specifics open-ended and subject to Hunter's interpretation and limited mental faculties.

Hunter was the same age as Matt, eighteen, couple that with the fact that he was a football jock, his response rather surprised him.

He informed Matt that though he had a girlfriend and she had tried to blow him a couple of times, that the most sexual thing he had done to date was her sometimes letting him finger her and even go so far as to let him eat her out a couple of times, something he seemed to apparently enjoy a whole lot, judging by the gleam in his eyes at the lurid recollection.

Matt reached down, taking the base of his own cock in his right hand, between his thumb and forefinger, and pushed it straight up, until it stood perpendicular to Hunter's face and watchful eyes.

He knew that this was going to be the make-or-break moment of this encounter and become the benchmark for how he proceeded in the future with the others: "Do you see this Hunter?" Matt said, waving his hard six-inch dick slightly toward and closer to Hunter's mouth. Hunter just nodded, his eyes glued to Matt's turgid, bouncing phallus.

Matt smiled wickedly, enjoying the near hypnotic look in Hunter's gaze, before suggesting: "Why don't you just pretend this is a big ol' clit and lick and suck it, just like you do your girlfriends."

Half expecting Hunter to reject that notion outright and possibly kicking his ass for even suggesting it, he couldn't exactly say he was surprised when Hunter scooted slightly forward, bowed his head, and began licking the entire length of his cock with the flat of his tongue, swabbing it greedily in copious amounts of drooling spittle.

Impatient, Matt once again used his right hand to push his now wet dick upright as Hunter continued to lap at it hungrily.

Reaching down with his left hand, Matt grasped the back of Hunter's head and pushed his swollen dick against his lips until they timidly parted allowing his glans entrance into his oral cavity.

"Suck it, Hunter!" Matt groaned, thrusting his hips upward aggressively forcing more of his cock into his mouth.

Staring down into Hunter's golden brown eyes, he watched as he locked his lips around the middle of his shaft and began earnestly suckling like a baby calf on its mother's teat.

Using both hands now, Matt clutched Hunter's head between both his hands and began a rhythmic, slow fuck into the depths of his mouth until he felt the tip of his cock bump against the back of his throat causing Hunter to gag, sending ripples of pleasure emanating from the head of his dick, down his shaft and right up his spine.

Matt knew if he didn't back off quickly, he'd blow his wad too soon and Matt wanted to make this encounter last longer and see just how much further he could push his new redneck jock plaything.

Pushing Hunter's sucking mouth away from his palpitating pecker with a pop, Matt stood up and suggested that Hunter take his place on the bed, patting the spot where he wanted him to sit like he was some small toddler or a household pet.

Silently, but obediently, Hunter complied, his eyes still searching Matt's as if looking for his approval and praise for each completed task.

"That's a good boy!" Matt taunted, playfully reaching over and ruffling the short-cropped hairs on the top of Hunter's head, making the thuggish brute smile ear to ear, happy he had pleased Matt with his compliance.

Matt knelt down, pushing Hunter's muscular, hairy legs apart as he did so, then grasping the back of Hunter's thighs and pushing them upward until he had them forced against his equally hirsute chest and instructing Hunter to hold them there, while he leaned back to admire the twin globes of his spread eagle bubble-butt.

Hunter wasn't as muscular as Hatch or Ramsey, but he definitely had a nice plump ass and Matt took his time visually admiring it, savoring the hairy cleft between his cheeks and the pink circular pucker of his virgin anus.

Leaning closer, Matt ran his index finger up and down his trench, allowing just the tip to circle around his rosebud without actually touching it. The action stirred a moan from Hunter as he continued to crane his neck down trying desperately to maintain eye contact, his eyes growing more glassy and narrow as his finger swirled around the outer circumference of his winking hole.

"How does that feel Hunter?" Matt crooned softly, licking his lips and waiting for Hunter's response.

Absentmindedly nodding his head, Hunter moaned in what Matt could best define as a whimper: "It feels real good Matt."

Smiling wickedly Matt nearly snarled: "If you like that, then you're really going to love this!"

Matt dove forward, thrusting the tip of his salivating tongue into Hunter's musky pucker, wrapping his lips around the tight ring as he did so, probing forcibly into his taut rectal orifice until it parted slightly allowing him partial, shallow access.

Hunter groaned loudly, his strong ham-fisted hands shifting forward grabbing Matt's head between them and thrusting his butt upward to grind against Matt's lips and prodding tongue.

Matt could have easily spent the rest of the afternoon savoring the pungent flavor of Hunter's quivering, hairy butthole, but his raging boner screamed for attention and Matt knew exactly what it wanted.

It was just this last summer, during a camping vacation to an upstate park with his family, where he had met another boy, roughly the same age as himself.

The two had struck up a friendship and had soon figured out each other's long guarded secret, and had decided to explore their mutual attractions during extended hikes and shared tent sleepovers.

Matt had lost his own anal virginity during one of those encounters but had been to timid to push the other boy for a similar opportunity. That was something Matt fully intended to rectify with a now complacent Hunter Milsbane.

Rising to his feet and reaching for his bedside table drawer, Matt removed the small bottle of lubricant he kept there for his usual, late-night jack-off sessions.

As he squeezed the cool gel onto his throbbing, drooling cock, spreading it by gingerly fisting his erection in his gooey palm, Hunter glowered expectantly up at him, still holding the back of his thighs tightly to his hairy chest.

Matt considered swabbing some of the goo against Hunter's twitching virgin hole, maybe even slipping a finger or two up his butt just to loosen him up. But Matt decided what he really wanted, was for his dick to be the first thing that ever entered Hunter's manhole.

He wanted the first thing to spread Hunter's virgin ass-lips to be his hard greasy cock. The truth was, he wanted Hunter to feel every aching inch of his turgid pole as it plundered his deepest recesses.

Rubbing the tip of his dick against Hunter's squinting hole, Matt locked eyes with him and instructed Hunter it would be better if he reached down and spread his ass cheeks open for him, suggesting it would be easier to fuck him if he had an open target.

While Hunter obediently complied, pressing his thumbs on either side of his tiny hole and spreading the tight lips apart revealing the moist pink flesh inside, Matt groaned anxiously while still maintaining eye contact. Hunter grunted when he felt the tip of Matt's dick against his tender anal flesh: "Matt, ain't cornhol'in what homo's do?" he queried, concern washing over his facial expressions even as he continued to comply with Matt's instruction by keeping his hole spread open for him.

"You said you always give a hundred percent Hunter, are you saying you can't handle it?" Matt chided sardonically.

Hunter frowned as his brow furrowed in concentration and determined resolution: "I ain't no wimp Matt, I can take it and dish it with the best of 'em." adding quickly: "My paw didn't raise no pussy!"

Smiling wickedly down at Hunter, Matt smeared the pre-cum drooling tip of his cock against Hunter's fully exposed virgin hole, grinding his manly juices into its pink folds: "Then make your paw proud by proving to me you're the best at everything you do!" Matt growled before thrusting forward driving the head of his dick past Hunter's tight sphincter and sinking the full length of his six-inch cock balls deep into the depths of Hunter's rectum.

Matt stared down at him, watching as Hunter's face contorted into a mask of pain and determination, spreading his hole even more and grinding his ass lips against Matt's pelvis, completely dedicated to his assigned task.

As he pulled back and drove back into Hunter over and over, in slow deep dicking motions. On each downward plunge, Hunter would grunt and his balls would bounce. His fat hard dick twitch and jerked as the minutes passed by, while the sound of his grunts grew louder and louder until he was almost squealing like a stuck pig as Matt relentlessly pounded his pud into him.

At one point, as their coupling reached a fevered pitch, Matt slung forward until their sweaty foreheads pressed together, their eyes locked together as the tips of their noses bumped and ground together. Hunter, through tightly clenched teeth, growled: "Am I do'in it right Matt!" to which Matt responded by slamming his cock into his throbbing hole in one last pile driving, bone-jarring thrust and unleashed a torrent of sticky splooge into Hunter's hungry dick ditch, fully emptying the contents of his gonads balls deep inside of him.

As the heat of the moment faded into a serene sense of satisfaction, Hunter's legs lowered to the floor on either side of his torso, as Matt lay there on top of him, their bellies crushed together as he attempted to catch his breath and regain some semblance of his composure.

Matt pulled his head back to stare into Hunter's golden brown eyes. He resisted the urge to press their lips together, thinking that might be pushing it a bit to far for Hunter at this time, instead, he focused on the throbbing heat of Hunter's erection, still trapped between their sweaty bodies and with a quick grin, Matt slid down his body until his head was level with Hunter's crotch and began licking at Hunter's large, cum swollen testicles, swabbing them in his spit before sucking his entire hairy scrotum into his mouth and began sucking gently.

Savoring the slightly salty, musky taste of his bloated balls, Matt reluctantly let them plop from his mouth and licked his way up Hunter's veiny shaft, tracing his tongue along the wide tubular ridge until the tip of his tongue swirled around his sensitive frenulum, eliciting moans of approval from deep within Hunter's chest.

Matt knew, after giving Hunter's prostrate such a sound thrashing, that his cock must be nothing but a hair-trigger just shy of climactic release. Deciding to end Hunter's torment and to assuage his own hunger for more of Hunter's tasty loads, Matt plunged his mouth over his fat eight-inch dick until it smacked against the back of his throat, crushing his uvula against the roof of his mouth as he drove the thick, helmet-shaped knob even deeper into his esophagus and grinding his nose into Hunter's thick wiry pubes, where he gulped around his pulsating dick causing an undulating effect all along its palpitating length and girth.

As he had predicted, Hunter could not withstand the onslaught of his siphoning lip lock, and as his hands clutched the back of his head, Hunter's dick exploded in a fury of torpedoing splooge down his neck.

Volley after volley of thick ropy sperm inundated the fleshy sheath of his throat, filling it beyond capacity as Matt swallowed furiously to maintain and contain the torrents of thick, viscous cock snot spewing into his mouth as Hunter repeatedly pumped his big hairy balls against his chin and ground his lips into the coarse hairs surrounding the base of his schlong.

Matt gulped, again and again, amazed at the shear volume of Hunter's load.

He had thought Hunter came a lot the day before, but the deluge that inundated his oral orifice paled that beyond all comparison, forcing Matt to wonder at the difference a day made.

As the last dregs of his climax dribbled from his belching piss slit, Matt began to pull back slowly until the wet sloppy organ plopped from his slightly swollen lips to land with a resounding thud against his hirsute belly.

'Where the hell did all that come from?" Matt gasped, wiping his lips and chin with the back of his hand, staring quizzically up at a spent and panting Hunter.

Hunter's face contorted into a blissful but questioning mask: "Ya told me to save my cum for ya Matt" he stated, matter of fact as if that explained everything.

Puzzled, Matt pressed him further: "You didn't cum that much yesterday Hunter," he said observationally.

Hunter shrugged his shoulders, as he bent forward, carding his thick fingers through his short-cropped hair: "That's 'cause I had already jacked off 'bout three or four times before that." he concluded, his tone denoting his sincerity.

Curious, and more than a little surprised, Matt had to ask: "How many times do you normally jack-off in a single day Hunter?"

Again, Hunter shrugged, his eyes rolling upward as he pondered his response: "maybe five or six times a day..." Pausing for a moment, then adding: "Sometimes more, but usually no less than that."

A goofy smile cocked the right corner of his mouth as he scrunched his nose bemusedly: "That is until you told me to save it for ya Matt, so that's what I did...." A troubled look crossed his face for a brief second as he quickly stammered: "That's what I'm supposed to do ain't it Matt?"

Assuring Hunter he didn't do anything wrong, and to keep up the good work Matt proceeded to get dressed and encouraged Hunter to do the same.

It wasn't long after that, he was showing Hunter the door and telling him that he wouldn't be able to see him on Saturday, but he was to be a good boy and save it all for Sunday, exchanging phone numbers with him and informing Hunter he'd call him and let him know where and when they could meet up.

Hunter just gave him a serious look and stated once again and affirming that: "You can count on me Matt!" before walking away into the cool evening breeze.

Matt didn't know exactly what time it was, but the darkness outside told him he probably didn't have long before either his brother or his parents returned home.

Not wanting a repeat of the other evening and not knowing what the residual effects of all the potential pheromones his and Hunter's little soiree might still linger, Matt rushed upstairs and opened his bedroom windows fully in the hopes of airing the place out sufficiently enough before anyone returned home.

Later, feeling fortunate that his parents didn't make it home until a little over an hour later. he decided to spend a little time studying the effects of pheromones on various animal species, noting many similarities between the hierarchical social structures of wolves and humans, especially in the male of the species.

He had read several online articles and concluded his evening inquiries by watching a video on the focus on science site about the similarities between wolf and human alpha males and though he found it all very interesting, the earlier events had left him more fatigued than normal and he soon found himself nodding off. That is until his brother made it home and began making his normal racket.

It was apparent his sibling was upset about something, as he slammed various things around noisily before finally entering their shared bathroom, starting up the shower, all the while mumbling something about: "That frigid bitch" and someone, who Matt assumed was his girlfriend Merissa "Not knowing how good she has it..."

Matt regretted not shutting the bathroom door to his room after airing the place out earlier, so he just closed his laptop and set it on his nightstand, and rolled over on his side, away from the open door, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Normally, Matt didn't usually recall his dreams, or they quickly faded from memory upon awakening, but for some reason, his dreams had caused him to become more fitful that evening, culminating from the usual myriad events of his day, but his evening studies seemed to blend with his subconscious. His overactive libido created and blended an erotic, primal pairing in which James Hatcher lead the entire football team in pursuit of some prey deep in a moonlit forest, each of them naked and sweaty from the hunt.

Matt soon realized, that what they were chasing was him and he could hear their distant howls as they attempted to follow his scent through the wooded demesne.

He ran, near breathlessly as their howls grew more distant and he paused to catch his breath, wondering hopefully that he had given them the slip, when the sudden sharp crackling crunch of snapping leaves and twigs instantly drew his attention behind him, where a naked, fully erect James Hatcher glowered ominously back at him with two glowing blue eyes and a pair of sharp fangs exposed by the lecherous sneer baring his toothy grimace.

Matt felt helpless and cornered, too fearful to even consider flight as he backed up slowly against the cold, rough surface of a large tree trunk and sunk to his knees as the large growling muscular, and near bestial form of what had once been James Hatcher, slowly approached him.

Trembling and quivering, fearful for his life, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Hatch's large callused hand stroke the side of his face, almost affectionately. He could hear the low rumble of words forming deep within Hatch's chest before escaping his lips in a deep, seductive, bassy baritone: "You are mine!" he growled, one thick finger lifting his chin delicately until Matt was forced to meet his lurid, glowing gaze.

He felt Hatcher's finger trace the outline of his pouting lips, trembled nervously as it parted them bringing his massive phallus closer to his open mouth as he snarled between clenched teeth: "You are my mate and you will submit to me."

Matt could feel the air grow thick around him, swirling with a scent he had never caught before. He felt it melt away his defenses as he opened his mouth wider to take the large bulbous helmet-shaped head of James's large cock between his twitching lips.

The wafting, musky odor permeating from James's crotch filled his flaring nostrils, subsuming all his resistance as the growing need to submit to his alpha suborn all other thoughts and needs.

His mouth begin to water, drooling spittle down his quivering lips as the tip of his tongue flicked out to suave and probe into the depths of his gasping piss slit.

Instantly, the pungent taste of stale urine mixed with the sweet nectar of his tangy pre-cum engulfed his taste buds and filled his consciousness with only one persistent desire. Surrender and please his alpha.

Consumed with wanton lust and hunger, Matt devoured Hatch's majestic fleshy scepter, driving it back into his narrow throat and beyond. Gulping it down in lurching spurts like a snake consuming its living prey, until he had devoured it all, sheathing it deep within is greedy cock gobbling gullet.

His eyes became two narrow slits as he began suckling the meaty member, grinding his overstretched lips against the wiry grit of his pubic bush.

He was nearly, completely lost into his lurid task, when a sudden, but gentle rustling brought him back into stark focus.

Matt's eyes fluttered open, the spell of his dream fading as he found himself back in his moonlight-dappled bedroom, lying flat on his back in the warm comfort of his bed.

He had barely shaken the effects of his lingering slumber when he felt the weighted motion at the foot of his bed.

With a start, Matt sat up, his heart racing as he realized someone was in his room with him. He nearly cried out when a large hand shot forward and clamped over his mouth and he heard the scolding hush of his brother's deep gravelly voice as he inched his way forward on his knees and into the murky faint light coming from the adjacent window.

Matt felt his brother's other hand press flatly against his chest urging him to lay prone on his back as his sibling continued to lumber forward, his knees and his bare muscular thighs splayed on either side of his torso.

Still groggy and confused by the sudden intrusion, Matt lay there in stunned silence as his brother withdrew his hand and moved to the back of his head, pulling it forward just as his body inched through the darkness and into the waning moonlight emanating from his bedroom window.

Matt let out a slight gasp as his brother's large drooling erection swung into view, butting against his chin leaving a strand of pre-cum connecting it from the tip of his palpitating cockhead.

Looking up his brother's muscle-rippling abdomen, past his rock-hard, slab-like pectorals, Matt's gaze locked on the lust contorted grimace of his elder sibling.

Brian's eyes, glassy but intense, narrowed and focused. His lips curled into a lascivious sneer as his large hand continued to pull his head forward until his face was shoved into his hairy crotch.

As he forcibly rubbed Matt's face all over his sizable genitals, Brian groaned in a hushed husky whisper: "I know you've been wanting this you little bitch and now your gonna take it!"

Matt didn't know what he was talking about, he tried to bring his hands up, to push his brother away and as his mouth opened to cry out for his brother to stop, Brian shoved his large swollen dick right past his lips and deep into his mouth.

His brother's hands gripped his wrist, forcing his arms apart as his hips thrust forward driving even more of his throbbing cock deeper into his oral cavity.

Brian's dick wasn't as thick as Hatch's but it was every bit as long and soon it was completely sheaved in Matt's esophagus and Brian's big hairy balls ground against his chin.

Matt gagged and sputtered but couldn't expel or dislodge the pulsating member and his continued struggles only seemed to elicit excited moans from his lust-consumed brother. His brother's superior strength easily subdued any physical resistance he could muster, and in his confused state, Matt soon had little recourse but to surrender to his brother's oral assault on his throat.

As his mind slowly cleared, Brian began a less forceful rhythm, rocking his hips forward and backward in a sort of seesaw tempo. Matt adjusted his intake of air in time with his outward stroke, sucking in the oxygen his lungs needed to sustain his efforts.

His once dry throat soon became slick with the copious amounts of leaking pre-cum oozing continuously from Brian's pulsating glans and Matt allowed the tension to drain from his body, relaxing his once straining throat muscles as his lips began to almost involuntarily suckle the massive, slowly pistoning dong, and after a few moments past, Brian released his wrist to grip the back of his head, to steady and center his target.

Matt had abandoned his struggle against him and as his desire for cock supplanted his minor disgust at his brother's incestuous oral invasion, his hunger grew with his brother's thrusting hips, who ramped up the momentum until he was nearly hammering into his mouth. With only the sound of his wet sucking mouth and the slapping of Brian's big egg-sized balls against his chin, Matt's hands gripped the twin mounds of his brother's muscular buttocks and kneaded them like bread dough between his squeezing digits.

Knowing that there was little chance his brother could sustain such an intense pace for long, he was soon proven right as the sound of his brother's rapid breathing suddenly stopped as did his thrusting hips.

Brian held perfectly still and Matt could feel the tight contractions of his large gonads against his chin and he knew his brother's inexorable climax was imminent.

Matt felt like Brian was going to crush his skull with the force of the grip he had on the back of his head as he ground every fraction of an inch of his nine-inch schlong past his lips right before the initial release of his explosive orgasm.

Though the amount of splooge rocketing from Brian's piss slit didn't compare to the one Hunter had shot down his throat earlier, it was no less vigorous and potent, spewing in rapid succession, inundating his oral cavity with thick, viscous masculine virility.

All Matt could do was gulp down the copious amounts as it spouted fountain-like from his pulsating knob; expanding and contracting with each voluminous volley of near molten jizz until the tidal waves of Brian's emissions slowed to a steady dribble of watery excrescence.

Matt gasped for air as his sibling yanked his still drooling member from his mouth and he caught a brief glimpse of its cum and mucous covered, glistening rock hard majesty before Brian roughly flipped Matt over onto his stomach.

With one strong ham-fisted hand, Brian shoved Matt's face into the pillow as he straddled his buttocks.

Thrusting on arm under Martt's hips, to lift his ass a little higher, he could feel his brother's burgeoning member slip wetly between his butt cheeks.

Brian leaned over him, his breath hot on the side of his neck as he growled into his ear: "We're not done yet you little slut, you belong to me and I'm gonna teach you a lesson you won't soon forget!"

The gruff sounds of Brian's words still hung in the air as he rammed the full length of his gooey schlong deep into Matt's tight ass.

Matt could barely hear his own muffled screams as Brian ground his dong into his ravaged, aching anus. To Matt, it felt like someone had shoved a red hot poker up his ass as waves of searing pain shot up his spine in torturous agony.

Brian's superior strength and weight, easily overshadowed any resistance Matt could have mustered, not that he didn't try, but each movement he made was quickly mastered by his brother and seemed only to drive his invading member deeper into the recesses of his bowels and adding to his discomfort.

Deep down, Matt knew the pain was only from the suddenness of Brian's actions, and even though he had only been fucked that one time before, it had been quite pleasurable, nothing like the throbbing ache he exp[erienced now.

It was true, that the only other cock to fuck him had been considerably smaller, Matt knew it was still more about the passion of the moment and his readiness for the encounter, that had allowed the much easier access.

The truth was, he had been more relaxed and comfortable, not blindsided and forced unexpectedly.

Knowing this, Matt tried to emulate what he had experienced that night. He tried willing his hole to relax and slowly, through the haze of his pain, his body finally, though slowly, began to respond.

Later, he would be thankful that Brian had been content to remain still while he had time to recover from the initial shock of penetration, knowing full well it was due solely to the fact his brother seemed temporally distracted by alternately nibbling at the nap of his neck and sucking on his earlobe as his throbbing, rock hard erection twitched and jerked of it's own accord deep inside his spasming hole.

He didn't know if his sibling sensed or felt his sphincter relax or whether he had just inadvertently timed the resumption of his assault, but by the time he started slowly withdrawing his rigid pole from his clinging depths, Matt had recouped enough to actually gasp at the unexpected pleasure of the suctioning sensation, aided by the jarring titillation of his prostrate by the raking flesh of his retracting dong.

Brian only pulled back a few inches before driving back into him and like a switch being flipped from off to on, Matt's hole practically screamed in exultation at the waves of pleasure that permeated from that simple, forceful action.

Matt wantonly thrust his hips back at Brian's groin, trying to recapture the full length of his turgid member. The once tortured lips of his anus gulping and sucking at the hairy base of Brian's cock, causing him to moan deeply against his ear: "Take it you little bitch, eat my big dick with that fucking pussy."

Brian didn't move, he didn't have to. His lurid moans and taunting, deep, sensual voice, seemed to unleash a cavalcade of repressed desires from deep within Matt's consciousness and Matt's body responded to his baser, primal urges, transforming him into the wanton, cock hungry whore he'd always known lay just beneath the cordial surface he normally presented to other's.

In an instant, his brother changed from the aggressor to the victim of his carnal passions as Matt ravaged his brother's cock repeatedly devouring it in blissful, reckless abandon, the force of his hips driving Brian backward until Matt was on his hands and knees, bumping and grinding noisily against his flaming phallus in a flurry of lurid grunts and whimpering groans.

Matt's overzealous intonations spurred Brian into action, forcing his hand over his younger brother's mouth to muffle his lascivious squeals, he yanked his dick from Matt's gooey hole and dragged him to the edge of the bed, bending his neck until his head hung over the edge.

Brian swung out until he had his feet planted firmly on the floor with Matt's head between his oaken muscular thighs, then drove his hard cock deep into Matt's mouth and began fucking the full length of his burgeoning pole into its wet sucking depths.

All Matt could do was choke and cough as Brian ravaged his throat, pounding relentlessly in and out, his hips a pistoning blur. Wads of thick spit and mucous belched between Matt's lips until the entire upper part of his face was covered in a mask of the viscous goo and sludge that dripped in gelatinous strands that puddled onto the hardwood floor beneath them.

Brian's relentless assault concluded in the only way it could. He slammed viciously into Matt's undulating, gagging throat and spewed torrents of sperm and semen down his esophagus, all the while grinding and gyrating the hairy base of his spewing dick against his bruised and swollen lips: "Swallow it all you fucking bitch!" Brian grunted in a hoarse whisper, as he continued to feed his younger brother the last spurts of his voluminous volcanic load.

Matt laid there, gasping breathlessly, gurgling through the prodigious and corpulent emissions of his brother's dripping wet dick, trying desperately to suck enough oxygen into his lungs when Brian ruthlessly flipped him around and grabbed his ankles and hung them over his shoulders before ramming his swollen raw, dripping cock back into Matt's sloppy asshole: "Don't poop out on me now bitch, we're just gettin' started." Brain snarled sardonically as he once again began to ravage Matt's rectum, pile-driving his dick relentlessly into the tattered maw of his quivering flesh.

He didn't know exactly how long Brian had fucked him. After the first hour, he had lost all sense of time and space. His mind drifted in and out of consciousness and the few times he did manage to regain some shred of awareness, Brian was still there, jackhammering into his numb, abused hole, drenched in sweat, his face a contorted mask of pure, unrelenting animalistic lust.

But as the hours passed, he woke to find himself alone, sprawled akimbo across his bed, covered in sweat, dry spit, and mucous and what he was sure was his brother's cum.

His sheets were wet and dank, and reeked of their musky, pungent, incestuous rutting, almost every muscle and joint in his body ached and his swollen asshole throbbed dully.

Despite his body's protestations, Matt hauled himself into a sitting position beside his bed, his foot landing in a puddle of gelatinous goo that made his stomach rumble as he fought the urge to puke at the remembrance of how it got there.

Matt forced himself to his feet and he stumbled his way toward the bathroom, his eyes squinting as he flipped the light on and made his way over to the sink.

As his eyes adjusted to the bathroom light, Matt cringed at his own reflection in the mirror. His lips were still slightly swollen and looked split in one spot, his face and hair were matted in dry spit and cum. His reddened eyes were like two dark recessed circles and his head throbbed like he had been on a drunken binge.

Matt practically crawled into the shower, cranking it as hot as he could tolerate, and allowed the warm soothing watery spray to cascade away the remnants of his carnal, incestual debauchery.

He knew that he should feel some sense of remorse for what had happened, but at the moment he only felt numb and fatigued. He slowly scrubbed at his body until every trace of his and his brother's coupling rinsed away and flowed down the drain.

Long after he was done bathing, he stood there, leaning against the tiled wall, and allowed the soothing waters to massage away his dull aches in heated watery bliss.

Feeling slightly better but still tired and listless, Matt exited the shower and dried himself haphazardly, and tossing the moistened towel into their shared clothes hamper.

It was then he noticed that his brother's door was partially opened, Cautiously curious, he quietly made his way to the door and peered through the crack.

Brian laid sprawled out, naked on his bed, his cock looked red and puffy, swollen from over use and still slightly distended, draping across his furry belly and streaked with dried cum.

Inexplicably, Matt felt his own dick start to harden and he couldn't seem to pry his eyes away from his sibling's exposed genitals and despite the rawness of his asshole and the scratchy ache in his dry throat Matt found himself drawn to his sibling's puffy tumescent dick.

Like a moth to a flame, he soon found himself kneeling by his brother's bedside his hand reaching for the base of his bloated wanger as he leaned his head over his groin, flopping the organ around in his fist like a long limp sausage.

A strong pungent odor wafted into his nostrils, reeking of stale cum. A stench like a musky locker room, rife with testosterone and ball sweat, and despite all that, his hand trembling and his lips quivering, Matt stuffed the entire tumefied member into his mouth.

Instantly his mouth filled with the acrid, sour taste of stale post-coital juices. Matt's eyes nearly rolled back into his head as his tongue savored and swirled around the corpulent flesh of his brother's dick, sucking and swallowing the pungent juices until it was washed clean in the salivating confines of his warm mouth.

He tried his best to suck a renewed vigor into his brother's cock as he pounded his own dick in his fist, but his best efforts only managed a slight stirring of the lumbering organ.

Close to the edge, in his hedonistic worship of his brother's phallus, Matt spits it out, letting it flop wetly against his belly and dove between his slightly splayed oaken thighs and sucked his prodigious balls into his mouth and began to suck away the sharp, tangy accumulation of dried and fresh testicular perspiration.

The heady musk of his brother's groin did the trick and as he relished the uniquely masculine juices, his own cock erupted all over the side of his brother's bed.

Long after his climax, Matt lingered there with his sibling's hairy gonads in his mouth, gently nursing them until they were as squeaky clean as his cock.

Slowly and reluctantly Matt allowed the twin orbs to slip from his mouth, but before departing, he kissed each reverently, while silently hoping he hadn't disturbed his brother's slumber.

Matt rose and looked down on his sleeping brother. He had always been impressed by his brother's physical achievements and despite the angst, he felt about what they had done that night, deep down, he hoped it wouldn't be their last.

Next: Chapter 4

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