When The Sun Sets

By Edward Chong

Published on Aug 5, 2003



Disclaimer: The following is a pure work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or events are purely coincidental. The story contains depictions of consensual sex between men, with lots of very heavy authoritarian and BDSM scenes that includes master and slaves relationship, bondage, cock and ball torture, tit torture, flogging, spanking, assplay, wax, and electro torture. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read these stories should hit exit right now. The same goes for those weak at heart or easily offended by graphical depiction rough sex between men with lots of torture elements. Otherwise enjoy. This story may not be posted or distributed by any other media without the permission of its author. Any comments and thoughts are welcomed.

It's sunset. I love sunsets. If sunrise represents the dawn of life, then sunset represents the coming of death. I like to see the fading light of dusk before everything goes black. Just like watching how a life passes by in front of you, and then everything is over. Just darkness. Nothing more. Today the sunset is mighty. A bright orange glow casts upon the land. The warmth of the retiring sun is slowly diminishing, giving way to the coldness of night. The leaves waving in the slow and constant breeze moves like the shadows of an imminent doom, getting closer and closer as darkness falls quickly. In a matter of minutes and the day will be gone. But there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow the sun will rise again. Tomorrow everything will be fine. Tomorrow will be perfect. Or will tomorrow just be like today? Today that ends with the longing for eternal nights. Today, just like every other day. I have spent a great too many days looking at the sun, and hoping never to see it again.

The water felt great against my body, but I have been swimming for too long now. The orange rays bathed my face as I surface from the water, and climbed out of the pool. I grab the towel to dry myself, looking at the horizon, anticipating nothing, hoping the sun will never go down, hoping that if it does, it will never rise again. The house is empty. This great big house is empty. Built on a hilltop secluded from civilization, my world is empty. I didn't mean to be nostalgic, but a sunset like this can make me so.

I came to this country not too long ago. I bought this place, and built this house. I had a lot of money from the businesses that I ran back home years ago. I wasn't happy then. I thought that with money, I could go someplace and find a life that I can be happy with. And yet within the walls of this house, my life was just as lonely as it has been. You know what they say, it's always lonely at the top. I might have just been too wishful thinking when I thought that things could be different. It seems fate has a cruel sense of humour, and it likes to keep picking on me. I thought my life was meant to be the embodiment of pain and sorrow till the day I breathe my last. But as I hear the voice behind me, I knew what I thought was wrong. Life can be kind, sometimes.

"Enjoying the view?" asked my Master. I turned around and drop the towel on the pool chair.

"Yes sir."

He slowly moved towards me. This is the man that gave my life a meaning. This is the man that made my life worth living for. I found him on the streets one day about two years ago. He must have been in a fight that left him bloodied and lying in the gutter. No one seems to be interested in helping him. I brought him to the hospital and I visited him everyday till he was discharged. During those visits, I learnt a great deal about him. An ophan since birth, he was raised in a missionary home, but he ran away when he turned thirteen. Living on the streets wasn't easy in this little town. He resorted to every imaginable ways in order to survive. We grew up in two totally different worlds, but our sufferings cannot be more similar. Life hasn't been kind to him either. Not until we met anyway.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he didn't have anywhere to go. I offered my place without second thoughts. Now why would I do that? He could rob me blind and do all sorts of other things to me. As much as I think I know him, all that he had told me might just have been a facade to fish this opportunity. But I wasn't thinking. I was feeling something that I have long to feel all my life. Something that has been missing and now seems to be here within reach. It wasn't like I was taking a chance. I didn't have a choice. I wasn't thinking with the right head, so to speak. He had no belongings and nowhere to go. He grew up in alleys and spots under the bridge. So when I invited him into my house with lots of new clothes, the tears in his eyes made me believe that fate has something else in store for me before my time is up.

"You seemed to be lost in your little world again, boy." my Master spoke as his big coarse hand caresses my face.

"I am sorry, sir. I didn't mean to. It's just that the sunset "

"There's no need to be. We both know a sunset like this always gets you nostalgic and blue."

"Thank you, sir."

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Yes sir."

I remember what he told me. I remember it very well. In the first week that we have been living together, we made it a point and a game to know everything there is to know about each other. It was only a matter of time before the topic came up. I was never one to hide my sexual preference. I told him right on that I was gay, but I have never been with anyone before. He almost fell to the floor with surprise learning that I was still a virgin. And as fate has it, being gay was the same reason he ran away from the missionary home. He had fooled around with some of the boys in the home and was caught with his pants down. The lectures, spankings, teasings, and beatings he got from other straight boys was too much for him to bear. He never did mention what happened to the boys he messed with though. Although both of us are gay and lived in the same house, nothing sexual happened between us except for some mutual masturbation sessions while watching the porn DVDs from my extensive collection. I never made a move on him at all, fearing that it might drive him away, but one day he told me something that made me who I am today.

Long ago, he found out that not only is he a top, he is also heavily into BDSM. He likes to be the dominant one, even to the extent of the Master-and-slave relationship. He likes to do bondage, whips his boys, drip hot wax on them, before he fucks them silly. I myself have always been on the submissive side. Don't ask me why, I guess I was just born with that particular gene activated. I couldn't resist the question when he brought up this matter, so I asked him why we never had sex. His answer was simple. I wasn't good enough for him. Now normally I would be pissed at this remark, especially coming from a guy whom I had picked up from the streets, gave him clothing and a roof over his head, and feeds him everyday. He didn't even bother to get a job. I wasn't ugly or large as a bear, but I am no hunky jock either. There have been many who expressed interest in me, but they were all just for sex, and I was interested in something more than just bodily functions. This single desperate but reserved emotion has been killing me slowly, and what he said didn't make it any easier. But instead of denting his face, I asked him how I could make myself to be good enough for him.

The next few months I was working out like I never had in all my lives. We set up a gym and I was in there at least three hours a day. He likes his boys muscular, but not bulky. I was doing sit-ups by the hundreds. He is a sucker for six-packs. I had a barrel. I ate nothing more than salads and fruits. he likes his boys without any flabs and I had way too much to spare. I ran the hills and swim laps in the new swimming pool. He likes his boys healthy. I took over most of the houseworks. He likes his boys hardworking and diligent. I wore only a jockstrap, and sometimes nothing at all in the house. He likes his boys in the nude. He makes me shave all the hair on my body from the head down, and keeps them that way. He likes his boys smooth. And when he took away my masturbation privilege and makes me sleeps on the floor next to his bed, I knew he is making me into his slave. And I had never been happier in my life. It was good enough to be a reason for my existence, good enough at least. All my life I felt this hole inside my heart that I couldn't ignore no matter how hard I try. Now that hole is filled.

On the anniversary of the day I found him, I was finally good enough for him. He had been out of sight the entire day. I had no idea where he was and had no way to reach him. He left his cellphone at home and no notes, no calls, no nothing. I did my usual chores, and some special preparations for the anniversary dinner I had planned but ddin't tell him about. I was waiting nervously as the day came close to an end. I was looking at the sunset thinking that maybe he had decided to finally leave me and move on. Maybe he had found another guy. Maybe he had other plans. Maybe he had bumped into troubles. Maybe he had an accident. Maybe it was all just a joke, some sick pranks he likes to pull. Maybe it was all just a dream; he was never real and everything had been in my imagination. I was about to hit my head to the glass door when he opens the door and walks in with a package in his hand. In that dark orange glow of dusk shinning into the room without lights, as he walks through that door, I knew he was the one thing in my life that really matters at all.

We locked eyes but never said anything. He put down the package and we had the dinner I prepared. It was the best dinner I ever had in my life. Out the in the patio we watched the sun set and slowly enjoyed our food. It was the best conversation that I ever had in my life too, because we said nothing throughout the entire dinner. The candles burned slowly and the blue pool lights illuminated our silent reverie. He lit up a cigarette when he was done and I cleaned up. I was wearing a jockstrap as per instructed the day before. When everything was done, he stood up and motioned me to follow him. I tailed him to the bedroom that we kept empty for guests, which he had spent a lot of time in for the past couple of weeks. He gave me specific instructions not to go in there.

When I entered the room, I was taken aback by what he had done. No guests could ever stay in this room. Not unless they are as kinky as us anyway. Although he didn't move the four poster bed, everything else was different. I had no idea when he had bought a sling and a St. Andrew's cross and moved it into the room. I had no idea when he got the sawhorse in there. I had no idea when he installed the eyehooks all around the room, and on the ceiling. How could I not hear the rattling of the chains when he connected them to the ceiling? He opened the cupboard and it was filled with sex toys that we saw on the Web, from whips to dildoes to ball crushers to electro devices to restrains and ropes and clamps. I felt dizzy as he lit up the candles around the room to give it an eerie yellow glow. It's no less than a dungeon as it is now, especially with that cage in one corner of the room.

Without any words, he beckoned me to him. Slowly, he descended his lips to mine, and we lock lips for the first time. It was my first kiss, and the feeling was electric. It went through my body and I grew limp in his embrace. Sliding his tongue into my mouth, he explored my orifice as no one had. He moved his hands towards my jockstrap and grabbed my already very hard cock. Even erect, it was no more than five inches, as compared to his eight inches (and thick as a fist). I didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but I was running out of breath, fast. He sensed my apprehension and backed off. Our lips parted and I looked into his eyes, his blue and solemn eyes. From then on, my mind shuts off everything else. No more logical reasonings. No more emotional turmoils. No more nothing. He is my world now.

He guided me to the sawhorse and gently laid me down on my stomach. I heard him locking the restraints around my wrists and ankles as I lay my head down, closed my eyes, and breathed in peacefully. I jerked suddenly as he slapped my ass, hard. Almost immediately, the second slap came on the opposite cheek and I nearly yelped out in pain. He continued to spank me, one cheek after another, one by one, in a steady rythm. After about twenty blows to each of my asscheeks, which I was sure was quite red by then (I can feel the heat emanating from them), he moved in front of me and began to strip. Slowly, he peeled off his shirt, eased down his pants, and finally removed his thong. his hard cock sprang up and slapped his stomach, then jutted out in front of him like a spear ready to strike. Precum oozed out of the piss slit and I was extending my tongue to try to catch it before it drips to the floor, wasted. But instead of pushing his cock into my mouth, he lodged a ball gag into it instead, and tied it around the back of my head. I wasn't about to complain, but what he had in mind, might just made me scream.

I try to tilt my head to see what he was doing, but couldn't move my head enough. Then I heard the swoosh of the paddle before it landed on my butt, stinging. The gag muffled my groans as he paddled my butt without mercy. The paddle was gone as unexpectedly as it came down on me. Then I heard a swish. Multiple swishes actually. It's a Cat'o Nine Tails, I'm sure. My suspicion was confirmed when the first blow landed on my back, and just kept raining on it until there was no spot on my back that was not red. I was almost screaming into the gag now, and after being in this position so long, my limbs were beginning to ache. The ball gag made it impossible to swallow, and my saliva was dripping to the floor forming a puddle. When he put away the whip, I thought it was over. I was wrong. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a long thin ratan. He was going to cane me and there was nothing I can do to stop it. He massaged my mounds and laid a few practice strokes, which was enough to make me tug at my bonds. The first stroke was slow to register, but when it did, the smarting sensation almost made tears flow from my eyes. The second and the third was just painful, nothing else. Then to my horror, I felt him grabbing my cock and balls and pulled them back so that they hang behind the end of the sawhorse. I knew what was coming, and despite my sincerest effort, I couldn't stop myself from screaming when he swing that cane into my cock. If I thought that was the worst he could do, he proved me wrong by laying another stroke directy onto my balls. I screamed so hard even through the gag it was loud. I was lucky he did it with my jockstrap on, otherwise he would have destroyed my balls. Then again, it didn't really made a lot of difference.

I was more than weak when he undid the bonds holding me to the sawhorse. He practically dragged me to the sling and dumped me on it, locking my legs high up but leaving my hands free. At least in this position I was able to rest a little. I felt something cold on my ass and almost immediately knew that it was lubricant. His fingers spread the lube around and tried to probe their ways into my rectum. Being a virgin, my ass was still tight and the sphincters won't give way easily. With the help of the lube though, his fore finger finally popped it's way into me. The sensation was something that I had never felt before. It was hot, and strange to have something up in my ass, going in instead of coming out. He played around with it and something happened then. I jerked up suddenly and felt almost like cumming. He had found my prostate and gave it another jab. I jerked again and moaned into the gag still in my mouth. I didn't have to wait for long before he added a second finger into the assualt, then a third. It didn't hurt as much as I had expected it to. He must have used a lot of lubricant. The endless clawing at my prostate was about to drive me over the edge when he pull out suddenly, leaving me feeling empty, but not for long. I saw him holding and lubing up a buttplug. Not too thick but at least 7" in length with a wide base. Slowly, he pushed it into me, pulling out and pushing in constantly, fucking me with that dildo, keeping pressure on my prostate. Then he pushed it in all the way and as my ass clamped down shut on the base of the buttplug, he let go and let it stay there.

He left me for a minute and return with a glass of water. Removing my gag, he let me drink all I want by myself, then before I could say anything like 'thank you', he pushed the gag back into my mouth and took the glass away. My legs were released from the restraints attached to the sling and I was brought to my feet. I can stand on my own now, but still a little unstable. He guided me towards the St. Andrew's cross and had me raised my hands above my head. Locking them into place, he slowly moved his hands down my body, playing with my nipples, tickling me, and finally massaging my hard cock still trapped inside the jockstrap all this time. With one quick motion, he yanked the jockstrap down, causing my cock to be pulled downwards and then upwards, swaying in the wind before coming to rest erect, pointing straight out. After lifting my legs and removing the jockstrap completely from me, he proceeded to lock the restraints on my legs. He turned a crank behind the cross and I felt the ropes began to pull tight, and my body began to stretch. When the crank couldn't move anymore, he gave me a pat on the stomach and stood there looking at his handiwork. I am standing there, spread eagle, taut, a gag in my mouth, naked, and totally helpless.

He went back to attacking my nipples. Pulling and twisting, he was digging his nails into my hard nipples. Then his mouth was sucking on them, his tongue bathing them, and his teeth gnawing them. I was writhing in pain and pleasure and moaning and groaning into the gag. Slivers was flowing like a small river down my chin. He would bite on one nipple and pinch on the other, then he would switch. When he had enough playing with them, he took a pair of tit clamps and screw them tight onto both my nipples at the same time. I took in a deep breath and hissed at the pain. The clamps were metal, as with the dildo inside my ass, with a link of small chain connecting the two clamps. He pulled on the chain, toying with it, making me scream in agony and joy. With a final tug, he pull the chain of the nipple clamps up, and hooked it to one of the chains dangling from the ceiling.

His next targets are undoubtedly my cock and balls. Taking a metal cock ring, he slid it onto my cock, already hard and near exploding point. The cock ring only made it worse. I never knew it could be this painful, until he pulled on my balls and squeezed them, hard, harder, and harder. I was trashing in my bonds but I was going no where. I couldn't scoot an inch. All I could do was stand there and take it as he keep grinding my balls together in his hands and squeezing them, gently occasionally, but brutally most of the times. Stretching my balls as far as they could go, he placed a ball stretcher/parachute on them, but not before separating the two orbs with a thin piece of long leather, which he pulled around my body and tied behind my back. My balls were separated, and being pulled down to the ground. He added some weight to the stretcher/parachute, and stand there to see the terror and pain on my face. Every minute, he adds a weight until I thought my balls were going to be ripped off my body.

Taking off the balls stretcher/parachute, he placed a plexiglass ball crusher onto my separated nuts and then started to tighten them. As my balls compressed more, the pain in my gut increased to a level that I thought I would puke. There was a sudden tug at the nipple clamps and my attention was diverted for a moment, before I screamed for a hundredth time into the gag, as he gave a kick onto the ball crusher. After a minute of rest, he took it off, looped a piece of rope around my nuts, pulled them tight, and tied it to an eyehook on the ground. My nipples are being pull upwards but my balls are being pulled downwards. The pain was excruciating, but at the same time, the pleasure was overwhelming.

Now it's my cock's turn. Throughout the entire balls bashing ordeal, it has gone soft but the precum was leaking like a broken faucet, wetting the floor with an unending string of clear liquid. He produced a catheter and showed it to me. My eyes grew wide and I shook my head from side to side, begging him not to do this. After wiping the sound with alcohol swaps, he gently and slowly pushed it into my piss slit. The smarting sensation was so bad I was biting into the ball gag and groaning in pain. When he had the entire length of the sound inside my cock, he jabbed it directly on the prostate, making me jump (as much as the bonds would allow anyway). He continued this jabbing routine for a few minutes, before leaving me like that. Naked, spread-eagled on a X cross, pulled tight, my entire body sweating, nipple clamps hurting me and pulled up to the ceiling, balls separated and pulled to the ground, and a catheter inside my leaking cock.

When he came back half an hour later, I was barely conscious. He slapped me awake and then slowly began to remove the restraints. First my left hand, then my right, my left leg next, and finally my right leg. Knowing that I cannot stand on my own, he quickly grabbed me before I could fall, or it would have been really bad for me, since the tit clamps and my balls were still connected to the ceiling and the ground. When I regained my composure, he had me stand there like that, immobilised by my tits and balls, and he slapped a pair of handcuffs on my hands, locking them behind my back. Out of nowhere a riding crop appeared and he used it to sting parts of my body that I least expected him to attack. I jumped each time, in effect pulling on my tits and balls. He kept this up for a long time, and the riding crop was not the only thing that he used. I have no idea where or how, but he got himself a cattle prod, and he was not afraid to use it on me. Fortunately, he was merciful with the cattle prod and soon as it began it was over, just a few light zaps.

Unhooking the chains of the nipple clamps from the ceiling and the ropes around my balls from the gound, he guided me to the bed and had me lay down on my back. Finally, some rest. Again, I was wrong. Very wrong. The handcuffs was removed only to be replaced by the leather restraints at the far end of each corner of the four poster bed. Both my wrists and both my ankles were tied to the bed. I was again spread-eagled. This time I have a little slack to move though, which will soon become clear why he had let it be so. He put a blindfold on me and everything went black. I couldn't see a thing. I could only feel him attaching something to the nipple clamps, both of them, to the catheter still lodged inside my cock, to the dildo still inside my ass, and finally to my balls (which was tied tight to the foot of the bed). I have a pretty good idea what they were but I would rather not think about it and before that thought could finish, I was arching up in the bed screaming my loudest yet.

He must have hooked everything to a T.E.N.S. unit and was frying my balls. As soon as the pain was gone, I felt another surge at my prostate, as he connected the circuit between the catheter in my cock and the dildo in my ass. When I calmed down, I could feel the dildo moving inside me. It was vibrating and my cock could not be harder! Then I arched up in pain again as my tits were electrocuted. He did this over and over again. Balls, cock and ass, tits, cock and ass, balls, tits, tits, cock and ass, balls, cock and ass, cock and ass, balls, tits, sometimes a combination of two. I arched and I screamed everytime without fail. Then everything went quiet. I was laying there, blindfolded, gagged, sweating, and breathing hard anticipating another surge, but it never came. Everything was still.

When a sudden drop of hot liquid hits my chest, I jerked violently. The liquid quickly hardened on my skin. Candle wax. He dripped most on my chest and stomach, although some on my tits, cock, and balls. When he had enough of this, I felt a slight tingling of electricity going through my balls and up along my cock. He is doing the electro again, but this time, the voltage was constant and it began to feel very pleasurable. I was nearing my climax when he suddenly turn the juice up to all three electrodes, making me screamed, arched, and shot my biggest load of cum ever in my entire life. I shot and shot and I thought I would never stop shooting. The orgasm must have continued for two minutes. It was awesome, since I had not been permitted to cum for the past two weeks. When I came back down to earth, I realised the slight tingling sensation of the T.E.N.S. unit is still there. Oh no, he was planning to extract another load out of me. With this unit, there is no choice. I will cum as many times as it wanted me to, even though I can ejaculate no more. Five minutes later I felt the stirring in my balls and the familiar pressure began to rise again. I tried to hold it back as long as possible, but it kept getting better and better and finally I let it out, screaming in ecstasy, cumming for the second time of the day. I was breathing hard, panting, but the electricity was still there on my balls. Then I heard him leave. I tried to protest but when I heard the door slammed, I knew my fate was sealed. I was bound (pun intended) to cum as long as he leaves me here with the merciless T.E.N.S. unit.

When I heard the door open again three hours later, I had already cummed another five times. I couldn't shoot anymore and my entire body was aching. My balls were sore and my cock felt like it wass going to fall off my body anytime. I prayed that he would release me now, but with one spin of the dial, I was up in the bed, screaming and cumming for the eighth time that night. Then it was over. He removed the T.E.N.S. unit and let me rest. Unbuckling the restraints on my ankles, and undid the knot on the bed railing that's pulling my balls tight, he lifted my legs over my head and slapped the restraints on the headboard on them. Now my ass is open for his assault and there is only one thing left for him to do. I was about to lose my virginity.

Reapplying some lubricant on my ass after pulling out the still vibrating dildo/buttplug, he rolled on a condom and lube it up well. By this time, I didn't think my ass will have any problem taking his cock, and it didn't. He slid in smoothly, the mushroom head popped through my spinchter without resistance, without pain. When he had all eight inches buried to the hilt, he gave me a minute to adjust, and then he started to pull out till only the head is still inside, and slowly push back in. He settled down to a rythm very soon and was holding my legs fucking me like how a slave should be fucked. Halfway through, he took the ropes still binding my balls and tied it to his waist, giving only very little slack between his body and my balls. This way, every time he pulls out while fucking me, he would pull on my ball sacks.

The first few strokes was long and slow, giving me time to adjust to the pulling of my scrotums. Soon after, he was picking up speed, faster and faster. He speared me with his cock, in and out, in and out. He fucks me with wild abandon now, only animal instinct governing his mind. The force of his fucking pulled on the ropes tugging my balls, coupled with the pounding of his cock to my prostate, I felt my cock getting hard again. His pace was almost frantic now. He was really going to town with my ass, fucking and fucking and fucking till he suddenly bucked, stayed still, and with one last stroke, he cummed inside me. At the same time, I cummed again, the ninth time in one night. He shot his load inside of me, and he kept shooting till some leaked out from my ass, till he was spent and collapsed on top of me. It had been a long night, but there was no other way in heaven or hell that I would rather lose my virginity. It was simply, perfect.

That night, after he released all my bonds and got everything off me, he had me showered and slept with him in his bed. Throughout the entire evening, we had not spoken a word. We looked into each other's eyes and I was feeling so peaceful, so right, so perfect. I knew I had found my home. As these thoughts played through my mind, he gave a quizzical look and grabbed the package that he had brought home earlier in the evening. What he took out made tears swell up in my eyes. It was a leather collar, with a tag hanging in the middle of it, and on that tag etched my name. He buckled it around my neck, and once locked, it cannot be opened again unless the leather is cut. I threw my arms around him, hugging him close, as he whispered into my ears the words that I will forever remember:

This life, is ours.

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