When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Jul 23, 1999


Notes: Here...you go...another story of NSYNC. Hopefully, you've never tired to read their stories. This is my first story of its kind (actually I've never written a story before), and I would really appreciate it, if you would please send comments and suggestions (bad or good is welcomed) regarding this story to TonnY at aspire34@go.com . Btw..Thanks for my special friends: Andy, Rick, and Keith...for such a support to push me to send this story.

Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that him or any members of N'Sync is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL

CHAPTER ONE: A New Beginning

Here I am, sitting all alone on my bed again, in my small apartment. It's 3 am already and I still can't close my eyes. A lot of things happened to me lately, especially for the past 2 days. Since I took them to the airport, I am thinking what just happened. I'm thinking and thinking again 'what's wrong with me?!'. The past 2 days were the best days in my entire life. I had a chance to meet them, and a great opportunity to open their concert here, 'yeah, it was once in a lifetime experience happening to me'.

~ Back to the past ~

Now I'm thinking how everything has started on me. Well I used to be 'a pub singer' well it was a great job and surely paid my bills since I was still studying in college and far away from my parents. I met Pete at the pub, he's sort of kinda a local producer, after the show, he told me that I had a great voice and a great chance to be a real singer. First though 'yeah right, being a singer, I have never been so serious with singing and never thinking that singing as my career'. Then Pete asked me if I was interested in recording a music. At first, I had to reject it, but he insisted that I should come to give it a try. He gave his card. The next day, I met him in his studio and I did it. I recorded 3 songs in 4 days. Pete looked satisfied on the result, and asked me to sign his contract. I told him about my though about singing as a career, therefore I was not sure to sign the contract. However he explained that without signing the contract, he couldn't producing my first single. Well thinking what I've done for the past few days, I agreed to sign it but I asked for short term contract, and Pete was fine with that. After couple of weeks, the single of my songs was out. It wasn't so pleased, however, some local radios tried to play it once in a while. It was great to know that the radios tried helping out a new and independent local artist. I was also so surprised that Pete seemed cool with it, he was not even bother that the single wasn't successfully in the market as he expected.

Two months later, Pete called me, and he sounded in rush or something. He said that I had an opportunity to open a tour in here, in Perth, for a group from states, in two days. I was so surprised, and I said why? Why? And why me?. He explained that the opening tour supposed to be by 'Human Nature' (it's a very famous Australian group), since two of the members were sick therefore they could not perform for the show, and Pete also couldn't found anyone to replace their performance in short notice. Then Pete kept begging me to do it. Actually I didn't like the idea of people throwing eggs or tomatoes at me, but Pete told me that 'I'll be fine' since some people seemed liked my songs lately. Then I said 'yes' to him, and Pete was so pleased about it, he was so happy like he won a lottery or something. He told me that I had to sings three songs. I was so surprised when I found out that the group was N'SYNC. What I know about the group is that they are so famous in Asia, Europe, and US but they're new to Australian's audiences (surely their songs sit on the TOP 20 ARIA charts, not like my song). Well, nothing to loose, so I gave it my best shot. Then I had to prepare myself for the show in two days.

In two days, I had to make rehearsal for the show at PEC (Perth Entertainment Center). It is a big place in the heart of Perth, most of basketball games and big shows are held over there. As I started my rehearsal and Pete was watching me seriously how I performed. After finishing my last song, he was so pleased, then we heard hands clapped from side of the stage. When I turned to see who they were, I saw 5 people at the right of the stage. Oh my god, it was them, N'SYNC even Pete surprised to see them. They came to us, and introduced their self, start with JC, Lance, Chris, Joey, and Justin, the last one. Then Pete introduced himself and me. They told me that my songs were great, as a matter of fact, it was different kind of music from them. I was blushing a couple of times, but I had to keep myself cool, I didn't want to look idiot in front of them.

We were chatting for a while before they practiced for their rehearsal. I didn't know why but I seem comfortable around them. They are really friendly, I always though that they could be arrogant or something since they're really famous. I guessed, I was wrong, they even started playing jokes on me, mainly from Chris and Joey. We really had a good time with them. They started asking about me, just about everything when I said everything means really really everything from A-Z, it was kinda like interviews instead of just simple chatting. However I just answered in simple, not too much details. Basically, they were so surprised that I'm not an Australian. I just told them that I came to Australia for study, so I'm an overseas student and also they just could not believe that singing is just a hobby for me. In the evening, the concert began right on time as planned, it started from my songs, and the audiences seem enjoyed so much, they even gave me some applause and singing a long with me (it was surprising me that they remembered all the words from my songs). After finishing my last song, it was dark, then the laser started playing at the background, making a word "N'SYNC" then the background sound "I want you back" was playing and one by one, the guys all came out. They were really good, not to forget the dancing (I wish I could dance like that), all of their fans kept screaming and some of them fainted. I just watched them from the side of the stage. They finished their song with "You drive me Crazy" then they thanks the fans for coming. Out of now where, Justin called my name to come out, and asked the fans to give cheers for my performance. I did not what to do I was just freeze where I was standing, then Justin took my hand and dragged me out, all the fans cheers me out and the other guys were laughing to see what Justin did to me. Finally we all took a bow to the fans. When we were all the backstage, I thanked them all, especially for Justin who dragged me out, and they were just kept laughing. Since it was their last concert in Australia and my job was finished, then timed to say good bye and I thanked them again for the opportunity. When I just wanted to leave, Justin asked me whether I was interested having dinner with them, well it was kinda late so I turned down his offer then the guys just kept begging me to come with them, even Chris started to drag me to go with them (since it was 5 against 1, I couldn't possibly win it) then I said yes, they all were very excited, especially Justin.

Then we all were heading to their limo, before getting to the car, they were stopped by some fans, asking for some autograph of course, well the guys were so generous that night, so I had to wait for a couple of minutes until 'the autograph session' finished. Since it was pretty late, the guys decided to have their dinner at the hotel. They were staying at Burstwood (it's the best hotel and casino in town). It only took 20 minutes from the venue to the hotel. Arriving at the hotel, we all were heading to JC's room, and it was spacious room with great view of the city, swan river, and the golf course (Perth is certainly nice at night, peaceful and quite). They ordered pizzas since we were all very starving. We were still talking about the concert (they seem really enjoyed their time in Australia), and once awhile Joey and Chris were starting with some jokes. Then I realised, it was nearly mid-night, I told them that I had to leave since all of them were pretty tired, now they let me go. I told them that I could catch a cab however Justin insisted to take me back home with their limo but I assured him that it was safe in here to take a cab at night and again now all the guys insisted (again the battle which I've never won), so I decided to take their offer. Each of them gave me a hug and said good bye. Since Justin was not pretty tired, he came with me ( I had a 'funny' feeling about the whole thing), he told me that he wanted to see the view of the city at night while heading back to myself, for the excused. In the limo, I just kept staring outside, and I could see the reflection from the window that Justin kept staring at me (well I guessed he wanted to see the view of the city from my site).

After 30 minutes rode, we were at my place. Justin was so surprised that my apartment is so small, and I explained to him that I'm living alone and beside I'm just a student. He asked me whether he could had a look of my place for a while, I said surely do.

"This is a nice place though, small but nice" Justin commented on my apartment.

" well thanks, I don't need something big, as long as I can study peacefully" I replied

"Do u want drink or a cuppa" I asked

"cuppa???" Justin sounds confused of the Australian's term

"a cup of tea ???" I repeated my question with a smile.

"just water please" he smiled.

Then I gave him a glass of water, He looked at my CDs collection and he was so surprised of my collection.

"How many CD do you have here?" Justin asked

"I dunno, I've never counted before......probably around 200 something" I replied

" wow these are a lot mannn......... let me see...hmmm Celine, Shania, Madonna, Frank Sinatra, Cher, BSB, Dance, Rap, R&B, Rock......you love all types of music hey..."

"Yap I collect songs and love it all, from Hanson to Marilyn Manson...from celine to TLC... he he he he" I said, and he laughed at my comment while kept browsing my collection

"tell the truth... I love this one...this one is great" he showing N'SYNC Album

"oh that one surely..it is the best he he he he" we all laughed

He looked at me for awhile and he realized that I felt sleepy.

"hhhmm it's 1 am already, I should be back and let you have a rest"

"oh OK...well tell the guys ...thanks for the pizzas"

"sure...hmmm tony..can I get your phone number? Probably we can get going somewhere tomorrow"

"tomorrow? Don't you guys have to leave to states"

"Ohhh no no no... we still have one last day off in Australia before going back to Orlando, we have a midnight flight anyway" Justin explained.

"Oh ok...well if guys want to go somewhere tomorrow, just give me a call Ok...anyway I don't have a class tomorrow, here's my number" I gave him a piece of paper with my home and mobile number on it.

"great..see ya tomorrow then...have a sweet dream"

"you too Justin, take care" I closed the door.

At that moment, I was wondering whether Justin had a feeling for me. Oh pleasee , we just met not even more than 24 hours, I though. He could not possibly had a feeling for ya, stupid. He is straight as an arrow. I sighed.

The next morning around 9am, someone was knocking my apartment door, actually I just woke up and still feeling sleepy. When I opened the door, I saw Justin with his killer smile.

"good morning ton...hmmm did I wake you up??" Justin asked

"morning Just... well yeah... I just woke up... it was a big night last night" I replied

"well...you look pretty tired... probably I just let you back to sleep"

"Oh no...I have enough sleep, ooh yeah come in" and I let him in, and I looked outside, nobody else.

"Hmmm...Just where the guys????" I asked him

"They're still sleeping, There were pretty tired from the show last night...since I woke up early...then I decided to visit you rather than doing nothing in the hotel... and sorry not to call you first... I though it could be a surprised for ya...hope you don't mind"

"Not at all, you can come anytime...well do you have your breakfast yet?" I asked him while closing the front door.


"Do you want anything? I have cornflakes and orange juice" I offered him

"that would be great" then I took two bowls and put cornflakes plus milk on it and two glass of orange juice.

"thanks ton" he took one of the bowl and I turned on the TV to channel 10 where the cartoon is shown in the morning.

"you like watching Cartoon??" he asked and laughed a bit

"sometime but I like this one 'X-Men', that's why I used to wake up in the morning just watching cartoon" I replied then I took my breakfast.

"hmmm I guess...Joey will miss this one...he loves superhero figures especially..." and I cut his sentences

"Superman...right??? I can see that from his necklace"

Justin laugh, "right...he's just a Superman Fanatic"

" So what do you and the guys wanna do on your last day in here" I asked

" I don't think the other guys wanna do something today but sleeping all day long, but would you mind taking me tour around the city and shopping I guess...I have to buy some presents for my brother" Justin responded

It was a really weird request I though," No, I don't mind at all, I can take you some good stores in here, since it's Friday, most shop open till 9" I replied

"cool!" he said and he was really excited

"Let me take a shower and get ready, don't worry it won't be long"

"Take your time mate!" I laughed as he used an OZ's accent.

After 20 minutes, I was ready, wearing khaki pants and white shirt. When I went to the living room, Justin was listening to one of my CD, and I was surprised that he cleaned all the bowls and glass. I told him that he didn't have to do that, but he though... it wasn't a big deal, at least that the only thing, he could do for offering him breakfast. Then we were heading outside to start our journey, and I was surprised that the Limo was waiting for us

"What?" Justin looked at me wondering

"I don't expect to travel around town using that" I was pointing to the Limo

"So do you want me to arrange another car?"

"Well I can rent a car though, can you ask the driver to take us to the nearest car rental?" I asked him

"Sure..no problemo" Justin said with spanigh accent then Justin talked to the driver to take us to the nearest car rental.

We went to the Hertz car rental, and I picked Silver Volkswagen Golf Cabriolet. Justin was pleased with my decision, he insisted to pay for it but I handed my Visa one step ahead of him. He looked unhappy about it, but I cheered him up with stick my tongue out. Now he kept begging me to drive the car.

"Why can I drive this car" He asked

"Well you're only 17 and I know the street better than you"

"okay..okay.." he smiled.

We were heading to Subiaco. I took him to Colonade, where all of famous and expensive branded stores line up. I showed him some of Australian designers, from SABA to Morrissey. He sure, a big spender, He spent more than $1000 Australian dollar in less than 20 minutes for some clothes.

"don't u want buy anything?" he asked while kept browsing all of the SABA's clothing.

"Nah...It's all too expensive for me and I have enough clothing in my wardrobe"

"come on...just pick some...and I can pay for it" he looked at me

"Thanks for the offer but nope............ thanks anyway" I replied

After paying another $600 of clothing, We started out tour around the blocks and looked some markets. By the way, I had to help him with some of his shopping bags. We stopped at Baskin & Robins Ice cream and rested for a while, we continued our chats about everything. Then we were heading to the city, and I asked him whether he wanted to watch a movie, he was agree. We watched 'H20' in Greater Union Cinema City since me and Justin haven't seen it. It was a stupid movie but scared me quite sometimes, and Justin just kept squeezed my hand when he got scared. Thanks god the movie ended soon if not, I think, some of my fingers would be broken by Justin's squeezed. By now, it was 2pm, and we were starving so I took him to the Carillon food court. I ordered Japanese food, while Justin went for the burger of Hungry Jack (they called 'Burger King' in states, somehow they changed the name in Australia).

After an hour, we started wondering around the city. Since shopping the only thing in his brain, then I took him to some big department store (Myer and Aherns), and some other stores like 'Live', 'Billabong', 'Houndoug', to 'Foot Locker'. I don't know why but He must buy something from every stores. People were staring at us, how we handled all of the shopping bags. Surprising, not many people noticed me or Justin, but sometime we had to stop to sign some autograph. It was 20:30 and most stores prepared to close, then we decided to go back to his hotel, since they had to be in the airport by 11pm for the flight to Orlando.

At the hotel, we went to JC's room and we were struggling to keep all the bags in our hands. And seems all of them were in JC's room. Joey and Chris were playing with playstation and Lance read some magazines. When JC opened the door............

"Oh my god...What is that?" JC asked with a shocked expression

"Hi JC!!!" I said

"Can you give me a hand Josh?" Justin asked

"Sure..." JC said while grabbing some of the bags from Justin's hands

Suddenly, the other guys just stopped whatever they did. They looked me and Justin plus all of the bags, with unbelievable looks.

"Hi guys..." I greeted them

"Hi..." Lance, Joey and Chris said in unison and still watching all the bags in awesome.

"Oh great! you had a good time with Tony and we stuck in here" Chris said with annoying tone.

"Dooh sorry guys, you all looked wasted this morning, so I though to let you get more sleep while I'm doing a bit shopping with Tony" Justin said in calm.

"That's what you called 'a bit of shopping'? I think you just bought all the stuff in the city hey" Joey tried to embarrass Justin

"Why don't you call us Ton? We were bored in here...ya know..." JC looked at me "Well, I am so sorry guys, as Justin told me... you all need some rest" I tried to explain and felt guilty about it.

"shuuu... don't apologize to them, they're just too old for having fun... not like us" Justin tried to defend me and I was giggling on his comment

"TOO OLD???" JC, Lance, Joey and Chris said in unison. Then suddenly they all tried to tickle Justin. Justin couldn't help but kept laughing. I also laughed on their action and watched them making a fool on Justin.

"Ok guys...don't you have to be in the airport in 2 hours" I tried to stop them tickling Justin. Then they stopped the action.

"Well I packed all my stuff already" JC said

"done two hours ago" Lance comment

"me too" Joey said

"me three" Chris followed and started giggling

"OO NO! I haven't packing yet!" Justin stood up and panicking

"Now who's the 'old' one again ..." JC tried to make a fool of Justin

"I can give you a hand if you want to Just..." I offered my help

"Please.... come on ...quick.....Packing? Taking shower?..." Justin was panicking and quickly gripped all of his bag.

"calm down...Just...Ok guys...gonna help this 'baby' do his packing...see ya later" I said to others and they all laugh.

Me and Justin were heading to his room. I asked him to take a shower while I did his packing 'stuff', he agreed and thanked me. He surely had a lot of stuff, and plus all of the shopping bags, I didn't know how to put all his stuff in his one large suitcase. So I just put his personal and important stuff in his suitcase and some of the shopping bags. Suddenly Justin went out from the bathroom with just towel around his waist. I saw a glimpse of Justin figures (wow he's hot for seventeen year old), but I tried to concentrate to all of his bag than him. Actually he forgot to bring his clothes, then he rushed back to the bathroom. After 30 minutes, he showed up from the bathroom, and he looks great than before.

"Just...I don't think all of the bags fit in your suitcase" I started the conversation.

"uuhhh...ooh geee..I like to bring them all. Do you have any idea ton?" he asked me. I was thinking for a while

"Well, you can send it by FedEx if you want it"

"Fantastic idea and good one ton!"

"Let me call the front desk to arrange this stuff OK..."

"Thanks ton, I owe you" he started to wear his shoes, while I called the Hotel front office.

"Ok that's settled...let's go to the lobby...you should leave in 15 minutes" I looked at my watch

"Ok let's go, they all are waiting for us"

We were heading down to the lobby hotel, and the other guys were waiting for Justin.

"Here... they're...How is the 'baby' doing ton?" JC started the jokes on Justin again and we all laughed except for Justin.

"He's yours now" I stoped laughing.

"Well that's it guys, have a nice trip back home" I started the farewell.

"We've gonna missed you ton" JC said

"you should come to states ton, and do the opening again for us" Lance stated.

"yeah...right, concert in USA, probably it's only happened in my dream" I told him

"you're great ton! I know it, you should try the USA market" Joey comment on my last words.

"Thanks guys for the offer but it's a lot of to think about" I replied.

"We should go now guys, or we'll be late for the flight" Chris said

And all of them nodded, one by one, they all gave me a hug. The last one was Justin, he looked very sad that he had to leave me. He still hugged me for more than 2 minutes or so, but I had to break it, and told him, he's gonna late for the flight.

"Can you come with us to the airport?" Justin asked me. And the guys surprised on Justin's request.

"Pleasee..ton" Justin said with a puppy looks. How I could turn down his offer with those looks.

"Yeah ton, can you come with us? We don't want to get lost or something on our way to the airport" Chris said with a bit laugh on his joke

"Ok OK I'll follow your Limo..." I told them and I can see the smile back on Justin's face.

"Yesss, I'll go with ya" Justin cut of my sentences and the other guys looked at him suspiciously

"You're sure??? There's a lot of space you know in the Limo" I said and started to make a joke.

"Definitely sure, I want to ride the cabriolet one more time" he said with his killer smile, and I can see all the guys cocked an eyebrow on Justin statement

"Anyone want to come with us? 2 seats left ha ha ha" I offered them with laughed. Then Justin looked at the guys with 'no one can come with us' looks.

"No thanks" the guys said with suspicious looks on Justin expression.

"Ok, let's go then guys" I felt uncomfortable by the looked from the rest of the group.

At the Perth International Airport 00:15

"Guys...the flight is on the schedule, boarding in 45 minutes and all of the luggage has been taken care of. Now we have to pass the immigration" their manager explained

"Ok guys here we are again, Have a nice trip guys and good luck" I said. I gave a hug again to JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey. When I just started to hug Justin...

"Oh crab! I left my sunglasses in your car ton...why don't you guys go ahead, I'll be right back in a minute" Justin said

"sure? we can wait for ya Just" Lance sounded suspicious again on Justin's words

"yeah, it doesn't take long anyway. Come on ton!" Justin said clearly and he took my hand, dragged me along.

I rushed to get to my car, I didn't want him to be late for his flight. I opened my driver door, while Justin opened the passenger door. And I started looking around for his sunglasses

"Just, I can not find your glasses here, are you sure you left it in the car?" I questioned him and still kept looking around the dashboard.

"It's in my backpack" Justin said and kept looking at me then he closed his door

"What??? It's in your..." before I finished my sentenced, he cut me off

"I just want to talk to you, privately"

"Ohhh what is it then???" now I was starting felt uncomfortable with the whole 'set up' situation.

"I don't know why but since we've met, I've becoming comfortable around you...and I've never felt this way before... not even with the guys......ummm I LOVE YOU Ton" he sounded scared to tell this. I just lost my mind for a couple of second 'he said what'

"As a best friend right?" I asked him slowly

"No... more than that...I LIKE YOU Ton.. I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU" he stated sternly, then he popped the question "Do you like me Ton?" he looked at me and I looked to his eyes

"I..I... don't know Just...I...I've never falling in love before...I really really don't..." before finishing my sentence, Justin put his lips on mine, like a minute or so, I didn't reply his kiss, I just stunned.

"You don't like me, do you?" tears felt from his eyes

"Just, I like you a lot, I just confuse. At the moment I like you as a friend but... if you expected more...I really don't know...We just met Justin...not even more than two days and this is new to me. I really don't know what to say" I tried to hold my tears, but I couldn't. I cleaned Justin's face from his tears with my hands.

"Just say it Ton!" he definitely want the answer from me

"I.I..hmmmm you have to board in 15 minutes Just...I think, you should..." before finishing my words, tears dropped from his eyes again, then he opened the door and run away toward the main airport.

"Justin!...Justin!... wait!" I tried to catch him but it was too late, he passed the immigration gate already. I just stand there while the gate was closed.

~ Now ~

It's 4 am and I'm still crying, remembering what just happened few hours ago. 'I Love you Justin, I Like you Justin, I am so sorry' He probably hates me by now. I was stupid. 'I'm so sorry Justin'. I Played one of the cd, sometimes it helps me to sleep.

'....Now I toss and turn....Cause I'm without you.....How I'm missing you so bad....Where was my head.....Where was my heart...Now I cried alone in the dark...I was such a fool....I couldn't see it...Just how good you were to me....You confessed your love....Undying devotion...And now I'm left...With all this pain....Lonely got myself to blame....Why didn't I Know it...How much I love you baby.....Why couldn't show it...If I had only told you...When I had the chance.....I lay awake....I drive myself crazy.....thinking of you....made a mistake...when I let you go baby..'


OK...that's all for the first chapter. Should I go ahead after this? I'm waiting your response guys at aspire34@go.com

Next: Chapter 2

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