When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Sep 24, 1999


To: Tonny aspire34@go.com

Author's note:

Another chapter guys. Thanks for my best pal 'Andy' who checked this story for me. Also to Yuli and Keith, who gave me a lot of supports for this story [Thanks guys]. And of course Adam, thanks man for your response, looking forward for your story too. And for everyone who still read my story. Thanks to you all guys! Please send any comment/flame/idea to aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer :

This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL ********************************************************************* Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

"Does he never give up!" Justin said sarcastically "Justin, be nice remember" I said to calm him down "He asked for your address, what next, having sex with you!"

"JUSTIN!" I raised my voice, "What you just said, it's so disparage me. I even lied about my address to him," I said angry as I stood up "Tony wait!" he grabbed my hand, "I'm so sorry what I just said"

I jerked his hand. "You know what! I have fed up with all of this, I have work to do, just think what you just did to me ok," I said clearly and walked away. Justin just looked down, I looked back at him for a second, "Grow up Justin! GROW UP!" then I made my way to the studio.


I was heading my way to the studio for the MTV Land, actually I felt bad leaving Justin alone but he needed a lot of thinking to do. The show ran smoothly, even the guys could play along as I planned. When we just nearly wrapped up the shows, I could see, Justin was standing near the door of the studio. He looked down when I was staring at him; I made my way to him.

"I'm so sorry Ton. I was really overreacting. I didn't mean to insult you or something" Justin apologized softly

"You should know me better Justin, and try to trust me Ok" I replied then he nodded and smiled to me.

The show was ended, and time for me to have a lunch break. The guys came to me for saying goodbye. "Well done guys! The show was superb. I hope, you can come again" I said politely

"Yeah sure, next time when we visit Singapore again" Roger replied "Well, we're going to have lunch. Would you like to join with us" Lee asked, and I looked to Justin and he didn't show any jealousy anymore.

"Naah, Thanks for the offer guys but I have my lunch with my friend in here" I put my hand on Justin's shoulder and Justin smiled shyly to me

"That's cool. Well we've better going then. Thanks for everything Ton" Neil said

"Not a problem guys" I shook their hands

"Oh yeah nice to meet you Just! I hope we can meet again" Phil looked at Justin

"Yeah me too" Justin shook his hand and the others.Then they all left the studio.

"Come on, I'm hungry. You're hungry too right?" I asked Justin "Yeah" he replied, "Ton, I'm so sorry"

"That's cool Justin! In fact, I like when you're jealous" I mocked him and he chuckled.

We went to Scott Picnic Food Court on the Scott Road. Actually, it's in the basement of Scotts shopping center; it serves excellent selection of foods. Since it was Friday, so I could finish my work a little bit early, so I took Justin for a quick sightseeing, which ended with Justin bought a lot of stuff. We were browsing every stores in the Orchard Road, Justin seems never tired of shopping; he even didn't bother to check the prices. When we went to one shop, we always came out with at least one shopping bag. We went to Palais Renaissance, Pacific Plaza, The Paragon, Metro, Isetan, etc. I was getting tired with our 'quick' sightseeing then I had to stop him at Daimaru; we took a cab since I couldn't help him anymore with all the bags. At 6pm, we decided back to my apartment, having dinner and straight to bed.

My Place 07:00am 08/05/1999

Yesterday, I asked Michael for a day off, I told him that I wanted to bring Justin sightseeing since it was his last day in Singapore. Michael didn't have a problem with it, since I had done all of my works for that day. I looked at the clock, it was 7 already then I decided to take a bath and prepared some breakfast for us. When I was preparing my pancake, Justin woke up and went to the kitchen to see me.

"Morning Ton!" Justin said and yawned plus some stretching "Morning, it's still 7:30, you don't have to wake up this early you know" I said as I fried more pancake

"Yeah, but I smell something delicious from the bed that wakes me" "Just some pancakes. Why don't you brush your teeth and take a shower before eating" I ordered him

"Ok...wait...Don't you have to go to work?" he returned at me "Oh I asked Mike for a day off to take you sightseeing today"

"Cool! I've better hurry then" Justin excited and straight to the bathroom "Take your time Just!" I shouted.

And he did. He took an hour to get ready, even I had to reheat the pancake into the microwave. He burped after eating my pancake, and I had to remind him about his bad habits. At 9, we started our journey, first I showed him Merlion Park to see a symbol of Singapore. It is a mythical beast, said to be half-lion and half fish. Then I took him to Jurong, to see some basic tourist attraction, like Jurong Bird Park, Haw Par Villa, Tang Dynasty City; Justin seem so amazed of various cultures in Singapore.

At 1pm, I decided to take him for lunch in Garden Seafood Restaurant, the place was quite expensive, but it didn't bother me since I was rarely going to that place and Justin seemed like the lobster and I liked chili mussels. After having lunch, we went to Sentosa Island by cable car from Mount Faber. We spent the rest of the day on that island. The island was full of tourist attractions, which has different admissions. Well as long as Justin happy then I was happy too, apart from being stopped by his fans whose asked for photos and signatures.

At 7pm, we were absolutely tired; I decided to take cab to go back to my apartment, we stooped at McDonald's Drive in for Dinner take away since I was not in the mood of cooking that night. At 10pm, We were going to bed since we were very exhausted. I laid down on the bed next to Justin, and I turned to face him

"So did you have fun today?" I asked him and he turned to face me

"Yeah but I'm very exhausted. Thanks ton" he thanked me, and I just looked to his eyes and kept silent. "What's wrong, ton?"

"You will be leaving tomorrow and I'll be alone again" I sighed

"I want to stay a little bit longer ton, but I promised the guys that I should return before our concert in Tennessee." Justin said sadly

"Yeah I understand, I just wish, we can always together" I replied

"Me too. So come with me" Justin looked at me with full of hope.

"Not now Just. I just have this job" Justin looked even sadder, "but I promise, I'll come to visit you and the guys" I cheered him and he smiled.

"well last time, you said that you would come to Florida that Sunday" Justin pouted

"I said SOMEDAY not Sunday," I said sternly and he laughed

"So what 'Someday' would be then?" he asked me

"I dunno, just see what happened ok. I've never lied to you right?" I assured him and he nodded. I hugged him tightly, 'Ooh God! I miss him already' I said to myself, as we felt asleep.

The next day, it was Sunday so I didn't have to go to work. I took Justin to CHANGI Airport, his flight was on 09:45. When he came to Singapore, he only brought a backpack, now he returned to Florida with 2 large travel bags. I knew that we did it twice, saying good-bye at the Airport. He looked so sad, while I kept smiling to him, tried to cheer him up; inside I wanted to jump to that flight and go with him.

"Come on! Don't be sad, we did this a couple of times" I looked at him and he was wearing his sunglasses, then tears falling down on his face. I took his glasses off and wiped his tears; then he hugged me suddenly

"Please...just this one, come with me" he said and still sobbing

"I want to Just, but not now. We discussed it last night right?"

Justin nodded, "I promised that I'll come to see you. I miss you ton" he said as he kissed me lightly

"I miss you too. Come on, I don't want to see that face. That face made me sad" I smiled to him and he tried to smile at me, "There you go, that's my Justin. Ok you should boarding now, the plane can't wait for you" I joked and he cheered a bit

"Ok, I'll wait for you. I'll call you" Justin said as he put his backpack on his shoulder

"Ok please say hi to the guys and your mom ok" Justin nodded and he walked heading to the gate, "Be good Justin!" I shouted and he waved at me. Then he was gone from my vision; I couldn't hold the tears anymore; I sighed, then left the airport.

MTV STUDIO-SINGAPORE 14:00 18/05/1999

"Tony, can you come to my office please?" Michael asked me and I nodded as I finished my last bite on my sandwich. "Please sit" Michael said as he cleared up his table from papers.

Actually, I was a little bit nervous, I had a feeling that he was going to fired me.

"Tony, you did a great job in here and I'm impress with your works so far" Michael smiled at me.

I gasped 'What a relieve'

"I have some assignment for you" he looked at me.

"Ok and that would be?" I asked

"You know that Backstreet Boys is going to be our Artist of the Month for June right?" I nodded, "We received a lot of responses or actually questions for them on MTV ASK with BSB, so I want you to go to US and shot for the show and also make some footage about them for Artist of the Month"

"What? Backstreet Boys? They are a boy band" I sounded rejecting of the idea "So? What?" Michael questioned me

"Come on Mike, send someone else. I don't like BSB, I'm even hardly listening to hear their music. Why don't you send me for Madonna, Mariah or Celine perhaps" I tried to persuade him

"Well you also have to do some shoots for Jennifer Lopez in NY since she's going to be our Hot Seat for July" Michael added

"Great I take Jennifer, I love her music" I excited

"And BSB too" Michael said sternly "But Mike..." I pouted

"Hey this is your first assignment. It's really not a good sign for your future career if you turn it down" he looked at me seriously

"Ok Ok you're the boss" I gave up

"Great, you will be going with Alex the cameraman. And here are the tickets, You're going tomorrow, meet the BSB in Orlando on the 20th and meet Ms. Lopez in NY on 23rd. Your return flight is on 24th. I confirmed their schedules with ours, please be on time." Michael said as he gave me the full itinerary

When I heard the word Orlando, suddenly I was feeling excited because I had a chance to meet Justin and the guys.

"OK I'll do it!" I said excited "That's the spirit. You do know what to do right?" Michael asked me "Yeah...It's all in here" I put my finger on my head.

After work finished, I was straight back to my apartment, I prepared all my stuff for my trip to see Justin, oopps I meant for doing my job. I couldn't sleep that night I was too exciting to meet Justin; I was planning to give him a surprise so I decided not to tell him about my trip to see him.


"I hate long flight," I said to Alex, while we were waiting in a long queue for the immigration.

"Not for me, I can't believe you could sleep that long during the flight and missed all the foods and movies" Alex replied

"ha ha Yeah I couldn't sleep last night" I said to him as we moved one step ahead in a line

"Why? Exciting to meet BSB?" Alex mocked me "Oh please!" I pouted, "I have to do this because Michael asked me too"

"Awww" Alex yawned, "I think, I have a jetlag already"

"Yeah, we used to sleep during this time," I said as I gave our passport and some documents to theimmigration officer.

After getting all of our stuff, we took a cab to our hotel, Buena Vista Palace Resort, as Michael reserved for us. I had never been to Florida before, I was so impressed, and it was so USA. We arrived at our hotel at 11, we had same room but in different bed.

"Lex, I want to go around a city for awhile. Do you want to come?" I askked him as I put my bag on th floor.

"No thanks. I need to sleep" Alex said and in a minute, he started snored. I giggled just watching how fast he was sleeping.

Then I decided to go out by myself. I was walking along the street, seeing a lot of people walking around and enjoying the city of Orlando, many people walked so fast; well it was peak hours. I tried to take a bus, which I didn't know where the bus going to. Then I saw this huge music stores 'Virgin Record Store' and crowded people outside the building, I was so interested what was going on, so I stooped there. I went in to the store, I was so impressed by the collection of the CDs that they have. But I still didn't know why it was so crowded, so I decided to ask someone.

"Excuse me, can you tell what's going on in here?" I asked the girl near me

"Don't you know" she said excited and I shook my head no, "We are waiting for Nsync. Nsync will be here for signing their album," she said as showed me her Nsync CD and disposable camera in the other hand.

"Oh ok. Thanks" I smiled at her. 'I've never expected that I could surprise them this fast' I said to myself, so I decided to buy their Christmas Album, and waiting in the line with most teenage girls around me. I couldn't wait to see them. Suddenly, I heard a lot of girls' scream out loud as the guys went to the store and sat on the chair, ready for fans meeting session. They didn't see me that I was in the line with their other fans. I was standing there for an hour or so, I had second thoughts about surprising them like this; but I saw, there were 9 girls in front of me, so I decided to have a little bit more patient. It was getting closer and now my turned...

Justin was the first one. I was so excited to see him and I wanted to hug him but I saw his fans standing behind me waiting to meet the guys. I put the CD on the table, and he didn't look at me, I was so disappointed as my surprises didn't work. Justin grabbed the CD and started to sign my CD

"So what's your name?" Justin asked as signing my CD; I still couldn't believe that he didn't look at his fans and just ignored me.

"Thanks!" I didn't reply his question. He was a bit shock on my reaction and he looked at me, finally. He held my CD and froze. I could see his eyes bulged wide, I just smiled at him.

"Next" JC yelled, "Justin, pass the CD would you?" JC looked at Justin, who still shocked of seeing me; finally JC looked at my direction. And one more eyes bulged wide, it was from JC.

"TONY!" JC called my name out loud, and then Lance, Chris, and Joey looked at my direction suddenly. I had weird stares from their fans whose waiting behind me.

"Shhh, guys! Please act normal," I said to them without moving my mouth and I saw Justin still froze holding my CD and he was just started to cry. Then I took the CD from his hand quickly

"I'll wait for you guys, across the street" I smiled at Justin and the guys, then I walked out without JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey signing my CD. The guys looked me in awe as I left the store.

Suddenly all of them signed all of their fans CD as quickly as possible. I walked across the street and I bought a hotdog and coke from a hotdog vendor nearby as I was waiting for them. I was still standing across the store after 30 minutes of waiting, I decided to read my tourist book guide. Then a limo stooped in front of me, and a huge guy in suit got out from the limo. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the limo.

"Hey! What the hell" I yelled at him as the limo's door opened and he pushed me to get in. I saw the guys inside then I smiled at them. Suddenly Chris, Lance, JC and Joey gave me a bear hug in the same time.

"Guys! You're killing me," in a wheezing voice "Oh sorry" they all said as released me

"Oh my God! I can't believe you finally come here," Lance said

"We missed you a lot. It's been 4 months already since we met in Perth," Chris added "I missed you all too" I smiled at them "So what bring you here?" Joey asked excitedly

"I have some assignments to do from my boss" I replied

"Awwwww we're talking with MTV people in here" JC mocked me

"Shut up!" I laughed then I was searching for my Justin. I saw him sitting on the corner and sobbing. The other guys looked at him puzzled; I came to sit closer to him.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him then suddenly he hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder

"I miss you Ton! I miss you," he said with a trembling voice and I rubbed his back to calm him down

"Shhhh I miss you too. Please don't cry! You should happy to see me again" I said. He released his hug and wiped his tears from his face.

The guys looked us in awe.

"Why don't you tell me if you want to come?" Justin asked

"Well I thought you all love surprises" I smiled at him, "as a matter of fact, Michael just told me to come here yesterday"

"Did you come here by yourself?" Lance asked

"No, I came with Alex, my cameraman" I explained

"Cameraman?" Justin asked with puzzled expression

"Yeah remember the BSB things" I tried to retrieve Justin's memory, "I have to record the show in here, MTV ASK with BSB"

"Hey! What about us?" the guys said in unison. Justin and I just looked at each other's and burst to laugh.

"What so funny?" Chris said

"Actually it was what I said in Singapore" Justin giggled

"Sorry guys, they're going to be our Artist of the Month for next month" I explained

"When are we going to be Artist of the Month?" Joey asked

"Well there are certain criterion to follow to make the artist as an Artist of the Month on MTV Asia" I said

"Such as?" Lance was curious

"At least you have 2 albums. Have a current hit. And people have to like you guys" I gave him a simple explanation "Ok just wait until we will release our new album this fall" JC assured me

"Don't worry guys! You'll have my support" I added "I know, you will" Justin said as he kissed me

"Awww guys, there are people in here," Chris mocked us

"Shut up Chris!" Justin yelled as we broke our kiss.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked them as I looked out of the window

"My place" Justin squeezed my hand, and I just smiled. Actually I was so nervous to meet her mom.

On our way to Justin's house, Justin just put his hand around my shoulder to make me closer to him. I was chatting a lot with the guys, tried to catch up what I missed since they left Perth. The trip to his house was pretty exciting. All of the houses come in different sizes and shapes on the right and left of the road, not to mention a beautiful manicured lawns. The drive took about 45 minutes because of the traffics. I felt the limo stop in front of a big house with huge driveway.

"Well, here we are," Justin said, and the guys exited out of the limo. I was the last one. I just looked amaze at his house, it was huge and beautiful. "hey why are you just standing there?" Justin came to me while I still standing outside the limo.

"This house is so huge, Justin" I still looked at the house "Yeah, well come on" Justin took my hand and we were the last one who entered the house. The guys sat on the couch looked exhausted.

"Mom! Jon! Are you home?" Justin shouted out loud

"Justin!" a little guy running toward him, "You're back" he excited

"Hey little bro. What's you doing?" Justin said as he hugged his little brother.

"Nothing much, just playing some games up stairs" he replied as he grabbed Justin shirt then he looked at me. "Who is he?" he looked at Justin

"Oh he's my best friend" Justin said as he looked at me and I smiled to him, "He just came from overseas" Justin continue

"So you must be Jonathan. Justin is always talking about you. How are you?" I asked him as I knelt down so he didn't have to look me up.

"Good. Where're you from?" Jonathan asked me shyly and hiding behind Justin "Singapore" I replied as I saw his cute face

"Do you like playing games?" Jonathan asked as he tried to change the subject quickly

"Jonathan!" Justin yelled

"Justin, it's ok" I said to Justin and back to his brother, "Yeah I like playing games, as a matter a fact, I always bring my Gameboy Pocket when I'm travelling." I said to Jonathan as I pulled my Gameboy from my Jeans pocket.

"Cool, can I try? Can I try?" Jonathan came to me to see my Gameboy

"Sure, I have Donkey Kong Land 2. I'm on level 6 at the moment," I gave my Gameboy to him

"Thanks" he started to play the game

"Jonathan, why don't you play it in your room," Justin asked his little brother. Jonathan just nodded and still focusing on the game and went to his room. Then I stood up.

"Sorry about him, he's so annoying sometimes" Justin told me

"Oh please, compare with you, he's nothing" I mocked him

"Hey what was that supposed to mean" Justin pinched my hand

"Aww that's hurt" I rubbed my hand and Justin just giggled.

"Hey Love birds! Come here, join with us" Chris yelled and we just laughed. We went to the guys, just before I wanted to sit on the couch, a figure appeared from one of the connecting room.

"Mom" Justin came to her and gave her a hug.

"Hi sweetheart! And who's that young man?" Lynn notice my present with smiled

"He's Tony. He surprised me today" Justin replied with excitement. I saw the smile faded from Lynn's face. She came to me, "Hi Tony, I'm Lynn, Justin's mom. How are you?" Lynn asked me as she offered her hand to me.

"I'm good ma'am" I shook her hands and tried to be polite

"Please don't be so formal. Just call me Lynn ok," she asked me and I nodded.

We all were chatting for a while, Lynn kept asking me about my life and my jobs basically, I felt as I was being interrogated. Until I saw my watch it was 6pm already, I had to go back to my Hotel.

"Well it's 6 already. I think, I should go back to my hotel now" I looked at everyone. "No! You stay in here" Justin insisted

"I can't Just, I can't leave Alex alone" I replied "just call him and let him know that you stay with me, please" Justin begged me as the others just giggled but Lynn, who gave me displeased looks. "Tony can stay here right mom?" Justin looked at his mom

"Sure" Lynn smiled to his son

"If it's not too much trouble for you, ma'am oops Lynn" I smiled at her

"No trouble at all, we still have spare guest room up stairs" Lynn replied

"No! Tony stays in my room" Justin said as he looked at his mom

"JUSTIN!" Lynn yelled as she gave Justin unpleasant look, "he will sleep in the guest room"

"No MOM, I miss him, I want him to sleep with me. It's not like we will have sex or something," Justin yelled back. The guys and I just kept silent, hearing the arguments between mother and son.

"NO! You listen to me young man! As long as you're living under my roof, you should follow my rules" Lynn said sternly

"Justin, I can stay in the guest room" I interrupted softly, I saw anger in his face as he looked to his mom.

"Well I don't want to follow your rules anymore, then I've better go then" Justin replied sarcastically; then we all shocked on Justin's statement. Justin stood up from the couch and grabbed his car's key.

"Justin! STAY!" Lynn yelled

"No! I'm out from this house. Come on Ton!" Justin looked at me. I still shocked and felt guilty.

"Fine! If you don't want to come with me. I'll go by myself then," Justin said as he left the room to go outside.

"Justin, wait!" JC stood up and tried to catch him, but I stoped him.

"Let me do this ok. I know Justin. I'll bring him back to you" I said as I looked at the guys and finally Lynn, who just kept silent.

I left the room and walked outside to find Justin, Justin just started the engine on his Mercedes Benz at the driveway, but I stoped him by standing in front of his car.

"Justin, please don't go" I asked him but he ignored me and started to hit the gas

"Go away ton! I should leave this house anyway, soon or later" Justin replied angrily as the car getting closer to me

"No I'll stand here"

"TON! GO AWAY! I WARN YOU!" Justin snapped at me and I shook my head no. I didn't know what he was thinking but he steeped the gas and it hit my legs. "AAAhhh" I screamed as the car touched my legs.


Ok that's it. Do you like the ending guys? [sigh] finally :) Should I go on??? I don't know where to go from here :( Let me hear your response guys...please drop me a line for me 'Tonny' to aspire34@go.com THANKS FOR READING

Next: Chapter 11

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