When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Oct 4, 1999


To: Tonny aspire34@go.com

Author note:

Well well well here's chapter 12. I have a great time writing this story guys. Thanks for your support guys! Especially to Andy [glad to see you back, man]; Yuli [please watch that Dog!]; Keith [Please wear seatbelt Ok!]; Nate Deep ['Love and Friendship with Nsync'->what about me? Haha]; Tom [meneer Tom?]; Gene [Guys, check his story 'Singing 4 Wrighter']; Angel [my loyal fan - Thank U]; Mark Schmidt [see! I promised to u ;)], and others who still keep reading my story but too shy to send me your comment :) SPECIAL THANKS to DAVID [Nifty Archivist] Okay just send your comment to Tonny at aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

No scrub No scrub (no no) No scrub (no no no no no) No scrub (no no) No

Suddenly Chris grabbed the remote from my hand and turned the TV off, I could see all of them looked pissed by now, 'How's sweet, my revenge is works' I smiled full of victory. Then all of them stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

"I DON'T WANT NO PIGEON!!!!" they replied my song in unison out loud in front of me. I jumped a little as they yelled at me, then all of them burst to laugh; and I could not hold my laugh either, so I joined them; they got me again.


We were chitchatting for hours until they were realized that it was 12:30, they should meet their fans for another fans session in one of the record store in the mall.

"Guys, we should go now," Lance stood up as he reminded all his friends "yeah, wow look at the time," JC remarked and looked at his watch "Do you wanna come with us?" Justin looked at me "Hmmm I better go back to my Hotel," I said "Just come with us, would you?" Justin stood up and took my hand "Are you sure? I don't want to hold up your works guys," I replied "Oh pleasee, we're just meeting our fans. That's all," Chris said as he also took my hands "Okay, okay. I'm going with you guys," I agreed with the offer.

Justin was so happy since I decided to go with the guys for their fans session. We all took a limo to the mall, the ride wasn't that long, it took about 20 minutes or so. As we arrived at the front of the mall, I could see many people, mainly teenage girls, screamed their name. Luckily, the management had their security ready to protect them from their fans. Then we were all exited from the limo, the screams even getting louder. Some of them tried to push the security guards, I was the last one, who exited from the limo. The crowd managed to get through the security barriers, I was so shock seeing many people around me. Some of them were getting closer to the guys, then the fans pushed me aside as I was literally thrown out of the crowd and fell to the ground; and some of them stepped me undeliberately. After 5 minutes or so, the security guards could handle the situation back as they pulled out some fans from the guys.

"WHERE'S TONY? WHERE'S HE?!?" Justin said out loud as the screams getting louder around them; JC, Lance, Joey and Chris looked around tried to see my presence "THERE IS HE!" Chris saw me and pointed at me. "Oh Shit!" Justin pushed through all of his fans as some guards tried to protect him.

Justin took my hand and dragged me back to the guys, as we steeped in into the record store, the guard closed the door from the screaming fans. I took my breath and gasped repetitively.

"Are you Okay?" Justin asked, as all of them looked me worriedly "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied as I brushed my shirt from dusts "We're so sorry Ton, it was really out of control," Lance apologized "Hey that's cool guys, it wasn't your fault. But please remind me to turn down your offers for something like this," I said jokingly and they all laughed. "So what are you waiting for?" "We still have 10 minutes to get ready," Justin replied "Can I go around while you're meeting your fans?" I asked him "Ummmm I dunno know," Justin unsure "come on! I don't want just sitting here watching you with your fans." I persuaded him "Okay Okay, but you should be back within 2 hours ok" Justin warned me

"yeah, yeah. Oh My God! Is that a new Album of Celine Dion?" I saw the CD in a glimpsed near me and I run to the CD rack, "Yes it is. I can't believe I found it," I saw the CD to the guys while they just looked me dumbly "You understand French?" Lance asked me as he took the CD from my hands "No, but I collect all of her albums. This one is a new one, 'S'IL SUFFISAIT D'AIMER'. You should listened this track guys," I replied as I took the CD back feeling excited.

Then I proceed to the cashier to pay for the CD and Justin came with me, he insisted to pay for the CD but I rejected. "Excuse me, is that a new Backstreet Boys Album?" I asked the girl at the cashier as I pointed to the CD near her. "Yeah, it's their new album 'Millennium' just being released 3 days ago," the girl replied as she gave the CD "Really?" I remarked, "Is it good?" I asked again "Yeah not too bad, it's on the top spot at the moment," she smiled "hmm interesting," I turned to Justin, "Should I buy this?" I showed the CD to him "No, it's suck! You better buy this," he said as he showed Nsync Album; the girl in front of us just laughed "I had that one already. I take this two," I gave the Millennium and Celine's CD back to her; I paid with cash. Then we were back to the guys; they were all ready for their fans, I could see the fans waiting in the line outside the store. "Hey guys, look at this! Tony bought this!" Justin took the BSB CD from me "Hey Traitor!" they all said in unison and I laughed "I have to interview them this evening, so I have to know their new music. I don't want to look stupid in front of them," I explained while they were giggling, "Ok gotta go, see ya all in here in 2 hours ok" I left the store as the door opened.

Around 2, I went back to the music store; I could see that there were still several fans in the line, so I was just waiting for them, outside the store. I took a seat and reading back my tourist guide, after 30 minutes or so, someone tapped my shoulder. He was their guard…

"Excuse me, sir. They are all waiting for you in the limo already," the guy said "Finally they finished hey," I stood up from the chair and put my tourist guide back to my pocket "Yeah, they were straight to the Limo, using back door. We don't want another accident happened again like we came here," the guy explained "Oh ok," I replied as I followed him to go outside for the Limo. I didn't see their Limo outside, so the guy just called someone, and in a minute, the Limo stopped in front of me. I hoped in.

"Hi guys!" I greeted them "Tony, I'm sorry, we just run off from the store without telling you" Justin apologized "Hey that's cool. Your guard explained the whole things," I smiled, I looked all of them, they seemed very exhausted. "So how was it?" I asked them "hmmmm" they all mumbled out, and I just laughed "And you?" I looked at Justin "My hands got cramp" Justin showed his hands to me "Ooh poor baby," I kissed his hands, "Better now?" I asked him back and he shook his head no. Then I kissed his hands again and again, "How about now?" as I pulled my lips from his hands "More!" he demanded "Hey don't push your luck," I laughed and followed by others, "Where are we going now?" "Studio, working for new single," Lance said softly "Ok," I replied, "Can we stop somewhere before studio?" "Why?" Justin looked straight at me "Can we stop for eating?" I asked shyly "Oh no, you must be hungry hey, don't worry, they prepared all the foods for us in the studio," Justin assured me "Good," I smiled at him "We're all hungry Tony. Look at me, I loosed my weight already." Joey spoke to me "Oh please, Joey. You eat like a PIG this morning!" JC mocked him, and we all laughed "Hey watch out! You should tell that to him," Joey pointed to Chris "Hey don't change the subject in here, FAT BOY SLIM." Chris mocked him back. I laughed out loud as the others followed me.

We arrived at the studio around 4, it took a little bit long because of the traffics. We all started digging in our foods, there were plenty to choose from. Now I saw how Chris and Joey were eating, I couldn't believe that they could eat that much. Just watching them eating, it made me full already. At 5, they started their works, I met David Foster, their producer. It was like a dream come true, meeting David Foster.

"So what are you working now?" I asked them, and Justin gave me a piece of paper, "What is this?" I took the paper "We're working with our new song for 'Music of My Heart' soundtrack. It's a collaboration with Gloria," Lance informed me "Hmmm good on you. A major breakthrough after Phil Collins," I read the paper "Guys, its only 6 lines?" "Yeah, we haven't finished it yet, still working on it. But we do finish with the music," JC spoke out "Can I hear the sneak peak?" I asked them "Sure," Chris said and David turned up the volume. I listened the music, it was really sound classic.

"Gezz, that was beautiful. I like the violin thing," I gave my thumb up, "Ok, so who will sing these lines?" "Justin," Joey pointed at Justin "Ok let me hear it please," I asked Justin and he nodded, the intro played.

You'll never know... What you've done for me What your faith in me Has done for my soul... And you'll never know the gift you've given me I'll carry it with me...yeah, yeah

"Hmm great! Something missing?" I cocked my eyebrow "Ha? What is it?" Justin asked me confusedly, and I was thinking for a minute or so. "Justin, when you sing -- has done for my soul -- can you make it the word 'soul' a bit longer with the rhythm from low to high to low again synchronically" I said as I made a movement with my hand smoothly. "David, can you make an echo sound when he says the 'soul' word at the end?" I asked David via Microphone, and he nodded. "Ok Justin, lets start again, take it easy," "Okay," Justin replied as the others just kept listening, the music started again.

You'll never know... What you've done for me What your faith in me Has done for my soul [I made a movement with my hand to help him] And you'll never know the gift you've given me I'll carry it with me...yeah, yeah

"CUT!" I yelled, "That's the one" I satisfied "O My God, I couldn't believe that I did that," Justin surprised "Amazing!" David stated from the speaker as he put his tomb up "You do know how to pick up a right rhythm," JC said to me "It's unbelievable," Lance added, while Chris and Joey still amazed "Yeah I have a good ears I guess when come to music," I replied "You should work with us for this song Ton," David came in "No No NO Thanks! I'm finished with singing stuff," I rejected the offer "Come on! You have to," Chris interrupted "No offence guys, but I made up my mind. I think, you all will do good from here without me," I assured them "Please Ton for me," Justin begged me with his puppy face, then I put my palm over his face "Justin, it's not gonna work with that face" I giggled as the others laughed, then I looked at my watch, it was 5:27pm. "O MY GOD!" I screamed and surprised at the same time "WHAT? WHAT?" they all said in the same time with concern looks "Backstreet Boys! MTV! Interview! Interview! 6! 6! Ahhhh" I panicked, as I couldn't finish the whole sentences, "I gotta go guys, gezz I'm late...I'm late" I still panicked as I grabbed my bag. "Calm down Ton! Calm down," Justin tried to calm me down, "Do you want me to take you there?" "No, it's not necessary, you have works to do in here. I can take a cab," I said as walked out from the studio "Do you want me to pick you up?" Justin tried to stop me "Naaa, I'll stay at the Hotel tonight. I'll see you tomorrow OK" I replied "Hotel? You promised that you'll stay with me," Justin arguing "Justin! Please not now, I'm in hurry. Please?" I begged him and finally he understood, then I kissed him goodbye "Bye guys!" I waved to the others then I ran off and left the building.


I rushed my way to the studio, finally I made it before 7. I saw Alex prepared his stuff with the camera. The setting was quite good, a sofa and MTV Logo at the back.

"Am I late? Am I late?" I tried to catch my breath "Calm down ton! You're not late" Alex told me, "Where have you been anyway?" "Sightseeing?" I lied to him through my teeth "Yeah right!" Alex replied me back as he didn't believe what I said "So everything is OK?" I checked around "Yeah, here's the bucket and the questions," Alex gave me a bucket with a lot of envelopes in it. Then we were waiting for them.

"Where the hell are they? It's past 5 minutes from the schedule" I pouted as I looked at my watch "Do you think, they are canceling the interview?" Alex looked at me "I hope not, their management confirmed to us right? Anyway we're really in trouble from Michael if we can't get this," I replied

Then one young blonde guy came in, we both looked at him. He wore Grey shirt, loose blue denim jeans, Nike Blue cap and he wore the cap backward. "There he is" Alex whispered to me "Hi I'm Tony and he is the cameramen, Alex. We are from MTV ASIA." I greeted him "Hi Nice to meet you. I'm Nick" he shook our hands. "So you're Nicholas Gene Carter" I said as I looked through my papers for his details. "Please call me Nick," Nick interrupted "Ok Nick. Wait, there are supposed to be five people in BSB, where's the other? OOO please don't tell me you broke up already," I sounded hopeless and Nick laughed out loud "You're so funny man, No! They came a bit late in 15 minutes perhaps," Nick replied as he calming down from his laughter "Ok then we have to wait for 15 minutes. I hope, I can squish the show in time, because I promised to your management for 45 minutes interview, not more" I sat down and I pulled out my Gameboy pocket and change the game to Pokemon. I continued my last game, then Nick moved closer to me, tried to see the game. He was so interested with my games.

"You like games hey," Nick asked me "Pretty much!" I replied as I still focused on my Gameboy "What is it?" Nick asked as he looked at my games "Pokemon-Blue," I replied as I fought with another Pokemon "How is it?" Nick interested with the game "Well I have to fight with another Pokemon in order to catch them using the Pokeball. See this two," I paused the games as I pointed to two Pokemon characters, "I have Pikachu and Bulbasaur in Level 18, means they both are my strongest Pokemon at the moment, so we have to use a little bit strategy in here. It took me 2 months to get them to this level." I said proudly "Can I try? Can I try?" Nick begged me; he reminded me of Jonathan actually. "hmmm I dunno. Ok but don't kill my Pokemon," I gave my Gameboy to him. He was playing it with full attention for 10 minutes or so. "Damn it!" Nick exclaimed "What? What?" I looked to my Gameboy, "HA!? You killed my Pikachu!" I was shocked, Nick just smiled at me shyly. "I'm so sorry man. I didn't know that the opponent was so strong" He apologized with his innocent looks "I told you to use tactics, if your opponent is so strong, so you just had to run away, cancel the battle. Well that's OK, now I have to find a hospital to cure my Pikachu," I started the games again "Can I fix it?" Nick persuaded me "Nice try! Here, read the book, then you can play it again." I gave him Pokemon Trainer Guide, looks like, I could get a long with Nick easily, he was so funny and he's pretty easy going too. Then 4 people just walked in to the studio.

"Here they are!" Nick stood up and I did the same "Hi, I'm sorry. We're late. I'm Kevin," Kevin shook my hand; he was wearing light blue shirt with White T-shirt inside and Blue Denim Jeans. 'he looks fashionable' I though. "This Brian," Kevin introduced his cousin. He wore red long sleeve shirt and Brown loose pants. "The guy in black is Howie," Kevin continued and I shook his hand "And this is AJ". I was quite surprised with AJ appearance. He wore Zebra's print shirts, white hat, glasses, and brown baggy pants. I smiled to all of them "And you must know Nick, already" Kevin added "Yeah, he came 15 minutes early. Oh yeah my name is Tony, and this is Alex the cameramen. Since we're out of schedule, can we start it now," I said to them as Alex started setting up the camera. They were all sat in the red couch on the set; Nick sat in the middle, Kevin on his right while AJ on his left, Brian and Howie sat at the other end. I walked to them to give some instruction.

"Ok guys, we have 30 minutes left. Let's do it quickly. Here's the bucket and there are a lot of envelopes with questions from your fans in it, in Blue and Pink," I gave the bucket to Nick, "So what you have to do is picked some of the questions and answer it, after 2 or 3 questions, then you introduce your video. I'll tell you the songs OK" they all nodded for acknowledgement, "Ok first song is Backstreet Back, ready? Just relax and enjoy"

"Ready!" they said in unison "Alex! Roll the tape," I called Alex, "5...4...3...2...1...Now!" The show is supposed to be for 1-hour show including the commercial break, but we made it to take the shot in 20 minutes. Nick made some jokes on the show, followed by Brian and AJ; while Kevin and Howie tried to be serious. They answered all the questions smoothly, most questions were so common for them, like what's your favorite movie, artist, girlfriend, etc etc.

"Ok guys, that was perfect. Easy hey?" I asked them "Some of them were a bit tricky," Howie complained "Hey don't blame me. It's all your fans," I replied with smile "Are we done yet?" Nick stood up "Wait! Not so fast BLONDIE" I replied as pushed him back to sit while the others just laughed "BLONDIE?" Nick mumbled out "Well you're blonde right?" I joked him back, " Ok that's enough, hmmm I still have 10 minutes left. I need to make some footage about you all as our Artist of the Month for next month. Don't worry, it won't be long, Nick," I smiled to Nick "We're Artist of the Month?" Brian excited "Yeah, June, it's all yours on MTV Asia," I added "Cool! Let's do it then," AJ said with enthusiasm "Ok What you have to do, just say these 'Hi We're the Backstreet Boys. Thank you for making us Artist of the Month' and you can add some words if ya want, as long as not too long," I explained and they all understood. Then we took the footage smoothly. "Ok now, once more, in MTV Asia, we have our own motto, which is I LIKE. So you all have to say this, 'Hi We're the Backstreet Boys. You're watching MTV -- I LIKE!' get it?" I asked them "Easy. Can we scream when we say 'I LIKE'?" Nick giggled "Sure! Ok lets do the tapping again," I said to them, then Alex came to me "Ton, don't you think, they should say 'WE LIKE'. They are in the group, ya know," Alex pointed the problem "Yeah, you're right, I've never thought that. But our motto is 'MTV I LIKE!' What should we do?" I looked at Alex "Just do it both" Kevin interrupted "Is it Ok with ya guys?" I looked at them "No problemo," Howie said with his Spanish accent "Gracias" I replied to Howie, "lets do it boys!" I ordered

After 2 footages, finally we finished our works. Alex and I decided to clean up the 'mess'. "Guys, thank you so much for your time," I said to them "Hey not a problem. Anyway we should say thanks to you guys for making us Artist of the Month," Kevin replied "Ok then, that's all. Nice to meet you all, guys," I said goodbye with them "Hey Ton, wanna join us for dinner?" Nick invited me "Na thanks guys! I promised to Jay, your management, for 45 minutes interview, not more," I replied to him "Don't worry about him, we decide our schedule, not him. Anyway, this is our last works for today," Kevin added "yeah come on. Our treat!" Brian said "Please Ton, you still have to teach me some tricks in Pokemon," Nick begged me "Pokemon?" Howie and AJ confused "It's a gameboy's games" I answered while Nick giggled "Come with us Ok?" Nick gave me a puppy looks (reminded me of Justin's trick to persuade me), "You know about us already, but we still don't know about you" Nick continued "Ha? What do you want to know from me?" I laughed hearing his request "I dunno, your girlfriend perhaps," Nick replied "Hey! It's none of your business," I said with serious tones to Nick; suddenly Kevin looked directly at me and looked lost for a minute or so. "Just come, would you? Or we won't do any shot with you anymore" AJ threaded me jokingly "okay okay, I give up. 5 against 1, I never win anyway," I conceded "Yes, I knew it," Nick excited full of victory "Can Alex come with us?" I asked them "Sure," Howie replied with his friendly smile

Then we were all heading to their Limo. Nick sat close to me as he kept asking me about the tricks. The others were talking with Alex, but Kevin just kept quite as he gave me a weird look. I just ignored him 'Geez I'm hanging out with BSB, what's an odd' I laughed to myself. While I had my conversation with Nick, Brian interrupted us,

"Ton, what do you like for dinner?" Brian looked at me "Up to you guys!" I looked at the others "You're our guests, so you should decide." Howie being polite to me "Are you sure?" I asked them back for assurance, they all nodded but Kevin, somehow I had a feeling that he hated me or something. "I know this is kinda weird request," I said shyly, then I continued, "Can we do take away orders in McDonald's and find some places to eat, in the park perhaps" now everyone looked me oddly including Kevin "Hey we can treat you in the restaurant you know, right Kevin?" AJ looked at Kevin, and he didn't say a word but nodded. "I'm not in the mood of fancy restaurant. Is it Ok with you guys?" I looked back at them "Of course, O my...You love games and you love McDonald's...See! We're so connected," Nick excited then he hugged me tightly, "I like this guy already," he joked. "Nick, you're killing me," in a wheezing voice "Oops I'm sorry," Nick pulled out the hug and the others just laughed again but Kevin, who looked outside the window, tried to ignore me.

The limo stopped outside the McDonald's restaurant, they asked their driver to get our orders while we were waiting in the limo. After 15 minutes or so, the driver came with a lot of stuff in his hands; then we all went to the park nearby. The park was so quite since it was nearly 8pm. The place wasn't too dark at all, as a matter of fact it was full moon. We all were sitting on the grass, chitchatting while enjoying our foods. I looked at my watch and it was nearly 9, so I decided to go back.

"Guys, we gotta go. Thanks for the meals." I said as I and Alex got up "But it's still 9pm," Nick interrupted "Well don't you think, it's passed your bed time already," I mocked him, and he rolled his eyes; that really made all of us laugh. "Sorry guys, but we still have to prepare for another interview," I excused. "Who?" Brian snapped at me "Jennifer Lopez in New York, she's going to be our Hot Seat Artist for July," I added, then suddenly Howie grabbed my shirt. "Jennifer! Take me with you," he begged me hopelessly and I just laughed "Sorry Howie, it's just for short interview. MTV staff only," I smiled at him and he pulled off his hands from my shirt and looked sadly. "Hey but I can ask her to give you something; do you want her signature or her bra?" I joked and tried to cheer him up "Anything, but can you tell her that I'm her biggest fan," Howie smiled at me "Surely do" I replied, "Ok guys. I have to go now, see ya around," I and Alex shook their hands "Do you want us to take you back to your hotel?" Nick asked me "Thanks Nick! We take a cab," I replied to him, then I looked to Alex, "you go first lex. I need to check my emails. I saw an Internet Cafes around the corner." "Ok, don't be late. We still have a lot of work to do" Alex reminded me and I nodded. He called a cab and left us. "Ok bye guys!" I waved at them and I walked toward the café. "Wait!" Kevin yelled and I stooped then turned around. "Can I join you? I need to check my email too" Kevin said to me. This was the first time, he spoke to me after we left the studio. The other guys just looked puzzle "Sure" I replied softly as I shrugged my shoulders "Guys you can go now. I'll take a cab," Kevin said to his friends.

We were walking side by side, to the café around the corner. We just kept quite, I really felt uncomfortable around him, since he always gave me displeased looks for past few hours; I took some distance from him.

The café wasn't too crowded at all; I ordered decaf cappuccino, while Kevin ordered Hot Choco. Then I took an empty computer while Kevin took a computer across mine around the corner, like one meter away from me. I started login, I checked my email but firstly I called ICQ program and change the user with my numbers. Now I was online. I couldn't see my ICQ friend list since I didn't use my own PC. I checked my emails, It had been 3 days, I didn't check my emails and I got 'tones' of emails, some of them just junk so I deleted straight away. Suddenly a window ICQ popped out, someone requested me for chatting, and I clicked 'accept' button. It was 'KR'

Hi there Aspire! Hi, it's been awhile hey Yeah, where have you been? busy with works, u? same with me :) Cool, hey I'm in US atm, not Singapore Really!?! Yeah, I'm in Florida atm, surprised! surprised! What? Me too! Do u want to meet me? : Na that's cool. Just keep it secret OK! Anyway I should leave in 2 days. I have job to do in NY hmmm what are you doing in here anyway? Nothing much! Just interview some famous people ha ha ha cool, I just being interviewed by MTV people

'That's weird. Thanks God he doesn't know that I work for MTV Asia' I said to myself

MTV? You must be so famous hey

'Now it's really really weird. Naah It can't be him'

Kinda, we just finished our dinner in the park.

I was stunned for a minute, this was just getting too familiar to me.

Aspire, are u still there? Yeah sorry, where were we again? ha ha ha never mind, where r u now? in the café. U?

I waited for 2 minutes for his response

Me too, just around the corner from the park. I'm waiting for my Choco :)

Now I was getting nervous where the conversations were heading. Then a waiter came to give my order.

"Sir! This is your decaf cappuccino," he gave me my order then he went to Kevin, "Sir, here's your hot Chocolate,"

Then I froze where I sat, then I stood up slowly from my chair and looked at Kevin's direction; Kevin did the same thing, he looked at me. Then we both sat back, hiding behind the monitor.

'O my God it's him!' I said to myself as I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. 'KR, Kevin Richardson. Shit! It's him' I confused plus panicked for a minute or so...



Ok Guys that's it for chapter 12. See! I revealed who KR is. Thanks for guessing! Okay so what will you do if you're Tony in that café? Please kindly send your comment to Tonny at aspire34@go.com Thanks for reading guys :)

Next: Chapter 13

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