When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Nov 10, 1999


Author Note:

Hello! Hello! Okay here's another chapter of WUSNAA. As usual hehehe, wanna say some thanks to: Yuli [I warrant u now! This is the part!]; James [4 of them are mine :)]; Nate [I'm so sorry :(]; Alain [the 'invisible' man]; Gene [I like 'Singing 4 Wrighter']; Angel [I'm promised, Nick is yours :)]; Matt [I'm still worried hehehe]; Matt - yeah another Matt [Does Justin love Tony? Hmmmmm]; Tom [it's hard to learn it]; Adam [where r u now?]; Dave and Myriddian [I still need your feedbacks, guys :)]; and all of you [sorry I forget your name but thanks for reading and please keep in touch]. I had a lot of feedback saying "I dunno where you are going with your story", hahaha well for me, that's good, means that it's not so predictable.

Oh yeah David-Nifty guy...Thanks mate :)and another David ;) Please...Please...I need your response guy, please keep it coming, send it to Tonny at aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL ********************************************************************* Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

"Brian will be coming soon with his date," Kevin replied as he was looking through the menu.

"Great! Guys, just see what you like and tell me when you're ready. I'll bring some water for you all," I said and exited to the kitchen.

"Sorry I'm late, guys!" Brian walked into the room.

"Finally, you show up, B. So, where is your date?" Howie asked.

"Oh yeah, he is parking his car. Here he is!" Brian was excited.

"Hi, guys" the guy smiled. The rest of the gang stared in surprise, looking at the person who had just joined them at the table.

"J...Justin" AJ stammered, still surprised. Justin took a seat next to Brian.


Kevin stared at Justin and Brian with death looks. Nick, AJ, and Howie also gave them unpleasant looks, but Brian ignored them. They knew someone would be unhappy seeing this. I walked into the room with some bottles of mineral water. I stopped and froze as I saw Justin in the room. Justin was also surprised to see me. The others looked at me for my reaction. My boss kept staring at me, so I tried to calm myself down. I put the bottles on the table. Suddenly, Justin stood up from his chair.

"I think I should go," Justin looked to Brian, but Brian took his hand.

"No, Justin. We discussed this before, come on." Brian said as he pulled Justin down, back to his chair. I pretended not to hear this and tried not to look directly at both of them.

"Excuse me. We need to be served, ya know!" Brian raised his hand to call me. Kevin tried to hold his anger at how Brian was treating me.

"I'm sorry, sir," I said formally. "Here's the menu," I handed one to Brian and one to Justin.

"Anyone ready to order yet?" I looked at the others.

"Yeah, we are," Brian spoke up again. I grabbed my order notes and a pen from my pocket.

"Can I have this, please?" Brian pointed at one dish, then I started to write it down. "Oops it's seafood, I'm not in the mood for seafood tonight. Can I have this one instead?" I erased the first order and wrote the new one.

"Wait! I hate spicy food. I changed my mind," I sighed as I deleted it again. Kevin and the guys were so angry with Brian. Justin was just frowning at Brian.

"Hey I like this one. Can I...," Brian ordered again but cut off by Kevin, who couldn't hold his temper again.

"BRIAN!" Kevin yelled at his cousin. I looked at Kevin, staring at him to behave.

"That's alright," I smiled to Kevin then Brian.

"Well give me a minute to think, would ya?" Brian said again.

"Sure." I replied with smile. My boss kept staring at me.

"Can you pour a water for us, please?" Brian ordered as he kept browsing the menu.

"B, the bottle is in front of you. You can do it by yourself!" Howie snapped back.

"That's okay." I took a bottle and poured Justin's glass first, then Brian's. When I finished I put the bottle back on the table. I don't know why, but Brian intentionally hit the glass with his hand. The water spilled, wetting the table, then rolling down to the edge and crashing to the floor into pieces.

"SHIT! ARE YOU BLIND OR WHAT?" Brian yelled at me.

"I...I..." I was surprised, the boss walked into the room.

"BRIAN! I saw it, you did it!" Kevin snapped back.

"Is there any problem, sir?" my boss asked them.

"Yeah, your stupid employee broke the glass near me," Brian accused me as my boss stared at me.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault," I knelt down to pick up the pieces near Justin's and Brian's feet. I tried my best to hold my tears as Brian gave me a hard time on my first day.

"Oh, great, now my shirt is also wet," Brian complaining, "I don't think, I'm going to eat in this restaurant again," Brian stood up and took Justin's arm, "Let's go, Just. We'll find somewhere else."

"Brian..." Justin protested, but he finally stood up and followed Brian. The others were absolutely outraged to see this.

"Hmm Tony, can I have a word with you?" my boss called me as he exited the room.

"Excuse me, guys." I gave them my fake smile.

I walked to the kitchen, following my boss. When we were in the kitchen, he took my pen and order notes from my hand.

"You're fired!" my boss said.

"I'm sorry, but can you give me another chance, please?" I begged him, "I need a job, sir." I looked at him full of hope.

" You just made our customers leave on your first day! What about in a week? I will loose all my customers. Now GO!" he pushed me to the exit door in the kitchen. "Tina! Come here. You take care our guests on table 20, now!" my boss ordered the girl.

I exited the restaurant from the backdoor in the kitchen. I looked around. It was all quiet. A single tear slid down my face. Somehow I felt like a curse was always hanging around me. I started to walk back to Kevin's house, not waiting for the guys in the restaurant.


Tina walked into the room. The guys looked at her strangely, as they all expected that I was going to serve them.

"I'm sorry for the trouble. Are you all ready to order?" Tina smiled at them.

"Ummm where's that guy who served us before?" Nick asked.

"I'm sorry sir," my ex-boss walked in. "He's our new employee. I just fired him. We apologize for any inconvenience."

The guys, especially Kevin, were surprised at the news. Kevin was ready to explode any minute, then he stood up...

"Come on guys. I think we're going to have our dinner somewhere else," Kevin spoke up, and the guys stood up.

"Tony didn't do it, okay? And don't worry about us, we won't be coming to this stupid place anymore." Kevin snapped back and left the restaurant with the guys. My ex-boss was so surprised as he lost more customers.

Kevin and the guys went to his Jeep and drove back to his house. Kevin noticed me, as I was walking on the side of the road alone. Kevin stopped his car, near me.

"Nick! You sit in the back," Kevin ordered, and Nick nodded for agreement. Nick got out of the car.

"Tony! Come on!" Nick called me. I nodded and wiped my tears away from my face as I walked to the car. Nick opened the passenger side door for me. I tried my best to smile at him. I sat silently as Kevin and the guys looked at me.

"Don't worry, guys. I'll find another one," I gave them my fake smile again. "Maybe you're right, Kev, waiter is not my job."

Kevin sighed at hearing my remark, while the guys in the back just kept silent. Kevin started the car and drove back home.


The next day, I woke up pretty late. I saw the bed next to mine was empty. I thought maybe Kevin went to work already with the guys. I saw the clock. It was 11:30. I got to sleep a little bit late last night. I just stayed in bed, pretending to fall asleep, but I didn't. I fell asleep around 4am. I did a lot of thinking that night. After taking a shower, I decided to go downstairs. I thought the house was empty as usual, but I was wrong. Nick was laughing in the living room watching some cartoons.

"Nick, what are you doing here? Didn't you go with the guys?" I asked him.

"Hey! Good morning, Ton, or should I say good afternoon," Nick teased me.

"Ha ha so funny Nick," I mocked him back, "So?"

"Well actually I'm not in the mood for a meeting today, so I told Kevin that I've got a headache," Nick explained.

"Nick, you lied to Kevin," I replied back.

"Ton, it's only a meeting. Basically I just sit there and do nothing while Kevin and the others make decisions. So I'd rather be here, with you," Nick excused himself.

"Hmm Okay. Do you want something to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, that would be great. Need a hand?" Nick asked.

"Nah, I can do it by myself," I smiled as I walked to the kitchen and prepared some lunch for two.

We had our lunch in the living room so we could watch TV at the same time. Nick really enjoyed my cooked meal, and I couldn't believe that he could eat that much. I admitted that hanging with Nick was cheering me up for awhile. After lunch, I took our plates and washed them while Nick was playing some games on his Sony Playstation. Out of nowhere, Nick ran to the kitchen looking for me.

"Tonyyy! Tony! Help me!" Nick was hiding behind me.

"Nick! Come here!" Kevin barged into the kitchen and wanted to pull Nick out from behind me, but I stopped him.

"Hey! What's up with you, Kev?" I asked him.

"He's not sick! I just saw him playing games. He lied to me," Kevin said angrily. Then he looked at Nick, who still hiding behind me.

"Come here, Nick! Or I'm going to..."

"You're going to do what?" I challenged him. "He was sick, Kevin, but he's getting better now," I lied for Nick, "Chill out, would you?" I gave Kevin a displeased look.

"But..." Kevin wanted to say something.

"But what? Do you have a problem with that?" I asked him.

"Aaarrrgggg! You will pay for this Nick," Kevin mumbled out as he left the kitchen for his room, and Nick stick his tongue out. I turned to Nick.

"I knew it! He can't be angry with you. You save the day again," Nick cheered, and I shook my head.

"Nick, you're gonna have to stop making Kevin mad. I can't protect you all the time, and you know what Kevin's like when he's grumpy." I told him.

"But, Ton, he's always doing it. He never lets me have fun," Nick replied.

"Well you have to tell him then. Tell him that you want to have some breaks from all of this. I'm sure, he'll understand," I advised him.

"I'm not sure about that," Nick replied sarcastically.

"Nick," I looked at him, and he understood what I meant.

"Okay, okay, you're right." Nick conceded.

"You have to apologize to him, okay?" I asked him, and he rolled his eyes but finally nodded. "Good! I'm going to talk to him."

I left the kitchen to meet Kevin in his room, or I could say our room. He was lying down on his bed, on his side, so he didn't notice that I entered the room. I walked to his bed and laid down next to him. Kevin, finally realized that someone was next to him, so he turned to see me. I looked at him and our eyes met. I smiled at him...

"Are you angry with me?" I asked him.

"No, but I'm angry with Nick," he replied.

"Kev, you know that Nick is still young. Please don't be hard on him," I explained.

"I know that, but he has responsibilities too, with the group. I can't make all the decisions all the time for them," Kevin mumbled.

"Yeah, it's hard to be the oldest member, hey? But you have to talk to him instead of yelling at him. Tell him what you want and listen to what he says. He's young and a little bit childish, but he's your brother, Kev, not your co- worker." I continued. Kevin was thinking about what I said, and finally he agreed.

"You're right," Kevin smiled at me. "Oh yeah, I want to show you something. Let's go to the living room." Kevin helped me up from his bed, then I followed him downstairs .

When Nick saw Kevin, he apologized for his behavior, and Kevin did the same. I nodded at Nick to show that I was happy that he took my advice. By now, AJ and Howie were also in the room.

"So, what is it?" I asked Kevin.

Kevin and the others just grinned at me. I had a feeling that they wanted to trick me or something. Kevin stood up from his chair and opened a 'FedEx' box.

"This one," Kevin showed me a CD. My eyes bugged out. It was the single that I had recorded a long time ago in Australia.

"What!" I surprised "Hey! How do you get that?" I asked him as I stood up from my seat.

"I asked someone in Australia to get it for me. It's nearly extinct but I got it anyway. Shall we play it?" Kevin laughed, followed by the others.

"No! No! No! Please give me that CD!" I tried to grab the CD from his hand, but he threw it to AJ. Before I could grab it from AJ, he threw it to Nick, and then it went to Howie. They kept throwing the CD as they laughed at me. "Guys, pleaseeee. It's so embarrassing, come on. Give me that?" I begged them as I stopped chasing my CD.

"Ton, we just want to hear it. You don't have to feel ashamed about it. So, can we?" Kevin said as all of them gave me their puppy looks.

"Well, it's up to you," I sighed then sat.

"Yess! So, what is the tittle?" Howie asked me.

"It's an old song," I replied.

Kevin put the CD into the stereo in the room, then sat down next to me and pressed play on the remote. The instruments on the CD are piano and guitar, so it's easy listening type music.

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so I only know I never want to let you go 'Cause you started something, can't you see That ever since we met you've had a hold on me

It happens to be true I only want to be with you

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do I wanna spend each moment of the day with you Look what has happened with just one kiss I never knew that I could be in love like this

It's crazy but it's true I only want to be with you

You stopped and smiled at me, asked me if I'd care to dance I fell into your open arms and I didn't stand a chance

Now listen honey, I just wanna be beside you everywhere As long as we're together honey I don't care 'Cause you started something, can't you see That ever since we met you've had a hold on me

No matter what you do I only want to be with you No matter what you do I only want to be with you

As the music kept playing, my memory kept shifting from Justin to Kevin to Justin and to Kevin again. I tried to hold my tears in front of them. The only person who got the message from the song was Kevin. Kevin looked directly at me. After the first track finished...

"Please stop the CD," I asked Kevin, and Kevin did what I asked.

"Wow! That's fantastic. The instrument is so simple. I like that." AJ spoke up.

"Yeah, but the lyric is so romantic, man." Howie added.

"Agreed! We have to show this to our management," Nick said.

"NO!" I yelled, and Nick jumped a little, "please, don't do that." I said it again softly and smiled at Nick.

"Why not? You can make your own album here," Howie persuaded me.

"It's over guys. Please don't push me," I said sadly. Kevin saw my reaction and understood.

"Guys, Tony made his decision already, and we have to respect that." Kevin said to Howie, AJ, and Nick. I smiled at Kevin in appreciation for backing me up.

"But can you sign this CD please? I'm your biggest fan." Kevin teased me as he gave me the cover of my CD. I laughed at his request, and the others began to laugh too.


The next day, the guys had to do some performances for charity. So, basically, they would be doing some rehearsals until noon, then doing it live in the evening. They had a busy, all day schedule. They asked me to come to the show, but I declined their offer. I wanted to browse some newspapers for a job rather than watch their show with hundreds of their screaming fans. Around 5pm, Chris came.

"Tony! Tony!" Chris was out of breath as I opened the door.

"Chris, calm down man. What's up?" I smiled to him as I asked him to step in.

"Justin! Justin's...missing," Chris tried to breathe normally. My smile faded as I heard the news.

"What do you mean by missing?" I asked him back seriously.

"We went to the mall. We decided to split up and promised to meet in the car park in an hour. But I've been waiting for him for 2 hours already. When I went back to the mall and tried to search for him," Chris stopped for awhile, "I didn't find him." Chris cried.

"Did you try his mobile?" I asked again.

"Yeah but it's turn off," Chris sobbed, "It's not like him to just go away without telling me."

"Sshhh calm down. He will be fine," I said to him, but inside I was worried too. "Do the guys know?"

"We have a week off, so JC, Lance, and Joey went for a vacation, while Justin and I decided to stay here." Chris explained as he wiped his tears. Then the phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.


"Speaking. Who's this?"

"You don't recognize my voice?"

"Do I know you? Who is this?" I raised my voice, as I wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"You know me. I have Justin here, and you never know what I'll do to him,"

"Justin? HEY! IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE OR SOMETHING?" I yelled at him. Chris looked at me as I mentioned Justin's name.

"Ha ha ha JOKE? Why don't you check for yourself? If you want him, you're gonna have to come by yourself, quickly, and I really mean it, OR you'll be sorry," he threatened me. "Here's the address..." then he hung up. I wrote down the address, and Chris peeked.

"Chris, can I use your car?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but tell me what happened?" Chris demanded an explanation.

"Someone called and told me that he has Justin with him. He asked me to come there by myself. Keys?" I asked Chris, and he gave me his keys.

"I'll go with ya," Chris stood up.

"No! Listen to me, Chris, he told me to come by myself. This could be only a joke. You have to stay here and tell Kevin and the guys what happened. And please keep your mobile phone on," I grabbed my jacket.

"But Ton..." Chris stopped me.

"Chris, please don't argue with me," I begged him as I had no time to argue with him. "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. You have a map in your car, right?" Chris nodded, and I could see the worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry. I'll get him back," I smiled to calm him down. "There's some food in the fridge if you're hungry." I took off, and Chris sighed as he saw his car leave the driveway.

I wasn't quite familiar with the streets in Orlando, but luckily there was a map in Chris' car so it wasn't much of a problem for me. The place was quite far, out of the city. After an hour and a half drive, I arrived at an old garage. I wasn't sure if it was the right place, but I checked the address that I wrote, and it was correct. So I went to the front of the garage and knocked on the door. Two big muscle men greeted me.

"Where is he?" I asked both of them as they grabbed me to step inside.

"Finally you came!" I heard familiar voice.

"Jimmy!" I gave him my death look. "What do you want now?"

"Easy buddy!" he laughed, "Looking for this!"

I saw Justin lying unconscious on the old sofa. I wanted to check him out, but these two huge men stopped me.

"Jim! What did you do to him?" I stared at Jimmy.

"Just say he's sleeping for awhile, hahahaha," he laughed like the devil.

"Let him GO!" I yelled at him.

"Sure! But you have to do something for me," Jimmy looked at me seriously.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW, ASSHOLE?" I raised my voice.

"Ha ha ha yeah you're right. I want asshole, and it's yours," Jimmy grinned.

"Yeah, you WISH! It's not 'Indecent Proposal' ya know," I replied sarcastically.

"Fine! Then I have to make this prince charming sleep forever," he pulled a syringe out of his pocket and moved so the needle was nearly touching Justin's skin. I was freaking out by now.

"PLEASE DON'T, PLEASE?" I begged him. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"HA? This is all because of you. Lynn and I planned that 'rape' incident in Justin's house. We wanted to break you apart. But I never expected that Justin would hate me just because he believed that you raped me. He doesn't love me anymore, so this is entirely your fucking fault. And you have to pay for it. NOW I want you. I wanna know why Justin is so crazy about you that he keeps talking about you." He evilly grinned at me, "SO?"

I was so confused by then. I kept looking at Justin, who was still unconscious and the syringe in Jimmy's hand. I really couldn't see Justin like that, so...

"Okay" I said softly, "but you have to let him go." I looked at Jimmy.

"Finally!" Jimmy smiled full of victory. "I know that you can do martial arts. How do I know that you won't trick me?" he asked me.

"You have my word," I replied as tears welled up in my eyes.

Then Jimmy gave a sign to his bodyguards to hit me. They both hit me in my Stomach, and I didn't fight back. I fell down to the floor in pain. Jimmy just laughed out loud.

"Great! Guys bring him here," Jimmy ordered his bodyguards. Both of them took my hands and dragged me to Jimmy.

"Okay, let me see, guys, strip him!" Jimmy said as he stripped himself.

Both of them stripped me roughly as I was still lying on the floor in pain. After all of them saw me naked, Jimmy started to whistle at me.

"Not too bad," Jimmy came to me.

"Please, Jim, don't do this," I begged him as tears slipped from my eyes.

"Hmmmm I don't think so," he was on top of me by now. He kissed my neck, I tried to push him lightly for resistance. "Guys! Hold his hands for me," he ordered.

Both of them held my hands tightly as they all kept laughing. Jimmy kissed down from my neck to my nipple. I cried even harder and asked him to stop, but it was useless. He slapped me really hard.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled at me, "you're gonna enjoy this," then he punched me on my chest. I could feel his erect penis on my tight hole.

Then one of the bodyguards moved next to me as he tried to pull my legs up to my chest. I really wanted to scream, but he shut my mouth with his hand. Jimmy positioned himself on top of me, until I felt something trying to break my anus. It was terribly painful. My whole body was so tense that I couldn't stand the pain any longer and I passed out.


Chris was still waiting in the living room. I had left him 2 hours ago already. He was so worried about Justin and me. He just sat silent and stared at the phone in front of him as he was expecting some news.

Then someone opened the front door, and Chris looked up, hoping it was me, but it was Kevin, AJ, Nick, and Howie.

"Chris? What are you doing here?" Kevin asked Chris, who looked terrible by now.

Chris told the whole story again from beginning. The guys heard this with shock in their facial expression, especially Kevin.

"WHAT?!? You let him go by himself?" Kevin was shocked.

"Kev, he wouldn't let me go with him. He asked me to wait here for news, and the guy who called him told Tony to go by himself," Chris cried.

"Do you know where it is?" Kevin was hoped for the answer.

"Yeah," Chris sobbed.

"Come on!" Kevin grabbed Chris to go with him. The other volunteered to go with them. Kevin didn't have time to argue with them, so he let them go along.


I don't know how long he or they used me. I woke up as someone threw a bucket of water on me...

"WAKE UP!" one of the guys shouted at me.

I felt confused in an instant. I felt pain all over my body. I didn't know why there were bruises and cuts on my body. Then I realized what had just happened to me. I saw the three of them, and they were laughing at me.

"Here, wear your clothes!" Jimmy threw me my clothes, "I think, Justin missed something really good," Jimmy laughed, followed by his servants. I put on my clothes quickly, biting my lower lip to hold the pain every time I made a movement.

"Boss, what we will do with him?" one of them pointed to Justin, who was still unconscious on the sofa.

"What do you have in mind, Rob?" Jimmy replied to him.

"Another round?" Rob suggested. I heard that, and I understood what he meant.

"NOOOOOO! NO! You promised you would let him go," I looked at Jimmy and stood up in front of him.

"Well I lied," Jimmy replied sarcastically, and he tried to unbutton Justin's shirt. As I went to stop him, someone hit me on my back, and I fell to the floor again. Then I was crawling to the sofa...

"LET HIM GOOOOOO!" I screamed.

Suddenly, someone broke the door from outside. I looked to the door, and it was Kevin and the guys. All of them were so surprised to see me on the floor and Justin unconscious on the sofa. The first person who exploded was Chris.

"Jimmy! YOU BASTARD!" Chris ran to Jimmy ready to give a punch. I knew that there would be a big fight with all of them. Nick, AJ, and Howie helped Chris to beat them all. Kevin came to me...

"Ton! Are you okay?" Kevin held my body worriedly as he tried to hold his tears. I saw Rob behind Kevin, ready to hit him from behind...

"Kevin watch out!" I pushed him aside as I tried to use my last strength to kick Rob.

Rob fell backward, and I fell back to the ground. I didn't have any energy to fight. Kevin saw this and stood up and beat Rob before he tried to stand up again. Jimmy and the gang managed to run away from the place as they noticed that they were out numbered. Nick and AJ tried to catch them, but they ran really quickly. Chris and AJ checked Justin, while Nick, Howie and Kevin checked me out...

"How is he?" I cried as I looked at Justin, who was very still with his eyes closed.

"I dunno what Jimmy did to him," Chris tried to shake Justin, to wake him up.

"Guys, you have to take him to a hospital, now," I spoke up and hissed to comfort my pain.

"Look at you! You're the one who needs to go to the hospital," Kevin grabbed my shoulder tightly. I whimpered as he touched my body. "What!?!" Kevin asked when saw me in pain, then he suddenly opened my shirt.

"WHAT? WHAT DID HE DO, TON? TELL ME!" Kevin screamed as he saw bruises and cuts all over my body. The others looked terrified seeing them. I didn't answer, but I cried. "Did he?...did he...?" Kevin wanted to finish his sentence. I just nodded. "Rape you?" Kevin continued, and I nodded again as I cried even harder.

"If I hadn't let him, he would have killed Justin," I finally spoke up.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, I'm gonna kill him. I'll kill Jimmy for this," Kevin screamed.

"Please, guys, don't tell anyone about this, including Justin, pleaseee," I begged them. All of them looked at Kevin.


I sat down on the floor and buried my face in my hands. I was shaking and crying. Kevin saw this and felt guilty already...

"I'm sorry to snap at you, Ton," Kevin knelt down and hugged me, "I have to take you to the hospital" Kevin looked at me.

"No, I'm fine. Just take Justin to the hospital please. I want to go home." I said

"But...Ton," Kevin tried to persuade me, and I just looked down, "Okay Okay, let's go home. AJ, you go with Chris to take Justin to a hospital. Nick and Howie come with me," Kevin spoke up as he tried to help me to get up.

Kevin carried me to his car. I saw Chris carry Justin to his car. AJ drove the car while Chris sat in the back, still holding Justin's unconscious body. Howie drove Kevin's car, with Nick in the front passenger seat. Kevin and I sat in the back. I was really tired, so I fell asleep on the journey as Kevin kept holding my weak body.

The next thing I knew, I awoke as Kevin put me into my bed. I opened my eyes and saw the sadness in Kevin's eyes. I sat up on the bed...

"Sleep, Ton. You need a lot of rest," Kevin spoke up softly.

"I need to take a shower, Kev." I replied softly, then walked to the bathroom.

I stripped myself, I saw my reflection in the mirror. A single tear dropped from my eye. I looked at some bruises and dried blood from the cuts all over my body. I turned the shower on. The warm water splashed my body washing all of dirt and blood from my body. I just stood there and didn't do anything, my mind kept flashing back to the scene in the garage. That memory with Jimmy and his gang kept haunting me. I cried as the shower kept running. I didn't know how long I'd been in there, until I heard someone knocking on the door...

"Ton! Tony! Are you okay there!" Kevin knocked on the door really hard. Then I was back in reality. I turned the shower off, then took a towel and dried myself.

"TONY! ANSWER ME! TONY!" Kevin screamed as he pounded on the door even harder. I put a towel around my waist, then I opened the door, just in time as Kevin wanted to kick the door. He was surprised as he saw my bloodshot eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked me with concern, and I didn't reply, instead I passed him out of the bathroom. I took my T-shirt and my boxers from my bag, then put them on. Kevin sat down on his bed as he kept staring at me, then I laid down on my bed.

"Ton, please talk to me," Kevin said, as he wanted to break the silence.

"Kev, I'm tired, please not now," I tried to hold the waterworks from my eyes. Then Nick came to the room, with Howie, and they brought me some food.

"Ton, I made you this," Nick said softly.

"Thanks Nick, it must taste good," I tried to smile to him.

"It's only macaroni & cheese, Ton. That's the only thing he can make," Howie teased him, and I tried to laugh hiding my sadness.

"Hey! My macaroni is superb. Try it, Ton," Nick took a spoon of his macaroni for me, and I tasted it. Hmmmm it was too salty for me, but hey it's Nick's...

"Hmm it's delicious, remind me to get the recipe from you," I cheered him.

"See! Tony said that it's delicious," Nick stuck his tongue out at Howie.

"Okay guys, he needs to rest. Can you leave the room, please?" Kevin spoke up.

Howie and Nick left the room. I put the plate on the table next to me. Kevin still kept staring at me from his bed. I turned myself on my side so I didn't look at Kevin directly. Kevin noticed that I was ignoring him. He stood up and sat on my bed. He put his hand on my shoulder as small tears fell from my eyes.

"Ton...," Kevin called me softly.

"Please, Kev, you don't love me anymore,"

"No, I still love you, no matter what," Kevin replied. I turned back at him and sat up.

"DAMN IT! Don't you get it? I'd been used already." I yelled at him, then I felt sorry for snapping at him, "I'm sorry, Kev. You are a good guy, and you deserve someone much better than me. Please not me." I looked down, then continued, "I'm going tomorrow, don't worry about me." I wiped my tears.


Please keep this in mind, this is a fictional story. Actually I was quite worried about this chapter, I spiced it up a little [yeah I had a little courage to write a sex part- and believe me, it's not good at all]. I'm ready for any complain. If you think this chapter is shocking you, better wait for the next chapter and hold on tight :). Again...Please send all comment to Tonny: aspire34@go.com

How could an angel break my heart?


Next: Chapter 19

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