When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Jul 29, 1999



Here...you go...another story of NSYNC...Hopefully, you've never tired to read their stories. This is my first story of its kind (actually I've never written a story before), and I would really appreciate it, if you would please send comments and suggestions (bad or good is welcome) regarding this story to TonnY at aspire34@go.com. Special thanks to those of you who sent some feedback to me (you know who you are ;). I really do appreciated, please keep sending it and some ideas for the story. I'm kinda stuck in here. 'Double' special thanks to Andy (the author of 'Simply Words'). I apologized for the bad grammar on the story. I do my best to make it good!

Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any members of N'Sync is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************



JC was checking the guys; Joey, Chris, and Lance were sleeping like a baby, then he looked at Justin, who sitting alone nears the window and looking out of the window. JC could see something is bothering Justin since they left Perth. JC stood up and take a seat next to Justin. "Hey, curly, can't sleep?" JC asked

"Nope." still looking out of the window

"Something bothering you, are you okay?" JC questioned

"Yeah, I am okay."

"You're lying Just, I know you really well. Something bothering you since we left Perth. You can talk to me, ya know"

"I don't know JC... I don't know" Justin sighed

"Just, we're not friend, we're brother. You can trust me, please tell me...or you're not trust me anymore." Then Justin looked JC's eyes. He saw brotherly love in his eyes. It was about time that he had to tell someone about his problem. After a minute of silent, Justin started to tell the whole story about him and me. JC was listening carefully without interrupting. Suddenly, tears were falling from his eyes after Justin finished his story.

JC just stunned what he just heard. "Now you're gonna hate me right? The fact that I like guy" Justin was still crying and put his hands over his face, not dared to look JC's face.

"Justin, I am your brother, right? I am not gonna hate you, but are you sure about the whole things? Maybe you just confused, Just." JC took Justin's hands off his face.

"I don't know JC but I feel something different towards him and I've never felt this before, I love him", Justin looked down.

"So what're you gonna do now?" JC putted his finger at Justin's chin to make his head up towards him.

"I dunno JC, I really don't know" Justin started to well up with tears again on JC's shoulder and JC tried to comfort him.

"You know what Justin....I think Tony is right" whispered at Justin's ear

"What???? What do you mean???" Justin pulled away from JC

"Listen Just, You just met him for two days and you popped up the question to him...I bet...he is as confused as you are, Just. Try to understand him from his point of view and you probably pushed him so fast at that time" JC said softly. After a couple minutes or so...

"Oh my God, you're right JC. I was stupid...and I just run away from him. What's wrong with me? I am such a horrible person...horrible!"

"Justin, you're not a horrible person, this is your first love and as I said before, you're confused and didn't know what to do"

"But I still feel guilty and such an ass right now. What do I have to do now, JC?" Justin looked directly to JC, looking for answer

"I don't know, Just. You have to figure it out by yourself, it's about you and him." JC replied.

"I know, you're right. Thanks JC"

"No problem bro. So are you going to tell this to the guys and Lynn? I know that you have to"

"Hhmmm, great I have another one. I'll tell them but I don't know how they will react about this" Justin sighed

"I think the guys will be fine about it, we all brothers right but I don't know how your mom is. Don't worry Just, I'll stand by you"

"Thanks JC, you're such a great brother to me" Justin gave another hug to JC, then he pulled away.

"JC, is this flight direct to Florida?"

"Nope, it'll stop in Sydney then LA and finally Home. Why??"

"I think, I am going to stop in Sydney and back to Perth again"

"What?? You're kidding, right?" Shocked at Justin's statement

"Nope, anyway we have two weeks off right after this tours, so it couldn't be such a big problem for the group"

"But.. Justin..."

"Please JC, I have to get this thing out or it will kill me. Please JC, I though, you're going to stand by me"

"Okay, okay but you have to tell this to the guys OK?"

"Thank you thank you JC, I love you bro" Justin sounded excited

"But.. you have to tell about this to the guys... OK...and your mom too" JC repeated his statement again.

"Sure...I tell them as soon as they awake...and I'll call my mom from the airport"

Then Justin pressed a button to call stewardess. "Yeah may I help you sir?"

"I was wondering if you have timetable flight from Sydney to Perth?"

"Yeah, we have daily flight from Sydney to Perth. I can check it out for you sir"

"That would be great, I have to going back to Perth as soon as possible" Justin's smiled at her. "Oh... is there something wrong sir?"

"Well yeah, it's kinda urgent and personal"

"Okay, well I can book an early flight back to Perth for you, if you want?"

"Oh great, please..." Justin exclaimed

PERTH 09:25am 27/01/1999

I woke up and had a little bit of headache since I didn't have enough sleep. I went to my kitchen and made a cup of coffee 'that should help me a little'. I sat on the couch still thinking about it. Then my phone ringing. "Hello" I answered the phone

"Morning Ton, it's Pete"

"Hi ya there Pete, how is it going?"

"Pretty good, hey you know that your contract will be end soon right. So can you come to my office to sign a new deal?" Pete asked. I was silent for a minute.

"Pete hmmm I am sorry, I can not sign a new contract anymore"

"WHAT?!? Did you just have a better deal from other producers??" Pete was shocked hearing what I've just said. "NO...no...I just think (sighed)...I don't want to continue this anymore. I don't want to be a singer anymore"

"Are you okay??? What's wrong ton?? You do know that your career is rising now especially after that concert" Pete questioned with concern.

"I am fine Pete, I was thinking for the past few days and decided that I can't do this anymore, don't ask me why Pete! I made up my mind already! Sorry Pete and thanks for everything"

"Well I guess...I can't change your mind at the moment, but...if you do change your mind...you do know my number right? Please contact me...you have a great talent, Ton"

"Thanks Pete...I really appreciate that. Is there anything you want to say?" I tried to end the conversations since I wasn't in a good mood of talking.

"I guess nope, well...please keep in touch with me ok, maybe we can have some lunch or something together sometimes"

"Sure, I won't forget you Pete...OK bye"

"Bye" then I hang up the phone.

I sat back to my couch again 'why should it end like this???' I tried not to cry this time 'I gotta have to be strong'. Then I revised all my memories from the past few months, then it ended with my memory about what happened in the airport. I tried to hold my tears, but somehow it dropped from my eyes as I trailed off and I looked at the empty room. Then I slapped my face with my own right hand really hard on my right cheek 'stop crying Ton...face it like a man...you're gonna be fine'. Then I swept my tears away from face. I decided to get up from the couch and started to clean my apartment 'anything...just try to forget it'.

After cleaning, I took a shower to help me relax for a while. I decided to go to the Uni a little bit early at 3pm since the lecture starts at 5pm. Probably I could put my mind away for a while. I prepared all my lecture notes and other stuff, suddenly I heard knocking on my door apartment. 'Who could that be?' I thought. I opened the door; I was shocked when I saw his figure. "Justin! What are you doing here?" I asked him, totally confused, relieved, afraid, sincere, and shocked; all mixed in a cocktail of emotions. I could see him pretty tired. He only brought his backpack.

"Hi Tony" he smiled at me.

"Wait a minute, this is kinda a joke or something. Ok OK I watch the show 'funniest home video' or something like that. Where's the camera? Chris! Joey! Guys! You can get out now!" I said with a high tone.

"I came here without the guys. They are on their way back to Orlando. May I come in?" Justin said low with serious looks on his face. I was still totally confused with the whole situation.

"Oh I'm sorry, please come in" I urged him to get inside then I closed the door.

"Are you going to Uni?" he asked

"Yeah I have a class but it starts in 2 hours. Come on and have a seat" He sat on the couch and I sat next to him. We kept silent for couple of minutes. Then I started the conversation, looking directly to his eyes. "So what's up?" I asked

"I'm so sorry Ton for what I did to you in the airport. I just ran away from you but I really love you Ton, why can't you understand that?" I tried to forget the whole things since morning, when he started that lines, somehow I was going to explode in anger.


"I'm sorry Justin. I don't think I can have this conversations with you" I tried to hold my tears, but I couldn't so I turned my face away from his direction.

"Ton, it was my fault. I pushed you too fast, I should say it earlier, but it doesn't change my feelings to you. I love you ton! And please love me"

"Why me, Justin? What do you see on me anyway? We're totally different. You're in the west and I'm in the east, and also you're so famous and I'm not. Not to forget about the age, I am 4 years older than you, Just. I can't change that in a second" I looked back to his direction.

"I can't explain that Ton. The first time I saw you, I felt connected to you. We're different but we can fix the differences between us. We have to work on it. Now I want you to be honest with me, do you love me?" I had feeling for him but I doubted that the relationship would works. I couldn't lie to him.

"I do love you Just, but..." before I could finish my sentences, Justin cut me.

"Please no buts!!! I just want to hear that you love me, please Ton! I know, you doubt whether this is going to work. Please give it a try...for me please...do that for me. Let us see how it goes, please?" he looked directly into my eyes and held my hands. Some part of me liked this guy, however another part of me didn't but I didn't want to hurt him.

Then I smiled to him. "I'd give it my best shot" I told him, and I saw tears of joy coming from his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you. I love you Ton" he leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips and I returned his kiss with a bit more passion. "I love you too, please stop crying. I don't want to see you hurt or sad. I want to see you happy OK?" I wiped his tears from his cheeks. And he nodded. We started kissing again for couple of minutes then I pulled back (well I need some air:)

"Did you tell about this to the guys and your mom yet?" I asked him

"I told the guys already and JC really helped me out. I think, they're cool with it. I haven't told my mom yet, probably tonight"

"I don't know how your mom will react toward this" I sounded a bit concern

"Don't worry, she loves me, she'll be fine. What about you?" he put the question back to me

"I don't know yet but I have to tell them soon or later" I replied and sounded unsure about the whole things. "Ok... again I don't want to push you ton"

"Thanks Just for understanding me"

"So when will you be graduated anyway?" he tried to change the subject.

"In two months if everything turns Ok"

"Great! You can go to the States, I'll introduce you with some producers to produce your album"

"Well actually, I called Pete this morning and I'm quitting from singing. I don't want to sing anymore"

"What?? What's wrong? It's me, isn't it?" he questioned with a worried expression on his face.

"No Justin, it's not your fault. It's just for the best. I don't want to ruin my study anyway and as I said before that I'm not taking singing seriously" I tried to calm him down

"But why? You're a great singer, Ton!"

"Please don't ask me why, Just. I made up my mind, OK?" I tried to change the subject.

"Alright! But tell me if you change your mind OK? I just want to ask you to go tours with us"

"I'll tell you, but I doubt it hehehe"

I looked him, he looks very tired by now; probably it was the flight, back and forward. "You looked pretty tired Just, Why don't you get some sleep. I have to go to Uni anyway, I'll see tonight around 7. If you're hungry, there're some food in the fridge."

"Ok...Where do I have to sleep anyway?"

"You can use my bed, come on" I showed him my bedroom with a single bed. Justin just jumped to the bed like a child. I laughed a bit seeing his act. I took off his shoes. I kissed him on his forehead.

"Ton? Do you still have time before you leave?" he asked. "I have 15 minutes, why?"

"Can you sing for me? I want you to hear your voice until I'm sleeping. Pleaseeeee?" he requested me with a puppy face looks.

Somehow talking with him seems like talking with a kid instead of grown up teenager. "Okay... Ok...Let me take my guitar" Then I took my guitar and started playing it.

Its amazing how you can speak right to my heart Without saying a word, you light up the dark Try as I may I could never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes, saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand, says you'll catch me wherever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd Try as I may I could never explain What's being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes, saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand, says you'll catch me wherever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes, saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand, says you'll catch me wherever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face There's a truth in your eyes A touch of your hand lets me know that you need me You say it best when you say nothing at all

After I finished the song, I kissed Justin's lips. "It was beautiful, Ton" he started to swell up with tears but he was fighting them back.

"Ok I gotta go Just. Now you sleep!" I kissed him again in his cheeks

"Ok bye..." he said as he began felt asleep.

I smiled at him and looking at him sleeping like a baby, yeah my baby Justin. Then I took my backpack and went to Uni. I walked to my Uni, somehow I was feeling happy on the way back to Uni. The class was so boring as usual, the lecturer was babbling something about financial instruments, bonds, options, etc and not many people paid attention to him. The class ended at 7pm. I rushed my way back to my place to check out my baby Justin. Since I had a 'guest' in my place and had no time to make some dinners, I decided to go to the Chinese restaurant across the street from my place. I made some orders for take-out. I was waiting for 10 minutes for the foods. By then, it was 7:24pm, I was straight back to my unit. I opened the door with my key. 'Why is it dark in here? Is he still sleeping?' I asked myself. I turned on the light on the dining room and put the foods on the table, then I checked my bedroom, and it was also dark. I felt something wrong with the whole situation. I turned the light on.


TBC (I guess!)

What happened with Justin? Tell the truth, I don't know either. Should I continue the story? Please tell me guys...If you read this, just drop some lines to aspire34@go.com . Actually I hate writing this story. I did know how to start it and do know how to end it, but I don't know how to put the middle parts. I know, it sounds stupid, hey!

Next: Chapter 3

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