When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Aug 6, 1999


Notes: Here u goes the third part of my story. Hopefully you can enjoy it. I received some positive feedback on my story. Thanks for sending me your email and ideas (to: my #1 fan (u know who u r), 'the craziest' Nate (Love n Friendship...), 'the busiest' Jason (JC & Jas), Jeff, Zepp, Rick and others whose I forget to mention their name. Special thanks for Keith ('Brian & Keith') and Andy ('simply words') for helping my story. Gezz Am I speaking like winning an Oscar or something? hehehehe. If you read this please send your comment to me, TonnY: aspire34@go.com, I try to reply all of the email. By sending your comment, it shows me that my work finally paid off.

Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any character in this story is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

******************************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *******************************************************************************


"JUSTIN PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! JUSTIN! DO YOU HEAR ME?" I started panicking as I saw Justin look really pale.

"Ton...Ton" he whispered my name then I put my hand on his forehead.

"Justin, you've got a fever. What do you feel right now?"

"I feel cold...really cold" Justin mumbled out.

"Hang on Just, I will call Billy, he's a doctor. He doesn't live very far from here." Then I picked up the phone and dialed Billy's number right away.


"Hi Bill, it's me Tony"

"Hi there, Tony. How is it going?"

"Fine...fine. Billy, can you come to my place as soon as possible please?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"My friend has a fever and his temperature is really high, but he feels cold. Can you come right away please?"

"Ok sure. Let me grab my stuff first, and I will see you in 10 minutes, ok?"

"Thanks, Please hurry," I said as I hung up the phone. I rushed back to my bedroom. I looked at Justin and he was shivering by now. I really did not know what to do. Since I thought, he was feeling cold, I took an extra blanket from the cupboard, and put it on him. About 10 minutes, I heard knocking on my door. 'It must be Billy,' I thought. I went to the front door to open it.

"Hi Billy, thanks for coming."

"Hi ton, where's the patient?"

"He's in my bedroom, please follow me."

Billy started to check Justin with his stethoscope and thermometer.

"How is he?" I asked Billy.

"Don't worry Ton, he just has a fever, nothing serious. I'm going to give him an injection to bring his temperature down." He smiled at me, and I just nodded. He started to take a small bottle and an injection.

"Ok that's it. He should get better by the morning and please keep him warm ok," Billy advised me as he put all his stuff back in his bag.

"Ok thanks Billy. How much do I owe you?" "Ton, come one, you don't have to pay me Ok. We're best friends, right?" I just nodded and smiled at him. "Ok I gotta go, it's pretty late, you have to get some sleep too Ton, you look awful," He joked looking at me. "Ha Ha, Ok thanks a lot Bill." I lead him to the front door. "By the way Ton, your friend looks familiar to me." Billy looked at me, and I just froze where I was standing, I didn't know whether or not to tell him about Justin. "Well never mind, Oh yeah, one more thing, make sure he gets plenty of rest and stays away from stress, OK? And if it gets worse, you have to call me as soon as possible."

"Ok I have your number," I assured him as I opened the front door and he stepped out. When he was out of my vision, I closed the door and I walked back to my bedroom. I looked at Justin and noticed that the drugs worked pretty fast; Justin had stopped shivering as he slept peacefully. I looked relieved by his present condition. Now my stomach was rumbling as I giggled. I went to the kitchen and took out my take-away Chinese food; I ate alone on the dining table. I looked at some of the food that I bought for Justin and sighed. After finishing my dinner, I put the leftovers in the fridge. Then I decided to go take a warm shower and get ready for bed. Since I only have one single bed in my room and was also very worried about Justin overnight, I pulled up a chair next to the bed. I prayed before sleeping and asked God to make Justin well. Then I just looked at Justin who slept peacefully like a baby as my eyes slowly closed as I unconsciously put my head at the edge of the bed next to Justin's head.

Around 3:30am Justin woke up. He looked around and saw me sleeping on the chair next to the bed with my head on the edge of it. Justin smiled when he noticed that I deep in sleep. Then he tried to get up. I sensed some movement next to me, and I woke up immediately.

"What's wrong, Just? Are you Ok?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling better."

"Good. So why did you get up? It's still 3:35am," I said as I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed.

"I'm thinking of going to the kitchen, I am pretty hungry."

"Oh yeah, you haven't had your dinner yet. Well I only have Chinese food in the fridge. I don't think you should eat that kind of food at the moment. Wait here, I will make some chicken corn soup for you ok. It won't be long."

"Thanks Ton," he said as he tried to smile at me. I knew that he still had not recovered 100% from his illness. Then I made my way to the kitchen; I got some chicken fillet tenderloin, some corn and some spices from the fridge. I started to make the soup as I remembered my recipe. It took about 20 minutes. Then I put some in a bowl, and I headed back to my bedroom.

"Justin, here's your soup. Can you sit up please?" I asked as he tried to sit up. When he had sat up, I guided a spoon of soup to his mouth.

"Hmm...this is really good, what's in it?"

"Well as I said before it's chicken corn soup so mainly it's chicken and corn plus some spices," I joked with him as he too laughed at my comment. In 10 minutes, Justin finished the soup.

"Do you want some more?"

"No, I am full now. Thanks Ton, it was really delicious."

"Ok, now you have to go back to sleep. As Billy said, you have to get plenty of rest," I said as I tucked him into the blanket while he nodded. I sat back on my chair again and Justin looked at me.

"Why don't you sleep next to me, Ton? There's enough space for the both of us." "No, that's Ok, I can sleep here. Anyway, the bed is too small, and I don't want to fall off from the bed," I joked as both of us laughed. "That's enough. Now close your eyes OK. I want to see you getting better in the morning," I said as I kissed him on his cheek. He smiled and slowly closed his eyes. I put my head back on the edge of the bed next to Justin and started to get some sleep too.

I woke up at 7:30am, I saw that Justin was still asleep. I got up from my chair and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I went to the kitchen, made a cup of tea for me and chicken soup for Justin. Since I didn't have to do anything in the morning, I decided to log on to Internet. I checked my email and received 3 new emails, 2 from my friends and 1 junk. I checked out the news on CNN, ABC, and the local newspapers. Suddenly, I got a request to chat from ICQ. 'Great! It's him again,' I smiled. I didn't know his name, but his screen name was KR while mine is Aspire.

Hey dude! How's it going? Hey Aspire, I'm doing great. Where have you been? I tried to contact you for the past 2 days. I'm glad that you're online now. Sorry KR, pretty busy here. I have my friend staying over. Friend? I thought that you live alone Well, I just met him a few days ago Him??? Yes, why r u surprised? Is he just a friend or more than a friend? Hey what was that supposed to mean? Just asking, so is he your boyfriend? Yes, he is my boyfriend and I'm gay. Do u have a problem with that? No...no not at all. So he's really your boyfriend Well sort of Sort of?? Well I just met him, going to just see what happens next, hopefully it works out well. So where r u now? Still travelling?

(I tried to change the subject from my relationship with Justin)

I'm in states atm, Kentucky to be exact! Just visiting my relatives and friends, I have a few days off. So what is his name?

(He never gives up. I didn't want to tell him about Justin so I kept my mouth zipped)

Why should I tell you his name? You haven't told me your real name and I won't tell you my name either. HA HA OK I won't tell you mine either LOL. So have you had sex with him yet? HEY! you can't ask me that. It's none of your business. And the answer is NO! Ok...Ok...Sorry to push you like that. I though, we are best friends. So stop asking me ridiculous questions like that. OK OK I'm sorry. Aspire, I was wondering what you look like. Can you send me your picture? I think I said this more than 10 times. I can't send my picture to you. Believe me, I'm really really ugly hehehe When someone describes himself as ugly, it usually means he's not. Well do you want to send yours? I think, you've seen me a lot already. Many people know me. Really? R u some kind of famous artist or something? Sort of, I have a lot of fans though hehehe Yeah and I'm Elvis hahaha So send me pleaseeeeee.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Justin! Geez you surprised me. How are you this morning? Feeling better yet?" "Yeah much better. What are you doing Ton?" "Just chatting with someone," I told him, as he was looking at my screen monitor. "So is KR a guy or girl?" He sounded a little bit jealous after reading the conversation on the screen. "Guy, at least that's what he said, but he or she could lie to me though." "So, how long have you known him or her?" "I dunno, probably 4 months or so. We just chat on the ICQ and through emails" "How did you meet him?" "Well I use random chatting. He told me that he lives in the states and travels quite a lot. Again, he could lie to me."

Aspire R u still there? Helllooooooo?

"Well, I will let you have fun with him," he said as he walked back to my bedroom. I knew from Justin's expression that he sounded a little bit jealous, so I decided to end the chat session with KR.

Sorry man, I gotta go, he just woke up. Talk to u soon. Ok please keep in touch, you know my email. Ok bye!

Then I logged off and turned off my PC. I made my way to my bedroom to see Justin. He turned his back away from me.

"Justin, what's wrong?" "Nothing, nothing is wrong," he said as I made my way to the other side of the bed to face him. "Ok listen! Tell me what's wrong? If you want this to work for both of us, we shouldn't lie to each other. Are you jealous?" I said as I knelt down so I could be face to face with him. "Yeah, I'm jealous. You seem to know him longer and better than I've known you," he replied back softly. "Justin, We just chat, and I'm not going to fall in love with someone that I've met over the net. You know that's not me. I've never cheated on you, and never will, I promise you that." "Sorry Ton, I just wrongly accused you. I just don't want to loose you." "That's Ok, I know that you love me." I kissed him on his cheeks. "I really love you Ton," he said as he smiled. "Ok get up! I made some chicken soup for you." "hmmmm yummmyyyyy," he said, and I just laughed at his comment.

We both went to the dining table. I heated the soup in the microwave for 2 minutes. "Umm, this is delicious just as last night. You should give me the recipe so my mom can make it for me." "Speaking about your mom, are you going to call her? She must be worried that you changed your schedule instead of meeting her." "I'll call my mom after this," he said as he took another spoon of soup to his mouth. "Ok, just wanted to remind you. Besides, it's 9am here so it's 10pm in Florida." "I'm sure my mom is still awake. She is used to working pretty late," Justin commented as I gave him a glass of milk. "So what are we planning for today?" "I'm planning to put you in BED for the rest of the day," I said clearly. "But...Tony...I'm feeling better now. Can we go to the beach or something?" "Sure in your dreams when I put you in bed." "Tonyyyyyyyyyy?" He begged me with his puppy looks. "Sorry that look is not helping you this time. You're not recovered fully yet, you still need plenty of rest. Anyway, I have to go to Uni to hand in my assignment. Today is my last day in Uni, then I have 2 weeks off before the final exams." "Ummmh OK," he mumbled out. "By the way, I didn't bring my clothes and I think, I stink!" "Well you can use mine for awhile, they're going to be a little bit small on you though. I'll buy some clothes for you after my class." "Hey you don't have to do that Ton." "Well I want to, anyway you cannot wear tight clothes, it's not for your size." "hehe OK, Just pick up a good outfit for me," he evilly grinned. "Justin baby, don't push your luck! Hehe I'm not going to buy you designer clothes." I smiled at him. Justin finished his breakfast; I took all the dishes from the table to the kitchen sink. "Ok call your mom now," I gave the phone to him. "Okay...Okay," he said as he took the phone from my hand. "Wait, you have a white moustache from the milk." I took a napkin and wiped it off. "hehe, sometimes you act just like my mom," he laughed as he started dialing the numbers. "Hey watch out!" I said as I smiled.

"Hi Mom!" Justin said as he started the conversation on the phone. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I heard Justin clear up whole lot of things to his mom. I could hear that he mentioned my name a couple of times. As I was washing the dishes in the kitchen, I saw a frown on his face. I knew that it was a hard issue for Justin and his mom. I dried all the plates and kitchen utensils with a napkin, as I watched him from the kitchen. "Mom, I know, its hard for you to accept this, but I love him." I heard Justin says. After 20 minutes of talking on the phone, I heard Justin end his conversation. "Thanks mom, I still love you!" I saw smiles and excitement on his face. "Sure! Wait a second," Justin said as he gave the phone to me. "My mom wants to talk to you," he whispered. I shook my head no. "Come on! She just wants to say something to you." I was very nervous as I took the phone from his hand.

"Hello?" "You must be Tony, I'm Lynn, Justin's mom. How are you today?" "I'm pretty good ma'am." I saw Justin giggle at my comment as he stood next to me. "Ok listen! I don't want Justin to hear our conversation. I love my son very much. I don't know what you've done and what you've planned with my son, but I don't like this at all. I want you to try to stay away from him. But at the moment, he's far away from me. Please take care of my son while he's staying with you, and make sure to call me everyday. Ok, I will let you go now." She hung up the phone while I still kept the phone on my ear. I saw Justin smiling at me, and at that moment, I didn't know what to do. I returned his smile with my fake smile. On the inside I was shocked and hurt by what Justin's mom just said. 'I can't tell Justin about this, I don't want him to stress out because of this subject,' I thought to myself, so I just played along. "Ok I'll take care of your son, and it's a pleasure to talk to you ma'am," I said as I hung up the phone. "What did my mom say to you?" he asked me with excitement on his face. "Well basically, she asked me to take care of you while you're staying here, and to remind you to call her everyday." I told him the last part of our conversation and smiled at him. "GREAT! I knew it, everything is gonna be all right," he exclaimed happily as he hugged me. And of course, I returned his hug. "Yeah, everything is gonna be all right," I replied back softly as I hide the truth. "Ok, I have to take a shower and get ready for Uni. You have to get plenty of rest, OK. Watch TV, play games or whatever, as long as you aren't too hard on yourself." "I think that I'm going to watch TV for awhile." "OK." I rushed to my bathroom to take a shower.

I turned on the hot and cold water. I stood there for awhile as warm water splashed my body. The conversation with Justin's mom was still echoing in my ears. 'Should I tell it to Justin? I will but not now. I should tell the truth to him. What if I ruin their relationship? She's his mom for Gods sake! You can't do that,' I though to myself. By now I was totally confused and seriously doubting the relationship with my baby, Justin. Out of no where, I remembered this song:

You can say love's forever And find it never stays In you I've recovered The one thing that must remain

I'm tired of a world undone I've figured out you're my setting sun

It's cruel The way I'm needing you I guess I'll play the fool It's my heart, not my mind and it's taking over Cruel Suddenly it's true No longer can I choose It's in you I'm defined and these is no other

Oh it's cruel Oh it's cruel...

I've seen it come and go so many times But this is critical - the truth I can't hide And I don't know why Oh it's cruel

Then out of the blue, I realized that I was in the shower for 30 minutes. "Shit! I'm going to be late," I exclaimed. I turned off the shower tab and dried myself, then put the towel around my waist. I quickly rushed to my bedroom to get my clothes. I didn't realize that Justin was in bed. When I opened my wardrobe I heard someone giggling.

"Oh shit! Justin! What are you doing here?" I said as I tried to cover my upper body with my hands while the towel was still hanging around my waist. Justin was still giggling. "Well you said, I have to get plenty of rest, so I decided to get back to bed, besides the TV sucks," he said calmly and kept staring at me. "Why didn't you say something when I came in?" "Well, why should I? I like what I see at the moment," he evilly grinned at me. I was so embarrassed by his comment and the way he was looking at me. "JUSTIN! Turn around! Close your eyes and close your ears," I yelled at him "Close my ears?" "I don't care, just do it NOW! Don't turn around until I say so." He complied with my request and turned around and closed his eyes and ears with both hands. I quickly picked my clothes. I didn't know why he was still giggling. "You know Ton, why are you so embarrassed with your body? It's perfect, it's like a guitar," he laughed out loud. "JUSTIN! Now shut your mouth too!" I said as I rushed to put my clothes on. When I finished, I came to stand next to him, and he opened his left eye. "Hello SEXY!" he said and smiled at me. Now it was payback time. I started to tickle him. I tickled all of his sensitive areas, his armpits and his waist. "Ha ha ha, please Ton stop it." He begged for mercy. Now we were struggling on the bed. "OOOOOOOO" Suddenly he sounded in pain and put his hand on his head. I stopped my tickling immediately and got worried.


Please comments/ideas/flames/just wanna chat hehehe, send to aspire34@go.com

Next: Chapter 4

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