When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Aug 12, 1999



First at all, I would like to say thanks (many thanks actually) to Keith ('Brian n Keith) who helped me to check this part for me. I don't know why but I had less response on last part. Hmmm maybe my story is just getting boring or something. Anyway, thanks to someone who kept sending me great response and critique. Ok as usual send your comment/flames/ideas to Tonny at aspire34@go.com


This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any character in this story is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

"I don't care, just do it NOW! Don't turn around until I say so" he complied my request, turned around, closed his eyes and ears with both hands. I quickly picked my clothes. I didn't know why he was still giggling "You know ton, why are so embarrassed with your body? It's perfect, it's like a guitar" he laughed out loud "JUSTIN! Now shut your mouth too!" I said as I rushed to put my clothes on. While I finished, I came to him and he opened his left eye. "Hello SEXY!" he said and smiled at me. Now it was payback time. I started to tickle him. I tickled all of his sensitive areas, his armpits and his waists. "Ha ha ha Please ton stop it" he begged for mercy. Now we were struggling on the bed. "OOOOOOOO" suddenly he sounded in pain and his hand on his head. I stopped my action immediately and worried.


"Justin! Are you OK?" I asked him panicking. "GOTCHA!!!" he yelled and laughed out loud. I was just stunned, not even smiling at his joke. He saw my expression. "Come on Ton, it's only a joke," he said still giggling. I didn't say anything and kept silent, I just walked out of my room and left him. "Tony! Wait!" he chased me to the living room. "I'm so sorry, I though it was funny," Justin said standing in front of me, trying to stop me. I stopped in front of him staying silent for a couple of minutes. "Please Ton say something, I'm so sorry," he apologized as tears started falling from his blue eyes. I put my hand on his face and wiped off his tears and smiled. "Don't do that again Ok. I was worried about you. I don't know what to do if something happened to you." "I promise. I'm so sorry that I made you worry about me." "OK, I have to go now. Make sure that you rest and don't do something stupid like burn down my apartment," I joked to cheer him up and he laughed. I kissed him on his lip lightly before leaving.

Since today was my last day in Uni, It wasn't going to take very long. We just reviewed some chapters, and I handed in my assignment to the lecturer. We finished the class at 1pm. I decided to go to city to buy some clothes for Justin. I bought him 2 blue color T-shirts and 1 shirt. Out of nowhere, I thought about planning a surprise for Justin while he was staying with me. 'That should do it!' I exclaimed. At 4pm, I decided to go home. When I arrived, I saw Justin watching 'The price is right' on Teli.

"Hi Justin!" I greeted him. "You're back!" he hugged me and I returned his hug. "How was your day?" "I'm so bored. I was waiting for you all day. Ton, look that guy, he couldn't guess the price a small pack of 'Smarties'," he pointed to the TV and I just laughed at his comment. "Justin, I bought you some clothes, hopefully you will like them." I gave him the shopping bag. "Wow it's blue, I love it! How do you know I like blue," he asked with excitement. "From 'Smash Hit' magazine, as a matter a fact, blue is my fave too," I smiled at him. "Thanks Ton. These are awesome!" "Ok what do you want for dinner?" "Anything! I know you're a good cook," he said still looking at the shirts.

Then I prepared dinner while Justin was watching the teli. At 7, it was ready. We ate together and told some jokes while we were eating. We spent the rest of the night watching teli. When I saw the clock, it was 10 already. "Justin! It's time to go to bed." "But I'm not sleepy yet." "Come on, we are going to do a lot of things tomorrow since you're getting better." "We are? Where?" "I dunno, lets decide tomorrow," I replied. "Yipeeeeeee! Lets go to bed then." Then I turned the TV off. We were both heading to my room. "Are you going to sleep with me? I promise I won't kick you off the bed," he laughed. "No that's ok, I can sleep on the sofa," I smiled at him. "Come on Ton, please. I promise I won’t do anything but sleep. For me please?" he used that look again, it was so tempting. "I hate that look on your face. Ok but don't do something tricky!" I warned him and he just smiled at me. "Are you going to wear clothes while sleeping?" Justin asked me. "Well yeah! I always wear my PJ. You're not expecting me to take my clothes off, are you?" "Sort of, I want to see you naked though," he evilly grinned at me. "Ha Ha! I think you saw me enough this morning." "Do you mind if I take my clothes off?" "No, not at all as long as you keep your boxers on. I don't want to see a 'snake' on my bed," I joked with him and he laughed out loud. He started to take his clothes off, leaving his boxers on. 'WOW! He's so hot' I thought. I turned to my side and Justin hugged me tightly from behind, planting soft kisses on my neck. Then I turned my back to face him and smiled at him and saw that he already fell asleep. "Have a sweet dream Just," I whispered quietly as I slowly closed my eyes.

10:00am 30/01/1999

I was awake. When I opened my eyes, I saw Justin still sleeping like a baby. I just looked at him for half an hour or so, until I decided to wake him up. "Justin, wake up," I shook him lightly. "Umm not now, I still need my sleep," Justin mumbled out as he hugged me more tightly. 'Great! Now I'm stuck again', I tried to wake him up again, hoping it would work. "Justin…" I called his name again until I felt something hard pressing my leg. 'Oh no! He has a hardon,' I spoke to myself. "UUUgghhhhhhhhhh! JUSTIN WAKE UP!" I yelled it out on his ear. "Ha! What? What? WHAT!" Justin looked shocked as he released his hands from me. I jumped away from the bed. "What was your dream?" I asked him. "Ha! What?" "You have a hardon!" I said as I pointed to his 'tent' in his boxers. "Opps," he quickly pulled up a blanket to cover his boxers and his face turned to ten red of shades. I was giggling at his reaction. "Ooo shut up!" he said as he threw a pillow to me. "Ok I better get ready, why don't you have your breakfast while I use the bathroom," I said and he nodded. It took me 15 minutes in the bathroom to get myself ready for a new day and I brought my clothes now to the bathroom instead of repeating yesterday's accident. "OK you turn now, Quick! Quick!" I ushered him to the bathroom and gave my towel to him. I made myself some toast, then I checked my emails as usual. I had to turn off the ICQ program before log on, since I was not really in the mood of talking with 'KR'. Surprisingly, he sent me 8 emails. 'Is he trying to spam me or what,' I thought to myself. From all of his emails, nothing was important but asking me how I was, when are we gonna chat again, asked for picture of me and plus some 'stupid question' about Justin and me. I replied to his email, just telling him a quick Hi and giving short answers for all of his 'stupid' questions. I sent it straight away, and turned my PC off.

"Justin! Are you ready yet?" I yelled at him. "Wait a minute!" "What're you doing in there? Sleeping?" I asked. "Just doing my hair." "Oh pleaseee! It's short and curly already, what can you do with it," I said sarcastically. Then he opened the bathroom door. "All right! All right! What a rush!" he smiled at me, "So where are we going to?" "I will take you to Morley Shopping Center, it's a huge shopping mall and great place to hang out." "Great, I want to buy more clothes!" he exclaimed with excitement.

We went there by Taxi. We were browsing the entire center. He brought a lot of clothes, 2 pairs of pants, and plus some CK's boxer shorts. Then we watched a movie, 'You Got Mail', in the Greater Union. It was great a movie. For lunch, we went to the food court. He ordered pasta while I ordered my BIG MAC Meal. I was glad that Justin was having fun with me. Since it was 5 already, we decided to go back. I prepared our dinner while Justin took a shower. He wore a T-shirt that I bought for him. After dinner, I decided to take a shower while Justin was watching South Park on SBS. I could hear Justin laughing loudly from the bathroom. After the shower, I joined him to watch some teli. I turned the channel to channel 10 for Dawson's Creek, it's my favorite show, in fact, Justin's too. The show finished at 21:30, and since I was planning some surprises for Justin tomorrow, I asked him to go to bed a bit early.

"Justin, lets got to bed," I asked as I switched off the teli. "Hey! I'm still watching and I'm not tired yet," Justin looked at me. "Well I am, you don't want me to sleep alone, do you?" I asked him, still hiding the surprise from him. "Arrrrgggghhh It's so tempting," he grinned and I punched him on his shoulder lightly. "No No! I know what you're thinking! Yuck!" I smiled at him and he laughed. "Ok Come on!" I took his hand and dragged him to the bedroom. I slept next to Justin, same as last night. I put a long pillow between us. "What are you doing?" he asked me dumbly. "Just in case, if you get a hardon again, so you aren't pumping on me," I said sarcastically and Justin just turned red remembering what had happened in the morning. We slept peacefully that night.

My place 4:15am 31/01/1999

I woke up as the alarm clock sounded. Ok I rushed my way to the bathroom and took a shower as quickly as possible. Then I prepared Justin's clothes and his essentials since he was really hard to wake him up in the morning, since he's not such a morning person.

"Justin! Justin! Wake Up!" I shook him lightly. "Uuummm," he mumbled out. I had to wake him up immediately or we were gonna be late for the surprise. "Justin! Please wake up!" I shook his body and he still didn't move, not even an inch. So I took my Evian Spray and I sprayed it into his face. "Aaahhh, hey why did you do that?" he sounded pissed. "Come on take a quick shower and get ready, I have a surprise for you." I dragged him to the bathroom. "It's 4:30 am?" "I'll explain it to you later, now quick!" I pushed him to the bathroom and closed the door. In 10 minutes, he finished taking a shower. "WOW! That's a New World record for you!" "Who wants to take a long shower at 4:30am," he said sarcastically. Then he saw two travelling bags on the floor, while I made some sandwiches for us. "Where are you going?" he asked worrying. "WE are going somewhere. Quick wear your shoes, the taxi is waiting outside" I said and I gave him a sandwich for a quick breakfast. Justin compiled with my request and still didn't know what I've planned for him. The ride was smooth since it was 5 in the morning. We both just kept silent and still felt sleepy; Justin just looked through the windows, looking at the view of Perth City in the morning. After he saw sign 'PERTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT', he turned his face towards me.

"Airport! You're not asking me to leave, are you?" he asked me and started worrying. "Maybe," I said calmly and still played along the game. "Ton, I don't want to go yet, I still want to spend some more days with you," Justin said with sadness. But I just smiled, inside I was cheering, he still didn't have a clue yet. Then the taxi stopped at the main gate of the airport. I paid the driver and took our bag. Justin still sat in the cab, trying to hold his tears in as he thought that I asked him to leave me. I took his hand and dragged him with all my power. Finally he got out without looking at me. Then we lined up at the queue for check in. Justin looked at the monitor screen for the destination and departure time. It showed QF139 BALI 08:15am. Then he looked at me.

"BALI!?!" he sounded surprised and I could see the change on his face go from sadness to shock. "Happy 18th Birthday, JUSTIN!" I said as I hugged him tightly. "Oh My God! Today is my Birthday! Thank you! Thank you Ton!" he said with more excitement as he jumped up and down. Then he kissed me, but I broke his kiss straight away. "Justin, we are in public," I whispered to him, and he realized and felt embarrassed. "Why didn't you tell me?" he still felt excited. "Duuhhh, If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore," I replied and stuck my tongue out. And he just laughed. By that time, it was our time to check in. I put our bags in baggage, and then we headed to immigration. We found two empty seats near the departure gate; there were not many people on this flight since now was not the time for the holiday season. "Ton, before I forget to tell you, I have a great time with you. This is the best Birthday present I've ever had. Thank You," he said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. It was so sweet how he said those lines, I tried to hold my tears as I just smiled at him.

"So how long are we going to stay in Bali? I'm so excited, I've never been to Bali before," he said as he looked at the boarding pass. "2 nights and 3 days." "2 nights?" he questioned, "That's not enough Ton." "Well that's the package, anyway you should go back to the states soon right?" I explained to him as I looked at the itinerary. "A..A.aa No!" he nodded his head no. "Justin, you have to. Your mom and friends are worried and missing you, plus I have to prepare for my exams because I can't concentrate while you're around me," I explained to him. "Ton…I promise, I won't interfere with your exam preparation," he begged me. "No! I have already arranged your flight back to Orlando. You're going back 2 days after we return from Bali." "But…" "No but mister!" "Okay okay I know when I'm not wanted," he pouted. "Come on, Just. You can call me or email me everyday and you are welcome to visit me when you're on a break," I put my hand on his shoulder to cheer him up and he returned my smile. At 07:45 we both boarded, Justin took the window seat and I took the aisle. It was a 3-hour flight to Bali; the movie on board was 'the avengers'. He didn't bother to watch the movie, he just read the Qantas in-flight magazine.

BALI 11:15am 31/01/1999

Finally we arrived in Bali at 11:15am on schedule. There was no time difference between Perth and Bali, and we passed the immigration and waited for our baggage. We were heading out and I saw someone holding a board with my name on it, so we met the guy. "Hi! My name's Tony and this is Justin." Justin stood next to me. "Oh welcome to Bali Mr. Tony and Mr. Justin, My name's Putu. I'll take you both to the hotel." He shook my hand then Justin's. "Just call us Tony and Justin, you don't have to be so formal with us," I smiled at him. "Oh Okay, so are we ready now?" "Yep," I said as he took our bags. "Terima Kasih," I said. "Your welcome!" he smiled at me as he walked in front of us. "What is Ter..Kaseh," Justin asked me. "Terima Kasih! It's Thank you," I told him as I held his hand on our way out from the NGURAH RAI-DENPASAR AIRPORT. We were riding in a small van to the hotel. "Where are we staying anyway?" Justin asked me as he looked outside at the busy street. "Hard Rock Hotel," I said normally. "There is a Hard Rock Hotel here?" Justin looked at me. "Yeah I think it's the only one in South East Asia, I heard the place is great, near to the beach and next to Hard Rock Café." "WOW! I can’t wait! I should tell the guys about this especially JC, he will be greeen with envy with me hehehe." "Why?" "Anything with Hard Rock is JC's Favorite." We both laughed.

After a 45 minutes ride, we finally arrived at HRH; Justin and I were amazed to see the place. Then we checked in, we had a nice room with a beach view, but we had separate beds instead of a double size bed. Actually Justin was not happy with the bed arrangement but I told him that the travel agent made the arrangement, not me. Justin was looking through the Hotel facilities on the brochures.

"Ton, look at this, they have Bali Bungee (Bungee Jumping), Banana Boat, Swimming pools, cabana restaurant, and more," he showed the brochures to me with excitement. "Hold your horses! Remember we came here to relax and have you stay away from stress," I reminded him. "Yeah…yeah…yeah," he mumbled out still reading the brochure, "Come on Ton, let's go outside!" he said as he was changing to shorts and a Hawaii shirt in front of me. "Okay, wait let me change first," I said as I made my way to the bathroom. After I changed my clothes, Justin dragged me out of the room. We were browsing around the hotel facilities, it was huge place. We decided to take a rest for awhile near the swimming pools looking at some people jumping from a 45m tower to the swimming pool doing the Bali Bungee. The weather was warm, 32 Celsius and not too humid, it was typical tropical weather. By then, I was so thirsty. "Justin, I would like to order a drink, do you want anything?" I asked him. "Yeah, Coke please," he smiled at me and turned again to watch some people do the bungee. "Ok wait here," I said as I left him to order some drinks. I had to wait for 15 minutes just for a glass of orange juice and coke. It was so full of people. After I got the drinks, I went back to find Justin. Somehow, I could not find him at the place that I left him. 'Where the hell is he,' I said to myself as I put the drinks on the table. I started looking around for him. "Justin! Justin!" I said out loud. "Hey Ton, I'm here," I heard his voice faintly. "Where are you, Just?" I was still looking around searching for him. "Up here, Ton. Look!" he shouted. I looked way up to the 45m tower, and I saw him standing and ready to jump. 'Oh No! He's going to do the bungee jump'. I rushed to the swimming pool to stop him, but it was too late. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," he yelled as he jumped. I was terrified at that moment, so I just closed my eyes. Justin was bouncing up and down splashing in the swimming pool a couple of times until it stopped. Some people helped him out to the ground, releasing the robe on his feet. He walked to where I was standing, as he dried himself with a towel. "Ton! It was so fun! You should try it Ton. It was awesome!" he said with excitement and I just kept silent. Then I walked away from the swimming pool and the crowd. I was heading towards the beach, which was not far from the hotel. Justin was so startled at my reaction that he tried to chase me.

"Ton, what's wrong?" he asked as I sped up my walking. He ran trying to stop me. "Ton, I was just having fun up there," he said as he was walking backwards in front of me and tried to stop me. I just kept silent and walked until I found some place to sit down on the sand and Justin sat next to me. "Ton, say something please, I hate when you just kept silent," he said. I just looked at the beach; not bothering to look at him when I heard him sobbing. I tried to break my silence. "Do you know what you just did? I told you before that we came here to relax and not to stress out," I said to him normally and tried to hide my disappointment on his behavior. "Ton…," he started to say something but I cut his words off. "Do you know how terrified I was when you jumped from that tower? I even couldn't open my eyes. What if something happened to you?" I sighed and tried to hold my tears. I looked at him and he looked down, not daring to look into my eyes. "But Ton it's safe, they have safety equipment," he told me softly. "Justin! If it's safe, they won't ask you to sign the paper that they won't take any responsibility if something happened to you. I know and I understand that you want to have some fun, but I worry about you and what if something bad had happened to you. You're far away from your family and friends, you're under my responsibility." I said sternly to give him some explanation. "I'm sorry Ton." That was the only thing he could say, and he started crying. I hate to see him cry; today is supposed to be his happy day. "Please stop crying, just tell me before you want to do anything OK," I said softly and wiped the tears away from his face. He just nodded. "Lets go back to our room. Look at you, you're wet, you can get sick again from it," I said as I wrapped a towel over his shoulder. He smiled and helped me get up.

We were going back to our room, and I picked up a new T-shirt for him and helped him to take his wet shirt off. He just kept silent, I knew that he was regretting what he just did. I smiled at him and gave him a light kiss. "I'm starving now, lets go to the restaurant for lunch. Then we're going to have some fun." I tried to cheer him up and I could see a smile form on his face. "OK!" I took his hand and headed out of the room. We headed to the Hard Rock Café, next to the hotel. After having lunch, we started our journey. We hired a guide, since I was not familiar with Bali. Basically we did stuff like most tourists do. We saw some Hindu temples, Bali culture, Bali dancers, and went to Sangeh to see the monkeys. Justin was so excited, he had never seen a lot of monkeys around him without cages around. He even held one of the monkeys and fed them some bananas. I liked to capture his moment with the monkey, so I decided to buy a disposable camera and took a picture of him. I asked our guide to take some pictures of us together too. Finally, we decided to take an elephant ride, following the tourist track in the jungle. I was happy seeing Justin getting more excited, he had never been so close with that gigantic animal. After the ride, I notice it was 6pm already and I was so tired, but not Justin. So we decided to go back to the hotel. When we arrived at HRH, it was 18:30 already. I took a quick shower then Justin took his before we had dinner. I hired one of the cabanas with a sea-view for dinner. It was so romantic, having dinner and watching the sunset at the Kuta beach at the same time. After dinner, we just sat silent, enjoying the view until the ssu disappeared from the horizon. "Just! It's 8 already, lets go back to our room," I asked him and he nodded. "Oh yeah, don't forget to call your mom," I reminded him and he just smiled.

In our room, I gave the phone to Justin and he started dialing some numbers. I couldn't hear anything from his conversations, but I knew he spoke with JC first. He told him where we were, his birthday surprises and the adventures that we had today. There was laughing and joking in his conversation. I just smiled at him. Then he spoke to his mom and explained the whole thing again. I didn't know why, but I was so nervous when he was speaking with his mom. After an hour on the phone, he ended the call. "My mom says Hi to you," he said and I just smiled at him still hiding the truth. "And JC too, he was mad at me that I'm having fun here in Bali," he laughed and I still kept my smile. "Oh yeah, he asked me whether we could take a Hard Rock Café Menu for his collection." "Hard Rock Cafe Menu? Usually people collect T-shirts, jackets and pins. He actually collects Hard Rock café Menus? That's weird though. Let me see what I can do for him," I laughed and so did Justin. "So What are we going to do now?" he asked me. "Wait! Your birthday is not complete without a birthday cake. Just wait in here, I bought a cake for you," I told him. "Ton, you don't have to do that. You've done a lot for me already." "Oh no, I insist. Anyway I want some Black Forest too," I joked.

I grabbed my wallet and headed to the cake store downstairs. I bought a small Black Forest cake and 18 small candles. Then I headed back to our room. When I opened the door, it was dark, 'Ok now he's going to surprise me' I thought. I put the cake on the table.

"Justin baby…yuuuhuuuu where are you?" I giggled as I turned the lights on. I was so surprised when I saw Justin was lying naked on the bed with his shirt, pants and underwear on the floor. "Come here Ton, make love to me," he said exotically while I was still amazed at what I saw. "Come here honey," he repeated again as he got up from the bed and approached me. I just smiled at him.


Ok guys! What do you think? Exciting? Boring? What? Well just tell me ok. Send your comments/flames/ideas to Tonny aspire34@go.com

Please at least drop me a line, It really tells me that someone read my story. So I can keep this story going. If I won't get any response at all, why should I keep writing it? As no one read it. Comments (bad/good) will be appreciated.

Next: Chapter 5

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