When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Aug 31, 1999


Notes: First at all, I would like to say thanks (many thanks actually) to Andy (Author: Simply Words) who helped me to check this part for me. I still had less response on the last installment (Gezz where did I do wrong?). Anyway, thanks to Yuli, Keith (Author of 'Brian and Keith'-Great Story!), Andy (or should I call u Dr.Andy :), Nate (Author: Luv & Friendship with Nsync-Great tittle & good story too!), Nate's gf ha ha ha, Andrew, who keep reading this story and send comment to me. Ok as usual send your comment/flames/ideas or a quick 'Hi' to Tonny at aspire34@go.com


This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any character in this story is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

CHAPTER 7: I'm Holdin' On To Love (To Save My Life)

Everyday Justin always called me; on the first week we were apart, Justin called me 3 times a day: morning, noon, and night. Actually, I had to remind him about 13 hours time differences, he called me once at 1 o'clock in the morning. I asked him jjust to call me once a day or email me as many as he wanted to, since I tried to concentrate with my exam preparation and Justin were busy with his career too.

I wasn't sure whether I prepared enough for the final exam. I had 4 subjects, which 2 on the first week of exams and the other two on the second week. I did 3 subjects pretty well (I guessed), now I still had one more, which I had 3 days more to prepare.

UNI-PERTH 13:30 25/02/1999

Here was the day, my last day of my exam and also it had been 3 weeks since Justin and I was being apart. I tried to do my best for my last subject; I promised to myself, I had to pass all of the subjects. While I was the exam, I felt my head ache and had blurred vision, but I tried to concentrate on the question papers; some calculations and some essays type question.

After a 3-hour battle with the financial stuff, finally I managed to do the entire question. Well, I wasn't sure if I answered all the questions correctly, but I was sure that I would pass this subject. I walked out of the room, suddenly I felt the world around me spinning, then it was all black; I fainted.

ORLANDO 10:00 26/02/1999

Justin was heading down to the living room to meet Chris and JC. Chris and JC always stayed in Justin's home while they were in Orlando. Justin took a seat next to JC.

"Morning, Just!" JC greeted him.

"Morning guys!" Justin replied quietly, Chris and JC knew in an instant that something bothering him; they could look from Justin's expression.

"What's wrong, Curly?" Chris popped out the question.

"Hmmm, nothing" Justin said and looked down.

"Come on Just, maybe we can help you." JC looked concern.

"Tony--" Justin sighed.

"Ha? What's wrong with him?" Chris asked in confused way.

"I've tried to call him since yesterday but he didn't pick up the phone, it was just his answering machine. I already left him about a thousand messages to call me back, and yet he hasn't call me" Justin explained exasperatedly.

"Did you have a fight?" Chris added.

"No, we were still talking the last time I called him." Justin said.

"Have you try his cell phone or email him perhaps?" JC asked again.

"Done! He used to check his email regularly, but he hasn't replied my emails." Justin answered.

"Don't worry Just" Chris tried to calm him down "maybe he is out of town or something, or maybe he's going out with his friends since he finished with the exams" Chris added.

"Well, he always tell me everything. I felt something is wrong, guys. It's not like him, you know, not to tell me something like that" Justin said.

"Come on Justin, don't be paranoid. I'm sure, he's fine." JC tried to comfort his best friend.

"I hope you're right but I'm just so worried about him." Justin sighed

"Hmmm, why don't you try to contact our manager and ask him to find Tony's agent when we did the concert in Perth. What is his name again? Peter-- Pete or something like that. He can check Tony since he knows Tony's apartment." Chris gave the idea.

"Yeah, you're right. You're genius, Chris!" Justin shouted in excitement.

"Yeah as always." Chris was so proud while Justin and JC giggled.

Then Justin called their manager and asked for help to get Pete's phone number in Perth. In 20 minutes, Justin got the numbers and dialed quickly it.

[Pete:] Hello?

[Justin:] Hello, may I speak with Pete please?

[Pete:] Speaking!

[Justin:] Hi Pete, this is Justin from N'sync. We met in our concert last month.

[Pete:] Oh yeah I remember. How may I help you?

[Justin:] I was wondering if you met with Tony lately

[Pete:] No, I actually, I haven't spoken with him nearly a month. Why?

[Justin:] I'm kinda worried about him. He used to call me regularly but I haven't spoken with him for the past 2 days. So can you do me a favor?

[Pete:] Sure!

[Justin:] Can you go to find him? Please check his place and call me as soon as possible.

[Pete:] Ok, I can do that

[Justin:] Thanks Pete, I owe you one

Justin told his number and ended the phone call with Pete. Justin sighted as he hung up the phone. After the call, Justin, Chris and JC went to the studio and met with Joey and Lance. They were working on their new album, which will due in fall.

Around 5, the guys finished their works for the day. Joey and Chris made some jokes about Justin and me, and the rest just laughing, then Justin's cell phone was ringing.

[Pete:] Justin?

[Justin:] Yeah. Who's this?

[Pete:] It's Pete

[Justin:] Oh hi Pete. How is it?

[Pete:] I have a bad news for you Just


[Pete:] Well I went to his apartment and, apparently, he wasn't at home, so I decided to go to his Uni. I met his lecturer and he said that Tony fainted after finishing his final exam two days ago. Now he's in hospital

[Justin:] Hospital? Oh my God!

Justin dropped to his knees and shocked. The guys shocked too, didn't know what was going on.

[Pete:] Justin! Justin! Are you still there?

[Justin:] Oh yeah, so how is he? Is it bad?

[Pete:] I don't know yet. What I know is that he's under intensive care of Billy, he's the doctor and Tony's friend too.

[Justin:] Yeah I met him once while I was staying with Tony. Can you give me his number?

[Pete:] I don't know his number Just, but you can contact him to the hospital, it's St. John of God Hospital. Here's the number 9284 0678.

[Justin] Got it!

[Pete:] Ok Just, I'm on my way to hospital to see him.

[Justin:] Ok please keep me updated on his condition.

[Pete:] Sure, bye.

Justin sat down on the floor with his back on the wall. He brought his legs closer to his chest and started sobbing, while the other guys knelt down around him and still didn't know what was going on.

"I knew it! Something wrong!" Justin said as he started crying.

"What's wrong with Tony, Just?" Lance asked Justin as he tried to calm his friend.

"He fainted after the exam and now he's in hospital" Justin replied.

"How is he?" JC concerned.

"I dunno-- I dunno" Justin replies as he put his hands over his face.

"Don't worry Just, he'll be alright" Joey said as he put his hand on Justin's shoulder to comfort him.

"I think-- I think that I should go back to Perth" Justin spoke.

"WHAT? AGAIN?" they said in unison but Justin.

"Justin, you just came back from there three weeks ago and we have a lot of works to do" Chris said.

"I DON'T CARE! I have to see him," Justin yelled

"Justin, you just can't--" JC said but Justin cut his words

"JC, he's sick and he's alone. No one is with him at the moment. When I was sick, he looked after me 24-7 next to me. I have to see him guys" Justin explained as he was still crying

"Justin, at least you can call to the hospital before you're going. Find what was going on first. I'm sure, he'll be OK" Lance said and Justin just silent.

"Ok lets go home." JC stood up and tried to help Justin to stand up, "Lets go home, calm you down, and call the hospital, OK?" JC put his hand around Justin's shoulder.

The rest of the ride to Justin's house was so quiet. They all knew that Justin was pretty upset at the moment. Joey and Lance decided to stay at Justin's place for awhile, sticking together with Chris and JC, to try to cheer him up. After a few hours, Justin looked calm a little, and he started to dial the hospital's numbers. He put the speakerphone so the guys could hear what was going on.

[Receptionist:] Morning, St. John Hospital

[Justin:] Yeah may I speak with Dr. Billy please?

[Receptionist:] I'm sorry sir, he's with his patient at the moment. Do you want to leave any message?

[Justin:] Actually I would like to know the condition one of his patients. His name is Tony.

[Receptionist:] Well at the moment, Dr. Billy is in his room and checking him.

[Justin:] Please can you put me through to his room. I'm calling from states.

[Receptionist:] Well, let me see what I can do for you. May I know your name sir?

[Justin:] Justin! Justin Timberlake. Actually Billy met me once before while I was staying with Tony.

[Receptionist:] Ok hold on

Justin heard the song played on the background as he was holding the call...

'...You were my strength when I was weak...You were my voice when I couldn't speak...You were my eyes when I couldn't see...You saw the best there was in me...Lifted me up when I couldn't reach...You gave me faith 'coz you believed...I'm everything I am...Because you love me...[click]'

[Billy:] Hello?

[Justin:] Hi it's Justin here

[Billy:] Hi Justin, How are you?

[Justin:] Fine thanks. How is he?

[Billy:] Tony is fine. Don't worry.

[Justin:] What's happened to him?

[Billy:] He just suffered from mild exhaustion and fatigue last time, probably from preparing the exams. So basically, stress and depression are not good combination for him.

[Justin:] So how is he now?

[Billy:] He's getting better, a lot of improvement. Probably he can go home this afternoon after doing some general check up on him. Do you want to talk to him? He's awake now

[Justin:] Please...Thanks Bill

[Billy:] No problem

[Tony:] Justin?

[Justin:] Tony? How are you feeling now?

[Tony:] Pretty good, thanks. You?

[Justin:] I'm worried about you. I tried to call you several times for the past 2 days, and I didn't know what was going with you. I found out from Pete that you're in hospital.

[Tony:] Don't worry Just, I'm fine now. Sorry to make you worried about me

[Justin:] What happened, Ton? I know that you were probably stress out from exam but what were you depressing about? I told you before not to exert yourself.

[Tony:] I miss you (I said softly)

[Justin:] I hate when you--- (stop) what? You miss me? I'm sorry Ton, I don't know that you miss me that much

[Tony:] Yeah I miss you Just, but don't worry, I finished my exam, so I'll keep myself away from stress.

[Justin:] You miss me? Ton, I have to go back to Perth now.

[Tony:] NO! Please don't.

[Justin:] Why not? Someone should take care of you.

[Tony:] No, Justin, I can take care myself. I heard that you have a lot of things to do with your new album. I'll be fine. You heard what Bill said right?

[Justin:] I don't care, I'll get to the next flight soon

[Tony:] JUSTIN! If you come here, don't expect me to meet you (I threat him). I told you that you could come here when you have a break.

[Justin:] But Ton...

[Tony:] No But Justin...If you care about me, you do what I said.

[Justin:] Okay...BUT I'll call you every 4 hours to check you.

[Tony:] That's fine, as long as not while I'm sleeping. hehehe.

[Justin:] Hehehe. Ok.

[Tony:] Hey I have to do some check up again, please take care yourself and say hi to the guys, ok?

[Guys:] HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! (They all screamed at the same time)

[Tony:] Ha? What was that?

[Justin:] It's them. I put it on the speakerphone. They're all worried about you.

[Tony:] Oh no, they were listening our conversation? Hey guys stop giggling! I meant you too Chris, Joey! I can hear that clearly. Ok guys, I got to go, sorry to cut you off.

[Justin:] Ok Ton, please take care yourself. I'll call you in 4 hours.

[Tony:] Sure. Bye.

"See! He's ok, right?" Lance said to Justin

"Yeah but I'm still worried guys. Who will take care of him at home?" Justin concerned

"Just, he will manage it, come on, he's been living alone for 3 years. Anyway, I'm sure the doctor will check him regularly" JC said tried to comfort Justin

"Yeah, I hope you're right. I think, I'm going to have a rest for awhile. If he calls, you had to wake me up immediately OK!" Justin reminded the guys

"Sure! Go! Have some rest" Chris said as he pushed Justin to his room.

My place 11:00 27/02/1999

After getting my general check-up, Billy finally released me from the hospital. I arrived at my place, I checked my mailbox; I had a few letters, mainly some junk and bank statements. I saw my answering machine was blinking, I had 23 messages, 'gezz that's a lot' I said as I pressed the play button. I had 1 message from my parent and 22 messages from Justin, mainly same short messages from him. I sighed. 'he really cares about me' I smiled as I heard the last message from him. I checked my email and I found 35 emails, again 20 from Justin and 15 from 'KR'. Also I got some messages blinking from my ICQ program, it was from 'KR' then I replied his message and told what happened to me.

Since I arrived, Justin really called me every 4 hours to check me, it was a little bit annoyed actually, but inside I was happy that I could hear his voice. He was stubborn, he kept asking me to allow him to come to Perth; I missed him a lot but I didn't want to interfere with his works so I said NO to him.

I had to wait for another 2 weeks for the result of my exam; I was hoping that I would pass all of them and graduated. I sent some resumes to some companies in here and also overseas, hopefully I could get a job after graduation. I liked to visit different countries that why I decided to learn some foreign languages and send my resumes to overseas.

Perth 15/03/1999

This was the day, the result should came out by now on Uni's notice boards. I rushed my way early in the morning at 10, to get results. I checked the list, it was sorted according to student ID. I had scanned through a lot of numbers before I found my number.

"Yes! Thanks God" I exclaimed. What a relief, I passed all the subjects, I had two distinction and 2 credits; I jumped up and down, I was so exciting, finally I got my Bachelor degree. 'I can't wait to tell this to my parents and Justin' I said to myself but I decided to tell them later on the evening since it's cheaper to call overseas during off-peak hours. I met some of my friends, I was glad that they all passed, same like me.

I decided to go to COLES supermarket to buy some stuff for my fridge. I took a bus to Innallo shopping center since there is a supermarket and close from my Uni. I stooped by on the Trax CD Store, I checked some new release albums; I bough a new album of Kyle Minogue 'Intimate and Live', it's her new album from her recent concert contains her best hits songs and some new tracks. Then I headed my way to the supermarket; I bought what I needed such as cereal, milk, fruits and some basic stuff. I waited a long queue for checkout counter.

While I was waiting, I saw Smash Hits Magazine with Nsync as a cover on a checkout rack and I decided to buy it. I paid my stuff and I left the mall. I took a bus again to go back to my place; while I was in the bus, I looked the magazine and I saw my Justin and the guys on the cover. I smiled on the pictures, then I opened the magazine and looked for their articles. I saw their pictures in concert; I turned the next page, I saw a picture Justin cuddling with Britney Spears with a big heading 'Teenage hottest sensation in love, started from MMC'. I was stunned reading the articles and I tried to calm myself down 'it's only Gossip. It's not true at all. It's only for publication. Justin will not do this to me. Come on Ton! You trust him' I said to myself. I turned the next page, I saw a picture Justin kissing Britney's cheek; I closed the magazine immediately and put it in my grocery bags. I stopped at the bus stop near my apartment, on my way to my place, I tried to assure myself that the news about Justin was not true. I decided to myself not to bring this issue to Justin; I trusted him with all my heart.

My place 27/03/1999

Day after days, I saw a lot of teen magazines tried to cover the relationship between Justin and Britney. I was a little bit annoyed when I read the articles. But I promised to myself that I would not bring the issues to Justin. I trusted him.

Today was my birthday and I was 22; aas usual I felt lonely, Justi didn't know my birthday, well I wasn't expecting anything from him anyway. He still called me every two days since he was getting busy with rehearsals, tours and promos. In the afternoon, my parents called me to wish me a happy birthday, then I decided that it was the right time to tell them about me 'out of the closet' and my relationship with Justin. I couldn't lie to them anymore.

My parents were shock hearing the news; everything was not running well as I was expected. They were disgusted with me being gay and they said that I'm ruining the family honor. They yelled at me on the phone, and finally they kicked me out from the family; they even didn't want to recognize me as their son anymore. Now I was on my own. I was crying all day long, didn't know what to do anymore. I love my family and I told the truth about myself, I didn't expect that it would end like this. I needed to talk to someone then I decided to dial Justin's cell phone numbers. I waited for the tones,

"Hello?" girl voice

"Hmmm I'm sorry, probably I called a wrong numbers." I said apologizing, then I hung up the phone and dialed carefully the numbers that Justin gave me.

"Hello?" the same voice again

"Hmmm I'm sorry. I was wondering if this is Justin's numbers" I asked her

"Yeah but he's busy at the moment. How did you get his numbers anyway?" she asked me rudely

"I'm his best friend, Tony" I replied

"Yeah right, and I'm his girlfriend" she said sarcastically. Suddenly I was familiar with the voice, yeah it was Britney's voice, the same voice as in 'Baby one more time'. Then I hung up the phone immediately. I sat on the couch, I was shaking and then crying; I saw the Smash Hit magazine on the table next to the couch, I could see the picture of Justin smiling; I took the magazine and threw it away from me.

THE END or TBC (hmmmm let me see...)

Again, if you read this please email me to aspire34@go.com I need to count, how many of you actually read my story. Is it too bored? Lack of Sex? Suck? Just say it guys. Anyway THANKS FOR READING!

Next: Chapter 8

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