When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Sep 17, 1999


Author's note: Ok here you go chapter 9. Thanks for everybody who still read this story and thanks to Yuli and Angel for great responses on the last chapter. I should say thanks again to Yuli, who checked this chapter for me [watch out for the DOG], Andy, Keith [author: Brian n Keith] for being such a fantastic friends. Ok I made a major changes in this chapter, so it's gonna be a long one than usual, well my advice, take some snacks and soft drinks, sit in front of your PC, and enjoy. I welcome every comment/flame/idea; sent to aspire34@go.com


This story contains gay relationships between Justin Randall Timberlake and a fictional character plus others. This story in no way implies that him or any character in this story is gay. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL *********************************************************************

Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

"Please call me Justin" I reminded him "I will. If you need anything, just call me Ok. You have my numbers right," he replied and I nodded "Ok girl, nice to meet you although it's just for a day," I hugged Britney quickly "I have fun with you Ton. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused," She apologized "Well don't worry about it. Can you do me a favor?" I asked her "Anything!" she replied with smiled "Please take care of him" I said to Britney and looked at Justin. He was still sad of the though of leaving me. "I will. If he's going to look for another man, I'm going to pinch him very hard" she said and I just laughed. "Ok GO GO! Or you'll be late" I said as I pushed both of them towards the door; Justin looked at back at me for a second then the door closed. I sighed.


MY PLACE-PERTH 15:30pm 05/04/1999

It had been a week after Justin left me again, but we still kept in touch day by day. Justin called me everyday. [Even when he was busy with the schedules and time differences] He still managed to call me for 2 minutes just to say hi and ask how I was. I always told Justin that I would be fine being alone in here, and was still looking for a job.

As usual, every Monday, the mailman would come a bit late. I checked my mailbox, and as usual (since it was the beginning of the month), what I got was bills, bills, and bills. 'Ha! I have mail from Singapore!' I wondered to myself, and opened the envelope. I read it carefully...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed, "I got the job, O my God, it's...it's unbelievable," I was jumping up and down felt excitement around me. "Now I can move, good bye 'Down Under'!" I said it loud.

Since I didn't do anything, I planned everything, the removals, selling old stuff, basically packing my stuff. 'I have to call Justin about this,' I said to myself. I decided to call him after 9pm, since it would be cheaper.

After having dinner, I watched 'Ally McBeal' on channel 7 and waited for 9pm. Around 8:40pm, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said as I placed the phone closed to my ear

"Ton, it's me."

"Justin! Hey I just want to call you in 20 minutes."

"I told you that I'm the one who will call you, you should save your savings Ton.... Wait a minute, why should you suddenly want to call me? Is something wrong?"

"No, no at all, as a matter a fact, I have a good news"

"Great! What is it then?"

"I'm moving!"

"WHAT?!? Has the rent of your apartment increased?"

"Noooo. I said good news! I'm leaving Australia soon"

"WHAT? WHY? Wait, have you decided to come here?"

"Naaaa, guess again he he he he. I'm going to move to Singapore"

"Singapore? Why is it again?"

"I got a job over there"

"Really? Wow I'm happy for you man, but do you have to move to a different country? In fact different continent too?"

"Justin, this is the job that I've been dreaming of."

"Really? What is it?"

"I'm working for MTV."

"What? MTV? Singapore? Are you going to be a VJ?"

"No! I'm working as assistant producer of some shows in MTV Asia, which based in Singapore."

"Oh man, I can't believe it. Now you can promote our group"

"ha ha ha Yeah right!"

"Hehehe, ok so when will you be leaving?"

"Within a week or so, they need me to fill up the job as soon as possible."

"Do you need my help?"

"No I'm fine. I've already arranged the removal"

"So where will you stay?"

"I dunno yet, I think, they will help me to find a place, don't worry, I'll tell you the details later on"

"Do you still have enough savings?"

"Yeah I still have $10,000. Don't worry Just!"

We talked to him a bit longer that night, Justin still worried about the fact that I had to move by myself, but I assured him that I would be fine. Justin was so happy that I would be working for MTV, he then asked me if I was interesting in working for MTV in US so that I could stay with him and that would mean that we're not far away from each other. But I had to turn down his offer, I liked to have a job which I found by myself.

Within the week, I was pretty busy with the moving of stuff. I had a confirmation from the MTV people in Singapore where I would be staying in Singapore. Actually I was reluctant to leave Australia and my friends behind, I'd lived there for nearly 4 years.

On the 13th, I moved and got officially situated in Singapore. I'd been to Singapore before so I was quite familiar with the place. Singapore is more crowded compared with Perth, and more cosmopolitan too.

My new apartment was as big as my place in Perth, but the rent was a bit higher. With my position in Singapore, the salary was not too big but it covered most of my expenses. I told Justin my new address and phone numbers, he actually wanted to come to Singapore to visit me but he had a very tight schedule with the band. And the guys were also happy about the fact that I worked for MTV.

MTV STUDIO - SINGAPORE 11:00 06/05/1999

By now, I had been working for MTV for nearly a month. My duty was to plan the shows like: what topic to present; video clips play lists; working with the VJs; basically making the shows run smoothly. I was assistant producer for MTV Most Wanted (it's a request show), MTV hanging out, and also MTV Land. Basically all the shows shot and broadcast live in the morning and repeated in the afternoon till evening, with duration of every 8 hours. So basically I planned the shows in the afternoon and run it on the next morning.

The job was quite tough, I had to work from Monday to Saturday from 7 to 5. However I had to admit that sometimes, it was quite fun, I met artists from Europe, British, and States. I even met Britney in Singapore when she was doing some promo tour for her album.

Right now, the show was MTV Non-Stop Hits, it's one-hour show without VJ, basically we just played some current hits. I had to prepare for my next show MTV Land, which starts at 12 noon.

"Ton! Tony!" Linda run rushed to my desk, gasping for breath, "You have a visitor, you will not believe who he is."

"Calm down girl. Take a deep breath. Can't you see that I'm busy!" I tried to calm her down

"No you have to meet him, he wants to meet you now. He's so cute!" Linda excited

"Who? Your boyfriend Ricky Martin?" I joked on her

"Tony!" someone called my name from my back, and I turned around.

"Justin! O my god!" I shocked and I could see some staff around me watching us, and Linda was nearly fainted when Justin smiled at her. "I'll see you later guys. Justin can you come with me please" I asked politely and took him to the empty studio.

After I closed the studio door, I hugged him tightly for a minute and pulled back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him happily

"Surprised! I miss you ton" Justin kissed me

"Me too" I kissed him back, "How do you know this place?"

"Well it's not such a big city and everyone knows Robinson Road where MTV is" he smiled at me

"Did you come with the guys?"

"Nah, we only have a few days break before getting busy again. But they said hi to you" he answered as we both sat on the chair

"Geez I really miss them. I can't believe that I met you here," I said with excitement.

We chatted for awhile what he had been doing lately and he asked me about my Job, before being interrupted...

"Tony!" Michael (my boss- the producer) came to the studio panicking.

"What?" I asked him

"We have a problem!" Michael gasping for breath

"What kinda a problem?" I asked him again

"The next show, MTV Land, we still don't have a VJ yet" Michael said it so quickly

"What? I thought, it's gonna be Sarah today." I stood up from the chair

"She couldn't come today, she got a fever, she just called me 10 minutes ago" Michael explained

"Oh that's great, she informs us 30 minutes before the shows starts! Can you call the other VJs, I don't know, Jamie, Donita or Sonia perhaps" I told him while Justin sat in the chair and quietly.

"I tried to call them already, but they don't think that they could be in the studio in 15 minutes" Michael added

"Oh great! Come on Ton think...think!" I said it loud, "So what should we do, the show will start in 20 minutes?" I looked at Michael

"Well there's one solution," Michael looked at me with full of hope, "You could bring the show for today." he suggest quietly.

"What? No no no no! Are you nuts? It's a live show man and 90 million of people are going to watch me, making a fool of myself" I still shocked of the idea

"Come on Ton! We don't have any choice, you prepared the shows so you know how it runs," Michael tried to persuade me

"No! I can't do that. I'm too nervous in front of the camera" I replied sternly

"Come on! You can do it!" Justin said as he stood up next to me from the chair

"But..." I trailed my words

"Ton, do you still want the job?" Michael looked directly at me seriously, so that I would know that he meant business. [glub!]

"yes" I said softly.

"Great! I know, I can depend on you" Michael said, "Now go change your clothes and meet Michelle for the make up" he added as I smiled coldly to him. Justin just smiled as he looked on and this brought attention to Michael, "And who are you? You're looked familiar" Michael asked Justin.

"I'm Justin from Nsync" Justin introduced himself

"He's my friend" I looked at Justin and he understood my stare.

"Yeah Nsync! 'I want you back' group, Great! You can be a special guest on the show" Michael smiled

"NO! NO! NO! NO! He can't..." I rejected before Justin cut my words

"I love too" Justin grinned at me and I gave him an evil stare

"Please guys, I've nervous already for taking the show. Please?" I begged as I looked at Michael.

"Ok That's fine! As long as the show is running," Michael said

"Are you sure?" Justin looked at me, then I stepped his shoes really hard "Awww that's hurt!"

"Well you deserved it!" I said and Justin just giggled

"Can I watch the show in the studio?" Justin asked me

"No!" I replied in a flash

"Come on Ton! I'll keep quite" Justin begged

"Sure you can. Ton you should treat our guest nicely" Michael gave approval for Justin. Justin just smiled full of victory, and I stuck my tongue out. "Go change!" Michael pushed me to the changing room, while Justin waited in the studio, looking at every staff as they prepare for the show.

The setting of MTV Land was so cozy, there were a red couch and bed as a background, and also kitchen with a new Imac on the kitchen table. I changed quickly since the show would be on air in 10 minutes, and Michelle put me some make up, which I hated so much. Then I went to studio 2 for the show, by then I was very nervous, and I could feel it on in stomach.

"Wow, you look great!" Justin looked at me

"Just shut up would you. I'm very nervous," I said to Justin, and he giggled and came to me.

"You'll be fine," he said as he put his right hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I nodded to him and smile.

"Tony! Come on! In 2 minutes" Michael shouted.

Then I stepped in to the set and saw familiar faces in front of me. It felt awkward, I used to work behind the scene, now I was on the scene. I took a deep breath, I saw Justin sat on a chair and smiling at me.

"5...4...3...2...1..." Michael counted down, and I heard the background opening theme for MTV Land.

"Hi guys! Welcome to another show of MTV Land, live and direct across Asia. I know, you must be wondering who the hell I am. I'm Tony, nope, I'm not a new VJ but I work for MTV. Today show is supposed to be presented by Sarah, unfortunately she's sick, so I have to fill in the shows for next an hour. Sarah, if you are watching now, please get better" I smiled to the camera, then continue, "But don't worry, the show must go on, we still have a great show for today. We have prizes to giveaway, interviews, hot infos, and also cool video clips. So you better keep watching guys, for starting the show, we have an Irish group, the Cranberries. They were our Artist of the Month for April, and here they're with a fresh clip from their new album 'Bury the Hatchet', 'Animal Instinct'. I like this clip, it's so touching guys" Then the videos played.

"Cut!" Michael shouted and I gasped. "Great! See you're doing just fine. You will be on again in 10 minutes" and I just nodded.

Now I had to wait for 2 video clips to be played and commercial breaks before I was on again. I went to Justin and I saw him smiling at me

"Are you ok?" he asked and I nodded, "still nervous?" I nodded again.

"Come on, you'll be fine. I know you can do it" Justin squeezed my hands lightly.

"Thanks" I smiled at him and took a bottle of water. "Oh. Justin, just make yourself at home in here. If someone ask you, just tell them that you're my guest ok?"

"Don't worry ton." Justin assured me

"Ton! Ready!" Michael shouted

"Yeah!" I yelled, "got to work!" I smiled at Justin and he just laughed. I went to the set and sat on the red couch waiting for the counting.

"Remember about Ricky Martin contest" Michael said and I showed my thumbs up for acknowledgment. "6...5...4...3...2...1...On" Michael counted down.

"Welcome back to MTV Land with me, Tony. Guys, I have to tell you about out new contest, maybe you've seen it already in the commercial. It's 'Go Crazy with Ricky Martin' contest, and you have a chance to see Ricky Martin Live in concert in Singapore it is so simple, what you have to do, answer the following question. What does 'Livin La Vida Loca' mean? A. Livin in normal life; B. Livin in boring life; or C. Livin in Crazy life. You can send you answer by mail, email, fax or call the MTV1Line as you see it on the screen and don't forget to include your details ok, so we can contact you when you win the contest. Ok here you go, the hottest Latino sensation Ricky Martin, 'Livin La Vida Loca'." I smiled at the camera till the video was played.

"Cut!" Michael yelled. "Fantastic, next the Backstreet Boys things, understand?"

"Yeah" I replied softly and back to Justin where he sat.

"Ton, I know the answer for that Ricky Martin contest" Justin said

"Yeah...yeah...!" I gasped and started singing his song "You drive me CRAZY..." And Justin just laughed.

I waited for another 10 minutes for the next segment. I felt more and more comfortable with the show.

"Ton!" Michael called me for the next segment

"Coming!" I looked at Justin quickly before heading to the set "5...4...3...2...1...On!"

"Guys, I have a good news for those of you, Backstreet Boys fans. You can ask any questions you want about them on MTV ASK with Backstreet Boys. So what you have to do, just send you question and details to us, you can email us, fax or call us on MTV1Line. For more details, you can check our improved website on www.mtvasia.com. Now lets check their video '10,000 promises', let me tell you guys that this video clip only shown on MTV Asia, so you can't watch anywhere else. It's only produced for MTV Asia. Oh yeah they have a new album 'Millennium' which due around next 2 weeks or so. So here's Backstreet Boys with '10,000 promises'."

"CUT!" Michael yelled then I returned to Justin

"What about us?" Justin asked me suddenly

"What about you?" I asked him dumbly

"NSYNC! NSYNC!" he yelled at me

"Ha? What are you talking about?" I still didn't get it

"When will you interview us 'NSYNC'? MTV ASK with NSYNC!" he said it loud, and I just laughed out loud

"Ha ha ha Justin ha ha ha Gezz it's not my decision though. It's my producer's decision. But let me see what I can do, I think I can persuade Michael to do the same thing with NSYNC" I giggled at him

"Great! Cause we're the best" Justin said proudly and we just laughed

The show run smoothly and Michael was also happy with my presentation of the show. It was nearly 1 o'clock when the show comes to a near end.

"Guys! We're nearly at the end of the show. Let me wrap up the show for today but we still have one important announcement to make. The 1999 MTV Video Music Award Southeast Asia Viewer's Choice is on again. I'm sure that you've seen the nominees already, again what you have to do, pick one of them and send it with your details. If you're in Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand send it to the following respectively address in your country; or you can pick the ballot form at your nearest record stores. If the nominee you picked win, you have a big chance to win the major prize, which is, all expense paid trip for 2 to watch the 1999 MTV Music Award in NY on 9th September and much more.Ok that's all for today, you better stay tune for tomorrow show on MTV Land, we have Code Red on the show. And if you're watching via 24 hours channel, next will be 'MTV Say What?'. Again I'm having fun presenting the show today, why? Because MTV I LIKE! Bye!"

"CUT! Well done Ton!" Michael came to me and Justin too

"Thanks" I smiled to him

"Interested being a VJ now?" Michael asked

"No! I'm happy with my current position" I replied

"Ok, you know what you're missing. Well since you did the hard work today, I let you go back early." Michael said

"But what about the preparation for tomorrow's shows?"

"Don't worry I can handle it, by the way, your friend has been waiting for you long enough." Michael looked at Justin and he smiled back.

"Ok then thanks Mike!" I said to him

"Nice to meet you too Mike." Justin said to Michael

"Yeah you can visit the studio anytime you want with the guys ok?" Michael replied and Justin nodded.

"Mike, can I ask you a favor?" Justin asked and Michael looked at him

"Can you play our song more often?" Justin asked shyly, Michael and me just chuckled on his request.

"Well you have to tell it to him" Michael pointed at me and Justin looked at me, "He's the one who pick the songs for the show" I just looked away from Justin, ignoring his presence and tried to hold my laugh.

"Ok thanks!" Justin replied and Michael left us.

"So it's you who take in charge in here. What do I have to do to bribe you?" Justin took a step closer to me with a grin.

"I don't know. Well your songs kinda ..." I stopped my words and laughed.

"Hey watch out! We sing the coolest songs on earth" Justin said it proudly and I just laughed even harder

"Okay...I'm starving. Do you want to have lunch with me?" I asked him


"Do you bring sunglasses and hat? I don't want you to be mobbed by your fans. You're so famous in here"

"See! I'm so famous in here!" he said as he put his sunglasses and hat. I just laughed how he was behaving.

"So where's your bag?" I asked Justin

"I don't bring plenty of stuff, I just bring some clothes on my backpack" Justin replied

"Ok then lets eat! What do you want to eat?" I looked at Justin

"What about Planet Hollywood, it's been awhile. Is it far from here?" he asked me back

"hmm not really. It's on the orchard road. We can take a bus, if you don't mind?"

"No I don't mind at all"

We took a bus to Orchard Road, and I paid for our fares, since Justin didn't have Singaporean dollars. Orchard Road is famous in the Singapore, they got all the stores are on the right and left side along the road, huge shopping mall and plaza; that's why many people called Singapore a shopping paradise. Even Justin couldn't hold his temptation to shop. We ate at Planet Hollywood, the food was quite good including the prices but I wasn't complaining at all, as long as Justin happy then I was happy too. When I wanted to pay for the bills, Justin stopped me, he insisted on using his Visa; he told me that I had to save my money.

We decided to get back to my apartment since we were pretty tired especially for Justin. Justin was so surprised to see my apartment.

"What? This is your place? It's smaller than what you had in Perth" Justin was looking around my place.

"Well I live alone so I don't need a big place. Anyway, I can afford this place with my monthly salary" I explained

"Why don't you get a bigger place and I'll pay for it" Justin offered me

"No thanks! I'm happy with it" I said as I sat on the couch and soon Justin sat next to me.

"How are you lately?" Justin asked

"What? I'm fine"

"No, you're not. You can smile in front of me but I know you well. You're hiding something from me" Justin said as he read my mind like a book, I took a minute of silent before I continued.

"I miss my parents," I said softly

"I knew it, you always saying that you're fine. You still miss them hey" Justin pulled me closer to him, and I nodded, "I'm sorry ton, I wish I could do something about it"

"No you can't change the fact that they still hate me now"

"What should I do to help you ton?"

"Just love me" I smiled

"I'll always love you ton" he hugged me back for a while till I broke it.

"Are you tired yet?" I asked him

"No really why?"

"Wanna play Basket ball? We have Basket ball court downstairs"

"Are you going to challenge me? You know that you can't beat me in Basket ball" he said proudly and I laughed

"Just see how good you are, come on!" I helped him stood up from the couch and heading downstairs.

We were playing one on one. I had to admit that I was not a good player, and Justin played very well. I was pretty sure, if he is quitting from singing he will join the NBA straight away. I tried to shoot my ball but he always blocked it, not to mention he's taller than me. Then I had to use my trick then...

"Justin looks behind you!" I said

"What?" he turned his head and I grabbed the ball from his hand quickly and doing the lay-up shoot.

"Two Point!" I excited as I did 'Getting Jiggy with it' dance

"Hey! You're cheating!" Justin yelled

"well it wasn't my fault" I shouted back and laughed.

I threw the ball to him and he got it. I tried to get the ball back and blocked his move, then unintentionally he hit me really hard with his elbow when I was near his back. I fell to the ground and blood came running down from my nose. Justin realized what happened and he came to me immediately.

"Ton, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. Are you ok?" he asked panicking

"That's ok. I'm fine," I said as I took my hands off my nose and the blood was still running.

"Oh no! You're bleeding!" Justin helped me to sit, "you have to go to hospital ton" he was even more frighten when he saw more of blood dripping from my nose.

"No! It's not necessary. I just put my head up to stop the blood," I said as I placed my hand back on my nose to stop the bleeding. "I think I need some ice, can you help me back to the apartment please?"

"Sure!" he helped me walk to my apartment, I sat on the couch and positioned my head up. Justin took some ice from the fridge and place it on my nose.

"Jesus! What did I just do to you?" Justin sounding as if he was going to cry.

"Justin, I'm fine, it's only an accident" I replied holding my head up and an ice pack

"your nose is bleeding ton!"

"It will stop soon. Just wait for a couple of minutes" I said as Justin sat next to me and helped me with the Ice pack.

After 30 minutes, the bleeding stopped. Justin just kept blaming on himself on the accident, he said sorry more than 10 times already. I tried to calm him down of feeling guilty. We had our dinner at my place, then we watched the TV before sleeping.

MY PLACE - SINGAPORE 05:30 07/05/1999

I woke up as my alarm buzz on. I saw Justin still sleeping next to me, I had to get up pretty early for work, especially today, we had a special guest on the shows. I got up and headed straight to the bathroom for shower. Then I made some sandwiches for Justin and me, I checked my bedroom and he was still sleeping, I didn't want to wake him up since it was pretty early, so I wrote a note next to him. Suddenly, he woke up.

"Ton? Where are you going?" Justin yawned

"Morning Just, I have to go to work. I made some breakfast for you and some food for your lunch OK. I'll be back around 6" I said

"What? You're going to leave me that long" he mumbled out

"Sorry Justin, I would like to take you around the city, but I have work to do, especially today, we have Code Red on the show"

"Code Red? Who's them?" Justin confused

"Boy Band from British"

"Ok, can I come with you?"

"Justin, I think you're going to be so bored just watching me working" I smiled

"Come on ton. It's better than sitting in here alone. Please?" he used his puppy face look again.

"Ok! Go get shower! Quick! Or I'll be late"

"OK get set GO!" he jumped from the bed and headed straight to the bathroom, he was ready in 15 minutes, and I was impressed. He wore hat and sunglasses, as usual, I gave him a sandwich for quick breakfast. We took MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and walked to the MTV studio.

MTV STUDIO 07:05 07/05/1999

Finally we made it to the studio on time, I could see that Justin pretty tired after the long walk. I prepared everything for the next show 'MTV Most Wanted', It started at 09:00. Justin asked me if he could look the MTV studio around, and I said sure; it was better than he just watched me doing my works. Some of the MTV staff recognized him and started the signing session. I was still picking out some songs to play on MTV Most Wanted, when Justin came to my desk.

"Hmm What is that?" he asked

"Songs play list for the next show MTV Most Wanted, it's one hour request show from the viewers" I explained, as I checked all the videos again.

"What are the songs for today?"

"We have to play 12 songs and for today, most people asked for BSB, The Moffatts, Britney, Ricky Martin, Boyzone, Kiss Me-Six Pence None The Richer, ToyBox, Shania, Jennifer Lopez, hmmm Promises-The Cranberries, I still believe- Mariah, and No Scrub-TLC" I said as I put the videos on the right order.

"What about Nsync? Come on, you promised me yesterday"

"Well not many people asked for your song Just; you should do some promo more often in here like BSB and 98 degrees"

"Ok Ok but come on play our song for today pleaseeeeeee" Justin begged me

"Alright alright, let me check the video, hmmmmm got it! Then ToyBox is out and change with 'God Must Have Spend a Little More Time on You'. Happy now?" I asked Justin

"It's my fave, Thanks Ton!" he kissed me lightly.

The show was running smoothly, as usual. Now I had to prepare for my next show, MTV Land, which started in 2 hours. While I was busy with my job, Justin was playing with some games on my PC.

"Tony! Quick your guest in here" Linda came to me

"Lindaaaa! Don't you see that I'm busy!" I sounded pissed as she always interrupted my works

"Duuuhh it's not my fault if they came early" Linda mocked me

"What? They are here already. Ok hmmm give me five minutes, can you take them to the guest room and please behave yourself" I gave her a serious looks and she just ignored me and left. I cleared all the paper works.

"Who are they again?" Justin turned to me as he finished the game

"Code Red, the boy bands from England"

"Are they good?"

"Well not too bad, they are quite well known in here. They've produced 2 albums already. Do you want to stay here or come with me?" I stood up from my chair

"I'm coming with you. I want to meet them" Justin stood from his chair.

We both went to the guestroom to meet them, actually they came 1 hour early for the show, well they were our guests, so I had to make them felt comfy.

"Hi guys! I'm Tony. I'm the assistant producer for the show. Thanks for coming to MTV again" I introduced myself

"Not a problem, I hope, you don't mind that we come a bit early" one of the guy said

"No, not at all" then Justin cleared his throat and I looked at him,

"Oh yeah, this is my friend Justin from Nsync, I hope you know the group" I looked at Justin and back at them, " Justin, this is Neil, Roger, Phil and Lee" I introduced them to Justin and Justin shook their hands

"Nice to meet you guys" Justin smiled

"Wow you're Justin from Nsync, what a honor," Phil said

"I heard that your group is as big as BSB," Roger added

"Naah I think, we are just same as you guys," Justin replied

"So Ton, what do we have to do for the show?" Lee asked

"Well the VJ will be Sarah. Basically just talking about your new album, introducing your videos, and MTV Land Challenge, its just game." I explained briefly

"Fantastic! It must be fun" Lee smiled at me

"Ok please have a sit! So what's new with you guys?" I asked as I sat down on the couch and Justin sat next to me and Lee on my other side not far away from me.

"We just finished our second video clips from the new album" Neil said

"Hmmm that's great, I have to check on that one. What is the song again?"

"'What good is a heart', we made it in Asia actually" Roger replied

"Good on you guys. Sorry, I haven't heard the song yet"

"Do you want us to sing it for you?" Lee looked at me and I had to play nice with them

"Sure, can you do it Acapella?" I asked him back

"Yeah, come on guys" Lee said as he asked the other to prepare for the song.

I told you how I felt I told you what it meant But I still haven't changed your mind I know that your afraid You're frightened of the pain But you can't let down your guard

Cause when we run When we hide We deny What's inside

What good is a heart If you're not gonna use it What good in a love If you're too scared to choose it If you're heart is beating Then it's for a reason If you're not even willing to start What good is a heart

Don't make the same mistake That people often make And miss out on a chance for love You've got to make your move You've got to make it soon Cause you're dying inside

Yes I'm a man But I cry I have fears I won't lie

What good is a heart If you're not gonna use it What good in a love If you're too scared to choose it If you're heart is beating Then it's for a reason If you're not even willing to start What good is a heart

I clapped my hands, "wow it's fantastic!" I said with British accent, and they all laughed. "I love this song, better than your first single. Can't wait to see the video clip guys" I praised them.

"Really? You like that song?" Lee asked me with excitement

"Yeah, it's superb. Don't you think so, Justin?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, it was great" Justin replied softly with an annoying look on his face. Then Linda came in,

"Ton! 30 minutes!" Linda reminded me

"Oh yeah! Guys, the show will start in 30 minutes. Can you follow Linda here, to the make up room?" I asked them, and they all nodded.

"Thanks Linda" I slapped her hands lightly when she was drooling seeing the guys.

"Oh yeah! Come on boys, this way" Linda as she opened the door for them. Then they all exited, leaving me and Justin alone.

"So what's wrong with you?" I asked him

"Don't you see it?" Justin replied with a displeased looks

"See what? Can you be more specific?" I asked him back

"That guy, the dirt blonde one. Lee!" he said it sternly

"What about him?"

"He flirted with you" Justin looked away from my direction

"He did NOT!" I raised my voice a bit, and Justin turned back to me

"Ton! It's so OBVIOUS, the way he looked at you and smiled all the times" Justin said sarcastically and I laughed out loud, "What? What's so funny about it? Can you be a little bit more sympathy in here? I'm jealous you know" he added and I kept laughing

"well he's cute" I teased him and I could see his displeased looks on my comment, "BUT, why should I have to like him? If I have who I really want in here" I put my hand on his and I could see, Justin smiled again

"Really?" he asked for assurance

"No!" I teased him back, "Of course, I really mean that. Don't you trust me?" I asked him and he nodded, "So no matter, how many people or how many times LEE, is going to flirt with me. I don't care, I love you" and I kissed his lips lightly and Justin replied my kiss.

"I love you too, Ton" he replied, "but if that guy flirt with you again and touch you, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind" Justin said seriously

"Hey! Please be polite with them ok? They are my guests in here. They just try to be nice with me"

"What ever! If he try to mess around with my boyfriend, then he messes around with me. I'm going to kick his ass back to England" Justin warranted me

"Justin!" I gave him my displeased look

"Ok Ok OK! Just joking, but still I don't like it" he smiled at me,

"Ton, I'm hungry now, do you have something to eat?"

"Yeah me too. Lets go to the vending machine, I'm sure we can grab a quick snack," I said as we went outside to the vending machine. I bought some chips and 2 can cokes, then sat on the empty seat nearly there. We were chatting for awhile, until Lee came to interrupt us

"Look who's coming!" Justin said sarcastically without moving his teeth

"Hi guys! May I join with you?" Lee asked politely

"Yeah sure! Finished with the make-up?" I asked with smile and Justin just looked to the ceiling ignoring our conversation, Lee took a seat in front of me

"Yep, I was the first one, we still have 20 minutes before the show" Lee replied with smiled

"Do you want some chips?" I offered him

"No thanks! Ton...I was wondering if you could gave me your address so we can still keep in touch. I'm leaving this afternoon" Lee asked me shyly. Then Justin gave him a death looks, and I kicked his leg lightly.

"Well Lee, I love to but I was just coming to Singapore, so my apartment is not permanent thought. I'm thinking to move to another apartment soon but I haven't found the place yet. Why don't you contact me using the MTV address" I lied to him and gave him my card with MTV address on it.

"Well that's cool, I think this card is more than enough" Lee said as he put my card to his wallet

"Hey the show will start soon, you should go to the studio" I reminded him

"Oh yeah, are you coming?" Lee stood up

"Yeah later, I should take care some paper works. Why don't you go first" I said, and he nodded and left us.

"Does he never give up!" Justin said sarcastically

"Justin, be nice remember" I said trying to calm him down

"He asked for your address, what next, having sex with you!"

"JUSTIN!" I raised my voice, "What you just said, it's so disparage me. I even lied about my address to him," I said angry as I stood up

"Tony wait!" he grabbed my hand, "I'm so sorry what I just said" and I jerked his hand.

"You know what! I have fed up with all of this, I have works to do, just think of what you just did to me ok," I said clearly and walked away, Justin just looked down, I looked back at him for a second, "Grow up Justin! GROW UP!" then I made my way to the studio.


Ok I aware most people don't know about Code Red, but they are pretty big in England and Asia. Well if you want to know more about them or what Lee looks like [even Justin was jealous on him]...Just ask me guys...I can send you more details about them or Lee's picture... Again send all your email to: Tonny at aspire34@go.com Thanks For reading!

Next: Chapter 10

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