When You Come Out

By Dale Lewis

Published on Aug 16, 2009


This is part three of the story.

Previously: Dale has just slept with his best mate even though he has a girlfriend. Part three is the morning after the night before... _____________________________________________________________________


Find a Friend ----------------

It's amazing how many times things will often totally confused you even though they should be simple. For example, if you a walking up the stairs in your house in the dark and you think there is one more step than there is. Your foot falls down through the air and even though it's obvious that you thought there was one more step then there is it does not stop you from feeling a sense of surprise and sickly confusion for a few seconds.

Another confusing moment is the ending of the Danny Boyle movie "Sunshine". What the hell was that all about? If you've not seen it, watch it and I challenge you to understand it! Ha ha!

Another annoying thing is how dreams can become reality but it's usually a nightmare. Sometimes something can happen the night before then you fall asleep and maybe you have a dream about it. Then, in the morning, you wake up and for the three blissful seconds you think it was all a dream until your memory jolts you awake and forces you to sit bolt upright as you remember: I just fucked my best mate!

How had this happened? Why was I being so stupid? I was not gay. No way! I looked over to see Reece still asleep. Annoyingly, the weather outside was brilliant sunshine; a stark contrast to what I was feeling. "Maybe he would forget we did it and though it was a dream!" I thought to myself in desperation. "No, now I'm just being even more stupid. Well at least get away from this dirty fucker!" And I leapt from the bed and dressed myself as fast as I could. I left the room to take the usual morning piss in the toilet. When I had finished pissing, I was too deep in thought to put my cock back in my pants. The problem was that I didn't know what to think. Was I angry? Was I upset? Was I scared? Happy? At least I knew I was confused! A tear escaped and rolled down my cheek almost as a symbol of the moment my life was going to change forever.

I snapped out of my trance long enough to put my cock away and flush the toilet. I couldn't bear going back into my room and see Reece so I went downstairs to the living room but this didn't help much. The empty Hollow Man DVD case was lying on the floor reminding me of the moment it had all started.

"Dale?" I turned around to see Reece standing in the doorway. "Are you ok?"

My confusion turned to anger. "And now what? Am I supposed to throw my arms around you and kiss you? Then are we going to go on a massive emotional journey together as we come out to our parents and friends? Is that what you were expecting?"

Reece shook his head silently.

"Well sorry to disappoint you "mate" but I'm not a queer like you. Do you make friends with all the boys you fancy? Do you trick them all into liking you hoping that they'll stick there cocks in your dirty faggot arse?"

"Oh will you just listen to yourself?" Reece argued back. "You sound pathetic! You think you would have done all that just because I tricked you? I seem to remember you enjoying it as much as I did! You're upset at the moment so I'll forgive you for calling me what you just did but when you finished acting a like a bastard let me know!" With that he turned and left through the front door, slamming it closed.

"I'M NOT A QUEER!" I yelled after him.

"Dale what the hell is going on?" My mum had appeared where Reece had just left. "What are you shouting about?"

My anger was replaced with fear and I went numb. How much had she heard?

"N...nothing, mum. Just something between me and Reece," I replied quietly, hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

"You and Reece? Queer?," her face fell. "Are you gay?"

My anger returned and mixed with the fear and, as anybody who has felt these two emotions together will know, they mix to cause a dangerous reaction called irrationality. My anger burned over and I was no longer in control. I pushed my mum out of the way and charged through the door. I ran down the garden path and out onto the street to see Reece walking and nearing the end of it. I chased after him and what I did next I'm still feel very guilty about.

When I reached him I push him to the floor. He landed and rolled over and I kicked him in his side. Luckily in my anger I had forgotten to put shoes on. Reece yelped in pain before rolling away and jumping to his feet. He came at me and punched me right in the mouth. I felt pain as my bottom lip split. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and punched him in his stomach. He bent over as the air escaped him but he quickly came round to punch me in the face again before bringing his knee up to collide with my stomach.

"BREAK IT UP!" It was Prick (Paul), my mum's boyfriend. He was running down the street to us with my mum following behind. He put his hands around my middle and dragged me kicking and screaming away from Reece. "ACT YOUR AGE!" he yelled as he pushed me down and pinned me to the grass verge. With Prick's large bodyweight I was powerless with him on top of me. "GO HOME REECE!" Prick waited until Reece was out of sight before letting me go. "What the hell was all that about?" He asked as I got up.

But I was not ready to calm down. Irrationality was now turning into recklessness and I was ready to shout at anyone and everyone. "Oh don't play the concerned father-in-law type figure!"

"You need to watch you temper son!" Prick said pointing his large finger at me.

"You are the last person that should be saying that!" I yelled back. By now, the poor neighbour living inside the house next to where I was shouting had been woken up and was standing at the window. God I was making such a scene and such a fool of myself! "I know what you do to her when you've had a few drinks!" I pointed at my mum. "How many times do you expect me to accept that you get all those bruises from walking into doors. Either he's like all of your other boyfriends or you are one clumsy bitch!" "Oh my god!" I thought to myself. "I've just swore at my mum. What am I doing?"

My mum turned around and stormed off in tears.

"I think you need to go somewhere to calm down," Prick growled at me before walking after my mum.

Recklessness was replaced with guilt. In my rage I had beaten up my best mate, and taking it out on mum. Both of whom were innocent and the only evil person out of all three of them was Prick and he had escaped without a scratch (physical or emotional).

As I looked up at the neighbour still staring at me, my guilt swelled into sorrow and I just started running. I didn't even know where I was running to other than forwards. I had to get away from everything and everyone.

I don't really know how I got there but I ended up at the tree where I came with Louise. The blazing sunshine forced the tree to cast a long shadow but the park was still deserted due to it being early in the morning on New Years Day. And as I stared into the beautiful flowers my emotion finally ended up where it should have been from the start: self-pity. I sat down, brought my knees up so I could rest my head and cried...


I rapped my knuckles on the door and waited for someone to answer. I couldn't go home after what I had done so here was the only place I had left. The door opened to reveal my auntie standing there.

"Dale? How nice to see you!" She beamed at me, "Come in!"

"Sorry Auntie Karen but I can't stay. I need to talk to Uncle David's brother," I replied.

"You want to talk to Richard?" The serious look on my face convinced her that I needed to speak with Richard urgently so she did not press the matter or ask how I had got that scar on my lip. She asked Uncle David to drive me to his brothers' house as I did not actually know where he lived. Richard had a car too and as Richard could drive me home there was no need for David to hang around.

Richard and I sat down in the living room with coffees on the coffee table. "When did you know?" I asked him. I didn't need to go into detail. He knew exactly what I was asking him and he had probably guessed why.

"Probably when I was 13" he replied. "I used to fancy the teaching assistant who was training to be a teacher in my geography class. He was tall slim and blond and about 25. Oh he was fit!" He was grinning as he remembered.

"Did anything ever happen with him?"

"Oh yes! He was training for ages! I don't know what was holding him up but he was still there training when I was 16 and he still looked as fit as ever. He must have been working out because he started to look defined and the shirts only made him look hotter! One morning, I needed the toilet during Science class and as I was heading there he was walking down the same corridor. I smiled at him and glanced at his crotch like I always did before I went into bathroom. I took a piss and heard the door open again. It was him.

"I've seen you looking," he said to me grinning. "I think you are really hot now you're starting to change into a fit young man. It's just a shame teachers are not allowed to do anything with pupils," he sighed and headed for the door.

"No, wait! I won't tell anyone!" I said. Of course, now I know that that was exactly what he wanted me to say but back then I was still a little naïve. He turned back to face me, still grinning but this time with a massive hard cock aching to get out of his trousers! He advanced on me as my teenage cock grew hard. I wanted this man so much! He was a little taller than me so had to bend down to kiss me before leading me into a stall.

"We'll have to be quick in case someone comes in," he whispered, kissing me and undoing my trousers.

"I've never...never..." I stammered.

"Oh really? Never?" he grinned. "Well we'll just kiss and play with each other's cocks then if this is you first time." He thrust his hand down my pants to feel my hard wet cock and he began to massage it. Oh it felt so good! He undid his pants and out came a massive cock! It must have been about 9 inch! It was really thick too and he had a gorgeous set of blond pubes. With this being my first time, I didn't last long so in seconds I was moaning that I was gonna cum. He knelt down and took my cock in his throat as I shot my load. He stood back up and kissed me and I could taste my own cum in his mouth. I wanked his gorgeous cock as hard as I could and soon he was moaning that he was going to shoot soon.

"Do you want to taste my cum? Put it in you mouth."

I obeyed and knelt down and his cock exploded. He shot so much that I couldn't swallow it all in time. Some of it leaked down my chin and down his cock to his pubes and he tasted great!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there." Richard, who had been starring into space while he was reliving the story, snapped out of his trace and looked at me. "For a straight guy, you took that story pretty well. You must be very open-minded."

My stomach gave a little jolt as I realised that it was now my turn to talk. "How did you feel afterwards?" I asked.

"A mixture of excited and fear I suppose," he replied as he tried to remember, "but mainly excitement. I knew I would have that blond stud again. He invited me to his house on loads of occasions and we did allsorts: wanking, sucking, fucking and more. And I was right about him working out because, when he took his top off, he was nice and defined. Such a stud! And that man knew how to fuck! He had me in every position."

"You didn't feel angry?"

Richard leaned forward. "Dale. What's the matter?"

I went numb as I was getting close to the reason about why I was here. This was silly! How could I be getting nervous about coming out to a gay guy!? I looked at the floor. Somehow this made it easier to say. "I slept with Reece last night," I mumbled.

"Reece?" he asked. He reacted as though this was completely normal. Of course he was going to be fine with this! Why was I feeling so nervous? I was just being silly!

"He's my best mate," I replied still looking down.

"How do you feel?"

I just burst into tears there and then as though that question was the most upsetting thing I had ever heard. Why was I crying so much? I just didn't understand any of this. It was all so confusing. What was happening to me?

Richard leaned over from his side of the couch to mine to hug me. He got me a tissue from the Kleenex box on the coffee table and handed it to me.

"It's ok. Let it all out. So do you think you might be gay or was you curious?"

"When I was with him, it was fantastic. I've never fancied a girl as much as I fancied him. He just so hot," I said wiping my eyes with the tissue. I was still looking at the floor.

"How is Reece feeling about all this?"

A huge jolt of guilt hit me that stopped me crying. I deserved the guilt after what I had done to him earlier that day. "He's probably nursing a black eye right about now." I told him everything. I told him about the fight on the street and how I had upset my mum.

"It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, punching your mate is never going to help. And if you are gay then the last thing you need is someone telling you what to do but it always helps to have a friend."

"Reece was my only friend so now I have none."

"There's me and Tim. That's two." Tim was Richard's boyfriend. I finally looked up and for the first time that day I actually smiled! "Just promise me that you're not going to give either of us a black eye." He grinned at me.

I laughed a little. "Promise," I said.

I had had one of the worst days of my life but Richard had made me feel a little better. I still felt guilty about my mum and Reece of course. I didn't know where my future was going but at least now after feeling anger and fear turn into irrationality turn into recklessness turn into guilt turn into self-pity, I finally felt ok. _____________________________________________________________________

Part 4 is on its way soon. Feel free to e-mail me about this story: yettie0711@hotmail.com.

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