Where Are You

By Ryan White

Published on May 27, 2020



What up?? You guys still okay?

This story came into my thoughts last night and I just started writing. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, writing it.

Wanna chat? Email me xx liciousryan@gmail.com

Stay safe, Ryan



"Just a few more minutes, he always passes through here to get to her home."

"You sure, Paxton? Why would he be going this way? Doesn't he live like, across the train station? That's what I heard."

"I told you, Tyler! Beyoncé is ill and he has taken her homework to her house, for the past three days. Well, that little faggot can forget about seeing her ever again. She's mine! Stuck up cunt is gonna get exactly what he deserves..."

"Look, Pax, I ain't wanna get into no trouble..."

"No one told ya to stay here, did they? Dunno what you're even doing here. This is between Fag Boy and me. He needs to learn to leave my bird the fuck alone."

Tyler rolled his eyes. Pax and Beyoncé weren't even going out officially...but over the years, back when they had been best friends since kindergarten, he had learned NOT to question Paxton when he was convinced something was right.

Or rather, what he perceived to be right.

Tyler looked around nervously to where Zachary Palmer was supposed to appear from. He had begun to have serious doubts to what they were gonna do to the kid.

Yeah, if he had to be like, brutally honest, Zachary was the kind of kid that literally asked to be teased and beaten up and even as far as bullied. He played no sports, always did well in class, was the ultimate nerd and his best friends was Beyoncé and her gang of skanks, since no boy in his right mind wanted to be associated with him, in school.

In middle school, unfortunately, if you had a bad rep, and you were perceived as gay, even though there was no such evidence to suggest that Zachary was gay, you were on the outside looking in.

Most boys bullied Zachary on a daily basis, and after him telling his folks a couple of times, and the bullies had been called to the headmaster's office, things stayed exactly the same. Bullying was frowned upon at the school, but there was nothing anyone could do, if all said bullies stood together and viciously denied them ever doing anything to their victim. Even less, if others were too scared to speak out.

Thirteen year olds can be more evil than you would think...especially those who had girlfriends to back their story up. Everyone knew that you simply did not go against Pax and his crew, not if you wanted to survive middle school. They had the means and the mean spirit to make your life a living hell.

Tyler remembered, the previous year, when a kid was bullied so mercilessly by Pax, that his parents had no other option than to transfer him to another school. Not before Pax threatened him for a final time not to grass, because apparently he had certain contacts, and he could tell his cronies in the kid's new school to pick up, where Pax had left off.

Tyler knew what the gang was doing, was wrong. Mortifyingly, disgustingly, wrong. It was not how he was raised, at all. If his parents knew what and who their son was, willingly, mixing with, they would be more than ashamed.

Tyler swallowed slowly...he would much rather be in a popular gang with friends who had his back, than go through what kids like Zachary did. It was a case of being too scared to change what was wrong, right before him.

"There he is...right on time, the little shit," Paxton hissed and turned towards Tyler.

"You take this. I don't want it to get smashed or something. The little faggot might fight back. He does karate these days," he said, passing his phone onto Tyler.

"Oi Pax! What am I supposed to do? Just stand here and watch you?"

"Do what you want, just keep my phone safe. My dad will kill me if that thing gets a scratch," the overgrown bully threatened, and walked out of the side alley in where they had been hiding, right in the view of the unsuspecting Zachary.

The latter boy stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Paxton. The look on his face changed from cheerful to panic mode, and eventually fear. He clutched his backpack a little tighter and quickly started to walk backwards.

"Oh no, you don't!" Pax screamed and gave chase after Zachary.

If there was some thing Zachary had going for him, it was his speed. Why he didn't do athletics, was beyond Tyler. The kid was lightening fast. He figured Zachary would excel in that, but he didn't dare even talk to the boy, not if he wanted to keep his place in Pax's good books.

Pax weighed more than Zachary, out massing him by near twelve kilo's, and whilst that meant he packed more of a punch, it also meant that he was much slower than him. What Zachary didn't know, was that whilst he was slowly getting away from Pax, he was running straight towards Tipp, another of Pax's cronies who had been waiting for this moment, fully expecting Zachary to make a run for it.

"Leave me alone! I didn't do anything to you! Why do you always have to be so mean!" Zachary screamed in sheer desperation as Tipp grabbed him, because he knew what was coming.

He had been beaten up by this gang more times than he cared to remember. He should have known not to walk this way three days in a row...he knew how Pax felt about Beyoncé! Why didn't he THINK for God's sake?

"Shut the fuck up, you fucking poof!" Pax drilled into Zachary's face, so loud and so full of hatred that his saliva spat onto the face of the scared little hoy. Although Zachary was the same age as all of them, he hadn't reached any growth spurt as of yet, and therefore was severely against it especially against three huge boys.

"I was just taking her homework for her, she asked me to..."

"And I told YOU to leave my girl alone...do you think it's nice to hear how all the girls rave and rant about what a NICE dude you are? How you always DO things for them? Like give them flowers and open doors? What, are you sixty or something?"

Zachary's eyes were filled with unshed tears as Tipp held his hands violently behind his back, and Paxton was getting closer and closer.

"So Fag Boy, I hear, your parents have been letting you have karate lessons. To toughen you up against the bullies. Tell me, have you sucked off all the boys in your class yet?" Pax sneered, slapping Zachary's face with his bare hand.

Tyler inwardly ached for what was happening...I'm not the one getting bullied...I'm not the one getting bullied...I don't wanna be like Zachary...it was like, if he kept saying that to himself more and more times, over and over, he'd have a reason just to stand there and do nothing.

To justify him not stopping this level of abuse. He feared Paxton, but he also knew it was better to be in the boy's good books than not. If he stopped this, or tried to stick up for Zachary, he would be just as an outcast as Zachary was now.

No! No! I can't do this! I can't be like Zachary! I won't!

Tyler clutched Paxton's phone tightly inside his fist as the first punch made contact with Zachary's stomach. The little boy doubled over in sheer pain and shock, his wind knocked totally out of him.

Another set of punches to his arms and midriff followed.

Both Tipp and and Pax were laughing like maniacal hyenas right then. It was torture for Tyler, but he didn't know what to do.

Tipp allowed Zachary's arms to get loose, and the boy fell onto the ground, shaking and vomiting over the pain he felt.

"Such a disgusting faggot...you know what? They should just kill people like you. Moment you're born. Just dump all you faggots into the river. You're going to hell anyways, you lot. What's the point of living? No one cares about you. No one wants to be your friend. And if someone does, I'll fuck them up. How's that for fair?"

Tipp laughed so much, he had to hold his stomach. Tyler himself was getting nauseous at the evil, unspeakable things that Paxton was saying. His hands was shaking badly. He felt for Zachary, he really did.

Paxton wasn't quite finished there...he pulled the by now, bloodied boy upwards and held him by his collar.

"If you come near Beyoncé ever again, if you so much as touch her, smell her, or see her, I'll kill you. You understand? I. Will. Kill. You."

It was like something had triggered Zachary as Paxton spoke those words. Whether it was fear, perhaps terror, perhaps fight or flight kicking in, Tyler couldn't say...

All he saw was Zachary pull up his right leg and with an almighty roar, he KICKED Paxton right in his balls.

The huge thirteen year old bully doubled over in unexpected pain, holding on to his injured nuts and howling in anger and shock at what the so-called faggot boy had done. Tipp was stone stiff with shock as well, even he couldn't move.

Zachary, probably scared out of his mind at what this stunt meant for him, grabbed his backpack and stormed off directly in Tyler's direction, to get away from Pax and Tipp and quickly as possible.

Now, Tyler was still hidden around the corner of the side street where he and Pax had originally been hiding, so unfortunately Zachary had no way of knowing there was someone there.

All that Tyler heard was...


If he allowed Zachary to get away, in the mood that Pax was in, he'd rough him up the same way, Tyler had no doubt about that. He placed Pax's phone inside his school jacket and stood ready.

Either Zachary was in too much of a hurry to hear Pax call out to Tyler, or he simply didn't care, because the boy ran straight to where he was waiting.

As Zachary sped into, what he thought was safety, there was Tyler.

"Oh...oh no...please Tyler...just...just lemme go...he's gonna kill me..." Zachary whispered in sheer angst. His eyes were swollen from the beatings he had gotten, tears and blood mixed with each other on his cheeks. He was crying, literally begging Tyler to help him.

Tyler suddenly, was in two minds. He knew if he allowed Zachary to get away, that he was as good as over at school, because he would be an outcast, Pax would make sure of that.

However, letting Zachary get past him to safety, was the RIGHT and DECENT thing to do. Like he was brought up to always believe since he was a little boy. If he allowed Zachary to go, Pax and Tipp would never catch him, Zachary was simply too quick.

Tyler's silence must have meant only one thing to poor Zachary...that the boy wasn't gonna help him.

His karate training kicking in, he desperately charged at Tyler, kicking and punching the bigger boy with everything his little body had to give. Years of bullying and frustration seemed to pour out of Zachary into Tyler...and Tyler felt he had to defend himself.

With all his power, the skinny Tyler pushed Zachary off him, with a force that he himself didn't know where it had come from.

Unfortunately for Tyler, and for Zachary, the push edged the smaller boy backwards at such a rapid speed that he tripped over his own feet. He smashed unto the concrete ground, his head clanging onto the pavement with such a velocity that Tyler's own head spun.

Zachary laid on the tarred surface, his eyes closed, his body still barely breathing, blood rushing from the wound in his head at a speed of water.

"Oh my god...is he? Is the faggot dead?" Tipp asked with a shaky voice as he and Paxton finally arrived to where Zachary and Tyler was.

Tyler was numb. He couldn't move or speak. He kept looking at the little boy on the pavement, knowing in his heart and mind...I caused that...it was me...he's bleeding because of me...

"Guys, let's get the fuck outta here. Tipp, Tyler, remember, we weren't here, okay? And if he lives and says we did this, we deny it. Let's hope he fucking croaks..."

The normally fierce Paxton also had a sense of fear within him as he pulled Tipp with him and made a quick run for it.

"SERIOUSLY TYLER? You wanna stay there?" Tipp yelled as he noticed that the former wasn't with them, but still standing at the scene of the crime.

Tyler still couldn't get a single word or movement out of his statue like body.

"Forget about him, it's everyone for themselves now!" Pax screamed as the two bullies made their getaway, leaving Tyler behind with the injured Zachary.

Tyler sunk to his knees, never taking his eyes off Zachary. Tears flowed down his eyes, flooding his cheeks and dripping down his chin.

He never wanted...this. He never really wanted to hurt Zachary. And now...oh God...was he dead?

The bulge inside his jacket pocket started to vibrate. Paxton's phone. He had forgotten for give it back ...

With sudden determination to right a wrong, Tyler grabbed the phone from his jacket and dialled for an ambulance. He knew the number by heart since his dad was a paramedic. He calmly, just as his father had taught him, gave the details of where Zachary was, and told them to hurry.

Pitting the phone back inside his jacket, he took one last look at Zachary, and ran off.


Over the next few hours, the school and their students had learned that Zachary Palmer had been viciously attacked, and that he was in a coma inside the hospital.

In the weeks that followed, doctors didn't have much hope that he would ever recover. An accusation was made towards Pax and his gang over the attack on Zachary, but the bullies stood firm, they knew nothing. Beyoncé and her skanks gave their boyfriends all fake alibi's that they were with them, the day it happened.

As the school year ended, no one still had heard anything from Zachary. No news, no follow up, nothing. Since he had no friends, no one even knew where to find his parents. If the school knew anything, they didn't tell the students.

As Tipp, Paxton and Tyler, along with their girlfriends, Yvonne, Beyoncé and Gizelle, entered their first year of high school the following year, Zachary Palmer was all but forgotten, as the new chapter in their lives started.

Tipp and Pax carried on with their lives, their bullying ways coming to an abrupt halt in high school when they discovered that the Twelfth Graders were the main pimps, not them.

As what frequently happens with bullies, suddenly coming from a middle school where they had tormented kids, to where they suddenly had no say, no power and no one to bully.

Tyler distanced himself from Pax and his gang that year, and since he made new friends immediately in high school, it was the right thing to do.

He started playing soccer for his new school as a way to deal with what happened with Zachary. It was something to take his mind off when his thoughts got too dark.

If he only had some idea how the boy was, if he had survived the attack, or if he ever came out of the coma...the newspapers said nothing about a thirteen year old boy being killed, as he checked everyday. They stopped reporting news on the attack as well.

Zachary Palmer, was all but forgotten. It was as if he had never existed.


"Have you seen the new guy? He's hot as fuck!"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not gay!"

"Oh my gosh...really Tyler? We fucked yesterday, I think I'd know if you were. All I'm saying is..."

"Gizelle, I heard ya. There's a new dude in school and he's David Beckham reincarnated. Can we move on?"

Gizelle scowled and picked up her satchel.

"Honestly, I dunno if you even wanna be with me anymore. You've been like this for months. I'm sick of this. Just tell me...you're cheating on me, aren't you?"

"For crying out loud, there is NO one else! I'm just focusing on my game tomorrow! Geez, Gizelle, gimme some space!"

"Fine, I'll go. Maybe I'll get to meet the NEW guy..." Gizelle said menacingly and stormed off.

Tyler hung his head between his legs and grabbed his phone. He logged into his fake email account and pleasantly saw that he had two new emails.

"Absolutely loved your story! More chapters please!"

"Awesome scene where they finally kiss. Keep it up!"

Tyler smiled and hugged his phone to his chest. Writing for the Nifty Archive had it's moments.

It had been a long time coming, and over the last few months, Tyler had made peace with himself, and with what he felt. His heart knew what it wanted, and that for sure wasn't Gizelle, nor any girl in school.

Any girl...ever.

He closed his eyes as he thought about his team mates on the soccer team. Number one position in the school district. Undefeated since Tyler had been appointed captain. They had a massive game tomorrow that, if they managed to win, they would be crowned provincial champions. They simply HAD to win, or at least draw, no matter the cost.

Tyler was a striker, responsible for getting the goals. Gavin was centre forward, even more a load on him to score every match. Tyler's best friend Kyle was a defender, responsible for making sure the opposing team didn't score against them. And finally, the bloke with whom Tyler almost had a telepathic understanding with every game, Lenny, who was a midfielder, who had to try his best to create chances for the strikers to score.

Kyle had been his best friend ever since a few weeks into high school. Their mutual love of soccer grew them an awesome friendship. But it was also Kyle, who had opened up Tyler's eyes to what he had missed all his life, and that was, that Tyler was gay.

The realization that he wished to be in Kyle's strong arms, was pretty much the icing on the cake.

Suppressing it as much as he possibly could, refusing to believe that he was into boys, knowing that his place on the team was in dire jeopardy if he ever were to come out, the fear of being bullied...like what he himself had done to kids in middle school when he was still hanging with Pax and his crowd...

Tyler sighed.

Back then, he was too much of a coward to stand up for what was right. And what had to be done.

He shook his head. He really didn't fancy being taken back to...well, what had happened. He still often had nightmares of people lying on pavements with their heads cut open.

Writing down his own emotions and thoughts into stories and sending them to Nifty, was one way he could anonymously interact and flirt with other dudes. It was kinda impossible at school, where everyone near hero worshipped him as the soccer captain, but also because his girlfriend was the most popular in school.

Dating Gizelle gave him the perfect alibi for hiding who he truly was. He utterly hated it. They fought more these days than they were actually happy. Tyler knew what the reason was...he wanted a guy. A bro. A bloke. He wanted a man.

And it felt like it was never gonna be possible.


The following afternoon as the team was getting ready for the Final under 17 game of the season, just moments away, captain Tyler huddled up his teammates and subsequently riled them up for what had to happen on the pitch.

They were gonna be faster, stronger and more quick thinking than their opponents. They were so taking this. All in, no surrender.

As the team left the locker room in a sea of shouts and cries in competitive battle, the coach of the team, Coach Anderson, called Tyler over to his office.

"Coach, please make it quick, we got a game to win!"

"Settle down, Johnson. I just wanted to introduce you, as the captain, to our new player and teammate. Tyler, this is Zack Garrett. Zack, meet the team captain, Tyler Johnson."

For the first time since entering, Tyler noticed that Coach Anderson wasn't quite alone in his office.

A very, very attractive, seventeen year old boy, stood up and held out his hand.

"Hey dude, or should I say, captain? I'm Zack. Good to meet ya."

At a sheer loss for words, seeing this, this majestically beautiful, tall teenager stand right in front of him, all Tyler could do, was meet his hand halfway, and the two boys shook on it.

"Great. Johnson, take Zack with you. Just be aware, this stud over here is faster than any kid I've ever coached, including you. Now go out there and show him what WINNING looks like!"

"Yes coach! Come on, guy," Tyler said as both of them jogged out of the locker room together the short distance out to the stands. Outside the noise of all the students attending and supporting their school could be heard in rapid fire. It was a truly amazing occasion.

"Guys, over here, quick! Before we get out there and cream them, Coach wanted me to introduce this guy. He's our new team mate, Zack. He's joining us from next term."

Zack confidently gave every one on the team fist bumps as he went around in greeting. Tyler tried very hard to in fact, concentrate on the game...because he was literally staring onto the eyes and body of a damn gorgeous angel...how did one guy get so damn lucky with these kinda looks? Holy crap!

His cock quivered. Tyler, focus. But wow...he had seen some hot boys in his lifetime, but this kid took the fucking cake. Muscles everywhere you looked. Biceps and legs strong and powerful. And of course those beautiful blue eyes and his strong jaw features...yep...this was gonna be a problem.


The game ended in a draw, but since they only needed a point to win the championship, it was celebrated like a win.

In typical fashion that the team had been known for, Kyle had squared a near perfect pass towards Tyler, and he nutmegged the opposing defender to nudge the ball over to Gavin, who scored an easy tap in to make it 1-0. Unfortunately they allowed their confidence to drop as their opponents made it 1-1 in stoppage time. Nevertheless, the title was secured and so was their statuses in the school.

Tyler's eyes fell on Zach who was modestly applauding his new team, and suddenly got an idea.

"Yo, Zack! Come on over!"

The new kid caught his attention and did as he was told.

"So the coach tells me you're even faster than me. Let's have a race and see who wins. From this goal to that one over there. I dare ya!"

"Dude, believe me, you don't wanna do that," Zack taunted him with a mischievous grin on his handsome face.

"What, you're scared I'd beat ya?" Tyler taunted him back.

Zack's grin got even wider and he solemnly zipped open the jacket he was wearing.

Tyler swallowed heavily as he saw all that Zack was wearing underneath was a red tank top. His muscles looked even more impressive up close.

"Yeah new guy!"

"He's gonna do it!"

"Prepare to lose!"

Those were just some of the friendly banter that could be heard in support of the team captain, as both Tyler and Zack got into position.

Kyle stood beside them and held up three fingers in the air.

"Just to let you know Zack bro, we have all tried and failed to beat Tyler."

"Let's go, I'm ready as hell," Zack said with much bravado.


Two seventeen year old boys and therefore two pairs of feet blasted off in an all out race from the one goal post to the other.

Tyler was in front at the beginning, but not for long. It was like this new kid had thunder thighs, he was like a machine. His biceps were tightly clenched as it worked over time to charge power to get ahead.

At the middle point of the race, Tyler was still a split second ahead but he already knew that no one had ever challenged him like this. What did Zack eat for breakfast, my God! He was crazy fast!

And it was then, that Zack completely overtook him.

Tyler stumbled over his feet and fell face down onto the grassy pitch, a few meters before he had reached the goal posts.

Zack finished in comfortable style, with a slight whiff of sweat spreading across his forehead.

He walked towards Tyler and stretched out his hand.

"Sorry bro. You okay?"

Tyler grimaced and reached up, grabbing Zack's hand as he was pulled up. He once more lost his balance underestimating how strong this new kid was, and they nearly ended up in each other's faces.

Tyler saw those blue, bright eyes. They were sparkling. Full of mischief, adventure and a sheer lust for life.

"I'm...I'm more than okay..." Tyler whispered...never taking his eyes off Zack.


After Tyler's parents had taken him out to dinner at his favourite pizza place to celebrate, he was laying in bed and going over the day...from relieving the match, to the goal, to the celebrations to meeting Zack.

His cock started to stir yet again. Could he blame it though? It was crazy silly how insanely sexy Zack was.

Earlier he had received and accepted a Facebook request from the new kid. Zack Garrett. Even his name was hot. After going through his Facebook photo's, he was even more in aww of the dude.

He was very active, loved athletics, soccer, martial arts and hiking, which totally explained his chiselled features and buff body. Didn't explain his crazy speed though. And he would have to spend all those hours with this guy, not only in class, but also on the soccer field? Fuck about!

Zack...oh...wow...it had been quite a while since Tyler thought of little Zachary Palmer.

Wonder what became of him? Did he ever awake from his coma? Was he even still alive? And if he was, did he at least have a good life?

Tyler sighed and pulled the bed covers over him.

He had searched for Zachary Palmer on Facebook and Twitter numerous times over the years, but no luck. He didn't even know what he would do if he would ever find him.

How can he ever make up for what he did? Pushing the poor dude so damn hard that he hit his head on a concrete pavement...

Both Tipp and Pax by now, had both been transferred to separate reformatory schools. He hadn't heard anything from them in years. But one thing he'd say about those two...even when things got tough, they never, ever ratted him out for what happened that day.

Tyler closed his eyes. He'd have to live with the sheer guilt of what happened to Zachary for the rest of his life.

He only hoped that one day, he'd find that little boy, well, perhaps not so little anymore after four years, and apologise for not helping him, for not standing up for him, for not protecting him.

"Where are you, Zachary...?" Tyler whispered, as he floated away, into sleep.


Should I write a second chapter??

Lemme know what you thought xx


Next: Chapter 2

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