Where Are You

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 1, 2020



THANK YOU for the great response to chapter one. A Nifty writer's only reward, is to have people enjoying their stories, and that's why I write. Thanks!

Wanna chat? Feel free! liciousryan@gmail.com

Stay safe, Ryan


Tyler's phone gave a beep. What do ya know...he had a WhatsApp message.

"Sup? Wanna go for a run tomorrow morning before school starts on Monday?"

Oh God. It was the teenage version of Chris Hemsworth. Tyler smiled as he remembered the last time he and the new kid in school, Zack Garrett had a running race. Tyler fell flat on his face in ultimate defeat against the handsome boy and even got to hold hands with him and stare into his gorgeous green eyes...

Okay, Zack probably just felt sorry for him and helped him up out of decency. Like Tyler cared! The new kid held him in his arms...never mind how it had happened. He would stick by that.

Returning his attention towards his phone, he quickly replied...

"Hell yeah, just running tho, no racing. Learnt my lesson."

Tyler leaned back onto his bed and his grin had gotten even wider. Since Zack had transferred to their school and had ended up on their school soccer team, they hadn't seen much of the other since it was end of term.

But since he was the team captain, and Zack the new boy, they were in constant contact on WhatsApp.

It was at the end of the holidays now, and school was due to start in about three days. Which also meant the soccer practices would eventually start-up once again, and it would give team captain, Tyler and the rest of the team to see Zack in action for the first time.

If his ball playing skills were anything like his speed, he was gonna be an awesome player. Opposition players won't know what the fuck to do with him!

Another beep.

"See ya. Gonna cream ya!"

Holy mother of...

Tyler, almost unknowingly, reached inside his boxers and gently touched his stiffening teenage penis. His fingers curled around his teenage fuck stick, making the boy shiver in sexual excitement.

All he saw before him was Zack's flowing, shiny and clean blonde hair, his beautiful smile and dazzling green eyes...the current of electricity that ploughed through them both as the latter helped him up from their disastrous race...his muscles, dear god...sculpted as they come and his legs were like sheer tree trunks, majestic and powerful.

His cock stiffened to the point where it couldn't harden anymore. A full seven inches in total. Not bad for a seventeen year old. As if he had no command over his limbs, Tyler sighed and started to stroke his dick.

He felt the influx of blood rise from his balls into his cock, that seven incher on red alert at the moment. He twisted his forefinger and thumb around the exposed cockhead and hissed in sheer relaxation.

"Zack..." Tyler whispered as the stunningly handsome teenager appeared once more in front of his mind's eye.

He thought how masculine it was when Zack ripped off his jacket and he was just in a red tank top at the last soccer match. As they raced, his aroma of Axe aftershave waffled through him. He was the perfect specimen of a teenage male.

"You sexy fucker...hmm...touch me Zack...oh man...please gimme your cock..."

Tyler gripped his iron hard organ ever tighter, desperate to keep the images of a semi naked Zack trapped inside his mind. How he wished he could see the boy's own penis...he knew he eventually would, being on the same sports team but...just how big will he be? How...thick...

His balls must surely be carrying a whole lot of protein nut juices...oh fuck yeah...he'd smash those huge orbs into his thirsty gullet and lick and suck both of them until they were dried up of their seminal fluid.

How he wished, Zack would be naked on top of him now, jacking off his sexy big dick and splattering his potent teenage sperm all over Tyler's exposed upper chest...

"Cream me...cum for me dude..."

Tyler arched his body upwards as his dick began to have a mind of its own. It drilled and jerked inside his fist before he spurted out a gush of boy sperm onto his ripped six pack.

A few more drops landed on his chest and nipple area, until the remaining droplets of rich, whitish cum just simply dribbled out of his spent, red, quivering cock head.

"Shit.. Mother fucker ..." he whispered to himself, seeing the damage he had done to his body, and more worryingly, also to the lower half of his bedsheets, all flooded with thick, teen boy baby makers.

"Gotta wash that tomorrow when Mom's at work..." he murmured to himself before cleaning himself up with his wash cloth as best he could, and getting back onto the bed.

What the hell was he gonna do? He had classes with this new kid. He had after school soccer practice with him. He had already now, shot a bigger load than he ever could have remembered, thinking about him.

No one on the team or in school, for that matter knew that Tyler Johnson was gay. Not that there was anything wrong with it, these days, but still, there was a huge stigma around that, that Tyler didn't want to have attached to him.

He covered himself warmly inside his duvet and switched off his lamp, and immediately utter darkness covered the boy with only a little shade of moonlight streaming into the room. He picked up his phone and set his alarm for six a clock.

He wanted to be ready as nails for his run with Zack. Any chance to see that fabulous body up close one more time.

Probably he closest he'll ever get to it, Tyler sighed miserably and closed his eyes.


Zack was all ready and waiting for Tyler as the latter arrived with his earphones still blasting One Direction's tunes inside his ears. Call him gay which he was, but he loved those songs, not even to mention the delicious duo of Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson as well. Dayum, those two would make a delicious meaty sandwich...

"Hey man! Hope you haven't waited long?" Tyler said, genuinely happy to see Zack again after all this time. The latter boy kept on stretching his arms and biceps whilst giving Tyler a cheeky grin.

"Doesn't matter. Had enough time to do a couple of stretches. It's really beautiful here, isn't it? Right around sunrise."

"I suppose, I'd never really thought about it that way," Tyler responded honestly, frowning as he did so...everything he was saying suddenly sounded so...well, dumb!

Zack jumped up and down a few times and did some more spinal stretches.

"Gonna teach ya how to appreciate the finer things in life, bro. Come on, lets go!" he said, his voice full of adventure and once more, that impeccable lust for life.

They started at a mere reasonable pace, Zack most likely didn't go any faster, than he did, out of respect for Tyler, but at the middle point of their work out, their competitive drives kicked in with a passion, Tyler instead showing the taller boy he was up for an increase in speed.

The two boys ran across the sandy beach like it was the last day on earth. Luckily the beach was more or less deserted at that early time of day, so they had plenty of time and plenty of space where to exercise.

Tyler tried his best not to gawp at the sheer power of this handsome new friend of his, and rather kept his mind focussed on the work out.

They did several sets of push ups, squats, star jumps, as well as sit-ups, whilst the one held the other's feet in position on the warm, soft sand.

There were times that Tyler was so hard and horny inside his spandex, that he had to think of his grandma naked to keep it under control. Zack...oh man...he was just pure perfection.

About two hours since they had started the session, Tyler turned around to challenge Zack to a cool down jog, only to see Zack had collapsed onto the sand.

Tyler froze. Zack was lying on his back, his breath coming and going in low volume. Tyler at first thought that the kid was just taking a little rest, after all it was a rough routine that they had just completed, but no...in fact, Zack wasn't getting up at all.

Not knowing what to do, he desperately looked around for help, but there was not one soul at the beach, after eight in the morning. And those who were, was a long way away from them.

"Zack? Dude? What the hell, man? Are you okay?" Tyler kneeled down and whispered frantically.

Zack's eyes were open, but he didn't seem like he had any knowledge or realization of what was happening around him. His arms and legs seemed to lightly shake and tremble, as if they were doing it without their owners permission.

That was it, Tyler thought. Even if he had to run all the way home, he was gonna call an ambulance. This was some serious shit going on with Zack, and Lord knows, he didn't wanna have another life threatening situation on his own conscious.

He still had nightmares about little Zachary Palmer.

Just as he got onto his knees ready to go and search for help, an arm stretched out and grabbed his ankle.

Tyler looked down in shock, and saw that Zack was staring him straight in the eye.

"Don't go...I'm fine...don't leave me..."

Tyler sunk back onto his knees and placed his arm around Zack's strong shoulders, helping him sit up and rest his back against one of the stronger rocks from the beach.

Zack breathed in the fresh air as if it was a welcome friend. His eyes returned to their normal shade of green, and his colour reappeared in his face and body. He shockingly, reached up and ran his fingers through his wavy blonde hair, and Tyler could swear, there was a little cry of anger inside the boy's throat.


"I'm fine. I'm good. No need to worry."

"Zack, you're obviously aren't fine. You scared me half to death!"

Zack tenderly stood up, slowly until he reached his full height onto his feet. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. His knees was a little shaky, and Tyler quickly grabbed his sides to keep him upright.

"Tyler, I'm really sorry you had to see that. Well, I guess I can't keep this a secret any longer, and you're obviously gonna tell the whole team now...

Tyler stood up and grabbed Zack's shoulder viciously. He looked him deep in his eyes and gently rubbed the said shoulder, to try and calm Zack down.

"I ain't telling anyone anything. You hear? You don't know me, I get that, but you can trust me. What's going on? You really scared me."

Zack's eyes flickered to Tyler's hand on his shoulder, as he felt the grip from the other boy get stronger. He felt and heard the sheer sincerity in Tyler's voice. His hand felt warm and reassuring, it felt like a real friend, who really cared.

Zack grabbed his backpack and pulled out two Energade drinks, and threw one over towards Tyler.

"Walk with me," he simply requested and Tyler was all too willing.

On and on they both braved the cold icy morning wind, and as they were almost at the far point of the shelly cove, all the while walking in sheer silence, and it was then, when suddenly, Zack stopped, and placed his hands inside the pockets of his running shorts.

"Tyler, this isn't easy to talk about. I...I have epilepsy. I sometimes get these...seizures...shakes, call it what you want, but you get the point. As a kid, I had a nasty accident where I had hurt my head quite badly. I can't remember anything from my childhood, some bits I do, and some I don't."

Tyler didn't quite know what to do, or how to react. All that he could think lf, was standing close to Zack, and once more, he placed his hand palm on the bigger boy's shoulder, and gave it a gentle squeeze. He realised how hard it was for Zack to trust him with this.

"When I woke up in the hospital after the accident, I had to learn how to walk, talk and basically do everything from scratch. My parents told me I literally had no memory of anything ever, in my life. I didn't even recognise them! It took me years to recover, until I turned into what you see now. My dad in particular, was huge on me becoming muscular for some reason, so he took me to the gym once I had recovered, and from that day on, I just challenged all my anger, fears and frustration onto the equipment."

Tyler's hand never left Zack's shoulder as he spoke.

"These seizures, I do take medicine to help keep them in check, but I'll always have them. I've accepted that. I'm just sorry that you had to see it as well."

Tyler saw Zack move his head over to him, the boy noticing that Tyler was still holding him.

"Something tells me, I can trust you. I hope I'm right," Zack whispered, the sea breeze tussling their hair around in free fall.

Tyler only gripped Zack's shoulder tighter.

"I ain't gonna tell anyone. I promise. If they find out, it's not gonna be from me."

Zack wiped his eyes for just a second, before regaining his composure.

"So are we gonna finish this run, or what?" he laughed, that mischievous grin returning slowly, but surely.

"You're so on..." Tyler grinned back as both boys sped off in a full fledged race to the beginning of the beach area.

This time, it was Tyler who won, but since Zack had a mild seizure a couple of minutes before he didn't brag or gloat at his new buddy. Zack draped his arm around Tyler as they made their way to civilization, and in that moment, the two boys solidified their new found friendship.

It was a beautiful gesture. As if time had stood still.


"Fucking hell, check out the rack on that one over there," Lenny said as he took a bite out of his triple cheese burger and pointed towards the object of his desire.

"Don't fucking point, bro!" Kyle hissed, which made Tyler spit out his Coke in sheer laughter.

"Why not? I could get laid tonight..." Lenny reasoned and high fived Kyle in agreement.

"Are any of you guys like, not virgins around here?" Zack asked, playing with the straw of his drink between his full lips.

"Well, Kyle here says he's not, although we have no fucking proof of that..."

"Lenny, how the fuck do you want proof exactly? Should I have made a sex tape?"

"Might earn you more money than your soccer career will..."

"OOOOH BURN!" Tyler hissed and fist bumped Zack.

"You can talk, Tyler. I hear Gizelle is telling everyone you're a cold fish in bed these days," Kyle countered.

"Who is this, Gizelle?" Zack asked, ever so nonchalant.

"That, my friend, is Tyler's girlfriend. Two of them has been dating since middle school. Hey, what happened to that Beyonce chick? Fuck, you guys remember she had boobs the size of watermelons even at that age? No wonder Paxton was so crazy about her!"

"Crazy? I'd say obsessed!" Lenny corrected Kyle.

Tyler immediately went quiet and pushed his burger away from him. His hands started to tremble slightly. He hated that name. He hated that guy. He hated that time in his life.

"Wait, they really called a girl Beyonce?" Zack laughed and patted Tyler on his back, just enough so that the other boys didn't notice.

"Forget about her, no one stood a chance at dating her anyhow. Her boyfriend Paxton was a real nasty piece of shit. Word had it that he and his gang was responsible for this little kid getting seriously injured, like years back...can't remember his name, anyway, their girlfriends all gave them alibi's so nothing ever happened."

Tyler couldn't speak. He felt like he couldn't swallow. This was all hitting way too close to home right now...

"Hey Tyler, weren't you also hanging with Paxton at the time?" Lenny asked, stuffing his face with more French fries.

Tyler started to answer, but he struggled to breathe. His whole chest felt congested. His legs were shaking and his eyes were filling up with unshed tears.

"Buddy, you okay?" He heard Zack ask, and he felt an arm around him.

"I uh...I have to go toilet. Be back soon," Tyler stumbled and got out of the food court as fast as he could.

He raced over to where the bathrooms in the mall was and stormed inside. To his fortune, there was no one else, and he rushed to the basin, opening the taps with a sheer velocity and allowed the water to flow...he reached out and splashed the cold liquid onto his reddish face.

Over and over and over, until the front of his t-shirt was solidly soaked.

The tears in his eyes seemed to fall down at a rapid speed. His entire body started to shake violently as he kept seeing little Zachary Palmer and the bleeding wound on his head before his eyes.

He could hear the door open and close.

Suddenly there was a pair of arms around him complete with the familiar Axe deodorant that he loved so much.

"I'm here. I ain't going anywhere..." Zack whispered in his ear.

"Go away! I'm a bad person! I'm scum! I don't deserve a friend like you!"

"Don't talk like that. You were there for me the other day when I had a crisis. I just wanna help."

"Well, you can't! Years ago I did a terrible thing and I can't forget about it..." Tyler's body rocked beneath Zack's touch in utter helplessness.

Zack responded by pulling the boy into a typical bro hug. The two boys held on to each other so tight, it was like they needed the other to survive.

Tyler could feel Zack's fingers gently run through the hairs at the back of his neck, and in turn, he caressed Zack's strong back muscles and held his head tightly towards his chest.

"Whatever it is, and I don't want you to tell me if you don't want to, but I don't believe you're a bad person. Because if you were, you wouldn't be beating yourself up like this. I know bad people Tyler, bad to their core. And you're not one of them."

The two boys kept holding each other for what seemed like eternity, when in fact, it was probably just over a few minutes. It was Tyler who withdrew from the embrace first, and wiped his face.

"Wow...I needed that. Geez, the others will be wondering where we got off to..."

"They won't mind as long as there's an extra round of onion rings in for them," Zack laughed and opened the bathroom door.

"You ready?" he asked.

Gosh...Tyler's heart melted. If only he could tell Zack, if only he could...that with him, he was ready for anything under the sun.

If only. If...only.


Little Zachary Palmer was pleading with Tyler to let him get past him, away from Paxton and Tipp, he was literally begging Tyler...they were going to kill him...Zachary jumping on Tyler and beating the living crap out of him, Tyler deciding in the heat of the moment to defend himself...he pushed Zachary away from him, the little boy stumbled over his feet in fright, he fell down head first onto the concrete pavement, where a shit load of blood poured from the wound...his eyes were shut tight as his boy body couldn't go on any longer...


Tyler sat up in bed, his chest heaving and his breath sputtering for oxygen. Fuck. Not again. Please ...make this stop...

He had this, this exact dream nearly twice a week. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Because, to deal with the problem, he'd have to tell someone. And he knew he couldn't. Never. He couldn't ever reveal his deepest, darkest secret.

Tyler jumped as his phone beeped. He picked it up, unplugged it from the charger, and carefully laid down back onto his bed.

"You awake?"

Oh man, Zack...just what he needed after that dream...

"Yeah, had a bad dream. You?"

"No, I'm talking to you in my sleep."

"Piss off lol."

"Wanna hang at my house tomorrow?"

Tyler hesitated. He was already turning into jello every time he laid eyes on his handsome new friend. Was he about to make things worse?

It wasn't Zack's fault he found him so damn attractive. And it wasn't fair on him either, he wouldn't understand if suddenly Tyler avoided him. And he really, genuinely wanted to be with him, even just to hang out.

With a warm heart and a slight grin, Tyler replied...

"Sure. Can I bring anything?"

"Just yourself. That's enough."

The smile on Tyler's face got even wider.

"You're inviting Kyle and Lenny too?"

It took a few minutes for Zack's reply to eventually arrive...

"Nah, not this time."

Tyler held his phone to his chest. He didn't know why...it just seemed natural to do so.

"See ya tomorrow then."

"Not if I see ya first..."

Oh my God...why was Zack doing this? He was totally flirting...or was Tyler reading too much into just a friendly gesture?

But if so, why not invite Lenny and Kyle as well?

Emotionally exhausted, Tyler switched off the bed light. As always, before he went to sleep, he said a quick prayer Upstairs for Zachary Palmer. Asking the Lord to keep him safe, where ever he may be, and to bless him, if he was still out there somewhere.

He knew he could never make up for what he did, but if he could ever find him, and apologise, it would mean the world to have Zachary's forgiveness.

Tyler's phone beeped. Zack, again.

"Don't forget to bring my team uniform! I know Coach gave it to you!"

"I totally forgot, I'll do that. Sleep tight."

"Don't worry, I forgive you. Night!"

Now was it just a coincidence...but Tyler had no more nightmares that particular night.

Somehow, his soul was at peace.


Stick with me, the sex scenes will come lol. Just wanted to tell the story realistically as possible.

Want another chapter? Lemme know!


Next: Chapter 3

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