Where the Real Men Are

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 27, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Jake's powersaw bit into the tree, bright yellow wood flew in large square chunks to his left, showering his left leg with aromatic hardwood chips, filling his nostrils with the clean, crisp smell of fresh-cut wood, which drowned out and offset the filthier smell of the powersaw's gasoline motor. The tree above him creaked audibly, even over the snarl of his saw, and as the creaks became cracking sounds, he stepped back, watching the cut as it slowly expanded in width from the knife-thin cut of the saw to a quarter-inch, a half-inch, an inch, two inches, and then in increasing speed. Jake's eyes flicked quickly upwards and then toward the clearing. The tree was heading more-or-less right on target, he looked back at his feet in case the tree's butt were to jump out and toward him, but it stayed as it was, a bright yellow oval of bright inner wood at the end nearest him, the mate of the bright yellow oval on the top of the stump. The stump itself was a neat flat top, only a narrow ridge of tree remained connected to the stump. Jake's powersaw snarled again and he cut the final connection with a single upwards swipe of the revolving blades. Jake walked up the length of the new-felled tree, trimming the branches off it as he went, the biggest branches first, nearly the chore of cutting through the trunk, then as he got higher up the tree's length, they became smaller, until at last he sawed the top off the tree and cut the powersaw's roar, paused and heaved a hefty breath. Whoo! It was getting fucking hot already, and it wasn't even eleven o'clock yet, in late April!

"Going to be a hell of a hot summer." he said to nobody in particular.

"Sure will be." came a voice behind him.

Jake turned, startled even though he knew the voice. "Van!"

"Boss wants us to knock off for the morning." Van informed him. "We'll start up again this afternoon."

"Why the hell would he want that?" Jake wondered.

"Beats the shit out of me. He said to stop, we stop."

"All right." Jake grumped. "He say when we get to go back to work?"


"Shit." Jake scowled. "What are we supposed to do, sit around on our asses out here until he says we can get up? What is this, a game of "Red Light, Green Light" or something?"

"You got lunch coming at noon, maybe he'll be ready to let us go ahead by the time it's over. So go wash up and chill for an hour."

Jake's face suddenly broke into a grin. "Wash up, hell! Take a dip in the river!" The river was just downhill maybe a quarter mile, in an area not to be cut at this time. Not a wavering brook or a raging torrent, but a respectable sized river, maybe thirty feet across and flowing placidly through this stretch of nearly flat land.

"May still be pretty damned cold." Van opined.

"Fuck that. Hot as it is, cold water will feel damned good!"

"Get on out of here, then!" Van moved on to the next cutter working a fair ways further down the property. When you're cutting trees, you don't want any nearby neighbors! For his own part, Jake lugged his powersaw down the hill and toward their base camp for the week. They'd only been based here since this morning, so it was all clean and orderly, if not entirely unpacked. No matter, he left his powersaw with the crew chief's tool boss, and headed on downhill toward the river. His idea turned out not to be so original, men were already down there stripping off their wood-dusted, sweat-stained clothing at the river's edge.

"Hey, Jake!" one of the men greeted him as he arrived.

"You going in?"

"You're damned right I am!" Jake called.

One of the men, who'd either gotten an earlier start than the others or undressed quicker, had gotten down to his briefs, rather loosely bagging things on his thin-waisted body, and was walking out onto a small shelf of rock that jutted over the river's edge. Jake looked at the loose briefs and wondered, watched while he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. Would they? Not wishing the guy (it was Tim, a new guy, slim bodied and blond-haired) any bad but hell, if he did it to himself....

Tim did. He made a perfect dive into the water, which his body cut neatly and smoothly.

And his briefs caught the water inside, ballooned out around his body, and slid right down those slim thighs and nearly off his body as he went in.

Jake hadn't been the only one watching this, as Tim came back up again, his briefs popping up beside him in the nearly-still water, a roar went up from the men.

"Think you left something behind on that dive, Tim!" one of the men cat-called.

"Cold enough for you?"

"Got to watch out for those big-mouth bass if you're going to be dangling in there, boy!"

Tim was flushing bright red from his face to his shoulders, but he put a brave front on things and said, "Hell, I meant to do that. Only way to get in here without flashing all you guys!"

"Afraid we'd see how tiny it is!"

"Especially in that cold water!"

"You feeling shriveled?"

Tim came back strong with, "My dick's telling me that this water ain't only cold, it's deep, too!"

That earned him laughs and Tim captured his briefs while they were laughing.

But two more guys were down to their skivvies, and both of them went on down into skin before they dove in. Maybe Tim had done it on purpose, though Jake couldn't see how he could've. Anyhow, this had turned into a mass of guys skinny-dipping. Well, why the hell not? Only guys here in this fucking camp, anyhow. He was tugging off his jeans now, his briefs could go down with those, why the fuck not?

Done, his body glistening with sweat, Jake took the same dive that Tim had. It was higher up than he'd thought, his cock flopped freely back and forth as he went over and down and into the water, which wasn't cold at all, just nicely, nicely cool!

He came up rather too close to Dave, a brawny hairy guy who was splashing another guy when Jake came up and splashed him.

"Hup, whup, whah!" Dave sputtered as he choked on the water that had gotten him but good!

"You fucking asshole!"

"Hey, you can't take it, don't deal it!" Jake chided and turned away to swim to clearer water. At that point, he himself got a wave of water in his face, courtesy of Nate's arm as the brawny red-haired logger splashed him expertly and copiously.

"Son of a bitch! I'm going to get you for that!" Jake coughed, blinked, and then laughed. God, this was great! The only way to enjoy a cool river in the late spring was with your buddies! If they only had some beer to go with it, this would be a perfect day! Damned tight-ass boss wouldn't let them bring any up, even to drink after their shift! Still, it was a damned good day to be alive!

The Dave's arms grabbed him from behind and pulled them both underwater. Jake struggled, broke water again, gasping. "Shithead!" he got out with a voice semi-choked with water.

Dave was still behind him, and his hands were on Jake's hips. And what the hell was that poking Jake between his legs? An over-friendly fish? Hell, no, this thing was too warm for that! "You got a hard-on, you bastard?" Nate caught hold of Jake's arms, one in each big paw of a hand, and pulled him forward.

"Yeah, I do. What you going to do about it?" And Dave's hands tugged at Jake's hips, pulling upwards on his buttocks and spreading them, while his cock wriggled upwards.

"You'd better not be doing what I think you're fucking doing!" Jake snarled. "You try to fuck me and I'm going to fucking drop a tree on you, you lousy.... Umph! Damn you!" Dave's dick had found his asshole and was jabbing in at it, a circle of heat in the cool water that washed in and around their legs.

"Want to call for help?" Nate asked him.

"Hell, no!" Jake grunted. "I let on, there'll be a line of guys to join in! Just you fuckers know, I'll get you back for this."

"Promises, promises." sneered Dave as he got a good purchase for his glans inside Jake's ass and gave his prick a hard shove.

Jake hissed as the steel-hard dong drove into him. "You son of a bitch!" He moaned. "Damn, that hurts! Fucking bastards!"

"Shit, you're tight!" Dave grunted as he shoved again. "How many times you been fucked before, Jake?"

"Not damned much!" Jake groaned. "Damn it, take it easy, already! Work it in slower!"

"Fuck that." Dave pushed in hard again. That got better'n half of his immense dong into Jake's ass. "Got to get this mother in full or you'll wash right off of me when I start to fuck you."

"Fucking asshole!"

"Come on, get moving." Nate ordered. "I get him when you're done."

"God damn, that hurts!" Jake complained.

"Shit, man, quit bitching." Nate told him. "You slipped into my tent last week and rammed my butt, I didn't complain half as much as you are!"

"My dick isn't as fat as this one, and your ass was like a fucking cave mouth." Jake grouched. "Shit, that's not a cock in my butt, that's a fucking tree log!"

Dave just haw-hawed at that, then said, "Shut up and take it."

"I'm so going to get you fucking back, you asshole."

"So get me back if you can." Dave said. "I'm fucking you now." And he began to hump at Jake's ass, the water splashing about them.

Jake could have pretended things were all just three guys horsing around until Dave began to fuck him but those motions were unmistakable. The other loggers could see that Jake was on the receiving end of Dave's attentions. He grunted, made a face that had nothing to do with the pain of violation (in fact, Dave's dong was beginning to feel pretty damned good in there). If he got a reputation as a an assman, his ass was going to get pretty damned spread before this logging group finished its job and went back to civilization.

Dave's prick suddenly hit his pleasure button inside and Jake grunted and threw his head back. Fuck his reputation, if he didn't want a guy fucking him that tried to, he'd open the fucker's head with a wrench and let some light in. Meanwhile...God damn, but that felt good!

"Come on, you fucking bastard, give it to me, give it to me!" he grunted. "Fuck that ass, fuck me harder, you bastard!"

Dave chuckled richly. "They always say that after I get it in them." He bragged. "Damn, I love fucking a hairy butt like this one. The hairs prickle my pud like a French tickler."

Nate turned loose of Jake; he didn't need to hang on any longer. Jake looked up at Nate and gave him a sly grin and a nod. "Someone ought to give it to you like this one day." he went on. "Teach you a couple of manners."

"Fuck manners." Dave grunted as he humped at Jake's butt. "I didn't come up to the logging woods to have tea socials. I came up here where the real men are."

Nate was splashing about as if simply getting a better observation position. God knows the others were gathering to watch Jake get his butt plugged.

"Shit, Jake, you're letting him fuck you?" Tim goggled at him.

Jake smirked at the neophyte logger. "You live up here where the real men are, you got to learn to take it sometimes. You didn't know that, you'd better hump it hard back down to where people say please before they shove it in you."

"It ain't that!" Tim protested. "Just that...it don't seem fair."

Fair is for pussies." Dave scoffed. "A real man takes what he wants and to hell with the rest of it. A real man has to...uh?"

Nate had worked around and now Dave was finding himself the middle man in a man-sandwich of guys.

"Hey, God damn it, Nate, wait your turn." Dave complained. "You shove it in Jake's butt with me, you're going to rip him wide open."

"Fuck that." Nate growled at his ear. "I'm taking what I can get, and what I can get is you."

"That wasn't the fucking agreement, that was..." Dave suddenly hissed sharply.

Jake couldn't see what was going on, but guessed that meant that Nate's dong was knocking on Dave's back door. "Don't dish it out if you can't take it." he advised. "And keep on fucking, if you can't fight him off while fucking me, you can at least make it tough for him to get it in you."

"He ain't having any trouble with that." One of the guys watching them chipped in.

And then Jake felt a mouth on his cock. He looked down, could see a white shape but no details. "Who the fuck is that?"

"Tim." someone supplied.

"Ah. Yeah." Jake could tell now, that slim body. "Always figured him for a cocksucker."

With Dave's cock busy in his ass and Tim's mouth on his cock, Jake was enjoying things a lot more. Tim had an amazing lung capacity, he only had to break off and surface every couple of minutes, gulp air in a few large breaths, and resubmerge, to resume his rather sophisticated attentions on Jake's dong.

Dave, contrary to his protests, could not have fended off Nate in any active way, he seemed to have been content with the posturing of resistance (and hadn't Jake done much the same?), but now Jake could feel that Dave's attentions were somewhat divided, his thrusts into Jake took on an entirely different tempo, neither better nor poorer than before, but enough to make Jake aware that Nate was now the dominant driving force in this human equation of sex.

But Tim's sucking pushed Jake beyond the barrier of sexual excitement that every man must scale effectively despite the slings and arrows of human frailties and distractions, he was grunting and moaning as his brain began to sparkle with the special tingling twinkles of emerging orgasm.

"Ah, God damn it!" he moaned as Tim again broke water. "I'm about to fucking explode! Do me a favor, Tim, when you go down again, stay down until I shoot my nuts. I'm on the fucking edge, man, on the fucking edge!"

"Hah! Hah! Hooh!" Tim panted. "Got it!"

"Good man!" Jake groaned as Tim dove again. He closed his eyes and begged Dave. "Ram me extra hard, I want to cream in this guy's mouth not in the water, okay?"

"I know what you mean!" Dave moaned. He was clearly near to climax himself. "I'll give you...all I...got!"

Jake's cock was scarfed down again by Tim and with Dave plying his ass with skill, Jake rode the wild horse of ecstasy up to the crest and fell wailing over the other end. "Ah-hah-guh-ah-hah-HAHHHHH!" He yelped out. A wave of cheers from the watching naked guys all around him pounded at his ears as he squirted jizz into Tim's mouth and throat. Tim took it like a man, gulping hard and holding on tight, siphoning all of Jake's spunk out as quick as Jake could squirt it.

And Dave howled as Jake's ass spasmed on his dong in his orgasm, and Dave ejaculated heavily into Jake's ass, he could feel the thick foamy squibs pumping into his butt, hot creamy jizz that boiled and fizzed in his intestines, while Dave's hot breath on his neck hit in husky breaths of steam and spent lust. "AH-HAH-AH-ARRR-ROOOOOGGGGHHH, GUHHHH, UH, UH-HUH, UH-HUH, HUHHHHH!"

Dave's arms released Jake's body at last and Jake fell perforce into the water where Tim was, and he was dazed and had to think about which direction was upwards, and then he was breaking the water and held by a couple of sympathetic arms that steered him to the shore.

He felt earth under his feet, thick mud but solid underneath and he could stand and he did and huffed heavily, those warm arms clinging to him still. "Oh, man, that's a hell of a fucking ride!" he breathed, and only then noted who his rescuer was.

Tim, of course. None of the other guys would have done it for Jake, he knew, a real man doesn't ask for help or need it. But Tim was new, he'd learn better later on.

"Come on, let's get you up on the bank." Tim said. "You'll be better there."

"I can walk by myself." Jake growled.

And Tim surprised him. "To hell with that. You owe me a blowjob, and I intend to collect before the lunch whistle blows."

Jake looked at the young, blond man and suddenly, he barked in laughter. "All right, get us to the bank and I'll suck you off. You damned well deserve it!"

"You're damned right I do." Tim said. "I nearly fucking drowned out there getting you off."

"Kid, I think you're going to fit in here after all." Jake told him. "You got the kind of attitude you need if you're going to live where the real men are!"

And on the bank, Jake paid Tim back, in full, like a real man should.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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