White and Tan

By Joe Lewin

Published on Jan 15, 2020


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White and Tan

Located on the bottom floor of the library at the midwestern university I attended was an excellent bathroom to meet for some quick sex. It had a single stall and a single urinal and sink. It also had two entrance doors, separated by about 4 feet, at its entrance—so there was always a warning when someone was coming in because the first door would bang open seconds before the second door. This bathroom was located along a dark corridor at the very back, south wall of the bottom floor. It was surrounded by stacks and stacks of books and a few random tables for studying, one of which sat about 15 feet away from the entrance to the bathroom.

The summer between my senior and junior year I was working on a paper for a summer class I had taken to make up for some lost credits when I transferred in as a sophomore. I found the library basement to be quiet (especially in the summer) and, most important, cool, since July and August in the Midwest is both hot and humid and the one-bedroom apartment I rented didn't have air conditioning.

Working at the table close to the bathroom also afforded me a great vantage point to monitor comings and goings of the small bathroom—although in the summer, there wasn't really any activity to speak about. For the most part, I spent my time at the table working, uninterrupted for hours on end.

On the last Tuesday in July I set up my books and papers at my table at around 10 and began working. Around noon, I left my table unattended and went off to eat lunch. When I came back my first stop was the bathroom. I walked in and used the urinal. Turning around to wash my hands, I noticed a note written on toilet paper hanging off the hook on the back of the stall door, which stood partly open. The note said: "August 1 at 3. Meet me here."

"Interesting," I thought, as I rolled the tissue paper up and tossed it into the toilet. I was pretty sure I had probably missed the author of the note by minutes and I didn't want anyone else to see it.

It was July 30. Two days to August 1. I somehow managed to get my head back into my notes and went back to work for a few hours that afternoon. I'd be lying if I said I didn't often think of that note that night, wondering who the author was and hoping it would be someone interesting. The next day I set myself at my table again. I packed a lunch and was determined to stay all day—in case my note-writer came back earlier than promised. But the only other person I saw that day was the librarian, a junior I had talked with before who was cute, with brown hair and glasses—but that's a story for another day.

On Thursday, August 1, I set to work at my table at around 2. I had worked at my job at a local restaurant earlier in the day and had trotted to the library as soon as I got off. I didn't want to miss my note-maker if he decided to show up early.

I tried to concentrate on my work but my mind kept wandering. Would he be a college student like me? Would he be someone I knew (and what would I do then)? Would he be a local from the college town in which I lived? Would he be attractive? Had he shown up earlier and I missed him? Would he even show? This cycle of questions rattled through my brain. Every 30 minutes or so I would get up and walk around, always keeping within sight of the bathroom's doorway or the aisles leading to it.

At around 2:30 I finally settled down and started to get some work done. I looked up at around 10 minutes to 3 to see a young guy quietly and quickly slip into the bathroom. I waited a beat and then got up from my chair, moving slowly over to the bathroom door. My heart was pounding—I'd had very little experience with this sort of thing and didn't know how it would play out.

Just as I reached the door it opened. Standing in front of me was a guy who was about my age, maybe a year or two younger, but definitely college age and no older. He froze when he opened the door. I felt a little electricity pass between us—faint but definitely there.

"Hi," I whispered, though I didn't think there was anyone around us. "Hey," he whispered back, gulping as he did so.

"Did you leave the note," I asked.

"Y-yes," he stammered.

"Cool, but do we really want to play in a bathroom? I have an apartment a 3 minute walk from here."

He looked nervous. I could tell he was thinking it over but I just stayed quiet. "Ok," he said, if it really is that close." "Yes, it is," I said.

I walked to my table and he followed me. I gathered up my stuff and put it all in my book bag. I told him that he should go up first and walk out the front entrance and wait for me at the end of the sidewalk. I would follow behind. This was the 80's and there was no way either of us wanted to announce our intentions to the world.

He walked off and then I had a moment of panic: what if he gets cold feet and disappears? But I finished packing up my books and notebooks, leaving the library books I was working from at the corner of the desk, as I always did. On my way out I caught the eye of the brown-haired librarian. He smiled at me and for the first time I think it dawned on me that he might know more about me than I thought he knew. But, again, that's for another day.

I walked outside and was immediately blasted by the 90-degree heat. I was wearing shirts and a t-shirt with sandals, but it only helped so much. Standing at the end of the sidewalk was my note-maker. I walked up beside him and said "follow me" as I walked past. Within thirty seconds we were on the tree lined street that I lived on. The air got about 10 degrees cooler in the shade and I slowed to let him get close to me. I told him my apartment was about 2 minutes away with a private entrance. I also told him my name was Paul and he said his name was Greg. We walked on in silence, both of us I'm sure feeling that wonderful and exquisite uneasy feeling that is always there with these chance encounters.

My apartment was on the second floor of a two-story house. Downstairs was rented by two girls who I knew from living above them for about a year, but we didn't really hang out. I also knew that they were both out of town.

The street was quiet except for the buzzing of the insects, a far-off lawnmower and the chirping of various birds in the large oak and elm trees that lined the street on both sides.

I opened the door and he followed me up the steps to my apartment. I offered him some water, which he gladly took, and then we sat down at the two top that served as my kitchen table. I had a fan in the window that was blowing the air around, and the whole apartment was in the shade of the trees that surrounded it, so it was a bit cooler inside than out.

Greg told me that he had just finished his freshman year and had stayed the summer because he was on the tennis team and wanted to work with the coach, in a special program. He was staying in the dorms, which was air conditioned, which was nice, he said, but he had a roommate. His dorm was only about a 5- or 7-minute walk from my apartment.

Greg was about an inch taller than my 5'8". He had sandy blonde hair and was deeply tanned—he obviously spent a lot of time outside, on the tennis court. He had on a blue t-shirt which covered a thin body and he was wearing tan tennis shorts. Like me, his feet were clad in sandals. He had strong arms and roped tendons and his calves and thighs were pretty solid.

And he was cute. His blonde hair fell to his shoulders and was parted slightly to the left side, like Bjorn Borg. He wasn't as blonde as Borg but his hair was as full. He had a short, upturned nose and clear blue eyes. His skin was soft with only the slightest hint of needing to be shaved. His teeth were straight and white. They'd obviously cost his parents some money with the orthodontist.

I was about an inch shorter. I had curly brown hair that was not as long as his but was thick and fell around my face. Our bodies were similar. We were both thin but not overly muscled, except for his legs and arms.

We talked for a little bit. It became clear that we ran in very different circles, which was not surprising since there were about 10,000 students at the school. At times that seemed small but in reality it meant that there was a greater chance you didn't know someone than you did. I'm sure if we got into "who you know" we'd find someone we both knew, but we left that alone. We were content that we didn't seem to run in the same circles, so for us that was good for a start.

I told him that I was glad he left his note. He said he was, too, but he almost didn't show. He arrived early and was planning to sit in the stall, he said, but then he realize that there was someone working at the table he had passed and was concerned that the student at the table would think it was odd that he was in there for so long (assuming someone else had shown up). I laughed at that and told him how I'd always worked there and had basically staked out the bathroom. I asked him when he left the note and it turned out that I found it within minutes of when left it. I didn't admit to him that I threw his note away almost within minutes of him leaving it.

I asked him if he wanted to go into my bedroom and he nodded. We walked down the hall. Like the kitchen, my bedroom was heavily shaded on both sides that had windows. In the south facing window I had a box fan that I had left on. The room wasn't as cool as it would be if I had an air-conditioner but it was probably in the low 80's, which wasn't too unpleasant.

I stopped by the bed and put my arms around his shoulders, drawing him close. He wrapped his arms around my waste and our lips met. Our tongues quickly began exploring. His breath, and presumably mine, was sweet from the LifeSavers we each admitted to the other we'd been sucking on all day. I felt his hand creep up under my t-shirt and felt an electric pulse as he found my right nipple and started to rub it with his finger and thumb.

My hand wandered down and slipped inside his belt, traveling lower to caress his young, smooth ass.

We each were rock hard. I could feel him as he pressed against me and I knew he could feel me. We pushed away from each other and then each pulled our t-shirts up over our heads. I then reached out and undid his belt and the clasp on his shorts, letting them fall to the floor. He shucked them away. He was now standing naked in front of me, except for his white BVD's. His chest was naturally bare. But what really stood out was that he was deeply tanned to his waistline and then he was stark white from his waistline down to about mid-thigh, where his tan started again and ran down to his ankles.

His BVD pouch was strained from where it was holding his cock. I marveled at his body. So dark above and so deliciously milky white through his groin.

I dropped my shorts to the floor with single tug of the cloth string that had held them up. I had gone commando that day, as I did most days in the summer (and, frankly, the other three seasons), so I was immediately completely naked. My 6" cut cock sprang up from my dark bush immediately, happy to be out and about.

He reached down and took my balls, that were loose and swaying below my cock, into his hands. He played with them for just a few seconds and then stopped. He leaned in and kissed me under the ear.

I took this as my cue to pull his briefs down. I got on my knees in front of him. My head was about even with his belly button. Both hands reached up and grasped either side of his underwear. I tugged them down below his knees and he stepped out of them. We were both completely naked.

I stayed where I was on my knees and about a half a foot away from his body. As I said, he was milk white from the waist down to his mid-thigh. The juxtaposition of his very dark tan against the blazing white of his crotch region was very erotic—casting his package in a fine glow.

His cock was about 5 inches long and cut and it was rock hard, oozing pre-cum from its hole. At the base of his cock his lightly haired pubes form a thin patch. I touched my finger to the tip of his cock and pulled back a string of pre-cum quickly found itself into my eager mouth.

I arched my head down as I picked up his left foot. Like his midsection, his foot was white from mid-ankle down, the result of wearing tennis shoes and short socks. I'm not normally a foot person but I picked up his foot and it looked perfect. Muscled arch tapering down to long white, neatly clipped toes. He had a long big toe and I brough his foot close and took it in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it and sucked on it like it was a little cock. He squirmed while I gently rubbed his insole while sucking on his toe. My mouth left his toe and my tongue traversed a line across his foot, up past his ankle to his calf. His calf was hard and firm, lightly covered with light hair. My tongue continued up the inside of his leg, past his knee and then breached the dividing line mid-thigh where dark brown skin turned to blazing white.

I continued on and licked the crease where his left leg met his torso, up and down. I then licked and kissed my way into his pubic mound. I took his left ball into my mouth and gently sucked, rolling the ball around in my mouth. I stopped only to move to the right and then sucked that into my waiting mouth. Soon, I had both balls in my mouth and I was licking and suck his ball sack. My hands were rubbing up and down his legs, dancing close to his cock and then flitting back down his legs.

I pulled back and looked up at him. He was smiling down at me. I gently pushed him back on the bed so that his legs were dangling over the side. I then placed my hands under each knee and bent his legs back up toward his head, exposing his white cheeks. I leaned in and my tongue traced a trail from his balls back down his lightly haired taint and to his pink little hole, which was naturally bare. I dipped my tongue against his hole and he arched back, breathing in sharply. He didn't move away so I took that as an invitation, plunging my eager tongue deeply in. I licked around and licked outside and then inside, over and over again. At the same time my left hand had found his cock and I was gently stroking it up and down. I ate him for what seemed like 10 minutes but was probably less than that, licking him deeply and using my teeth and mouth to gently nip at the folds around his hole.

Abandoning his sweet hole, my tongue traveled back up his taint and I nuzzled his ball sack with my tongue and lips. He lay flat on the bed. Ignoring his cock, my lips swirled around his pubic mound and danced through his sparse blonde pubic hair. I then licked him from the tip of his pubic hair up to his belly button, forming my own trail since he didn't have one.

My hands weren't idle. While my lips and tongue were busy exploring his anal and pubic regions, my hands were lightly caressing his flat stomach and hard chest, stopping to gently twist or caress his hard nipples.

His cock was awash with pre-cum. I reached down with my right hand and used my palm to collect some and then started milking him up and down. This made him writhe on the bed. I finally found his balls and started to gently caress him as I took his pinkish-white cock into my mouth. I let the head pass through my lips. My tongue danced around the slit and licked all remnants of pre-cum and swallowed it down my throat. I kept the head at the edge of my mouth and licked around the little helmet, slowly moving my lips down his 5" shaft. It was velvet soft and solid at the same time and I loved the taste of it.

After sucking and tonguing it for a little bit, I grabbed him by his small hips and pulled him in so that I was taking his cock deep, my nose against his pubes. He got the hint and started fucking my mouth deep, with thrusts in and out and sliding back into my throat. I loved the taste of him and the feel of him as he went in and out.

Suddenly, he arched forward and grabbed me by the ears, pulling me up and off of his cock. "Stop," he pleaded. "Please, stop." His cock was pointing right at me. It was actually dripping from my saliva. I reached out and rubbed his balls and said, "Ok," but only for a little.

I climbed up on the bed beside him and propped myself up on my right arm, my elbow pinned into the bed. My left hand reached out and gently rubbed his tummy and his chest. He lay on the bed with his arms crossed behind his beautiful head of hair. He was smiling at me. My fingers danced across his left nipple and found his sparsely haired right armpit. I played with his blonde hair and traced my fingers back and forth from his pit to his chest to his tummy and up again.

I leaned in and kissed him again, lightly. My tongue danced against his soft lips. His right hand came out from behind his head and found the back of my head, pulling me into him for another deep and passionate kiss. I pulled back and licked his lips. He licked mine and then licked my nose.

He gently pushed me on my back and looked over my body. He leaned in and licked the dark forest under my right arm and then let his lips dance across my chest.

My cock was rock hard and was pointing straight back at my belly button. I was aching. I wanted him to touch me. To hold me. To lick me. To suck me. He took his time and found the light hair between my breasts and played with it with his fingers. He then traced across my chest and pulled on and touched my nipples.

He placed his hand flat on my stomach and moved it down toward my cock. Slowly, slowly he passed down over my belly button and then reached my pubic hair. I am naturally hairy and had a dark forest of hair that stretched nearly from one hip to another. He traced a path through my bush with his fingers, gently kneading and stroking his fingers moved through my patch. Gradually his hand moved down and cupped my balls. He gently squeezed. I moaned. He squeezed a little harder. I moaned some more.

He then kissed my neck and proceeded to lick his way down my chest, stopping to bite my hard nipples and gently nip at my stomach skin. He reached my pleasure trail and laid his tongue flat on it, following it down to my thicket of pubic hair. His hands still squeezed and unsqueezed my balls. He pulled his head up and the put his lips on the head of my cock. I could feel his tongue probing my slit and then dancing across my cap, licking under the ridge. All the while his hands continued to squeeze my balls. He licked my cock on the outside, not taking it into his mouth but wrapping his tongue as far around it as he could, sliding up and down on it.

I grabbed him by his narrow hips and pulled his cock around to face me. Without any pre-warning or pre-touch, I ate his cock into my mouths, licking it all around. He started to pound into my face furiously. I reached behind and found his hole and rubbed my finger across the top of it and he pounded into my mouth even harder. Meanwhile, down below, he had my cock now into his mouth and with his lips pursed he was bobbing up and down on it, all the way to my pubes and back up again.

We both started bucking furiously and then I felt his cock start to pulse and balls retract That was enough for me, I started to convulse and in a second I was shooting a volley of cum into his mouth while I joyfully swallowed a volley of his into mine.

We lay there, each letting our cocks deflate in the other's mouth, savoring the still oozing cum. After a while he asked me if I needed to be anywhere. I told him not until the morning. He laughed and said he guessed his roommate was going to spend the night alone.

Next: Chapter 2

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