White Asian Lust

Published on Mar 22, 2001


The stories in this site are great, but I get sick of gay porns portrayal of men as always 'firm, hot and hung', sure alot are that way and good luck to em' but I always go for the stuff with the 'average' guys - the one's with a different kind of beauty. So here it is:

Interacial / WS / soft scat

White Asian Lust - Part 2 - by JonH.

Waking up a short time later I noticed that the sun had started to set but it was still hot, Li and Tran lay sideways on the grass facing each other with their heads propped up on their hands and quitely sipping beers, Takeshi was dozing sprawled on his back on the dirt with his flacid cock resting between his legs. I sat up with my knee's bent and faced Tran and Li. Watching the four naked men on the dirt and grass stirred my cock slightly but I needed to piss more than anything else.

"I need to piss, but can't be bothered gettin' up"

"Me too" slurred Tran.

"I gotta go right now".

Li got unsteadly to his feet and aimed his cock at the tree trunk less than a foot away, I noticed he had dirt and grass stuck to his arse but he was too drunk to notice. Tran seemed to drunk to stand up so he stayed where he was. Swaying slightly I got to my feet and walked over to the tree - figuring it's best to keep our campsite toilet in one place, I stood next to Li and started to piss. After having drunk beer all day our piss was a torrent of pale yellow streams, striking the tree they splashed onto our feet and legs, we both moved backwards to avoid the spray but figured we'd have a swim later so what did it matter.

Li suddenly stopped his stream half way and looked down at Tran.

Aiming his dick at a spot on the tree closer to where Tran sat he resumed his pissing. Tran didn't realise we'd seen him willingly sit near the splashing streams of piss and lets some drops land in his hair and face and now with Li pissing on the tree again alot of drops got into Tran's hair and this time they were big enough to trickle down Tran's cheek. I thought maybe Tran was asleep and didn't realise but then I saw his eyes open.

Again Li stopped himself pissing - he didn't have much left - I also stopped pissing just in case. Aiming is cock towards Tran he quitly said "Tran" at this Tran looked up at Li's cock, Li then continued to piss, aiming his piss inches from Tran's face he slowly guided the stream closer to his face. Tran moved his head closer to the stream until it hit him directly on the head, rivers of piss drenched his hair and started to run down his face and over his closed eyes and mouth. I thought I'd give Li some of what he was giving Tran so I aimed the rest of my torrent of his at Li's legs, he didn't make any attempt to move, in fact he held at a cupped hand and let me fill it with piss, this he drew up to his face and tentavely stuck his tongue into the pool of urine to taste it and then he opened his fingers and let it run down his body.

Why this was happening Takeshi has woken up and didn't know what to make of what he saw, in a way it disgusted in, then again he felt oddly excited by what men can do. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but he knew that because he'd been constipated he had a hard piece of shit in his arse and was sure that Tran's tongue would have almost touched it when he was rimming him earlier.

"I'm going to the toilet right away from you animals" Takeshi blurted out. Me and Li were shaking the last drops of piss from our cocks, as Takeshi waded into the river, Tran looked on and appeared to look sad at the piss that'd be pissed into the water. Takeshi secretly knew that he'd love to stick around and watch what they did next but the beer and the tongue had cured his constipation so he wanted to wash out his hole for later. Facing away from the shore he squated down in the water with his arse under the surface, he then started to push as hard as he could to get the shit out of his hole, finally a hard piece started to come out. Just then he felt a hand cupped over his arse hole, Tran was behind him with his hand under the water waiting for what come out, he still had piss soaked hair so Takeshi decided not to try and sound disgusted, he just turned around and started to push out the hard piece of shit. Tran felt Takeshi's hard shit touch his palm and instantly it gave him a hard on, squating down behind Takeshi he tried to see what was happening under the waters surface but couldn't.

"Push, man, push, I wanna feel your shit" he whispered.

With that Takeshi pushed as hard as he could until Tran held in his hand three inches of shit, feeling around the hole he felt how wide Takeshi's arse had opened, it must of hurt so Tran gripped onto the shit as hard as it could take and pulled it from Takeshi's hole until it was all out, the hole snapped shut and Takeshi sighed, leaning foward he was embarresed to show Tran what a stiff cock this had given him. Having another man pull shit from his hole drove him mad with lust, Tran held the shit under the water and started to rub and smear it all over Takeshi's arse, the filth of it made them shudder, the squashed shit on his hand Tran used as an underwater lubricant as he pump his cock When finally the shit had washed away Trans finger dug into the hole to look for more and to clean out the bowels, he would happliy play with shit but he knew that if he was tonguing out that arse later on he didn't want to taste it.

"Got any more?" I asked. Li and me had waded out to the waist deep water and wanted to see what these pigs were doing. Takeshi answered by squating in the river water, we all did the same and held our hands behind his arse waiting. "Push again man" said Tran. With straining face Takeshi really pushed. I felt under the water and slid my finger up his crack then I felt the shit touch my finger. "Push it" With a gasp Takeshi filled my waiting hand with a long hard log. Still squating up to our necks in water I passed the log to Li, Li then began to smear it onto his stiff cock, I grabbed a piece and did the same. We grabbed at the log and started rubbing it all over each others body until we were smeared with shit...we kept rubbing each others bodies until all the shit had been washed away by the water and finally I inserted a finger up Takeshis hole and helped clean the insides of his bowels.

With red flushed desire faces we headed to shore...

End of Part 2 (more on request)

Any idea's or comments? Write here: jhimi7@hushmail.com

(I'd appreciate it). JonH.

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