White Boy Gets Blackmailed

By sammythesub19

Published on Mar 27, 2023


Chapter Eleven -- Headshots

As I sat down on the circle line on my journey to nowhere, I started my search for the perfect man. It was a good plan, almost foolproof, it would get me into the room with this mystery guy, and hopefully mouse could seal the deal from there. The trouble was, the plan required a very specific person. He had to be tall, handsome, well dressed and slightly full of himself. And of course black, that was the stipulation by T. Although, who was I kidding. I would have made that a crucial part of the brief even if he hadn't had said.

Stop after stop I scanned intently whilst trying to be as subtle as possible. I saw old handsome men, fat men, youngsters, handymen, all black, all beautiful to me, but weren't quite right. They were either too rugged, too young, too pristine, too casual. None quite fit the bill. I got off the tube, switched directions and tried a different carriage just to try anything to lift the bad luck I was having. Stop after stop and nothing. Maybe I need to reconsider this plan, I began to think when all of a sudden: mister perfect steps on to the crowded train.

Around 6'5", he was wearing a long overcoat with slim blue chinos and a dark brown hoodie. With expensive sunglasses on and a pair of limited edition air jordans on I knew I had found the guy. The way he carried himself, very well groomed with a short but trimmed beard, he knew he looked good and I could tell he was into fashion. As I got up from my seat and edged closer to him placing my hand just under his on the hand rail I breathed in his musk and my senses were filled with a smoky wood like cologne. I almost exhaled out loud and was ashamed to admit that it turned me on a little.

Step 1 was complete. Now I just had to be patient. It took a few more stops than I expected but, eventually, the plan was in motion. When we arrived at a stop in East London he started shuffling towards the train door, this was my chance. As the underground voice rang out announcing the stop and to 'mind the gap' he hopped off onto the platform and started heading for the exit, I followed close behind. I felt almost like a spy, wanting to stay close by as to not lose him, but far enough away so he didn't suspect any strange behaviour. As we exited the station and he turned down a quieter street I made my move.

"Sorry excuse me!" I exclaimed.

He didn't acknowledge me, airpods in and oblivious to the world. I had to speed walk past him and stop him in his tracks with a friendly half wave.


"Yeah what's up" He looks perplexed and slightly irritated for being interrupted, I better get to the point.

"Sorry to bother you, it's just- I'm a lifestyle photographer and I just noticed you on the tube just now. I've got to say, I love your style, the shoes are incredible, the fit overall is so nice. I'm doing more fashion based stuff at the moment and I was wondering if you'd be interested in me taking a few pictures of you? Free of charge and you get the pictures?"

His reaction took me a bit by surprise, although I supposed it should as he's clearly been asked before.

"Ahh, yeah man...you sure? I mean, can you work a camera? Needs to be worth my time..."

Didn't expect to have to meet a certain criteria... I guess I had found the right guy, certainly had the self belief.

"Haha... I can, look I'll show you my instagram and then you can decide if I'm up to the task."

That loosened him a little bit, and he seemed to realise what he'd said sounded a bit dick-ish. He leaned into me to look closer at my Instagram, clearly feeling bad.

I showed him some of my more recent shoots that were more of a candid feel, and were shot for a start-up apparel brand.

"Oh yeah, nice nice, yeah like your stuff man. Good to see you can shoot a black face nicely as well, not a lot of white boys can get the lighting right, they just don't get it. That's why I had to ask".

"No I totally get it, guy like you doesn't need his time wasted by an Insta wannabe who just bought his first camera. So what do you say, couple down this street and a couple more in situ?"

"Yeah great great, sounds good".

Thank goodness I brought my camera along today, I thought.

As I took pictures of him in candid poses in different spots on the street, we started some small talk. Where abouts he's from, what he does, what he was up to that day, do I do this often. After a few different scenarios of him leaning against the walls and walking down the middle of the empty road I turned my camera over to him for his verdict.

"Oh man, I love these, yeah these are great the ones with my hands like that, very nice man you've got the eye, and you sure these are free yeah?"

"Yeah of course, like I say it's nice pictures for my site, my daily content and I get the constant practice, plus I get a future contact if I ever need a new model"

That seemed to stroke his ego.

"Ah man stop, that's cool that's cool, I would".

Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket a few times in rapid succession, I knew who that would be. As the guy went on about doing some small modelling in the past I politely nodded and checked my phone.

-Where the fuck is this video

-Bitch, you said you were sending

-Slut, dont lie to me, dont test me

-Respond. Now.

I quickly jumped to respond "working on it now, I've got the guy, I'll send over soon"

  • one hour.

I better get this plan moving... I gestured for my camera back.

"Awesome, so glad you're happy with the pictures, so we just need to wrap up the in situ ones and we can call it a successful day. How does that sound?"

"In situ, what you mean, like me at work or something?"

"No no, well kind of, as you can see from my best pictures on the Insta, it's usually taking shots of people in the places they feel most comfortable, can be the work place but usually it's in their apartment. It's a great way to capture small moments of who someone really is, doing their natural thing. these shots on the street are great but a little forced if you know what I mean? You moving around your flat naturally will just look, well, more natural"

"Ohhh, I get you, yeah urm okay shouldn't be an issue. I'll just need to make sure my girlfriend isn't working from home today, don't want to get in her way, let me just text her."

"No worries, happy to wait a minute or two."

Please, for the love of god-

"Ah yeah she's in the office today so we're all clear. She might be back in an hour or two to grab some things but that should be all good right?

"An hour is all we need."

An hour is all I've got... I thought.

"Nice, flats just around the corner, follow me."

We made casual small talk and banter on the way there, I could tell he was warming to me after seeing how good the pictures were, and clearly the tables had turned, wanting to impress me now with his modelling experience.

As we entered his East London flat it was exactly how I imagined it, pretty compact but very well curated. It comprised of a double bedroom, office and living area which doubled as the kitchen. There was a stripy rug with abstract art filling the walls. Coffee table books and tasteful second hand furniture.

"Beautiful place, so do you want to change into something else for the new shots? Could always do a few looks?"

"Thanks man, and yeah sure sounds good"

As he came back in with a few different outfits we shot the first one without any fuss, now here was the key moment. As he went to change in the other room I stopped him.

"That's alright just change here, don't be shy, models change in the same room as me all the time it'll save you time having to go back and forth when all you're doing is changing your jeans and shirt"

"Oh haha yeah fair enough, not shy just didn't want to make you feel weird"

"No trust me it's all good"

As he slipped off his trousers to change into the jeans I saw the outline of his cock in his boxer briefs. As expected, he was large. Thank god, good content I thought.

As he buttoned up his jeans and started posing I began to feign displeasure in how the images were coming out.

"Hmmm" I tutted, looking at the images and looking back at him.

"Oh what's up?" He immediately chimed in. "Not a fan of this outfit?" He was suddenly a little self conscious.

"No no, the outfit is good, just isn't hanging right off your body is the only thing. Pull the jeans down a little, so they're sitting on your hips"

He pulled them down, and I shot again, I still wasn't "impressed".

"Hmmm, not quite dramatic enough, let me...".

I strolled over and started pulling his jeans down to the point where I exposed the top of his pubic region, a snail trail revealed itself as his boxers came down with his jeans a little. As I `straightened' out his jeans I made sure to give a subtle but noticeable stroke on his shaft through his jeans, as I remembered which way he was leaning.

I pretended like nothing had happened, and as he didn't say anything I knew my plan might work after all.

I went back took a few more pictures and was of course much happier with where they were going.

"Almost perfect, just one more thing"

I strolled back over, this time body to body with complete intention I guided my hand down and stroked up and down his shaft through his jeans, it was noticeably harder than last time, I'd done the trick.

"Guess my adjustments made an impression" I said, looking up and smiling.

He started stuttering as I looked up at him rhythmically stroking his dick through his jeans becoming harder by the second.

"I- uh-what are you doing..."

"Well I'm super thankful for you letting me take these pictures, so I thought I'd return the favour" I slipped my hand up to unbutton his jeans and slid my hand inside his boxers.

"Mate I'm not gay"

"I don't count as a guy, so you getting a blowjob wouldn't make you gay would it? Besides you clearly need it from what I can tell, getting a blowjob doesn't make you guy if it was the other way round then maybe, but this isn't that is it..."

As I clasped my little hand around his meaty cock he inhaled sharply.

"And there's my answer"

I fell to my knees and yanked down his jeans and boxers in one quick motion. As they came down his almost completely hard cock bounced up from his boxers and almost hit me in the face. Without hesitation I clasped my hand around the base and started licking up and down the shaft.

As he started to relax, I reached down, grabbed my camera and handed it to him.

In between wet kisses on his shaft I said : "here, it's your turn, film it"

He was confused but grabbed the camera anyway.

"What are you, some kind of sex addict?"

"Just for black cock, now click record and let's make you cum"

Next: Chapter 12

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