White Tail Lodge

Published on Mar 19, 2000


White Tail lodge Part 3

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@excite.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and no gesture toward common sense too. This story follows on my earlier stories, Snow on the Mountain and Preaching to the Choir. They aren't required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I am re-describing the characters in this story so that it will stand on its own. Another story, Uncle Jake, deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twins. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

Wally told us to get to bed early. "We have a long day tomorrow, and from experience I can tell you it's a lot easier to get to sleep in this room before it gets really cool."

Bill and I went to our bedroom and I jumped in the shower. The warm water and surprising good water pressure felt wonderful. When I got out, Bill was sound asleep in bed, snoring up a storm. The snoring problem had been the subject of considerable joking at my house. We didn't sleep together for that reason, and the soundness of that arrangement was confirmed here. I put on a terry cloth robe and went to the loft.

The flickering fire and bright glow of the moon shining through the windows alone illuminated the room. The loft seemed cool now and I looked for a bed.

"Max! In here, with us!" Skeeter whispered as I passed a bed. I got closer. "In the middle. Between us." Skeeter said.

"Max. You're just the man we need." Templeton said from the other side of the bed. "I want to fuck and Skeeter wants to suck. Can you help us out?"

"You mean Skeeter isn't double jointed? " I asked laughing.

"Well you know that if I could, I would!" Skeeter said. "Are you game?"

"I'm afraid you both know the answer to that!" I said. Skeeter pivoted in the bed and deep throated my soft cock. His cock was at my mouth level and wasn't soft at all. I took a tentative lick, and nature took its course. Skeeter was 100% redneck with a thick bushy beard and a long uncut cock. He was a cum hound and, given his druthers, would suck for hours. We liked each other but weren't attracted to each other, so the sex was great. We could enjoy each other's body without the drive to climax.

Templeton was short, thin and dapper with a neatly trimmed beard. In a suit he was the proper computer programer for a downtown bank. Naked, he was a classic otter, covered in a coat of silky black hair. Templeton's cock was the size of a telephone pole. I had experienced it first hand on the Fourth of July weekend two years earlier, and was excited about a refill.

He positioned his head at my ass and applied pressure. He was well lubricated. Skeeter must have agreed to bottom before I showed up, and Templeton slowly pumped his huge head into my yielding hole. Two years earlier he had been inexperienced with fucking. His donkey dong had scared away most of his partners. Size didn't seem to bother anyone in our group, so Templeton was more experienced and skilled. We adjusted out position. Skeeter and I were sixty-nining in a tight ball. I had his knees held at my shoulders, so I could suck his cock, balls or hole as I felt the urge. Skeeter did the same below me. He had access to Templeton's cock as it worked its way into my ass, and to his low hanging bull balls. We were under the covers in a tent of sheets and blankets.

Templeton fucked me doggy style, his cock working its way in deeper. He was draped over my back and played with my tits. It was hot, both sexually and physically under the covers. The smell, feel and taste of men in heat was overwhelming. Templeton didn't exactly fuck me. He occupied my ass. His donkey dong slowly filled the whole chute, his head probing and poking. When he was fully enveloped in it he stopped and twitched every few seconds.

Scooter was getting more excited. With Templeton fully penetrating my ass, Templeton's low hanging balls were bouncing on my more compact nuts. Scooter could suck each. He was spewing pre cum at a good rate and I knew he was trying to get all four balls in his mouth at the same time. This was impossible but his frenzied efforts felt great on my balls.

Skeeter's cock exploded, flooding my mouth with his seed. Skeeter moaned and Templeton began to deep fuck me, pulling all the way out and then ramming me in hard thrusts. Skeeter immediately forgot the balls and deep throated my cock and got my whole load. It only took three thrusts of Templeton's cock to push me over the edge. Templeton shuddered as he shot his load.

I actually felt Templeton's cock throb in my ass. He later told me that he felt my prostate as it turned rock hard against his cock shaft. I couldn't move. Skeeter had stopped shooting, so I relaxed and just licked the globs of cum than continued to leak from his slit. Skeeter did the same for me. Templeton left his cock in my ass and let it deflate. When it finally popped out Skeeter was able to suck the last of Templeton's sperm from it.

We unwound and I fell asleep. I woke up at three in the morning. I couldn't hear Bill snoring anymore, so I decided to join him. The loft was cool, perhaps sixty degrees, and I added several small logs to the fire to keep some heat in the room. Wally's approach to fires was right. The coals gave off considerable heat without any sparks.

Bill's bedroom was warmer, but not hot. The temperature was set at sixty-five. I got in bed and woke Bobby.

"Sorry." I said, whispering. "I didn't realize you were here."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were coming back." Bobby said. "I'll leave."

"There is room for three, don't worry." I said. Bill was breathing rhythmically and was sound asleep.

"I don't mean to trespass." Bobby said. "I didn't realize you were lovers."

"It's not really that kind of a relationship. We're good friends and companions, but we aren't married." I said. "It's more like family. Members of a clan."

"I've never been so turned on by anyone in my life." He said.

"I noticed." I said. "Your drooling made a slippery spot on the floor."

"It was that noticeable?" He whispered.

"It sure was. But don't worry. You are in a group of men who share the same interests." I said. " But let me tell you, we like each other and understand. You are among friends." I felt sorry for Bobby. He was young, masculine and gay. He was learning all sorts of new things and was confused and lost.

"I hadn't had sex with a man until I ran into Wally." Bobby said. "I loved it, but it didn't occur to me that I would fall in love with a man."

"You can either pretend it didn't happen and suppress it, and go crazy, or. . ."

"I can get a grip," Bobby finished my sentence. We had been whispering and Bill was still soundly sleeping. "I know that. I've never felt like I did when Bill screwed me."

"Have you been fucked before?"

"Once by Rex. But it wasn't the same thing." Bobby said. "I was going to fuck him, but he was too spent to do it."

"You've never fucked?" I asked.

"Nope." He said. "But I bet there will be an opportunity in the next few days." In the chill room the bed was warm and the conversation paused. I drifted off to sleep.

A bell woke me. Wally was calling that breakfast would be ready in ten minutes. Rex and Bobby were out of the house quickly. They had to get to the ranger station ten miles away. They would be back that night. One of the twins was helping Wally in the kitchen. I built the fire up again and the place was comfortable in the way that a cold room is as a fire begins to warm it up.

"My plan is to take you on a circuit of the property and show you the major trails." Wally said. "It is laid out so that it is difficult to get lost since there is a trail on the perimeter of the property and radial trails to the lodge. Three chops are the perimeter marking. Two chops are the radial marks."

"It had better be good. I have a poor sense of direction." Scooter said.

"Don't worry, once you see the marks, they are quite obvious." Wally said. "My Aunt was a good outdoors woman, very sensible and intelligent. Once you understand her logic, it's easy."

"You should smear some cum on trees." Templeton suggested. "Scooter would have no trouble finding that!" We all laughed.

"That is Bach, the dogs, theory." Wally said. "He and my Aunt have the same taste in trees. There are also two cabins at the extreme edges of the property in case you get caught in a storm."

"Storms come up fast here as I recall." Bill said. "I remember building a house in Wintergreen. It was seventy and sunny one minute and snowing the next."

"Well, I have my satellite connection to the Weather Channel."Wally laughed. "We should be fine."

Wally had packed a lunch, and distributed it in several backpacks, and we set off as the sun rose. It was a cool crisp morning, everything that Fall in the Blue ridge should be. Most of the trees were bare, but there was enough color on the remaining leaves and the carpet of red, yellow and brown on the ground contrasted beautifully against the black and gray tree trunks, and the deep blue sky.

I hadn't been hiking in the mountains in thirty years and Wally and the twins provided a running commentary on the flora and fauna. We stopped after two hours on a rock outcropping overlooking a valley. The stump of a huge oak tree marked the spot.

"It was struck by lightening fifteen years ago." Wally said. "This was my aunt and my favorite place. It is rare to find a long vista in the forest." We sat and had a drink.

"Look what I found!" Templeton said. He lifted an old board with the words "Wally's Tree" and the date 1975 cut into it.

"Aunt Isabel liked to label things." Wally said. "I didn't know it survived."

The stump was perhaps fifteen feet in diameter, and stood twenty feet tapering toward the shy. I was thinking of nineteenth century landscape painters who would have loved to depict the dead trunk in the midst of the glory and bounty of nature.

"Shit!" Clyde said. "It's a model of your fucking cock! I knew I had seen it somewhere before!" That comment broke my Hudson River School like revery. It did look like Wally's tapered and thick meat. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Well Clyde!" Wally said. "Not only have you seen it, I think it was in your ass last night! At least I think it was you."

"It sure was!" Clyde said. "The first time, Will took you the second time."

"I remember you liked to switch off fucking." I said. "That contest was fun two years ago. How do you switch on the bottom?"

"Frankly, darkness helps." Clyde said. "There were four of us in bed." Rex must have been part of the group.

"No problem keeping warm, I bet?"

"None at all." Wally said, smiling. "There was enough heat in that bed to classify us as an alternative energy source." I though of Scooter trying to eat Templeton and my balls that night and knew what he was talking about.

"That gets my ass to twitching just looking at it!" Clyde said as he gazed at the tree.

"Clyde, you are my brother, and I love you like a brother." Wilbur said. "But it's a fucking tree trunk! I think you're turning down right strange."

"Just savoring fond memories, Brother Will. Just savoring the memories." We continued on the hike. The trail system and makings were very clear and logical once you had been on the trail for a while. The path was natural and looked as if the area was undisturbed, but you always could figure out where the next maker would logically be. Bach and Aunt Isabel must have been on exactly the same wave length, since the dog moved from marker to marker.

"It amazes me that dogs don't get dehydrated." Bill said. "He hasn't missed a tree."

"Dogs are perpetual piss machines." Templeton said. "There seems to be an unending supply."

"I'm not into eastern religions, but Bach makes you wonder about reincarnation." Wally said. "The spirit of Aunt Isabel must be in that dog somewhere. It's spooky the way he can follow her trails." As the conversation continued, I realized that I had been unworried about Bill's stamina. He was recovered not recovering. He clearly had no problem with the brisk pace of the hike, and his conversation was unclouded by the memories of the accident and his long recuperation.

By noon we reached one of the cabins and stopped for lunch. The day had warned considerably and the heavy clothes we needed that morning were shed. Wally had packed hardy sandwiches and they were specially good after the morning of exercise in the crisp air. The cabin was stone and wood like the main lodge and very rustic. Inside Wally showed us the concealed cabinet that contained survival supplies, ne4cessary if you were stranded in a storm or lost.

We had first met when we were stranded on Afton Mountain in a blizzard several years earlier, so we appreciated the violence of storms on the mountain. The cabin sat in a clearing so you could sit in the sun, unlike the shade in the heavily wooded areas.

"You are forty-five minutes from the lodge from here." Wally said. "If you are stranded, you need to plan of that to get back. The path is very clearly marked so it's an easy jaunt." Bach suddenly became alert, than ran off. We heard barking, then he ran back, followed by a blond giant.

"Grizzly!" Wally called.

"Stop calling me that, you organ playing fool!" The man bellowed.

"You forgot to bring Gentle Ben with you!" Wally yelled. "I've got company from the big city here! I wanted you to provide the local color!" The man indeed looked like Grizzly Adams. He was a good six-five with a bushy beard and a barrel chest.

"You're a fucking fool! Wally." The man yelled in a good natured way. When he got closer, he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Gil Richards, Ph.D., biologist, and next door neighbor."

"And director of the U.VA Blue Ridge Study center." Wally added. Wally introduced everyone. "And you may not have noticed, a dead ringer for a certain television star."

"And I can't tell you how much I appreciate Wally reminding everyone of that. " Gil said. "It's hard to be to be taken seriously when everyone is busy looking for my bear! Nice to meet you all. Wally told me he was having house guests this week." Gil might complain about looking like Grizzly Adams, but he did nothing to break the allusion. The plaid shirt opened almost to his waist, and the luxuriant beard were clearly calculated.

"Will you be joining us?" Wally asked. I realized that this was not an accidental meeting. He had dropped by to check us out. You could see the outline of his cock in his pants, and it seemed to me that the outline was getting more pronounced. "Have a sandwich."

"That sounds great. Thank you." Gil said. "I've got a lot of things to do this afternoon, but I might be able to stop by this afternoon. I am checking and renewing the posted signs."

"We make it for dinner, and make it a night." Wally said. Stan had cached us out and was obviously interested. The interest was mutual.

"I might just do that. Sally's out of town for a week and I could use some real food." Gil said.

"Gil is cursed with an attractive astronomer wife, who happens to be a vegetarian. I provide him meat when she is away." Wally said. "We carnivores need to stick together!"

"If you like meat, Wally's the guy for you!" Scooter said. Subtlety is not Scooter's strong suit.

"It looks pretty beefy here." Gil said looking around, obviously noting Templeton's horse cock, clearly outlined in his pant leg. "Unless something comes up Wally, you can count on me tonight." Gil was no more interested in subtlety than Scooter. The conversation continued and we got ready to resume our hike.

"I need a volunteer to go back to the lodge. Vince is supposed to get here around three this afternoon." I decided to go, since I wasn't going to be hunting, and didn't need to know the lay of the land as much as the hunters. The walk back to the lodge took about an hour. The tail was well marked. At the lodge there was a message on the answering machine from Vince saying that he would get there around four.

I went out to the hot tub, stripped and got into the sun. It was a crystal clear day, and even the autumn sun was hot. I dozed off and then woke up with the sense that I wasn't alone.

"Sorry I woke you." A voice said. Opening my eyes, I saw Gil, naked and on a chair next to me. "I got my chores done early and decided to stop by. Is it all right if I try out the hot tub?"

""I'm sure it is." I said. Gil's gold beard was wavy, and the hair was continuous over his body. It swirled following the contours of his muscles and formed a river of hair from his chest to his pubic region. His cock was six inches soft and cut. I got into the tub with him. "How long have you known Wally?"

"Ever since I came here as director. His family donated the land for the center and gave us our seed money. He is the patron saint of the institution."

"Generous he is." I said. "But I'm not sure about saintly!" He laughed.

"I don't know about that. If there is a patron Saint for horse hung men, he is it." Gill said.

"Saint Wally. Intercede for me, for I want to sin!" I suggested a prayer. We laughed.

Gil suggested another. "St Wally, I am a long way from a willing ass, so find me some place to drop my load."

"This has all the makings of a good after dinner game. Pin the prayer on the Saint." I said. "Although you aren't that far away from a willing ass. I assume that Wally has discussed my sexual interests with you?"

"As a mater of fact he did." Gil admitted. "He did seem to think that we would hit it off." Gil stood in the tub and his cock was well along the way to an erection. I was annoyed that Wally had been discussing my interests with a complete stranger, but simple lust easily overcame my concern.

Next: Chapter 4

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