White Tail Lodge

Published on May 20, 2000


White Tail Lodge Part 6

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@excite.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have made no gesture toward common sense either. This story follows on my earlier stories, Snow on the Mountain and Preaching to the Choir. They aren't required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I am re-describing the characters in this story so that it will stand on its own. I have started a new story, Uncle Jake, that deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twins. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

"So your trip was a success?" I asked.

"It sure was." Wilbur said. "And my Dutch friend may be visiting us next spring. He's attending a conference in Washington. I may call on you for guide duty."

"No problem there, I would love to help." I said. We reached Charlottesville by then and spent the next hour shopping. We got back to the lodge by one. Bill and Wally had returned.

"Enough hunting for one day!" Wally said. "The deer telegraph must have been busy this morning. "Hunting Season Today! Anything remotely approaching a deer must have been in hiding. "

"Not even a telltale rustling of leaves." Bill said. "If it wasn't for the mass of hunters, the hills would have been devoid of life." Bill looked tired. I had guessed that Wally's dissatisfaction with the days hunt was a cover to get Bill back to the lodge.

"Well boys." I said. "We can have a lunch of genuine plastic-covered Kroger hamburger if you want one. What could be more appropriate for a hunting party?"

After lunch Bill went to the bedroom, laid back on the bed and instantly went to sleep. I was to cook dinner that night and after lunch I made a vast pot of chili. After a cold day in the woods it would hit the spot. I am a believer in the long simmering school of cooking, and needed a good three or four hours of cooking to get the flavor I like.

As I had guessed, Wally returned to the hunt as soon as Bill went to sleep. After starting dinner, I found an old, summer-camp-style murder mystery on the bookshelves and sat down for a quiet afternoon. Templeton and Art returned at around four and said that Vince had gotten a deer and they were bringing it back after they had cleaned it. The sky was now covered with thick, increasingly dark clouds, clearly a storm was brewing.

It was getting colder, darker and quite windy outside and I built a fire to warm the lodge. Bill woke up at about five as John, the UPS man and the forest rangers returned. It was Friday so John was off for the weekend. The rangers, Rex and Bobby, had been on the road since five in the morning on the first day of hunting season, so they were bushed.

"No one lost yet, no one shot by accident yet. Opening day is a success!" Rex said.

"And fewer than usual ass holes!" Bobby added. "It has been a good day. We're off until Sunday assuming no one gets lost." He explained that they were on call for emergencies, but were otherwise free. "It's getting cold out there. It was drizzling at the higher elevations. We might get a dusting of snow."

We all stood on the lodge porch waiting for the hunters. The hunters returned in two groups, with Vince and Bob carrying a deer on a wood pole, Sherwood Forest style, and Scooter and Wally returning with a second deer. Clyde and Wilbur hung the deer in a shed to the rear of the lodge.

"Every one's luck changed after lunch. Even mine!" Wally said. Vince and Wally gave detailed accounts of their triumph, only slightly embellished and we admired the deer, Vince had shot a six pointer, Wally's was smaller but respectable. The drizzle had turned to rain.

"Let's get warm!" Vince said. "And I need a shower." Even in the darkness you could tell they were a dirty group of men.

"I hate to tell you this." Wally said. "But you guys are going to need to share the hot water. It's limited so pick a buddy."

"Hot damn!" Scooter said.

"I'll volunteer my shower for general use." Bill said. "I slept through the excitement and don't need to join you."

"Hell no!" Wally said. "We're all getting naked and we all are going to celebrate! The day won't be complete without your cock!" Everyone laughed and returned to the lodge.

"Strip wet clothes at the door!" Wally ordered. "Clyde, can you collect them and stow them in the laundry room. We can attend to them later." The fireplace was burning bright and the room felt warm compared to the chill and damp air outside. Since it was raining there was no danger of fire, so I had built up the logs. I went to the kitchen to stir dinner and make sure everything was cooking well. Bill, Bobby, John had fully occupied the tub-shower in my bedroom, so I went to Wally's room and joined Art, Templeton Wally and Vince in the large walk-in shower there.

"Is this the grade A Choice meat department?" I asked. Art was erect and clearly in a size queen's heaven.

"It looks that way to me!" Templeton said. The other men were at half staff and well on their way to full erections. "Come join us."

I got in the steamy room. I had only been out in the rain for twenty minutes and was chilled to the bone. The hunters must have been freezing. I lathered up. There was room for three in the space so it was tight, warm and there was no way to avoid body contact. Art was both extremely excited and uncomfortable. He obviously wanted to look at the array of horse cocks in the shower, but was too embarrassed to do so.

"If you want to look closer, just get on your knees." I heard Wally whisper in Art's ear. "And don't be afraid to taste them either. Nobody here will mind a little cock worship." Art needed no more encouragement. He dropped to the floor and was eye to cock with the three big men. They formed a ring around him with me at his back. He looked and stuck out his tongue. Vince was fully erect now and laid his cock on Art's tongue. Vince squeezed a drop of pre cum from his head and wiped it on the tongue. Art lunged forward to suck the whole thing but Vince held him back and directed Wally to move forward. Wally cock just barely touched Art's open mouth. He too squeezed out a drop and pulled back. Templeton came forward.

"Come on guys!" Art begged. "Stop teasing!"

Templeton obliged. He let Art take his entire cock head then the entire telephone pole vanished down Art's throat. It looked like one of those National Geographic videos of the snake opening its mouth to devour an animal many times its size. Art was a natural sucker. Templeton looked surprised, but pleased.

He swallowed Vince next, then Wally. "Lordy! Lordy! This boy can take cock!" Wally exclaimed.

"I've never seen anyone take my cock so effortlessly!" Vince said. Art switched back to Vince, then Templeton again. "This is great!" Art switched from cock to cock, trying to service all three. He couldn't seem to get enough cock. All of a sudden the shower water became cool. Wally switched it off.

" We're out of hot water" He said. "Out of the shower and dry off quickly or we'll get cold! We have the whole night. We can finish this off after dinner." We got out and dressed again and returned to the main room. I got dinner on the table. Everyone was properly appreciative, and as we drank more beer, the group became more and more appreciative.

"Wally. You are the perfect host, as always." Skeeter said. "But you've never run out of hot water before. I had just primed my cock when the cold water rained on my parade! I hate to all that work with no return."

"Be a man, Skeeter!" Bill said. "I don't seem to remember that getting an erection is especially challenging for you."

"It's not getting the erection, it's getting rid of the erection that is a problem!" Skeeter said.

"Well, I just met you two hours ago, and I didn't seem to notice any problem either way!" John said. "Although, I hate to contradict a man who may well be the best cock sucker I have ever encountered."

"You discovered Skeeter's special skill!" Wally asked. "He is a wonder. And incase you didn't know, he seems to be insatiable. That boy can suck and suck, and never get enough."

"Everybody needs to have a hobby!" Skeeter said. "I like to lend a helping mouth to those in need!"

"It helps being a slut though." Clyde interjected.

"I am not a slut!" Skeeter said. "Just very helpful to my fellow man!" The room burst out in laughter. "I may be wrong, but I seem to recall, that no one in this room has said, Skeeter, keep away from me! I am trying to preserve my virtue!"

"Well I am a fan of Dr. Laura and I believe in the death penalty for every offence." I said. "Never forgive, never forget, never change! Away you slut! I am a virgin!" There was more laughter.

"I was thinking about calling the good doctor and saying, Dr. Laura, I am my brother's fuck buddy and I have a dilemma. I have been fucking that boy's ass since we were sixteen and I am afraid he will get pregnant. But he doesn't want to marry me! What can I do?" Wilbur added.

"And Dr. Laura would call you a stupid ass hole and tell you that you are too dumb to marry or have children." Wally said. "Become a Christian and fuck bitches! Be a man!"

"But I don't like fucking bitches. Dr. Laura!" Clyde whined.

"Just think of the number of unwanted pregnancies caused by homosexual sex!" Bob interjected. "The good doctor has an earned PhD you know. She knows all about the problems of homosexual pregnancies!"

"And she is the perfect Christian thinker, except for the part about forgiveness, turning the other cheek, and doing unto others." Art said. "She makes Paul seem like a crazed libertine!"

"Actually, I think of myself as a pillar of virtue." Skeeter said. "Not a single drop of cum I have swallowed has resulted in an unwanted baby!" There was applause from around the diner table. We cleared the table. Light snow fell outside the window and Clyde built up the fire. The room was warm, almost hot. The heavy flannels and wool clothes we had been wearing were uncomfortable, so there was a general unbuttoning and shedding of shirts.

Dishes were cleaned, laundry was done and the room quieted down. The big dinner and the beer made for a mellow atmosphere. Wally tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to go to the bedroom with him. He opened a closet door and exposed a mass of animal skins and head dresses.

"When I was younger, my aunt had costume party and had animal costumes made for the guests. All of the skins are of animals caught on the property. I found them all in this cedar closet in perfect condition." Wally stripped and took out a deer costume. He put the head dress on. The antlers and skins merged with the hair on his body. He looked like pagan Celtic priest. It was an extraordinary transformation. He took a strap of rawhide and wrapped it around his cock. "I thought we might try a bit of Druid orgy tonight!"

"Your aunt's friends must have been a bit more progressive than I have guessed!" I said looking at the naked spirt. It was hard to believe that a simple change of costume could change Wally so much.

"Not at all." Wally said. "These were worn over black tie evening dress! They are skimpy because they wanted the ladies evening gowns to show." Wally told me to pick out a costume and try it on. I went for the bear costume, but Wally said he wanted me to do the fox. I put on the head dress and he bound my cock with deer hide and Wally produced a large bushy tail.

"There is no way you're going to pin that on me!" I said.

"No need to worry!" Wally said. The tail was attached to a carved and smooth piece of antler. "Just bend over Max and relax." I was skeptical, but obeyed. Wally pressed the antler into my ass and told me to stand up. The animal fur and the pagan dress had me a bit excited. The antler butt plug was perfect. Every movement transferred to my prostate. I couldn't believe how excited I was. Wally was just as excited, pre cum glistened on his erect cock.

"Show time?" Wally asked. I nodded and we returned to the main room. Everyone was sleepy after the dinner and the room was quiet. I could hear a little conversation over sound of the burning fire.

Wally jumped into the middle of the room. "Let the revels begin!" He screamed as he began a dance. I just followed his lead. We startled everyone. It took a while to figure out who we were. The furry naked apparitions with full erections left everyone speechless.

"Shit it's Wally's cock!" Skeeter said,

"By their cock, ye shall know them!" I intoned. Laughter replaced the shocked silence. Wally explained the costumes. Skeeter was on the floor sucking Wally's cock. "There are more costumes in my bedroom if anyone is interested." Wally said. "Follow me." A group went to get dressed. Those remaining in the main room stripped.

Scooter had transferred his attention to my cock. Wally returned with a handful of tails. "There aren't enough costumes to go around, but this will get everyone in the mood." Wally said. "Max will you install them?" He gave me the tails and a bottle of lubricant. Vince got a huge white horse tail the matched his own white pelt. I wasn't sure how he would react to the butt plug, but his cock reacted for him. "Damn good." Was all he said.

Art was sitting on the side watching. "Would you do Art while I get Skeeter into costume?" I asked Vince. Vince selected the tail with the largest antler plug and walked over to Art. Art looked really excited as Vince approached and he laid back spreading his legs and opening his hole. He was a willing playmate.

Vince lubricated Art's hole with his finger going deep then locating the young man's prostate. Vince squeezed it a few times and watched Art's reaction. He then removed his finger and then worked the plug in slowly. Vince fucked the butt plug into place, with Art obviously enjoying every movement. I looked at Art's face and realized that Vice would replace the plug with his cock before the night was over.

I turned my attention to Scooter. I had never had a butt plug in my ass before and every movement I made felt good. I felt the way a dog must feel when it finds a bitch in heat. I was driven and out of control. Scooter had been on the floor sucking cock, so I told him to get his ass in the air. He put his head on the floor with his ass wide open with his rosebud poking through the hole. I lubricated the plug, then my cock and shoved my cock into the balls.

"Shit Max!" Scooter said. "You can read my fucking mind!" I had hit the right spot for Scooter and for me. Bob and Rex returned in Bear dress and Rex fed Scooter his cock as I pumped his ass. I shot off in an incredibly satisfying orgasm. I pulled out while I was still dribbling cum and Scooter asked to suck me dry.

"Scooter's ass is still twitching!" Bob said as he shoved his cock into Scooter's cum lubricated ass. Scooter was usually all oral, but he was clearly inspired. Bob screwed him like a mad man, but Scooter coaxed the last trace of cum from my balls.

I was relaxed, enjoying the afterglow of my climax. Scooter concentrated on my cock head, liking the edge where it connected to the shaft, and working his tongue into my slit to capture and stray sperm. Bob calmed down. He was making slow strokes, pulling his beer can cock all of the way out then shoving it deep in a slow movement.

I watched Scooter as he tensed and relaxed with each thrust. He would tense up as Bob tried to pill out then relax and the head cleared his hole. When Bob's low hanging balls touched Scooter's, he would tense again. Scooter deep throated me every time Bob's cock cleared his ass then suck hard when pulling off as Bob penetrated deeply. It was regular and erotic. He was milking both Bob and me.

I once joked about being fucked from each end and having the cocks meet in the middle. That is the way this felt. It was as if I was making love to Bob with Scooter acting as Bob's enlarged cock. Scooter began to moan and shiver. Bobby, the ranger, quickly got on the floor, scooted under, and sucked Scooter as he shot.

Bob pulled out and sprayed my chest and Scooter's back with cum. Rex licked it up. I was erect again. I was sure there couldn't be any more cum in my balls after the spectacular climax, but there was an increasing wave of desire overcoming me. And the night was still young.

Next: Chapter 7

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