White Tail Lodge

Published on Dec 30, 2000


White Tail Lodge 9

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail bldhrymn@aol.com or bldhrymn@excite.com

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have made no gesture toward common sense either. This story follows on my earlier stories, Snow on the Mountain and Preaching to the Choir. They aren't required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I am re-describing the characters in this story so that it will stand on its own. I have started a new story, Uncle Jake, that deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twins. I have written another part of the story, Alcazar. If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail me.

The roaring fire, the smell of the venison and the storm outside made the room seem medieval, and the Sherwood Forest feeling of the room became pronounced. The fire was hot and everyone got a turn at the spit. Bob was the first and was soon shirtless, with sweat dripping from his body. Rex followed and he simply got naked. Danny and Freddy didn't mind that at all.

Clyde and Wilbur were sitting next to them and the sofa was really tight.

"That guy has the right idea!" Danny said. "It's hot in here. Hard to believe I was so cold just a few minutes ago."

"We're real informal here." Clyde said. He and Wilbur began to unbutton their shirts. "We're all guys here. There's no dress code." Wilbur took his shirt off, then began unbuttoning Freddy's shirt.

"No one minds?" Danny asked.

"Not at all. We're all interested in the same things. We're a very playful group." Clyde said. It was Vince's turn at the spit. He stripped naked and Freddy's eyes bugged out when he saw the fireman' s hose. "We play together some times or we can play solo. You can do what you like. No hang ups, no demands. There is a bedroom if you want to be alone. It may be a bit cool, but you can heat it up." I had guessed that Danny would opt for the bedroom, but I saw him glance at Vince for the first time. He did a double take. I could almost see Danny changing his mind.

Freddy was close to being naked now guided by Wilbur's helping hands. Freddy was better looking naked than dressed. He was muscular and obviously had worked out. While his beard was straggly, he had an even dusting of hair on his chest and well formed, cut cock. Danny was muscular too. We later found out they met in a gym. Danny was a dirty blond hairball, with an uncut cock hanging from the dense pubic forest.

I rarely had misjudged men so badly. Freddy and Danny had beautiful bodies that had been concealed under the heavy hunting clothes. With a good haircut and a shave they would have looked like guys you see in the better quality gay magazines.

They looked a bit uncomfortable, but that changed when Art stripped naked and began sucking Vince as Vince rotated the venison. It was as if someone had shot of the starting gun. Freddy immediately began sucking Danny and Clyde got his cock within tongue distance of Danny. Danny appreciated the opportunity. Wilbur moved in close to Freddy so that he could make a contribution to the scene. When Wilbur's half hard cock brushed Freddy's ass, the boy immediately spread wide so his pink pucker was visible. That boy was ready.

I was turned on by the scene and stripped, but since four was enough, I looked for other opportunities. It was a sleepy afternoon and the sex was casual and relaxed. We were gathered around the fire staying warm. The night before had been very intense and that level couldn't be maintained for long, so this afternoon was pleasant.

I sat with Rex and toyed with his cock. Bobby came over and licked Rex and me like a happy puppy, a horny, but happy puppy. Bobby and Rex worked together and I was nice to see that they had finally made genital contact. Bobby had been much taken with Bill and I was worried that Rex might object. You can't tell if working together had established some sense of ownership in the partners. Rex wasn't objecting to anything this afternoon.

The exception to the relaxed character was Freddy and Danny. Freddy was hot and wanted to be fucked good. His ass was virgin, and Danny was to be the first. It also was clear that Danny was not going to be the last. Freddy was really open minded as they say in the personal adds.

I was watching Freddy and playing with Rex's tits when I felt Rex tense up. "Oh baby!" He said quietly as he shot a load in Bobby's mouth. Skeeter had joined us and was at Rex's cock as soon as Bobby pulled off. Skeeter was a cum magnet and didn't mind having another guy pull the trigger if he could get the gravy.

It was my turn at the spit so I left this relaxed group. The fire was hot, and I realized that the nudity was not as much sexual as a functional response to the heat. I could see that the twins were opening the way for Danny. Clyde had a bottle of lubricant and was lubricating Freddy's ass. Freddy didn't object at all. I could see that Clyde had at least two fingers in the boy's ass and there was no problem.

Freddy and Danny were really good looking and didn't mind being watched. I had noticed that at the Y years ago. Good-looking guys expected to be looked at, and weren't often shy about it. You sometimes find really shy guys, but after several weeks they usually loosen up, responding unconsciously to the admiring glances. I doubted that the response was unconscious with these guys. They were playing to the crowd. It must have increased the pleasure for them.

Art came over looked at my cock and sighed.

"All sucked out?"I said, laughing. He looked a little sheepish.

"Afraid so." Art said. "This weekend has been a trip. I can't believe I've done what I have done."

"Did you like it?"

"It's been the best experience I ever had. Nothing has ever come close." Art said. "But, well, I just don't know."

"You aren't the person you thought you were?"

"That's it." Art said. "I was a different person before I met Clyde. It all seems upside down."

"I was there a few years ago. I thought I was a conventional businessman who wasn't very interested in sex. I got caught in that snow storm on Afton Mountain and life hasn't been the same since. I don't think I had any idea hoe enjoyable life could be. I didn't know what pleasure was."

"I feel like I went from silent, black and white movies to technicolor talkies. It's a new world." Art said. "I had spent my first 25 years denying what I am and everything I wanted most. Now I feel lost."

"Disoriented, not lost." I said. "You are only lost if you want to be lost. There are guys here who can guide you, if you want."

"Vince is nice." Art said. He really got to me last light. It was . . . "

"He's got to me a few times too." I said smiling.

"I don't mean physically." Art said.

"Don't bet on that! The physical and emotional get real confused when he's deep in your ass and you get totally involved. " I said. "Some guys can fuck you while you are reading a book and you don't loose your place. Not with Vince. It's just you and his horsemeat. You can't separate them into compartments. Good sex is good sex, but sometimes it goes beyond that. Do you ever feel that you merge?" It was Wally's turn at the spit, so Art and I went to a cooler part of the room.

"It seems wrong to like sex so much. It's like you're using people." Art said.

"Were you using Vince or did he use you?" I asked. Art thought.


"Unless my eyes deceived me, you were both in it and needed each other to get where you wanted to go." I said. "That seems fair to me."

"It's that I really love cock." Art said whispering. "It doesn't seem right that I'm obsessed with pricks. Not men, just pricks." I smiled.

"If you can tell me how you get one without the other, I'll agree." I said. He smiled.

"You have a point there." He said.

Art's had lost his distaste for cock sucking and was licking my cock back to life. The conversation was over. The room was quiet with low conversations, except for Freddy who was moaning in pleasure as Daddy pumped his ass.

"Shit. I shooting!" Danny cried. He pulled out and sprayed Freddy's chest with cum.

"Still want to ride?" Clyde asked. Freddy said yes and Clyde buried his cock in the boy's ass. Skeeter moved in on Danny and cleaned him up.

Art was a good sucker. I got inspired and we got in the 69 position. Art had a good recreational sized cock. Big enough but no problem with choking. He began oozing buckets. Since I had changed my technique I looked up and saw Vince caressing Art. Clyde gave the rebel yell as he filled Freddy's ass for the second time that afternoon.

Freddy and Danny wandered over to our little cluster, checking out the scenery.

"Can anyone take that?" Danny asked Vince. Vince was at half staff.

"Not many." Vince said. "Most guys like to look, but few sample. Art and Max here both can do it. And they like it."

"It's hard to believe that it could fit in an ass." Freddy added. "Damn it's pretty!"

"He just got his learners permit and this has been Freddy's first fuck." Danny said laughing. "He's had beginners' luck and is looking for Mount Everest to climb." Art was oozing buckets of precum by this time and I broke off. I had a feeling that Art wanted a deeper sexual experience than I could give him and didn't want him to waste a load.

"What's it like?" Freddy asked Art. They were about the same age and there seemed to be a bond. Most of us must have looked like their fathers. There was a bead of precum dripping from Freddy's cock and I realized that he hadn't cum yet, even after the double fuck.

Vince laughed. "Don't ask, taste!" he said. Freddy needed no more invitation. He was at the horse cock, manfully trying to take it. Art looked briefly disappointed but he consoled himself with Donny's cock.

"Are you here on a training mission?" I asked Danny. "Or is it father-son night?"

"A little of each." Danny said. "He likes older guys, and wanted to know the ropes. I expected to be in a tent freezing my ass off sharing a sleeping bag. This has been nice. I think I may be learning some thing from you all. I've never been in a group before. "

"You like it?"

"Damn yes!" Danny said. He must have been a 100% top, because he was fucking Art's mouth now, rather than being sucked. "I lose interest after I shoot for a while. By the time I feel like doing it again, Freddy has lost interest and it's over. This is wall to wall sex. Someone fills in the gaps. It's great." He detached Art from his cock and bent down and stuck his thumb in Freddy's ass. He gripped the young man and lifted him up. Freddy moaned in pleasure.

"I had no idea Freddy was so hot for ass sex." Danny said. "He has all the makings of a first rate slut. It's time for us to try doggy style, Freddy." Freddy was willing and was on his hands and knees. Art got on the floor and slid under Freddy so that they could 69 while Danny screwed Freddy. Vince got to Art's rear and raised his legs. Vince began to probe into Art's ass inches from Freddy's cock-filled mouth. Freddy had a front row seat. I could see Freddy's eyes widen as Vince's horse cock slowly vanished into Art's hole.

Art was moaning as much as he could while sucking Freddy's meat. Danny watched from the balcony. He had a good view of Danny sucking Art and Vince's penetration. I'm not sure that Art expected Vince to screw him, but he liked it a lot. Freddy popped first, but the others followed in quick succession. It was as close to being a quadruple orgasm as you could ever see. As they broke apart, Danny kissed Freddy passionately. I had begun to think that they were just pals or playmates, but Danny felt a lot more for Freddy than he let on.

I looked around the room and realized the lodge was flooded with sunlight. I looked out the window and the storm was over, the sky was brilliant blue and the sun was shining. It was a spectacular transformation. Outside the window was a winter wonderland, a crystal ice palace.

We all got dressed and went out. It must have been almost 50 degrees and the ice began falling from the trees within fifteen minutes. Rex called in the ranger station and immediately left with Bobby. They were to locate motorists stranded by the storm and unable to find shelter. The ice storm had only affected the higher elevations of the mountain, below us all was normal. It had just been an annoying rain. The lights flickered then turned on.

I called into my home answering machine and found that my first employer had died and the funeral was the next day in Richmond. I called the state police and they said the sanders were out on the Skyline Drive and once we got on it would be clear sailing. There were no road problems elsewhere. I hastily pulled my stuff together. Bill decided to return with me.

"You're going to miss some good hunting!" Wally said. "Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful."

"I wish I could." I said. "I bet you guys will figure out something to do in my absence."

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