Who Do You Love

By Piper

Published on Nov 18, 2000


Series: Who Do You Love? Part 2 Author: Piper piperactive1@yahoo.com Genre: Boybands (NSYNC), MMMM (yummy! LOL) Rating: PG to NC-17

NOTICE: This story is inappropriate and illegal for minors. If you're not yet 18, please leave the Nifty Archive promptly. Homophobes, you'd wanna follow the minors - all the way outta the Archive.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't a clue about the actual lives or feelings of anyone I mention in my story. The tale I tell is exactly that: a tale - fiction, fantasy, farce. Get over it! Thanks

EDITOR'S NOTE: I screwed up in Ch. 1 by mentioning space (east coast) and time (september). They weren't touring in september & if I corrected it, then the weather wouldn't make any sense for outdoor hacky! So, I'm just gonna fake the space-time continuum, k? Cool.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: My heartfelt thanks to a very special C. Smithers, my muse for this chapter. Without her thoughtful feedback, I would have lost motivation to continue the story. So please, if you could, do me (and her!) a big favor: when you're done reading this chapter, WRITE ME! My fragile first-time-authoring ego could desperately use some encouragement! lol - Thanks - Piper

******************************************************* WHO DO YOU LOVE? 2: Daydreams *******************************************************

God it felt good to jack off.

Joey wanted to make his peaking plateau last forever so he could drown in the flood of his releasing orgasm. Eyes pinched closed, muscles taut, with Chris' laptop still open but teetering, on his knees. Both hands pumped and squeezed his rushing blood through the bulging veins on his cock. It's inches strained and Joey's aching manhood engorged even more, copiously oozing and twitching.

God it felt good to jack off.

As the rest of Joey's world began to fade into this singular focus, his mind drifted away from the Nifty storyline that had helped him up to this point. Submerged this far in his sexual fantasy, Joey couldn't help but visualize the one he wished he could share this with - the one he lusted after secretly - the one he couldn't help but want after what he had seen - the one he'd never have because Britney would always have a bigger butt - the one and only...

"Oh SHIT!" Gasped Joe. His fantasy had seemed to become reality before his eyes, "Justin?"

Mortified, every muscle in Joey's body froze instantly. His blood, however, continued to maintain a riveting connection between his boner and his brain. With eyes locked onto Justin's unmoving frame in the doorway, he saw what he assumed to be his fantasy playing tricks on his mind: firmly plastered across Justin's cherubic face was a coy, seductive smirk.

"Hey Joe..." Justin purred. Then his tongue lashed out over those pouty and plump crimson lips, leaving behind a slick glaze that seemed to shimmer in the morning sunlight.

Joey blinked twice, hard, hoping to make this mirage disappear. All he managed to do was remind the rest of his body that he was literally moments from orgasm. Trapped and vulnerable, Joey's body convulsed with apprehension and anticipation. The laptop tipped and swayed, forcing Joey to release the grip on his cock in order to save the machine from crashing to the ground. When he let go of his erection, it smacked achingly against his stomach, leaving a sloppy spot of Vaseline on his worn-out, old wifebeater.

With seductive calm and a sexual confidence beyond his years, Justin observed, "You aren't going to be able to move in time, are you Joe?"

"Um, uh," Joey stuttered, "in time for what?" Poor Joey... The obvious just escaped him sometimes, ya know?

"For this Joe, for this..." Justin's eyes rolled closed as his head tilted back. His feet set slightly apart in the doorway, knees barely bent, he grasped the doorjam to his left and moaned.

Joey was mesmerized. Justin's right hand had never left the front of his baby blue nylon sweatpants. The fingers that had been holding back his impending flow of urine were now gently stroking the smooth fabric back and forth against his enclosed penis.

Answering Joey's question in the most effective manner, Justin rocked his head forward and opened his eyes. Instantly, he drew Joey's bright brown eyes into his own sparkling blue pair and led them slowly downward, towards the show that was just starting in Justin's pants.

"Watch Joe..." he whispered, "watch..."

And he did. Oh how Joey liked to watch!

To Joey's pleasant surprise, Justin's flaccid member twitched and then erupted, squirting streams of hot urine down the leg of his pants. The stain spread quickly across Justin's crotch and left thigh (oh boy, is he a righty or a lefty? lol) and a yellow-tinted puddle began to collect next to his left Air Jordan. Justin was peeing his pants.

Wait. Justin was peeing his pants? What the fuck was that? Was this supposed to look so sexy? Wasn't Justin supposed to be embarrassed? Hell, shouldn't Joey be embarrassed to be caught jacking off on the john? Well, he wasn't. And neither was Justin. They both were 100% convinced that this was the most sexually charged moment of their lives up to this point. This was SO fucking HOT! The words were out of his mouth before he realized he had said them.

"Ooh yeah Justin, that's SO fuckin HOT!"

Joey was startled out of his reverie as much by his own voice as he was by his come splattering onto his chest, over his cheeks, and all over the open laptop. Joey's cock was erupting like a volcano spewing forth hot lava in violent bursts. The powerful orgasm naturally flexed his sphincter muscle which involuntarily opened and released the remaining morsels of his morning movement. This highly erotic reflex provided enough additional pressure on Joey's prostate gland to stimulate a response few men have ever experienced: the bliss of multiple orgasm.

And his hands were still on Chris' laptop! He was coming without touching his cock!

"Aw fuck, Justin!"

"Yeah Joe?"

"This is, ah, ah, aye, aaieeeEEE," Joey gave up holding onto Chris' laptop and let it tumble onto the floor with a thud. Come covered the open computer, now lying in a pool of piss, but Justin ignored that, kicked it closed, and shoved it out of the way. Reaching beneath his waistband, Justin took a step closer to Joey and closed the gap between them in that tiny space. Then he hauled his cock out of his sweatpants and squirted the last few fountains of piss he had to offer into Joey's lap.

When Justin's acrid urine splashed onto the skin of his exposed thighs, Joey yelped in pain. Not because the golden shower from this golden boy stung, but because it triggered yet another orgasm from his pleasure-wracked body. With his erection refusing to wane, Joey continued to spout sperm in gushes, covering himself and his near surroundings in his sweet nectar.

Justin's post-piss shaking quickly turned into maniacal meat-beating as he watched his friend's body succumb to its primal desires. As he dropped to his knees he brought his right palm to his mouth where he extended his tongue and licked its length. Justin swiftly re-applied that hand to his swelling cock and began to pump it smoothly yet forcefully.

"Can I help clean you up Joe?" he asked with the innocense of hustler on Santa Monica Boulevard. Joey swooned. He was completely at Justin's mercy.

"Of course babe," he radiated with pride and glee, "please do..."

Justin's tongue was already lapping.

Some called it a sixth sense - a knowing. Ever since Justin was a little boy, he'd simply called it the 'jeebies.' It was an unsettling talent he possessed; one that took enormous amounts of energy to control.

At around five, little Justin Timberlake began to show signs that he was special. His insight and intuition suddenly were fearful things, things that made Mommy cry and the neighbors call him angry names.

He didn't want to know when someone was staring at him from the shadows. He didn't want to know what was wrapped beneath the decorative paper before he opened his presents. He didn't want to know that Lynette Landucci hated holding his hand during couples-skate at the roller-rink, but she wouldn't say so out loud. As always though, Justin knew. And oh, how he hated knowing.

He saw a movie once with a little boy in it that reminded him of himself. It was that scary movie, The Shining, and Justin was so affected by it that he has never tried to see it again, or see any other horror movie for that matter.

When NSync got together in any combination to watch movies, Justin never EVER voted for the horror genre. The rest of the group passed his insistence off as childish fears of the boogeyman but, in actuality, it was Justin's fear of himself that secured his stubborn disposition. Justin was afraid of his special sense, of what his 'jeebies,' could do. Even moreso, however, he feared what they couldn't do.

On this particular September morning, Justin's 'jeebies' were jumping. Waves of clarvoiance would shiver through his apprehensive frame, causing goose-bumps to rise on his exposed skin. Flashes of light - yellow, purple, and green - streaked across the darkened caverns of his tightly closed eyes. He couldn't control the slide-show of images that sprung up in his mind's eye. No matter how hard he tried, redirecting his focus was hopeless.

"Justin? Hey, whoa!" Lance suddenly found himself catching the younger blonde's outstretched arm, saving him from an apparant fainting spell. "Steady there buddy... Are you OK?"

Lance immediately wanted to kick himself for asking such a stupid question.

"I'm fine," squeaked Justin as he struggled to regain balance and composure. "Really Lance, I'm fine. I just need some water..." Snapping from Lance's supportive grip, Justin turned and began to aimlessly walk away. He ached to know why he couldn't be normal, just like everyone else? Why must he feel so alone?

"Uh, Justin?" It was JC, immediately at Justin's side, playing his role. "Babe?"

Although he was well aware of JC's presence, Justin really didn't feel like answering him. He kept walking, but JC rarely tolerated being ignored.

"Fucking STOP, would you?"

OK. That did the trick. Justin halted his forward progress. But, he still had not turned to face his friend. He locked his eyes on his feet. Not being entirely sure where he was headed made this difficult for him as he was well aware of why JC had stopped him.

"Just where in the hell do you think you're going Justin?" JC's deep blue eyes burned into Justin's own. Try as he might, Justin could not fight off the smirk of self-satisfaction that overwhelmed him after hearing JC's outburst.

"I have to go to the bathroom JC. Do you want to come hold my dick for me while I go pee-pee?"

Right on cue, Chris erupted with laughter, Lance punched him warningly on the arm, and JC turned 32 shades of embarrassed.

"No, you little faggot, but I bet Joey will for ya."

The spite and anger in JC's voice startled them all but Justin stood his ground. Before JC could remind him that Joey was waiting inside the bus for him, his arm had already been cocked back and released, sending his clenched fist square into JC's nose. Justin felt it shatter instantly.

As JC howled and slumped to the ground, Justin turned and began jogging towards the bus, suddenly crystal clear about how he was finally, after all these years, going to turn his 'jeebies' around so that they worked FOR him, not against him. He glanced back into the open field to see Chris and Lance attending to the broken JC before he smiled and opened the door to the tourbus. He hoped Joey was doing just what he expected him to be doing...

Love it? Hate it? Wanna tell me what's on your mind? Please do! piperactive1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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