Who Was That Guy

By chuck scott

Published on Mar 21, 2005


All of the usual disclaimers apply B offensive topics, timid readers and such. Be aware, this is pure fiction. In real life, safe sex should always be practiced.

There I was, naked, on my knees, my hands tied behind my back, and my mouth was wide open. In the dim light of a flickering tv screen to my side, I could make see ten guys surrounding me. Ten naked guys with hard cocks pointing straight out. In the background I could hear the grunts and groans of a video tape playing on the tv.

Each of the cocks in the circle of guys had dollops of pre-cum dripping from their fat cock heads. So many cocks, so much cum and yet just out of reach of my lips. Those hard cocks promised me a treat beyond anything I'd ever experienced. But when? What were the guys waiting for? Why didn't they give me what I know they wanted to give me?

I sighed and looked up to make eye contact with one of the guys. "Let me have it, plea--"

A hard slap to the side of my head shut me up.

"Don't say a fucking word, faggot. Just keep your fucking mouth open."

I groaned as the guy who slapped me ran his fingers over my lips, then slipped them in my mouth. My groan became a gag as his fingers probed deeper into my mouth. I retched as he reached into my throat. Everyone laughed at my tears and the spit running from my mouth. Then, without a word spoken, the guy removed his hand from my mouth and rammed his cock in. The force made me gag for an instant, but I quickly regained my composure. He began a slow mouth fuck, going deeper with each stroke. Almost before I was into it, he shook several times and began cumming. It felt like a quart or two shot into my mouth and quickly went down my throat.

Ah, the sweet, salty taste of hot cum. That was my reward, cum.

As I was still savoring the taste of the cum, another cock was fucking my mouth. This one was more forceful. Each stroke sent his cock deeper down my throat. Soon his pubes were banging against my chin and nose so hard that it hurt. Despite the oral abuse, I loved it. Within minutes, another load of cum flowed down my throat. Seconds later, yet another cock had entered my mouth.

As the silent progression of cock and cum continued, I actually became numb to non-stop mouth fucking. As my mind spun with excitement, I thought back to how I had gotten into this situation. Was it only a month ago that I had taken my first cock in my mouth? It seemed like so much longer that that. Maybe it wasn't even that long ago. Now I wonder how I ever existed without being a cock slut.

That may sound strange because that my mouth fuck was actually a rape. It was a Friday night and I was out riding with friends just driving around. I was in the back seat, between two big jocks. We were laughing about how one of the guys had fucked a cheerleader the night before. She didn't like oral sex, but he joked that he held her head and fucked her mouth.

"The bitch gagged and choked, but she took all of it," he laughed.

"Did she swallow it?" I asked.

"You're fucking right, she did. Every last drop."

I smiled. I felt my cock rising, so I tried to get my mind off the thought of a cock in a girls mouth. I sure as hell didn't want to have a hardon as I sat between two big, muscular guys. But, as much as I tried, I failed because in a moment, I heard, "Hey, Tommy here must like the idea of swallowing cum. He just popped a boner."

"No," I shouted, it wasn't that."

"Does that turn you on?" he asked me. "Does the thought of a big cock in your mouth get you hot? Do you dream about a mouth full of a guys cum?"

"No, I--"

"God damn it, Larry," Jason's voice from the front seat broke the tension, "let him alone. Tommy's not a fag. Are you, Tommy?"

The thought behind that question, that I might be a fag, stunned me. I could barely think of it, much less form an answer. "I It Why?"

"Fucking shit," Larry said, "I think he really is a fag."

"Tommy," Jason said as he stared at me, "are you?

"No, I--"

Larry's hand on my cock stopped me. "Shit," he said, "Tommy's cock is rock hard. Let's see how much he really is turned on."

As I sat in dead silence, my heart was racing. Larry unzipped his pants and pulled out a huge cock. He was semi-hard but as I stared at it, I swear it must have been at least seven inches long and coke bottle thick. Everyone in the car was staring at me when Larry grabbed my head and pushed it toward his rapidly expanding tool.

I wasn't thinking clearly at that point so all I could do was protest with a weak, "No." Opening my mouth was the worst of all things to do. Larry took advantage of my parted lips and rammed his cock head all the way in. When it hit my throat, I let out a deep gag. Everyone else must have been into it by now, because they cheered. There were chants of "Go, Go, Go," as he long dicked my mouth. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I choked and gagged. Suddenly, Larry shook. His cock throbbed. Then it happened. A stream of cum hit the back of my mouth. I almost shook at the waves of sensations it sent through my body. The taste, the feel, it was amazing. I loved it. As the cock softened, I dove harder onto it. I wanted, I needed to get every drop from it. I was still dripping tears from my eyes as I savored it. Then, with one gulp, I swallowed what ever cum had not leaked out my lips or slipped down my throat.

Larry grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "Enough," Larry said, "faggot. My cock hurts now."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I managed.

"Shit," Mark, the jock on the other side of me, said to Larry. "You fucked his mouth, made him swallow your cum and he's sorry. I think we got ourselves a real cocksucker here."

"No, I--" I tried to defend myself, but it was too late. Mark pulled down his pants, pulled out a much shorter, but just as thick, cock and pushed me down onto it. As soon as my lips covered the hard cock, I stopped trying. It was just as nice as Larry's. The velvety feel was overwhelming. Mark started fucking my mouth. As he did, he reached around and began pulling and twisting my nipples.

I started to jack off, but before I could get going, Mark came. Another flood of hot cum slid down my throat.

My head was spinning with wild thoughts of cocks and cum. I was so wrapped up in sensations that I hadn't noticed the car stopped and the guys changed front to back. Suddenly two new rock hard cock were sticking out, giving me their particular one-eyed stare. This time, no one had to push my head down. I went to work.

A few minutes later, those two guys had given me their cum. No one moved for an instant. I wasn't sure what to do or say. I had sucked two guys off. Now what?

Mark solved my problem. "Okay, cocksucker, before we let you leave, you gotta jackoff for us," he said.

It didn't take being told a second time. I was so ready to cum that I instantly I began stroking. I only partially heard the key words he had said, " before we let you leave " I had become their toy, but at that very moment, I didn't care.

"I want you to cum in your hand," Mark told me, "and don't let a drop spill. If you do, I'll kick the shit out of you."

I nodded and really got going. Moments later, I shot more cum into my hand that I could have imagined I had in my balls. I sat back, my cum pooled in my left palm. I was breathing hard when Mark spoke. "Now, eat it."

The car was full of giggles and laughs. "Yeah," one guy said. "Eat it, all of it."

Larry reached from the front seat and pinched my nipples, hard. "Eat your cum, faggot," he ordered me, then punctuated it with a vicious twist of my nipples. That feeling went from sexual excitement to unbearable pain in a second.

"Okay," I cried out as I slurped and licked the cum from my hand.

When it was gone, I looked out the car window and saw we were at my house. No one spoke as I crawled over one person and got out. They drove away and that was it. My thoughts whirled as is rubbed my jaw muscles and let out a small cum belch. "Mother-fucker, I just sucked several guy's cocks."

The next weekend, as we planned for our Saturday night fun, the guys smiled more than usual. When Mark pulled up in front of my house, I saw way. He had his brother's van. The side door slid open and I got in. There were five guys in the back. Two of them I had never seen before. Almost before the door was closed, the first pair of pants came off. It didn't take much to see my role so I began sucking him off. Four hours later and at least fifteen blow jobs, we entered a new phase when Larry told me to take off my pants.

Thinking he wanted me to jack off, I did. But, he pushed me face down onto the floor and rubbed something greasy on my ass. I knew what was going to happen, but it still took a few seconds to organize my thoughts. But that was too long. As I started to protest, Mark rammed his cock into me. More pain than I had ever thought was possible burned outward from my ass. My gut knotted and I began screaming. All I heard was the radio go up louder and the other guys laughing and screaming. Within seconds, Mark came and a second guy entered me. Before I was done, everyone in the van had fucked me at least once, several twice and one stud had plowed my ass three times.

When they were spent, they dressed me and let me out in front of my house. I could barely walk, but managed to go inside, get upstairs to the bathroom and shit out about a gallon of cum and blood. It took all I could do to keep from crying out in pain from shitting. I was better in a couple of days.

Two more weekend outings and I was known throughout the school and the guy to call for a good suck or deep fuck. I wasn't happy with that, but when I tried to talk back, I got beaten up. So, I take it like a little cocksucker, which is what I am.

That's the background of how I got on the floor naked, hands tied behind me and my mouth getting fucked by a circle of hung guys.

A particularly large cock was pumping a load of cum into my throat when I realized the circle was thinning. Only one guy was left after the massive cock left my mouth and its owner closed the door behind him. My neck hurt, so all I did was open my mouth as wide as my sore jaw muscles would allow. When nothing entered, I opened my eyes and looked up. Backlit by a lamp behind him, all I could make out was a large man. This wasn't a teenager or even someone in his twenties. It was a grown man.

"Thomas," the voice said, "how long have you been doing this? This gay whoring?"

"Not long, it wasn't my choice. They made me do " I didn't finish because I knew that after that first night, no one forced me. I liked it and he was right. I wasn't even a whore. Whores get paid. I did it for the love of cocks, cum and the total degradation that came with it. No, I wasn't a whore. I was the lowest kind of slut there was. I just liked being used and abused.

The man untied my hands and guided me to a couch. He sat next to me.

"Look straight ahead," he said. "Not at me. If you try to see me, I'll have to blindfold you. Do you understand, Thomas?"

"Okay. Yes, I do." I was excited, but the first tinges of fear were taking root.

"You like all of these guys doing this to you?" the man asked.


"Have you no shame?"

I thought, then, "No, none." Before I could stop, I turned my head. I stopped, hoping I hadn't fucked up. But I had.

"Thomas," he said in a very calm voice. "For that, I'm going to have to blindfold you. Then I'm going to use you for my toy."


"It may hurt," he said as he but a dirty towel over my eyes and tied it, "but no one will hear you if you scream. I told everyone else to leave. Are you afraid?"

"A little bit."

"Good. I want you to be afraid. Put your hand out."

I did and he put a glob of grease on my hand. I knew what to do with it and I spread it over my ass. I put it as deep as I could.

"Now put your knees on the couch and face backward."

I did like he told me.

"I'm going to tie your hands over your head, so extend your arms."

Within seconds, my hands were tied. Nothing happened for a long while.

"Thomas, I want to tell you why I am doing this to you. I heard how you let all the boys use you. I wanted to see for myself. I wanted to see how bad you are. You are worse than I had imagined. I had them bring you to me. I told them they could do anything they wanted to you, but to save your ass for me."

"But Sir, they made me do all of those things."

"No. You got into their van out of your free will. You let them put the blindfold on you because you wanted it like that. You undressed and knelt in the circle, ready for their members, almost before you were told to do it. Right?"

"I--I guess so, but--"

He rammed his cock into me. I yelled but he was screaming even louder. During my few times of getting fucked, no one had ever fucked me like this. He was a horse, a wild horse. He beat me on my back, smacked my ass and hit me on my head. He would pause, let out a guttural moan, bite my back, then go back to stallion fucking me.

After a few seconds, he stiffened, then began shaking. He came in my ass. Warm cum ran out my hole and down my legs. Moments later, pulled out and put his ass up to my face. "Now, it's your turn, tongue fuck me, Thomas. Go deep."

While I had never eaten out a guy's ass, so I had no experience as to taste or smell, I could tell he had gone to great lengths to clean himself. Still, I could smell his cum and a mixture of his ass and my ass. I paused, only to get a very hard slap on my head.

"The next time you disobey it will be much worse."

I began licking and probing his ass with my tongue. I gagged several times, but kept going. He finally moved away and I could stop. It was all I could do to catch my breath on clean air, when he entered me again. His fucking was just as violent as before, but it didn't hurt. In fact, it was fantastic. I began matching his pounding by moving ass back and forth to meet his thrusts. Seconds later, he let out a loud, animalistic cry and again filled me with his seed.

He undid my bindings and took off my blindfold. Then he sat me on the couch. My legs were very stiff so he had to almost carry me, but he got me there.

"Thomas, I'm going to sit next to you, but do not look up at me."

I nodded.

A slap on my head and I realized the domination was not over. "N no, sir. I won't."

After he kept me in line, he sat next to me. There were two glasses on a table in front of me. "I have a cola for you, if you want it. It's nice and cold."

"Oh, God yes. I have a bad taste in my mouth."

"Okay, but first things first. Your member is very hard, why don't I relieve you?"

"That'd be great," I said instantly. Yes, I was thirsty and couldn't get that taste out of my mouth, but I was more horny than I was thirsty. I needed to cum really bad. After that, he reached over and grabbed my cock. It only took a few strokes and I came, really came. He covered my cock head with the same dishrag he had used to blindfolded me. After I was spent, he gave me the rag and told me to suck the cum out of it.

I knew not to hesitate for even a second, so I did. I don't know what was on the rag. He may have used it to clean his toilet, but it was rank. None the less, I sucked as much out as I could. Now, I really needed that drink.

We sat and drank, me not looking up and him rubbing my legs and up to my cock and balls.

"I like you, Thomas. You are like you said, without shame. I like that in a young boy."

I took a long, cold drink. It tasted so good and it was washing away the taste of cum, ass and dirty rag. As I relaxed, it was the first time I I had the opportunity to look around, as much as I was allowed. It was then that I noticed the size of the man's cock. Fuck, no wonder it hurt. He was huge. Soft, it was at least ten inches long and a couple of inches thick. It was lying across his leg, looking very much like a lethal weapon. How did I ever take that monster inside me?

"I see you are staring at my member," he said. "You did very well with it. Not many people can endure it. People have the impression that having a large one would be a dream come true. It isn't. Too many people simply can't stand it inside them, men and even women. That's why I'm so excited to have found someone like you. You are a dream come true, Thomas. A dream come true."

"Thank you." I said and took another long drink. "I really did like it. It hurt, but I liked it I lik " The room looked different, like it was falling away from me at an increasing speed. "I I like."

I looked around. "Hey, Mister, did you " The room got out of focus. I tried to blink away the confusion. It didn't help.

I blinked a few more times. Slowly, everything was coming into focus. I looked around the room, but I wasn't in the room. What the hell, I was outside. Outside my house. On the curb outside my house, fully dressed, in the dark, outside my house. I checked my watch 9:45. I had left with the guys at 6:00, almost four hours ago.

Questions raced through my mind. What had happened? Where had I been taken? And who in the hell was that man?

I sure as hell wasn't going to get any answers sitting in the dark on my curb, so I stood up. I was lightheaded and my legs ached, but able to walk. So, I went inside and stretched out on my bed. Was what had happened during the past few hours actually real? My ass hurt real bad, so I was pretty sure it had all been real. Then how did I get back home? More to the point, as I thought about the strange man and how he had organized the entire night for me, what had I become? As I struggled to figure out the answers, I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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