Whos a Whore

By Jim Weir

Published on Jun 6, 2005


Tammy and I spent our honeymoon on Merak's houseboat. He gave to us for a week as a wedding present. We spent the whole week naked and stoned. Tammy got the most beautiful tan all over, she looked like she had been dipped in honey. I took it as personal challenge to taste test that honey pot as often as possible.

We woke up one morning and heard voices in the distance. Two male voices were talking but we couldn't make out the words.

"Who do you think it is?" Tammy whispered.

"Sounds like guys fishing."

"I'll see who it is, I've got to pee any way."

I wrapped a towel around my waist and went forward. When I got to the glass door to the bow deck I could see that the morning fog hadn't cleared. I could just make out two figures in a small fishing boat at the mouth of the slough we had tied up in last night. I couldn't tell what they where doing so I figured they couldn't tell what I was doing either. I went out on deck and waited till my morning wood went down and I could pee.

Tammy came up behind me no bothering with a towel and whispered in my ear.

"I'm not going to miss our morning ritual."

The first morning on the boat I went out on the deck to take a leak, Tammy watched in fascination as my pee arched out into the water. She reached over and held my dick. She giggled as she swung the stream back and forth. It was difficult to relax and let go looking at her naked body with her hand on my dick. When the flow dribbled to a stop I decided to be a smart ass.

"Shake it off."

"That's one way."

With a wink she dropped to her knees and licked me clean. Since that morning she's done it every morning followed by a blow job. A blow job isn't the right word, throat milking is more like. I'm the luckiest man alive to have a beautiful young wife that loves to suck cock. We've only been out four day and I've been blown of course nine times.

Tammy held my dick and waited. By the time I started to dribble something out the little boat had gotten closer and we could see it was a couple of teen aged boys maybe 15. I saw one nudge the other and heard a giggle. I knew the could see us as well. This was probably the first time they had seen any one naked out side of the family. Tammy just waved with her free hand. Fuck it let them look.

I finished peeing and closed the bow gate. Tammy got down on her knees and started breakfast. The boys could only see the top of her head and I really didn't care anyway.

"How the fishing today." I asked.

"Not very good. We were sorry we came until a few minutes ago. The fishing has been awful but when the fog started lifting we saw some beautiful scenery." The one with brown hair said. The quiet one giggled and nudged his friend again. Tammy couldn't stand it any more so she stood up and said.

"Thanks for the compliment. We were about to have coffee would you like to join us?"

"Oh boy'eeek." The quiet one blurted out his voice cracking with pubescent excitement. The other one gave him a dirty look.

"Thank you ma'am we'll wash our hands while you get dressed."

"We haven't worn anything since we got here and won't till we leave. We don't like cloths they keep people apart. If you want coffee you can join us. If your bashful you should go on down stream. After coffee and my morning work out I'm going swimming just like this." She lifted her breast to make a point.

She did one on this boat, two on theirs. This time the dark haired quiet one spoke up again.

"Larry doesn't have good manners. I'd be very lucky... I mean happy to join you."

"I'm sorry. Daryl is right we'd be lucky. May I please join you."

I told them they could hang their clothes on a deck chair and join us in the galley. She asked if I was mad and I told her to have fun. I wanted her to explore sex, hell she asked me to make her mother. Tammy was making crescent rolls and coffee when they got the nerve to come in.

"I'm going to get some towels for us to sit on. You guys help Tammy up stairs with our brunch and I'll meet you on the sun deck."

Tammy was all smiles and said.

"Larry, you carry the cups. Daryl you get the crescents. Go through that hatch and up stairs, I'll bring the coffee and sugar."

Once up on the sundeck they relaxed some but still hide themselves in embarrassment. We were in closed in a zip up mosquito net. We could see out well enough but it would be hard to see in. The sundeck was attached to the wheel house above the main cabin. we could look down on the world in complete privacy.

We sipped coffee and chatted. They were cute trying not to stare and not being able to stop. They'd sprout wood and then turn red and look away. Tammy enjoyed it for awhile but then decided to go farther.

"Why do you turn red and hide yourself? You don't like being here?"

"I'm sorry. I've never seen a women as pretty as you. I've never been naked with other people before. I'm have funny feelings and I don't know what to do." Larry said, then Daryl added.

"Me to but I like it."

"Well you can finish your coffee and leave if you want, or I could help you if your not a prude."

"I'll do anything." They said in stereo.

"Stand up and let us see what's causing the trouble."

They stood up and put their hands by their sides.

"You boys look nice. Why would you be ashamed of your bodies. We are not ashamed of ours." She told them.

"If you've never seen a naked people I think you should find out what your missing. Both of you come look at my wife she is wonderful to behold."

They jump to her side and glued their eyes to her body. Tammy twisted and moved to let them see every where they wanted. I was surprised at the bone they were showing. They were young but well hung, this might be a lot of fun. Tam noticed their hard cocks too.

"What do you guys do when you get that hard? It looks painful."

"It hurts so sometimes I rub it." Daryl answered.

"Me to at night when I'm alone."

"Why? Wouldn't you rather somebody shared it with you?"

"Sure but how. We don't have girl friends." Said Larry.

"I thought you were friends. Why don't you help each other?"

They both turned white. They looked at each other then at us then at the floor. Finally Larry spoke.

"I wouldn't want to be called a queer."

"Me either."

"I caught my brother get sucked off by his best friend. I asked them to explain it to me. He had a pulled muscle and the doctor gave him some mild steroids. They worked well but a side affect was extreme sex drive and painful erections. His friend owed him the money he needed to buy a hooker. They agreed that his friend would take her place and they both liked it and kept on after the dept was paid."

"So your brother is OK but his friend is queer?"

Tammy acted mad.

"Are you calling my husband a queer? Do you think just because he likes to make his best friend feel good, to take away his pain, that he doesn't fuck the hell out of me. He fucks me and my mom and helps my brother out. You would be lucky to be half the man he is. I have sex with a girl friend of mine, does that make me queer? Maybe you wouldn't want have sex with me either?"

I jumped in seeing where she was going.

"Wow baby. Their good guys their just young. Maybe their not ready for sex yet. They may not know you can like both. They did say they didn't want to be called queer. You friend won't call you a queer and won't tell either. I like sucking a dick and I like to eat pussy and I don't see how it can be wrong if you make someone happy."

"Please don't be mad. We didn't mean anything, honest. Just seeing you naked makes me hurt. I would do anything to have sex.... with you." Larry pleaded.

"What about you Daryl?" Tammy asked.

"Do I have to swallow his cum?"

"No, but if you don't I won't swallow yours and I want to taste both of you."

"We really are going to have sex with you? Really?" Daryl asked not believing what he heard.

"We all are going to have make love together. When we are done you'll know how to help each other and you'll both know your not queer either. I can tell you like to look at me so you can't be queer. And what could be wrong with helping out a friend? Especially if he returns the favor."

I couldn't stand the suspense any more my cock ached too.

"Baby all this talk is making me horny. If they like blue balls let 'em go. I know you said they were cute but they may not be ready."

"My interest in you has excited my husband and his needs are first. If you stay he comes first but if your are pleasing him I can play with you. Larry you said you would do anything to have sex, well a blow job is sex. Giving and receiving pleasure go hand in hand."

"Daryl please don't hate me."

Larry got on his hands and knees and crawled next to me. He took my cock in his hand and started stroking it slowly. He looked up at me and I smiled at him. Tammy started to fondle him. She looked at Daryl and asked him.

"I'm going to play with Larry's beautiful prick while he pleases my husband. I'm going to fuck his brains out once my man is happy. We are going to have three way sex. Will you make it four way?"

"I'll do anything to him you'll do to me." He answered.

"No. You'll do anything to him I do to you and you'll do it to Larry as well."

Daryl lowered his head and dropped down on my other side. He cupped my balls and watched his friend stroke my cock. Tammy took his prick in her other hand and stroke it too. Larry leaned in and took the head in his mouth. Tammy gave him a quick suck and said.

"I don't want you to cum yet. Why don't both of you get on your knees Larry in front and Daryl in back. I'm going show you how to rim. You guys are going to have a ball today."

I grabbed a ceiling beam spread my legs and enjoyed myself. Larry was a born cock sucker. He sucked me way deeper than I would have thought for a first timer but then again I took to it right off too. Daryl kissed my butt cheeks but would not go farther. Tammy licked his asshole for a minute until she say he was dragging ass. Sorry bad pun. She slapped his ass hard and I thought he'd cry but he didn't. Instead he pulled my cheeks apart and stuck his tongue all the way up my asshole in one motion.

So, Daryl likes to be dominated. Tammy saw his response and smiled, she likes to play dominatrix. She tweaked his nipple and he went nuts. I thought he would climb up my ass tongue first. He was really getting in to it. Tammy took control again.

"Larry, you don't have to do with out ever again. Daryl will suck you off, lick your ass, or let you fuck him any time you want him to. Right Daryl? Tell him neither one of you has to suffer any more because you will do anything he want anytime he wants. If says no you should force him, spank his naked ass and make him. Tell him Daryl!"

"Yes ma'am" He answered meekly.

"That not what I said! Tell him what you will do." she barked.

"I will suck your dick, lick your ass,or let you fuck me anytime you want."

"Why?" Tammy promoted.

"Please don't make me say it. Please."

Tammy was firm.


Daryl started to cry.

"Because I like it."

"Like what sucking dick."


"and licking ass and being fucked."

"And if you refuse?"

"Make me. I really want to so make me."

"There now you can both be happy. Larry I'm going to change thing a bit. You finish what your doing and I'm going to teach Daryl how to please you. He will get to fuck me first but then again he will be making it up to you for a long time."

They went to the other lounge and laid down. Tammy held him to her breast as he cried. He quit crying when she put a nipple in his mouth. Tammy is going to be a great mom.

Larry was working me like a pro. Only a man can really please another man. Oh don't get me wrong Robin or Tammy can suck the chrome of a trailer hitch but if you have one you know one. I turned around so I could get some cock too.

He had a nice piece of meat for a boy of fourteen. Nice and fat almost seven inches. He came the instant I put it in my mouth. A lot, a whole lot. I swallowed every bit of to. No wonder he was in pain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I couldn't help it."

I told him. " It's OK, I liked it. I wish you had lasted longer but that just means you'll last longer next time. Let's watch Daryl fuck Tammy. He won't last long. Then we can play Tammy's favorite game."

She heard me. "Yes Master."

Daryl popped in seconds, I guess guys always do the first time. Tammy kissed him then lead him over.

"Daryl, kneel in front of Larry."

He did.

"Now look him in the eye and say 'You are my Master, use me, make me your slut.'"

Daryl froze. Tammy lead by example. She looked me in the eye, I could see the love in hers, and said.

"You are my Master, use me, make me your slut."

I answered. "I'm proud to have you. You may suck my cock."

And she did. She swallowed me whole. Larry and Daryl watched in fascination as she took all of it down her throat. She finally came up for air and turned to Daryl.

"You won't be sorry. I promise. Their is nothing like give everything to your lover."

Daryl had tears in his welling in his eyes when he look up at Larry and sobbed.

"You are my Master, use me, make me your slut."

Larry answered. "I'm proud to have you. You may suck my cock."

Larry and I stood side by side being served by our sluts. I have played every part in this game and liked them all my self. This is fun to watch someone discover sex.

Tammy noticed I was having trouble cumming and guessed the problem.

"Should we go down to to aft deck? It's as private as this one and it's a wet deck. We can swim after."

She lead the way down. Larry and I stood facing aft with Daryl and Tammy kneeling at our feet.

"Daryl, do what I do."

She held my dick out and waited. Daryl did the same to Larry. Tammy looked up and said.


Daryl. "Please."

I quit holding back and arched a stream of pee right past her face. She held my dick and aimed it around. Larry caught on and let go as best he could with a semi hard on. Daryl jumped but did not turn loose.

Then my baby did her thing and sprayed her face. Daryl did the same. Tears rolled down his cheeks as the piss rolled off his lips. Then he did some that surprised me. Not that I didn't know what was come but I thought he'd have to be told.

He opened his mouth and took the head in his mouth. When he started to swallow Tammy shivered with an orgasm and swallowed my cock. When I ran dry she leaned over and help Daryl get the rest out of Larry, swapping tongues and piss with Daryl.

When she's hot she's on fire. It's one of the things I love about her.

Daryl was as hot as she was he may want to be forced but he sure doesn't have to be forced. He loves this stuff. Tears may have been in his eyes but his cock was purple. I thought it would explode and second. I'm sure it hurt to be that hard, I know I'd have been dieing for relief.

"I wanted to fuck. Lets dip in the lake to clean off. Then I want a piece of ass." I said.

Tammy answered. "I hope you mean ass too. It's been two days."

We swam and played in water for a few minutes. We dried off and went inside where we could continue our fuck session.

In the main stateroom we had every sex toy and gel known to mankind. Merak uses the boat to entertain high rollers. If your kinky but don't want anybody to know, you call Merak. I heard he set up a deal for a Senator to blow a donkey. There is nothing he can find if you have the money.

Tammy was ready and said so.

"Master please fuck my ass. I want you to fuck my ass hard because I'm your slut."

We heard Daryl say in a rasped whisper. "Please fuck my ass. I'm your slut."

Tammy showed them how to get started by showing them. She lubed her ass and my dick with lots of KY and slowly eased back onto my cock. I was sitting in a bench with her riding me from the top. Both boys could see everything. My cock slipped up her asshole slow and steady.

She told them both.

"It hurts a little to start with but only for a couple minutes then it's great. It's better if you can get it all the way in then just relax. Once you get used to it you can move up and down at you own pace. That's why we sat like this so you could go at your own pace. I like it to held down and fuck hard sometimes but your not ready for that yet."

Daryl slide Larry's dick in his ass. We told him to go slow, not to hurt himself. He slide down all the way. He grunted but smiled with satisfaction.

Tammy began to bounce faster and faster. Daryl waited a few minutes but soon he was bucking like a bronco too. The sight of those boys fucking was hot. Tammy's orgasm made her ass muscles clench getting me off like rocket.

She sat back with my dick still in her ass and watched the boys have fun. Larry had rolled his eyes back in his head trying not to cum so quick again. Daryl bounced up and down moaning and biting his lip. His cock was dark red and straining to burst. Larry moaned loudly as he reached his limit and came up his buddy's ass. Daryl sprayed cum everywhere. Nobody had touched it in ten minutes and his cum flowed like water just from getting ass fucked.

Daryl got up and ran out. Tammy followed him to comfort him. Larry and I were hosing off on the rear deck when Tammy came up t me and said.

"I can't get through to him. Larry he can't look at you right now, he's ashamed."

"Larry you go help Tammy make lunch. Tammy would you send Daryl to me? And send my pipe and lighter we can smoke the piece pipe."

Daryl came back with my pipe and tray and sat down. He would not raise his eyes and look at me. I felt sorry for him, he when a long way in a short time. I sat next to him careful not to touch him and lite my pipe. I took a couple tokes and handed it over to him. He took it from my hand and held it to his lips. He was staring straight a head and I don't think he even knew what what he was doing. He coughed a couple times but took one more hit before he passed it back. I figured he might talk now.

"What's wrong buddy?"

"You saw."

"Saw what? All I saw was some good sex."

He started crying again.

"I'm a queer. I came by getting fucked in the ass. I'm a god damn queer."

"Bull shit. I saw you fucking my wife and you ain't queer. It's OK to like dudes to I do."

He fell apart sobbing.

"I couldn't help myself. I even begged him to...... I'm not a man what kind of man would do that. Why would a women want me now. Larry will hate me. How could I do that and like it? I'm some kind of freak."

I knew I had to show him he was not a freak or if he was he was not alone. I got on my knees and grabbed his dick. Just before I put the head between my lips I looked him in the eye and said.


"You want me to.....?"

"Pee for me Daryl."

We waved good by to the boys as they turned out of our slough. Tammy turned to me and asked.

"What did you say to Daryl? When you two came back he was happy again."

"I just showed him that there was nothing to be ashamed of, that there wasn't ain't no body here but us chickens."

"I'm glad that he worked it out he's a sweet boy."

"My experience was salty." I couldn't help joking.

"Taste good anyway. I invited them back tomorrow night for a cook out. They said they'd tell their folks that they were going to camp out. That way they can stay all night and play."

"I got a couple calls today. Dave and your Mom wanted come stay with us tomorrow afternoon. Your brother wants a three-way when mom goes to sleep. Ruby told me she was so horny that she was even looking at Dave with ideas. We should clue them in about the don't you think?"

"I think we are going to have a ball tomorrow night."

Next: Chapter 7

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