
By Justin Balancier

Published on Dec 18, 2024




"Whoa, called out Jack, stopping in front of the house. Pa hopped off the buckboard, followed by Jack who helped ma down safely to the ground.

Jack unloaded a heap of things that ma bought at the general store. Pa took the buckboard to the barn, and gave the team some water to drink.

We cowpokes then set on the stoop talking, and ma went into the house to start supper. "Tell Curly," stammered Pa, knowing Jack had something to say.

"Curly ole partner, your pa has given me a job here on the farm and I'm taking it, so I'll be helping where needed," exclaimed Jack.

"Tell him the rest son," said pa."

"Now hold on a minute, Mr. Preston. I'll be working for you, but I am not your son. Curly is your son and I'm a hired farm hand.

"Of course, we can have that understanding. Just the same, I call young men I don't even know, "Son."

"I'm just sayin..." continued Jack.

"Both my parents do that with cowboys younger than them. It's just the way we talk," I said to Jack trying to get off the subject of "Ma and Pa."

He was hung up on Comanche respect and wanted to start off on the right foot. The best part, for sure, Jack was still here.

"The Marshall wanted somebody to hang around the bank during the day watching for hold-ups. Tracking being a sideline. I wouldn't do that type of work," Jack calmly explained.

"I am an outdoors wrangler and not a caretaker. He has a deputy, already soused with beer by noon. Let him guard the bank. He probably wouldn't know the difference."

"Then," continued Jack, "your pa, offered me a job, a bed, and meals, plus wages. Small wages like you earn for spending money, but way more than I expected. Plus gaining a step-brother along with the job," barked Jack, noticeably very happy.

Pa Preston sold me "Bucky," the Buckskin horse," he continued. "I'm a complete cowpoke again and even bought a new hat. I had some cash for "Bucky," yet I realize he lost money by selling him to me. However, I'm a hard worker, I'll pay him back.

Jack and I went to the barn to unhook the buckboard and check on the animals. Pa went into the house to sit and read a newspaper he brought from town. Hard work, for pa was going to be easier now that Jack was here.

I waited days for an incoming stage to bring a homo cowboy for sex. I'm talking monumental; sure somebody can always do it better than Jack, but it would take the great and powerful Oz to find him. I'm happy in Wichita having no interest in Emerald City.

Jack brought "Bucky," his purchased Quarter Horse with us to the barn. I gave him the empty stall next to my stallion "Mickey", a dark husky Mustang. It sounds corny, but we were hitched like a mid-western family, even our horses.

I knew we would work doing necessary jobs together, but not so folks would notice we were anything more than farmers.

I valued the players, but really hated this game. I knew about homos doing naughty things; so porn felt completely okay. It had to be okay - it was the lure of cowboy sex that brought us together. We didn't intend to advertise it, only live by it as a code of private behavior. Hell, we were plain ole cocksuckers.

Strange how these thoughts popped through my head while unbuckling the horses from the buckboard. Jack had no idea what I was thinking which was silly anyway.

Thoughts come and go. I was happy seeing them fade into memory. I had no intention of remembering any of them. I only wanted to be first-rate and have Jack know that I was not like everybody else.

Looking at the sweet biscuit cheeks of Jack's ass was a great way to feel good. All I could do right now in the barn was not much. Even so, knowing he was mine, seemed to be enough.

Jack leaned against a barn pole with one foot propped against a gate for balance. "Notice anything different," he asked straight-face and no longer smiling.

The way he stood with his crotch gathered in a bulging bunch of stallion meat, one couldn't help notice, he was showing off. Hell, I knew where he was going.

"No – no, not down there...Look up." He commanded.

Jack removed his hat and I saw where he had a fresh haircut and shave. I should have noticed that before and maybe I did, but it didn't come to light until now. He went to the barber for haircut, shave, and a soapy bath with sweet smelling soap.

His hair was shorter and the grubby stubble on his face now clean shaven. He looked boyish in a man's body. Just the kind of man saloon girls would drape their arms around, giggle and push their tits into.

There is nothing like a straight picture for a gay man to feel secure. "Wrap your thoughts around that," I told myself.

"Well." – He snickered.

"You're beautiful – fuckin good looking,"

"Naw, not that, anything else," he mumbled.


"You are not getting away from me Curly. The new hat is for me everything else is for you." He took my hand pulled me to him and whispered in my ear.

"Yuh want to get sucked off?"




"Okay, just asking. We are sleeping together tonight. Who's going to be on top?"

"Me," I replied. You have the best friggin ass in Kansas and folks would sell tickets, if they saw you naked."

"Well, that ain't gonna to happen. Your face is the one licking this Comanche butt. What do you say to that?"

"I say - I'll have you begging in no time at all."

To Continue...

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