Will He Ever Return

By Art Gibson

Published on Dec 13, 2020


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Will He Ever Return? - 2

RECAP: I licked him tasting Ralphie for the first time in our seventeen years. He was six inches when hard, nice and thin like a spear. I took him to the base, my nose in his hairless mound. He was moaning and thrusting deep into my mouth. I put my hand on myself stroking in time with his thrusts. His moans were nonstop. His head thrashed from side to side. We were so out of control. He gave me no warning only a stiffening of his entire body and a swelling of his dick in my mouth. I tasted his wetness. He tasted so sweet. I pushed my hardness against his stomach and let loose the strongest organism I had ever had.

I must have passed out. When I regained my senses, Ralphie was getting out of the pool. He did not look at me. He dried off and began to dress.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go. I'll text you later."

He did not look at me as he said this.

I got up walking to him. "Ralphie, can we talk." Something was not right.

"Do not call me Ralphie, ever again."

My lifelong friend had left. I felt alone. I had my brother. He was not gay. I could lose my virginity to a stranger or my classmate, gay Bill. Ralph should have been my first. How would he feel when he learned I was no longer a virgin and he had had no part in my deflowering? I should send him a video when I gave it up. Would I be on my stomach or my back? I hoped he felt crushed watching me moan as someone other than him took what I had saved for him. After he ghosted me, I had ignored his texts until my brother, Alfie, said I should send him one. I did, a question mark, before shutting off my phone.

Will He Ever Return? C-2

Ralph's point of view.

The best blow job and first blow job of my seventeen year life ended with me cumming in the mouth of my lifelong friend who swallowed my sperm while unloading his own on my abs. While he was in his after-sex fog, I washed in his pool and dressed. He recovered before I left and wanted to talk about what he had done. No, what we had done. I wanted this as much as he wanted it if I was honest

Why I left after telling him never to call me by his childhood name for me, Ralphie? Then I ignored his texts the rest of the day. He came over Sunday. I told my mom to tell him I was not feeling well. I knew he saw me watching from my window when he returned to his car. He even texted me before getting in his car. I texted him and called him a fag. After he was in the car, I watched him for over thirty minutes. I could see his head slumped over the steering wheel and his shoulders were bouncing as if he were sobbing. Then he drove off. His driving looked like he was having a difficult time staying in the lane.

I never realized he liked me that way. He had never indicated he wanted more than what we did. We slept together, wrestled nude, shaved each other's pubes which involved holding each other's dicks. Some people might call that gay. I just considered us close and comfortable with our bodies around each other. We had been that way since kindergarten. I had no other friends with whom I was close. I had school acquaintances. No one I would hang out with. Dan and I had always had each other's backs.

What had I done?

I tried texting him. He ignored me or deleted me outright.

The following Saturday, I had to get out of the house. I walked around ending up near Senors. I thought I might get a taco. I saw Dan and he was standing outside with, OMG, gay Bill. I ducked behind a parked car and watched through the window. Bill kissed my Dan, on the lips. This was not good. I waited until I got home to text Dan asking him about his date with Bill. He ignored me. I had to talk to him. I texted him the rest of Saturday and all Sunday morning. Late in the morning I received one text from him. He sent a question mark.

He did not respond to my texts asking him to clarify the question mark. What did a question mark mean? Was he telling me he questioned our lifelong relationship? Maybe he had taken gay Bill as a friend and questioned whether we could ever be friends again. What if he and gay Bill had done more. I had not been mistaken. They had kissed in front of Senors.

I needed to talk to Dan in person. I needed to do it now. I drove to his house. He had lived here since his parents brought him home from the hospital. I knew his house as well as I knew my own. I rang the bell. Before my screw-up, I would walk in and yell, "I'm home." Now I felt like I was a stranger. My eyes watered.

"What do you want?" Alfie, Dan's brother asked in a flat almost angry tone when he opened the door.

"Can I talk to Dan?"

"He's not here."

"Where is he."

"He's out."

Twenty questions. Alfie gave me nothing. "C'mon Alfie. Help me out here."

"Why? Why should I help you? You threw a lifetime of friendship away and for what? Because of a simple blow job? Because you turned out to be a homophobic slut? Well, he has someone now who understands who he is and who he needs, and he does not need you."

"Is he with gay Bill?

"Yeah. At least he is with someone who will love him for who he is."

I felt I had just been punched in my gut. I grabbed my stomach as the tears began to fall. I turned and started away. I stumbled on the top step because I did not see it through my tears. I tumbled to the sidewalk landing on my side. I never sobbed this hard, not even when I broke my forearm and the bone popped through the skin when I fallen from the monkey bars at school back in third grade. Dan had been the first to arrive. He cradled me while I wailed. He refused to leave me even when I went into the emergency room. If I weren't so upset now, I would laugh remembering how he threatened the nurse if she would not let him stay with me.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Alfie was kneeling on the cement by head. "Take it easy. Let me help you stand."

With Alfie's help I made it to my feet. The world tilted and spun.

"Your head is bleeding. Your hand too. Let's get you in the house."

We made it to the kitchen. Alfie sat me in a chair and put a towel under my forearm. He wet a cloth and wiped the blood from my arm and forehead. It hurt.

He examined the scrapes. "You will live, though as far as I am concerned, I do not care. Have a couple of aspirin while I put ointment on those scrapes. They are not so bad.

He ministered to me. Up close, I could see he had the same blue eyes as Dan. He smelled like Dan. Maybe the smell came from the atmosphere in the house.

He finished and put the first aid stuff away.

"Thanks, Alfie. I have been a big jerk to Dan. I am sorry for that. I wish I could tell him how sorry I am for how I treated him. I better be going. Tell Dan I hope Bill is a better friend than I was."

"You hit your skull. You better wait before you drive. Let me help you to the couch."

He did and lay me against a pillow. Then he took off my shoes followed by covering me with a blanket. He brushed my hair with those thin fingers.

"I'm checking to see if there is any swelling. Nope. Your skull is hard and thick, as hard as a rock and thick as a two foot block of wood. You know Ralph. You really are a blockhead."

He sat on the couch edge. "You hurt Dan. I've never seen him so down."

"Alfie. If he will let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to him. Do I have a chance?" I had a hard time saying what I wanted next. "Is he Bill's friend, or more?"

Alfie held my stare. I was ready to break down. I think he saw my eyes before he relented.

"Not that you deserve it, but no. They went out to Senors for tacos. He will be back in about an hour."

"I saw them kissing."

"That kiss was Bill giving Dan comfort. I told Dan that Bill was not for him. Dan needs a long-term loving relationship. Bill cannot give him that. Bill likes to sample the candy in the box."

"Thanks, Alfie."

I must have fallen asleep. Voices sounded far away. I strained to hear.

"Why is he here?" That was Dan talking. He did not sound thrilled.

"He came to talk. To make amends." That was Alfie. His voice was softer than his brother's voice.

"Dan?" I struggled to get up. "Ouch," I moaned. I held my head falling back to the pillow.

I sensed Dan kneeling next to me. "Ralph. What's wrong?"

I heard concern in his voice.

"He cried as he was leaving, tripped and fell hitting his head," Alfie told him.

I felt strong arms cuddle me and a hand move my brown hair around.

"Look at this Alfie. His forehead is red and swollen. Maybe we should get him to Urgent Care."

I'm okay. I came to ask you to forgive me. I so messed up. If you do not want to forgive me, I'll understand. Ouch." A strong pain shot through my forehead. When it subsided, I added. "This is all my fault. I led you on that day. I knew you liked me that way and I encouraged you. I tempted you into thinking you could do that stuff. Then I freaked. Dan, I liked it. I loved it. I screwed up. If you want to be with gay Bill, I understand. I know you need someone who you can trust. I understand. Can I stay here, just until my head stops spinning."

Dan looked at me as he knelt by my side. Alfie stood back, his fist in his mouth,

"Gay Bill? He is the last person I would pick for boyfriend material."

"Can you call me Ralphie, again? I missed that,"

"Alfie. Would you help get this doofus, excuse me, Ralphie up to our room."

Carefully two handsome young men helped me into that room so familiar to me. They sat me on our queen bed. They carefully undressed me leaving my boxers on.

"Will you take these off me, Dan." I looked hopefully at him.

"Better help me Alfie but close your eyes."

"I've seen his junk many times bro. If I close my eyes, I might grab something you do not want me to grab."

It felt good to be home and listening to my favorite brothers snark at each other. They laid me on the cool sheets and covered me. I sighed looking from one to another, but my eyes focused on the better looking brother.

"Dan," I started.

"Quiet, Ralphie. Rest. We will talk later. Try to sleep."

"Can you cuddle me until I do?"

Dan disrobed. Being nude in front of Alfie seemed okay. They were brothers. Dan climbed in next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled his neck.

"Ralphie. I want you to sleep. Cuddle later. Now let me go or I am getting in bed with Alfie."

"Mood killer," I mumbled and passed out.

Next: Chapter 3

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