Will Taylor

By Bill Jonners

Published on Nov 25, 2022



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This story was written at the suggestion of my friend Rob P. It is completely fictional.

I hope you enjoy it. Please send any comments to colin4men@gmail.com Bill

Will Taylor - The Early Days

A prequel to my "Uncle Will's Houseguest" story

Will Taylor always knew he was different. When other boys at school made lustful comments about the girls in their classes or about young women on tv, he would smile but females held zero interest. He only got aroused thinking about young men.

Handsome actors and pop stars filled most of his sexual fantasies. When he was thirteen he had a bit of a crush on his English teacher and made more of an effort with that subject than any other. He frequently got top marks but Will eventually realised that the teacher didn't treat him any differently from the others. Some time later he began to focus on a boy in the year above him in school. "Donald is the one for me," he would say to himself as he wanked in bed. "He's very clever, he excels at sport and he's absolutely gorgeous."

Unfortunately Donald didn't know that Will existed. He never looked Will's way when they passed in the school corridors. "I'll never find anyone that feels the same way as me," he told himself

When Will's younger brother Ian started dating, his mother asked, "When are you going to find yourself a nice girl, Will?"

"Plenty of time for that later, Mum," replied Will. "I'm going to concentrate on my studies for now."

His mother didn't argue. She was pleased that Will was going to university.

Will was still a virgin when he started at university. There was an LGTB social group but Will was reluctant to join. Most of the guys he saw going into the room appeared to be a bit camp or effeminate - not his type at all. So he went out for drinks with other students occasionally and made do with solitary wanks.

Then Bruce appeared on the scene. Bruce worked for the university as a librarian and was very helpful when Will needed to find a number of books for his English Literature course. After that initial meeting, Bruce always smiled at Will and asked how things were going.

One day Bruce came over to Will in the library and said, "I'm going on a break now. Fancy joining me for a coffee?"

Will was surprised but he liked the idea of having a special friend at university. It didn't matter to him that Bruce was some years older so he agreed.

They chatted about various things in the coffee shop and then Bruce said, "I really like you, Will."

"I like you too," smiled Will.

"No. I really like you." Bruce looked around to check that there was nobody nearby and then gave Will a quick kiss on the lips.

Will was taken aback but he said, "I don't think this is the right place for that but it was nice."

Bruce smiled. "Maybe we could meet up later and go somewhere more private."

Will gulped. "Okay."

The pair met up for a drink shortly after 6pm and then adjourned to Will's room on campus. "It's much closer than my place outside the city," Bruce had said when suggesting it.

Soon they were snogging on top of the bed. Hands started roaming and it was obvious to each other that they had erections. "I don't normally have sex on a first date," Bruce said as he sat up. "However you are hot and I really want to suck your cock. It feels like a really big one."

Never having had his cock sucked, Will wasn't going to turn this offer down. He smiled and said, "Okay."

The pair began to strip off. Ginger-haired Bruce had a smooth chest with big pink nipples while a few dark hairs were growing on Will's more defined chest. Bruce dropped his boxers to reveal a very stiff 16 cm (6.5 inch) cock, large hairy balls and a bush of ginger pubic hair. As Bruce had realised, Will's cock was quite a bit bigger than his. Will had measured it at 23 cm (9 inches) and he could see that his cock was thicker as well as longer than Bruce's.

"That's a beauty," Bruce said as he reached out and grasped the younger man's cock. "I like the fact that you have trimmed your pubes. It makes your cock look even bigger."

"Thanks," said Will. He hadn't seen many cocks, and never any fully erect, so he wasn't aware that his was much bigger than average.

Bruce moved to kneel between Will's legs, without taking his hand off the stiff cock. Then he smiled up at Will and took the cock between his lips.

Will gasped and then moaned softly as Bruce went to work. The older man's lips and tongue were creating amazing sensations and Will knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back for long. Eventually he cried out, "I'm cumming!" and started spunking off.

Bruce swallowed every drop and then licked Will's cock clean. "That was great. I love your big cock."

"I'm sorry if I came too quickly," said Will. "I've never been sucked off before."

"Really? Well, I will be wanting to suck you off lots more," smiled Bruce. "Including later this evening."

Will returned the smile. "Okay, but I want to suck you off now."

Will bent down to examine Bruce's cock and balls more closely. He noted that Bruce had been leaking pre-cum and licked it off the cockhead. "Tastes quite similar to mine," he thought before kissing the head and taking it between his lips. He recalled what Bruce had done to him and did his best to copy him. He soon had Bruce moaning so he guessed he was doing a reasonable job. He struggled a bit when he tried to swallow all of the cock so he pulled back and teased the cockhead with the tip of his tongue before sucking it once more.

"I'm going to cum soon," warned Bruce. "You don't have to swallow it if you don't feel like it."

Will however wanted to taste the man-cream and he continued to suck the cock. He coughed when the first blast of cum hit the back of his throat but he quickly recovered and swallowed the whole of Bruce's load. He then licked the cock clean and lay back, saying, "I hope that was okay."

"For a first time, that was bloody amazing!" Bruce said. "If you let me, I want to teach you other things."

"I don't think I'm ready to be fucked, or if I want that," responded Will.

"I'm a bottom so I don't want to fuck you," said Bruce. "I hope you might want to fuck me though. I love rimming too - rimming another guy and being rimmed. I hope I might teach you that."

"Okay," said Will. "I trust you so we will see how things go."

"Great!" Bruce smiled. "Shall we adjourn for something to eat and them return for another blowjob or two?"

That was the first of many evenings the pair spent together.

Will had made a number of brief weekend visits home but it wasn't until the long Christmas and New Year break that he came out to his brother, Ian. It wasn't planned but they were chatting alone over a few drinks one evening when Ian brought up the subject of girlfriends. He was now on his third. "I know you've said you don't want a relationship at the moment but you must have had sex with a girl or two at uni. Tell me all the gory details."

"There haven't been any girls," said Will.

"Oh, come on! A handsome guy like you will be fighting them off," retorted Ian. "You can tell me. I won't tell Mum."

Will didn't want to lie. He sighed and then said, "I'm not ready to tell Mum this but girls don't turn me on. I prefer guys."

"You're queer? I didn't know that," responded Ian. Then he smiled and said, "Tell me about all the guys you've had sex with. There's no way you have gone all this time without sex."

Will smiled. "There has just been one - a university librarian named Bruce. We've been seeing each other for a couple of months."

"And having hot sex?" Ian asked with a big smile.

"It has beenÉsatisfying," Will replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"So he gives you blowjobs? I love getting my cock sucked," said Ian. "Or you give him blowjobs?"

Will laughed. "He gave me one first but I give them too now. And we do more than that too."

"Really? You fuck him?" Ian asked wide-eyed. Will nodded. "Does he fuck you?"

"No. He's not into that," replied Will.

"But still, my big brother is probably having more sex than me," said Ian.

Will laughed. "Keep it to yourself for now. I don't know how Mum will react."

Ian nodded. "Will do."

The relationship with Bruce lasted some years, even while Will was at teachers' training college. Then Will got his first posting as a teacher and moved to a small town in the Highlands. It wasn't as easy for the pair to meet and not just because of the longer journey time. Will had a lot of preparatory work to do at home and so could spare less time for weekends with Bruce. They'd had a holiday in France before Will moved north but their plan to meet up every second weekend didn't last. It became every third weekend, and sometimes Will had to end their meetings early to prepare lessons.

Bruce wasn't happy and decided that the best thing would be for him to move north and live with Will. "I wouldn't be able to get a job which pays as well but we will easily manage if we share your apartment," he told Will. "With spending less on travelling as well as well as accommodation, we will be able to have some nice holidays together."

"But I only have a one-bedroom apartment," said Will.

"We only need one," smiled Bruce. "It will be nice to live openly as a gay couple."

Will wasn't ready for that. "I don't think that will go down well in a small town like this, especially with me being a teacher. No, it wouldn't work."

"I know there's likely to be a bit of fuss initially but that will soon die down," said Bruce.

Will shook his head. "There is legal protection against discrimination now but people generally aren't accepting yet. I couldn't face the gossip and possible outright hostility."

Bruce thought that Will was exaggerating the problem but that disagreement led to them breaking up some weeks later. Will missed Bruce for a while but threw himself into his work.

Will didn't really like the idea of one night stands but when the urge for sex became strong he would visit Edinburgh for a night or two. He could easily find a casual partner in one of the gay clubs there.

At the start of his next long summer break, Will spent ten days in Paris. It was a city he'd always wanted to visit and he understood and spoke enough French to get around on his own. Sightseeing during the day was followed by a nice meal and then a drink or two in a gay bar. It was in one of these bars that he met Pierre.

Pierre had bumped into Will by accident and then stopped to chat when he heard Will's Scottish accent. "You're a visitor to Paris. You must let me buy you a drink," he told Will.

"Thank you but that's not necessary," smiled Will.

"I insist. I'm on my own too, and also a visitor like you," responded Pierre.

So Will accepted the drink and then he bought one for Pierre. They chatted easily and clearly liked each other. Will would almost certainly have agreed to go back to Pierre's place for sex if that had been suggested but he was pleasantly surprised when Pierre said, "I like you, Will. Can we meet for dinner tomorrow?"

There was sex the next night and then again the night after that. It was Will's final evening in Paris and they both agreed that they wanted to keep in touch. Pierre invited Will to stay with him on his next visit to France. "I live in Nice, on the C™te d'Azur. It's quite different from Paris but I know you will love it."

"I'm sure I will with you as my guide," smiled Will.

They exchanged regular emails and then Will flew to Nice for a week before school re-started. Will enjoyed spending time with Pierre but he also loved the atmosphere of that part of France. "I could easily live here," he told Pierre one evening.

"Then why don't you?" Pierre asked. "Your French is pretty good already and you could easily get a job teaching English in a school here."

"I don't know. That would be a huge step," said Will. "I'd really have to work on improving my French first."

"Well, you could probably take lessons online and I could help too," said Pierre. "Just imagine living here instead of in your cold little town in Scotland!"

Will smiled. "I will think about it."

Over the course of the next nine months, Will took lessons to improve his French. He met up with Pierre three times - once in Scotland and twice in France. They didn't consider each other as boyfriends but as `friends with benefits'. Then the decision was made.

"I have applied for a job and I will be coming for an interview," Will told Pierre by phone. "There wasn't a vacancy in Nice but a school in Antibes - just along the coast - is eager to have a teacher who is fluent in English."

Pierre was delighted and told Will that he must stay with him during his visit for the interview.

The interview was successful and Will was offered the post. He was very pleased but also sad to be moving further away from his family. His widowed mother had accepted the fact that Will was gay but didn't like to talk about it. "You'll be happy over there," she said. "I probably won't visit you but you will always be welcome here."

His brother Ian and his wife Moira were very supportive. "We're going to miss you, and little Andy is going to miss his favourite uncle," Ian said.

"I'll be back to visit, and you must all come to visit me," responded Will. "I will teach Andy some French."

Pierre helped Will find a nice two-bedroom apartment in Antibes and it didn't take Will long to settle in at his new school, even if he occasionally struggled to understand everything that was said to him.

The teachers were a friendly bunch and there were no cruel comments about him being gay. He had decided to be open about his sexuality with the staff. After a few weeks, one of the maths teachers - Leo Kaplin - confided in Will that he too was gay. He was some years older than Will and not `out' but they soon became friends. Leo introduced Will to some of his friends and Will was soon part of a small group who meet up for dinner and an evening of poker once a month.

Will and Pierre drifted apart when the Frenchman fell in love with an Italian and moved to Milan. They kept in touch but rarely saw each other.

Will met an Englishman named Freddy at a conference for English teachers in the region about three months after moving to Antibes and they became good friends. Like Will, Freddy was openly gay. There was never any sexual relationship but they enjoyed each other's company. Freddy lived in FrŽjus so they lived within fairly easy travelling distance. That allowed them to meet for games of golf or sometimes just for a meal and a long chat.

Will returned to Scotland at least once a year to visit family and friends. His brother Ian came to Antibes with his wife and young son the year after he moved to France and then every few years afterwards.

So Will enjoyed his job and had a fairly full social life. There was just one thing missing - a partner.

Then Will received a phone call from his brother Ian which changed his life. That story is told in https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/uncle-wills-houseguest/

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