Will You Be My Buddy

By Short Guy

Published on Dec 11, 2016



Will you be my buddy? by Short Guy

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College was an awakening for me. I was stoked to get away from home and to try to make new friends. But I was also deep in the closet, attracted to guys but with no way to show it or act on it. This was back in 1972 when things were a lot different than they are now. Being gay was definitely not cool and people like me mostly tried to hide our feelings. I was a nerd and good at school and really bad at sports. But in high school, I idolized the muscular, handsome guys on the teams, whether baseball, football, gymnastics, or soccer. And I had several friends that were popular athletes. I may have been an introvert and a geek but somehow I knew how to talk to these guys and a few of them became friends of mine. It was a good thing too because I was an amazingly short five foot two inches tall, making me just about the shortest guy in the school. I looked up to the other guys, quite literally. The football captain was named Pablo and he was one of the most popular guys at school. He was smart but not at the very top of the class. He played cello as well as football and I was in several orchestras with him where I played violin. Violin was definitely not an activity the other guys thought of as studly but with my buddy Pablo going to rehearsals with me, no one made fun of me or gave me a hard time about it. I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't been there. And I don't know how I did it but I guess I knew how to flatter the jocks and make them feel good about themselves without giving away the fact that their muscles and handsome faces made my dick hard. Anyway, I was able to manage to spend some time with the jocks even though I couldn't have played a sport if my life depended on it.

When I got to college what amazed me was that there were dozens of Pablos. Guys who were smart but also good looking, muscular, and sporty. My roommate turned out to be a pianist so we got along fine. Downstairs from our room was another suite of four guys living together. Right from the first day, we connected and I spent a lot of time in their room hanging out. They had a common living room and two bedrooms, each of which had two beds in it. The rooms were big enough that the beds were along the walls, one on the left wall and the other along the right wall, rather than bunkbeds on top of each other. One of the guys was Erik.

When I first met Erik, I tried to act cool but I'm sure I failed. He was blond and about a foot and a half taller than me with bright blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds. And he was obviously either an athlete or into body building. He wasn't so bulked up that he looked like he couldn't move but he had muscles in all the places that make my dick twitch. His pecs where round and muscular; his biceps were huge; and his ass was like two basketballs. On top of that he had a smile to melt the snow.

I tried to hide the fact that I was in lust for him but I'm betting that I completely failed. My mouth must have hung open when I first met him and I vaguely recall I held onto his muscular hand a little too long when he reached over to shake mine. After that first meeting, he always touched me when he saw me, either shaking my hand or patting me on the back, or even hugging me. He was a hugger and I was pretty happy about that. But he didn't give off a gay vibe. Of course today that sentence is ridiculous; there are lots of muscular, sport-obsessed gay men with traditionally masculine mannerisms. But back then, things were different, or we thought they were. The fact that Erik got on the crew team and spent a lot of time working those biceps and pecs and thighs and ass muscles by rowing gave him a pass. He was a man's man and so he had permission to be touchy -- permission that a short, wiry guy like me could never had possessed.

Those hugs of his let me feel his impressive, hard pecs against mine and his muscular arms around my shoulders, and sometimes, when he would remove his arm from my shoulder it would slide down my back, even... well, even amazingly low, until his hand just grazed my ass. It was times like that, times I was confused about how to feel and how to act, confused about whether he was giving me a signal or just doing a jock thing, whether it was just an accident or whether he really meant to feel my hard muscular bubble butt with his jock fingers... it was those brushes against my bottom that got my penis engorged and my heart to race, all the time trying hard to show that I was not a "fag." It never occurred to me that Erik was actually making a move on me; I could not imagine that a guy like him -- so muscular, so manly, so confident, so ridiculously handsome in a rugged Scandinavian way -- could be actually putting the moves on a short thin nerdy guy like me.

So it was a shock when I switched rooms to become his roommate. My own roommate spent most of his time smoking marijuana. And as luck would have it, he hung out with Erik's roommate to do that. I was not into that stuff. The drinking age had just gone down from 21 to 18 and I enjoyed long talks with my buddies in the college pub with pitchers of cheap beer. After a while the clouds of smoke started to get to me, and amazingly, my roommate took me aside and said that he and his buddy had asked Eric if it would okay with him if Eric's roommate and I switched places so the two of them could get high together in their room whenever they wanted. I was game to do this since the smoke bothered me, and of course I'd get to see Erik as much as I wanted. And back there in my mind, when I let myself think of it, of course, was that I'd get to see Erik naked. Deep in the closet and in self-denial as I was, I was surely aware that the site of his smooth, muscular, tight white ass was likely to make me want to run to the bathroom to relieve my aching cock.

So I switched rooms and moved my stuff down to Erik's room. My old roommate helped Erik's roommate move his stuff upstairs and Erik helped me move my stuff down to Erik's room. Seeing Erik lifting my stuff gave me a hard on; those bulging biceps were big when they were relaxed but they were the stuff of dreams when they were contracted into hard masses of crew muscle as he held a box of my books. Rowing with those oars again and again had made Erik's arms big and peaked and his back rippled with corded muscles and I got a whole show seeing him lifting my stuff. And then there were his round hard buttocks moving gracefully before me as I followed Erik down the stairs. Moving in with this stud; it almost proved the existence of God...

After we moved all my stuff, we were both sweaty. I decided to take a shower. The floor had two bathrooms and the showers were open like gym showers. No privacy at all. Since the entryway and the floor had only guys on it, it was customary to go to the bathroom and shower just in your gym shorts with no shirt. Most of the guys walked around without shirts when going to wash up even though there were often girls visiting on the floor. For a guy like me, the eye candy was incredible. Skimpy gym shorts with cocks pressed against the fabric like they were itching to escape and find a ready target. But of course I had to be very careful so no one would see me staring at their packages or dreamily focusing on their nipples. I didn't want anyone to know how I was fantasizing about sucking on those pert nipples and falling to my knees to service those college cocks until they exploded with jock juice in my mouth.

So I went to the shower just in my gym shorts. I got in and started the water. It felt great. And there I saw him there in front of me. Erik was coming in to do the same thing. Fuck me, he was beautiful. I was soaping up now and getting a bit nervous. Erik was in his gym shorts like me and nothing else. I tried not to look at him -- I really did -- but his muscular body was like a magnet to me and my eyes just could not look away. Those large pecs, huge nipples, his dimples, his blond hair and his piercing eyes, those powerful arms, his big thumbs slipping under his shorts slowly pushing them down, over his bulging package, slow and steady, my eyes glued to his crotch, down they slid and there, appearing little by little, was Erik's cock. It was thick. The pubic hair was reddish blond, his skin was fair like the rest of him, his cock was smooth and as his shorts slid down I could not help but be mesmerized at how much cock there was. I could see one inch now, then two, now four, now, oh God, there must be six inches and it is still not free from that fabric house. The shorts stopped descending and then I realized I'm fucking staring at Erik's dick like I told myself not to do; I fucking told myself not to stare at it, not to give myself away. I looked up, and fuck me if Erik wasn't looking right at me. Those blue eyes looking right into mine.

I froze, not knowing if I had just outed myself, not knowing if he'd be mad, if he would throw me out, if he would tell others I was a cocksucker, if he would beat me up, if...

But quick as a wink, his mouth moved and he gave a small smile. His hands had paused at revealing the rest of his cock. He was putting on a show for me; he knew I would look; he wanted me to look; he wanted me to thirst after his manhood. Holy shit, he was fucking smiling, but he looked happy, not mean or frightening. But his look was determined, it was manly, it was confident, it was a look that showed he knew he could get what he wanted, that he knew what I wanted... He knew, he fucking knew what I was thinking.

"I'm glad to be free of that pothead Jerry," Erik said, as he held his shorts right there with part of his cock exposed, leaving me to wonder how much cock remained hidden by the boxers. His cock seemed to throb and the head of the cock pushed the fabric of his boxers up. "I'm glad I have you Will. I'm glad I have you."

Fuck me, what did he mean by that? I looked up from his cock to his eyes and saw his smile get wider. And then he did it; he slid those boxers all the way down, liberating his beautiful cock. My eyes snapped down so as not to miss a thing. And there it was. As the boxers released his cock, it sprang to attention like a soldier saluting a general.

I nearly passed out. He was hard, rock hard, and his cock was standing straight up. I didn't know where to look. I didn't know what to do. I tried not to look at it but fuck me I couldn't help it. It was eight inches long and beautiful in every way. It was pinkish white, like the rest of his pale skin, the skin of a blonde Swede or a Dane, with that reddish blonde pubic hair behind it. It was stiff, erect, cut, and fucking proud. Goddam it, what did it mean that he was not embarrassed to be hard right in front of me? Why was he showing me that gorgeous dick in all its erect glory?

Erik was stepping forward now, turning on the shower faucet next to mine. Fuck me, why did he take the shower so close to me? My own cock was springing to life and I couldn't stop myself from copying his hard on if my life depended on it. Erik got himself wet, closing his eyes. He turned around slowly. With those closed eyes, he gave me permission to stare to take it all in. His muscular round ass cheeks, his thick muscular arms, his proud bulging pecs, his sculpted face with that short spiky blond hair. And that goddam beautiful cock.

He was facing me now as he opened his eyes. He stared at me. His hands went to his hips. His cock stood at attention. He said nothing.

I was shaking with lust. I was paralyzed with fear. I realize now he knew all along that I was a born cocksucker. I realize now he felt lucky to be able to bunk with a cocksucker to take care of his needs. I realize now he was not afraid of showing me his cock because he knew I'd never say anything. He knew that everyone would believe I was queer and no one would believe he was. I realize now he knew a lot about the art of seduction. I realize he knew from the first time I met him that soon, at a time of his choosing, I would be on knees before him, that I would submit to his manhood, that I would look up to him in envy and admiration of his muscular body, that I would be mesmerized by his gorgeous eyes, that he would look deep into my soul, knowing that I was trying not to show how much I was in awe of him but knowing, with absolute certainty, that my knees would give way, that I would kneel, that I would up to him in complete worship, that I would open my mouth, that I would receive his gift, that I would gaze into his eyes as I went down on him, that I would service him, that I would fucking suck his goddam dick.

He stood in his glory looking into my eyes.

"I'm glad I have you Will. I'm glad I have you."

He smiled slightly, making me shiver with excitement. What the hell was he talking about? To have me as a roommate? as a friend? To "have" me, as in, to fuck my eager mouth? To shove that beauty up my rear door? God almighty I was shaking with anticipation, fear, and longing, deep endless longing.

Erik went on. "You know in high school, there was this guy who lived next door to me. We would hang out together sometimes the way neighbors do. We didn't have much in common but he was always free to come over if he wanted, and he always came when I invited him. He never turned me down, not once, not ever. When I needed him, he was there. When I needed him to come, he came."

Holy fucking shit, what was he talking about? Could he be saying what I thought he was saying? Did he say "when I needed him to come" or "when I needed to cum"?

Erik was still speaking. "I was so grateful to him. He taught me the meaning of friendship. Do you know what that was, Will?" he asked, moving closer to me.

"No," I said, shaking with lust. "What was it Erik?" I asked, my eyes fixed on his golden rod.

"He put my needs before his own," Erik said. "He was my buddy."

My head snapped up to look at him. His face was calm and handsome as all get out. His eyes were gorgeous. He looked straight at me as his right hand descended to his rigid penis. He looked at me in silence as he began to stroke his tool.

"I could always count on him," Erik said as he stepped forward and put his left hand on my shoulder, his eyes just a foot from mine, his cock stiff and throbbing in his right hand. "He was my buddy, Will. He was my buddy. Can you understand what that means?" And then I felt it, a little pressure on my shoulder, a little squeeze of my shoulder muscle. His face was within inches of mine now, his lips full and moist and..."will you be my buddy?"

I was now shaking in earnest and so turned on I was about to cum without even touching myself.

"I need a buddy, Will," he said softly as he squeezed my shoulder, now raising his right hand to my other shoulder. He was gripping both my shoulders now, his cock touching my own. "I need a friend who will put my needs before his own. I need a buddy, Will. Be my buddy. Please I need a buddy Will. I need one badly."

His cock was now going up and down against mine.

"Will you? Will you be my buddy? Please Will, please," he was whispering now, his voice full of longing, his lips seductive, his eyes glistening and wet.

I knew what he was asking. I knew what it meant. I knew that once I said yes that I could never go back. I knew it meant that he wanted me to suck his cock, to service him, to drink his cum, to nurse his throbbing manhood. I knew it would make me a fag, I knew it would change me forever, I knew it was something I could never take back. I knew he wanted me to worship his penis, to receive it, to nurse it, to suck it, to hold still while he shot his load in my hot wet mouth. I knew it would make me a cocksucker, that I would be Erik's cocksucker, that my image of myself would forever change, that I would be the boy that served the man, that it was a line I was about to cross. Knowing all that, knowing I could never go back, thinking that it would change me and make me his boy, that I would become a fag for real, my cock throbbed with lust, my eyes filled with his beauty, my body trembled in front of his muscular torso, my eyes locked onto that powerful beautiful erect penis, and fuck me if I didn't say yes.

"Yes," I said, knowing what was loaded into that word, what it meant, how it would change me.

You have to remember what it was like in those days. I know now there's not a fucking thing wrong with wanting to suck another guy's dick and that real men are gay. But back then, it was like, like I had to acknowledge that he was the guy, and that meant that I would be the boy, I was the fag, the one on his knees, the nerdy skinny one yielding to the muscular jock, the one worshipping his cock, worshipping him, kneeling to open my mouth, my tongue, my throat to his needy penis.

"That's good, buddy," he said as he pushed me to my knees, lifting my face so I would be looking into his eyes as he moved forward touching his cock to my lips, as his hand pushed my head forward, as his cock entered my mouth, as he made me his cocksucker, as he made me his buddy, as I accepted him as my god, right there in the open shower, right there in the dorm, knowing anyone could walk in, knowing they would know, knowing what I was, what I had become. And so full of longing, so full of lust, so full of wonder, so full of need, I threw caution away, I fed it to the wolves. I didn't care if anyone else saw, I didn't care if it made me a fag, I didn't care about anything but Erik and his throbbing, silky penis, and goddam it all, I began to suck. I sucked Erik's cock. I sucked his cock. I sucked his cock. Fuck me if I didn't do it. I sucked his cock like it would save my life. I became his buddy.

Will you be my buddy? part 2

The first time I sucked Erik's cock, I did a shitty job. I didn't cover my teeth, I gagged again and again, I ran out of breath. But it was a moment in my life that I will never ever forget. I remember it now like it happened yesterday. I remember how it felt, I remember how he made me feel to look at him as he fed me his hot throbbing manhood, as he saw me submitting to his power, his beauty, his sensual muscles, how it felt to taste his throbbing cock on my tongue, to feel it slide between my wet freshman lips.

And then there was the sense of danger. Anyone on the floor could have come in at any time. Anyone could have seen me on my knees. Anyone could have seen his hard cock going like a piston in and out of my boyish mouth. The sense of yielding to his manhood, the sense of giving up my own, the sense that I was finally getting what I had dreamed about, that I was getting to do the thing I had fantasized about so many times, that his penis, his cock, his dick was right there on my tongue, between my lips, gagging me at the back of my throat, that his hands were at the back of my head, controlling me, holding me, making me take his rigid penis, fucking my face, encouraging me to slide my tongue along the bottom of his cock, against that bulging channel through which his babies would flow, which would feed me his semen, his cum, his manjuice, the milk of champions.

And his eyes, blue, piercing, deep, gorgeous, gazing into my own, seeing me submit, seeing me suck him, seeing me surrender my old image of myself, seeing me indulge my hunger... I know it made him feel powerful, manly, strong, to know I was looking at him in awe, in lust, in wonder, as he looked down at me like a sergeant overpowering a private, a man training me to be a good dog, a hunky stud teaching me to serve his needs, any of his needs, teaching me what it meant to put his needs ahead of my own, teaching me to be his buddy.

And then it happened, faster than I thought it would. Erik was gripping my head, controlling me utterly, thrusting faster and faster, groaning with satisfaction, so full of himself, so filled with his success in seducing a fagboy, in making me his roommate, in fucking my face, until he triumphantly let loose, as he shot his cum right in my mouth, as he shot and shot and shot and, gagging, unable to breathe, unable to swallow it all, tasting it for the first time, tasting cum like I had always wanted, thick, salty, gooey, realizing it was his man juice, that it was an intimate part of him, wanting him, wanting him, and wanting it, swallowing, swallowing as he looked at me, cum dripping out of my mouth, his hands not letting me get away, not letting me escape the onslaught of his cum, feeling it spurt, tasting it on my tongue, my throat, my lips, swallowing it down my throat, feeling him squirting again and again, drinking him in.

I could not hold all of it. It made me gag, I spit some out, but Erik's cock remained in my mouth, it remained where he wanted it, it remained where it belonged--between the lips of his buddy.

And then it was over. I had sucked my first dick. I had swallowed my first cum. I had surrendered my old self. I had become a cocksucker. I had become Erik's buddy.

There was no choice but to swallow the cum that remained in my mouth. Erik had now withdrawn his cock but he had closed my mouth, holding it closed. Making me look up at him into his eyes, his hand on my throat, feeling me swallow, feeling me drink his milk, feeling me take him in me, to make him a part of me, to make me drink his cum.

And then he was lifting me up. He was standing in front of me looking down at me. As I said, he was a foot and half taller than me. He was a god and I was his minion. And his thumb went over my lips and my cheek, finding some of his cum resting there and he put in my mouth, and fuck me I let him. I let him make me drink the last of the cum, to suck on his thumb like a baby, like his baby boy, like his buddy.

"I knew you'd be my buddy. I knew you knew what I needed. I knew you knew how to put my needs first."

Will you be my buddy? part 3

I was in a daze. I had a new room and a new roommate. And before we even had time to go to sleep, he had fucked my face and made me his cocksucker. And fuck me if I wasn't happy about it.

In public, Erik treated me like he always had. We were the odd couple, the jock and the nerd. Everyone knew we were friends. And Erik treated me with respect. He told the other jocks I was cool; he let me hang with them when they got beer at the pub or in the dorm room half naked.

Anyone might think I was hungry for Erik's dick; the idea of a nerd in awe of a jock was something everyone understood. But back then, back in 1972, no one would have thought Erik was eager to slip down his briefs and wipe his cock all over my face and slip it like butter between my lips.

He was a gentleman about it, complimenting me as I got better at sucking his cock, encouraging me, telling me I was his best buddy, telling me how I was such a good guy for putting his needs above my own. According to him, it was fucking saint-like the way I would kneel before him, look up into his handsome face, and open my goddam mouth to receive his throbbing penis. I would worship at his altar. He had needs, he had strong needs, he had constant needs, and I was there to service him, to save him from sexual frustration that would hamper his ability to work out, to build those back and leg and ass muscles, to pull those oars, to win those races. I was there to mark his advances, to lick his thighs, his pecs, his biceps, to mark how they grew, how his muscles kept growing from all the 5:00 am workouts. I was his validation that he was getting stronger, better, more manly. My tongue explored every inch of his increasingly muscular limbs, proving how hard, how round, how big his muscles were growing, how much harder it was to get my mouth around his biceps, to fit my tongue between his balls and his muscular thighs.

And then one night he did it.

"You know Will," he said, "there's just one place you haven't serviced me."

Oh God in heaven I knew what he was talking about.

"You've tested my muscles everywhere to tell me if they are growing. You licked my neck, you licked my shoulders, my pecs, you sucked on my goddam nipples (remember how you came when you sucked on my nipples, buddy?), you licked my 8 pack abs, my biceps, my fingers..." He was stroking my face now. "Remember the feel of my big thumb between your sweet lips? Remember how you licked my palms, my thighs, my calves, my feet..." My cock was rock hard remembering sucking on his big toe.

"And of course you're my best buddy to take care of my deepest needs." He was holding his thick beautiful cock. "My big buddy here," he said stroking that cock, "has you for his best friend. You are my big buddy's best buddy. You know you are. You take care of big buddy so nice. But there's one thing I still need."

Fucking A, he was going to ask me to do it. I fucking knew it.

"I don't know if I can do it Erik," I said, whimpering a little. "I just don't know."

"Are you my buddy Will?" he asked, putting his hands under my armpits to make me stand, his face right next to mine now. His eyes bore into mine; his lips were close to mine; his breath was on my mouth. "Are you my buddy?" His lips now almost touching my own. I was shaking with lust and trepidation.

"I just don't know," I said.

"Please Will," his lips now touching my own as he whispered. "Please help me out. I need help Will. I really need it. And you're the only one, the only one who can do it. You always put the needs of others before your own. I admire you so fucking much Will, you always think of my needs...you're the best buddy I've ever had. Do this one last little thing for me. Just once. That's all I ask, just once."

My heart was racing feeling his lips on mine, remembering his cock on my tongue, his cum sliding down my throat, his hands holding my head to make sure I took care of him, to make sure I drank his nectar. And I knew that he was cajoling me, that whatever he wanted me to do, it wouldn't be just once, it couldn't be just once. Once I did it, it would mean that I was able to do it, it would mean that I had agreed to do it, and that I had no real objection to doing it. It would mean that he would want, that he did want it, that he would want, expect, beg me to do it again. I knew it was step I could not take back, not once I did it, not ever.

"I really need it Will. I really do. Please..."

And his eyes were gazing into mine, his pink tongue was licking his lips, his handsome Nordic face was making me shiver... "be my buddy Will, be my buddy..."

and fuck me if I wasn't sinking to my knees watching him turn around, seeing his muscular, pink round, smooth butt cheeks, seeing him spread them and expose his pink hole, watching as he moved closer, a little closer, a little closer, seeing that hole pucker, feeling my mouth open, my tongue emerge, hearing him whisper "please Will, please..." and goddam it, I moved forward and fuck me I didn't start licking his ass. My tongue was fluttering, it was strong, it was determined. I threw away my inhibitions, I abandoned my worries, I stopped thinking about how this might demean me. I was not licking another guy's dirty asshole; I was worshipping my god. I thought only of Erik, of Erik's needs, of his power, his muscles, his sexual pull on me, on my mouth, on my tongue, on my soul. And I fucking licked his hole, I licked it again and again and again and I felt my tongue slip inside, inside his goddam asshole, and Erik was moaning, he was taking deep pleasure in my surrender, and I felt myself shift to a new role, a new person. I felt his real need for this; I felt how good it made him feel to sense my tongue against his asshole, to feel me willing to put it inside him, inside that secret place, that place of shame, to feel me submit, to give in, to lick his fucking asshole like I was starving for food, my face between those powerful muscular butt cheeks, my tongue against that hole, inside it, in, out, in, out, fucking his goddam hole with my tongue...

And then he moved away fast as lightning, he turned around, he was so turned on, and he plunged his golden cock into my mouth, past my gullet, into my throat. I was gagging and choking and his cock stayed inside my throat forcing it open, forcing it down, the gagging only gave him more pleasure, he was so fucking turned on by the fact that I had licked his asshole, that I had fucked it with my tongue, that I had brought myself low to fill his needs, to taste his manhood, that he unleashed a torrent of cum down my fucking throat, his hands controlling my head so I could not get away. And goddam it as he filled me with his milk, I shot a load so fucking far it hit the wall.

Will you be my buddy? part 4

A few days later, it was midnight and Erik and I were about to shut out the light and go to sleep when he turned to me and said, "It's getting colder outside Will. I need to keep warm. Will you keep me warm?"

He was sitting on his bed naked except for his skimpy gym shorts.

I laughed. "Put on a sweatshirt if you're cold dude!"

"You know I don't like to wear clothes inside if I can help it," he said.

I looked at him, thinking what is it now?

"You could help me out buddy. You know how Boy Scouts are taught to avoid getting injured by the cold when they're camping. To cuddle up to your buddy. And it's better if you don't wear clothes, you know skin on skin."

I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was really asking.

"Be my buddy, Will," he said, looking me in the eyes with that little boy pout, that goddam handsome face so fucking good looking it almost hurt to watch him.

He was coming over to my bed now and climbing next to me. I was wearing gym shorts too. He was fucking strong and so much bigger and more muscular than me.

"Make room for me buddy," he said as he slipped under the covers with me, manhandling my body to turn me around so we were spooning.

"Oh yeah, that's good, Will buddy," he said as his arms encircled me and his pecs pressed against my back, as his mouth whispered into my ear, as his hard cock pressed against my ass, as his right hand slipped down to cup my hardening cock.

"Let's get close Will. I wanna get close to you, so close," as he slipped down my shorts, as pulled down his own, as his rock hard cock slipped between my legs and pushed forward and back.

I heard him spit on his right hand and felt it slip between my butt cheeks, and press against my asshole.

"Oh God Erik," I said. "I don't know about this. I don't know..."

"Shh....." he said, as his finger pressed into me, "it will be all right buddy."

His finger, like the rest of him, was smooth and muscular and he was penetrating me just as his cock had penetrated my throat and... oh God... "it hurts Erik..." I said, tears beginning to leak out my eyes.

"I know, little buddy, I know... but you said, you said you'd be my buddy, you said you'd put my needs first, you said Will, you said," and his second finger entered my ass and pushed all the way in. Fucking A it hurt like hell. I was crying now but somehow I did not push him away, I wanted it, I wanted him, I wanted to be his buddy, I wanted to do whatever it took to stay as his roommate, to be near him, to worship that godlike body, to be his buddy. And then goddamit a third finger was pushing at my asshole begging for entry. My ass clenched and refused but his third finger caressed the outside of my hole. It pressed, it searched, it explored, it circled, it ... oh God it slipped inside, it fucking slipped inside and goddam it Erik's thick fingers in my ass started to slip out and in, out and in, it started to feel good, it started, oh shit it felt like they belonged there, that they belonged, that I belonged to them, to him, I belonged to him, and then...

"My best buddy needs you Will. He needs you." His cock was pressed against my asshole opened up by his muscular fingers and..."Oh God Will, be my buddy, be my buddy..." and the huge mushroom helmet head of his silky smooth cock slipped past the opening, his penis entered my body, and I fucking yielded, I submitted to him, I submitted to my hunky crew roommate, I felt my muscles relax and his cock plunge all the way in.

"Close, so close, buddy. I want to be close to you. Keep me warm Will. Keep me warm," he murmured as he hugged me he turned me over so my stomach was down on the bed and his cock was plunged all the way into my asshole and his arms were around me, his hands cupped over my pecs, his arms holding me so fucking tight it hurt, his pecs pressed on my back as he began to move in and out, he was fucking me, he was fucking me, he was fucking me. And his cock filled me up and it no longer hurt, it no longer hurt. I felt full, I felt complete, I felt useful. Erik filled me with his power, his lust, his energy, his manhood, I felt like I was the bed on which he could rest and his body felt warm, it felt hot, it felt filled with blood, with life, as he filled my asshole with his powerful thrusts, his thick penis. He was pistoning in an out of my asshole now, faster and faster, deep and strong. I was open to him, my asshole had stretched to fit him, his precum had lubricated me so he could fuck me with abandon. For the first time in my life, I was getting fucked. And goddam it if I didn't feel like that was where I belonged, on my stomach, my ass up in the air eager to meet that jock cock thrusting so deep inside me. I was where I belonged; he was where he belonged, on top, making me submit, overpowering me, seducing me, getting me to be fucked, Erik impaling me, thrusting insde me as far as his cock could go.

"So close to you, my little buddy. So close, oh God, so close now, so close, about to, I'm about to..." He was fucking me like a madman now and gripping me so tightly it was hard to breathe. His lips were on my ear; he was breathing into my ear, he was talking the whole time..." My buddy, so close, so close, so close.... fucking A...aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' as he filled me with cum, as he shot a load of semen deep in my bowels, as he fucked me, and fucked me, and fucked me and fucked me...

And then it was over, his cock still hard and full in my ass, his cum in my intestines, his mouth on my ear.

"Big buddy loves you Will. He gave you his all. It's in you now. I'm in you now. He's where he belongs. I'm where I belong, on top of you, on top, filling you up, giving you what you need. I told you you're my buddy because you put my needs before your own. But fuck me if my right hand is not sloppy wet with your hot cum that shot out of your dick because my big buddy is in your ass. I knew what you needed, I fucking knew it Will. You may be my buddy but you needed a big buddy. You needed a real man to fuck you. I know it, I fucking know it. You need to be fucked, you need it. And goddam it Will from now on I'm putting your needs before my own. We're gonna be close, every fucking night. Your needs, you know it, you know you need it, you know you want it. You're the bed that I will lie down on. You're the house my big buddy will live in. I know it now, I know what you need. And I'm gonna fucking give it to you, every fucking night. Your ass is mine."

And with those words, his thick cock still inside me, he stopped talking, tired from the chores of the day, tired from the work of opening my ass to his frigging cock, tired from his long fuck, and he fell asleep, snoring on my back, his cock in my asshole, his cum in my depths. He was where he belonged. I was where I belonged, beneath him, filled with his fucking penis.

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